The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1957, Image 1

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    iegooi-G-s Vf $3'
o o
n fl kvf2
By GEORGE MOVER (the amount paid by resident stu
t opy jutor I dents. The raises will become ef-
ine university Board of Re-fective with the fall term of the
gents Tuesday afternoon voted 1957-58 school year,
unanimously to raise tuition' for! The Regent's action came after
in-state students $30 a semesterJRegent C. E. Swanson of Lin
The Board fixed tuition for non-jcoln read a study of tuition at the
residents of Nebraska at double; University prepared by a special
Students Speak:
Tuition. Increase
Causes Comments
Copy Editor
Students from the University put
tortn many strong comments on was
tne tuition increase that the Legis
lature passed Tuesday.
Richard Tonascvic, senior in
Business Administration and a Ko
rean veteran, stated that he
thought the tuition increase was
"perfectly ridiculous and uncalled itnev P&7 now
for." add 1 million
felt that a $30 raise in tuition for
instate students and a $60 raise for
outstate students per semester
the maximum that the Uni
cameral could raise the tuition
without significantly endangering
Hardin added that the outstate
students would be hardest hit by
a $120 a year addition over what
"The increase will
dollars to the bi-
Dick Janowski, freshman in Artsien"lum- , . .
and Sciences and an Air Force'. chairman of the
veteran, said "Things will beibudet wittee. explained that
tougher for married vets. Part i inoug,n i tuma? T w
subcommittee consisting of Re-ihigher education for the young
gents B. N. Greenberg, President
of the Board, C. Y. Thompson
and Swanson.
"As the committee points out,
men and women of our state," the
report stated.
"The Board, iowever, on the
basis of the study just completed,
the basic philosophy of a land-,DeUeves " 3 tuition Increase
grant university is Dledeed to nro-lior. the next biennium is necessary
vide an eaual onoortunitv of i The Board hopes that the benefits
cerivea irom tnese aaaitionai xunas
will render far greater benefits
to all students than possible limi
tation of educational opportunities
for a small number of students,'!
the report continued
The report then went on to list
five recommendations for changes
in tuition policy at the University,
Upon the conclusion of the read
ing of the report Swanson said,
It is . . . almost with reluctance
that I recommend the adoption
of these recommendations."
The recommendations passed
1. That the tuition charge for all
schools and colleges, undergrade
ate, professional and graduate, ex
cept the College of Medicine be in
creased in an amount of $30 per
semester to $90 per semester.
(Addition of the present $30 charge
Courtesy Lincoln str for the student activities fund will
GREENBERG ! bring the total tuition for one se-
1 ' 1
H s 1
: 1 1
mester to $120.)
2. That the tuition charge
the College of Medicine be in-
Nineteen Raised
To Full Professor
Nineteen faculty members at the
University were promoted to the
rank of full professor Tuesday
afternoon by the Board of Regents.
Those elevated and their de
partments are:
Allan Axelrod, law; James
Blackman, engineering mechan
ics; uayle Uiilds, secondary edu
cation; A. 7. Epp, agricultural
economics; Richard Farley,
library; Charles Gardner, agron
omy; Henry Grether, Jr., law;
Roscoe Hill, entomology; Merk
Hobson, chemical engineering;!
Otto Hoiberg, sociology; Charles
Kennedy, economics; James Lake,
law; Andrew Mazurak. agronomy;
Wesley Meierhenry, school admin
istration; 'Mary Mielenz, second
ary education; Robert Olson, ag
ronomy; Reino Virtanen, romance
languages; W. Wallace Webster,
oral surgery; and Donald Wag-
gener, oral pathology.
Icreased in an amount of $75 per 'ricultural extension assistant, coun-
for.year to $525 per year. jty agricultural extension agent, ef-
3. That the tuition charge for fective April 20, 1957; Harold Cole-non-residents
of Nebraska be twice man, agricultural extension agent,
the charge to resident students for effective April 30, 1957.
all fees and tuition, except for the Herbert Blackstone, Dan Nye
College of Medicine and Dentis- and Hardin Tennant, clinic assc
try, to $240 per semester. dates of the College of Medi-
4. That the tuition charge for cine, effective April 1, 1957; Philip
ithe College of Dentistry for non-lGrabouski, agricultural extension
resident students be fixed at $545 assistant, effective April 23;
per semester, and for the College! Charles Warnath, general coun
of Medicine at $765 per year. selor, Junior Division and Coun-
5. That the tuition charge for seling Service, effective June 30;
the summer session be increased James Hossack, instructor in engi
in an amount of $15 per session neering mechanics, effective Au
to $45 for the session. jgust 31.
It was further resolved by the Those granted leaves of absence
Board to allocate a portion of this were:
tuition increase to support the! Alma Anderson, assistant exten
University scholarship program, sion home economist and district
The precise of the amount of the .supervisor of home agents, from
allocation was not determined be-July 1, 1957, to June 30, 1958, to
cause of additional study needed accept a fellowship through the
on the matter. i National Extension Center at the
In other business, the Board ac-j University of Wisconsin to com
cepted nine resignations, granted jplete her study for a Master's de
two leaves of absence and ap-jgree, and C. B. Schultz, director of
proved 16 appointments. jthe Museum and professor of ge-
Accepted resignations included:. ology, from July 16-31 to do re-
Duane Loewenstein, assistant work at Frick Laboratory,
tension agriculturist, effective American Museum of Natural His
Febr. 17, 1957; Max Sherwood, ag-jtory, New York City.
time jobs in Lincoln dont pay
Marvin Breslow, senior in Arts
and Sciences, stated, "Tuition
should have been raised even high
increased but that it should be up
to the Board of Regents as to the
amount of increase."
Bill Orwig, director of Athletics,
said that he thought "the Athletic
department would be able to hold
er, then no one would have anyuh. Vn nrt ofvUt,v .ii..w.
ujrlu.c. It wouldi however, cause
jim loom, junior in Arts ana
Sciences, stated, "It will be per
fectly ridiculous for out-of-state
students to attend this University
when for the same money tney
can attend a much better institu
tion." !
When contacted by the Daily Ne-
braskan as to the tuition increase.
Chancellor Clifford Hardin stated
that he and the Board of Regents
a re
vamping of the present scholar
ship setup."
John Minick, instructor in Busi
ness Management, said he felt a
tuition increase was in line with
the raising of prices all over due
to inflation. He added that "some
thing should be done to encourage
out-of-state people to come to the
University because of the addition
they can make to any class."
. 82
y... '
Vol. 32, No
Wednesday, April 24, 1957
Honors Convocation:
Val Peterson, former three-time
governor of Nebraska and present
federal civil defense administrator
warned Tuesday morning that we
face a "grotesque world."
"The world before us win fall
down around us unless we put
more effort into buuding peace
rather than war machinery."
Peterson addressed more than
1,500 students, faculty members
that of the research supported by
the federal government, 87 per
cent of the money is spent in the
physical sciences; 11 per cent
in the biological sciences; and
only two per cent in the social
Engineering Wonder
Gordon Warner:
Corn Cob
Marvin Frahm, is operating
a tic-tac-toe machine, which has
1,260 electrical contacts in a pre-
"But having spent billions
aouars ior researca. we're now
I wondering bow the people of the
iU will react if Russia rhrn'M
and parents at the 29th annual dron fmnm tn m -
University Honors Convocation it te megaton class.
He said we must dedicate our! " UKy M ngn
resources - brains and money-f w ' 4t""v. 1 "1UWJCT
to eliminating war. we arc spending, ne said.
I niead for an increase in re- J cellt our researca money
search in social sciences and hu-Priinaray for instruments of de
manities." is traction and practically nothing
Governor Peterson pointed out;101" learning now to direct these
The civil &iense administrator
called "war today absurd." There
is no complete or final defense
against it. We can not stop an
aerial attack by Russia on this
"There will be no such thing
as a winner or profits in the next
war. Only blight, fire, radioactiv
ity, death and destruction will pre
vail in the world."
And the trouble. ht taW faz-incr
Gordon Warner was n a m e d the President and his rlrt
president of Corn Cobs at the an- is tw tacefi nTt. t. A I
m nuai spring iniuauon vauei iki but two to m&ke peace.
John Nelson, last years president (billions of dollars into building E' Week Ribbons
Other officers named are: BiJ fi:rt.rjJ. tt,K;,.h frr m tsv. cmi ?n r.
; -
i .
- H'N 1 " - T-sU&n;:. ill " t hi:
I i v 1 ' i "ill
Of ; V . . . jl
- ... . ,
New Chairman Named:
view showing of this machine
build by Engineering students es
pecially for E-Week, which is
ctmlies Start I qiem mr,
OpenHome, Display t Tours
Two members of Union were member of Delta Gamma.
honored last night at Special Rec- Cbarlene Anthony, freshman in
jognition program. Teachers College and member of
Terry Mitchum, sophomore in Alpha Chi Omega, will be named
Teachers College, and Dave chairman cf the Hospitably Com-
Whitey, sophcmora in Engineer- mittee. Mary Metcalfe, Delta Delta 5
ing, were given the Distinguished Delta freshman in Teachers, will 1
work in the organization, accord- be her assistant.
ing ta Bob Handy, Union activi-t Rickie Van cram, freshman in
ties director. Teachers College and member of
Miss Mitchum is chairman of Dslta Delta Delta, will be the
the dance committee, member of chairman of the Public Relations
the AUF board, YWCA cabinet, Committee, assisted by Jolaine
Alpha Lambda Delta and Gamma Loseke, freshman in the College
Phi Beta. of Agriculture and member of
White is chairman of the Dance Alpha Chi Omega,
committee. Bob Krumme, Sigma Chi fresh-
7-mt vwYimitAA rfViiTmn n;ni mJTl unll VipaH tVa Pof-r(o'i "vn
J also revealed last night. jCommittee, assisted by Ellen
courtesy Sunday journal and star i Polly Doering, freshman in Stokes, freshman, teachers, Kappa
Teachers College and member of Kappa Gamma.
Alpha Omicron Pi. was chosen1 Special activities will be beaded
chairman of the Arts and Exhibits by John Bicka, sophomore in Busi
committee. Becky Colwell, fresh-ness Admininstration. His assist-
' man in Teachers College and mem- ant will be Judy Wigg, Kappa
ber of Pi Beta Phi, will assist Kappa Gamma freshman in Arts
her. iand Sciences.
The Dance Committee will be1 Brent Chambers, freshman, Busi
headed by Sally Downs, freshman ness Administration, Kappa Sig
in Teachers College and member ma, will be chairman of the Talks
of Alpha Phi. She will be assisted and Topics Committee, assistant
by Marcia Boden, freshman in by Judy Truall, Alpha Phi fresh
Teachers College and Alpha Xijman in Teachers College.
Delta. Don Binder, Arts and Sciences
scheduled for Thursday and Fri
day on City Campus.
Among the displays will be: Mod-
John West, freshman member
of Alpha Tau Omega and Arts
and Sciences, will head the Film
sophomore and member of Theta
Xi was chosen to head the Per
sonnel committee, with Eileen
Hansen, Delta Delta Delta fresh-
I Spilker, vice - president; Elliot; win made obsoete tleeria pre;ents" an E.Week rib.jJJ P-in, and during this tin 'will be prepared for the public at
Staff Reporter lels, plans, maps, pictures and ex- Committee, assisted by Jeanie Sell,
E-Week activities will b e g i n planations of the Interstate High-.freshman in Teachers College and man in Teachers College as his
Thursday afternoon at 2:00 n.m. -way System nrooosed in Nebraska: member of Delta Delta Delta, lassistant.
with the start of Open House, a process by which paper is made! General Entertainment will be! Music Committee will be headed
More than 5,000 people are ex-from a bale of straw; and a liq-jheaded by Barbara Meston, soph-by Karen Peterson, freshman in
pected to view displays of odd and uid air show, which makes rubber jom ore in Teachers College and teachers College and member of
unusual feats of the world of engi-jballs brittle. member of Pi Beta Phi. AssistantPi Beta Phi. Her assistant will be
neering. Here are some of the eingineer-chairman will be Dorothy Hall, Carole Triplett, freshman, Chi
Open House will run from 2-, ing principles and practices which freshman, Teachers College and Omega and Arts and Sciences.
intercontinental ballistic missilei ijbon to R07 Green, Dean of the Col- the engineering and architect stu-the Thursday Open House
These missiles, the scientists tell lege of Engineering and Architec-
us, wil be able to travel from the ture. Ribbons are now on sale for
U.S. to Russia in from .15 to 30 fifteen cents, according to Bob
lieve they wiU be able to spot an PRI Qmmn Y'
intercontinental missile before it, ' OiyillU VI.
KK Schedules
Society Schedules
Japanese Film
The sixth Foreign Film Society
presentation is a Japanese movie
entitled "Gate of Hell."
The movie will be shown at the
Capital Theater on Wednesday.
The setting of the movie is 12th 'frey, Harbison, Adams, Brackett
n Lentz, secretary and Roger Wicb
mail, ucaauia.
Warner is a member of Engine
ering Exec. Board, University
Builders, Student Council, promo-'minutes
a . r ai v 1 J,
non manager 01 me oiuepruu, mm .-An4 inrf fp ,
W . 01, ! scientists told us that they be-
- a member of Student Council, Stu-
W4 . .... . -
t aent union, Ag n.xec. coara, vice- leave. miRRia .. .
K president of Builders and vice-Limin for M(. thpn . . .
t Pridsnt ol Farm House Frater1 "The merry-go-round on the part'
Lentz, junior ; in Engineering and 60on have &Q anti.missile
Architecture, is active in Univer-iT... , . . 1
If . . , tt :J3Ul jiav worries me, ne saia.
P sity Lutheran chapel. .University .... ' lui
fc- " - - iK Krinnricrc ari nm a
band and is vice-president of Beta' th " JtZ.a
1 iiin some more refined weaoon
j- T.-:-.- than a thermonuclear bomb."
is a member of A.S.M.E., and
article editor of the Blue Print and
is president of Theta Xi fraternity. 11
The following sophomore men1
were initiated as new junior Wgr1grtjrCQfc
actives: Don Schick, Burt Weich
enthaL Dean Ruwe, Gary Eerke, -Cgm Ctk
Stan Widman, Jerry Gillespie, jlG 4 JlOW
Larry Fricke, Larry Schrag Jon Participants in the Kosmet Klub
Bicha Larry Lutz, M Mc-spon50red ,.South pacifk
tian, Oiarles Grothe Kent Walton, sbould check the CaD Board fa &
Jim Whitaker and Jerry PrahL Dnion for rehear6a scMtll
Larry Fricke was high man istcordmg to m Bedw
Cornhusker sales and Don Schick '
was named outstanding worker. nn,,. . .
tice at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Room
313 of the Union. At Z p.m. the same
night Mary, List and Cable will re
hearse in the same room. At fi
p.m. all G.I.'s wiU rehearse there.
Thursday at 7:30 p.m., O'Brien,
Wise and Waters will rehearse in
room 107B Social Science. In the
same room at 7:45 p.m., McGaf-
dents will explain and operate
Mechanical Engineering spot
welding of sheet metal; facts on
fifteen cents according to Bob' Each department of the College modern-day oils and gasolines: 1 "g g -Jameson,
E-Week publicity chair- of Engineering and Architecture operation of power hacksaw, drill! f Q ff O
sets ud its own disnlavs indeDend- Dresses, and encine latties: a va- mtw
Jrm 1
New officers have been an
nounced for Phi Beta Kappa, hon
orary arts and sciences scholastic
society, and Sigma Xi, honorary
Professor of law,
sets up its own cispiays inaepena- presses, and engine lathes; a va-
ently. They are judged as part of riety of engines, from one of the
the competition, and the depart- oldest internal combustion engines was j-gyi Tuesday as one of
mem wiin me oesi upen nouscw me laiesi men ouipui auiomo-' ., . . . ,
display wiD win an award which tive engines; latest methods of two 1937 recjPnti of the UnJVr"
wiD be presented at the E-Week metals casting; pouring of alum- ty Foundation awards for dis
Eanquet. . linum and cast iron, the latter at'tinguished teaching.
T, ctartinB nnint fnr th tnirr 8 p.m. only. The other recipient is Dr. John
David Dow.ences.
in presenting tne ye any awaras,
Putney said the two recipients
"exemplify high scholarship in
their chosen fields and the virtues
of humility, understanding and
patience; and continually seek to
of the buildings will be at 11th Engineering Mechanics work-Latu. Pressor 01 anatomy ".challenge and inspire their stu-
and R Street. Programs giving in- ings of concrete and testing labors- wc i-ourge Meaicuie m umu&.entg greater understanding."
formation on displays, routes, and tories; precision measuring; and ine w'"asi
sidelights and information of E-1 advanced dynamics and machine consist
WwV will h avflilahl in ar.h of denim. ilnS of a $1,000
thm t.Min I a-vs . ki:- ipend and
This year E-Week is dedicated paraboloid, which is an outdoor vnst;nie at
to Roy Green, retiring Dean of structure with an outerskin of plas- j e fin
the College of Engineering and'tic membrane and measuring 30 nua conVoca-
Arcniieciure. xne co-cnairmen ior ieei wiae, a ie. long, ana is zeei
c o nvoca-
physical sciences society. TheyiE-Week are Jim Souders a nd;high; a "folding slab" structure Tf 't w w
: ... . , ,r. . . - . - . i .1 i. 41 1- -J. i "J
aooui uurc jrn iga aita mauc putney of Lin-
will take office in September. Jerry Sinor,
ine new cciicers fni Beta un inaay at n a.m. m xne oi ima paper Duara, wiuco, oe- i Founda
Kappa are: president, Dr. William Stuart Theater, an all-engineering cause of its design can support tifm nrsident
-ici:cj, rjujcour i ucrujaiut siaaent convocauon wui oe nem. me weigni oi a man. pr Latta
languages ana i,n ,Taiures ana The .speaker will be George Cam-
Research-wise, Dr. Latta's inter
ests lie in the field of human em
bryology, morphologic hematolo
ogy, and histochemistry.
Professor Dow joined the Col
lege of Law faculty when it re
opened in January, 1946, and dur
ing the 1954-55 school year, served
as acting dean of the College.
The nomination for Professor
Dow said he "has distinguished
cenrtew Lincoln staT;himself as a teacher in the field
Dow jof Practice and Procedure. He is
the weight of a man.
f!hpmira1 Tncinfrinff a r. iic a war A for Hstin-'hlA in Viitrli TmcrarA hv th mtm.
chairman cf the department; vice of Denver, University graduate lective &yeing proceS, coloring guished teaching in the sciences bers of the Law College and Um-
fV ' ' Z 7 t manager oi tne Drancn ohicb aluminum tumblers; petroleum re- and technology, and. Professor versity community,
feasor of geography and chairman of Ceco steel ms . fvnthetic fib
11 wiD be: "What Does Indus-I
i Dow, in humanities and social sci-
Civil Engineering relief map
fessor of Classics; and IreS ik
Accountog. ate Engmeer Expect of Industry?
The newly elected officers of
Sigma Xi are: president, George
fit centurv Janan when the countrviBillis wiU meet
t rf
I was torn by strife between rival At 9 p.m. in the Union a re-
noble clans for control of the coun-ihearsal will be held for V. Jerome,
j try. jHassinger, Quale, Steevee and Bil-
; "Gate of Hell" was awarded two;lies, West.
J Academy Awards in 1955 for the I At B:30 in that room Brarkptt.
wi i - .j WiwiWLj 4 ouu oaDLauii; ecu rr
j best foreign picture and the best Harbison, McGaffery and Nellie tary, Dr.' Benjamin McCashland,
coior cosiume oesjgn. ( iwm renearse. , Assistant Prolessor of PlU'siology
Ernst, Professor of Civil Engi
neering and Director of the Engi
neering Experiment Station; vice
president, Dr. Donald Pace,
Professor of Physiology and chair
man of the department; treasurer,
Thompson Stout, Assistant
Professor Geology and Research
Associate in the University Mu-,
seum; secretary; Dr. Ellen Moor-
head, Research Associate in Plant
ratnoiogy; and associate secre-
Scholarship Deadline
AH applications for Cora Cost
graU-in-aid scholarships must be
tamed into Dean Johnston's of
fice in Ellen- Smith Hall by S
p.m. Wednesday.
Three (100 scholarships are
Participation In at least two
activities and a cumulative aver
age of 5.5 er above are among
the requirements necessary to
Hurlbut Named
ASAE Vice Pres.
pre-etressed concrete divhvg board;
everfloodng jug, which never be
comes emntv: model of Paseo
Bridge, which is a self-anchored! w- Hurlbut, chairman cf the
bridee in Kansas Citv. ! Agricultural Engineering depart-
" , . . A
merit, nas Deen namea
A native of Michigan, be ob
tained his Doctor of Jurisprudence
from University of Michigan in
Professor Latta joined the Col
lege of Medicine staff in 1921, as
assistant professor. Twenty years
later, he was appointed bead of
He is now secretary of the C I
Agricultural engineering - dem-i Zil "aT" e. ZZ department.
onstraticm of irrigation pump and Eneineers.
spnnKier system, ana larm ma-, The appointment makes him a'W. M. Poynter Foundation; secre- I
cmnery mm struci-ures. Imember of the administrative: tary of the Nebraska State Board
Electrical engineering an council which takes care of all of Examiners in Basic Sciences;
electric chair in which visitors are business matters for the Society.! editor of the Bulletin of the
asked to sit as a half -million volts) "Currently the council is plan-j American Association of Basic
are applied; a bolt of lightning ning a special program at Michi- Science Boards; chairman of the
striking a miniature power trans- gan State University in East Lan-, College of Medicine Library Com- p
mission line; and an electrical .sing, June 17-19, in observance of ( mittee of the University s gradu- IJ
scale which measures weights the 50th anniversary of the So-iate faculty; and secretary of the fl
electrically. Iciety", Hurlbut said. Istjte Anatonical Board. fl