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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1957)
Union Photo Winners See Page 4 Kennedy's Talk See Page 2 or mmm Vol. 32, No. 91 :$ iSf VIA , TTJ- ' k u M ii i nn II iiMiii iim II ,. im nun 1 1 1 t iBMHiMMw'- ifw-r 1 1 lftl-iifii(iiiiiifn' ' 1 1 rrr"" " P'adtii Frivolities Members of the Kosmet Klub for "South Pacific" display a bit of frivolity during rehearsal Thursday. Left to right, Mary Lou Lucke, Judy Ramey, and Sharon Fangman, chorus girls KK Show Tickets Location Changed The tickets for the Kosmet Klub's spring show "South Pacific" are now available at Pershing Me morial Auditorium and are op. tale from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. It was previously announced that the tickets would be available at Walt's Music Store, but it was an nounced yesterday that the ar rangements have been changed. The tickets will only be available at the Auditorium, at booths to be set up in the Union, and from Kos met Klub workers. Colorado Professor To Speak Dr. Theodore Puck, professor and head of the Department of Biophysics at the University of Colorado Medical School at Den ver, will present two lectures at the University o.i May 16. These lectures are sponsored by the Institute for Cellular Research and the Department of Physiology through funds made available by the Cooper Foundation hrough the University Foundation. Puck will lecture in the Plant Industry Building, Room 104, Ag campus at 11 a.m. on the topic "The Growth and Denetics of Single . Mammalian Cells" and and again at 3:30 p.m. on "The Action of High Energy Radiation on Mammalian Cells." Puck recieved his B.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He is a member of several Amer ican Scientific Societies and has published a number of scientific articles in the fields of physical' chemistry, biophysics, preventions of air-borne diseases, bacterial and virus metabolism and mam knalian cell growth and genetics. Ag Engineers To Fete Two For Service Two members of the agricultural engineering department who are retiring this year will be honored at a dinner tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. They are C. A. Penton, who has laught woodworking courses since 1932, and E. H. Slothower, who has been in charge of supplies and maintenance in the department's tool room since 1941. Itormer students, colleagues and other friends of the Pentons and Slothowers have been invited to the dinner in their honor, according L. w. Hurlbut, chairman of the department. Penton attended the University and was a student laboratory as sistant from 1914 to 1916. He taught full time in the Lincoln public schools from 1918 to 1928 and has taught night classes there in re cent years. He has been m con struction work as foreman and con- tractor during summer periods or when not teaching. Before Slothower joined the de partment he taught in the public schools of Seward, University Place and Lincoln. He also was in busine ss for himself at one time and still has private business interests Neither has announced his future plans, but both probably will re main in Lincoln. hold Joe Hill alias Luther Billis. Tickets for "South Pacific" which wih be held at Pershing Memorial Auditorium May 24 and 25 went on sale Thursday. Sunday: Rathbone To Highlight Afl Spring Choral Concert Basil Rathbone, stage, screen and television actor, will h i g h light the University's Spring Chor al Concert with the reading of sev eral poems and the enacting of parts from plays. Rathbone will appear Friday at 11 a.m. in the Howell Memorial Theater. Classes will not be ex cused for the convocation. He will also appear in the Spring Choral Concert Sunday in the Coliseum. The public is invited, and there Is no admission charge. Dr. David Foltz, chairman of the music department, will direct the performance, which includes a 500-voice choir and the 70-piece University Symphony orvhestra. Rathbone appeared at the Uni versity in 1954 when he played to a capacity crowd in King David. Mr. Rathbone will re-create the role of Manfred, which he has done with the Baltimore and San Fran cisco Symphony Orchestras. This will be the first time it has been performed at an American educa tion institution by a Symphony Orchestra. Manfred, a dramatic poem by Lord Byron and set to music by Robert Schumann, concerns an in tense spiritual struggle with the forces of evil. Manfred has superhuman powers of direct communications with spir its inhabiting the Alpine moun tains surrounding hs castle. These voces are forces of evil. The honorable side of Manfred and of man appears in the form of three living characters who try to guide Manfred along the path of mankind's noblest aspirations. Dr. Dallas Williams, assistant professor of speech and dramatic arts, will play the role of The Spirit and of The Hunter, who is the emoodiment of man's ability to choose the right path of life. Others who will have speaking as well as soloist roles are: Earl Jenkins, assistent professor of Applications NowAvailable For Rag Staff The Daily Nebraskan Staff ap plications blanks may be picked up now at the Public Relations Of fice. ' The applications must be turned in by 5:00 p.m. May 16 at the Pub lic Relations Office. Interviews are scheduled for May K and are to be held in Room 313 of the Union. The positions open and the salar ies per month for each position are: Editor, $65; Business Mana ger, $60; Circulation Manager, $60; Sports Editor, $45; Managing Editor, $45; two News Editors, $45; Editorial Page Editor, $45; four copy Editors,($35; Ag Editor, $20; and four Assistant Business Mana gers, $20 plus commission. Square Dance Club The All University Square Dance Club will dance with Swing'er Cheat Club at the YWCA on Fri day. The next regular dance for the University Club wiil be held May 17 at the Ag Student Union gym from 8 to 11:30 p.m. This will be the last regular dance of the year accurding to Don Her man, President. Nebruku Photo Tickets are priced at $1.20, $1.50 and $1.80. The show features Cynthia Barber, Norman Rig gins, Jack Lindsay, Barbara Coonrad and Hill in the starring roles. voice; Leon Lifhner, associate pro fessor of voice; Carol Asbury; and Nancy Norman. The Choral Union also will per form Mass in G, by Franz Schu bert. Courtesy Lincoln Journal RATHBONE I ' ' 1 " ' ' ' ' I 2 y 'V'91 j yM ""'" mr3Kf! 'Energetic' Basil Happy To Return To Nebraska By CAROLE FRANK Copy Editor Basil Rathbone, a supreme ar tist in the field of drama, is an extremely versatile person. In an interview with the Daily Nebras kan, Rathbone stated that he was extremely happy i be back at the University to perform with a very fine orchestra and chorus, which is under the direction of an excel lent conductor, David Foltz. Rathbone played to a capacity audience at the University in 1954, when he appeared in King David. He lists that appearance with Uni versity students as "one of his most memorable experiences." An energetic personality plus an unusual speaking accent character izes this noted stage, screen and television actor. A question asked of him was, "do 'you enjoy doing these University performances such as King David and Manfred?" His answer was Dut very directly by answering of course, or why else saying would I be here." To the question whether ho be lieved television had a real pur pose, Rathbone stated that he be lieved from experience, television is and will be a great industry for many years to come. There has Cooler Temps, Heavy Rains To Continue Locally heavy rains that began to fall on Lincoln late Thursday night are expected to continue through part of today the weather bureau said. Rainfall reported by the Weather Bureau ani the Lincoln Telephone nd Telegraph Company for the 24 houn ending at 12:30 p.m. Thursday had .11 inches listed for the Linioln area. The veather for Lincoln will be cloudy and not so warm on Friday with- s'.iowers. Friday's high is ex pected to be 65 degrees. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Massachusetts Senator: John CCemnmedlv To Address UrDDversBty SU'wdemfs, May ' Sen. John Kennedy of Massa chusetts, who last year came with in a handful of votes of being the Democratic Party's nominee for vice president of the United States, will address the University May 18. . Sponsored by 15 student organi zations, the talk will be held at 10 a.m. in the Union ballroom. The general public is invited to attend, and there is no admission charge. After a 30-minute talk, the 39- year-old senator will answer ques tions from the audience. Nnuf servine his first term as U.S. senator, Kennedy is the third Democrat to represent Massacnu setts in the Senate. Prior to his election, he served six years as a member of the U"-S. House of Rep resentatives. He is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations1 Committee, Sen ate Labor and Public Welfare Committee, Special Committee to Investigate Lobbying, Speaal Com mittee to Investigate Labor Rac keteering, aid Special Committee on honoring clstinguisnea senawia of the past. Just last week, Senator Kennedy was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his book, "Profiles in Courage, which is an account of the pres sures endured by senators who spoke out for what they believed to be the national interest in op position to the heated feelings of their constituents. Prior to the war and before his entrance into Congress, Senator Kennedy was a writer and news paperman. He represented the Chicago Herald-American at the San Francisco Conference, and in 1945 he covered the British elec tions, and the Potsdam Conference for International News Service. In November, 1946, Kennedy was first elected to Congress. In 1952, he defeated the incumbent U S. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr by more than 70,000 votes in spite of the fact that President Ei senhower carried Massachusetts by more than 210,000 votes. Ken nedy received the highest vote ever given to a candidate in either party for the U.S. Senate in the history of Massachusetts. Among the honors received by Senator Kennedy include: One of the ten most outstanding young men in America in 1946, selected by US. Junior Chamber of Com merce; the Star of Solidarity of the First Order, 1952, highest hon or that the Italian Government can bestow on any individual; Annual Brotherhood Award of the National r0nference of Christians and Jew. and 1956 Patriotism Award, as "Outstanding States man of the Year" from the Uni versity of Notre Dame. been many fine programs on tele vision such as "The Lark," which was previewed last winter. He said a person can't expect to view ex cellent programs on his television set for 24 hours per day, but there are enough programs to prove that television is an excellent me dium of the arts. Asked if he had heard of Pro fessor Karl Shapiro's statement on culture, Rathbone said he had not and wanted to know further on this subject. Once explained, Rathbone said he believed that the Midwest audiences were the most appre ciative of all audiences that he had experienced in his career. The noted dramatist said he believed just the opposite of Midwest cul ture, that from his personal ex perience the Midwest was cultured. He said he would like sometime to talk with Professor Shapiro. In spite of a most varied and interesting career, Rathbone is probably best known for unique portrayal of Sherlock Holmes, priv ate detective. Rathbone can never understand everyone's interest in Sherlock. Everywhere he goes, he said people ask him questions about this character. Giving up Sherlock many years ago, Rathbone haspent his time in numerous television programs such as playing the starring role in "The Stingiest Man in Town," with the rol? as Scrooge; or "The Lark" with Julie Harris, Boris Kar loff and Eli Wallach. Also he has appeared recently on the Edward Murrow's "Person to Person" show. Appearing in many plays and aha. He also served as the first television programs this past year, Chairman of the Board of Tele Rathbone will recreate the role of vision Directors of the National Manfred again at the annual spring Association of Radio and Televi concert of the University Choral ' sion Broadcasters. Thomas will dis union and Symphony Orchestra . cuss the present status and future Sunday. Manfred has only been performed twice before the coming University feature, in San Fran cisco and in Baltimore .with the symphony orchestra raid chorus there. Highlights of his legislative ef forts include: Introduced first bill ' to raise the minimum wage to $1 an hour, now law. Introduced the first bill to es tablish a system of flexible retire ment under social security to pre vent rigidification at age 65. Drafted the first comprehen sive bill for Federal Flood Insur ance. Only senator from New Eng land to support U.S. membership Courtesy Lincoln Journal KENNEDY Jay McShann: . Jam Session Slated Saturday Afternoon Jay McShann and his "band that rocks the blues", which has been booked for the Interfraternity Ball, will perform in a jam session Saturday afternoon, May 18, on the steps of the Union. The free ses sion will be held from 1:15 to 2:15 p.m. Jay McShann, a Kansas City jazz artist, has played with Count Basie and other well-known jazz bands. His own bind has toured the nation and has been booked into top night clubs the country over. Tickets, priced at $2.00 per couple, are now on sale, accord ing to Dick Youngscap and Roger Rankin, IFC Ball Committee mem bers. The ball is scheduled for Saturday May 18 at the Turnpike Ballroom from 8 to 12 p.m. The ticket sales will be limited to fraternity members and their dates, according to Rankin, who explain that this was necessitated by the limited size of the Turn pike Ballroom. The Junior IFC's chariot race competition will be held Sunday afternoon, with the winning frater- Radio-TV: Scholarship To Highlight Banquet The presentation of the first an nual Norris Heineman Scholarship Award will highlight the Alpha Epsilon Rho Annual Radio and Television Awards Banquet Satur day evening. The Norris Heineman Scholar ship will be presented to a fresh man, sophomore, or junior student in radio and television at the Uni versity of Nebraska. This award will be based on scholarship and financial need. Other awards will be presented to students for outstanding contri butions to radio and television at the University during the past year. The radio awards include: actor, actress, writing, director, an nouncer, most promising new stu dant, and the outstanding senior. Television awards will be pre sented fqr camera operation, floor manager, announcer, and actor. A KUON-TV General Service Award will also be presented. In addition, Associate Memberships in Alpha Epsilon Rho will be pre sented at this time. ' T'va main banquet speaker will be Eugene Thomas, General Man ager of KETV in Omaha. Thomas has managed WOR-TV in New York City and WOIC in Washing ton, D. C., before moving to Om- cf color television. A reception is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the Lincoln Room of the Hotel Cornhusker, followed by the banquet at 7:15 p.m. in the Georg ian Room. in the Organization for Trade Co operation and broadening of the Reciprocal Trade agreements as recommended by the Randall Com mission. In 1956, as chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Reorgani zation, held 28 different hearings on 55 Hoover Commission pro posals, reported 12 measures in c'porating 32 of these bills and secured Senate passage of 11 of these. University student groups sup Sorenson: Summer School Enrollment Rises Summer school enrollment is ex pected to range from 3,300 to 3,500 students, according to Dr. Frank Sorenson, director. More than 1,100 of these students will continue to hasten their grad uation by taking these summer courses, Sorenson said. Two thou sand students come from the communities of Nebraska and other states. Each year more interest is shown in the summer school courses. More librarians are enrolling in nity team to receive a traveling trophy. Each fraternity will enter chariot in which a sweetheart chosen by that fraternity will ride, The chariot will be pulled by two men from the fraternity. The sweetheart of the winning fraternity will be presented with a trophy and will be crowned "Sweetheart of Greek Weekend" at the Ball that evening. Kinnier V.P.: Gourlay To Head Council Helen Gourlay, junior in Arts and Sciences, was elected the 1957-58 president of the Student Council Wednesday. Other officers elected include, John Kinnier, first vice-president; Bill Spilker, sec ond vice-president; Connie Hurst and Dave Keene senior hold over mem bers. Miss Gour lay, one of the Courtesy Lincoln Star few women to Miss Gourlay hold the student Council presi dency, is also president of the Pan hellenic Council, a former manag ing editor of the Cornhusker and a member of Delta Gamma. Kinnier is a member of the In nocents Society, past treasurer of the Student Council, president of the Inter-coop Council and a jun ior in Engineering. The new Council second vice president, Bill Spilker, i3 president of the Innocents Society, president of the Ag Union Board, vice-president of Corn Cobs, and a member of Farm House fraternity. ' Miss Hurst, a junior in Arts and Sciences, is a. member of YWCA Gamma Phi Beta, and the Univer sity debate squad. Keene is a sophomore in the College of Law. NUSponsorsClinic At North Platte An educational psychological clin ic sponsored by the University will be held at North Platte public schools today and Saturday. Participants will be: Dr. Mar shall Hiskey, clinic director and professor of educational psychol ogy and measurements; Joseph Sadnavitch, instructor; Joseph French,' part-time instructor; and Dr. Vernon Hungate and William Carriker, both from the State De partment of Education. The team will determine the eligibility of students for special clafes and assist teachers with the diagnosis of children with school-learning difficulties, Dr. Hiskey said. Friday, May 10, 1957 porting Senator Kennedy's ap pearance in cooperation with tha Union are: Daily Nebraskan; Stu dent Council; YWCA; Nebraska University Council on World Af fairs; Inter-Fraternity Council; In nocents Society; Mortar Board So ciety; Red Cross; Theta Sigma Phi and Sigma Delta Chi, profes sional journalism societies; Resi dence Association for Men; Coed Counselors; University History Club; and Inter-Coop Council. the session because of new interest in strengthening the library serv ice. Also teachers and school ad ministrators are coming to school. The nature of the session enroll ment each year indicates the sum mer program of the University must be heavily based on a consid erable extent on teacher training. Teachers who are here are work ing for graduate degrees, usually masters and doctors. More than 30 visiting staff mem bers will attend the summer ses sion, according to Sorenson. They will come from all sections of the country therefore bringing dif ferent representative ideas from the US to our program. There will be 170 members of the University's own staff beside these visiting members. In addition to the regular classes and other instructional program, a number of special clinics and con ferences have been planned. Per haps the most extensive of the con ferences is the one jointly-sponsored by the University extension division and the summer session department on the possibilities of using television to strengthen edu cation in Nebraska. Other clinics will present a na tional affairs preview and a world affairs preview. Speaker for the rational affairs will be Gill Wil son, editor of the Flying Magazine, and Dr. Jerold Wendt, science edi tor for UNESCO. Diane Knotek has been appointed special activities secretary in the summer session office for 1957, Sorenson said. He also stated that the cost for the summer fees ara one half of the regular semester fee which is $45. The registration date for summer school is June 11 and classes ara scheduled to begin on June 12, ac cording to Sorenson. The eight week summer session is scheduled to run from June 11 through August 2. The six weeks session is to run from June 11 through July 19. The four weeks session is slated from June 11 un til July 5. A special three weeks session limited to principals and superin tendents is slated from June 24 through July 12. The post session of approximate ly three weeks is scheduled from August 5 through August 23. Bulletins for the summer school session can be picked up in 312 Teachers College the Summer School Session office. Distribution OfCornhuskers Set May 15 Distribution of the 1957 Corn husker will begin Wednesday and continue through Friday, accord ing to Sharan Hall, 1958 Cornhusk er business manager. Members of the Cornhusker staff will distribute the books on thesa days in the Union basement cor ridor from 12:30 to 5 p.m., sha said. Students must bring their identi fication card and their Cornhusker receipt with them in order to ob tain the books, Miss Hall stressed. "These are the only times that the books will be given out, Miss Hall explained. "If students do not pick up their annuals at this time, they will simply have to take a chance on getting them". The early distribution of tha Cornhusker this year is due ia part to an early start on the work and in part to the efficiency and hard work of the staff, Miss Hall said. YWCA Filings Close Monday . Filings for YWCA cabinet posi tions are now open and will dost Monday, according to Barb Sharp, president. Positions in the following areas must be filled: personal af frii.'i, campus affiars, religion and faith, and projects. Interviews will be held Wednes day, from 3 to 5 p.m. Applications and the interview time sheet caa be found in the Y office at Bos' Boutou HalL