The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskon
Friday, March 29, 1957
Daily Nebraskan Editorials:
Second Budget Try
Tuesday we reported that 3,348 of the 4,288
men and women studerts who replied to the
Student Council survey were against an increase
In University tuition.
Thursday, Chancellor Hardin appeared for
the second time before the Legislature's budget
committee and stated that first claims for funds
from any tuition hikes at the University should
go for hiring additional teachers. But he said
that the Board of Regents has not yet made a
decision ca th problem of increased tuition.
The Chancellor told the budget committee that
the budget recommended by Governor Anderson
will cover salary increases on a merit basis
for staff members; take care of fixed costs
. such as increased social security contributions,
Increased retirement stipends, increased utilities
for new buildings and additional work at the
Alliance and Northeast Nebraska Experiment
Hardin added that the recommended budget
would leave only $200,000 for all other additional
needs of the University including the critical
Situation at University Hospital and the hiring
of new staff members to take care of the
Increased student enrollment.
. The budget committee had directed the Uni
versity Administration to re-examine the budget
and make cuts wherever possible.
From the reluctance of the student body to
accept the idea of a tuition hike and the reluc
tance of the Legislature to give the University
k healthy sum of money it looks at present
as if the University would be in a stalemate.
. The Chancellor told the budget committee
that the maximum amount tuition could be
raised without affecting enrollment was $30.
He said that the Regents had been discussing
the problem but had come to no conclusion at
the present time.
Budget committee members inferred that if
the Regents didn't raise the tuition, the Legis
lature would have to take the job into its
own hands. That doesn't leave much of a
leaway for the student body to have their
voice in the matters. And it doesn't leave much
of a leaway for the recognized task of the
From The Editor's Desk:
A word or two
Regents: that of regulating tuition.
The Cancellor said that he felt the Legislature
could make the tuition increase even though
this has heretofore been an administrative
In other words where the .Legislators fear
the power of the voter and will not give the
boost in the budget, the students will be stuck
with the load despite the fact that this is a
public institution.
We object to the action of the budget commit
tee in denying a full budget and replacing the
burden of a state university on those who
immediately benefit from it for three very
basic reasons.
1) It has always been the function of the
Board of Regents to regulate the tuition at the
University. The Legislature, while not over
stepping its legal bounds in stating that they
will act where the Regents fail to, fails to
recognize the power of delegated authority as
established by the Constitution of our state.
2) The Student Body of the University haa
stated that it does not want (and in many
cases cannot afford) a tuition increase at the
present time. '-
3) It has always been the function of the
state to support public institutions to the limit
of its ability. When the needs of the government
grow, the burden placed on each and ' every
citizen should grow apportionately. The students
at the University alone do not profit from their
education. The people of the state children in
the schools, farmers, sportsmen, business men
benefit greatly and continually from the grad
uates and the research of the University. They
should be made to share the loads of the school
and give to the public school the support it
deserves without plastering a small segment
of the citizenry and a largely unrepresented
portion, at that with an unfair share of the
The Daily Nebraskan hopes that the Unicam
eral will re-examine the case for the University
as presented by Chancellor Hardin. It is our
sincere desire of the University to grow but
not at the expense of a amull minority of
citizens in this state.
before you go . . .
. Editor
A preview of the 1957 Uni
versity of Nebraska football
fortunes will be held April 6
at the annual Varsity-Aumni
football game.
This game will be the climax
of All-Sports Day, a day set
aside in the spring for this
traditional pigskin fray, and
embelished with games and
exhibitions by other varsity
athletic teams.
The game this spring shows
unusual interset. It marks the
debut of a new coach and, a
new team. It will also bring
in alumni that have graced
Memorial Stadium in years
past, bringing with .them all
conference and even Ail-American
The one strange thing about
All-Sports Day is the lack of
student interest. High school
coaches all across the state
bring their young charges in,
alums have been writing for
tickets and Lincoln's football
fans show up in representative
But for one reason or an
other, University students
don't seem to know what is
going on.
For one buck there isn't a
better deal in town.
The new Interfraternity
Council officers have been
Good luck, gentlemen. Re
member, your greatest respon
sibilities lie in protecting the
ultimate interests of the Uni
versity and the fraternity sys
tem, even if actions to carry
out these responsibilities do
not meet with immediate and
clamoring approval.
No word has been heard
lately on the Student Council
resolution that students mem
bers on Faculty Senate sub
committees be allowed to vote.
The Senate Committee on
Committees asked the Council
to formulate a plan, whereby
these student committee mem
bers would be selected to be
"more representative" of the
student body.
The Council doesn't f e e 1 it
can do this.
Meanwhile, the snows come
and go and no one seems to
know exactly what to do, ex
cept wait.
And in waiting, let us not
forget the issue entirely. Out
of sight, out of mind, as they
Oh yes Happy Spring,
wherever It Is.
FIiq Religious Week
Church Editor ,
Baptists and Disciples of Christ
Student Fellowship
1237 R
Sunday: 5:30 p.m., meeting with the Wesley
Student Fellowship. The Rev. Robert Davis and
Raleigh Peterson will speak on "Beliefs of
the Baptists and Christians."
Monday through Friday: 12:30 p.m., Lenten
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Friday: 8 p.m., service at South Street Temple,
20 & South.
Friday: 8 p.m., service at Congregation
Tifereth Israel, 32 & Sheridan.
Saturday: 8 and 10:45 a.m., service at Con
gregation Tifereth Israel.
Christian Science Organization
Thursday: 7-7:30 p.m., worship in Room 316
of the Union.
Lutheran Student Home
535 No. 16
Friday: 8 p.m., LSA social square dance. .
Sunday: 9:45 a.m., Bible study; 10:30 a.m.,
coffee hour; 11 a.m., morning worship; 5 p.m.,
LSA' box supper and auction for LSAction (girls
bring box lunch). Dr. Charles Patterson, profes
sor of philosophy, will speak on "The Christian
as Student."
Wednesday: 7 p.m., Lenten vespers, "The
Tables Are Turned:" 7:30 p.m., choir rehearsal.
Methodist Student House
.; '. 1417 R
Sunday: 5:30 p.m., exchange meeting with
tiie Baptist and Disciples of Christ Student
Fellowship. ' v ;'
Newman Catholic Center
1602 Q
Sunday: 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m. and 12 noon, Masses;
5 p.m., Lenten devotions.
Monday through Friday: 6:45 and 7:15 a.m.,
Wednesday: 8 p.m., and Friday 7 p.m., Lenten
Tuesday: 7 and 11 a.m., Wednesday: 7 p.m.,
and Thursday: 7 and 11 a.m., religion classes.
333 No. 14
Sunday: 5:30-7:30 p.m., forum on "The Theol
ogy of Richard Niebuhr."
Monday: 7 a.m., Bible study on the Book of
Tuesday: 8, 9, and 11 a.m., "Life and Teach
ings of Jesus;" 7 p.m., Sigma Eta Chi. -
Wednesday: 7 p.m., vespers, "He Was Dead;"
7:30 p.m., non-Christian religions, "Hinduism."
University Episcopal Chapel
346 No. 12
Sunday: 9 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m.,
morning prayer; 6:30 p.m., Canerbury Club.
Tuesday: 10 a.m., Holy Communion.
Wednesday: 7 a.m., Holy Communion;
p.m., Litany.
Thursday: 10 a.m., Holy Communion;
p.m., Litany and questions.
University Lutheran Chapel
(Missouri Synod)
15 ft Q
Sunday: 10:45 a.m., worship; No Gamma Delta
Wednesday: 7 p.m., Lenten meditations; 7:30
p.m., choir rehearsal.
Thursday: 3:30-5:30 p.m., coffee hours; 7 p.m.,
doctrine group.
The Daily Nebraskan
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
. Intercollegiate Press
Representative: National Advertising Service,
Published at: Room 20, Student Union
Lincoln, Nebraska
14th &R '
TtM Rally Nehrasitaa It published Monday, Tuesday,
WciiaMiiay and Friday during the school year, except
vacation and exam - period, and on Imi to
puMUiiicd dturing AnKnut, by ttidrnt of th. University
of Nhrwtw stider the authorization of th- Committee
n Striwit Affair a an exprennioa of student opinion,
tuMirnMinn iin-lrr the jartadletlon of the Subcommittee
m S.tiin publication hU be free from editorial
cnmonhip on the part of ttke Subcommittee or on tne
pxt of aa.y anmber of the faculty of the llnlvemity, or
no th part of any pernoa otttfilde the University. The
mrmbrrm of the hbrankan etaff an personally ro
XMniti tilo for what thr ay. or do or cause to be
printed. February 8, I9S6.
flittered a second class matter at the post office '
I incuin, Nebraska, under the act of August 4, Ittf.
Editor. Fred Daly
Managing Editor ....Jack Pollock
Editorial Fag Editor Dlek Shngraa
News Editors Sara Jones, Bob Ireland
Sports Editor Bob Martel
Copy Editors ...Art Blackrma, Carole Frank
George Hoyar, Boa Warboloskl
Night News Editor.. Carole Frank
Ag Edlto .....Walter Patterson
Staff Photographer Dais Lewis
Ufflea secretary... Julie Dowell
Jocisty Editor rarrell
Reporters, Judy gteter, Marilyn Nlssen, Mlnnrtter
Taylor, Ulana Maxwell, Sandra Whalen,
Dorothy Hall, Dlanaa Oease. Bill Cooper,
Bill Wilson. Gary Peterson, Mary Pat
tnon, Ioanna Barrett. Emmie Limno.
Staff Writer. ....Nancy UeLong, Cynthia Zsehan. Bob
Wire, Gary Rodger. JoAnn Gahboron,
Stan Wldinan. ,
ttuNlne Manager Georg Madsea
Assistant Business Manager Larry Epstein
, ... Tom NM, Jerry Selletla
Circulation -lM , , - f,urris
.! ;rii'p.icTiivc
Tk ionABis
Nebraskan Letlerips
To the Editor:
The Daily Nebraskan reports
that the Chancellor has finally ap
pointed a parking committee to
look into this crisis on the campus.
Those of us who made it over to
the State of the University con
vocation early in the year remem
ber well Dr. Hardin's words that
the parking problem was one of
great concern to him.
Now we're glad to see that some
action is finally being taken. Wheth
er the board will decide anything '
or make any concrete recommend-,
ktions is not for us to know so
soon. But we would like to be re
assured that the student will have
a voice in the matters discussed.
Your editorial suggests that stu
dents be heard at open sessions.
That's a good idea, but the chances
are we won't be given an op
portunity to have open hearings.
For open hearings mean some real
action is being taken and I specu
late that the problem is too big
a one for the board to handle.
Keene, the council's represen
tative on the group has said that
parking isn't 'the responsibility of
the University. Hardin said that
he has a deep concern for the
problem. The members of the com
mittee will have to agree before
they can go and work efficiently
to improve situations.
Maybe If enough of us get be
hind the council and let them
know that we're concerned with
the situation, there will be a change
in the attitude of our council rep.
After all,1 I've always thought it
is the function of the student
governing body to reflect the views
of the majority of the students; I
may be wrong.
Lou Kraemer
The Campus Green
Ode To An Exhibit In The Museum Of Modern Art
There it stood as bold as brass,
Except it wasn't brass but glass,
i Standing on a polished log
In the intellectual fog
Of a room in New York City,
In far off New York what a pity
The glass is thick and shattered twice
With star-shaped cracks, like fractured ice,
And highly colored daubs of paint
Are splashed all over, without the faint- i
Est sign of symetry or line.
A neatly lettered sign is posed
Beneath this work of genius and power,
"To be looked at with one eye closed
For almost half an hour." ' '
People sniggered and with soft, art-gallery tread
Passed on, while I, standing yogi-like upon my head
Discovered oh, dear people, what you miss,
This work of art resembles three anaemic jellyfish
Dangling their chilblained toes in the soothing China Sea,
As painted by a small mortician from the state of Tennessee;
For surely it's well known in circles arty
That after each interment party,
Midget morticians and especially those from Tennessee, '
you know,
Relax by painting jellyfish with their left big toe,
While standing on their head inside the frigidaire,
(Must get kinda cold in there!)
Surely in this enlightened age, everybody knows, '
That Chinese jellyfish just don't have toes I
Clare Cooper
You Are Invited To Worship
12th and M Streets
Moraing Wor.Hp-ll.-OO All
Sermon Topict
"Chriit Meets A Skeptic"
Radio Ministry Every Sunday
CAB 8:00-9:15 AM.
COB 11:30 KM.
Chuck Study
"What's it like to be in
Two yaars ago, Robert Everett asked himself this question. Today; era
Administrative Assistant to the Divisional Controller, Bob reviews hit
experience at IBM and gives some pointers that may be helpful to you In
taking the first, most important step in your business career.
"What's It like to work for a big, ex
panding company like IBM? What
would I be asked to do? Would I get
ahead fast?" These were some of the
questions that filled Bob Everett's
mind as he faced up to the big prob
lem, "How can I put my M.B.A.
training to the beat possible use?"
Bob came directly to IBM from
Cornell in July, 1955, with an M.B.A.
in finance. He was immediately as
signed, with twenty-nine other
M.B.A.'s, to a Business Adminis
tration training program. This six
months' program comprised general
orientation in the entire IBM organi
zation, a six weeks' field trip to the
twci;-Kfr.-. : 'Bm
rJ '
V ---- '
4V ;
Flltarlna vt rka Mht" arajacr
Promoted the same year
By December of the same year, Bob
was promoted 'to his present job
Administrative Assistant to the Con
troller of the Data Processing Divi
sion. "The first function of- an
t Administrative Assistant," says Bob,
"is to filter out the 'hot' projects
from those that can be handled later
You follow through on projects as
signed by the controller and keep
Why Bob picked IBM
Bob made a careful study of existing
opportunities before selecting IBM
for bis career. He had a dozen campus
interviews; took nine company tours.
IBM's M.B.A. program interested
him because, aa he says, "It gave
me a chance to review the entire
company before starting; an actual
line assignment." He was intrigued
by the increasing use of data process
ing equipment in finance and he knew
that IBM was a leader in this field.
Salary-wise, he found IBM better
than many, but it was company
growth potential that motivated his
choice. "Opportunity certainly exists
Dvi oping aw cyttam
Syracuse branch office and several
months at the Poughkeepsie manu
facturing facilities. There he gained a
functional knowledge of IBM ma
chines, particularly the 700 series of
giant electronic computers.
His training completed by January,
1956, Bob was assigned to the Methods
Department as a Methods Analyst at
IBM World Headquarters in New
York City. Here, with the cooperation
of operating department personnel, he
worked on the development of systems
and procedures for the various Divi
sion areas. In addition to normal
methods techniques used in develop
ing systems and procedures, he studied
these projects in terms of possible
machine application for either IBM
high-speed giant computers or con
ventional accounting equipment. One
project was the study of the Machine
Ordering procedure with the objective
of simplifying and mechanizing it and
at the same time improving the source
information to provide for a more
complete analysis of sales and pro
duction backlog.
5 rV,
i . - ..- , ,..
Kaaplng rha best aotd
him posted on their progress." Bob's
new position affords a pleasant diver
sification of work: charting divisional
responsibilities of the controller's f unc--tion
. . . plans for decentralization . . . .
costs of regionalization . . .Burru jariz
ing key financial and statistical infor
mation for presentation to top man
agement. Bob points out that there are many
areas in Business Administration at
IBM for men with an M.B.A. or a
B.S. in accounting: corporate, gen
eral, and factory accounting; internal
audit; methods; payroll and taxes.
Administrative and management
positions constantly open up at World
Headquarters, IBM's 188 branch
offices, many plants and laboratories.
"Oppattunlty aartalnly axbta at IBM"
at IBM," he siys. "Growth factow
alone will account for many new exec
utive positions. A second factor is the
trend toward decentralization, which
also creates new? jobs These factors,
plus IBM's 'prmote-from-within
policy, add up t6 real opportunity.'
IBM hopes that this message will help to
give you some idea o)f what it's like to be
in Business Administration at IBM.
There are equal opportunities for E JD.'s,
M.E.'a, physicists, mathematicians and
Liberal Arts major'in IBM's many divi.
sions Research, Product Development,
Manufacturing Engineering, Sales and
Sales Assistance. (Why not drop in and
discuss IBM withyour Placement Direc
tor? He can supply our latest brochure
and tell you whfen IBM will next inter
view on your fampus. Meanwhile, our
Manager of College Relations, Mr. P. H.
Bradley, will be happy to answer your ques
tions. Write .him at IBM, Room 10001
630 Madisort Ave., New York 22, N. Y.
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