The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 03, 1957, Image 1

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The 1956-57 Innocents look forward to the tapping of new members.
the hn n
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Vol. 32, No. 87
Friday, May 3, 1957
Student Council
Election Slated
The Student Council General
Election will be held Monday from
7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., according to
Harry Dingman, Council election
committee chairman.
Students whose names start
with letters from A to K
Will vote in Room 107 Live Library
end those whose names start with
L to Z will vote in the Union. All
Ag College students will vote in
the Ag Union.
No student will be allowed to
vote unless he has completed at
least one semester at the Univer
sity. All voters must have their
student identification cards of they
will not be allowed to vote.
Students can vote only for the
"candidates from their own college
and failure to follow exact instruc
tions provided on the ballot shall
invalidate the balot.
According to the Student Counci
Constitution, rules for the general
election are:
1) Newspaper publicity shall
be limited to the Daily Nebras
kan; there shall be no cam
paigning on election day; and
the use of any form of adver
tising media must have prior ap
proval of the Council Elections
2) Campaigning on Ivy Day
shall be prohibited. Any individ
ual violating this rule shall cause
the automatic disqualification
for the candidate for which the
campaigning is being done.
3) Publicity shall be restricted
to posters placed on, in, or by
housing units. No printed matter
shall be placed as to litter the
4) The use of loud speakers is
prohibited; the use of printed
namecards is prohibited; the use
of posters, banners, and other
advertising material is prohib
ited except on May 3 (Spring
frm.1 noon to midnight.
Any violation of any of the
ruipe shall result in the
: .nj l v..--
automitic disqualification of the
candidate for whom tne campaign
ing is being done.
Candidates for Student Council
and their colleges include:
Agriculture: Marcia Ray, Sav
ener Charles Smith, Gary Burke,
Burton Weichenthal, Joyce Evens,
Jane Chaney, Ardyce Haring, Lois
LaRue and Donald Ita.
Arts and Sciences: Tom Neff,
Bob Ireland, Phyllis Bonner, Sara
Jones, Mary McKnight, Barbara
Bible, Barbara Mandle, Nancy
Spilker, Melvyn Eikleberry and
Ellen Stokes.
Business Administration: Ken
Treed. Bob Lindell. Larry Rotert,
Carol Dahl, Natalie Johnson, Car
ole Triplett, and Bob Harder.
Engineering: Raymond Balfour,
Gary Frenzel, Jim Quick and
Dwaine Roeee.
Teachers:Pat Boyd, Jane Curf
man, Sally Downs, Frances Gour
lay, Eileen Santin, Suzanne
Swingle, Karen Kelly, Dennis El
der, Charlene Anthony, Judy Tru
ell, Caroline Skoper, Shami Mc
Cormik, Ruth Cartee, Marcia Bo
den and Kathleen Roach.
Pharmacy: Vija Upitis and Ted
Dental: Erik Olsen, Jim Witter
and Steve Leeper.
Law: Ken Friedman and Alfred
The students who have filed as
candidates for representatives
from organizations include:
Inter Co-op Council: Gerald Cush
ing, Gary Ryder and Jeff Vande
berg. Coed Counselors: Marijane
Craig and Carolyn Williams.
City Campus Religious ouncil:
Bryan Ericson, Charles Keyes and
Dave Rhoades.
Builders: Judy Chapman, Don
Herman and Donna Scriven.
Panhellenic: Ida Rvan. Sherry
Armstrong, Delores Wertz, Paula
Roehrkase and Prudy Morrow.
BABW: Roberta Switzer, and
Marilyn Jensen.
Corn Cobs: Don Shick.
AWS:Judy Decker and. Jacquie
Clouds To Dampen
Friday Activities
Possible showers were forecast
Thursday for Spring Day and its
activities by the weather bureau.
Partly cloudy to considerably
cloudy skies are in view for
participants in the Spring Day
events. The high for Friday is
expected to be about 82 degrees.
Saturday's forecast is not pre
dicted as yet.
agnails Pigte
Hewitt Judd
To Speak
On Campus
Dr. J. Hewitt Judd, former pres
ident of the American Numismat
ic Association, will be the guest
speaker at the Nebraska Historical
Society Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
Dr. Judd will discuss "The Evol
ution of Coinage."
The talk, which coincides with
the National Coin Week, will be il
lustrated with slides taken by the
doctor and his wife on a recent
. ;Qr,t tpmnles sites in the
T'-.iortfjnean area. Sponsored
ilCUl". ,
jointly by the Historical Society
and the uncoin l-uiu twu,
,..aa tolir is free and both faculty
JUUU a v.
and students are invited to attend.
The Student Council accepted
unanimously Wednesday a report
from the Committee on Student
Activities which called for the
placement of the proposed Student
Tribunal on the Spring Ballot.
Students voting in the elections
Monday will designate whether
they are in favor of the proposed
Tribunal or not on a separate
ballot, as a result of Wednesday's
Marvin Breslow, chairman of
the committee on student activi
ties, stated Thursday that the stu
dent body is voting whether to
endorse the proposed Tribunal. If
thev do. Breslow said, it will be a
mandate for the 1957-58 Council
to present such a plan to the
proper University authorities.
According to Brestlow, if the
proposed Tribunal was endorsed
by the Student body minor adjust
ments could be made in the plan
by the 1957-58 Council.
"Initially the Student Tribunal
would be an advisory body for the
Division of Student Affairs," Bres
low stated.
"However, the sound and ma
ture functionings of the Tribunal
will prove the Tribunal to be an
efficient and respected arm ot stu
dent self-disciplwe and student
self-government at the University,"
he added.
9 Backed
Nine candidates for Student
Council have received the endorse
ment of the independents on cam
pus, according to Lyle Hansen
president of the RAM Council.
The candidates were chosen by
interview Wednesday night by a
panel made up of Hansen, Sue
Hinkle, president of BABW, Ruth
Roubel and Glenn Sperry, vice-
president of RAM.
The endorsed candidates include
Ted Lambert, sophomore in Phar
macy; Bob Luidell, sophomore in
Business Administration; Sara
Jones, sophomore in Arts and Sci
ences; Dick Tempero, sophomore
in Teachers College; Dwaine Rog
ce. soohomore in Engineering;
Charlene Anthony, freshman in
Teachers College; Jane Savener,
snnhomore in Ag. Burt Weichen
thal, sophomore in Ag and J i m
Wittier, freshman in Dental School.
Hansen exDlained the system
which the Independents will use
on election day. Each house presi
dent in the Residence Association
for Men and each house represen
tative for BABW will act as pre
cinct chairman. Their job will be
to get out the v o t e in their pre
cinct. Since independent men out
number the Greek by a ratio oi
about 4 to 1, and since the Greek
wnmpn are onlv 4 per cent more
numerous than independent, the
major job of the Independents is
simply to get out the vote, he said.
"Although some of the cnosen
i-snrlirfntes are Greeks, they have
shown particular interest in all-
campus Greek-Indepenaeni ai
fairs", Hansen said. "The inde
pendents are anxious to bring
about better relations in au-vdm-pus
projects, and possibly work
ing through Student Council will
be a step toward our goal."
A minority report by two com
mittee members of the Budget
Committee dissenting strongly
from the majority action released
today indicates that a full-scale
floor fight over the University's
aDDroDriations for the next two
years has been signalled.
In the minortiy statement, un-
additional costs to the percentag
of enrollment increase. Nearly 50
per cent of the University budget
is not directly related to student
teaching, the dissenters said.
3. If the formula approach is
fair, it should be based on an ex
nected 12 Der cent increase in en
rollment rather than . per cem.
4. Savings for building repair
Mortar Boards Practice
Courtesy Lincoln Star
These ofHcers of the outgoing
Mortar Boards practice the art
of masking in preparation for the
University's traditional Ivy Day
Saturday. They are (standing
left to right) Linda Buthman,
publicity chairman; Virginia
Hudson, president; Jeanne El
liott, historian; Carol Link, vice
president and (seated) Sarol
Spring Day Events
To Begin Weekend
XII L11C iUUlUi LI J ov,v.iiviiii, I T. uavuigv w w -
precedented in the 20-year history and the 40 -hour week were de-
of the Unicameral Legislature, ducted twice.
Sens. O. H. Liebers of Lincoln and 5 he $1.4 million increase in
Harrv Pizer of North Platte vigor- tn;iinn listed bv the Committee
ouslv supported Governor Ander-L,.pSts a $40 semester boost
son's recommendations for the -othpr than the $30 which has
University. been announced by the University.
The eovernor's recommendation
they said, not only is "fair and
reasonable," but is . "the lowest
psti mated amount on which the
University can operate to the best
advantage of the entire state dur
ing the coming bienmum.
Gov. Anderson proposed a $3.2
million increase. The committee
out. this to $2.2 million. The Uni
versity had asked $o.5 million,
The committee's explanations
fnr the University budget cuts
1. Increased enrollment expected
in the next two years is 8.7 per
2. Miscellaneous expenses would
nppd to he raised only 8.7 per
cent, or $260,000, rather than the
$1.2 million requested.
5 A rennest for $860,000 for ex
nniMl extension and experimen
tal programs was scaled down to
James Named
NU Alumni
Activity Head
Dr. Ben James II, Lincoln den
tist will head the 1957 Round-Up
activities of the University Alumni
His anoointment as general
chairman was announced today by
James Stuart, association presi
dent. Dr. James served as Vice
Chairman of the 1956 Round-Up.
The 34th annual Round-Up will
be held in Lincoln June 8-10.
Honor classes will be 1897, 1907,
1917, 1937 and 1947. Special class
breakfasts, receptions and re
unions are now being scheduled.
Highlight of the weekend festivi
ties will be the annual Alumni
Luncheon, June 8.
The schedule of events for Spring
Day from 11 a.m. are:
11 a.m. Men's tandem bike race,
women's pie eating contest.
12 a.m. Barbecue.
1:30 Rodeo begins with voting
for typical cowboy and cowgirl at
the gate. The schedule for rodeo
events is bare bronc riding (first
section), girl's barrel race, saddle
bronc riding (second section), calf
roping, bare back bronc riding
(second, section), wild cow milking
contest, girl's goat tying, saddle
bronc riding (second section), steer
wrestling, co-ed calf catching,
bull riding.
Trophys will be awarded to tne
organizations scoring the most
points during the day with separ
ate trophys for men's ana women s
divisions, according to John Glynn,
Awards Chairman.
In addition, a trophy will be
nwnrrted to the faculty of the col
lege that scores highest in faculty
events. Scoring will be based on
five points for a first, three for a
second and one for a third.
A small trophy will also be
awarded to the winners of the
men's hie of war. push ball and
push up contests. A similar award
will be given in tne women s di
vision tn the winners of the tug
of war, sack race and greased pig
The nnblic barbecue will be held
on the southeast of the Ag Engi
neer's building from 12 noon to
1:30 p.m. Friday according to
Separate tickets may De pur
chased for the barbecue and rodeo
which will follow the barbecue at
1:30 p.m. for 80 cents each or both
for $1.50.
Tn case nf ram. the barbecue
will be held inside the Agriculture
Engineering building.
Cartoons will be shown in the
main lounge of the Union from
11:45 to 1 p.m. and 5:45 to 7 p.m.
There will be four "Tom and Jer
ry" cartoons.
Besides the Spring Day events,
the Union will celebrate its annual
Birthday with reduced prices in
the crib and caieteria.
'he theme of the birthday party,
Chu Young Han:
Visits NU
vear. will be "Midway Madness,
and, will feature the Art Thomas
Carnival. The rides will be held
in the parking lot in the back of
the Union.
A street dance will be held in
front of the Union Friday night
from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. to climax
the birthday celebration. A huge
birthday cake will be served dur
ing intermission and Bud Hollo
way will play for the dance.
Editorial Page Editor
Thp Consul General of Korea,
Chu Young Han, visited the Uni
versity Thursday as part oi a se-
rips of visits to the American coi-
Wps which some 3.000 Koreans
are attending.
Mr. rhu said that he has not
a .PJgramS , Z unon any outstanding prob-
Villi I HMJ SlUUc 1L was ivi ww . r
T. u' T ? : r.h iPms which his countrymen art
that tne time a ui an
an expanded program." I n nniVersities. '
4. If additional money .Vtuf eZwith th.
it should come iruiu nuuui " - -
it snouia wmi .nniincr thiv are receiving," h
presses wmcn wuuiu jicu B
. . . . j
oriifirtnal income. commenieu.
UlLlilUU ill ,, .
ocf ftn .Amiocf frw huil nm? t r..4 in nop rent of ulV
0, A 3JOU(UVU 1 cv-JUv-ok i v o OUI. OiAiun j'- - -
maintenance and repair can be students will remain in the United
taken from the institutional uuu- states alter Deing grauuaicu .
ing fund rather than the general we need them home in Korea,"
Best Average
For Honor
The independent women's or
eanized house having the highest
average for the 1956 school year
will be awarded a plaque Monday
niaht. according to Sue' Hinkle.
BABW president. The event is the
annual BABW recognition dessert.
Twenty-five independent women
will be honored as outstanding
independent women in both activi
ties and scholarship.
Entertainment will feature a
dance bv Shirley Tempo and a
musical reading. A piano duet will
provide music throughout the des
The i-Vssert will be held at 7:30
in the Union Ballroom. Tickets
will be on sale at the door for
35 cents.
6. Since it would be uniair w
r,t the Un versity on a m-uum
week while other state agencies
are not, it could drop a $230,000 re
nnpst to cover this aoaed cost
The minority report, in opposi
tion to these views, state:
1 ThP committee recommenda
tioii felt only $283,000 for additions
he said.
Mr. Chu said that the American
government was defeating its pur
pose by allowing the Korean stu
dents to remain in ine unnea
Rtotps on one hand and on the
other by having to send Ameri
cans to Korea to penorm viiai
Chu, who has held his position
tion leit oniy ioo,uuu mi v,nu, wuu a
u.. coiarv increases and fixed fnr P i h t vears one half year
auvc i - o - .
. . nprtoccarv The I tl.n tVio Ppnnhllft Of KO-
ODUgaUOIlS waa j- JOIlgcr wio" - t-r
University needs $2,363,125 above rea has been in e:dstence said
these costs for additional iacuujr, y, is tour ot American, cuurgw
. . : j avnorimpntal serv- i-t tuu. ettipntc Imnw their
extension ouu cam.""..- - was iu rci mc .
ices, University Hospital, Division g0vernment is interested in what
oi ionaci vanuu tney are uihuk miw'" -
operating funds for other units.
2. The Committee erred in tying
Nominations for Outstanding
Nebraskan, one student and one
faculty member of the Univer
sity, may be turned into the Ne
braskan office starting iruiay,
anrordinir to Fred Daly, editor,
Letters should list qualifications
of all nominees.
The consul general stated tnai
it is better to get an eaucuuuu
in the Middle West for costs ar
lower and the "schools are just as
Commenting on the international
situation, the Korean official said
that without unification Korea can
not survive economically, pouu
cally or socially."
He noted: Our people are o
oni winst not be crippled. The Ko-
atinn Hpsires to see that tn
seven million imprisoned in North
Korea be freed fromLommuiusiu.
Rescinding Action:
'Spiking' Made Illegal By 16-7 IK Vole
The Interfraternity Council voted
16-7 Wednesday to make spiking
illegal thus rescinding their action
of April 10.
Previously the IFC had voted
16-8 to delete from the 1957 Rush
Rules a clause which prohibited
"spiking" or the illegal accept
ance of a pledge pin
Voting came after almost one
which celebrates the Union's 19th hour of debate on a motion by
Ken Vosika, president of Sigma
Chi, to make spiking illegal.
Most fraternity presidents in fa
vor of Vosika's motion stated that
the April 10 action had been made
too hastily and should be revoked.
Earlier in the meeting, Bill
Ross, president of Phi Delta
Theta, introduced a motion which
was passed 17 to 6 to reconsider
the spiking rule.
A motion to table the Rush rulei
Bill Tomsen, social chairman of
the Interfraternity Council, dis
tributed 1200 IFC Ball tickets to
the assembled fraternity presi
dents and announced sales would
begin Friday.
All IFC Ball tickets must b
turned in to the IFC office in th
Union by May 16, according to