The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 23, 1957, Image 1

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Honor Students
Seo Page 4
Vacation Sports
Seo Page 3
U 17
Vol.32, No. 81
Tuesday, April 23, 1 957
NU Event:
$chedui Set
Ff Spring Way
Dick Hagemeier, Chairman of
Spring Day, announced Monday
the schedule for Spring Day
Don Stokes, a junior in Business
Administration, a member of the
Student Council and former AUF
auctioneer, was chosen master of
ceremonies .of all Spring Day
vents, according to Hagemeier.
The schedule of evenits is:
8 a.m. Parade Horse show be.
9 a.m. Events begin: Women's
tug of war, men's wheel barrow
race, women's' football throw,
men's chariot race, men's push up
contest, men's baseball throw,
women's three-legged race, worn-
Farmer's Fair
Slated May 3
On Ag Campus
The annual Farmer's Fair will
be held May 8 on the Ag College
campus in conjunction with Spring
The agricultural event gets un
derway at 8 a.m. when the second
annual Block and Bridle Quarter
Horse Show opens in the rodeo
arena. Floyd Bond will judge the
ehow which is approved by the
American Quarter Horse Associa
tion. A public barbecue will be held
at 11:30 a.m. at the College Activi
ties Building. Action will move
back to the rodeo arena at 1:30
p.m. for the annual College Rodeo.
Events scheduled include: saddle
bronc riding, steer riding, bare
back bronc riding, calf roping,
bulldogging, barrel'racing and pole
bending. .
Calf catching and wild cow milk
ing contests for boys and girls
representing organized houses also
will be held.
The Spring Day street dance ttiat
night will climax the Farmer's
Fair activities. Rodeo winners will
be announced at this time.
Separate ticketa-io-the barbe
cue and rodeo may be purchased
for 80 cents each or a combination
ticket is available for $1.50.
This Week:
To Lecture
Edwin Hewitt, professor of
mathematics at the University of
Washington, and Dr. Morgan Har
ris, professor of zoology at the
University of California, will de
liver several lectures at the Univer
sity this week.
Hewitt's visit to the campus is
being sponsored by the Mathemat
ical Association of America to
Interest students in the opportuni
ties for careers as professional
He will deliver a public lecture
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Room
108, Burnett Hall, on "What is
A graduate of Harvard Univer
tity, he has held two Guggenheim
Fellowships, both spent in research
at the Institute for Advanced
Study, Princeton, N. J., and has
taught at Harvard, Bryn Mawr,
end the University of Chicago.
Dr .Harris will deliver' a Mon
day noon lecture, "Nutritional Re
quirements and Energy Sources,"
and a Wednesday noon lecture,
'Growth Promoting Proteins,"
both at the Plant Industry buM
ing on the College of Agriculture
His Tuesday lecture at 1 p.m.,
1 entitled, "Kinetic Studies with Cell
Suspension," will be at Bessey
Hall auditorium.
His visit is1 sponsored by the
Institute for Cellular Research
and the department of physiology,
Rain Boots -In
For Today
Considerable cloudiness and scat
tered thundershowers are in store
for the University campus. Stu
dents can eet out their rain boots
to walk to class today, the showers
were forecast
for Monday
night and this
' High temps
are to remain
however. The
high today is
to be near 75.
Monday regis
tered a hlirh nf
74 and low of J53fc3
It ,r-4J
55. T or n a d o
warnings are out for all Nebraska
baseball throw, faculty pie eating
9:30 a.m. Faculty peanut push
ing, faculty egg catching.
10 a.m. Men's tug of war, men's
backward race, men's football
throw, women's sack relay, wom
en's peanut pushing, women's tan
dem bike race, faculty baby bottle
contest, faculty three-legged race,
coaches shot put.
10:30 a.m. Men's three-legged
race, women's baseball throw,
women's egg catching, women's
pie eating contest.
11 a.m. Men's tandem bike
race, men's pie eating contest.
12 noon Barbecue.
1:30 Rodeo begins with voting
for typical cowboy and cowgirl
at the gate. The schedule for rodeo
events is:bare bronc riding (first
section), girl's Barrel race, saddle
bronc riding (first section), calf
roping, bare back bronk riding
(second section), wild cow milking
contest, girl's goat tying, saddle
bronc riding (second section),
steer wrestling, co-ed calf catch
ing, bull riding.
4:30 p.m. Carnival begins.
8:30 p.m. Free street dance in
front of the Union.
12 midnight Official end of
Spring Day.
"All events will be held rain or
shine," Hagemier concluded.
Trophys will be awarded to the
organizations scoring the most
points in spring day events, John
Glynn, Awards Chairman said
There will be separate trophys
for men's and women's divisions
according to Glynn. In addition, a
trophy will be awarded to the
faculty of the college that scores
highest in faculty events. Scoring
will be on the basis of five points
for a first, three for a second and
one for a third.
A small cup will also be awarded
to the winners of the men's tug of
war, push ball and push up con
tests. A similar award will be
given in the women's division to
the winners of the tug of war sack
race and greased pig race.
Winners will be announced at the
intermission of ttie rodeo.
E-Week Ribbons
E-Week ribbons are sold each
year to help defray the expenses
of Engineering Week and to make
participating engineers easily
recognized so that people attend
ing the Open House can direct
their questions to them.
E-Week will be held Thursday
and Friday of this week.
Engineers from each depart
ment have ribbons on sale now.
They may be purchased for fif
teen cents, according to Bob
Jameson, E-Week publicity chair
man. AFCW Conference:
Women Conclude
'Profs Too
A substantial number of Amer
ican university women believe
their professors are much too easy
on them in the classroom.
This was derived from a poll
conducted among more than 400
coeds reoresentinsr 139 colleges and
universities attending the Athletic
Federation of College Women.
The group ended its four-day meet,
ing at the University last Thurs
day afternoon.
Of those responding to a ques
tionnaire, 42 per cent expressed a
Courtesy Sunday journal and Situ-
Leaves For Tokyo ,
Shari Lewis, Cornhusker
Beauty Queen and the 1957
American Dairy Queen, will
leave from Seattle Monday for
the International Trade Fair in
Tokyo May 5-19. Miss Lewis '
was the guest of honor at an
American Dairy Assn. and Dairy
Society International reception
in Washington on April 17. '
NU Press
To Receive
Ford Grant
The Ford Foundation has select
ed the University Press as one of
the 30 schools to receive one of
its grants ."which stimulate schol
orly publication in the humani
ties and social sciences."
The foundation's program for the
second quarter of the fiscal year
has awarded a total of $305,300
to be distributed among the 30
Window displays constructed by
each department in the College of
Engineering and Architecture are
now being shown, in downtown
stores as a part of the annual
Each year during E.-Week these
displays are put up to stimulate
interest in the Open House acti
vities. The various displays and their
locations are:
Mechanical Engineers: They will
have a model of an automation
machine producing automobiles.
The machine which will be entire
ly automatic, will be shown at
Civil Eningeers: A large rail-
Kosmet Club
The Kosmet Klub Spring Show
personnel have been urged to
watch the organization's bullet
ins board in the Union for further
rehearsal schedules, according
to AI Holbert, musical director.
road bridge, showing the work
a civil engineer migh do' after
graduation will be at Miller and
Electrical Engineers: The elec
trical engineers have a scale mod
el of Gavin's Point Dam. Water
will flow continuously through the
dam, and the water- level is-con-trolled
by automatic gates which
can be operated by spectators out
side the window at Gold's.
Chemical Engineers: A large
map showing Nebraska's chemical
resources, with models depicting
the various resources, will be at
Well's and Frost.
Architects: The architects have
built a model of a modern house
using a hyperbolic parabloid roof.
This model will be in Magee's
Agricultural Engineers: Models
demonstrating pneumatic grain
conveyance and pneumatic seed
metering will be at Bond Clothing.
Engineering Mechanics: A mod
el of a large walking crane will
be at Penney's.
desire for more difficult univer
sity academic standards. Fifty
four per cent said they thought
instructional standards were just
about right and 4 per cent said
they were too high.
Other results of the poll:
Casting a studious eye at the
troubled Middle East situation, 30
per cent of the college women ex
pressed the opinion that there
would not be another major world
war in the foreseeable future.
Twenty eight per cent of them
expected a world war within ten
years, 15 per cent expect a major
war in the next 30 years, nine per
cent in the next five years and
the remainder in 40 to 50 years
An overwhelming majority, 80
per cent, believe there is too much
emphasis , on social activities in
colleges and universities, but 8?
per cent of them opposed abolition
of social fraternities and sororities
Nearly three fourths of them de
nied that most women attend col
lege and university to seek a better
prospect for a husband. And on
the subject of what quality they
would like to see most in a hus
band, the principal answers were
honesty, followed by understand
ing, sincerity, love and ambition.
The qualities they like to see
most in their professors, in de
scending importance, are good
well informed in his subject, inter
esting lecturer, fairness (espec
ially jn grading exams) and an
understanding attitude toward stu
dent life.
When asked which book, had in
fluenced them most, 50 per cent
of the women replied that it was
the Bible. Other most influential
books: The Robe, The Man Called
Peter, Gone With the Wind, War
and Peace, the Dictionary, the
Power of Positive Thinking, and
The Silver Chalice.
Honors Convocation:
W51S HecoQv
More than 550 students, along
with two professors, will be rec
ognized Tuesday morning for out
standing accomplishemnts during
the last year at the 29th annual
University Honors Convocation.
The ceremonies will begin at
10:15 a.m. in the Coliseum. The
public is invited to attend.
Val Peterson of Washington, D.
Classes Excused
Classes will be excused from
10 a.m. to 12 noon today for the
annual University Honors Convo
cation according to Dean of Stu
dent Affairs Phillip Colbert.
Colbert said that the convoca
tion would begin promptly at 10:15
a.m., ,and classes were being dis
missed at 10 a.m. to allow students
plenty of time to walk to the Coli
seum. C, 53-year-old former three-term
governor of Nebraska and Federal
Civil Defense Administrator for the
past four years, will deliver the
main address.
"" His topic will be: "Help Wanted:
Specialists in Human Engineering."
The University will recognize:
As Last Resort:
Governor Threatens
Entire Budget Veto
Governor Victor Anderson said
Monday that if efforts to defend
his "hard tack" budget fail on the
floor of the Legislature, he will
have to "seriously consider" a ve
to of the entire istate budget for
The basis of the Governor's "hold
the line" budget are two propos
als to lower the state insitutional
building levy from $1.10 to 50
cents per $1,000 of property and
eliminate the 25 cents per $1,000
levy for the University College of
Medicine. v
When asked to clarify earner
statements that he would "fight"
proposals to increase his recom
mendations on the two levies the
Governor Adnerons said, "I have
pledged muself to holding the line.
Tuition Bill
Fails To Pass
A bill to double tuition rates at
the University failed to be ad
vanced from the Legislature's edu
cation committee.
The measure, LE410, got three
votes for advancement. Four votes
are needed to get a bill out of com
mittee. The committee can reconsider
the bill at any time.
Present tuition fees are $90 per
semester for resident students and
$180 for non-residents, according
to University Registrar Floyd
The bill, as originally offered by
Sen. Terry Carpenter of Scotts
bluff, sets $360 and $180 per semes
ter as tuition rates for non-Nebras-kans
and Nebraskans, respective
ly, at the University.
The committee amended version
of the bill provides for doubling
of tuition charges, instead of set
ting a specific amount. Tuition and
fees now are $90 and $180 for resi
dents andtion - residents, respec
tively. Hardin Selected
To Exec Council
Chancellor Clifford Hardin of the
University has been selected as a
member of the executive commit
tee of the American Association
of Land-Grant Colleges and State
Hardin will complete the unex
pired term of John Perkins, presi
dent of University of Delaware,
who was recently appointed Under
Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare.
Ivy, Daisy Chain
. Ivy and Daisy Chain partici
pants will practice Tuesday noon
and again at 5 p.m. in Boom 313
of the Union, according to Court
ney Campbell, co-chairman.
Another practice will be held
Thursday at 5 p.m. in the Union.
Participants must attend one of
these sessions, she stressed.
Awards Deadline
The deadline for applications for
the Corn Cob Grant-in-aid awards
of $100 each is 5 p.m. Wednesday.
Forms should be returned to Dean
Marjorie Johnston at Ehen Smith
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
Sixty-eight senior students who
scholastically rank in the upper
three per cent or have appeared
on the honors list since entering
as freshmen.
Five hundred and forty students
who rank in the upper 10 per cent
of their class, based on accumula
tive grade averages since attend-
The only weapons I have are the
floor of the Legislature and the
The Legislature's legislative
council had recommended a 75
cent mill levy for institutions and
taken no position on the medical
school levy enacted by the 1953
"Naturally," the governor said "I
will try to sell the idea (About
special levies) to members of
the Legislature." "Then my other
approach would be to give consid
eration to a veto."
The budget bills have not yet
been reported to the floor for de
bate. Usually they arrive late in
the session and are among the last
passed by the senators.
The governor said, "I'm hope
ful I get the budget early enough
to study it before they (the Legis
lature) adjourns."
If it appears the budget will not
reach his desk before adjourn
ment, the governor said he prob
ably would send a message to the
Legislature asking a postponement
of adjournment until he has time
to go over the budget thoroughly.
A budget has been vetoed only
once before according to Governor
Anderson, by Governor Charles
Breslow, Cotton:
Two University Seniors
Win Wilson Fellowships
Two University -seniors have
been named winners of the Na
tional Woodrow Wilson fellow
ships, one-year awards for out
standing students interested in
graduate preparation for college
They are
Marvin Bres
low and Robert
Cotton. Both
are enrolled in
the College of
Arts and Sci
ences. Breslow Dlans
to continue his I V
graduate work j . t J K
next year Ul Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Harvard Uni- . Breslow
versity, specializing in history and
Thsaler' To
The University Theater's produc
tion of "The Dead Day" by Ernest
Barlach will be another "first" for
this year.
The play was first produced in
Leipzig, Germany, in 1918, but it
had never been produced on an
American stage.
Max Whittaker, director of the
experimental theater, said that the
University group will use the trans
lation by Dr. Naomi Jackson of
the McMaster College . in Hamil
ton,' Ontario.
"We are trying to capture the
mood of Barlach as Dr. Jackson
captured it and as. it is expressed
in the lithographs now on display
here at the University," Whittaker
The lithographs, which belong
to Dr. Jackson's private collection
of Barlach "lore" are being exhib
ited through April 28 in the Uni
versity Art Galleries in Morrill
Dr. Jackson is on the campus
ing the University.
' Recipients of the C. W. Boucher
Awards, given to seniors with the
highest scholastic average in the
entire class, in athletics, and in
the Reserve Officers Training
The University also will recog
nize this year's winners of the Uni
versity Foundation's Distinguished
Teaching Awards, one in humani
ties and social sciences, and the
other in physical and technologi
cal sciences.
Each award includes a $1,000
stipend and a medal. Mr. W. W.
Putney of Lincoln, Foundation
president, and Chancellor Clifford
M. Hardin will present the awards.
As Federal Civil Defense Admin
istrator, Governor Peterson serves
as a member of the Defense Mo
bilization Board and is a Presi
J ere McGaffey:
U To Recog
Top Senior Sc
Jere McGaffey will be recog
nized by the University Tuesday
morning as the top scholar in the
senio:- class.
McGaffey will receive two
awards at the 29th annual Honors
Convocation, beginning at 10:15
a.m. at the Coliseum.
One will be the C. W. Boucher
Memorial Senior award, given to
the senior with the highest scholas
tic average in four years; and, the
other, the C. W. Boucher Memor
ial Senior ROTC Award, for the
top senior cadet scholastically.
His 8.441 grade average for four
years earned him these honors.
McGaffey gives debating credit
for his almost perfect marks. He
entered the University primarily
because he wanted to debate.
And, he said, "I was told when
a freshman that top scholarship
was required to become a mem
ber of the debate" squad."
Jere took the advice seriously
and has been a top debater for the
past four years.
After four years of studies, he
will receive two undergraduate de
grees in June, instead of the usual
one. In addition to a Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration
he will earn a Bachelor of Arts.
The second degree has required
Jere to complete at least 30 ex
tra semester credit hours above
the minumum graduating require
ment of 125 hours.
He is president of Delta Sigma
Rho, national speech honorary;
and a member of Beta Gamma
Sigma, national scholastic honor
ary in business administration; and
Phi Beta Kappa, national scholas
tic honorary in arts and sciences.
English. Cotton will attend Stan
ford University, specializing in
Awarded only upon invitation aft
er nomination by established mem
bers of the academic profession,
Wilson fellowships enable young
scholars to try out their interests
work and to determine whether
they wish to enter careers of teach
ing and scholarship.
The fellowships are sponsored
by the Association of Graduate
Schools within the. 37-member Am
erican. Association of Universities,
and are underwritten jointly by
the Association's members, the
Carnegie Corporation and the Gen
eral Education Board.
Three hundred two fellowships
were awarded in the nation.
Present 'The
this week and will, according to
Whittaker, give the criticism of the
drama following the last perform
ance. Whittaker said that the play is
surprisingly theatrical. "Barlach,
of course, is noted for his painting
and his sculpture. Yet this play
demonstrates his versatility," the
director stated.
He saii that the same "force"
which is evident in the lithographs
and other art works of the Ger
man artist are evident in the play.
"He must have had a very vivid
imagination, since every field he
experimented in was so success
ful," Whittaker said.
The Bar! ch play in its entirety
is much like those works of other
European dramatists, "that is, the
action often stops so that the phil
osophy of the playwright can be
expounded. But we have cut much
of the play to accelerate the no
tion of the drama so that it ccn
be more palatable for ths Amer
GDof Dira
dential invitee to the National Se
curity Council, when matters con
cerning continental defense and
civil defense are discussed. By in
vitation of the President, he al30
attends Cabinet meetings.
At the Tuesday program, Dr.
Robert Davis, pastor of Student
Fellowship Baptists and Disciples
of Christ, will be chaplain.
Mary Adelia DeMars of Lincoln,
student representative of the Hon
ors Convocations Committee, will
introduce the speaker.
Music will be furnished by My
ron Roberts, organist, and the Uni
versity Symphony Orchestra, di
rected by Jack Snider.
Dr. Donald Keys, professor of
operative dentistry and chairman
of the Honors Convocation Com
mittee, will present the honored
Nebraska Phot
Another individual honor to be
conferred Tuesday will go to Rob
ert Niemann, a geology major and
middle-distance runner on the
track team. He will receive the
C. W. Boucher Memorial Senior
Athletic Award, for the senior in
athletics with the highest grade
average. He has a 7.318 average.
NU Glee Club
Gives Concerts
On State Tour
The University's Varsity Glet
Gub began its first extensive con
cert tour of Western Nebraska
Monday and will continue Tues
day and Wednesday.
The group, composed of 54 men
and Miss Nebraska, Diane Knotek
of Lincoln, will visit seven towns.
The conductor is Dale Ganz, as
sistant director of voice. The Glee
Club consists of non-music majors.
The tour schedule follows:
Monday Alliance High School
auditorium, 10 a.m., Sidney High
School auditorium, 2:40 p.m.; and
Ogallala High School auditorium,
7:30 p.m.
Wednesday North Platte Figh
School auditorium, 10 a.m.; Goth
enburg High School auditorium, 2
p.m.; and Lexington High School
auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
Eby Elected
Doris Eby is the newly elected
secretary of Barb Activities Board
of Women. Dorothy Glade was
selected as treasurer for the board.
These two complete the slate of
officers headed by Sue Hinkle and
Marie Gerdes who were elected
earlier in the All-women spring
elections. .- . .
ican audience," Whittaker added.
The color scheme and the costum
ing of the play match as closely
as possible the ideas which the
author has presented. "We worked
closely with the art department
to make the play compare with the
drawings of the author," the di
rector said.
Light will be used to create much
of the color in the play, but the
lines and actual "scheme" of the
setting have been worked out by
the art department to express the
feelings of the original work.
Dr. Jackson will speak in Gal
lery B. of Morrill Hall Tuesday
at 8:30 p.m. on the dramatic s
pects of Barlach. She spoke t the
University on Barlach in October
of 1955.
The University Theatre box of
fice is open this week for reserva
tions for the play which will bt
presented in Howell Memorial The
ater Friday and Saturday evenings
, at 8 p.m.
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