The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1957, Image 1
r ranyaB May Qoeetn SoirDotr Woo By James Mary Keyes. Selected Maid Of Honor . . . Mary James, a 21-year-old senior In the College of Agriculture, was crowned Queen of the May Satur day morning at the University's traditional Ivy Day festivities. Her maid of honor was Mary Keys. Miss James is majoring a voca tional education and will teach next fall in the Tecumseh High A I r;rri'1srm7r Hf 77r?M ' '-WiTm .1 . if ' t . V ' LA 4 V N Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star SKINNER Skinner, Moran: Ag Royalty Reign Over Farmer's Fair Katherine Skinner and Robert Moran were revealed as Goddess of Agriculture and Whisker King et the University Spring Day ceremonies. The announcement climaxed the College of Agriculture annual Farmers Fair being held in con junction with the University's Spring Day. Miss Skinner is a senior m home economics and a member of Alpha Chi Omega. Moran is a freshman majoring in agricultural economics. Finalists for the Goddess of Ag riculture title included: Karen Boning, Margaret Edwards, Mary Keyes, Shirley Richards and Marian Sokol. Runners-up for the Whisker King title included Edward O'Brien, Ronald Bath, Jerry Svo boda, Gary Briggs and James Lofgren. Dallas Hunt and Gary Trego were named all-around cowgirl adn cowboy as result of the rodeo contest, Friday. These honors were, presented after the rodeo events of Friday afternoon were completed. Other events of the day included a morning parade from the down town campus to the College of Agriculture campus and a noon barbecue which also was held on Ag Campus. A street dance was held in front of the Union in the evening cli v,ovinc nnnthpr snecial event of Spring Day, the annual birthday celebration of the Union. Twelve Coeds Lead Ivy Day Daisy Chain Twelve University of Ne braska coeds received the honor of leading the Ivy and Daisy Chains at traditional Ivy Day festivities Saturday morning. The six seniors leading the Ivy Chain were: Belty Branch of Omaha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Branch. Enrolled in the College of Business Actminisira- tum. h is cast president of PI Beta Phi sorority; secretary of Business Ad ministration council: ooara menuer Associated Women Students! and mem ber ol Gamma Alpha Chi. an advertis lnit society: and Beta Gamma Sigma, scholastic honorary society In business; administration. Emily Hemphill of Tekamih, daughter of Mr and Mrs. M. 1). Hemphill. A student In Teachers College, she is a I member of Chi Omega sorority; past vice president of Associated Women Stu- 1 dents; and vice president of PI Lamoda Theta, women's educational honorary society. Janet Kuska of Omaha, daughter ol f Mr and Mrs. Val Kuska. Enrolled in ' ' College of Agriculture, she is associate editor of the Cornhusker yearbook; and a member of University 4-H Club and Delta Gamma sorority. Bnrbara Rvstrom of Bayard, daughter of Mr. Mr. and airs, nenneui ' . r-.,si..a. ctiMnnt. she is oast scholarship chairman of Kappa Kappa A Ki-I Gamma sorority; pasi . ... nrocirtimt nf Pi Lambda YWCA; Theta; and board member of Coed Ben. .( I 8JJ.K daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ben son Enrolled In the College of Arts and Sciences, she is past president of Siirma Kappa sorority; member of Lutheran Student Association Church Council; and former cabinet member Cf YWCA. Judy Bost of Grand Island, daughter of Mr and Mrs. J W. Post, fcn rolled I In College of Arts and Sciences. he la a member of Kappa ipn. i " and former mcmocr oi mi vm-....." Vnntl The .;. luninrs chosen to lead the Daisy Chain were: Mart PeMar. of Lincoln, daimh j; of Mw and Mrs. Leo E. DeMars. fcnrolle in College of Agriculture, she vice president of Stains Kappa so rority, member of Student Council. Parj. hellenic Council. Farmers' Fair Board. Home Economics Club. Newman Club, and Coed Counselors Board. . .. i. ..f riaiiBhtre of .lanis ... - .. -- Mr and Mrs. Kalpn uaviuson. cnyn. College of Asriculture. she is a In member of Tassels, loco v Huni --.I rt.i Omcna tornrltv. She also was chosen Homecoming Clucen. j..i. ri.rdra of Humboldt: Enrolled 11 In College of Agriculture, she is secretary Of Home economics yiuu. K.y- rfint Harb AClivmes .. . m.-mh. r nf Love Memorial 11. .11 mnA liniVtTXllV 4-11 ClUO. Vomcn Ann Olson of Norfolk, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Herbert A. Olson. A student In College of Arts and Sciences, she is president of Gamma Phi Beta sorority and a lormer board member of Associated Women Students. Sandra Kadlecek of Omaha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kadlecek. En rolled in Teachers College, she Is a board member ol Women's Athletic Associations and a member of Kapp Alpha Ihcta so rority and Tassels. Saner Salter Keene of Lincoln, daugn ler of Mr. and Mi. Harold O. Salter. Knrolled in Co lege of Agriculture, she is treasurer of Builders: board member of YWCA; vice president of 1 hi Cpsllon Omicron. a home economics society; past president of Alpha Lambda Delta: and Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star MO RAN Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star Trego Hunt Queen's Court Includes 18 NU Coeds Members of Ivy Day May Queen court were: SENIORS Ellen Jaesbson or St. Panl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thorfald J. Jacobson. Enrolled In College of Agriculture, she is a member of Love Memorial Hall, Home Economics Cluli councist Univer sity 4-H Club. Tassels. Phi Upsilon Omi cron. and Omicron Nu; and president of Ag YWCA. Mary Sue Berbek of Lawrence, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Herbek. She is a member of Coed Counselors' board. Newman Club: and past secre tary of Tassels. She ia a student In Teachers College. Polly Downs of Lincoln, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn D. Downs. She Is recording secretary of Alpha Phi sorority; a member of Student Union Board of Managers, Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma, and Alpha Lambda Delta. She Is enrolled in the College of Business Administration. Kay Chrislensen of Lincoln, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Christensen. En rolled In Teachers College, she Is a board member of Associated Women Stu dents and Student Union; scholarship chairman of Omicron Pi sorority; and a member of Pi Lambda Theta. JUNIORS Norma Wolf of Kearney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolf. A student in College of Agriculture, ghe Is president of Love Memorial Hall and Home Eco nomics Club; past member of Barb Activities Board for Women; and a member of Student Council and Uni versity 4-H Club. Betty Parka of Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Parks. She is a member of Kappa Delta sorority; treasurer of City Campus Red Cross; and board member of Red Cross and Ne braska University Council on World Affairs. She la enrolled in College of Agriculture. Mary Huston ef Grand Island, daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Paul C. Huston. En rolled in both Teachers College and College of Arts and Sciences, atie is vice president of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority; secretary of Student Council and All University Fund; and a board member of Associated Women Students. Kav Krueger of Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Krueger. A student in Teachers College, she Is presi dent of Alpha Omicron PI sorority and vice president of Red Cross. Helen Gourlay of Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gourlay. Enrolled in -Teachers College, she Is president of Panhellenic Council; managing editor of the Cornhusker yearbook; and member of Student Council and Pi Lambda Theta. Iilanoa Sawvell of Sioux City, Ia. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sawvell. She Is president of Delta Delta Delta sorority and vice president of Tassels. She is enrolled in College of Art and Sciences. Barbara Britttn of Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. BHttln. En rolled In College of Arts and Sciences, she is secretary of Builders and presi dent of Alpha Phi sorority. BOPHOMORR8 Dorothy BeechMT of Lincoln, daugh ter of Mr.- and Mrs. Milton Beechner. A student in College of Arts and Sciences, she is vice president snd pledge trainer of Alpha Chi Omesa sorority: member of Student Union board of Managers. Red Cross board, and Spring Day committee; and named Coed Counselors' Outstanding Worker. George Humphrey of Rapid City, 8.D., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hum phrey. She is house manager of Kappa Delta sorority; board member of Red Cross: treasurer of Tassels; and a mem ber of Nebraska University Council on World Affairs. Alpha Lambda Delta, and Spring Day committee. She is enrolled in Teachers College. Bally Flanagan of Hastings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Flanagan. Enrolled in Teachers College, she is a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Builders' board, YWCA cabinet, Tassels, Panhellenic Council, Hungarian Student Proicct, and treasurer of Alpha Lambda Delta. Terry MilcBeai of Elwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Mitchem. A student in College of Arts and Sciences, she k a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, All University fcund board, YWCA cabi net. Hungarian Student Protect, Alpha Lambda Delta; and a Student Union chairman, Judy Chapman of Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Chapman. En rolled in Teachers College, she is activi ties chairman of Alpha Phi sorority; noti fications chairman of Tassels: section edi tor o( the Cornhusker yearbook; assistant treasurer of Builders; and assistant com mittee chairman of Red Cross. FRESHMAN PAGES Karen Schuster of Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Schuster. En rolled In Teachers College, she Is an assistant In All Unlvrslty Fund; layout editor for Builders' magarlne; chairman ol YWCA publictiy; member of YWCA cabinet. Coed Counselors board, and Chi Omega sorority. Mary Ann Vrba of Schnyler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Vrba. Enrolled In College of Agriculture, she is a council member of Love Memorial Hall; a mem ber of Ag Builders. University 4-H Club, Newmsn Club. Associated Women Stu dents board. Coed t'ouncelors board: his torian of Home F.conomics Club and a member of fLe council; and wag voted Builders' Ontstnndlns Worker. School, after a summer tour in Europe. The 1957 Queen is past president of Omicron Nu, honorary home economics society; past vice presi dent of Alpha Lambda Delta, hon orary society for freshman women; special projects chairman of Delta Delta Delta, social sorority; and a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron, a professional home economics so ciety. Miss Keys is enrolled in the Col lege of Agriculture, majoring in home economics journalism. She is a member of Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism society; Kap pa Tau Alpha, scholastic journal ism society; Gamma Alpha Chi, advertising honorary society; Omi cron Nu and Phi Upsilon Omicron, both home economics societies; and past secretary of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. She also was chosen outstanding senior woman journal ist this spring. Vol. 32, No. 88 til I New President Masked Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star Virginia Hudson (masked), re- ditional Ivy Day ceremonies held tiring president of Mortar Board, Saturday, masks her successor, Karen Dry- Roberta Holt was masked vice den. Seventeen 1957-58 Mortar president and Sally Carter was Boards were masked at the tra- tapped secretary. Minority Favorable: Committee Budaef I The Nebraska Legislative Budget Committee Thursday slashed Gov ernor Victor Anderson's NU budget increase recommendation by some $1 million thus leaving the figure at $2.2 million. Two state solons, Sen'. Harry Pizer and Otto Liebers, however, stated in a minority report that they favored Governor Anderson's figure of 3.2 million dollars. Originally the University request ed a 5.5 million ncrease n the RAM: McClary To Head Council Blaine McClary was elected president of the Residence of Asso ciation for Men Council in their annual elections Thursday. Other officers include Robert CoruJ'zi, vice president-treasurer; Ross Greathous, secretary; Stu dent Council representative, Robert Morrison; Peter Christensen, Ac tivities director; Don Burgess, so cial director, Bill Raecke, scholas tic director and Roy Cook, Intra murals Dicector. Besides these council members, sixteen house presidents were elected. These include Andrews House, John KauUmnn; Avery House, James Nickel; Bessey House, Donald Benson; Boucher House, Walter Weaver; Bernard Ronugdm, Burnett House; (tie vote) between Robert Lamel and Ralph Costa no decision as yet, Canfield House; Gustavason House I, Kieth Roumps; John De Haes, Gustavason House II, Hitchcock House, Elmer Miller; McNatt House, Roger Bonde: Seaton II, Stan Garner and Selleck House, Ward Klingebiel. May Queen Court Members of the traditional May Queen Court at the University Ivy Day Saturday were (from left) Mary Ann Vrba, page; Georgann Humphrey, sophomore attendant; Judy Chapman, sopho- more attendant; Norma Wolf, ju- ficfsose 1957-59 appropriations. The Budget Committee's offical report confirmed rumors issued several weeks ago that the Uni vers ty budget would be cut to some extent. Senator Karl Vogel, chairman cf the Budget Committee, stated that Anderson's recommendations were considered carefully but that "present economic conditions were not such as to justify unwarrented liberal increases in . appropria tions." University Chancellor Clifford Hardin stated that he was "great ly concerned" with "the drastic reduction," that the Budget Com m ttee had recommended in its majority report. Hardin said this about the spending recommendations for the University. "The University has made an honest effort ot ind cate the finan cial needs of the institution for the next two years and, of course, we are greatly concerned that the majority report of the Budget Com mittee proposes such a drastic reduction . . ." Governor Anderson said that he hoped that the committee would give prerogative to the University's allotments for faculty salary in creases amounting to some $2.2 million. In their minority reports Sens. Pizer and Libers said they fav ored the , governor's recommenda tion. Both senators objected to the Committee suggest on that tuition i.t the University be hiked by $40 a semester. The senators agreed with the majority report that the $2.2 mil increases in faculty salaries. The committee in its majority report substituted a NU request of $1.2 million for personnel additions to $1.2 million and commented that they did not see reasons for such a large increase. Unofficial reports indicate that a floor fight might result in the legislature when the University budget report is brought to the floor. Cuts nior attendant; Helen Gourlay, junior attendant; Kay Krueger, junior attendant; Mary Huston, junior attendant; Polly Downs, senior attendant; Kay Christen- sen, senior attendant; Mary Keys, (alone at left), maid of LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Tribunal Proposed: Gcfliomi To Dec The Student Council General Elections will be held Monday from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., accord ing to Harry Dingman, elections chairman. Students whose names begin with letters from A to K vote in Room 107 of Love Library and those which begin with L through Z will vote in the Union. Ag Col lege students vote in the Ag Union. Students must have completed at least one semester at the Uni versity and have their identifica tion card with them before they can vote, Dingman said. They can vote only for candidates from their own college and failure to follow the exact instructions on the ballot-will invalidate the bal lot, he explained. The names of fifty-four candi dates for college representatives positions on Students Council will appear on the ballot. Students will also vote on the proposed charter of the Student Tribunal, according to Marvin Breslow, Council member. If the vote on the charter is favorable, it will be returned to the council for final drafting and approval, Breslow said. Of the fifty-four candidates for Student Council, eleven are backed by the IFC and nine are endorsed by the Independents. Two candidates are backed by both groups. If elected, their po sitions will not be credited to ei ther party. Thirty-six candidates have en tered the race without the backing of either group. The IFC-endorsed hopefuls in clude from 'Agriculture,' Gary Burke; Arts and Sciences, Bob Ireland and Tom Neff; Business Administration, Ken Freed and Larry Rctert; Engineering, Gary Frenzl and, Dwaine Rogge; Teach ers, Dick Tempero and Dennis Krutch: Social Critic To Lecture This Week Joseph Krutch, drama critic and an editor of The Nation for nearly ;W years, will visit the campus Tuesday through Thursday. Called the most distinguished drama critic of his generation, Ki utch will deliver a public lecture Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Love Library auditorium. His topic will bo "Wisdom versus Know-How, or Man the Maker versus Man the Thinker." His books of social criticism, such as "The Modern Temper" 1.1929) and "The Measure of Man," (1954), have been widely read. His particular interests are the 18th Century, drama and American literature. For many years, Krutch was Brander Matthews professor of dramatic literature at Columbia University. He joined the staff of The Nation in 1924. Krutch has lived in Arizona in the past few years, becoming a iiaturalist. His most recent books have dealt with his observations of changing nature. His three-day stay is being spon sored by the department of English Research Council and Convocations Committee. honor; Reed Johnson, crown bearer; Wallis Swanson, flower . , ' T , . 61ri; tIlen JacODSOn semor at" tendant; Mary Sue Herbek, sen- ior attendant, Donna Sawvell, junior attendant; Barbara Brit- !eptreseinfafi Elder; Dental, Eric Olson and Law, Ken Friedman. The Independents have backed from Agriculture, Burt Weichen thal and Jane Savener; Arts and Sciences, Sara Jones; Business Eligible Bachelor Elections Set Today Directions for the title of "Most Eligible Bachelor" to be reveal ed at Kosmet Klub's Spring Show May 25 and 26 will be held in conjunction with the Student Council elections Monday at the library, City and Ag Unions, according to Courtney Campbell, election chairman. The candidate for the "Most Eligible Bachelor" are Bill Tom son, Gary Dougherty, Ron Nath an, Jim Kubacki, Larry Epstein, Claude Berreckman, Charles Tsoukalas, Billie Reed, Jim Souders, Miram Walker, Ned N'adiri and Bill Hatcher. Proposed Tribunal Charter The following is the proposed Tribunal Charter approved unani mously last week by the Student Council. Students will vote upon the proposed Tribunal on a separate ballot in today's Student Council elections. THE CHARTER OF THE STUDENT TRIBUNAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Preamble: We, the students of the University of Nebraska, with the consent of the Board of Regents, do hereby ordain and establish this charter for tht judgement of student discipline. Article I Name The name of this body shall be the Student Tribunal of the University of Nebraska. Article II Purpose The purpose of this Tribunal shall be to serve as the student court on matters of student discipline that of Student Affairs andor agencies of the Faculty Senate. Article HI Powers The Student Tribunal shall have the following powers: 1. The tribunal may hear all cases of student discipline that are referred to it by the Division of Student Affairs or agencies of the Faculty senate. 2. The tribunal may recommend a decision to the Dean of Student Affairs andor the proper agencies of the Faculty Senate. 3. The Tribunal shall establish its own rules of procedure. Article IV Membership 1. The Student Tribunal shall have the following composition: a. Four judges who are seniors in the University. b. One judge who is a senior in the College of Law. c. Two judges who are juniors in the University. d. Two judges who are members of the Faculty Senate. 2. Student judges a. Qualifications I. Student judges must have at least a 6.5 cumulative average. II. No member of the Student Council nor any member of the paid staff of the Nebraskan shall be eligible for member- yo-shrp-on the Tribunal, fb. Section HfI.'A "committee of the Student Council shall nominate at least two candidates for every student position. II. The Faculty Committee cf Student Affairs may also nominate students. IV. The Student Council shall interview and select the student judges. 3. Faculty Judges The Chancellor may appoint two faculty judges from the instruc tional staff from nominations made by the Faculty Committee on Student Affairs. Article V Terms of Office 1. A term of office shall consist of one academic year. 2. Junior members 'are eligible for re-election. 3. The faculty members shall serve 4 year terms and may serve no more than two terms. Article VI Duties of the Student Tribunal 1. The Student Tribunal in September of each year establish regular meeting time. 2. The Student Tribunal in September of each year shall publish in the Nebraskan its rules of procedure. 3. The Student Tribunal shall keep a complete written record of its proceedings and actions. Article VII Amendments 1. This charter can be amended only by the Board of Regents. 2. The Student Council may suggest amendment. Courtesy Sunday Journal and Mar ton- Junior attendant, Betty ;ark"' umor attendant; Dorothy Beechner, sophomore attendant; Terry Mitchem, sophomore at- tendant; Sally Flanagan, sopho- more attendant and Karen Schuster, page. Monday, May 6, 1957 id Administration, Bob Liudell; En gineering, Dwaine Rogge; Teach ers, Charlene Anthony and Dick Tempro, Pharmacy, Ted Lam bert, and Dental, Jim Witter. Candidates who are not backed by either of the two campus groups include, Agriculture, Marcis Ray, Charles Smith, Joyce Evans, Jane Chancy, Ardyce Haring, Lois LaRue and Donald Ita. Arts and Sciences, Phyllis Bon ner, Mary McKnight, Barbara Bi ble, Barbara Mandle, Nancy Spilk er, Melvyn Eikleberry, and Ellen Stokes. Engineering, Raymond Balfour and Jim Quick. Teachers, Pat Boyd, Jane Curf man, Sally Downs, Frances Gour ley, Ellen Santin, Suzanne Swingle, Karne Kelly, Judy Truell, Caro line Skoper, Sharon McCormick, Ryckie Van Orman, Ruth Cartee, Marcia Boden and Kathleen Roach. Pharmacy, Vija Upitis. Dental, Steve Leper. Law, Alfred Kortum. In addition to the candidates for college representation, twenty three students have filed from organizations. are referred to it by the Oivisioon ...