The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1957, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Three-Day Trip:
Twenty-Seven Sign
For Nebraska Tour
The Daily Nebroskan
i-riday, March 2Q ir
Twenty-seven international sti
dents have signed up for the an
nual Mortar Board International
Student tour, scheduled for April
15, 16 and 17, according to Linda
Buthman, publicity chairman.
The tour will last three days
this year instead of the usual two
because of the foreign students'
increased interest, Bev Dee
pe, general chairman announced.
The annual tour will attempt to
give University foreign students a
representative view of Nebraska.
The students will leave Lincoln
April 15 from the Union and will
arrive in Boystown for a guided
tour at 9:30 a.m. Then they will
visit Joselyn Memorial Art Mu
seum in Omaha at 10:30 a.m. and
will visit the Omaha Stockyards
at 11:30 a.m., eating lunch at the
same place.
Leaving for Grand Island at
2:30 p.m. the group will arrive in
Grart Island at 5:30 p.m. for din
'ner and a brief program before
they retire to the individual hous
ing set up for the tour.
Tuesday the group will eat
breakfast in the homes at 8:30
a.m. and leave Grand Island by
9:00 a.m. for Lexington alfalfa
mills and a coffee hourN At noon
the group will have lunch and vis
it commercial cattle feeders. Then
at 1 p.rn. they will leave for Curtis
to visit a high school, to be enter
tained at a brief program and
then stay overnight.
Wednesday the group will have
breakfast in Curtis and leave for
Holdredge at 8:45 a.m. There
they will have lunch and visit
Franklin School, Central Nebraska
Irrigation and Power District at
1 p.m. and leave for Hastings at
2 p.m.
Arriving in Hastings at S p.m.
the group will visit Hastings Col
lege, House of Yesterday and De-
Register Deadline
Scheduled Friday
The deadline for Lincoln resi
dents to register for the April 9
primary election is Friday at 5
p.m. in the election office in the
Trust Building at 10th and O.
All persons who have changed
their names or moved since the
last election are required to regis
ter in order to vote at the primary.
Lincolnites will vote for nomi
nees for mayor, the City Council,
School Board and Wyuka Cemetery
Classified Ads
VOST green Sheafer Snorkel pen 1n
room 202 Social Science. Phone Erma
Smith, at 6-7527. Sentimental value.
bus Baking Company. Dinner that
night will conclude ttie tour and
the group will head back for Lin
coln. The annual tour began at a Mor
tar Board convention in Colorado
in 1953. Last year 39 students at
tended the tour.
Cost for the tour for each for
eign student is only $5 which in
cludes food, transportation and
lodging. The students receive this
low rate because the Mortar
Board-sponsored Late Date Night
Dec. 12, 1956. Hours were extended
from the usual 12:30 a.m. Friday
night hours to 1:30 a.m. Money
received from the fine of one cent
for each late minute went to In
ternational Student tour fund.,
Foreign students attending the
tour include: Laurel Marr, Jamai
ca, BWI; Jivan Patel, India; Az
izbegloo Azar, Iran; J. J. Bru
wen, Sher Sakander, Afghanistan;
Sermchito Sinhaseni, Thailand;
Gleun Sanjume, Hawaii and O. P.
Agarwala, India.
Others are Paul Munoz, Puerto
Rico; Harvey Ebanks, Jamaica,
BWI; Aubrey Sexter, Melvin
Ching, China; Hamid Alghrooy,
Iraq; Ernest Haunald, Austria; B.
N. Patel, India; Goonhyon Choi,
Korea; Nelson Chuang, China, and
Mohammed Masoom, Afghanistan.
Charles Nemeth, Hungary;
Moonsoon Sedarat, Iran, Stan Shei
bert, England; Sara Laszlo, Hun
gary, Geoziana Lazzadino, Italy;
Shaik Imam, India, Joseph Kal
patoo, Trinidad, BWI; Henry Jed
linski, Poland and Twefik, Ka
wa, Sudan.
Morar Board members accom
panying the students include Dot
Novotny, Virginia Hudson, Marian
Sokol, Shirley Richards and Bev
A meeting for all foreign stu
dents interested in the tour will
be held in Room 315 of the Union
Thursday at 5 p.m., Miss Buth
man said.
"The tour is very different from
past years and we urged as many
international students as possible
to attend this year. We would like
to beat the attendance record of
last year, if possible," she added.
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Nebraekaa Phot
KKG's Win Intramural Award
Jane Jeffry, (left) past presi
dent of WAA, awards the Wom
en's Intramural Participation
Trophy to Marial Wright (second
from left) president of Kappa
Kappa Gamma. The Kappa's,
under the leadership of Billie
Prest (right) coordinator of KKG
intramurals, received the annual
award based on intramural participation.
Instructor, Students
Attend Workshop
Two students and an instructor
from the Home Economics depart
ment at the University are partici
pating in a workshop of the College
Clubs of the American Home Eco
nomics Association, at Chicago,
Shirley. Keso, instructor In home
economics will be a member of a
panel discussion of the problems
of college clubs in larger univer
sities and colleges. Marilyn Jen
sen and Norma Wolf are the stud
ents participating in the workshop.
The three-day workshop ends Saturday.
mm Between nte ueuiemin who a teaa n men inywhere - and the
;Srf tant who'd fallow him into Hell. ..just to jet even!.
S!. enoroT dvmm - junrrniiv
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Tip for a perfectionist
who's anything but perfect!
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erases without a trace
Just because you make typing errors, you needn't make a spectacle of
them not with Corrasable to cover up for you. This is the Eaton paper
Vith the like-magic surface that actually erases without a trace. Just a
flick of a pencil eraser and presto disappear-o! Not a suspicion of a
jemndge or smear.
our favorite stationer, right in town, has Eaton's Corrasable in all
Veights from onionskin to heavy weight bond, in handy 100-sheet packets
and thrifty 500-sheet ream boxes. It's fine quality paper, absolute tops
for typed assignments, theses in fact, the kind you can be proud to
use for all your typed work. Backed by the famous Eaton name.
,A Berkshire Typewriter Paper
3 SIZES $2.00 1.50 .75
5 P.M.
4 P.M. -12 P.M. Ph.2-4859
889 No. 27
focus Your Future':
Ag Home Ec Hospitality
Day To Attract 1000 Girls
Hospitality Day will be held
Tuesday in the 'home economics
department on the Ag College
Campus, according to Sara Alex
ander, committee member for the
days activities.
The annual event will attract
nearly 1000 high school girls
throughout the state who are inter
ested in entering careers in home
Highlights of the day will include
tours of the campus and the home
economics department, skits by
college students and talks by Dr.
Florence McKinney, chairman of
the home economics department
and Chancellor Clifford Hardin
and a style show presented by
home economics students.
The Foods, Journalism, Clothing,
Vocational Education, Child Devel
opment, rnd Extension divisions of
home economics will have displays
showing ( the job opportunities in
their respective fields. The girls
and experiments that are being
will also be told of the research
carried on in the different fields of
home economics.
Shirley Richards is the student
chairman of the event,
the faculty advisor.
The other committee members
Have a WORLD of fUH I
Travel with IITA
Unbefievabl Lew Cost
60 on TL $525
4365 o-r SL mm $998
Many tovrt Ntchxf
Abo fawceit trip to Mexico
I6V vp, Soath America M99 p,
Hawaii Study Town J528 up and
Around lb World U3Sm up.
are: Evonne Einspahr, Allice Ann
Sides, Lou Forney, Judy Erickson,
Karen Boning, Carol Smith, Patsy
Kaufman, Delores Kieckhafer, Bev
West, Gertrude Sokol, Vivian Long
and Sara Alexander.
HS Visitors
Thirteen boys froni Beatri
High School will be on the Ag r
lege campus Friday, accordinet
Dr. F. E. Eldridge, Associate
rector of Resident Instruction.
Ag Builders will be on hand to
take the boys on tours of th
The boys are all seniors in hife
ested in -going into some tyn. f
college training 01 '4
Per on Campus: Ivy Wash
; Wear Sportswear trom
v I.
Warren Christenson
tees off for spring
in McGregor's Ivy,
short sleeve shirt,
(striped or checked)
over Higgens' Ivy
Slacks, half-and-half
dacron and cotton,
McGregor Shirt, $4
Ivy Slacks, $9.95
Men's SporUwear Magee't First Floe
J " . En Qass of '49
r jf '' JV'" s jpww'W ' s
F ' I JT ' ' 1 1 i -
f ' r h l",.-----! j -mi ; - - - 4-.
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XffisisS: y, ; . f . s
N:::-!S.:Sff;:iKi,vS::'SSifi:K;iiS? Jf t It" i I
f i ' I
"Emerson is a growth company entering a terrific spiral of expansion from
a solid base . . . just the place for the ambitious graduate'
"You're in on the ground floor of a fast-growing
established company when you take on a job with Em
erson Electric. A vigorous, planned expansion pro
gram in our aircraft, electronic, and commercial di
visions makes Emerson distinctly a "growth" com
pany with wide-open opportunities for young men.
We are at work on a great variety of projects, many
of them fascinating jobs including aircraft of the next
"And believe me, it's to your advantage to get into
a medium sized company. For one thing, you're in
close touch with top management They really get to
know you as an individual, not as a cog in a giant ma
chine. They give you a chance, too, to put youi own .
theories into practice. If you have a new Idea, they'll
giveit a try. Emerson's future is big. Your future can
be big, too, as an Emerson engineer!"
Harry William's Emerson career is a good example,
of the diversification of experience Emerson offers its
engineering personnel. With his M.S. in Electrical En
gineering under his arm, Harry came to Emerson in
1949 as Calibration Engineer in production. Next po
sitionflight Test Engineer and from there onto
Flight Test Project Engineer, to Assistant Develop
ment Engineer and now Production Project Engineer.
There you have Harry William's current career ladder
at Emerson.
Here, in brief, is a sample of Emerson's diversifica
tion of projects: the Commercial Division, established
in 180, ranks among the leaders in fractional horse
power motors, fans, and includes air conditioners,
heaters, power saws and arc welders. The Electronics
and Avionics Divisio nhas been a leader nationally
since 1940 in the design, development and manufac
ture of the yerey latest fire control systems (for ex
ample, the supersoncis B-58 Hustler bomber) , missiles
and rockets, supersoncis air frame sections like the
F-101 Voodoo and mortar locators. Emerson is one of
only five companies in the U.S. in production on mis
siles of any kind.
Find out how you can get in on the ground floor of
this fast growing, medium sized company. Meet Em
erson's engineering representatives and talk it over
with them. If it's impossible to make a date, be sure to
write A. L. Depke for full details.
ENGINEERS . v. A.E., C.E., E.EV M.E.
. Interviews on Campus-Tuesday, April 2
Sign up for your interview with the Engineering Placement Office. Do it today!