Vnno A The Daily Nebraskan i-riaay, way o, LJ If J LmJ L lfc.Hi.iii. J i J L1fcwJ ----J Lto-J - u , Buthman "' Anderson Campbell Deepe Edwards Fahrnbruch Jeffrey J.Nelson Fagan Ellis Hudson Link Chalupa WUtse tlliot Buinman AUUCS AU Photol, Courtew Lincoln Journal mmwmvwmvrm KKjjjjjSMw.wiw KB, :: .:tlv::i:v:;iig All Photo. Courtesy Lincoln Journal . I V' hCKvj p'l '4 Vlf 'tglfl1 ' 1 Men, Women: .. - 1 WnhA vlIMi Hours Extended f ft - . 7 X 4 lViV4r 'tfc tff Saturday Hours for University f y IO J Ifl H'.S .- I . k 4 4 li-'-Jf C V - ft women living on the campus V " I -IX. I WJWs-A. L' JR.'' "J I - have been .extended to 2 p.m., m Mf ff Y;f X Wll oh iJ , sif .s,r" Hu6k-Selections Named y ff-. '-I Waldo Trumble SJ&1 f FVi fc'i i"?!, Stiff wf ! csk n cWhWc Cook Belmont De Wulf Daly Hulme Feather N. Nclsen Jensen Graduate Coffee A graduate-faculty coffee hour will be held this afternoon from 4-6 in the Faculty Lounge in the Union. Innocents Work Out Nebraskan Photo A group of Innocents practice tackling in preparation for tra ditional Ivy Day ceremonies Sat urday. The Innocents will choose thirteen juniors to succeed them in the senior service honorary. Ivy Day Schedule Saturday, May 4 9:00 Carillon rings 5 minutes. 9:05 Band Concert 10 minutes. 9:15 Mortar Boards and Innocents enter in order of tapping 9:25 Ivy Day history read by Master of Ceremonies. 9:35 Chains enter lead by the Ivy and Daisy Chain leaders. Court enters: Attendants, Maid of Honor, children, Queen. President of Mortar Board and President of Innocents plant the Ivy. Chains, Mortar Boartls and Innocents recess. Sorority Sing. Court Recessional. Carillon 5 minutes. Band Concert 10 minutes. Court Processional. Chancellor Hardin addresses the group. Fraternity Sing. Innocents present scholarship cups. Residence Halls and Men's Glee Sing. Announcement of winners of sorority sing. Winners sing again. Presentation of Mortar Board Cup. Presentation of Innocent Cup. Presentation of IFC award. Announcement of winner of fraternity sing. Winners sing again. 3:20 Court Recessional. 3:30 Mortar Boards and Innocents begin masking and tackling. In case of rain, the Ivy Day activities will be held in the Coliseum. The day will begin at 6:45 a.m. for MB's and Innocents. 7-9 Work Court dress in N club Room. Chains dress in basement. MB's and Innocents line up in outer hall. The schedule then proceeds as above. 10:10 10:30 11:50 12:55 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 2:30 2:35 2:50 3:00 3:10 9:00 not-Top Derby HORSE STABLE TRAINER ODDB TRACK TIPS Irvr Pill The Zoo Tnrhalnfd Mrlody 1:1 Continual build-up to too poiitioo Innocent Ladr Collapsible Front Honeyhear'a Friend 2:1 Handy runner no iweat Dollar Daze The Barrack. No Trainer .1:2 In the hole but kept steady pace Conrt Marshal The Zoo I'nchained Melody 3:1. Constant trainin. and top pull Hoorty Sort The Barrack. No Trainer 4:3 Moved up fast after quiet start Hair Pin . Nur.rry School He'll See 4:2 fiood .table and Int. of "Co" Barbed Wire The Mansion I nnamcd 5:4 Utile training but show, veil Mossy Doll Sherwood Forest Capital's Pride 7:S Should have flashy finish Imperialist Appliance Store Hot Dlsh-The tthale .1:1 Gentle pony i more esncrienred than trainer. Little Red'. Friend Romantic 8ulle Bottoms I'p 9:1 Comini up throu.h the park A-Tack Beauty Parlor RaK'a Choice-Ideal Paddock 10:1 Influenced by forri.n breeding Cora Door Collapsible Front President's Lady 11:3 Delayed start shouldn't hurt Wet Care The Cooler No Trainer 15:1 Small handicap but too filly Watch-her Home Bndies Pink Ire IK : 1 Somewhat of a dark horse but chances food Snperslster The Cooler No Trainer 111:3 Plenty of sturf but track look, muddy EvrninaT Star Romantic Suite Ben's Rook 18:1 Pulls well in front of plow Older Molder Collapsible Front Charitable Sllaa Marner 7(1:1 flood training but lost .round on the turns Little Swede MAN Hushed Helper H:S firnomcd to win one race, may win another Sweet Thin. African Jnncle No Trainer M:7 iood fllley hot slowed pace at finisb fiod's Little Helper Sherwood Forest Capital's Pride 40:1 Heredity won't help Bullion's Burton The Zoo I nrhaincd Melody .V):l Tim much competition from .table male. Last Ride MN Little Miss Echo 70:1 From pace-setter', stable TtVKktn Peacfc Nursery School C.rant's Dolly .0:1 Tipsters say 'Nli'' The Medio Pre.ley'. Parlor Nimble (.:! Ion shot but stable', onlv help The Little Woman Sherwood Forest Capital'. Pride 100:1 Turn of loyalty to new stable will hurl Scarlet Spook Sheet Saturday: Chain Members Announced Members of the Ivy and Daisy chain for the annual Ivy Day ceremonies at the University Sat urday were announced today. They will appear at 9:35 a.m. just before the entrance of the May Queen and her court. Honored for their contribution to student life are: Freshman Margaret Marshall, Karen Peterson, RAJeanne Stitch, Nancy Beall, Sharon Smith, San dra Simmons, Faye Oeltjen, Jo laine Loseke, Carole Frank, Ida Mae Ryan, Betty Mann, Jean Sell, Deanne Diedrichs, Dorothy Hall, Dorothy Glade, Pat Arnold, Bette French, Betty Burklund, Elizabeth Smith, Kay Magaret, Sharon Sterner, Terry Smith, Marilyn Behrens, and Margaret Schwent- ker. Sophomores Myrna Grunwald, Joyce Leners, Karen Smith, Pat Arbuthnot, Paula Roehrkasse, Jeanette Turner, Donna Miller, Sondra Lee, Beverly Echelberger, Betty Pearson, Karen Flaherty, Donna Steinberg, Janet Dworak, Carolyn Novotny, Joan Webster, LaRee Naviaux, Cynthia Buell, Susie Swingle, Beverly Ellis, Mary Musser, Janet Seymour, Carolyn Boesiger, Ruth Roubal, Gretchen Lecron, Wendy Makepeace. Juniors Sue Hinkle, G a y 1 e Harms, Connie Hurst, Nancy Keene, Phyllis Nelson, Phyllis Kapustka, Kay Deppen, Margot Franke, Darrina Turner, Elda Broomfield, Elaine Krantz, Judith Lundt, Lucille Forney, Louise Klima, Marilyn Waechter, I orajane BasKin, Phyllis Banks, Jean John son, $Ielen Jensen, Donna Stohs, Kay Ree'ves, Jeannie Woodside, Pat Stadler, Carol Asbury. Seniors P a t Alvord, Marilyn Zuhlke, Sharon Hooker, Barbara Jelgerhuis, M a r i 1 e e Plymake, Joyce Roll, Willadean Spier, Shir ley Anderson, Charlotte Benson, Helen Hofler, Trudy Scriven, Willa Gleeson, Velda Stokke, Delores Fangmeier, Phyllis Chard, Betty Stout, Donna Anderson, Barbara England, Gertrude Sokol, Rogene Lees, Marilee Newell, Ann Thoenes, Betty Brandenburger, Marlyce Johnson, Leha Gittleman, Margie Willson, Jadene Kuxhaus, Mary Mong, Shirley Holcomb, Rosemary Weeks, Betty Branch, Rita Meyer, Carolyn Galley, Mari lyn Christenson, Judy Bost. Kyle Jeffery, Shirley Bazant, Beverly Pagel, Shirley Halligan, Nancy Hunter, Marian Clark, Mary Thompson, Janet Aunspaugh, Mar ial Wright, Barbara Rystrom. AWS AND IFC Wednesday an nounced the selections to be sung by sororities and fraternities on Ivy Day. Bob Schuyler, chairman of the Interfraternity Sing, asked all houses entered to turn music and entry fees in to him at the Phi Gam house by 9 a.m. Saturday. The Sing will begin at 1 p.m. Sat urday and houses will sing at five minute intervals, Schuyler said. The houses entered and the order in which they will sing are: Delta Tau Delta, "Hij.-Ho, Nobody Home,"; Alpha Tau Omega, not available; Delta Sigma Psi, not available; Farmhouse, "Kemo Ki no"; Phi Delta Theta, "Rock'a My Soul;"1 Sigma Nu, "Battle Hymn of the Republic;" Phi Kap pa Psi, "Hold Him Joe;" Sigma Alpha Mu, "Gaudeamus Igitur." Beta Sima Psi, "Born to Be Free;" Sigma Alpha Epsilon, HOPS Porky Cob Head Golden i leec Bellboy Blecprf vV eerier Grey Ixx'k. Bauo ' Carley Vetlnarlaus , Lean n' Hanfrjr Kernel Fotindher Copy Boy Sttepl Chser Funroa Pruicw Icebo .Mendel Pudg Flood Control Wery Engirt Bine. STABLE Terra Pulverizer! Transients Twin Cities House of Revolt Cotner Terrart Terra Pulverizer. Piggy Plant Twin Cltlea Bouse ct Revolt Coiner Terraca Trouble Maker Christian Center Terra Pulverizer, lied Door Blrdland Twin CIUtj Transient! Ellen Smith Annex Birdland Arcadia Hobber". Den Transients Piggy Center TRAINER Three Musketeers None Set I P Thunderless Bli4 ATaBOO's Nephew Prairie Home Three Musketeers None Set I p Thunderless Bird Magoo's Nephew Prairie Home Grunt n' Groan Trafalger Square Three Musketeers none '".'right brothen plus one Set Up Bone Vacuum Parked Wright brother. Plus one none pone none none 11 2 1 -5 10-1 14-1 14-3 315-19 35-1 103-1 87-1 78S-7 J.3-.00.1 9O0-.0 1 mll!lon-l ad infinitum .130 7B543-1 the whole pot 77-1 COMMENTS In Like Flynn Light Jockey The Racquet club aluaye wins Blue racing furm assurr. May pause hut shuild guard the door Will PlUX through Despite legal alleys a noble horse-better pray Post-race winner-to-be assures a place Recent winner-will shovr Shaky future may desert the track Vnit start poor finish Will sneak in on Admiral's coat-tails I.ark hcrse could score If track is muddy could place Jo interest Neighbors don't like the breed Brother's showing will determine Too groggy Good bettor-poor runner Good money handler hut'll never make it W ay out back Good head but poor leg Latecomer Registration Date Set May 20-22 Early registration for the sum mer and fall sessions (1957-58) will be held In the Mon's Physical Eduealion Building, May 20 start ing at 9 a.m. to May ZZ. As In previous years the regis tration order will be determined by the number of credit hours a student has earned. ' Students should contact their advisors within the next two weeks to make out their 1957-58 sched ules. Class schedules will be available Monday in Room 103 of the Ad ministration Building. Junior Divi sion students may pick up their schedules in Ellen Smith Hall and Agriculture students, Room 202, Ag Hall. WOT KEITH SMITH STUDENT COUNCIL AGRICULTURE SIMPSON MOTOR IMPORTS - 1819 "O" Street Lincoln, Nebraska Sales and Service for the l.icomparcble "VOLKSWAGEN" Fretenirvl Bf Jim H. Ltwls, Campul ficpftTrenSalive 3256 IloJ.lrega Delta Sigma Pi Tel. 6-3277 You Art) Invited To Worship ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH 12th and M Street Morning Worship 11:00 KM. Sermon Topic: "The Story of the Church" Church Study Qamt-9:45 A.M. Bidlo Miniilry Erarf Sunday EAR 9:00-9:15 AK XFOR 11:30 AM. Ministers: FRANK COURT, RALPH LEWIS, SAMUEL BEECHNER DONALD BLISS WESLEY FOUNDATION KEEP YOUR SUNDAYS SACRED THROUGH THE HOLY HUSH OP WORSHIP! Mortar Board: Junior Masking Ivy Day On Ivy Day afternoon between five and 25 junior women will be chosen to continue the 52-year tra dition of the Black Masque Chap ter of Mortar Board. The women will be chosen on the basis of leadership in student activities, service and scholarship. New members must have over a 6.3 cumulative average and must have given service to the Univer sity. The 19 women who served as Mortar Boards this year are: Virginia Hudson, president, member of Gamma Phi Beta. Carol Link, member of Delta Gamma. Jo Ann Chalupa, secretary, mem ber of Alpha Xi Delta. Sarol Wiltse, treasurer, mem ber of Chi Omega. Jeanne Elliott, historian, mem ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Linda Buthman, publicity chair man, Kappa Kappa Gamma. . Carol Anderson, member of Towne Club. Courtney Campbell, member of Alpha Phi. Beverly Deepe, member of Alpha Xi Delta. Margaret Edwards, member of Chi Omega. Melva Fahrnbruch. member of Alpha Phi. Jane Jeffrey, member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Diane Knotek, member of Pi Beta Phi. Shirley McPeck, member of Al pha Omicron Pi. Dorothy Novotny, member of Gamma Phi Beta. Hanna Rosenberg, member of Towne Club. Shir)ey Richards, Love Memo rial Hall. Sue Simmons, member of Kappa Delta. Marian Sokol, Independent. "Deep River;' Beta Theta Pi, "Winter Song ;" Alpha Gamma Sig ma, "Road to Mandalay;" Delta Upsilon, "God's Son;" Sigma Phi Epsilon, "Song of the Spheres;" Theta' Xi, not available; 'Sigma Chi "Ezekial Saw the Wheel," and Alpha Gamma Rho, "Let There Be Song." The organizations participating in. the sing in the women's division and their selections according to AWS Board are: Kappa Delta, "Lift, Thine Eeyes to the Mountain;" Terrace Hall, "Get Happy;" Towne Club, "Eli jah Rock;" Zeta Tau Alpha, "Rhap sody in Rhythm," Love Memorial Hall, "Salutation to the Dawn;" Delta Gamma, "In the Still of the Night:" Alpha Chi Omega, "Al pha Chi Sweetheart Song." Delta Delta Delta, "Twilight Le gend;" University Nurses, "Hi Lili, Hi Lo;" Pi Beta Phi, "Let My People Go;" Alpha Xi Delta, "Rose Marie;" Alpha Phi, "My Dream Sonata;" Sigma Kappa, "Voice of Sigam Kappa;" Alpha Omicron Pi, "April in Paris." Residence Halls for Women, "Roll Chariot;" Sigma Delta Tau, "When You Wish Upon a Star;" Chi Omega, "I Give You My Pledge;" Gamma Phi Beta, "Lov er;" Kappa Alpha Theta; "Theta Lips." The girls' division will begin at 10:30 a.m. while the men will be gin at 1:30 p.m. McPeck v. , .- A Novotny ;"' 8,v ii, Rosenberg Saturday: Innocents To Tackle Successors Thirteen juniors in University activities will be tackled Saturday afternoon when the Innocents So ciety reveals its successors. The scarlet-hooded secret senior society helps with homecoming, football games and New Student Week. The Society has combined with other Big Seven senior hon ories to set up a men's senior policy group. The year's Innocents are: Sam Ellis, president, member of Phi Delta Theta. John Fagan, vice president, member of Beta Theta Pi. John Nelson, secretary, mem ber of Theta Xi. Charles Trumble, treasurer, member of Farm House. Arley Waldo, sergeant-at-arms, member of Alpha Gamma Rho. Ben Belmont, member of Zeta Beta Tau. Bob Cook, member of Delta Tau Delta. Fred Daly, member of Beta Theta Pi. Bill De Wulf, member of Farm House. Jim Feather, member of Farm House. Doyle Hulme, member of Alpha Gamma Rho. Sam Jensen, member of Beta Theta Pi. Marshall Nelson, member of Phi Gamma Delta. Campus Treat: Drip-Dry Dsnim Sets by Koret of California at . AAGEE'S . Charlotte McVay packs up for picnics and summer fun in polished denims topped by on Ivy Button-Down Shirt in, of oil things, red and white bandana print ond gypsy cummerbund of the same. Bandana Print Shirt, $6.50 Cummerbund, $1.95 Pedal Pushers, $7,95 Women's Sportswear i fan ''twill II II si 1.. mi -' Simmons Sokol ,f if' 41 Richards Two Candidates Two candidates for Dairy Royal Queen were omitted from Wednes day's paper. Omitted candidates for queen are: Roberta Switzer, Colonial Terrace and Sharon Mc Cormick, Chi Omega. Vmi'vf Never K'll a Wntrrn I.Ike This! iSvt TECHNICOLORS) Magee's First Floor FASHION . . As I See It by Judy Ramey So it's really feeling like summer time isn't it? Here's something short and cool. Jant zen's regimental Strip shorts are in crease resistant Cotton Sheen. The pebblette - knit cotton shirt has a col lar to match those perfect-fitting shorts. Just 4.98 for the shorts and 3.98 for the shirt. Don't miss them! I want to welcome your new advisory board representative. Look for an announce ment of the new board soon!