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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1957)
the Budget Editorials Pago 2 All NU Basketball Page 3 Vol. 31, No. 79 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 9, 1957 Student. Representatives: i k-...x i 4 UM .'."m. S 1 f f1 I t t , if I i : I ; ! Proposed Med The first full construction of tmits for medical education at the University's College of t a- s v v i Medicine will be built In stages according to official sources. 400 Delegates: W Convention To Begin AFCW Crossroads To and Through 40" has been set as the theme of the Athletic Federation f College Women convention to be held on the University campus April 15-18. Approximately 400 delegates will Activities: Corn Cobs Offer $100 Scholarship Corn Cobs, mens' pep organiza tion, has established and is now offering three $100 grant-in-aid awards, available for use during the next school year 1957-1958,ac-cording to John Nelson, president The awards are available to reg ularly enrolled junior or "senior male students of the University who have a minimum 5.5 cumula tive average. Recipients should le able to show some financial need and must be actively participating in at least two of the following extra-curricular activities: Corn Cobs, Kosmet Klub, Student Council, Daily Ne braskan, Comhusker, Yell Squad, Builders, Student Union, AUF, Red Cross, CCRC, Blue Print, NUCWA, etc., he said. Extra-curricular work of a sea sonal or temporary nature, such as E.-Week, Spring Day, etc., is also included. Work in activities or organiza tions not mentioned above (profes sional, honorary, military, athlet ics, etc.) will be considered in the light of service rendered to the student body and the University as an institution, according to Nel son. The awards are Corn Cob's first effort in the way of financial as sistance to individuals and are unique in that work in extra-curricular acitivites is a basic require inent,Nelson stated. They have been set up both as a median of financial assistance and as a rec ognition for participation in work of an extra-curricular nature. There are many men who are desirous of working in activities who feel that they cannot financial ly afford to do so, Nelson explained. Likewise, there are those who hold part-time jobs and still make a notable effort to do campus work which is not monetarily rewarding. This Week On Campus: .ve umsmnam Bennet Cerf, publisher, humor ist and columnist, heads the list of outstanding lecturers and speakers, who will visit the Univer sity campus this week. The president of Random House Publishing Company will speak at the all-University convocation Thursday. The public is invited to attend, and there is no admis sion charge. Cerf is author of. "Try and Stop Me," "Shake Well, Before Using" and 'The Life of the Party," and is the editor of "An Encyclopedia of Modern American Humor." He is a panelist on television's 'What's My Line." Miss Marl Sandoz, Nebraska born author, will speak on "The In dians of the High Plains" at the annual joint dinner meeting of Sig ma Xi and Phi Beta Kappa to be held Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. The dinner is $1.50 per plate. Members and non-members may attend. Reservations should be made with either Professor Mc Cashland, 108 Temporary C, or Professor Vandersall, 209 Andrews Hall. Miss Sandoz is the author of nu merous books about life In the High Plains including "Old Jules," 'Cheyenne Autum n," "Crazy Horse," and "The Buffalo Hunters." 1 v- - Buildings The structure, when completed, contain an outpatient clinic, labratories. tadiology, medical records, classrooms and an of- r,ce area for the clinical staff, No bed areas will be included April IS be on campus for the semi-annual event. The women attending will represent 132 schools from 36 states, according to Miss Sally Wilson, publicity chairman for the AFCW convention. "They will gather to discus the furthering of athletic interests and activities for girls and women ac cording to the highest and soundest standards of sports and -Recrea tion," Miss Wilson stated. University' High will serve as the meeting place for the women and they will be housed in the girls dormitories. Dr. Harriet O'Shea, associate professor of psychology at Purdue University, will be on hand to as consultant for the entire dura tion of the convention. The AFCW membership original ly started with twenty-th h r e e schools in 1917 but has grown to approximately 300 member schools today. Colleges and universities from almost every state in the Union are represented in AFCW, The officers of the organization are President, Pat McPherson, Smith College; conference chair man, Joan Huesner; treasurer. Sa ri ol Wiltse; program chairman, Pat Arbuthnot; housing and regis tration chairman, Margaret Ed wards, Tennessee University; and publicity chairman, Miss Wilson. Assisting with the conference will be Karen Krueger, Billie Prest, Carolyn Edwards, Sonia Seevers, and Karen Flaherty. Tuesday will be de voted to dis- Kosmef Klub Changes Several changes have been made this week is the Kosmet Klub Show, according to Bill Bedwell, president. Members of the South Pacific Cast should look en the KK Call Board for information on these changes. cussion groups which will be gen eral in character and Tuesday night there will be a banquet at the Comhusker Hotel featuring Miss Margaret Killian, Professor and head of the Department of Home Economics, at the Univer sity of Omaha. The discussion groups will con tinue through Wednesday and there will be a picnic at Pioneers Park Wednesday evening to end the official part of the conference. Thursday a business meeting will be held followed by a closing ses sion with reports of the discussion groups and a conference summary. 0 ledums Smemm Dr. HalvoMon, chairman of the Department of Bacteriology at the University of Illinois will he a visiting lecturer on the campus Tuesday. He will speak in Bessey Hall Auditorium on "The Enzymes of the Bacterial Spore." ' The bacteriologist is well known for his work in microbial physiol ogy, bio-chemistry and food tech nology. He was formerly chair man of the Department of Bac teriology and Immunology at the University of Minnesota and Di rector of the Hormel Research In stitute. Classes Excused For Convocation AD classes and laboratories will be dismissed for the AH Universlty convocation Thursday at 11 a jti. Featured speaker is Bennett Cerf, publisher, author and humorist. Author of "Try and Stop Me," 'Shake WcH Before Using," Life of the Party," Cerf is editor of "An Encyclopedia of Modern American Humor, the author of columns in several magazines and appears regular ly as a panelist on the television program, "What's My Line?" in the unit. The bunding will not be constructed atne time, but in stages, floor by floor, as money becomes available. Due to lack of funds the unshaded section at the right which repre- University Events Calendar April 1957 April 8-9-10, Moh.-Tues.-Wed., S p.m. Pound Lectures, Mr. Julius Stone, Howard law school, speaker. Love Library Auditorium. April 9, Tues., 7:30 p.m. Sigma Alpha lota Vesper Service, Episcopal Chapel. April 9, Tues. YWCA Mass Meeting. April 10, Wed., 4 p.m. Student Union Book Review. April 10, Wed., 6:30 p.m. Phi Beta Kappa-Sigma Xi Joint Dinner Meet ing, Mari Sandoz, guest speaker, Student Union. April 11, Thurs., 11 a.m. All University Convocation, Bennett Cerf, - speaker. April 11, Thurs., 7:30 p.m. University Singers Concert, Student Union. April 12-13, Fri.-Sat. Baseball, Kansas State here. April IS, Sat, noon Second Scholastic reports. April 13-21, Sat. noon thru Sun. Spring vacation. April 15-17, Mon.-Wed. Mortar Board Foreign Student Tour. April 15-18, Mon.-Thurs. Athletic Federation of College Women, (WAA), National Converence. April 23, Tues., 10:15 a.m. Honors Convocation, Val Peterson, speaker. April 24, Wed., 8 p.m. Film Society, Capitol Theater, "Gates of Hell." April 25-26, Thurs.-Fri. Engineers' Week. April 26, Friday Feeders' Day Ag College. April 26, Friday Block & Bridle Club Honor Banquet. April 26, Friday, 7:30 p.m. Madrigal Concert, Student Union. April 26-27, Fri.-Sat Panhellenic Legacy Weekend. April 26-27, Fri.-Sat.-High School Fine Arts Festival: April 26-27, Fri.-Sat. Nebraska Academy of Sciences. April 28, Sun., 3-5 p.m. Tassels Tea. April 30 Tues, 7 p.m. A.W.S. Workshop, Student Union. Dr. Julius Stone: Roscoe Pound Lecturer Discusses Aggression An authority on International law said Monday evening that he felt the task of fixing rule-of -thumb tests for the act of aggression is a "'Vain one, and also one that em barrasses rather than assists the tasks of peace enforcement." Dr. Julius Stone of University of Sydney, Australia, delivered at the University the first in a series of three Roscoe Pound Lectures, under the general title of Aggres sion, in International Law." He then explained that the prob lem of defining aggression has re ceived the attention of internation al lawyers for more than 30 years.' And the latest attempt at the colution came to "another frus trating end in November, 1956, at the 19th meeting of the United Nation's special committee of the General Assembly. He said the committee's failure is noteworthy because at the time it was deliberating the problem: Israeli forces crossed the Gaza and Sinai frontiers to eliminate raiders; the British and French govern ments partly carried out an air born invasion of the Suez Canal Zone; and events occurred which led to intervention of Soviet forces to displace the Nagy regime in Hungary. The Australian professor said that international lawyers in seek- Dr. Van Overbeck is the head of the plant physiology department of the Agricultural Research divi sion of Shell Development' Com pany, Modesto, Calif. An authority on plant hormones, he will deliver lectures Monday through Friday, with a public lecture scheduled Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Bessey Hall Auditorium, on "Plant Hor mones in Agriculture." Dr. Julius Stone, authority on in ternational law, will give' the Ros coe Pound Lectures Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Love Li brary Auditorium. The lectures have the general title of 'Aggres sion in International Law" and the subtitles are as follows: Tuesday, "Obstacles to Definition";, and Wednesday, "The Aggression No tion and the Future of Peace En forcement." The lectures are sponsored joint ly by the College of Law and mem bers of the Pound Lectureship Committee. . Dr. Stone, Challis Professor of Jurisprudence and International Law at the Unversity of Sydney in Australia, is for the current aca demic year Visiting Bemis Profes sor of International Law at har vard University. He is the author of eight books, several of which are .concerned with international law. Owrtesr Sandy Journal and star sents an auditorium will not be included in present building plans. Any construction on cam- pus depends on the continuance of the one-fourth mill levy, the school said. ing a definition must first find a verbal means of distinguishing in advance between that use which may be justified (legitimate self defense) from that use of force which is to be condemned and re pressed as a supreme crime. ' "'Such a delimitation is not al ways easy to make, even as be tween individuals within a socie ty," he pointed out. Dr. Stone doubted that an ad vance set of criteria for defining aggression was of major import ance for the system of peace en forcement under the United Na tions' Charter. ' He pointed out that the vast le gal powers of the Security Council and such powers as the general assembly may have in this re gard can all be activated under Chapter VH by any "threat to the peace, or breach of the peace" as well as by an act of aggression." "Obviously, the difficulties of bringing home a charge of aggres sion, however defined, are far graver than those involved in proof merely of a 'Threat to the peace' or 'a breach of the peace.' "Either of these more modest holdings would give ample powers . . for collective enforcement or peace, so far as a definition can give such power." Cloudiness To Continue: Rain In Sight Considerable cloudiness will con tinue to prevail over southeast Ne braska, the weather bureau said. LocJdng into the five-day fore c a st, the weather- man has pre dicted for NU students rain and snow about Thurs day bringing from .10 to .20 inches of pre cipitation in the western portions to J25 inches east. Temperatures for the period will average from three to eight de grees below seasonal norms. Nor mal highs are around 62 and nor mal lows near 35 degrees. Tem peratures will be warmer the mid dleof the week, colder Thursday and Friday and warmer over the weekend, the 'bureau said. Hill Named Chairman Dr. Roscoe HiH, chairman of the Department of Entomology, has been named chairman-elect of the North Central States Branch of' the Entomological Society of America. Hill will serve as chairman of the group in 1959. It is composed of entomologists from 13 north central states. By BOB IRELAND Newt Editor The Faculty Senate Committee on Committees will recommend to the Senate Tuesday a change in the present procedure of selecting student representatives on Faculty committees. In a special report to the Sen ate, the committee on committees will suggest that "the Student Council will nominate to the Chancellor two students from the student body. . Jrom which nomi nees the Chancellor may make the necessary appointments." The current method of selecting student members on faculty com mittees calls for the president of the Student Council to make the selections subject to the Council's approval. Donald Dysinger, professor of psychology and chairman of the committee explained Monday that the recommendation in no way limits student representation but rather is concerned only with es tablishing a definite policy. Dysinger stated that his group is studying each faculty committee and its membership separately and will make further reports. Further recommendations that the faculty committee on commit tees will make today include: (1) The Committee on Student Affairs be dropped as a Senate Committee and be re-constituted as a University Committee on Student Affairs, in accordance with the By-Laws and Rules of the Board of Regents. (2) The present committees on Commencement and Honors Con vocation be dropped as Senate Committees and re-organized as a University Committees. (3) The Senate Committee on Committees be required to de fine to the Chancellor, on his request, the areas of responsibil ity of these University commit tees as well as the membership of each; and make nominations of faculty members to 1 va cancies on such committees in the same manner as senate com mittees. (4) These University Commit tees shall be directly responsible to the Chancellor, but shall make an annual report to the Univer sity Senate for . informational purposes. In a letter to the Student Coun cil, which was read on March 13 by President Bruce Brugmann, Dysinger requested the group "for mulate a suitable procedure for nominations" of student repre sentatives on faculty committees. Dysinger went on to say that there was "some sentiment among the members of the committee 7 that students serving as voting members of the Senate commit tees should represent the entire student body." Brugmann, in a prepared state ment, stated in the March 15 issue of the Nebraskan: "Authority for the Council to , appoint its members (a well de- ' fined cross section of Univer- , sity students) to the student- ; faculty committees has been es- I Five Receive Funds Charities Thank AUF In Appreciation Letters Letters of appreciation have been received by the AH University Fund from the five charities to which AUF donated the funds from the 1956 drive, according to Art Weaver, AUF president. The charities are World Univer sity Service, which received 25 per cent of the total amount; Ameri can Cancer Society, .United Cere bral Palsy, Lincoln Community Chest, 20 per cent each and Lan caster School for Retarded Chil dren, 10 per cent. Peyton Short, regional secretary of WUS, said that in view of the overwhelming enthusiasm for Hun garian Student Relief this year, the AUF funds will help maintain a balance of responsibility to the needy students in other parts of the world. "Once again your funds will be channeled throughout the colleges and universities of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and still in part of Europe in such a manner as to meet the basic needs of student and faculty members," Short wrote. "I am sure AUF knows of the fine work done to halt the plague of Cancer by our organization, Myron Weil, treasurer of the Lin coln Cancer Fund, wrote. "Contri- to carry that work forward. The letter from United Cerebral Palsy stated that the work of the Association is a never ending one. It is through the generosity of AUF and others like it that UCP will con tinue to meet the challenge and perhaps someday conquer the un- tablished by many years of pre cedent and the Council Constitu tion, approved only a few years ago by the entire student body, the Faculty Senate and the Board of Regents. Article 2 to the Constitution postulates that the Council is to "serve as an agency through which faculty- Defend Increase: By GEORGE MOVER Copy Editor Last week, reliable sources were quoted by the Lincoln papers to the effect that the Unicameral Budget Committee had tentatively recommended the University re quest for a 5.5 million dollar in crease in revenues for the 1957 59 biennium be cut to 2.2 million dollars. At that time Chancellor Clifford Hardin called the situation "so serious that I do not wish to com ment until I have had an oppor tunity to meet with the Board of Regents." Monday, the Daily Nebraskan contacted several faculty mem bers for their opinions on (he pro posed cut. . N Frank Hallgren, Associate Dean of Student Affairs said, "It's a very critical situation. You catch me unawares because it is not a situation with which I deal." Harry Weaver, Associate Pro fessor of Botany and acting bead of the Botany Department, com mented, "My reaction closely " pa rallels that of the University. The .situation is serious but well just have to go along as best we can. We are still here but as time goes on, I think we will End the Chan cellor has not exaggerated our situation any." James Blackman, Associate Pro fessor of Engineering Mechanics and Secretary of the Faculty Sen ate, stated, "I dont have much of an opinion about it because I dont know much. I am sure if the University is cut short we will have difficulty carrying on at our present level." "I am very concerned about our legislative situation right now. I hope that the students won't take an antagonistic view of our legis lature," Blackman continued. Mary Jean Mulvaney, Assistant Professor of Physical Education Pie Eating Contest Slated Spring Day Anv imaffilated. married, for eign or independent student wish ing to enter the pie eating con test to be sponsored by the Ag Student Union on Spring Day may sign up in the Ag Union Activities Building. Drawing to determine who will represent each of these campus groups will be held at 4 p Jn. on Thursday April 25. forunate condition. Letters were also received from the Lincoln Community Chest and Larc School thanking the student body of the University for its in terest in and contributions to their charity. More than $10,000 was con tributed to AUF last year during the Faculty Drive, the Fal Student Drive and the AUF Auction. Matrix Avard Award winners at the annual Matrix dinner sponsored by The ta Sigma Phi, women's profes s i o n a 1 journalism Fraternity, were Ueft to right) Kiss llil- X r:i: student relationships may be maintained." Other items on business on the Faculty Senate Agenda Tuesday are: 1. Report of the Committee on General Scholarship Awards. 2. Report of the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics. for Women and advisor to the Mor tar Boards,. said, "I am terribly disappointed on behalf of the Uni versity. They are going to loose faculty members to both other in stitutions and privtae industry. I hope that when it (the University budget) reaches the floor they may give us a little more.' LeRoy Lasse, Professor of Speech and Chairman of the De partment, stated, "I dont know if il makes any difference what we faculty people think. It is a very serious and damaging blow to tb University." William Pfefler, Professor of Germanic Languages and Chair man of the Department, stated, "If the real workings of the Uni versity and its problems were real ly known; if the need were seen, I would cot doubt that the repre sentatives of the people of Nebras ka would support our work." "There is no doubt about the integrity of the legislature. 1 can see the point of keeping spending low. At times I have fits of de pression and have to justify my existence as not being a leach on the body politic The situation is of deep concern. It is a question cf fair remuneration for services rendered. We dont want to squan der any money,'' Pfeiler conclud ed. Clair Harper, Director of the University Services and Treasurer of the Student Activities Fund, commented, "I would nope that when the budget matter gets on the floor of the Legislature they might to a little better by -us. Keys Cited Outstanding Journalist Mary Keys was recognized as the outstanding senior woman jour nalist at the University at the an nual Matrix dinner sponsored by Theta Sigma Phi, women's profes sional journalism fraternity, in the Union Saturday night. Miss Keys is a senior in agri culture, a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron, Gamma Alpha Chi, Theta Sigma Phi, Kappa Tan Alpha, Lin coln Project and Gamma PM Beta, Speaker at the banquet was Miss Phyllis Batelle, International News Service columnist. Also honored at the dinner were Mrs. Marjorie Marlette, staff writ er of the Lincoln Journal and Mrs. Reva Evans, editor of the Gordon Journal. Mrs. Marlette was chosen the outstanding woman journalist on a daily paper while Mrs. Evans won a similar award for weekly publications. Both are graduates of the University. Miss Batelle presented a plaque furnished by International News to Mrs. Marlette, and Henry Mead, president of the Nebraska Press Association and publisher of the Seward County Independent, pre sented a similar award to Mrs. Evans. Beverly Deepe, president of Theta Sigma Phi, presented scrolls to the category winners. Courtesy Sunday Journal wm Winners dred IloHingsvorih, spot news; Mary Keys, 'outstanding senior weman journalist; Y v e n n e Keenan, features, and Jan I S i I' J: I i I i 3 I t ft i- i. h i' ?- - 4 v tt . .... . -... . .....