The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 08, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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TKe Daily Nebroskon
Wednesday, May 8, 1957
Daily Nebraskan Editorials:
Couf?7 Officers
of course, you have to
Realize that security does
not just come to a person.,
V. '
Now that the dust of the Student Council elec
tion has blown over and the new representatives
are ready to step into their seven-league boots,
the student body can expect some real action
from their legislators.
Today the council will meet and select the of
ficers for the coming year. And the Daily Ne-,
braskan admonishes the members to pick wisely.
During the next year as we have pointed out
In the past weeks the council will be expected
to make some major decisions and these decis
ions will stick around the campus long after the
present council has left.
In the first place, the council must contend
with the Faculty Senate action to deprive stu
dent members on faculty committees the right
to vote on those groups.
The council will be faced with taking the stu
dents' approval of the tribunal to heart and will
have to polish it into an active and forceful
instrument to be presented to the Board of
These two burdens alone would be enough to
concern the Council for the coming year.
University students whose interest in educa
tion hat been more than just subjective will
mourn with the entire state of Nebraska the
death of Chancellor A. Leland Forrest of Ne
braska Wesleyan University.
Dr. Forrest had been with the staff of Wes
leyan since 1951 when he was named Dean of
the College. He was elevated to the chancellor
chip of our sister institute of higher education in
1953 when Dr. Carl Bracy accepted the presi
dency of an Ohio college.
Dr. Forrest's philosophy of education was that
the college should serve the community and the
region in which it exists. And in keeping with
that train of thought the educator expanded the
cultural and physical plants of his university.
A widely read author he was a member of
Phi Beta Kappa and an active civic leader in
Lincoln land.
Nominations are again open for "Outstanding
Nebraskan," recognition rendered each semester
by the Daily Nebraskan to one senior student
and one faculty member for outstanding service
to the University.
This award, if it can be called such, is the only
encompassing recognition offered by a student
organization to worthy recipients The Daily
Nebraskan feels that persons doing service to
the school while enrolled here, or in teaching or
administrative capacities should be given tribute
by the students.
The qualifications for nominations for 'Out
atanding Nebraskan" are based on service. This
can be rendered in any capacity academic,
activities, government, athletics, administration.
Consideration is given to a person's loyalty and
Intense and honest interest to the institution and
what it stands for.
Persons honored in the past have served the
University in countless ways. Some were ath
letes, some teachers, others were outstanding in
campus leadership through activities. Each of
fered his services in a different way, but be-
From The Editor's Desk:
A word or two
before you go . . .
By FRED DALY Monday indicates mainly that Sunday is Mother's Day.
Editor students are in favor of a For heaven's sake, don't for-
Ticket sales have begun for tribunal. To most, the type of get it, like some people I
"South Pacific," the Kosmet tribunal doesn't matter. know do every year.
Klub's annual Spring Show, Therefore, it is entirely up
alated for Pershing Memorial to the new Council as to what . , , . .
Auditorium. The Kosmet Klub it shall be. , N su uha beM heard
production will be the first It is doubtful if mo.,t of the lelyu f" th Me on
musical to be presented in new members of the Council the dget Because of this
the new Auditorium, and will know anything about the tri- students tf "d to forget about
have use of the building's fine bunal, what its powers are a,nd let their Tds Wan"
facilities a.d acoustics. ' and what significance such a J" 10 Sm'
This year, because of ton- " body will have toward extend- a." T "eXt ear' T'
flicts of one sort or another, ing the responsibility of stu- a"d Sk where aU that flne
the show will be held the last dent government. 'd tultl0n money 15 8lng 10
weekend of the class year to The work on the charter Cme m'
finish up things in fine style. was done by a few members
You might call this endorse- of a Council committee, who Sen- JosePn McCarthy is
ment of the show, even referred the result of their dead- Already h has begun
though the Klub does not give efforts to the Council for ap- to eulg'zed by those with
out free tickets to the press. pruval. This approval was whom ne fou8nt so bitterly in
It is a little doubtful if Bloody given, naturally. Approval his Concessional tenure.
Mary creates a mild, pre- wag also givn, naturally, by Some people you just can't
finals serenity, but it takes those students who bothered stand, until they don't bother
your mind off the coming to vote in the election Mon- y" anymore,
deluge. day.
ft would be a very intelli- There are now nine more
After today's elections, next gent and laudable move on issues of the Daily Nebraskan
year's Student Council will the part of the new Council to be published this semester,
begin organizing. The most if each member would take it The final issue will be the
important matter before them upon himself to study the big wrap-up affair, with an-
is the recently approved Stu- charter before it is offered to nouncements of Outstanding
dent Tribunal charter that the Regents. It also might be " Nebraskans, Athlete of the
must be referred to the Board too much to ask. . Year, Ten Top News Stories,
of Regents next year. Accord- This tribunal is the most etc.
ing to present Council officers important change in student Tell me, son, do you grow
the charter may be amended government in years. It mer- nostalgic and weepy at the
or changed slightly before it its more all-out study on the end of three years on the
is presented to the Regent. part of the Council as a whole "Rag" approaches?
The approval of the vote than has been given to date. I grow weary.'.
The Daily Nebraskan
Member: Aviated Cuegiate Pres
Intereollef late Prem Maoaglnj Editor .Jack rolloea
Eeprcseatative: National Advertising Service, editorial r editor Dick srnisna
Incorporated New. Editor , .Sara Jonca. Bob Inland
Published at: Room 20, Student Union sporti editor Bob Mrti
Lincoln, Nebraska Copy Editor Art Blackmail. Canile trank
14 th it R Uoori Mojer. Rub Warnototkl
DaSy lTahraakaa la poMMae Monday, Taradar, '" Editor ( Ron H'arluHotkl
and Friday anrtur tna ac'soot year, rxtept K Edits. Halter Pattcraoa
artoc varatloof aac exaai rartodo. and on line la start Pbotorrapner Oaie Lwln
avMiriMd dnrtnc Aaraat, tj atadnrta a the lalTrnltj irfflca serrrUry Julia 1 Krll
d Neomaka oader Mm aatborltatioa of the omm!Hea Society Editor aa r'arrrll
mm gtadeat Affalra aa aa exprtwiaa af tadeot apiafea. aMrtr -,,
rteataat .W lb, jarUdlrUoa ef the gubeaeamittea '" J"""' Ki J"
mm etade. ruUk -. ...! be fe from kditortal r?mmlt Sam hIh Ja?k raJta
aasearMua an the aatt at Uw Sabr e- ;!a iT1 , ? m , "' , C,r"n'
aa ta a4 af aay peraea astride the I'aivenrty. Tka Staff Wrtten ( ynthla Zirhan. Bnb Win, Gary
Knari af the Nebraakaa tmfir are prrMmrUly re- Rudim, Staa Mldnian.
fabaxrlgxtoa rate are ft.M per amneater ar 14 for aoalneea rfanmrw rcori Madnea
(ha aeiidetnto year. aaeiatant Suetneae Manafera Larry Eptttrta
lasand aa aeraaif ittaaa matter at the poet efflea hi Tym Sett, Jrrry Melirtlo
I ken nil, Kabraakria, liner iaa and mi a, 1V1S. iCIrailattoa Uaaasar daca JSarrte
forrest's Death
Outstanding Nebraskans
Now when the Daily Nebraskan approached
the new members of the council on their views
concerning the Tribunal following the election
many of the new members did not respond
They said that they had not studied the tri
bunal charter, that they hadn't any real views
on the subject. This is appalling.
We hope that by the time they begin their
work they will have studied the charter as ap
proved by the students; that they will be ready
and willing to make decisions intelligent de
cisionson the subject
With the increased enrollment expected at
the University, the council will inevitable have
more work to do. But first things first.
And today being officer election day the first
order of business should be to pick men and
women for the top posts who know what the
council should be doing.
The Student Council is not just an activity; it
is a solemn responsibility. And being such the
new members have a great deal of work to do
before they can serve their constituents favorably.
An intellectual community is only as strong as
the people who compose it. And Dr. Forrest's
vigorous progrfms for his school cannot belie
the fact that he was interested not only in his
own university but also in the entire intellectual
atmosphere of our state.
Those of us who have come in contact with
either Dr. Forrest or the products of his college
deeply appreciate the service he rendered to his
community. We will not soon forget the chal
lenge he offered to young people to be not only
adults but adults who are educated in the ways
of the world and the ways of his church.
And so the University can offer the Nebraska
Wesleyan University our deep condolences that
they have lost a fine leader.
We trust that the sister college will keep him
in memory for many years and emulate his ex
ample of sound Christian leadership.
cause of each the University benefited, and was
a better school because of that individual's ef
forts. Basically, the bestowing of an "Outstanding
Nebraskan" title on a student or faculty mem
ber honors that individual. He or she is being
given the tribute earned by service to and in
terest in the University. This is only fitting.
But in another sense the University itself is
being honored. Recognition of top persons in the
University community reflects favorably on the
institutions, both in the individuals themselves
and in what they might have done for the school.
The Daily Nebraskan is proud to sponsor this
recognition. When worthy persons are so hon
ored a certain amount of justice is being done,
as often prople tend to forget their benefactors
and prefer to relish in the good that has been
Nominations are open in a short time two
more "Outstanding Nebraskans" will take their
places in the legion ef persons whose Cornhusker
spirit is one of the very vital foundations of
this University.
the iconoclast ...
steve schultz
The good governor, returning from a trip across the
state, had a song in his heart and a- smile on his face
because his "hold the line" budget was "the most popu
lar thing I have done in my political career." Now, I am
always glad to see the state poobans in good humor; a
row ot gubernatorial teeth on the
front page is heartening when
one rises bleary eyed to his morn
ing paper.
But I cannot help asking a couple
of questions. First, did the gover
nor get to campus on his circuit
of the state? If so, he found that
a hold the line budget which in
cludes a 3.3 million dollar cut in
the requested allotment to the uni
versity is not among the most
popular moves ever to originate
in the tower at the other end of
15th Street.
since when is
the running of
the state
s y n o n o
mous with
running in a
Without t h e
benefit of a
Poly Sci
course, I sub- Courtesy Lincoln Journal
mit that 'gov- Schultz
ernment often requires the cour
age to take positions which will
not find favor in Rotary Clubs
throughout the land.
Noted with pleasure: the Pixie
Press has spouted a Happily all
its own. Culture may not be dead,
but it's bleeding profusely.
Alexander Nevsky, the film so
ciety's offering for last week, was
a revelaf'n of propaganda tech
niques. C can imagine' the So
viet audit .s sitting enraptured
while watciung fellow Russians
tho' of antique vintage dying nob
ly for the fatherland. Not, of
course, that any of these people
had personalities; they lived only
to put on flimsy armor and march
against rows of German spears.
But don't put similar tricks past
our own film makers. The Union's
free movie (the one that I could
afford that weekend) a couple of
awMr" i
...iwL y
Semester's End
Days rain down on us
Like Springtime hurricanes.
Soon enough hours become
precious and little people
Wakened late into the night.
Knit young brows into
Curious patterns of learning.
All too often light of free
Time is obscured by shadows
of lateness. The strangeness
Of the Spring becomes involved
With the massacre of young intellects.
Some would say tbat only fermentation
Counts in
Days' lengthening. Students
stunned by ones and twos
Can still be snapped alive.
This tender young season
Moves on into heat quickly.
Springtime's joys like what-Have-you
fly and only tin
Cans remain in flowered woods.
Robert Staley
YEAH WHEN k fAiR. '0 ftMMi5?
months ago was an Alfred Hitch
cock specialty In which a saboteur
was killed by the Statue of Liberty,
for crying out loud. The movie
was made during the war, and it's
incredible in retrospect that peo
ple did not walk out in droves
when they saw this nonsense.
I suppose that every Steve on
campus is being troubled, as I
am, by the rash of "Hi ho, Steve
rino." Catch phrases, which usual
ly indicate a paucity of ideas, are
annoying to me. Don't you people
have anything else to talk about?
Probably everyone ,who gives a
damn is expecting me to . come
out in favor of the "Culture Week
end" which was proposed some
days ago in the Letterip column.
However, I can't find myself in
sympathy with what looks superfi
cially like a good idea.
The greatest trouble with the
intellectual state of the average
student is that he associates cul
ture with the women's club liter
ary tea sort of thing. And wom
en's club literary teas are among
the most trying experiences one
can go through; both the conver
sation and the hors d'ourves are
The more we isolate the humani
ties from humanity by limiting its
appreciation to one weekend in the
year, the more we will condemn
art, literature and music to the
unhappy apathy ' which currently
is a substitute for appreciation.
If I have learned one thing from
the "cultural desert" squabble, it
is that no one can force education
on anyone else. It will come; don't
force it.
One notes a nervous stirring
among the level-headed, wrong
thinking element on campus. Re
lax, boys; the first rush of spring
fever is over, there probably
won't be a panty raid.
tfyiT SCrv9. APtf HWSmJ1
Nebraskan Letterips
To the Editor:
The students have overwhelmingly
approved a tentative charter for
a student tribunal on this cam
pus. And yet the charter contains
little if any I real power.
Before the charter is presented
to the Board of Regents for ap
proval the Council committee which
drew it up ought to seek the coun
sel of interested students around
the campus. If so much power
would be given to the student
body through this instrument of
democratic rule then the students
should have a more direct voice in
the planning and drawing of the
I am inclined to believe that the
charter in its present form has been
softened by its architects in order
that it might pass the eyes of the
Regents and go into effect as
rapidly aa possible.
I can see the benefit in such
a maneuver. And yet I can see
the downfalls in such a move
ment too.
For example, the tribunal would
be responsible to the office of
student affairs. And the charter
states that the tribunal would be
given its cases at the discretion
of the Dean of Student Affairs.
It would not be daring to say that
that same office might reserve the
"juicy" cases for its own disposal.
And this is perfectly legitimate.
- The while tribunal is aimed at
giving the students more power
in regulating their affairs. It seems
reasonable that the students would
appreciate an opportunity of doing
just that.
But no matter whether we need
to be herded about is not the ques
tion. A select group of students
would soon take matters into its
hands if the tribunal ever was giv
en any real power.
I am inclined to doubt that the
Regents would pass such a char
ter. They might pass this one for
they can well see is is powerless.
Here's hoping the Regents will
examine the charter and tell the
committee which presents it to re
examine the purpose of a tribunal
and redraw a charter which has
some guts in it.
I trust that the new council will
take this charter to heart . and
probe deeply into each article,' sec
tion and paragraph to serve the
students. After all, any good ad
ministrator knows that a pawn in
the hand is worth two in the Un
ion. Concerned.
To the Editor:
With the issuing of next fall's
schedules, a certain amount of
controversy is bound to result.- In
my extimation one of the great
et blunders has occurred as a re
sult of the eight day exam period.
Upon observation of the final
exam schedule for next fall, one
discovers that between Wednesday
and Saturday a hideous problem
can and undoubtedly will arise.
The most popular time of day for
classes is between 9 a.m. and 2
p.m. It should now be noted that
classes meeting during this period
on all five week days are to
have all their final exams in
this four day period (from Jan.
22 to Jan. 25.) N
This means that the average stu
dent will have about six exams in
this period and a good possibility
of seven or eight, (for Navy ROTC
also has their exams during this
This Is entirely too much. If
Relax! Iff Summer
S Time in Sportswear
Mick Tooiey enjoys a
time out in his McGre
gor Ivy Shirt. Black and
white checks, button
down collar, back pleat.
Over Ivy Chino Slacks
in Black with black belt.
McGregor Shirt, $4
Ivy Chines, $4.95
Men' I Sporttwemr ... Hagee't
this is what the eight day exam
schedule means, let's get rid of
Al Yont
Over SO Yean Quality Jewelry
Fashion ... as I see it
I am very pleased to
introduce your new
representative for
Gold's Advisory Board,
Wendy Makepeace. She
is eager to answer your
fashion questions
anything you want to
know about Campus
.Writing these twice
weekly columns for you
has been fun. Be sure
and read them for more
new fashion tips every
Hi Gals!
I am so happy to be
your new Gold's Advi
sory Board representa
tiveAny time you have
any fashioa problems to
discuss please feel wel
come to visit Gold's
Campus Shop on the
second floor for a chat.
I will be there and will
be glad to help you!
First Floor
3 '
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Sri I 3 US
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