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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1957)
. 1 V Page 4 Following Is the complete list of students honored for scholastic achievements: SENIORS WITH SrrERIOR SCHOLARSHIP (Sealers la the 3 per rent t their class) Carotin Rhodes Allen. Osceols, Ami Culture l'airk-ia 3. Alvord. Lincoln. Teachers John A. Bull, Lincoln, Ensinerrinc and Architecture Itonald E. Beck, Fremont, Asrtrultnre lnald A. Boeltcher. Wymore, Business Administ ration Abraham lash, Lincoln, Teachers Polly A. Downs. Lincoln, Business Ad ministration James E. Dunn. DeWltt. Arrloitlur William E. Khrett, i'airbury, Engineer tns and Architecture WendcU P. i'nrst, Piatt smooth, Teach ers William L. Goodwin, Galesburgh, HI. Teachers Jans Justice Greenawalt, Lincoln, Teach rs Alan J, Beecer, Omaha. Arts and Sciences Jean E. Hueftle. Fustin, Teachers Mary K. James. Nebraska Cuy, Agri culture Patricia. McDousal Jones. Lincoln. Teachers Robert L. W. I.lenemann, Norfolk, Busi ness Administration Arthur R. Loomer, Corpus Christi, Tex., Business Administration Jere r. McGaffey, Lincoln. Business Administration Arts and Sciences Marvin G. McNeice, DeQueen, Ark., Business Administ ration Jackb-n M. Siajuon Maupin, Strom t burs. Agriculture Jo Ann Chalupa Ncw-myer, Ballam, Teachers RllWll T VIaIoa Tiiwwd.. T.-: : . - T ; ' S.U.tUCninM and Asnculture Beverly i PaseL Lincoln. Arts snd Sciences Harold A. Rank. York. Business Ad ministration Sandra J. Relmers, Lincoln, Arts and Sciences Gary K, Roberts, Lincoln. Teachers tarrel L. Sohindier. Lincoln. Engineering nd Architecture Wilfred M. Schurs, Lincoln, Asriculrnre John Skinner. Lincoln. Engineering nd Architecture Marian J. Sokol. l.oup City. Agriculture Melvin C. Thornton, Storm Lake, la.. Arts and Sciences Elvin D. Vachal. Lincoln. Engineering nd Architecture Elinor Vahl, Omaha. Nursing Otto L. Walter. Norfolk. Business Ad- srumstration Marie Dueir Wright. Louisville, Arts and Sciences . Jrr ana Medicine i'l!lsJ-'nl'y'Gvnn' Medicine 2, d i? fayne, Hastings. Medicine Soott. Ravenna. Medicine John R. acek. Pawnee City, llcniisrry 'Seniors whs have bees M boners list I". ye"r ,lBC entering as rnshmee u!(u Rhode AUen Osceola. Awri- taS Arch't"e Clty' EnSiTOer" c, Ji-iivord' J-1"". Teachers Y3 Anderson. Lincoln. Teachers ArehUecture! Lincoln Enincering and Donald E Berk, Fremont, Agriculture IWl BirkeU D!rd C'ty. Teachers Sf Rremer, Stanton, Pharmacy Marvui Breslow, Lincoln. Art. and "SS fcSEsS: supleum- EMta AiiC!?' Gardea Grw. Caw-. tJ0 Damkroger. DeWitt. Agricul- SaBD0WM' Ad- James E. Punn. PeWitt. Agriculture SaS i l',tsWu- ra Plattsmoutt, Teacher, Teaser? U Grgh. 111., ane Justice Greenawalt, Lincoln, Teach- tefrSce" Haesster- L'-Shar- Art. end Hee"r- Art. . Vm a ?nefUe- Kustis, Teachers .j'on . Innes, Phillipsburg. kan. Vn ineenng Dd Architecture " " En" .uhu'rT Jam City. Agri. Tecnlr. McD0Oe1 JoB ln, MTeXr'- New j,0"' . J- Mansfjeld, New Ipswitch rA' meerin Archilwtu U' Teacher," ChaJup Hanam, fcSf Rark" Yort' Be Admin Science.1 J. Art. Md .D-e2ce,RhSe- Nebrask City. Art. ScfencS Lincoln Arts ,d AdrtrtticS0""" LlDC0l. Business fc and ArcS" nB"ev1SkfB?tlILiBTln- Agriculture nTrcbitJ"' Lto0oln- Eieering Sflamk1;Jr P, C'ty' Agriculture woyca Ingram Speak, LeKiagton. Teach- TenerT L Swanson- Platte, Sc&ra Switler' Lm"n. Arte and iwti.AC1te,ef Liln- Agriculture ArtSl Scie?c0esntt,,, Lake' a?S Eeering She r i!","' Ti"- Agriculture afaas Lincoln. Aru and Dentistry -and Medicine I fj.d nD- T1G-ntr. G-nnn. Medicine Narald r, " rr" -r-, Wur, jLenmiLry i Koy R A dee. Lincoln ghirley K. Anderson, Lincoln Sue fimmo7ii Bkimendahl, Fremont Carol Newell Biore, Lincoln J. Boyd, Lincoln Merlyn 0. Brueman, Hoskina Linda h. Buttiman, Falls City IJouglas S. Cnapoell, S-ottsbluff Beriy A. Deepe, Cailetou Patricia Henderson Eden. Winter flayen. Robert K. Gier, Grand Inland VkW H, GoUete. Homewood, VI Robert L. Graiiam. Lincoln Howard L. Hawks. Bruninjt Belen E. Hemphill, Tekamah Roland L. Hjorth. -Stanum Marvin- W, Hoffman. Lincoln Ittwald R. Hornby, Lincoln Jennie Kyle Jeffrey. SmitfcfiekJ Leland B. Jones, Aurora I job aid E. Kaspan, York Iis J. Rattier, Lincoln Marilyn A. Kirk. Lincoln Richard D. Kissinger. Lincoln Paul C. Krsuse, Reynolds Marleea D. Lamb, Wauneta Theodore P. Lindberg. O'Neill Phyllis A. Maluny. Council Biufta, Xav Ereshiel M. Maschka, Ashton Sandra Sack Metzger, Lincoln Mary Keller Michael, Grant Minerva Bradley Mitchell. Lincoln Jan A. Orwig, Lincoln Maryann Crandall Parker, Lincoln JOavid L. Patrw-k. Scottsbluff Richard E. Petrie, Holsteia Loren D. Pierce, Wauneta Kancy Pitzer, Arlington SPECIAL STUDENTS DISCOUNTS IF YOUR GIFT OCCASION MEANS NEW HORIZONS, MAKE YOUR GIFT MATCH THE OCCASION NEVER ANY CARRYING CHARGES DIAMONDS JEWELRY r3Guir S'fdfldeimfs Richard E. Porcas, Lincoln Shirley L. Rirhards, Orleans Kimball A. KHldy, Linctiln Mai v S. Rohrbauth, Hasting. Venlel 1 Kuwe, Wayne Judith Koester Schutt. Lincoln Judith A. Sn.'ll. Omaha Gary W. Spence, Atkinson Olfterts Staiiers. Llnciln Ilan.el E. Stihvcll. I'nadilla Larry A. Strasheim, Kimball Leslie C. Sweet. Stuait llavid V. Talbert, Linwln Charles W. Tremble, Papillion Paula Broady Wells, Lincoln Ivtariljn T. Wilhelms, San Francisco, Calif. Marilyn M. Zunlke, Sterling Prnlislry and Medicine Marion R. Cosand, Lyman Mark E. Crawtord, Lincoln Norman S. GoldenberK, Omaha l.yle W. Nilson, Aurora William J. Powell, Colorado Springs, Colo. Robert W. Waters. Scotia JUNIOR SIT DENTS v rhvraheem K. Ackbarcli, San Juan, Trinidad Flxa Admin!. Lincoln Joary A. Althousc. Lincoln Glenn K. Andersen. Lincoln Report 1. Anderson, Lincoln Richard K"- Andrews. Lincoln Carol S. Asbiiry. St. Joseph. Mo. Jean M. Bennett. North Platte Constance R. Ilerry. Onawa. la. James J. Hors. Junction Retty M. Branch. Omaha Beverly A. Buck, Lincoln Oscar R. Burt. Lincoln Marls-n G. Carlson, Wauss Walter E. Carlson, Lincoln Jo Ann Carr, Seward Alan D. Chunks. Omaha Manna .1. Daniolson, Lincoln Willis E. Day, Lincoln ivay ueppen. L.incoin lomthy A. Dicke, lalisade Charles A. Dobry. St. Paul Charlotte A. llrishaus. Beatrice Karen .1. llrydcn. North l'latte Mehin F. Earnest. Milford Kvonne J. Kinspahr, lmrHrial Robert E. Emerson, Holmesville Kenneth S. Eng. Jr., Newman Grove KMin E. Ervin. McOook J'hi) R. Etrelmillcr, Mirden Paul M. Feldstein, Clifton, K.J. John W. Fristoe. Lincoln Robert L. Gallawa. Scottsbluff I.on-n R. Garst. Grand Island Kay S. ;ieason. Beatrice Robert 11. Clock, Rising City Helen E. Gourlay. Lincoln Jerry A. Craws, Lincoln Karen I. Greenlee. Pierce Jeanne Greving, Central City Sharon Gray Hall. Omaha Helen Hoyt Hawke. Lincoln Marilyn Heck. California, Mo. Evelyn E. Henry, Plattsmouth L-oma Mae Herrmann, Clatonia Sue A. HinUe. Grand Island Sharon K. Hockcr, Lincoln Morean F. Holmes. Omaha Connie L. Hurst, Hastintrs Vorlyn E. Husa. Burclrard Shirlie C. Hutchcrson. Lincoln. Robert A, Jameson. Scotia, N.T. James J. Jirik. Palisade tavid A. Johnson. Ocallala. loward W. Johnson, Lincoln Natalie Johnson, Fremont Barbara L. Jones, Beatrice Nancy Salter Keenc. Lincoln Bernard L. Kelly. Sarvent William M. Kimberly. Lincoln William C. Kinsel, Raymond Andris Kleinhofs. Lincoln Louise Klima. Milligan Joan M. Klnge. Madrid Ronsld H. Kohlmeier. Craig Newell E. Kollath. Slanton . Elaine R, Kramz, Omaha Janice A. Kraus. Niantic, Conn. Charles H. Krull, Lincoln Richard J. Kucera. Escaraha. Mich. Pelben W, Kuhlman. Bloomfield Henry Kumasai. North Platte Sally B. Laase, Lincoln Ronald B. Lanra, Burchard John R. Lawless. Palisade Kathleen Lenz. Lodgepole Martin R. Lohff. Holstein. la Janet L. Loyseth, St. Peter. Minn. Mary Jo McCune. Hastings W illiam R, McGie, Mason City, la Lodney K. Madsen, Dell Rapids, S O. William C. Manen, Beatrice Burbara A. Miilmtz, PJainview Jo Ann Moore. Nemaha Roberta H. Moore, Lansing. Kan. Ralph L. Mortimore. Lincoln Paul A. Kunson, Lincoln -Mohammed I. Nadiri. Kabul, Afghan Karen D. Newton, Lincoln Donald F. Nickman. Pleasanton Irene V. Nielsen, Grand Island i 'Pil- Xi,n. Souih Sioug City Judith H. Oeltien. Palmer John P. O'Gara. Lincoln Dcrryl D. Offdcn. Lincoln Francis R. Ostdiek. Lincoln Betty L. Parks, Lincoln Merlin K. Parsons, Grafton Gretchen Paul. Lincoln James W. Peck. Lincoln Joseph E. Proskovec- Bruno Judiih A. Ramey, Lincoln Richard E. Rice. Lincoln n2aw Gi ?ODerts. Twin Falls. Idaho Drile W. Rocicwell, Lincoln Joyce A. Roll, Friend John W. Rudd, Lincoln Larry D. Ruth. Lincoln Jo Ann A. Sander. Omaha Harriet E. Saville. Lincoln Otto G. Schippnreit, Ainsworth Dennis L. Sedlak, Clarkson Frank B. Shelledy, Lincoln W illiam J. Shields, Lincoln Janet R. Shuman, Bellevue Jerry E. Sinor, Cozad Harry V. Sirk. Lincoln Carol F. Smith. Imperial Ronald R, Smith, St. Edward Bruce B. Snyder, Fairburv James W. Souders, Anselmo vemon L. Souders, Ansclmo Ralph E. Spalding. Arcadia Bonna D. Teho. Roca Gerald D. Tharp, Wshno Xancy G. Tucker. Omaha Darinna T. Turner, Lincoln Marvin L. Vanek. Grand island Richard F. Villm. Grant Marilyn M. Waechter. Lincoln Mary L. Wandersee, Aurora Arthur L. Weaver. Lincoln Joan A. Weerts, Meadow Grove Victor A. Weis, Humphrey Robert T. Westmore, St. Edward Charles B. Whitney, Chappell Robert D. Wiemer, Creston Gerald V. Wilson, Lincoln Nancy C. Wilson, Talmase Norma E. Wolf. Kearney Beth E. Woods, Ord Paul O Yeutter. Etislis Dentistry aud Medicine Martin I'. aaajfer. Davenport Phil R. ,ii)Pr, Minden John J. Euie. Ainsworth Michael L. Greenbers, Omaha Rw-hard P. Hill, St. Paul Gordon O. Johnson. Phillips Guinter Kahn. Omaha Carl D. Miller. Omaha Derryl D. Otiden, Lincoln Rohert E. Guk-k, Columbus Richard G. Roberts, Twin Falls, Idaho Bruce B. Snyder, Fairburv SOPHOMORE STl'DENTS Walter R. Akeson, Chappell Kathryn J. Anderson, Hastings Warren C. Ba brock. Stella Murlind W. Beckman, Lincoln Rov R. BeU, Waverly Allan B. Berggren, Axtefl David K. Berns. Blue Hill Jon T. Bicha. Bellevue Janet Block. Roca Carolyn R. Boesiger, Cortland Vernon P. Boliesen, Grand island Dennis R. Bonee, Nelinh Phyllis A. Bonner, Imperial Bette L. BrelaDd. McCook Wallace L. Buchholz, Columbus Kadine R, Calvin. Ravenna James E. Christensen, Wolhach Sherry E. Ciendenny, Grant Often ImitiatMl Never Duplicated ; Rodney J. Clifton. Orchard Ernest B. Cobb, Oitallala Nancy J. Coover. Lincoln Nancy L, Copeland. Norfolk lhinald C. Cox. Dunning Robert L. Cunninnham, Fullertoi Carol J. Dahl, Alliance Janet M. D.iniebon, Lincoln Robert D. Dannert, Winnetoon Ra.vnior.u v.. DeBower. Schuyler Lairy E. DeVries, Lincoln Ardys M. Oeichman. Marcos, la. Ralph L. Detimont, Long Island, K- Mary M. llemars, Lincoln Louis E. Dickinson, McCook SalLv Sehwantie linges. Lincoln Julia M. Di-oson. Fremont Malvin D. Dohrman, Kearney John D. Douthit, Lincoln tieorge B. Kagleton. Tekamah Ioris M. Ehy, Lincoln Beverly J, Kehelberger, Omaha Keith M. Eiohler, Lincoln Beverlv K. Ellis, Omaha Kenneth H., Bloomfield Richard L. Falconer, Sioux Falls, S. D. Saraiean E. Flanagan, Hastings Sandra L. Koell, Lincoln tiary G. Frenrel, Lincoln William G. Cinsles. Lincoln Ivan G. Goering, Platte Center Frances A. Gourlay, Lincoln Paul R. Gregory, Holdrege Burton E. Greiner, North Platte Susan Gritrmaeher, Fremont Marion L, Orotelusehen, Columbns Myma L. Crunwald, St. Joseph, Mo, Sarah K. Hancock, Tekamah lionald C. Hanson. Elsie Aixlyce E. Haring, Franklin James L. Harpstreith. Fremont Wilbur A. Hass. Lincoln Wayne N. Hecht. Lincoln Jacqueline J. Higbee, Lincoln Margaret J. Hornady, Grand Island Clarence G. Houser, Wilber Donald E. Iburg, Corad Robert M. Ireland, Lincoln Frances A. Jensen, Pawnee City Virginia Penick Jensen, Lewellen Merwinna G. Kampman, Elm wood Alvin S. KaiMistka, ELvria Theresa M. Karmazin. LawTence Claudia C Keys, Lincoln Dale D. Koehn, Pierce Alvin E Konopik, Bancroft Karen R Krueger. Lincoln Lois R LaKue. Palisade Joseph J. Langan, Cedar Rapid. Howard H Lange. Lincoln Stephen H Leeper, Hastings Janice J Lichtenberger, Lincoln Ned A Lindsay, Lincoln James E Loyd. Lincoln Lloyd J Lukenbsch. SeottsbluH Ilonald E MeArlhur, Atlanta Joyce Magidson. St. Taul, Minn. Sharon L Mansfield, Oxford Joyce J Mason, York Jack W Meyer, Lincoln Anastasia Minnick, Cambridge Teresa L Mitchem, Elwood Patricia L Mocil, Omaha Clifford E. Moss. Los Alamos, KM. Ronald L Nail. Clay Center Barbara J Nesmiih, Lincoln Carolyn J Novotny, Clarkson Jack K Nyquist, Axteli Ronald E Opland, Lincoln Jack B Oruch, Omaha Lewis O. Parent. Spokane, Wash. Paul E Penas, Ord James R Quick, Lincoln Gerald O Quigley, Lincoln Susan E Rhodes, Beatrice Paula J Roehrkasse. Grand Island Richard E Koell s, Diller Dwaine W Rogge. Auburn James K Sandin. Newman Grove Dorothy M Schidler. Beatrice Joy A. Schmidt, Red Oak, la. Earl G Schmieding, Lincoln Glen R Scbmiedins. Lincoln Vernon R Schoep, Omaha Keith W Sehrader, Neligh Lawrence J Schumacher, Columbus Malvern K Seatren, Wausa Julie H Seng, Beatrice Robert H Settles, Cedar Bluffs Soma S Sievers, Roca Paul D Smith, Lincoln lion L Sorenson, Seward Edgar E Spencer, Lincoln Gregory E Stillman, Scotia Karen L. Sukovaty, Plymouth Wayne J. Thompson Jr., Lincoln Vtia L Lpitis. Lincoln Gordon J Warner, Ericsoa Joan L Webster, Kearney Joyce M Webster. Kearney Burton A Weichenthal, Stanton Louis C Welch. Richland Dale J Wenzinger, Blue Hill Diana J Whitney, Fullerton Donald E Whitney, Carroll Sally J Wiesneth, Louisville Carolyn M Williams, Ashland Phyllis A Williamson, Lincoln Richard E Wischmeier, Wiloox Richard L Woolley, Kearney Marion H Wright, Lincoln Janice I Wroth, Lincoln David C Young, Lincoln James L Young, Lincoln William V. Zieg, Des Moines, la. Dentistry and Medicine Jerald S Brodkey. Omaha James S Carson. Norfolk William J. Cirksena, Hastings Roger H Hutchmes, Alien Stephen H Leeper, Hastings John B McAndrew, Ainsworth Clifford E. Moss, Los Alamos, N.Jt . James A Rogers, Lincoln Stanley A Serbousek, Hay Springs John B. Westmore, St. Edward William M. Zieg. Des Moines, la. FRESHMAN STiriENTS James W. Adelson. Lincoln Biruta Adminis, Lincoln Donna L Anderson. Stromsbur Jim Anderson, Omaha Patricia A. Arnold, St. Paul Barbara L Bacon, Kearney Paul E Baldwin, Lincoln Danna .L Baxter, Grand Island Nancy L Beal, Beatrice Dale E Behmer. Hoskins Marilyn A Behrens. Mead Richard R Berns, Blue Hill Wesley Berry Jr.. Sidney Lavaughn A Boldt, Stanton Roger H Bonde, Callaway Paul B Bower, Lincoln David G. Cassel, Ainsworth Mary O. Christensen, Casper. Wyo. Richard L Christensen. Lincoln James R Cole. Lincoln Glenn E Conner, Wakefield Carole E Crate. Lincoln Margaret R Croft. Ralston Jack N Davey. Mullen Deanne L Diedrichs, North Platte Polly J Doering, Franklin Judith A Douglas, Tecumseh lnerida Dzenis. Lincoln George V Eisenhart. Culbertson Jo Ann M Ellermeier. Bruning Colleen Y Elliott. Lincoln William E Enck. Grand Island Darlene J Ernst. Columbus Herbert D Feidler. SeottsbluH Vernon C Feye, Creston James A. Foley Jr., Lincoln Carole J Frank. Omaha Troy D. Fuchser, Gordan Edward D Fullbrook, Lincoln Dorothy J Glde, Lincoln Allen K Glauhius. Wisner David GoCHty, Etmwood John P Haberman, Brock Anita L. Hall, Greeley. Colo. Dorothy M Hall. Lincoln Cvnthia K Hansen, Superior Lucille FJ Happel. Sterling liu Ann Harrison, Davenport John W Hertung. Omaha Lvle E Hawthorne, Fullerton Ronald A Hazard. Lincoln John J. Herout, Creighton Lewis M Hiatt. Scottsbluff Loralee Hildreih. Cburdan, la. Helen J Hookabout, Omaha rean H Hohnstein, Trumbull Margaret A Holbert, Lincoln Robert N" Holselaw, O'Neill Frederick J Howlett. Dorchester Donald D Ita. Ericson James O Jirsa, Miliord Sandra L Johns, Lincoln Iielwin D Johnson, Lincoln Joyce A Johnson, Ralston Gerald L Kaes, Scottsbluff John W Kane, Lincoln Kenneth W Kaufman. Greenwood Richard M. Kelly. New York, N.Y. Albert W Kendall, Norfolk Raymond A Kjar, Axteli James A Konopik, Lincoln FOR CREDIT WATCHES GIFTS JOE The Daily Nebraskon Secog raised Gerald L Korinek, Lincoln Fmil J Kovnl, Lvnch Robert M Kovarik. Omaha Iiavid A Kraus, Columbus Iiennis R Krause, Adams Lawrence D Kuhl, Pierce June L Legler, Schuyler Nancy J Lewis. Fremont Marvin C Liiebbett, West Point Fred J. Lundin, St. George, Utah Loren D Lutes, Loup City Virginia A MoOlure. Arnold Susan E McGrath, Grand Island Ronald H MoKnisht, Culbertson Betty L Mann, York Sally A Mat-dock, Schnyler Robert H Marks, Lincoln Diana L. Maxwell, Lincoln Buddy W, Miles. Plainview Lewis E. A. Miller, Lincoln Marvin M. Miller, Pierce Leon I. Mills, Lincoln Carol M. Moorhead, Omaha lVnnis J. Mullms, Omaha Francis A. Murray. O'Neill Larry L. Nelson, Gering John D. Nielsen, Alliance Conde Noriega, Grand Island Carroll A. Noviekt, lluncan 1 Larry B. Novtcki, Columbus Faye D. Oeltjen, Creston Jane N. Ohslund. Rockford. m. Erik D. Olsen. Omaha John W. O'Neill. Lincoln Vernon G. Peck, Coleridge Larry M. Perkins. Stamford Karen L. Peterson, Lincoln Roland L. Peterson, Granada, Minn. Marilyn C. Pickett, Schuyler George C. Porter, Lincoln Karlis O. Preis-s, Lincoln James B. Purcell, Superior Russell L. Rasmussen, Allen John H. Reimer, Great Bend, Kan, John R, Reiter, Lincoln Clifford D. Remmenga, Sterling Kathleen Roach, Maywood Norman B. Rohlfing, Talmage Clellanna J. Roumpf. Central City On The Social Side: Sororities Prepare for Legacy Weekeud;SQlurday By JAN FARRELL Society Editor Spring vacation has passed and, instead of spending the week re cuperating, all the sororities are very busily preparing for Legacy Week-end, which is ttiis Saturday, It's an important time for both the sororities and the high school juniors and seniors that are their guests. The co-eds will be trying to con vince their legacies to come to the University and the legacies will be getting their first taste of college life. This week-end there are two date dinners, two teas, a square dance and formal besides all the parties and the style show sched uled for legacies. Monday night there were an nouncements of one marriage, ten engagements and four pinnigs. MARRIAGE: Jody Hill, Chi Omega seior in Teachers from Omaha, to BilJ Mar tin, Phi Kappa Psi senior in Busi ness Administration from Omaha. ENGAGEMENTS: .. Marian Elder, Kappa Kappa Gamma junior in Teachers from North Platte, to Charles Matheson, Pi Kappa Alpha senior in Engin eering at Colorado University from North Platte. Carolyn Torrence, Alpha Chi Omega sophomore in Teachers from Red Oak, la., to Jack Flem ming, senior in Teachers from Kimball. K NEW Fur-Tor box Sturdy to keep cigarettes from crushing. Ne tobacco in your pocket. Up to data. I t - I ' ' ptttEL . . .... ... Earl K. Rudisil, Palisade Ida Mae Ryan, Loup City Gretchen A. Saeger. Schuyler William l Sapp, Lincoln Carol J. Savener, Wymore Roger N. Sohindier, Lincoln Sue A. Schnabel, Lincoln IHmald R. Seaman, Lincoln Kichard R. Seymour, Lincoln Bernard L. Singer, Grand Island Ted R. Snediker, Hastings Sid L. Snyder, Lincoln Richard T. Sokol, Loup City Myrna J. Smile. Chappell Nancy J. Spilker, Minden Erika M. Siarck. Columbus lVnnis J. Stewart, Syracuse, Kan. Diane M. Stohlman, Lincoln Norman V. Stones, Lincoln Annette G. Sunderman, Omaha Fred D, Swaim, Lincoln Charles C. Taylor, Falls City Loren D. Teikl. Leigh Larry D. Tetzloff, Madison Robert L. Theede, Lincoln Paul A. Thomas, Bellevue Delaine G. Tipton, Valley Harry R. ToUy, North Platte Judith Truell, Omaha Leo A. Tyrrell. Pender Rychie E. Van Ornam. Fremont Jeff J. Vandeberg, Fremont Richard A. Waldo. Orleans Linda Walt, Lincoln Donald E. Waltemath. North Platte Mary E. Walters, Uneohi Mari L. Watts, Beaver Crossing Lvle F. Wendt. Wabash . Arnold A. Wiebold, Madison Robert D. Willey. Lincoln Erwin L. Williams, Sioux Falls. S. D. Charles S. Wilson, Lincoln Allan J. Worrest, Lincoln Gresham L. Yeager, Francisco, Ind. Kenneth E. Zitek, llysses lentistry and Medicine Roger H. Bonde, Callaway Fred J. Lundin, St. George. Utah Erik D. Olsen, Omaha Gresham L. Yeager. Francisco, Ind. Donna Sawvell, Chi Omega sen ior in Teachers from Sioux City, la., to Bill Krommenhock, Delta Upsilon senior in Architecture from Sioux City, la. Marilyn Miller, Kappa Alpha Theta junior in Teachers from Shenandoah, la., to Frank Hemp hill, junior in Business Adminis tration from Lincoln. Donna Miller, Towne Club, sophomore in Teachers from Lin coln, to Dick Auwaerter, graduate student. Karen Anderson, Towne Club freshman in Teachers from Lin coln, to Frank Morris. Judy Boppry, Towne Club fresh man in Teachers from Lincoln, to Duane Cieg, freshman in Enguv eering. Janet Nelson, Towne Club fresh man in Teachers from Lincoln, to Dick Jensen. Mary James, Delta Delta Delta senibr in Home Economics from Nebraska City, to Ed Moyer, Delta Upsilon senior in Engineering from Lincoln. Sally Amato, Sigma Kappa freshman in Teachers from Platts mouth, to Pat Barrett. FRIDAY'S SOCIAL CALENDAR All University Squard Dancers College Activities Big. Engineers' Week Banquet and Dance. Sigma Kappa House Party. Sigma Delta Tau Open House. Palladian Society Program, Temporary "J". , AS Here's old-fashioned favor in the new way to smoke. Man-eiz taste of honest tobacco comes full through. Smooth-drawing filter feels right in your mouth. Works fine but doesn't get in the way. Modem Flip-Top Box keeps every cigarette firm and fresh until you smoke it POPULAR FILTER PRIC Stockmen: Feeders ay Set Friday More than 3,500 stockmen are expected to attend the University's 45th annual Feeders Day program to be held on the Ag College cam pus on Friday. The traditional event which was pioneered at Nebraska in 1911 has grown from an exhibition of ex perimental animals to a fullscale program featuring out-of-state speakers and detailed accounts of new research findings of interest to stockmen. Featured speakers will include John Milton of American Meat In stitute at Chicago, 111, and Martin Domke, cattle feeder from Gree ley, Colo. Nebraska homemakers accom panying their husbands to the event will have an opportunity to take part in the women's program fea turing food, finances and fashions. The event will climax Friday night with the honoring of A. D. Majors, well-known livestock com mission man and Omaha civic leader as an outstanding stock man at the Block and Bridle Club's annual banquet at 6 p.m. in the Union. 'J WW few AT , rori lar i FRICES MO) IMADt IN RICHMOND, VIRCXNIA, Tuesday, April 23, 1957 Tassels Filing All Independent women who wish to sign up for Tassels for next year should apply at a booth that will be set up in the Union this week, according to Ann Pickett, Tassels member. Miss Pickett stated that a booth will also be set up in the Ag Union and she urges everyone to sign up. A tea will be held on Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. for all the women who signed up, at which time th new Tassels members will b chosen. Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi, professional business fraternity, will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Room 318 of the Union, according to Alan Rosen, president. All men students in the College of Business Administration with a cumulative average of 5.5 and above may attend a pledging cere mony to be held at 7:15, Rosen said. tfilftaHS c as lucky Undy ! STho SPIRIT of St LOUISA - - ' .'Wi ' Sk3 I ml XT FROM A NtW MARUORO (EUrt) r J NOW Si j SHOWINGjpf I: "f