The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Daily Nebraskan Editorials:
Spiking Permitted
The Interfraternity Council has finally de- body else gels there first,
elded it can't handle its spiking problem, so " sy t ay that man is not bound by
has decided to do away with the difficulty by accePtlng tbc!,fledf pin' un"! he ta "icially
signed up. Still, when a man does accept a pin
eliminating it all together. It is now legal to to the summer( , certain nd is established
pike, although "a rushee is not bound to any bet h, and ft house offeri him ft
. t t, i i : m l : a.- i 1
irwerauy oy accepting a inuenuiy prone pin, pin Un,ess o pedge pmg cheapen to
nor omciaiiy recognizee, as a pieage oi any ira- tot where coUect them ke they
ternity until he has filed a pledge assumption ,do rush cards Thi, ls inconcejvabie but chill-
card with the IFC." g nonetheless.
This is nice, of course. No one is officially Kow the fraternities have this new freedom
pledged until he pays his dollar and takes his jn their rushing program, it can only be hoped
pin out of a pocket where it very likely might this freedom will not be abused. The pledge
have been nesting for months. pjn jS( or at least should be, a symbol of of-
7 What will result ls a rushing program accel- fering membership in a fraternity on one hand,
crated beyond even the vast reaches now at- and a desire to attain this membership on the
tained by many houses. Instead oi a man other hand. '
pledging a house, the house now goes out into It should not be a matter of catch-as-catch-
the badlands to pledge the man before some- can.
Counseling Service
University students who have i become upset reported,
about the rearrangements in the Junior Di- And yet the University's budget fight might
Tisioa and Counseling Service can sit back have some bearing on the securing of "as good
down and relax. Lee Chatfield, director of the a man as possible." Some people around the
service lays that a search is now godng on for University would have us believe that there
a highly qualified man to be in charge of the are other deterring factors in the search,
counseling service. - ' One source suggested that a diplomate would
The department hopes to obtain a "diplomate" be reluctant to work under as relatively inexpe-
for the position, according to Gordon Henley, rlenced a person as Mr. Chatfield.
assistant professor of educational psychology However, he says that he would remain as
end measurements who is assisting in the director but only in an administrative capacity,
aearch. Chatfield added he would "probably not handle
A "Diplomate" is a person with a Ph.D. in any of the actual counseling."
counseling and at least five years of experience So the University can Jook forward to more
beyond this training in the field. than "routine" changes in the Junior Division
There seems to be a big "IF" in the search, and Counseling Service, we speculate. If the
however. services of a diplomate cannot be procured we
From all indications, diplomates are scarce have the promise-of obtaining a completely
people. Henley reported that if the University capable person. ,
obtained one, we would be the only Big Seven We have the assurance that the Junior Di-
achool with such a man. vision and the Counseling Service will be put
But the University seems intent on obtaining into the hands of those who are trained for
the services of a good man. Chatfield says each job.
that his primary interest is in maintaining as We will look for the completion of these prom
good a counseling service as possible. . ises as acts of good faith on the part of the
The search might go far beyond the June 1 administration and will work to insure the
date set by Chatfield for the completion of the students that the programs will be as helpful
aearch. Some men are being interviewed by and as sympathetic with their problems as edu-
the "searchers" at the present time, it has been cation and experience can make them.
From The Editor's Desk:
A word or two
before you go . .
By FRED DALY sorship drive against a na- cause he believes this status
Editor tionally-popular book, Ten quo to be faulty or lacking.
Bennet Cerf, speaker at the North Frederick. Two things Perhaps for this reason, or .
all University Convocation are apparent from this action, for other reasons, college stu-
Thursday, blew across the Cerf said: 1) The Chief of dents across the country have
campus like a soft spring Police stepped out of line, assumed a "don't give a
breeze on the wake of the 2) The very .fact that he said damn" attitude that spreads
early-morning snowfall. 5 "in my opinion" the book was like a weed throughout their
Not only did he bring an obscene and ought not to be campuses,
unnaturally large crowd of sold in Detroit caused a tre- Those who do speak up are
both students and faculty to mendous increase in sales. branded as "radicals" who go
the Coliseum for the convoca- Cerf's comments on both barking around for the simple
tdon, but he said some very budget-cutting and a "drive purpose of hearing themselves
timely and reflective things, to conformity" have special and to make a rumpus,
both in his speech and at a significance to University stu- There are people like this
special luncheon given in his dents. on any campus, just as there
honor. The first, of course, is ob are in the general run of so
Referring to what appears vious, as the University bud- ciety. But there are also
to be a nation-wide trend, get has been a subject of de- those who are generally in-
Cerf said it is "short-sighted" bate and intense worry on be- terested in concerned about
for people to cut educational half of the Administration, how things are going, and
facilities and library work People in the University have that perhaps something should
when slashes in operating been deploring the cuts for be done,
budgets are necessary. months. v Sometimes you just don't
He also spoke of a "drive The second comment, on know what to do.
for conformity" that is be- conformity, is quite a bit .
coming popular. "This coun- more nebulous and perhaps The Bible recounts a great
try was not built by people not unnoticed. Cerf was not, Deluge, when it rained for
who said, 'I agree'; it was of course, speaking of people forty days and forty nights,
built by people who say, 'I who are non conformists Well, maybe when the sub
object. " . merely for the noteriety soil gets good and sopped it
It is awfully easy to con- gained by not conforming to will stop here (we hope),,
form, Cerf said, and too many generally accepted social
people are ready to penalize rules. Congratulations to the
you if you step out of line. He was speaking of a trend newly-named Phi Beta Kap-
He then referred to efforts in - Vv to rap the knuckles pas and Sigma Xis! It's
by the Chief of Police in De-. of , ,e who speaks up people like you that brings the
troit who has started a cen- agaiiiii'' the status quo be- class average up, boy!
Bet's Diagnosis
By GARYV RODGERS scene, Dulles has recently ment can do what it wants
Observing the local scene, asked for the establishment th the remaining sum in its
an amusing situation popped of a pool to be set up by the budget K mw b short funds
, U.S. for needy countries. His -
op in the capital. Monday plan would caH for loans to Dulles wants 228 million for
morning the Unicameral was run 750 million yearly in his department and told Con-
as mixed up and confused as the future. These funds would gress that the nation's im-
I have ever seen them. They go mostly to friendly coun- proved position in the world,
were acting on a bill intro- tries for armaments. gives reason enough for the
duped by Senator Terry Car- He pointed out the fact that appropriation. Claiming that
penter, and confusion galore much of the State Depart- America's position is now at
started when they put the . ment's budget is being used an all time high, he wants a,
measure, to a vote. Senator for military aid to these coun- full budget to raise it even
August Wagner could not tries, and it looks bad on the higher. A very good point,
make up his mind which way Department's budget; if the John. ;
to vote. He voted three times fund is not to be set up for Another thing we can look
two different ways leaving the this aid, this item should be for - is supporting the NATO
morning session in a muddle, put into the Defense Depart- much more, and this takes
It seems George Mayer is not ment's budget as it's all for money. The NATO is in a
the only one slightly confused . military purposes. critical position and needs
these days. 1 One factor, in favor of the financial backing to keep it in
Skipping on to the national plan, is that the State Depart- top working order.
The Daily Nebraskan
Zlember: Associated Collegiate Press mtof ...rm dij
Intercollegiate Press tunacusg Editor ......Jk Poiim
SepresenUtive: National Advertising Service, Editorial fag Editw.... Dick snum
Incorporated Editor Sua Jom, Bob Inland
Fabllshed at: Room 20, Student Union Editor... Bob Mart
LirscaLl. Nebraska Oopy Editors Art Blaskmui.. Carole f rank
i.iiicuii, , eu Geori Horar. Hon Warholoskl
Ti l!, H,b-J l. tL Mo-dw. I8ea,. Nl.i.i few. Wltor..: ..Carol. Frank
f...iMdiy and Friday durtn tUso school jrr, extent a( Edlton. . twaltw Fatterton
ftunn vacations, and exara periods, and ton turn la Staff Fhotog rapher. .. ..................... .. uwli
, -.ft ourtiic Aairart, by student oi tht University Mftee Berretary Julia Dowell
it wide the anUuirteatioo the Committee Society Editor a FarreU
t mtumnt AffJlre an an exprewttan of rtdent opinion. Reporteri. ......... .Diana Maxwell, Mary Patterson,
fao-i' Ki'.wie anttn the jurticlinicn of too SubootfiiuHtf Kmmle Llmpo, Keith Smith, Bob
m t-i"!m! Publications ehail he free from editorial Grlmmlt, 8am Hall, Jack Carl la,
eewBikip on the part of tiio Subcommittee or on tba Mlk Lough.
anrt of a tv mrmlier o! the fimiXy of the I nrremlty, or i,.,., r,ii T.-h.n nh win lmrv
t, tt,o pert ef aoy outside th. Univemity. The Staff Writer. J', Kidman '
w'.. t the NehfHstaan .taff are personaily re- Kodgere, Stan Wldmaa.
for what !' ay, or do or eauaa aa BUSINESS STAFF
printed. Pf tirnary 8, IHiS. ' m...-
SubocrUmon rale are 3.50 per armeeter or 14 for BmlneM Manager. . T?
M? it!-i7tio year - Altan Bvsines Haaasera Larry Epstein
Furred a eeoii4 efam mattwr at the poet offlea ta Circulation Manager. .f?'",!?
tJi4cm, Nebraska, under ti act of August a, 18JJ. Tom B' UB
Tine Daily Nebrcskorf
Friday, April 12 1957
An oltteielde awo cant throw!
can't throw?' i've nsvk
I I 111' -
khwsm htkfips
To the Editer:
Hats off to Kay Skinner for her
lettei in Wednesday's Daily Ne
braskan. May her ideas be nourish
ed in the minds of the people of
Nebraska the next two years to
allow the corrections to be made
at that time.
Bob Krohn
To the Editor: f
As a senior in the College of
Agriculture I am gravely con
cerned over the prospects of los
ing any more of our University
professors. Although I will be
graduating this June, I always will
have a vital interest .in our Uni
versity and her . future develop
ment. It is for this reason I feel called
to relate to you a news item from
the April 4, 1957, Lincoln Star. The
item concerns an interview with
State Senator Hans Jensen relat
ing to the vital University of Ne
braska budget.
The story read: "The trouble is
not all financial." He (Sen. Jen
sen) mentioned the case of Dr.
Clyde Mitchell, former Agricultu
ral College professor, who, the
Senator said, "was forced out" of
the institution.
It would seem that this should be
enough to make the University
Faculty Investigating Committee
realize that they should reach a
decision on the Mitchell case in
the very near future so as not to
endanger the University budget
any more than it already is.
We as students are beginning to
wonder when you will settle the
Mitchell situation as you as com
mitteemen were selected to do.
, . An Ag Ec Major
To the Editor:
Re. the Shapiro conflict: it
seems to me rather ridiculous that
we should be indulging in such
witchburning as "Simmie," your
Teachers College laureate of last
Friday and the herioes who placed
the poster in Andrews Hall advo
cate. There is no such thing as a
In the first place, Mr. Shapiro
is no stranger to the Midwest; 111
nois, Indiana, Minnesota and Iowa
can hardly be called the east
coast. In the second place, . he
was quoted out of context (see the
Nation, c. Mar. 9). In the third
place, he uttered a sentiment, ba
sically quite valid, in metaphori
cal language which has been mis
understood by the local literal
bugs. It is quite obvious that Mr. Sha
piro does not want us all to roar
off to Hungary, waving flags and
blowing bugles. He is objecting to
the fact that we delight in absolute
moral, social, political, and intel
lectual isolation; that we see; as
your future teacher puts it, no need
to be concerned with things that
do not concern us.
"Culture" is not something that
one takes up in his spare time.
The pursuit of education is the pur
suit of culture; a pursuit of those
things which, throughout the ages,
men have considered beautiful
and good. The primary purpose
of education is the formation of
a better human being, not a better
engineer, scientist, teacher, or
scholar. Thus culture is something
which deply concerns us all: cul
ture is human existence.
We cannot be better people if'
we strive to obtain only what we
reach, only what makes us ma
terially secure. We cannot be proud
of isolation, of whatever variety.
The Hungarian situation, like the
Suez, the Spanish, the German,
is our situation. "No man is an is
land, entire of itself; . . . any man's
death diminishes me, because I
am involved in mankind; and
therefore never send to know for
whom the bell tollds: it tolls for
thee." Mr. Shapiro is echoing
Donne, not Heingway.
It is the intellectual, not 'the
physical, apathy, to which we ob
ject. A student like "Simmie" has
no heroes: moral, ethical, politi
cal, literary. He belieVes in noth
ing, not even in himself. Ideals,
even misdirected 'ones, are better
than fence-straddling, materialistic
platitudes. One Who never tilts at
windmills never falls into the mud,
to be sure; but he never rises up
among the stars, either. '
(By the way, that was the Lin
coln Brigade, not the Lincoln TCom
pany, "Simmie.")
Margaret E. Ashida
To the Editor;
I am really surprised that Mr.
Shapiro's remarks ,a b o u t the
apathy of students has caused even
' a mild storm of tighteous indigna
tion. It seems to me to show that
the spark of constructive thought
is present but hardto keep going.
I think Steve Schultz came close
to the reason why. He considers it
a sort of an ego defense. I am not
sure that I agree entirely with this
but it is close because it points up
that there are dynamic factors in
volved. That makes the word apathy in
correct in this case. Apahty means
absence of feeling or emotion; in-
, sensibility to what ordinarily
rouses feeling or interest; dull in
difference. I think most people when they
start college have a mental pic
ture of what college life is like.
This picture may be right or
wrong. In my case I had the idea
that college students spend a lot
of their spare time arguing phil
osophy and politics and discussing
unsolved problems in the differ?
ent courses that they were taking.
I couldn't have been farther from
the truth. I found to my disappoint
ment that they were actively avoid
ing such arguments. This is not
apathy. '
Those who advocate sending
Schultz- and Shapiro to Hungary
have missed the point altogether.
An hour long bull'session isn't go
ing to solve all the problems of
the world or even come close, but
what harm is it going to do to -at
least talk about them? If enough
people were to consider a problem
who knows what might come from
Wayne Smlda
To the Editor:
The discouraging tone admitted
by the author of the recent Letterip
discussing the Clyde Mitchell case
merits more than passing atten
tion. 1
Recognizing, as most everyone
does, that there is a great deal
of truth in fne charges placed be
fore the University Committee on
Privilege and Tenure by Dr.
Mitchell (witness the evidence
compiled by last spring's Nebras
kan, the conflicting statements of
the administration, and the public
statement of Dr. Mitchell him
self), I think, nonetheless, t h a t
those critical of the committee's
obvious inertia and probably cow
ardice must take into considera
tion the following two points:
1. Not only would anything the
committee might announce now
adversely influence the Legisla
ture in its consideration of the
budget, but it might also mean
that the usefulness of some ad
ministrative personnel has ended,
and the heads would start rolling.
2. Several of the committee
members have publicly cqmpro
mised themselves on the Mitchell
issue. Most notable example, of
course, is our flamboyant Ger
man Professor, Dr. Pfeiler, who
you will recall last spring vicious
ly hung Bruce Brugmann (then
editor of the Nebraskan) on the
ropes for supporting Dr. Mitchell
even to the point of questioning
the motives of the young editor
in the paper's campaign.
These two difficulties, coupled
with the crippling indifference of
the instructional rank, and file,
have undoubtedly seriously hamp.
ered the operation of this invests
gating committee.
Let us trust, however, that the
committee will overcome these
difficulties and submit a fair,
speedy report of the Mitchell case.
Graduate Student
by Dick Bibler
n 9 eur?oe& Torte?i& awake puking CLA55.1
National concern will hire college men
for summer employment-part time next
winter. For interview, telephone Mr. Ben
nett at Hotel Cornhusker Friday "after
noon and evening or write 605 Jackson
St.Topeka, Kansas; for later interview.
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