The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Tuesday, May 7, 1957
Daily Nebraskan Editorials:
Every spring following the Student Council
elections the press waxes eloquent on the duties
and services to be extracted from the new and
old members of the governing body.
-This spring the Daily Nebraskan is tempted
to do the same things if for no other reason
to prove that the paper, if no one else, is inter
ested in campus affairs.
Rather, the Nebraskan feels that there is a
more important duty which the press can serve
in informing the members of the student body
who cast their ballots in good faith that the
paper will keep an eager eye on the council
watching for irregularities, for factions and for
general activities of the group.
The Student Council which has the confidence
of the student body cannot step out of line.
When the confidence is backed up by fair re
porting on the part of the student paper and
honest criticism by the editorial columns the
University can be assured of a smooth and
efficient government at least on the under
graduate level.
And so in keeping with the spirit of these
ideas the Daily Nebraskan feels that it would
be wise to outline a "press policy" for the
coverage of a student government.
In the first place the paper will level sharp
but honest criticism at all levels of the stu
dent government. It will keep the council mem
bers awake; it will keep them concentrating on
the vital job they have before them.
The paper will watch the council for the
development of factions; we will look for ideas
in the body which would not best benefit the
entire student population.
The Daily Nebraskan will report the activities
of the council and see to it that the important
measures outlined by the group have a fair
The most a student paper can do is to find
the truth and comment upon it. A good news
paper never fabricates the truth and doesn't
build mountains out of molehills.
But a paper like the Daily Nebraskan can
watch for the inroads of ideas which are not
for the best of the council. We will check the
rolls of the council and report if a member
is not present.
In short the student paper will expect the
best of service from the Student Council. We
believe the students made the choices and ex
pect the same service from their representa
tives. But in the final analysis it's up to the
students to stand behind their representatives.
Now What?
As a result of Monday's all-University elec
tions, the installation of a student tribunal on
the campus has passed through its fourth stage
of development.
First, the idea was conceived by the Student
Council last year. Secondly, at elections a year
ago the student body gave the Council a go
ahead vote to work out a proposed charter for
a' tribunal. Thirdly, the Council drew up a
charter and passed it unanimously.
What apparently remains now is for thu Coun
cil to offer the approved charter to the Board
of Regents for final official approval that would
install the tribunal as part of the University's
student government and disclipinary system.
The question that arises now is whether the
charter approved by students voting yesterday
will adequately fulfill the needs of the student
As the present charter states, the tribunal
would hear only cases referred to it by the
office of student affairs or agencies of the Fac
ulty Senate. Council officers who backed and
drafted the charter have assumed the tribunal
will build a reputation for integrity and judi
cious decisions after a time. This would give the
administration cause to depend on and trust
the body.
This is only an assumption, however, and it
would take time before the tribunal would be
From The Editor's Desk.
A -word or two
an effective agency of student responsibility.
The Daily Nebraskan firmly believes a tri
bunal is needed by the campus to fill the gap,
that often exists between the student body and
the administration. At the present time student
discipline is handled directly by administrative
officials. A tribunal would act as a link between
students and officials, and would result in
needed trust and confidence between the two
areas that is not often seen.
A tribunal would not have final jurisdiction,
of course, as it is always the responsibility of
the ' administration to maintain final control
over the students. But a tribunal would make
student opinion known to officials, who, by
their very positions, cannot be aware of this
What the tribunal should have is direct juris
diction, subject to review and appeal to the
administration, over cases of student trans
gression other than those involving morals or
those which bring about automatic disciplinary
measures. ,
The students of the University are now, by
virtue of Monday's voting, closer than ever to
a student tribunal. Although less than half of
the school's students voted, their decision will
carry some weight with the Board of Regents,
even if they might not have known exactly
what they were voting about.
before you go . . .
The future of students vot
ing on designated faculty
committees will come before
a vote of the Faculty Senate
today. This issue has been
batted around for several
months between the Council
and the Senate, and it is
about time something defi
nite is done.
General opinion among in
terested students and faculty
indicates that students should
be given the right to vote, es
pecially on committees like
the Board of Publications and
the final exam committees.
As things stand now stu
dents sit on various faculty
committees and are occasion
ally asked for their opinions
or ideas. This is, however, far
from having expression of a
Faculty members who have
aerved on committees where
tudents have taken active
parts have praised these stu
dents and their work. They
generally feel that a student
must have a vote for the
committee to get the most
benefit from the student's
abilities and interest.
The future of the student
committee vote rests in the
hands of the menjbers of the
Faculty Senate.
For the best interests f the
faculty committees contain
ing student members, and for
student - faculty relations in
generalr the most judicious
and logical course for the
Faculty Senate to take today
will be give its overwhelm
ing support to the student
A preliminary look at the
1957 Cornhusker revealed a
yearbook the school can be
proud of. The photography is
excellent, organization fine
the general effect ranks this
edition with the best of past
Still, they only put out one
edition a year while we over
here put out 70 every semes
ter. Unreliable sources indicate
that the reason the Mortar
Boards take so long in mask
ing their successors is that
they can't see very well
through those teeny little
holes in their masks.
Student Health hints at a
lively increase in attendance
after last weekend's Spring
Day and Ivy Day events.
Apparently pushball and a
little fancy tackling on the
part of the Innocents accounts
for this.
It is getting to that hairy
time of the year again. Re
ports are due, term papers
overtime, hour tests again,
and that terrible spectre of
Final Exams skulking around.
It is also spring, and nice
outdoors, and it isn't raining
very much anymore.
It is getting a little hardei
to rationalize out of things
every day.
Basically, life is just one
damned weekend after another.
This Is another in the series of reprinted dized. It has a record of having been singularly
editorials from the Daily Public press. To- useful and dependable in areas of controversy.
day's editorial is from The Lincoln Star. One need only to cite the great, objective re-
It is surprising that the controversy continues porting of Walter Durabty who covered Russia
between Secretary of State Dulles who has on the spot from 1920 to 1935 for which he
closed off Red China and the American press was awarded a Pulitzer prize. He is but one
which wishes to open it up. It is one that of innumerable newsmen who oyer the years
ihould never have come up, or having come, have provided us with most of the factual back-
ahould have been happily resolved in favor of ground of our global knowledge.
the freedom of the press long since. when such men are orbiden to visit China the
Secretary Dulles owes to the American people . , , ,
. , , . . ,. American people perforce are required to relv
a convincing explanation why he is overriding v 4 u y
the American principle of objective reporting. on Red Propaganda or on narrow statements
If there is a truly compelling reason for it he of w own state department. Neither has the
hasn't mentioned it. background, skill nor the objectivity to serve
The American press is not easily propagan- the American need.
The Daily Nebraskan
Member: Associated Oolleglate Press Edltot t Wni DaW
Intercollegiate Press Muutini Editor joek Poiiocu
Representative: National Advertising Service, Editorial ra Editor Dick simmm
Incorporated News Editors., San Jones, Bob Ireland
Published at: Room 20, Student Union sport Editor Bob Mutei
Lincoln, Nebraska Copy Editors Art Blackmail, Carole trunk
14th & R Georgs Moyer, Bon Wariioloski
Thm Dally Nebraska) l published Monday. Tuesday, N1"ht Nw Editor Alt Blackmail
Wednesday end Friday during tbe school year, except ar Edlto. Walter Patterson
tlitrlng vacations and exam periods, and one Usue Is Staff Photographer... Dais Lewis
published d urine- Auiriist. by students of the University office secretary Julie Dowell
at Hadraaka under tbe authorisation of the Committee society Edltot , aa FarreU
m Student Affairs as an expression ol ' t!MH opinion. Reporters..... Diana Maxwell, Mary Patterson,
rubllcatjon. under the Jurisdiction of the Subcommittee K , L Ktth 'Bmlth, Rnb
na Student Publications shall be free from editorial Grlmmlt, Sam Hall, jack Carlln,
jssnsoTsalp on lb. part of the Subcommittee or on the Mk h , Kelllson
ft of any member of tbe faculty of the tnlverslty, or .
on the part of any person outside the tnlverslty. Tbe Writers Cynthia Zuchau. Bob Wlra, Gary
Mttbera of the Nebraskan staff are personally tt Rodcrs, Stan Wldman.
'ms. " i0 C8UM " " BUSINESS STAFF
Subscription rates are IJ.60 per semester or 14 for Business Manacer. . fieorire Madsea
lbs academli ar. Assistant Business Miuiafer Larry Epstein
' Entered as second class mailer at tbe post uffle us Tom Neff, Jerry Melletln
Uneviii, Nebtaefca, under tin net ol August 4, 1JU. Clniulatloa MamsgW. ..swai".. " Jack f orris
lisTiWiH fgEAUTIrU....) f JUST I I f v
Nebraskan Letierips
To the Editor:
Contrary to popular opinion In
dependent Women also have pig
ment in their skin. After reading
the column in the Tuesday issue
of the Rag entitled "Spring Sun
burns Mark Sorority Girls," we
thought perhaps you would like to
know that the sun also shines on
Independents. Give the Indepen
dents a "place in the sun".
The Palefaced Independents.
To the Editor:
The c&.nic strip "Peanuts" is
ridiculous as any fool can plainly
see, as I see. Everybody, b o t a
young and old, should know that
dogs can't talk and besides that,
nobody's named Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown
To the Editor:
Well, the madcap mania of the
mall is over again for another
year. Next year there will be an
other group of Red Men who think
that' the University looks up to
them and feel that they deserve
every honor steeped on them.
The truth of the matter is that
I once asked a man from Kansas
what he thought of our Innocents'
Society and ail the rigamorol that
went along with it.
He replied, "Your what?"
I faintly recall the words of
that great Innocent of the first
century, Virgil, who admonished
the juniors of his day at Rome U
(who didn't make it, either) "For
san et haec olim meminisse Juva
bit." i Lou Kramer
'Cross The Campuses
Editorial Page Editor
Colorado University which has been in "favor" of
the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People has taken issue with the organization and blamed
it for "rabble rousing" on the Boulder Campus.
The Colorado Daily stated that the student leader of
the NAACP which has worked hard and long throughout
te nation for integration and equal rights took a swipe at
the Denver public school system which was uncalled for.
Editor Paul Hannon of the Daily says," We agree that the
race picture in the Denver-Boulder area is no perfect."
acias: we stand always
Doc s Diagnosis
Gary Rodgers
against discriminitory practices as
being illogical, unnecessary and
"However, let's remember that
prudence, temperance and gradual
improvement are the only real
answers to the remaining racial
problems of our area."
Hannon suggests that men such
as the campus NAACP leader,
Amund Pickus, select his targets
more judiciously and not besmirch
the "vigorous, yet temperate rec
ord of the national organization."
At the University of North Car
olina in Chapel Hill the girls are
demanding "equal dress rights".
The Daily Tar Hell says that wom
en are here to stay" and as long as
they're here they will be demand
ing first this and then that."
Mary Voorhees, staff writer of
the Tar Heel explained that girls
are very unhappy since they can't
wear Bermuda shorts to class. She
cays coeds' gripes stem from:
1) The fact that it's just as hot
to the women as it is to the males
of the species.
2) Wal shorts were first designed
for women.
3) The Bermudas look much
better on the gals.
A letter to the Daily Nebraskan
suggested a "Culture Day" to sup
plant the present "Spring Day."
Well, at Kansas State College the
first "Arts and Sciences Open
House" was held last weekend.
The day's activities included
in French and Spanish, depart
mental exhibits, a music program,
several films, and tours of the
The Collegian reported that
about 500 high school students at
tended the day and listened, to the
Dean of the College, John Weaver
discuss various aspects of "intel
lectual" college life.
A cartoon in the Iowa State
Teachers College paper blasted
the parking situation on the Cedar
Rapids campus.
Staff Cartoonist Dick Leet drew
a picture of an irate student on a
bike staring at a sign saying "Park
ing Reserved for staff," hanging
over an empty lot.
Words to the wise might be suf
ficient, since many University stu
dents seem to feel that faculty lots
are not being utilized to their ful
lest extefit.
The Syracuse University "Daily
Orange" s&ys that research into
the problem of whether students
would "go" for an honor system
indicates that the problem would
be heartily approved by many
And even the big schools could
make it work,, the paper claims.
The loopholes range from the
Bus Ad Council
Elects DeVries
To Presidency
Raymond DeVries, a member
of Delta Sigma Pi, has been elect
ed president of the Business Ad
ministration student executive
Carry-over members of the coun
cil are Alan Rosen, who is a mem
ber of Alpha Kappa Psi, and
James Whittaker, Sigma Chi.
Senior members include La
Grande Coady, Delta Sigma Pi;
Jean Johnson, and Richard J. Ku
cera, also a member of Delta Sig
ma Pi. John E. Fifer, Delta Sig
ma Pi;' Milan Frey, Delta Sigma
Delta are junior members. '
Sophomore members include
Bob Krumme, Sigma Chi and Rog
er Rankin, Phi Delta Theta.
An organizational meeting will
be held Tuesday, May 14 at S
p.m. in Room 212 of Social Sw...l
es. The purpose of the council is
to act as a middle man between the
faculty and studen'-s. end a's.D to
put on a banquet in the fall.
fact that an honor system would
have to reach far into fields of en
deavor aside from the class room
"That book you took from the
library for. a night without check
ing it out; the faked ID all areas
which should be covered by the
honor system," ,The Orange says.
But the paper concludes: We
think it would work. And even if
we find it doesn't, it's well worth
a try.
Those students with a critical eye
might find, themselves a job at
Syracuse U. The paper is conduct
ing a contest now in search of a
movie critic.
The present critic, apparently,
has fallen heir to the perennial
spring disease, love and can no
longer view films except through
rose colored glasses.
Two students who played a tape
recording consisting of "vulgar ad
jectives" have been removed from
their dormitory room at Texas
A & M.
The student paper, "The Bat
talion" said that immediately fol
lowing the Saturday night incident
another resident of the dorm
rushed up and made the men turn
off the recording.
Acting quickly the Student Coun
cil executive committee released
a statement regreting the incident.
It said that such actions chould
not be tolerated by the administra
tion or the students of the school.
A bill is now before the Legis
lature of our state that can end
the state support to the Univer
sity's Medical school building fund.
This bill, if passed, will repeal
the current act which appropriates
a quarter-mill levy for this fund.
The quarter-mill now goes into a
fund which provides for the con
tinued expansion of the medical
school and would guarantee the
school its capability of keeping its
American Medical Association ac
crediation. Governor Anderson supports this
bill. He supports most anything
that "will save the state money."
It just might be possible that the
most economic plan for the pres
ent would not be the most econo
mic in the long run.
Just what good would it do to
save $1 this year, if because of it
you will have to spend $2 next
year. This is exactly the effect the
ending of the state quarter-mill
appropriation to the building fund
will have.- It will cause the school,
in the process of the next few
years, to lose its accrefliation it
is inevitable. Once this is lost it
is hard to regain. It would be
much more costly to restore this
accrediation than to maintain it.
Secondly, the very purpose of
the building fund was to build. It
was to provide for new buildings,
new additions and maintenance of
the present plants. Such measures
must be allowed for.
Our state does not just hand out
a paper sack with a few million
dollars in it whenever some proj
ect is in need of the funds. Instead,
we must plan ahead and make
allowance now for large expendi
tures in the future. The present
bill was passed four years ago,
since then the amount the bill has
socked away Was continued to
grow, in 1962 it would be about six
million dollars. With this sum an
outstanding Medical Center could
be formed. This would tend to bef
a tremendous asset to the Uni
versity Medical School.
In backing the repeal of the
quarter-mill levy the governor was
no doubt thinking of the great sum
of state money he could save us.
He must not be criticized for try.
ing to reduce the budget of our
state, to reduce spending in any
way he can and consequently re
duce our taxes. In this time tax
reductions would be very welcome.
However, I believe that if the tax
reduction can be accomplished
only by halting the progress on a
state institution such as the Uni
versity Medical cshool, then we do
not want the tax reduction.
The Medical school is not the
only place where our governments
are faced with the decision of
which is more important to re
duce a needed service, or a al
ready high tax. Our state has
faced this same problem in rela
tion to the University budget as
a whole, our country is facing it
in relation to the proposed cuts in
the State Department budget of $47
million and in the U.S. Informa
tion Agency of $38 million. The
questions must always be weighed.
But we must look to the future...
Students Dislike Date
ureau Proposals A
(ACP) Three out of every
four college students want to be
able to arrange their own dating
while attending college. They make
it quite clear that dating is a per
sonal perogative and the college
administration should keep its
"hands off." But some students
feel "date bureaus" might be able
to play a useful roll in some situa
tions on some campuses.
Student comment on this issue
was gathered when Associated Col
legiate Press asked the following
question of a representative nation
al cross-section of college students:
Do you think colleges should
set up "date bureaus" for their
students, or do you feel students
get their own dates without any
The results:
The figures show that there is
little difference in the opinions of
college men and women on this
question. Students favoring "date
bureaus" feel they would be a good
thing for shy students, or for fresh
men with few acquaintances. Oth
ers believe "date bureaus" would
be- helpful on special occasions,
some think boys or girls colleges
could make good use of them since
students attending these institu
tions don't have the opportunity
that students at co-educational in
stitutions have to meet members
of the opposite sex.
Here are a few comments typical
of students holding these opinions:
'A bureau should be set up for
special events such as a banquet .
when numbers of students don't
atteijd because of no date," is the
feeling of a sophomore coed at
Mississippi College (Clinton). An
Oswego State Teachers College
(Oswego, N.Y.) freshman states:
"Some of the students are a little
shy and a date bureau would help
them get started in their social
"If it were run right it would be
OK. You can meet a lot of nice
guys on blind dates. The fun you
have is up to the persons," is the
way a senior coed at St. Cather
ine's College (St. Paul, Minn.) puts
it, while a University of Arkansas
(Fayetteville) senior simply says:
"Sometimes it's terribly hard for
a boy to get a date." And a fresh
man coed, also at the University
of Arkansas, thinks "it would help
shy students."
Students opposed to the idea of
"date bureaus" often term the
idea "ridiculous." Most state that
they can handle their own personal
affairs. Others say blind dates just
don't seem to work out too well.
"No girl I know would like to
ttiink she was unable to get her
own date, so I'm sure it would be
pretty unsuccessful," is the way a
Long Beach City College (Long
Beach, Calif.) freshman coed puts
it. A Villanova University (Villa
nova, Pa.) senior thinks that "col
lege life should breed a little initia
tive in every student and a North
em Illinois State College (DeKalb)
freshman coed says: "If they
can't get their own dates they
should forget it." A Lynchburg
College (Lynchburg, Va.) senior
says rather emphatically: "I'll
handle my own affairs, thank
Students who are undecided on
the question form two groups,
hose who just don't have an opin
ion and those who feel the answer
depends upon the type and siza
of the college and the particular
situation prevailing at the time.
mjtle Man on campus
by Dick Bibler '
d?OOZ. FENWlCKI -N VE&N. if 1 L .
1 ;