The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 08, 1957, Image 1
rfcM AuS i ran A Word Or Two See Page 2 Courtney's Quips See Page 3 W LA 0 V Vol. 32, No. 90 Outstanding Nebraskan: Two Students, Prof Nominated Two University students and one professor have been nominated for the second semester outstanding Nebraskan award. Letters placing Sam Ellis, Jere WcGaffey and Dr. O. K. Bojswma In nomination were received Tues day in the Daily Nebraskan office. Ellis is the 1956-57 president of the Innocents Society; past histor ian and member of Kosmet Klub; past president of the Interfraternity Council; past president of Phi & Scholarship: Loomis Hall Receives Recognition Evonne Einspahr, president of Loomis Hall, accepted the BABW plaque for outstanding scholarship on behalf of her house at the an nual BABW Recognition Dessert held Monday. This is the second consecutive year that Loomis hall has received the plaque as the independent house having the highest average for the first semester of the year. Their average was 6.653 last se mester. Twenty-six independent women were also honored at the dessert. They were recognized for outstand ing work in activities and scholar thip for the past year. Sue Hinkle, president of BABW, presented recogntion scrolls to these women: Shirley Richards, Marilyn Jen-! aen, Deanna Brier, Nadine Calvin, I Rose Marie Tondl, Ellen Jacobsen, Benna Lou Scheer, Norma Wolf, Alice Houng, Marion Sokol, Hanna Rosenberg. Sandra Foell, La Rue Naviaux, Carol Anderson, Ruth Alvin, Mary Sue Herbek, Ruth Roubal, Mary Vrba, Phyllis Hansen, Doris Eby, Evonne Einspahr, Marilyn Waech ter, Lou Selk. Patsy Kaufman, Dorothy Glade and Mary Jane Phalps. The dessert was held, in the Un ion ballroom. Donna Miller was in charge of arrangements. Gloria King and Terry Smith provided piano music for about 150 guests. Barbara Breunsbock gave a mus ical reading about "Fishin' ". Shir ley Tempo, wearing a red Hawaiian costume, did a hula. Cornhusker Space The Cornhusker is now contact ing organizations for space in the fall as it was done in the past. If any one is interested and they have not been contacted, see Shar on Hall in the Cornhusker office In the afternoon until Friday. Monday: IK Council Slate Seats Eight Afeiv Ateliers Eieht of the fifteen students who were elected to the student Council were backed and supported by the Interfraternity Council. They are; Boh Ireland, Tom Neff, Ken neth Freed, Herbert Friendman, Dwain Rogge, Gary Frenzel, Rich ard Tempero and Dennis Elder. Two of the fifteen students elect were Independents. They are: Rob ert Lindell from the College of Business Administration and Jane Savener of Love Memorial Hall. There were a great number of Invalidated ballots at the election Monday and according to Bev Deepe, chairman qf the Student Council general elections commit tee, the ballots were invalidated be cause of failure to follow instruc- Light Showers To Hit Campus This Afternoon Light ihowers are expected to hit the campus area sometime Wednesday afternoon according to the Weather Bureau. The rain will b e accompa nied by mod erate winds from the south. The high Wednesday will be around 85 and the low will reach the 60 mark. T u e s d ay's high reading in Lincoln was 79 .ind the re corded low was 56. The high temperature one year ago was 70 and the low, 47. Pre cipitation to date this month is none, while the nonual rate is .69 inch. The total prt-cipitation for the year is 6.25 inches while the nor ual reading calls for 6.10 inches. i Delta Theta; past treasurer of the All University Fund; past mem ber of the Student Council; and a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. The letter nominating Ellis cited his "deep sense of integrity which combined with high intellectual qualities and an amazing person ality make him truly outstand ing." "He has always devoted himself to his community, his fellow stu dents, and is dedicated to serving others," the letter said. Jere McGaffey, in his letter of nomination, was called "a scholar and a leader." McGaffey who is president of Delta Sigma Rho, and a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, and Phi Beta Kappa, was cited "as one of the outstanding debaters in the his tory of the University." "He has compiled an outstand ing record of wins in his four years of debating and has proved to be an invaluable help to the other members of the squad," the letter stated. "McGaffey is never too busy to! help with case construction and re buttal material and has, each year, compiled a bibliography for the ether members of the squad, a job far beyond the call of duty and one which takes long hours of re search," the letter went on to say. According to his letter of nom nation. Dr. B o us w m a "has through his international fame as a reknown figure in the field of philosophy brought great credit to his University and college." Among his- many accomplish ments, the letter stated, Dr. Bouswma is president of the west- em division of the American Phil- osophical Society. He has also been a visiting professor at many Uni- versities ana nas participated in numerous conferences and semi nars around the country. Nominations for Outstanding Ne braskan should be turned into the Nebraskan office by May 20. Letters should include qualification activities and other fine points. Second semester Outstanding Ne braskans, one student and one fac ulty member, will be named in the May 24 Nebraskan. Last semester's Outstanding Ne' jraskans were Diane Knotek, and Dr. Knute Broad y. Other past Outstanding Nebras kans include: Students, Gail Kat skie, John Gourlay, Tom Novak, Bob Novak, Marv Stromer, Jack Rodgers, Eldon Park, Don Noble, Robert Raun, and Mrs. Ernest Herbst. Faculty: Dr. Carl Georgi, Dr. Arthur Westbrook, Emmanuel Wishnow, Donald Olson, Col. Frank forter, Dr. George Rosenlof. Rex Knowles, Frank Hallgren, Mrs. Charles Pederson, Miss Marry Lielenz, W. V. Lam ert, Bill Glass ford, and G. G. Gustavson. tions The students who were vot ing would not read the instructions and mark only one name in place if f ii: rt Vt t Vi o. timiili vr.ia frtt turn boys when they were supposed to.evc' ' - - vote for a boy and a girl. Altogether 166 ballots were in validated by the committee. Arts and Sciences, 33, Business Admin istration, 23, Agriculture, 12, Engi neering, 34, and Teachers, 64. At the election, 2498 students cast their ballots. Election for the officers of the Student Council will be held Wednesday, according to Bruce Brugmann, president of Student Council. The Outside World: fBI Uncovers Scheme An FBI spy iu the Communist party disclosed Monday a Com munist scheme of promoting a revolutionary aims through heavy industry's working force. Clifford Miller, Jr., an employee of Bethlehem Steel Sparrows point plant in Baltimore said, "The Communist party considers that the group in society that will carry forth its revolutionary aims is the working class. Miller was the first witness of the House Un-American Activities subcommittee meeting on Communist infiltration of heavy industry. Jets Crash Four jet planes crash-landed in the Saudi Arabian Desert about 60 miles northwest of Dharan, a Bahrein Airport spokesman said. The four Lockheed jet training aircraft of the U.S. Air Force were located from the air within an hour Of their being reported overdue at Dharan Airfield. It is believed the jets were on a delivery flight and that they probably ran out of fuel in bad weather. Fund Hits $16,000 The fund for the tornado-struck city of Milford, organized by the Lincoln Sunday Journal and Star now totals $16,724. Contributions have increased since the 30,000 persons visited the area. The town, popula tion 980, suffered more than $1 million of damage 11 days ago. Turnout Heavy . Between 18.000 and 20,000, a favorable turnout, was expected Tuesday in the Lincoln city elections. The polls were open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Election Commissioner Harold Gillet predicted the heavy turnout this year of between 18,000 and 20,000.' If the vrte hits 20.0o0, ,it will be the best general election turnout for a city election in Lin coln' history. if r': i A It ' In -m &' ' f ' thi What Rabbit? Roy Willey. who portrays the character of Elwood P. Dowd in the University production "Har vey," describes his pet i invis ible! rabbit to Stephany Sherde- Theater Production: 'Harvey' To At Howell "Harvey," the final University Theater production of the year, will open at Howell Memorial Theaten Tuesday, according to Margaret Servine, director. While on Broadway, "Harvey", enjoyed the sixth longest run in history and won a Pulitzer Pride 'Harvey' Tickets Reservations and tickets are available today at the Howell Me morial Theater for the final Uni versity Theater production of the cAnriin Harvpv Thf box office ; wil remain open through the run of the play scheduled for May 14 18. as the best comedy production by an American author in 1944. In 1950, the play was made into a j movie starring James Stewart and j Josephine Hull, who won an Acad my Award for her performance. . "Harvey" was the first success ; for its author, Mary Chase, who ! has since written the Broadway Broadway productions, "Mrs. , McThing", starring Helen Hayes j and "Bernardine." The play was! originally entitled "The Pooka" which is a Celtic fairy spirit in j animal form. Miss Servine said. The plot of the play concerns a ; congenial alcoholic named Elwood I Dowd whose ' companion is a six i foot tall pink rabbit named Har vey who is invisible to everyone but Elwood. Elwood lives with his I sister, a spinster named Veta ! Louise Simmons, who finds El- wood's companion an unbearable house guest. Things reach a head when a olace must be set for Harvey at nnl ni.J tVlf tola nVlITI A Q n is expecting a phone call." Veta Louise resolves that Elwood must be taken care of, so he is packed off to a sanatorium called "Chum ley's Rest". Complications arise, however, when the management of the sanatorium think that it is Ve ta Louise who is insane. From there on things become confused and hilarious. Miss Servine said. The roll of Elwood Dowd will be handled Roy Willey. Willey has LINCOLN, NEBRASKA i 11 Nrbranlmn Pbolo man, who plays Veta Louise Simmons in the play. The play opens next Tuesday and runs through May lit. Open Tuesday been active it University theatre and has aDDeared this vear in I "Dark of the Moon." "The Corn j holder-Capt. Brackett, Jane Odell Is Green." and the 'Dead Day." j Liat. Bill Raecke-Jerome. Bob On Broadway, Elwood was played ! Robson-Stewpot, Charles Richards by Frank Faye. The part repre sented a comeback for Faye be cause be had tumbled from the top of the acting ladder due to personal misfortune ami illness, Miss Servine said. Veta Louise Simmons will be played by Stephanie Sherdeman, making her first appearance in a University Theatre production this year. Previously Miss Sherdeman has been active in University laboratory productions. The origi nal role of Vita Louise was taken by Josephine Hull both in the play and later in the movie. Other members of the cast in clude Dixie Lee Helms, Clare Cooper, Pat Patterson, John Crowell, Keith Williams, James Baker, Janet Boucher, Clancy Croft and Eric Prewitt. Technical director of the play will be Harry Steiber. Members of the cast are having a fine time rehearsing this the first real comedy of the year, Miss Servine said. Joseph Krutch: Drama Critic Emphasizes Need For 'Humanism' The most distinguished drama i critic of his generation 'rged a (University audience Tuesday eve-. I ning that more emphasis must be devoted to humanistic subjects. Speaking on "Wisdom versus Know-How," Joseph .Krutch la mented that since science "has been so tremendously successful that many people refuse to recog nize any subject unless it has a scientific answer." "But the unfortunate facts are," he said, "that there are Ao scien tific answers to many questions." He cited the classic example of the Atom Bomb. "Science can tell us how to make, but science can not an swer the questions of under what circumstances the A-bomb should be used and what people should be destroyed. There is no scientific answer possible. What we have to do is put more stress on the man and less on the atom." "The answer to this danger of over-emphasis on science lays in our philosophy, religion, etnieal Rathbone To Read Poems, Enact Plays Liformal discussions, the reading of several poems and the enacting-1 of parts from plays will highlight Basil Rathbone's visit to the Utu" ve-sity Friday morning. liathbone will appear Friday at 11 a.m. in the Howell Memorial Theater. Classes will not be ex- cused for the convocation. Rathbone will also appear Sun- day at 8 p.m. in the Coliseum, creating the role of Manfield, a dra - matic poem by Byron. The poem has been set to music by Robert Shuman and will be performed for the first time at an American educational mstitu tion by a Symphony Orchestra. Rathbone appeared at the Uni versity in 1954 when he played to a capacity crowd in King David. ! South Pacific: c Tickets for the Kosmet Klub's spring show "South Pacific" will go on sale Thursday, according to Bill Bedwell, president. Prices for the tickets will be: reserved seat $1.80 and $1.50; gen eral admission $1.20. Tickets may be bought from Kosmet Klub workers and at booths which will be set up in the Union and in Walt's Music Store. "South Pacific" will be present ed on May 24 and 25 at 8 p.m. in the Pershing Memorial Auditori um. This show will be the first musical to be presented in the new Lincoln auditorium. Norm Leger, present director of the Lincoln Community Playhouse, is the director of the show. Allan Holbert, graduate of the University School of Music, is the Music Director for "South Pa cific". Norman Riggins will play Emile DeBeque, a role which Ezio Pinza made famous on Broadway. Rig gins, a senior n the College of Music, was a member of last year's Kosmet Klub spring show cast and he has sung in the Mes- ! siah. ; Cynthia Barber will play the j part of Nellie Forbush which was played by Mary Martin in the i original production. ' I Jack Lindsay has the role of Lt. Joseph Cable, and Barbara Coon-, rad will play the comedy relief; character part of Bloody Mary. ; Joe Hill will take the part of Lu-' ; ther Biliie. j The members of the supporting ; j cast and the roles they will play are: Vern Feye-Abner, Morganj , Holmes-Lt. Adams, Dave Meisen- Lt. Harbison, Noel Schoenrock Henry, and Steve Schultz-Profes-sor. Members of the "South Pacific" chorus are: Gary Aksamit, Bob Benton, Bill Draper. Darrell Eber spacher. Bill Harvey, Bob Hinman, Fred Holbert. John Holmes, Dave Leighton, John Madden and Jerry Marples. Jack McCormick, Monte Mead, John Parmalee, Wesley Pearce, Larry Romjue, Keith Smith. Mon roe Usher, Bill Wieland. Harlan ; Noddle and Jack Rhoden. Linda Beal, Gloria Denton, Jan et Handler. Mary Huston, Jodie Kuxhous, Judy Lindgren, Mary Lou Lucke, Jan Perrenoud, Anne Pickett, Sharon Rain, Judy Ra mey, Mary Sandra Rice and Kathy Roach. Ruth Rosenqusit, Wynn Smith berger, Carole Triplett, Alice Virt man, Rose Wiggins, Ruth Blank, Sharon Fangman, Alyce Fritch man, Virginia James. Sandra Johns, Jackie Kaepplin, Jane Mc- standards and even our literature; in other words, how we are taught to think about various subjects, how we regard life." In an interview with the Daily i Nebraskan, Krutch emphasized I this danger that society faces in attributing "cure-all powers"; to i science. He used an example of doctors j in different social environments to ' emphasise this point. ' j "A doctor in America would ab- j hor experimentation With human beings, while a doctor of the Nazi Germany era thought nothing of mass murder." "The scientific method is accur ate only where measurement and experimentation can enter in. Ethical questions, which in reality j are tne most important questions faced by humans in life, cannot be measured or experimented with." ' Krutch will visit University classes through Thursday. Drama critic and editor of "The Nation for nearly 30 years. Krutch now live? in Arizona, where he has become a naturalist. His talk was sponsored by the English department. Research Council and Convocations Cora- mittee. ; a J ; Rnn rrl i MQVISOry DUUIU i MorMUorc Potarfiorl IViemoerj lCVBUICU ! New members of the Student Ad , visory Committee to the Dean ofl Teachers College have been se- lected for 1957-1958. Co-chairmen are Dolores Wertz and Janet Roach. 1 The new members of the board j are Sally Flanagan, Sarah Houser- , mann, Barbara Jones, Sara Hubka, ; Bob MacDonald, and Marian El- der. Retiring board members are Jeanne Elliott. Ginny Hudson, .lody Chahipa Newiryer. and Carol Link. Mary Miek'nz is the faculty adviser. how Tickets. D Laughlin, Edith Morrow, Sandra ; Niehus, Kay Nielsen, Sharon ' Quinn. Judy Sopher, Sandra Whal- j en and Cythia Zschau. "South Pacific" wh ch is the third longest running play on broadway opened in 1W9 amid cries of "Rodger and Hammer- Election: Holmes, Brownfield Head Kosmet Klub Morgan Holmes was elected pres ident of Kosmet Klub Tuesday night for the 1957-58 school year according to John Nelson, secre tary. Other officers elected were: Jerry Brownfield, vice-president; Harlan Nodd business manager; Red Cross: NU Unit Sets Up Program The University Red Cross Col lege Unit is setting up an Emer gency Blocd Fund Program to be used by University students. This program, which is being undertaken to help any student who needs blood for an emergency accident or illness, is designed to maintain a reserve list of donors who would be willing to give blood if the need should arise. At the present time, a student n.-o'Dig blood must replace any bluoo. he uses or pay $25 a pint icr it. Under the proposed Red Cross plan any University student requiring blood would receive it without cast or obligation. As an example, a student, Nick Vifc m ivlral qo urfae ill Hiic crrinr with a bleeding ulcer which re- r,irl 10 ninu ,-,f hiH. If thp Rprl Crass program had been in effect ...... , , . . this blood could nave been sup plied to him immediately by means of the reserve list. The list of prospective donors will be made up of all University students who are willing and able to give. Students between the ages of 18 and 21 must have their parents' or legal guardian's permission in order to contribute. Female don ors should weigh at least 120 pounds, and males msut weigh a minimum oi 14(1 pounds. Donors must also be free of any blood diseases. "The list will act as a reserve supply of names which may simply be contacted in case of an emergency," announced Red Cross President Larry Epstein. "Stu dents need not feel that they would be called upon constantly to contribute blood, for donors will be required only in emergencies." Students who wish to contribute should contact Ray Krueger at 2-1B67 as soon as possible. The list is to be drawn up immediately. Cornhusker Applications Due Friday Applications for the 1958 unpaid r i , i fr T .1.J I LornnusKer siau may uc pu; up in the Cornhusker office in the Union basement and must be returned by Friday noon, accord ing to Bev Buck. Cornhusker edi tor. Interviews will be held Friday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Corn husker office, Miss Buck an nounced. Positions open are art editor, canel editor and section editor- I ships. The sections include activi ; ties, varsity sports, queens, fra ': ternities, sororities, studen scenes. women's houses, halls and athlet ics; men's houses, hails and intra murals: military, religion, stu dent government and colleges. Colleges are further broken down into six positions which consists of Ag College; Arts and Sciences, Law and Journalism; Nursing, Medicine and Dentistry'; Pharma- cy and Teachsrs; Engineering, and " A. HoMOfarV SJ nMIIUlUiy To Initiate 50 More than 50 students, faculty and alumni of the University will be initiated into Gamma Sigma Delta, honor society of agricul ture, Friday. The initiation banquet is sched uled for 0:30 p.m. in th? Foods aiid Nutrition Building on the Ag College Campus and will feature Carl Dietemeyer, editor ol the Nebraska Farmer, as speaker. Wednesday, May 8, 1 957 ursday stein have done it again" and statements such as "One of the greatest musical plays in the his-tc-y of the American Theatre." The musical is based upon two stories from James M chener'S Pulitzer Prize winning book, "Tales of the South Pacific". and Bob Wiemar, secretary, Nel son said. Holmes is a junior in Business Administration, a member of Phi Delta Theta and Linocents, and was master of ceremonies of this year's Fall Review. He is cur rently production manager of "South Pacific." Brownfield is a junior in Agri culture and a member of Beta Theta Pi and Block and Bridle Club. Presently Brownfield is pub licity chairman of Kosmet Klub and is a past member of the Corn husker staff. Noddle is a junior in the college cf Arts and Sciences and is past rice-president of Zeta Beta Tau. He is currently Kosmet Klub pro gram chairman. Wiemar is a junior in Agricul i u r e, president of Farmhouse, member of Innocents and Alpha Zeta and president of Agronomy Club. Retiring president is Bill Bedwell. Comedy: film Society To Present Final Movie fmal Fre'g Film Society ' Presentation. "The Sheep Has Five j LeSs" wil1 be show at the Capi- rnl Thoafof rtr, TVv.rtr- Muvt tol Theater on Wednesdav nisrht. The movie is a French classia and stars the comedian, Fernan del. The story concerns the birth, forty years ago. of quintuplets to Papa Saint-Forget in the little French village of Trezignan. At the time of the birth, the village catapulted into the national lime light but after the boys grew up and left, the prosperity of the vil lage declined. Now. four decades later. th municipal authorities propose a plan that they hope will restore the good times they once knew to find the five brothers and bring them back to the village for a grand reunion. Dr. Bolene the quintuplets god father is given the task of round ing them up. He goes to find the five brothers, and after locating them in various parts of the world, he persuades them all to return to their birth place for a reunion. At the gala gathering of the clan in Trezignan. it is announced that one of the brothers' wives has given birth to sextuplets all girls. Proudly Pap Saint-Forget ad dresses a pledge to the French President: "In the last generation we were five. Today we are six, and we are not finished yet . . ." Fernandel portrays Pap Saint Forget and the five St. Forget sens, Alain, Bernard. Charles, De sire and Etienne. Dr. Bolene U played by Delmont. Arab Status In Middle East Discussed Bernadine Orloff, free lance re porter and writer who has just re turned from the Middle East, dis cussed the condition of the Arab rations in the Middle East today. Miss Orioff. speaking on the topic "Can Peace Be Maintained Between the Arabs and Israel", said. "I had the feeling that some thing fine could be made of Egyp tian children and Egypt if the standard of living could be raised." She told of a visit to an Egyptian home in which the cattle and hu mans were housed under one roof. "You can't fight who is respon sible for those conditions. Whoever is responsible for that has been dead a long time," Miss Orloff said. "Nasser is faced with four dread ful enemies in Egypt today, fear, poverty, disease and mistrust," Miss Orloff said. "You can't tell the Egyptian farmer you must do this. Yoj have to ask him come watch me do this. The next year he wjll take your better method and Jo it himself the next year. It is slow process," ilie concluded.