Monday, Moy 13, 1957 Poge 2 The Daily Nebroskon : -I "J . i 1 . i i I; S - f e i. . Is i I i j 'a- '-'3 .1 , ' is i Daily Nebraskan Editorials: Study Problem If a legislative resolution were adopted by the members erf the Unicameral perhaps there would be a greater assurance that the representatives of the people of Nebraska would discover the needs of higher educational Institutions. So far in the present session of the Legislature the University and its pressing needs have been dealt with by men who did not want the officers of the University to stand before them and dis cuss the difficult es the University is meeting in these times. You will recall that a resolution offered by Sea. John Adams of Omaha to bring the chan cellor and the Regents before the Unicam to discuss the reasons the tuition was hiked was nipped in th. bud after only one man Sen. Adams tad msde a speech in favor of the resolution he had engineered. From the looks of resolution No. 25 the Legis lative Council would have to dig pretty deeply in the problems of higher education. For example soma of the points which the group would take up are: 1) Should enrollments at the University and state teacher colleges continue on an unre stricted basis? 2) If admissions continue unrestricted how shall the cost of meeting the national competi tion for adequate faculty be met and how shall adequate physical facilities be provided? X) Should tuition charged by the state schools be increased? Now we presume that the chancellor and his advisors had to meet each one of these problems squarely before they came up with the budget they placed before the Legislature and the Gov ernor, Dr. Hardin had gone over projected enroll ment figures, physical facility needs and teacher needs for the biennium, at least, and came to the conclusion that the University to operate safely must have $5.5 million more than the school last received. It is presumed that the Legislative Committee, if it makes as thorough a study, will come to the same conclusions. After all, we are all very well aware that there is a gigantic competition on the college teacher market and the value of a fine instructor has skyrocketed. We are aware that if you want to educate 1500 more students than are being instructed at the present date you will either have to increase the, staff or increase the working hours of the present staff, either solution meaning more money to the faculties. And although these things seem obvious to those of us who have the problems right here in our laps they might not seem obvious to the legislators who have not only the University but the myriad of state services to worry about. Therefore it is the hope of the Daily Ne braskan that the resolution will be passed. It is our hope that the members of the Unicameral will get a disinterested picture of the educational crisis dropped into their hands at the offset of the next legislative session. Senators Waldo, Otto and are to be commended for introducing this vital measure before the assembled representatives. Great Hopes Council upon three unexcused absences." We further suggest that if the council at the present time cannot direct that the recording secretary present the rolls to the president peri odically to check on these absences, paragraph "e." of section two and Article VI of the con stitution defining the duties of the recording sec retary be amended to give this power. There is not really any "blame" to be placed on any member of the council for failing to oust members of the old group for missing meetings since there had been a precedent established in the past by the executive committee. We believe, rather, that a more unified council which can get a job done will result when the constitution is clarified as to the duties of the officers. Precedent is a strong weapon in formulating opinion on any group. And the Daily Nebraskan believes that when a precedent gets out of hand a definite modification 9 u the constitution allow ing such precedent ' j be set should be made. Time Test From the ACP: An interesting hobby, practiced by few, is to sit in a quiet place and worry about whether our contemporary arts will siand the test of time and other classics. Classics are determined by one of two things: either they are of benefit to mankind in any civilization of they honestly and clearly rfoiet the times of which they are written. We are living in a period of great change. The change has been, and in fact still is, coming about so fast that it is causing tension and unrest. People are struggling to get a foothold. Our art and music clearly show this struggle. The literature of our contemporary writers tells of the everyday problems that confront us. They give accurate pictures of people and of the world we live in. Signs of the times indicate there are great hopes for the Student Council in the coming year. The Daily Nebraskan has predicted that the Council will do fine things in the coming year. We have outlined a program which might be jvrofitable for the student representative to follow. But before any steps in seven league boots can be made a few matters within the Council should be settled. These include a stronger definition of terms of what the duties of the officers are, a search into penalties for missed meetings and a possible constitutional amendment enforcing these points. In past years when members of the Council have missed meetings with a relatively valid excuse such as sickness, student teaching, trips for the University an unwritten precedent has been established allowing more than the consti tutionally allotted number of absences. Now that the past president of the council has declared this precedent in the form of a formal decision from the chair the rule will be on the records that the president can declare the rolls of a meeting invalid. ast judiciary committees, according to Bruce Brugmann, the outgoing president of the council, have merely overlooked the matter when a member of the council has passed his excusable number of absences. An.l since the precedent has been written down, tne Daily Nebraskan offers the Council the suggestion that the precedent be overruled next semester and the sixth part of paragraph "a." of the section of the constitution which out lines the duties of the president be enforced to the letter. If this is not done or if it is totally impractical for it to be done, the Daily Ne braskan suggest an amendment to the constitu tion giving a practical solution to this rather touchy question. The paragraph cited states that the president "shall remove any member from the Student From The Editor's Desk: A word or two before you go . . . By FRED DALY the Coliseum with your di- hearing results public. We Editor ploma. Family and friends students are rather interested . . , . gather around looking hot and in this business, too. Why is it that when you get ,lttr ' a my " ; weary, and someone takes eu,end. 711 picture, with a Kodak. Next to Spring Day, the everything happens at once? m m Wgh KbaA track meet B seems a little sneaky, jrducated Man. You can't is the best bad-weather tmie8, write Occupation: Student on prompter in this part of the First, there are papers and official forms anymore. You state. If this wasn't an agri reports to get in, last-minute can,t raise heU on Saturday cultural, economy, it might hour tests to be sprung, and nights and write it off as boy- seem a little unfair after semester projects to be hand- .pts. awhile, d in. You, son, are one of the Then there are finals which, Leaders of Tomorrow. Fright- Have you ever gone down to after four years, don't get any ening, isn't it? the Capitol Building and tried easier. to anything without sacri- After finals, for some, What, pray, has happened to ficing your self-esteem? There comes graduation (or lfcst- the "Mitchell Case" hearings are little halls and little rooms minute plans for summer that culminated a long series and little passageways and lit school). A great number of of accusations and rebuttals . tie people racing about being ROTC graduates can look for- last spring? bureaucratic and efficient ward to six months, two years Now that they have been looking, or three years of Keeping completed and the committee The reason the legislature is America Safe for Democracy. is supposedly in the process of so conservative and a little For a few lucky ones gradu- drafting a decision, the only hardcase at times is probably ate and professional schools filing that remains in the because they keep getting lost loom ahead. And there iss of whole affair is for this deci- all the time, course, marriage. This takes sion to be released to the That is probably as good a more preparation and fuss public. reason as any. than anything else. Please, Committee on Aca- . And then, suddenly, it is all demic Privilege and Tenure. Happy Mother's Day, moth over. Yon find yourself stand- don't wait until we have all ers everywhere. And Monday inf rather foolishly in front of gone home before making the is wash-day, you know. The Daily Nebraskan FIFTY-FIVE TEAKS OLD EDITORIAL STAFF - S4mber. Associated Collegiate Press MIW Cej IntersoHeriate Press uwttx kou i raia Hepresentative: National Advertising Service, Editorial ran Editor Dick nwpn . . Incorporated nwi eum Ban im, aak (mm Pablished at: Room 20, Student Union pert r.titm Bab Mas . Lincoln, Nebraska bn EMttan art naekmaa. caroia mutk 14th A S Omf ktarar. Baa Warnateaki la Dally Kanraakaa la aabHuktS Maaaay, Taeaaay, "ewa CdTtar Sara Jane ay, tmrndmr ana Friday aarini tka aefcaol year, axeept Ac Edit. . . .Walter Pattoraoa atortnc vaeatlea aaa axaaa parted, aa4 aaa lusae kj Staff Fhototrapltaf Dale Let. 1s aWinaae aartac Aaaaat, ay ataaeala af tka lotr-rsttj Ofttoa Brrmory. ....Jalta Dowrll aa Nehraaka aadtv tba eatbarrutlaa of tba Conunlttea fetlrty Lai tar FefrcU .. Attwa a aa nwnyUm o aradent lK"ta. Keparten. Diana, Maxwell, Marf Fattenan. Hi''Kia aador tba Jaal.dttttaa af tba Sabaaaammaa Emmir Llropo, Kattb Smfta, Bib a Stwlert PuMteatt-aa ; afcaU a Urn trsm adltartal OrlmmH. Sam Hail, jack fend, aainiraalp aa tba part a Mia 6nfcoftmmttt arm tba Mlke i, Larr; Kl!tn ITUf .T I'lTvrZ Staff Wrtt. Cthl. Bob Wtra. ry mum of tba Wrfcraabaa aaM an pcnaaaily fa ata, gtaa Widmaa ammmta fur arba thay ay. " enuaa ta La BUSINESS STAFF rttptd. jrakrnpry S. IMS. soMcrlptloa rata an) tt.M pa? wwieater ar M tat Baalaaai Maassar. Oaewa MaSaaa tba autnie yaar. aaalataat btwoeaa Kaaaean... Larry BfMterv rsaw aa auoaa efaaa atatttr at tba paa afflaa K. dayty UnauM, Baaraafca, anoar an act at Aaput i, MIS. CbreaJatkw Muscat. ... Narrta AN0THETH2EE ( BEAR5 15 A j V TREMENDOUS RrVW...OH,OM! tm.lOHAT DO YOU KNOU? AtMAWUMAUU 15 6CEAI STUFF. J CrURUE-BKOON! J YtXJVE JOST 60T 10 TAKE THE mi TO READ IT CAKFULDd San Blast -rsanford mcConnell The results of last week's Sel leck Quad elections were very en couraging. The votes cast for the new president, Blaine McClary, out number those received by the leading Arts A Science student councilman. Independents are at last turning out to vote on issues. I was recently talking to a stu dent from Colorado State College. In their recent elections candidates received record support. Of course he felt that many of the students who voted did so because voting machines were used and most stu dents just wanted to see how a voting machine operated. Regard less of the real reason why the students voted, te fact remians that they did which is something that can't be said for the large majority here at Nebraska. It looks as if the University will gradually adopt the policy which governs the standards of most pri vately owned eastern schools: "Education for the minority is ed ucation for none." Rising tuition, shortened exam periods, and larger enrollments are gradually raising the opportunity for higher educa tion past the reach of many. To be quite realistic, when state universities start matching pri vate schools, cost wise, students who can afford to pay the increase will start transferring and those who can't will be forced to drop out of .school. This means that many students who might other wise remain at Nebraska will move to other parts of the country or not be qualified for jobs requiring a degreee. The governor is presently taking advantage of the desire "of the average voter, "let's cut the budget and bring down taxes." The whole things seems quite practical un less you happen to be attending Letterip To the Editor: It is interesting to note that Basil Rathbone has a "new" view of Midwestern culture. Isn't he the one who declared that the au diences in this part of the coun try are vety receptive? And isn't he the one who took issue with poet Shapiro on the subject? Seemingly, Mr. Rathbone might be looking out for his own neck he wants to have s good house whenever he plays the capital city of Nebraska. But he has enough of a reputa tion as a f;ne ye-former to grant even guarantee him that. If Rathbone could have been present the afternoon when the uew purchases of art for the Uni versity Galleries were announced he might reverse his opinion. And yet the weather was in the way of anyone's Attending that momtntous occasion. The Ui-iersity Theater has sect, more people this year partly because of a rearrangement of prices but mostly because the rectors of that group have dis covered that variety is the spice of life. Now if Rathbone got together with Shapiro over the weekend tnd talked over the situaon one of them must have made some concessions. The average student, I dare say, would prefer to be called "cul tured" (even though he doesn't know what if. means) than to be called a dunr.erhead when he does know, what Uiat means. Somali things being equal we'd probably be better off ego-wise if Rathbone stayed here and started teaching fencing and Shapiro headed for; Person to Person. I prefer to think that Mr. Sha piro's statements of some weeks b ICS. on the calibre of tht Univer sity student's culture is the type of thing we must huve if we are to survive. 3ut students are just so apathe tic that they don't even care of the fittest survives. David McCarthy the University or have enough men tal ability to realize the Univer sity is the State's main hope for progress. If Nebraska were the size of Rhode Island "education for the few" would be very eco nomical, but in the long run the budget cut will cost money in stead of saving. The greatest blame, however, falls on the students of the Uni versity. After all, the men who pass the budget and other bills are elect ed representatives. During vaca tion, how many students thought enough of the tuition increase to mention it in their hometowns and encourage their neighbors to write their representative? Evidently, the majority of senators are pretty confident the voters will approve their actions. When you consider tuition in crease will mean: students who do graduate will probably leave the state, facilities at the medical college will be at the minimum, many profesors will seek better paying jobs, a greater majority of future citizens will be less pre pared, and the tax problem will still be unsolved, I wonder how many Nebraskans will congratulate the action of the Unicameral, say five years from now. A r It was qaite enjoyable to spend sixty minutes, last Friday, with Mr. Rathborne, popularly known to suspense fans as S. Holmes. The hour of discussioa passed quite in formally with Mr. Rathborne fre quently himself on Howell stage bleachers when the length of his reply necessitated. Quite unusual compared with some "celebrities I have seen in person, Mr. R. was an exact duplication of his screen counterpart; he was quite sauve, witty, and composed. It is disap pointing to discover an esteemed idol is not really the person mil lions of fans pay for. Last fall, for example, the overdose of his daily ration of fire-water. " Quite the contrary with Mr. Rathborne, I doubt if any of the students and instructors who filled the theater Friday were disap pointed wita the natural personal ity which chatted with them. It was brought out. without any men tion of the sands, that the prob lem of supporting the firts is not confined to the middlewesi. Mrs. Rathborne stated that out of four hundred legitimate full time companies, operating in the twenties, about nineteen remain. Aside from university and com munity playhouse productions the cost of theater production has risen past the financial backing available to off broadway groups. The drama quartet which read "Don Juan in Hell" met with above average sup port several seasons ago in Omaha. Perhaps such productions grad ually will increase and serve as a compromise between big name actors inexpensiveness. Mr. Rathborne was realistic about the artistic nd tne finan cially profitable. He stated that he would prefer to appear in clas sical productions solely but that it was impractical in today's theater, New York and Hollywood were termed, "opposite ends of the grave for would be stars." He was generous in praise for Dr. Foltz and the music department, and offered a challenge for all students interested in the arts. He felt that in the audience there possibly ex isted someone capable of obtain ing greatness, but they must be able to disregard financial gain for deeper purpose. It is unfor tunate that more students weren't able to attend. The larje audience which attended Sunday night's saw the creative genius which has given Mr. Rathborne his rank with greatness, but having two sides of one theater notable I shall remem ber him best by the advice he gave at the close of last Friday's hour, "that which the heart feels is true." Students Split Views On Smoking Issue-ACP (ACP) Slightly under half of all college students in the United States smoke regularly, and slightly under half dnn't smoke at all. The remaining few smoke only on rare occasions. The habit ir. more common among college men than among coeds by a fairly significant margin. A few students appear to be worried about re cent stories linking cigarette smok ing with lung cancer. Associated Collegiate Press aked the following question of a representative national cross-section of college students in order to collect collegiate opinion on the smoking issue: Do you smoke? Why? The results: Men Worn. Total Yes, itmoke 50 39 46 No, don't smoke . . .40 19 43 Sometimes or rarely 10 1? 11 Regularly smoking students gen erally repeat advertising sale slo gans when asked why they smoke. A Wartburg College (Waverly, Iowa) junior is very typical in his reply: "for relaxation." Many .other students simply say: "enjoy ment." Others smoke because they're nervous, some in order to keep their weight down, and. some just don't know why. Many said they wish they could break the habit. "I have to have something besides eating to do when I study," is the reply of a sophomore coed at Ne braska University, and an Ohio University (Athens) freshman coed says she smokes "because I have nothing else to do and I see every one "lse doing it. A (Brooklyn, N.Y.) senior "likes it" because it is a "release for nervous energy," and a Southeastern Sate College (Durant, Okla.) graduate student conoenses her reasons into these three words: "I w?nt to." vttrvfuary rHwe . r , f Imjm Twe Reservations Please . . through these doors George Moyer Joseph Krutch, one of the lead ing drama critics of this genera tion, spoke at the University Tues day night urging us to forget for a while scientific progress and give human nature a chance to catch up. In other words, Mr. Krutch thinks that we have gone as far as we should go with science and we had better let well enough alone before our scientists start splittir.j planets instead of just atoms. Though Mr. Krutch has stated a disturbing truth that human na ture has r t.kept pace with scien tific H'Tt'lipment his argument that Scientific development must be regarded as dangerous nd un fortunate for a man of his stature. It is true that science has out done itself in recent years in the production of bigger and better horror weapons. But, it is equally true that scientific achievement in the fields of medicine, sanitation, and engineering have far out stripped progress in the conception and construction of "machines of dath." Because of the science which Mi. Krutch abiiorS; we live in a dreamworld of luxury and comfort that as recently as 25 years ago would have been considered be yond the scope of this century. Because of this science we have been able to preserve the greatest ideal man ever conceived, a demo cratic way of life, though Mr. Krutch would have us believe that science denies idealism because ideals cannot have scientific ex planations. Mr. Krutch makes the startling statement that, "there are no scientific answers to many ques tions," and then infers that science tries to explain everything in spite of this. Apparently Mr. Krutch never read the words of Dr. Albert Einstein, once considered a fair to middling sort of scientist, who said, "The more we discover, the more we realize there is more that can never be discovered. The longer one searches, the more fully he comes to realize the existence of a higher power." Certainly, then science should not be abandoned because of an overmaterialistic attitude. And for rather obvious reasons of defense in today's world, science cannot be abandoned because it might blow us to bits. Thereupon per haps we ought to check into speed ing the development of the human nature instead of slowing the de velopment of science. However, human nature is a rather basic commodity. It can be controlled and guided by re ligion and law, but without these two "flood gates" human nature remains just as dog eat dog as it was when man first turned his unique intelligence to manufactur ing a slingshot to ambush his neighbor in the next cave. The only present difference is that caves have become nations cr blocks of nations and instead of limestone separating them, we have oceans. If anything is to keep us from destroying our world, then, I maintain it will be the science accused by Mr. Krutch of leading us to cataclysm. The one will stronger than any other in the makup of man is his will to live. This leads man to be afraid, of anything that would destroy his life. History shows that man con quers his fears, controlls them and forces them into his service. Ages ago, man feared fire. H realized that fire might destroy him. But he also realized that cor trolled fire opened the way t his domination of a still greate? enemy, climatic extremes. So man learned to control fire. Just so today, we are learnir to control the atom and the science that gave it to us. We fear it and an occasional pessimist like Mr. Krutch proficies that it will de stroy us if it is not abandoned. But our fear will keep us from , using it against one another. I hardly think man will ever burn down his world with the fire of science. STATE BONUSES FOR KOREA SERVICE ARE ADMINISTERED ONLY BY THE STATES WHICH HAVE ENACTED THEM. THEY ARE NOT ADMINISTERED BY VA. SO DON'T WHITE VA WRITE YOUR. STATE DIRECTLY Par fall tnfanaatton contact yaar aiaiaal VETERANS ADMINISTRATION aSka LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick BibJer VHle.WWUZ CARPS iMtr.... Y01 CASS