The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1957, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Monday, May 13, 1957
Big Innings Help:
Nebraska Wins
Two From MM
Two big innings were the dif
ference Friday and Saturday as
the Nebraska baseball team moved
closer to first place in the Eig Sev
en Stndings by taking two of three
games from Missouri.
Frid y the Huskers exploded for
sever runs in the seventh inning
to win 8-6, and Saturday in the
opener of double-header they
picked up six tallies in the second
to win a 7-2 decision. Misaou had
to come from behind to salvage
the final game 5-2 with a three
run upsurge in the fifith.
Pitcher Charles Ziegenbein and
were the heroes of the first game
of the series. Ziegenbein went
three for three at bat' and drove
in 3 big runs while Kubacki had
three for four.
Missouri opened scoring with
three runs in the fourth frame
.and Nebraska came back with one
$m the fifth on a triple by little
"Kuba" and Ziegenbein doubled
him home.
Everything was calm and Bob
Cooper had the Huskers eating out
of his hand until the seventh.
Nothing went wrong in this frame
with Jim Kane, Kubacki and Zieg
enbein getting the big blows.
Ziegenbein was touched for three
more runs and Kubacki had to
come on in the ninth to save the
victory for Nebraska.
Nebraska outhit the losers 13-12.
Frank Nappi and Larry Lewis
added two hits apiece to the Husk
er cause.
Sophomore Dwlght Siebler held
be bard bitting Tigers in the Sat
ft m ' M -
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Ml J
I Sills mm
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eiMT. Brown fe WillluMoo Tobieeo Carp,
urday opener won by Nebraska
7-2. This time a six run second
frame did the trick. Nebraska got
one run in the first. LeftSelder
Gene Tore ion got the only earned
run of the second with his second
home run of the season. Lewis
drove in two Husker tallies wiile
Gary Reimers, Kane, and Torcson
each had one RBL
Siebler was outstanding on the
hill. Ofily in the fourth when Lee
Keefer doubled and Jack Davis
homered did the slick right-hander
have trouble. He gave only three
singles the remaineder of the game
in picking up his third triumph
of the season against one loss.
Nebraska moved in to the league
lead following the first Saturday
contest but it was a short lived
experience. Missouri came back
in the nightcap with full intentions
of regaining their position and
they were successful after a long
Bob Gleason started for coach
Tony Sharpe but he was lifted in
favor of Roger Bottorff in the
third. At the time, Gleason had
given up only one run but hii
wildness had him in hot water
with only one out. Bottorff got
out of the jam and the Huskers
took a 2-1 lead in the fourth.
Missouri sewed up the contest
with three unearned runs in the
fifth and added a big insurance
tally in the sixth frame. Bo Toft
had the big blow of the game
a bases-loaded double after two
walks and an error
cellulose-soft, snow-white, natural!
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f. 4. . .j , f hmh if tmmJrtn
Joe American Horse, gran J- cwntesr UueoJa joari
son of a Sioux Chief from Got- old mark but failed to break
don, posted a time of 4:28.1 in the 10 year oii state record,
the state high school track meet Joe has placed four years in a
here Saturday. The time was row in that event, winning it
good enough to shatter Joe's three of those times.
Highlights Of Meet:
American Horse Bid Fails
To Establish Mile Record
Joe needed push? i
Besides the support from all of
the 5,000 fans, and participants of
the state track meet, joe Ameri
can Horse had two especially im
portant rooters. These were Bill
Mountiord of Red Cloud and Mar
vin Zimmerman of Nebraska City
who combined to record the "mag
ic mile" of the Nebraska high
school track meet in 1M7, just 10
years ago last weekend.
The two, who had never met
again since the race 10 years ago
until Saturday, had this to say
about the Sioux Chief's grandson's
running of the 4:28.1 mile.
They both believed that Joe
might easily have broken their rec
ord, or Mountfords record, had
be been hard pressed by some
other contender besides himself.
Kraft almost reaches mark ...
Jim Kraft of Scottsbluff who
vaulted a nice 12 feet inches
almost cleared 12 feet 10 inchef
Saturday but an elbow made hi?
bid fail. Kraft cleared the ceiling
but his elt&w caught the bar on
the way down and pulled it off.
If Kraft could have cleared the
barrier he would have set a new
vault record. Ray Knaub's brother.
Rich, authored the marie of 12
feet, 94 inches a few years back.
Mulling sparkles ...
Joe Mullins of the University of
Nebraska freshman track squad
performed in an exhibition race
during the state high school track
meet. Joe churned the half-mile
Press Box Views
Staff Sports Writer
In my last column, I made the
mistake of goiiig out on the limb
and predicting Bold Ruler as the
probable winner of the Kentucky
Derby. He finished a badly winded
fourth. The oddity of the race is
that the horse that beat him, Iron
Liege, had been beaten every time
the two raced against each other.
Not' wily that, Iron Liege is
supposed to be Calumet farms
third string runner behind Gen
eral Duke, who was eliminated
because of a bone bruise, and
Barbibon, who was the champion
two year old last year but had
suffered from sickness this year.
How a-e ya gonna pick en????
r 6 -r
Professional tennis in the U.S.
is at its lowest state since its
inception. At the present time,
Pancho Gonzales is the champion
among the pay-for-play-boys but
who does he play for this cham
pionship? Don Budge who works
ail year around takes time off to
play in the one tournament. Bobby
Riggs concentrates on golf, Ken
Rosewall is an Australian who is
just rounding into form, Frank
Parker sells paper boxes and Tony
Trabert has turned to hawking
bank notes after his poor showing
on Jack Kramers tour.
A recent article in SPORTS IL
LUSTRATED called the World Pro
Tennis championships a "class re
union." Budge is 42, and Riggs
won the Wimbleton in 1939 when I
was two years old.
After the tournament, the few
who played tennis all-year round
went back to their one-night stands
and the rest went back to their
jobs to watt lor next years tourna
ment. Pro tennis has turned to touring
foursomes who play exhibitions
across the country. Jack Kramer,
former worlds champion has top
tour going at the present time. He
recently offered Lew Hoad, the
giant Australian whose playing
makee his country the favorite in
the Davis Cup matches, $125,000
to turn pro this fall. Gonzales, who
is probably starting a tour of his
,own, was scared away irom cjer-
The Daily Nebroskan
run with a time of 1:51.6. Mike
Fleiming also of the freshman
squad, turned in an impressive
4:18.2 mile.
Huskers Tied
In Big Seven
With l-State
Missouri remained on top of the
tight Big Seven conference race
last week end despite the fact Ne
braska won 2 or 3 games from the
The Huskers and Iowa State cur
rently are tied for second place,
a half game back of Mizzou. Okla
homa and Kansas are both one and
one-half games back but the Soon
ers are in fourth percentage wise.
Colorado is sixth four games be
hind and Kansas State is in the
cellar six games off the pace.
Iowa State has the best success
over the week end as they swept
two contests from K-State by the
scores of 13-2 and 12-6 after their
Friday game was rained out.
Colorado and Oklahoma traded
two to nothing games Saturday
after snow stopped their opener.
The Buffs won the opener and the
Sooners copped the nightcap.
Next week end Iowa State will
play host to Kansas, Colorado
visits K-State, and Nebraska will
meet the Sooners in iLncoln. Mis
souri is idle.-
ing Hoad a similar job because of
this high figure.
This is pro tennis today. It will
remain that way until tournaments
are opened to everyone whether
amateur or pro, like in golf. Un
til that time, the pros will have no
solid competitive place in world
of tennis.
ir r r
With all the attention turned
upon the state High School track
meet here in Lincoln this weekend,
another tournament went relatively
unnoticed. I'm speaking of the
State High School Golf tournament
held last Friday at the Happy Hol
low Golf course in Omaha.
A yonng man right here from
Lincoln took top honors, blistering
the course for a one-under-par 71.
His name is Ralph (Bud) William
son and he attends Lincoln High.
His high school won team honors
with their three low men coming
in for a total of 242.
George Radik of Omaha South
was Williamson's only threat, fin
ishing five strokes behind with a
76. Omaha Westside was Lincoln
High's main competition as their
three Linksmen shot a 244.
The state champion for the last
two years, Bob Epstein, wilted
under the pressure of possibly be
coming the wily man to win three
championships and carded an 86.
Many of the boys playing in the
tournament are seniors who are
probably trying to decide what col
lege they are going to attend. We
have in this state the makings of
some very outstanding golfers and
possibly some outstanding future
Cornhuskers. Let's not lose them.
If they are going to continue to
play golf, they might as well play
for their home state school.
Jim Myers (Tennessee '47), in
his first season as head coach at
Iowa State, was All-Southern guard
at Duke during the was but played
three years at Tennessee besides.
He developed five All-American
linemen while coaching at UCLA.
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet,
nor hail shall ever make this re
cord fail. A. E. (Deac) Eolters se
the 35-year old Iowa high school
440 record, in 1922.
State Prep Track Meet:
Beatrice Cops State Track Title;
Knaub Leads Colorful Contest
The Orangemen from Beatrice
surprised everyone Saturday and
edged the Scottsbluff Bearcats to
earn themselves the state track
crown for the second consecutive
year. This has not been done since
Omaha Tech turned the trick in
1948-49. The men of Coach Wil
lis Jones' track squad were the
underdogs of the track two-day
carnival but the determined thin
clads denied the statistics and used
to tfieir advantage the depth ox
the squad to cop the title. '
The rest of the meet was a corn-
State Champions
Class A -- Beatrice
Class B Gothenburg
Class C Cambridge
Class D Amherst
plete turnabout for the other
classes. In the Class B section,
the men from Gordon were nosed
out by the prepsters from Goth
enburg coached by W. L. Zorn.
Ainsworht and HebroQ were dead
locked for the third and fourth po
sitions with 18 points each.
. Cambridge nabbed the laurels
for the Class C group with 26
points, far outdistancing their
closest rival, Oakland, who gath
ered 16 precious tallies. Morrill
followed with 13 marks while Hum
phrey, Big Springs, and Valparaiso
lagged father behind with 10 poins
The Class D. race was a close
contest all the way and when the
dust had cleared Amherst emerged
with top honors with 17 tallies.
Creston, second place finisher in
that class, had 16 points while
McGrew and Wilcox had 15 and
13 points respectively. Amherst
needed the win in the mile relay
to gain their winning points.
There were many records un
der fire from the athletes during
the two day event but with poor
weather conditions hampering the
performances, only two marks
fell while another was equalled.
Big Larry Fisher of Beatrice
started off the day with a mighty
57-4 heave of the weight to estai
lish a mark in the shot put divi
sion bettering the old record sei
by Ernie Wach two years ago oi
55-5. Larry had been hampered by
a sprained wrist before the meet
and was afraid of setting of a new
mark but the wrist did not bother
his throwing of the wieght after
a hearty breakfast.
Nor more records fell until one
Al Oeretr's annexation of t h e
Texas-Kansas-Drake triple crown
not only was his second grand
slam on that circuit, but gave
him ownership of the 14 best
throws in Big Seven discus history.
His Olympic record of 184-10 tops
this list.
Gardner Athlete
ar drier
For Athlete Of The Year
Gardner coud develop into one of
the finest athletes ever to wear a
Nebraska uniform if he could but
keep up the improvement.
Gardner now holds many Ne
braska records and should, barring
trouble, produce many more marks
if even breaking his own records.
Keith gave a few talks on his
trip to Melbourne, Australia where
the Games were held and gave a
wonderful account of his ideas
Courtesy Lincoln Star
gained there and the international
friendship promoted.
After his return irom Australia
Keith was afraid he could not help
Nebraska's track team when he
did not place in the Games. Ia his
first indoor meet Keith slammed
the hurdle events and the 60-yard
dash event. This itself was a tre-
it; A- - I
;? j ;
iliiwwlMWi'W"'" ijjt'li mi ii Wiiiillnifcii
of the last races were held, al
though speedy Ray Knaub of
Scottsbluff posted a :09.9 time in
the century running to equal a
record held by Richard Lambert
of Kearney in 1928 and by Ray
Williams of Boys Town in 1954.
At the closing of the meet the
lads from Creigmon Prep's two
mile relay team cracked the mark
set by Ord in 1954. The Omaha
boys blistered the track with an
8:24.4 time to better the Ord time
by two tenths of a second. This
record also bettered the standard
set by Lincoln High in 1953 by
two seconds.
The big event of the day was
the mile run. Of the 5,000 specta
tors sitting in the stands, many
had come for a sole purpose, to
see the famed Joe American Horse
of Gordon break the mark in the
mile run. Joe sprinted to the sec
ond position as the starter's gun
commenced the race and he let
Mark Martin of Ord do the pac
ing for the first quarter, but with
a :62 time in the first lap Joe de
cided it would be better for a solo
run which he did. He far outdis
tanced his closest competitor for
a 4:28.1 time which bettered his
old mark set last year of 4:28.9
but failed to better the mark of
Bill Mountford f Nebraska City
10 years ago. Jje felt if he had
someone to push him for the last
half of the race, he would have
been able to break the record but
as it was he had to be content
with winning the run for three con
secutive years.
Joe's younger brother, Emmett,
also ran in the state meet and too
first in the Class B 880-yard run
but failed to win the gold medal
as his older borhter did. Emett
is a sophomore, however, and will
have two more chances at low
ering his time in that event.
Probably the most publicized
man of the meet was the speed
king junior from Scottsbluff, Ray
Knaub. He became the three gold
medal winner for this year's meet.
Gold Medal Performances
100-yard dash Ray Knaub, Scottsbluff, :09.9. '
220-yard dash Ray Knaub, Scottsbluff, :20.2
440-yard dash J. D. Schafer, Hastings, :50..
880-yard dash Ron Callan, McCook, 2:02.
Mile ran Joe American Horse, Gordon, 4:28.1.
High hurdles Don Pulse, Valparaiso, and Dick Jonefc, West Point.
Low hurdles Dave Wells, Omaha Benson, and Jack Conger,
Aurora, :20.5.
880-yard relay Scottsbluff (Jim Pointer, Gary McClanahan, Jerry
Foos, Ray Knaub), 1:32.6.
Mile relay Omaha Central (Ken Russell, Phil Secret, Bob Sterling,
Eugene Owen), 3:31.1.
2-mile relay Creighton Prep (Dennis Dugan, Bob Conklin, Dennis
Dunning, Tom Komarek), 8:24.2.
High jump Dean Talbot, Rushville, and Elvis Heinrichs, Hender
son, 5-lltt.
Broad jump Wayne Wit, Beatrice, 22-tt.
Pole vault Jim Kraft, Scottsbluff, 12-61.
. .Shot put Larry Fisher, Beatrice, 57-4.
Discus Curtis Rutt, Hastings, 156-iy.
Of Year?
Named Nominee
m e n d o u s accomplishment but
Gardner also tied the three dual!
marks. The speedster would flash
past the fans and break the tape
only to come running on the out
side of the track back past the
spectators. With the crowd boister
ously cheering, Gardner would
give his salute as he trotted past.
A salute of victory that was never
denied to the fans throughout the
indoor season.
Our congratulations to Keith
Gardner for beine the first nomi
nee for the Nebraskan's Athlete
of the Year.
This year the Daily Nebraskan
is awarding the Athelete of the
Year award to the most deserv
ing athlete who has proven himself
outstanding in any field of sports.
Many factors will be taken into
consideration concerning the title
including the character, the athletic
ability, the name the athlete has
earned for himself outside of the
athletic world and many other
The first nominee on the Daily
Nebraskan list is that of the speed
king Keith Gardner. Not much
needs explaining why Keith is up
for the award but for the sake
of reiteration I shall attempt to
p.gain display a few of the Ja
maican Jet's laurels.
Keith is now on the University
campus from Jamaica where he
earned many cinder titles, one be
ing a representative for the country
in the Olympics. While at the
Olympics Keith did not win any
thing because some hard luck be
fell the young man. But he did
come home with a budding ro
mance and now plans to take that
girl for a wife.
Page 3
Ray posted his speedy time of 9J
in the hundred, whined to a 22.1
time in the 220-yard dash, and an
chored the Scottsbluff 880-yard re
lay team to a win.
In the Class A 440-yard run J.
D. Shafer provided the thrills for
the fans. The slight lad passed
two competitors in the last 12
yards to break the tape with a
50.6 clocking, one tenth of a sec
ond from the meet mark.
In the most surprising finish of
the day John Thompson of Lin
coln High nipped favored Tom Ash
of Omaha North in the Class A
mile run. John who has been
steadily improving in his special
ty clipped Ash at the tape to win
the mile besting his fastest time by
eight seconds. Ash couki oot seem
to find the pace in the cold of the
day and fell at the finish line but
gained second place honors.
Twelve of the favored 15 event
leaders crossed the finish' line first
to gain the pre-showered laurel.
These were Joe American Horse,
Gordon, mile; Ray Knaub, Scotts
bluff, 100 and 220; J. D. Shafer,
Hastings, 440; Don Pulse, Valpar
aiso, tied in the "20-yard high hur
dles: Ron Callan, McCook, 880-yard
run; Curtis Rutt, Hastings, discus;
Larry Fisher, Beatrice, shot put;
Jim Kraft, ScottsMuff, pole vault;
Omaha Central, mile relay; Scotts
bluff, 880-yard relay; and Cieigb
ton Prep, two-mile relay.
Eight athletes in the meet re
peated victories from last year.
These were Jim Kraft, Scotts
bluff, pole vault; Fisher, shot put;
Peter Perez, Trenton, Class C
low hurdles; Charles Trautman,
Big Springs, Class C 220; Dean
Talbot, RushviHe, Class C biga
jump; Ken Fling, Ainsworht, Class
B 440; American Horse, Gordon,
mile run; and Fox in the Class B
pole vault.
Although Beatrice did win the
state crown Scottsbluff and show
superiority by winning the Gold
Medal crown, emblematic of su
periority in all four classes.
Gardner, who is a sophomore
this year, swept every thing he
entered in the Nebraska indoor
season and at the Big Seven In
door meet he emerged as the top
point getter. During the outdoor
season Keith has lost races but
they have been very few in number.
Paces Links
Tennis Squad
Young Neil Unterseher led Lin
coln High Saturday to the Ne
braska State High School Class A
Tennis title. Unterseher Twept
through the semifinals and finals
in the single tournament without
losing a game to either Noble Vos
burg of Creighton Prep or Jack
Croft of North Platte. Both oppo
nents are well respected in prep
Hastings finished second with '
10 points just two behind the Links.
Creighton Prep, Omaha Benson,
North Platte and Scottsbluff had
six points while Omaha Central
finished with four.
Dick Becher and Steve Gleason -won
the double for Hastings da-
f eating Bill Orwig and Dave Cat""
boon of Lincoln 6-4, 6-4 is the "
Fairbury, Hooper and Valley
each scored six points to tie for -the
Class B championships. Ray.
Graves of Fairbury was the Clase
3 singles champion.