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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1957)
Wednesday, April! 0, 1957 Daily Nebraskan Editorials: We Stand Alone The Daity Nebraskan I J 1 3 S ft ' i I Gov. Victor Anderson, in a strange move for a "friend of the University declared Tuesday that he will not fight to restore the $1 million the budget committee of the Legislature trimmed from his recommendations for the University. You will remember that when the Governor visited the University before Christmas he said that he has always been a friend of the Uni versity and stood up for it "when I was in the Legislature." And now he claims that he has been much concerned that the University has enough money to increase salaries enough to maintain the present staff. - ' - The state's chief executive said that t'ie com , mi t tee had told him all the salary increases requested -by the University would be taken care 'of. He added that the Budget Committee had more time than he to review budget requests of state Institutions; his figure was Just a recommendation. So we have climbed down the ladder. Chan cellor Hardin said that the University must have a $5.5 million increase to keep pace with other schools and the needs of the state. The Legislature's committee seems to think that a possible $1 million from tuition increases would bring the total to the governor's rec ommended $3.2 million increase. But the Gov ernor said that his figure was for the $3.3 plus any tuition increase. And so it would seem that the committee is discussing a cut of one million below the chief executive and $2.3 below the University. Governor Anderson said he believes that the Legislature itself might try to give the Univer sity the $3.2 million addition he originally recommended. Now Dr. Hardin is standing "on the spot." Since he had stated that the budget which he submitted was what was essential for the five areas of the University most in need of expan sionmore space, Salaries, Increased staff, The University Hospital and Research it is obvious that all of these areas cannot get the total which they need. ' So the Chancellor Is left with determining the areas to which the money should go. Of course the most pressing area is the needed salary increases for the teachers. We,ll, then, if this is true, then the University won't be able to handle the speculated increases in enrollments during the next few years. So perhaps entrance requirements will ' be tough ened and the many students of the state who seek a higher education will be deprived of it. The four areas of the greatest need which could not possibly be serviced by the addi tional funds would be deprived of the funds. The Lincoln Journal remarked, "You would dis' card research in the fields of irrigation and conservation Nebraska's life-blood and you would close wards . in the University Hospital, with a possible resultant probation for the medi cal college." And yet the money could be spread out with the result-that many instructors would be lured elsewhere by promises of salaries commensur ate with their education and experience. This would cripple future growth of the University's staff. We hope that the Governor, who has been a friend of the University in the past, by his own admission, will heed the need of the school. We trust that the Legislature will examine the case for our school and the case for the future of the state! ' We cannot help but say that the budget as it stands for the University is an impractical budget. There is still time for the people of Nebras ka to accept the responsibility of the Univer sity and take on their shoulders the future of this institution. But since it seems that the leader of the state will not fight for a realistic budget for the University we will have to wage a war for our future by ourselves. Carried Out A motion which, would return the right of cedented burden of responsibility with the student's to vote in faculty subcommittees was Chancellor. The measure would have the'stu- tabled yesterday, causing this discussion to be de Coarif nom'nate tw Prsons fw ,, , . subcommittee post, one of whom would be carried out for at least several more weeks. picked to on fte committee by Chan. There is nothing indicative about the tabling; cellor The Coundl has performed this task the Senate merely wants more time to consider adequately in tne past placing committee mem. this highly important and somewhat compro- eithA by appointment by the Council mising issue. president, or by interviews, as with the Pub The fact that the Committee on Committees Board, decided to recommend that students be allowed What is most important to students n0W( to vote on these committees where they pres- however is ttat the Senate realize the import. ently cannot vote is encouraging indeed to the ance of students yoting on those Daily Nebraskan. It indicates the curtailment ing yoting positions It is the responsi. of the right to vote was only temporary and bUity of the studeDts to carry out fte ends of that the committee realizes the vital and import- Universit through their voting ant function that students play on these com- . , , . mittees " Faculty members who have worked with . students on committees are eager to empha- It remains now for the Faculty Senate to see the fine jobg done fe students m these facts, and to approve the proposal accord- these There have few any ms y adverse comments. In positions like the board Faculty members speaking on the measure Df Publications, where money from student have shown how valuable the student has been. fees handled in operating publications for Mention of improving faculty-student relations students and staffed by students, it is only logi- . i was also mentioned, and rightly so. cai that some sort of voting responsibility be The measure does, however, place an unpre- maintained. From The Editor's Desk: A word or two before you go . . . By FRED DALY ership will some day be held. " lected. He doesnt feel that - Editor But then, one day, the stu- people really understand or At a comparatively early dent wakes up and realizes the perhaps even care enough age, young people of today are load of his education is being about the problems his school 'told of the responsibilities they shifted suddenly to bear more and other state-supported will shoulder when reaching heavily on his shoulders. Al- schools face concerning funds, maturity; of how they are the though most likely not of age He knows enrollment is to Citizens of Tomorrow; of how to vote, and too involved with increase out of proportion over "The Future of America Rests studies to earn much money the next decade, and wonders In Their Hands." except for the summer how they will be taught, by This is all very solemn and months, his tuition faces an whom, and - in what class- ego-boosting to .a-youngster, increase because his state rooms. He begins, in a primitive way, government does not see fit to And ' actuaUy he doesn't feel to realize that the big world jjive his school enough money there 'fa much he can do outside his classroom is indeed And, because of this lack of . bout u H(J hM ulked his a rough one, and not at all funds, the student finds some M am written home hke the covers on the Satur- of his best professors drifting eyen down day Evening Post. on to more lucrative positions to the legislature for a few There is, of course a good either in teaching or private fumbU att tg gt lobb ede to his situation. He is be- business. . ing trained and molded by his He really doesn't know why Betters to fill their shoes, this is happening. He realizes LBu' if th,y won 1 ,t0 Schools have been set up to these have been bad times for 1,18 Chancellor or to his in. train his young mind and fill the state's agricultural econ- fructors or, most of all, to his soul with a love of learn- omy and that money is not him' where ekeLcan he 0? ing. These are public schools, loose. , To another school, perhaps? paid for by the tax payers of He also realizes his legis- the community. t lature is conservative to an The sun was out -ay As he progresses in hp edu- extreme point, and it appears Monday. It was like being in cation, and perhaps goes to that they are sometimes re- another world. Maybe if it college, he may well pick a luctant to do anything just out stavs out Sia Tuesday it state-institution, also spon- of principle. wiU leani to like being out, sored by the tax payers. He knows his state's tax in- a nd maybe come back again There are fees to pay and come is based on a property m 8 days, books to buy, however, but it tax, and that the legislature is worth it. The people of the is not in favor of broadening To blazes with Copper Cal- state are still carrying their the tax base by either a state noun J Her case is out of mor- load to pay for the education income or sales tax, or both. tal hands, and training of those in whose But the worst feeling of all hands the reins of civic lead- is that he feels a little neg- Happy Easter! Tke Daily Nebraskan nm-nvE teaks old editorial staff Member: Associated Collegiate Press - ,.,. Editor ..Frwl Daly Intercollegiate Press Mmnnn Editor. jmek Foiiocw Representative: National Advertising Service, Editorial pw Editor...... oic sbnmw Incorporated nw Editors '.. gam jobm. Bob inland Published at: Room 20, Student Union &E.:V.V.V.::V.V.Art BciSot. S Lincoln, Nebraska oeom How, nam warnoioict 14 th & R NlihtNewg Editor Ron Wsrhnlmkl FN. WaSr Nobrastaw pobUuhed Monday, Tnwday, PhotorriDBer "'-'V" fPein,Ml i irkia, durta, the Khool year, except 5SfL SJr2SS jSnSS tfra),rg Y-ti..o. and exam nertods. and one Inn la tr pb!Htd d urine Aoeoat, b? rfodente of the UnlTenlty RIo3LIr indV t,'fc',' 'Mi' m.LL, ? i Nehraeta. ma the authoriratioo of the Committee R"K,rt fLf e Student Affair, at an e.reiao of itudent oplnioa. fw-VSJ 'ffVS r.'JZ? iSiSSI' PsbtkmciMW nrtr the jurtedtcMoo of the Subcommittee iSTwn fikJ??..- u'lJTT en Cablieatton. ehU be free from editorial 4L . F"t' eesfrt-,iiio m tstm part of the Sobeommlttee or en toe teiwm, ueanna Barratt. Emmie Umpo. p&n of nv eaemher of tne facility of the I ntvertlry. or Staff Writers .N'ncr DeLonf, Cyntbfa Zeehaa, Bob tht p&rt of any person ontntde the CnlTenitr. The Wh-s, Gary Bodcen, JoAna Gab boron, mm of the !rreu,ka etaff are pernooaUr re- Stan Wtdinam. ZXFriSJTi . " BUSINESS STAFF ainfr!'. rate are S2.M per aemeeter or ft for Business Maanwer. Georr Madaea Utf avaM)rtie year. Annlntant Bmmm Hanafcra. Larry Epstein Fattwd s. -nd risu matter at the post of flee hi V"i'rtim Mi-iaf u-rn Jack N orris Liiwoin, ecxasaA, under Uie act of August 4, 1D1S. ' Jfrm Xett, ierrj SeUetla ? Skhmhan Letlerips To the Editor: Just what , has happened to the Mitchell Case, anyway? The last I read the investigat ing committee was supposed to have its last public hearing some time late in March. But it's into April and we haven't heard a word. I imagine the committee is going to stall it out, if not until the case is completely forgotten, at. least until the Legislature has passed on the University's budget . . . Or until Bruce Brugmann has graduated and his influence begins to diminish. ' In any event, I imagine it doesnt make too much difference. Every-, one expects the cast to be white washed anyway and the admin istration to come out looking red, white and blue. After all, I guess we can't ex pect the committee to have any more guts than the rest of the faculty. Ag Student An editorial in Monday's Nebras kan condemned the budget com-, mittee for "hacking" another $1 million from the $3.2 million rec ommended by Governor Anderson for the University. Isn't this criti cism directed at the wrong peo ple? In an overall view of this pic ture I can't see any other alter native than that which Senator Vogel and his budget committee propose. The University, like all other state institutions, is supported by taxes. In the state of Nebraska, the tax base, presently, is a prop erty tax. Obviously the citizens of Nebraska cannot afford an in crease in their property taxes, to provide the increased revenue needed by our state institutions. Therefore, in the present session of the Legislature two bills were pro posed to change the tax base from a property tax to (1) a state sales" tax or (2) a combined state sales income tax. Both of these mea sures were killed on the floor. If the student council and other ' Interested University groups had directed their efforts as vigorously towards the passage of one of these bills preferably the second one) as they have in the budget issue, perhaps the increase Hardin asked for could be granted. Our University apparently does need the proposed budget increase to maintain its status as an out standing school. But let's use some foresight and intelligence in plac ing the blame where it lies. Uni versity students who are the tax payers and voters of the future are the ones who must take the responsibility now assumed by sev eral pressure groups to see that out representatives to the Legis lature back the kind of bill that can allow the necessary expansion within the University; namely, a bill providing a modern, pro gressive tax base. Kay Skinner To the Editor: It isn't hard to understand why Ed Carsten's cud can be palatable enough to endear him to such Teach er's College themes as Community Education and The Positive Ap proach: they are directed toward "Life-adjustment and how-to-get- along" the very provincialism and intellectual de-e m p h a s i s which our antagonist effectively denounced. The best possible affirmation of Mr. Shapiro's statement was the student (a leader on campus, in cidentally) who wondered loftily who we should bother with some thing which doesn't concern us. Ralph Lloyd WICKERS INCORPORATED (Leader In Oil Hydraulic) , Extends An Invitation To Students Majoring In Engineering & Science To Explore Employment Opportunities In Engineering, Research, Sale And Manufacturing With The eWorld's Leading Manufacturer J Of Oil Hydraulic Equipment Our Representative Will Be On Your Campus THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1957n See Your Placement Office To Arrange An Appointment VICKERS THI LIADINO NAMI IN HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS Happy Easter Shopping with the Y.B.A. Plan at V.. fAAGEES M J, : a. $ - - - -. v. - .- " ' , -,.. i f ? . & A u Merca Dee Bonde, de mure in a blousson jacket -dress: the solid blue sheath covered by striped blue and white empire jacket. Easter sparkle with a little white hat and a shiny, straw bag. Jacket Dres's, $22.95 Pillbox, $6.95 Straw Bag, $7.95 plus tax Women' Fashion . . . Mngee's 3rd Floor At last count the fund to send Karl Shapiro and myself to Hun gary had reached 27 cents. The ground has not swollen enough to even send me back to Iowa. So if the contributors will call me some hight, we'll use the fund to buy coffee and talk the whole thing over. j The uproar over Shapiro's state ment at the , Library of Congress has proved at least one thing: The midwest is conscious of intellec tual and cultural values. The term "apathy" is not quite appropriate, because of its connotations of a complete lack of awareness. , I sense -in the current counter-attacks against Shapiro's Temarks a certain ego - defensive attitude, which a psychologist might suggest probably stems from an awareness that s one thing is wrong with the cul tural organ ism. And this aware ness would imply that the organism de sires health. I note, for .u,ii;e, umi Nebr.ik Pht. the Rag has Schulti received a letter asking if either Shapiro or I has made any contri bution monetary or personal to the five Hungarian refugees on cam pus. For myself, the answer is "No,( and I regret it.'. But' my answer has little to do with the -frl i n -i wm-M- etui . steve schultz 1 situation; ; I have never set my self up as any kind of paragon, and I would be presumptious indeed if I asked anyone to mold himself into my pattern. Thus, the letter argues personalities rather than issues, and inasmuch as It is that type of argument, it is fa-relevant' to the issue. But the letter indi cates that the writer knows that an issue exists, and so it -is a healthy sign. But if this awareness of a cer tain lack exists, we have a right to ask why nothing is done. I suspoct that the reason for a lack of cultural growth is that wa as sociate .culture" with women's lit erary teas and Dadaist move ments. But . culture ,'s neither of these things. Rather, it is. the, ag gregate of the experience of hu manity. Thus, a baseball box score is as much an indication of Amer ican culture as is a Dos Passos novel, and. Bacchanalian , orgies were as indicative of -the Geek spirit as was The Iliad. But be cause a box scorexor an orgy is easier to consider than heavy weight literature, they are not necessarily more legitimate ob jects' for our ebnsideration. Rather, we -owe it to ourselves Jo know every aspect of human experience to the greatest extent to Which our minds are capable. , The point of this is that poetry, painting, theatre and music are not divorced from everyday life. Instead, they have a direct effect on how we live, love, plow fields, and fight wars. Ill T-t 1 (Athr 'Bartott Boy With Chi.mH.r HOW MUCH IS THAT DOGFISH IN THE WINDOW? Dear Mom and Dad (writes Zelda May Nirdlinger, soph). You have been asking: me to account for all the money I spend. There follows a day by day summary of reaent expenditures. Don't forget, you asked for it. MONDAY t $2.78 telegram to the Secretary of the Army, offering to go instead of Elvis. $0.26 - pack of Philip Morris, my favorite, and yours, if you know a good thing when you taste one I $0,50 sorority fine for oversleeping: and missing: my first hour class twelve days in a row. 'am r fir 'J 4 v : bousitd rwster 7?mef'B?pk $2.95 I bought a rooster named Ralph to wake me in the morning. (Can't sleep with an alarm clock ticking all night) TUESDAY: $0.50 sorority fine for not cleaning my plate at dinner. (I just couldn't! Dinner was Ralph.) $0.50 sorority fine for dating undesirable boy. (Rod- erigo is not undesirable ! Some people say he is "fast" and a "devil" but I say he is just insecure. Why else would he go steady with eight girls?) $0.26 - pack of Philip Morris. What joy! What test! WEDNESDAY: $557.38 - a motorcycle for Roderigo. (He Is giving up all his other girls for me, but they are so widely scattered that he needs a fast conveyance to go around and tell them all goodbye.) $0.26 - pack of Philip Morris. (Have you tried them yet? If not, you've got a big treat coming. Light one soon. Light either end.) THURSDAY: $0.50 - sorority fine for staying too long in the shower. tGee whiz, a girl gets mighty dirty polishing a motorcycle!) $0.52 - two packs of Philip Morris - one for Roder!go (Dear Roderigo!) FRIDAY: $0.26 -pack of Philip Morris -a happy smoke for a happy day. Yesterday Roderigo broke with the last of his girls, and today he is mine, all mine! $8.57 -new dogfish for zoology. (I was dissecting a dogfish in zoology when I happened to look out the window and see Roderigo riding by with Mary Ann Beasley on his buddy seat. I got so unset I threw the dogfish at them ) SATURDAY: $2.59 - a carton of Philip Morris, one pack for me, the 1 rest for Roderigo. (I was foolish to be angry about A?nV .Roderiiro explained that she meant nothing to him-just helping him with English lit. Similarly, Grace Krovney is helping him with Spahish, Betsy Pike with econ, Mazda Notkin with psych, Lola Tweet with phys ed, etc. The least he can ao is give them all Philip Morrises.) Well, mom and dad, you can see how expensive college is. tiUx Shulmn. i95T Th pries may vary from place to pUce, but Philip Morris contwuw to b a natural .moko that daunt, no purw, nouev.r imaU. It ii niado in regular and long u by tho $pon,or$ of thu column, and U Ignitabh at either end. .1-1'