The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 26, 1957, Image 1

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Copy Editor
Monday morning the University
campus began to dig its way out
of what mav be the worst spring
blizzard in Nebraska s history.
To date the storm has taken two
lives, stranded hundreds of cars
Isolated communities and stalled
several trains.
The cancellation of classes Mon
day, said to be the first in ten
years, was due to the number of
students who had left the Univer
sity for the weekend and were un
able to get back to Lincoln, ac
cording to Adam Breckenridge,
dean of faculties.
Since class attendance at the
University would not reach the
60 mark because of the storm
the University decided it was not
worthwhile to hold classes.
There were varied opinions
about when the last time the Uni
versity classes were called off.
Brickenridse believes it was in
146, otherwise he doesn't remem
ber a date.
Kate Field, retired secretary of
the Office of Administration for
30 vears. recalled that classes
were cancelled before, when a big
storm bit Lincoln but doesn't re
call the year.
Campus police believe school
was railed off in 1949 but they
aren't sure. For the first time in
years, the police are not tagging
cars for parking unless cars are
stuck in a driveway or are block
ing traffic, according to the po
Looking through past issues of
the Daily Nebraskan, no record of
classes being cancelled could be
The storm was termed by the
Storm's Over;
Increase Seen
After this weekend's sudden
storm, weather men forecast a
high near 40 degree's for Tuesday
with light to gentle winds. The next
few days should
be quite a
change from
Sunday's storm
since no snow
is reported for
the next few
NU students
have benefited
by the storm
since classes
were cancelled
Monday. A high
temperature was recorded at 2:30
p.m. of 33 degrees in Lincoln with
six to eight inches of snow on the
Nebraska City reported heavy
snow ranging to 15 inches on the
ground at noon Monday with more
falling while Omaha scored a rec
ord of 14 inches.
Club To Hear
Law Lecture
Professor Thomas Franck, Uni
versity Associate Professor in In
ternational Law, will talk on
"Problems and Functions of In
ternational Law" at the Cosmo
politan club meeting Wednesday,
at 7:30 p.m. in room 316 at the
Sydney Jackson will give a fi
nancial report on the proceeds of
the Dance and Floor show on
March 9. All students who have
not turned in tickets or money are
asked to complete this business
at the Wednesday meeting.
Several members of the club
are planning to attend the Asso
ciation of International Relations
Conference in Denver between
April 2 and 6. Students wishing to
attend the conference must send
in their reservations this week.
The club is catering a program
poster in the Association's con
test which is open to International
relations clubs over the nation.
Members who have good pic
tures of the recent Dance and
Floorsbow are asked to turn these
in to Miss Cypreansen's office at
once, if they would like to have
the pictures on the paster. The
posters entered in the contest will
be on display in many colleges
and universities during the next
New Officers
By Counselors
Jo Bender, president, has an
nounced the new officers of Coed
The new officers are: Dorothy
Glade, publicity chairman; Sandy
Foe 11, secretary; Dorothy Beech
ner, treasurer; Elizabeth Smith,
Becky Colwell, printing chair
man; Mary Dee DeMars, initia
tion chairman; Sandy Kully. Pen
ny Carnival chairman; Carolyn
Williams, Friendship Desert chair
man; and Jan Davidson, New
Student Week chairman.
Mary Jane Craig and Mary
Vrba were put in charge of Big
Sister's Filings which will start on
Monday, April 1, and will run
through the week; ending Saturday,
Filings can be made at Rosa
Bouton HalL
Weather Bureau as the greatest
spring storm in 50 years consid
ering the amount of snowfall and
moisture content.
Crop observers figuije the mois
ture may be worth more than 50
million dollars to Nebraska
The storm blocked all highways
out of Lincoln. The State Patrol
said it was the worst storm for
blocking highways in soutreast Ne
braska in Patrol history. Many
important highways were closed
throughout the state.
The heavy, wet snow stranded
hundreds of motorists and isolated
Blizzard Summary
WHERE In eastern Colorado,
Nebraska, Kansas and the Okla
homa and Texas panhandles.
DEAD At least four, one in Tex
as and Kansas; two In Nebraska.
least 1,000 in Texas, 300 in Kansas.
200 to 300 in Nebraska and 100 in
Colorado. Some in bases, some in
clogged. No exact count on number
of stalled trains because communi
cation have been knocked out in
many areas. Several snowbound in
HARDEST HIT Probably Car
den City in western Kansas.
SNOWFALL Generally around
6 inches. Bnt winds np to 93 miles
per hour drifted the snow into 15
foot drifts la some areas.
negligible la many places because
high winds whipped it off fields
into gullies.
Vol.31, No.71
High School Conference
The principal of David City
High School, E. A. StaJder (right)
confers with three of his former
pupils Saturday during the third
NU Earmarked
To Receive
Federal Funds
The University has been ear
marked for part of Federal funds
which will finance coorvrative
educational research projects.
Federal funds totaling $416,131
were set to help finance the work.
Co-operating colleges, universities
and state departments of educa
tion also will contribute funds.
The National office of duration
announced that it had app-rved 22
cooperative education research
projects during January a:vi Feb
ruary. The other schools wh:cn will
take part in the program include:
Columbia University; fceorje Pea
body College for Teachers; Uni
versity of North Carolina ; Uni
versity of Texas; Wayn-? State
University of Detroit; University
of Georgia; Southern Clincis Uni
versity; and the Iowa and Kansas
departments of ed'ication.
College Health Day:
Kansas Virus Authority
To Address Convocation
Dr. Herbert Wenner of the Kan
sas University Medical Center, a
national authority in the study of
viruses, will address the ninth
annual College Health Day stu
dent convocation at 4 p.m. Thurs
day in Love Library auditorium.
The purpose of College Health
Day, according to Dr. Samuel
Fuenning, director of University
Health Services, is to focus at
tention on health problems and
progress being made toward their
"Sine virus illnesses constitute
one of our major health problems
and because of the advent of the
Salk vaccine," Dr. Fuenning said,
"we thought it would be approp
riate to bring to the University an
Hardin Announces
A six-man Parking Advisory
Committee has been appointed at
the University to survey the park
ing problem and form recommen
dations, Chancellor Clifford Har
din announced today.
The members are:
James Pittenger, assistant to the
chancellor; Sgt. John Furrow of
the campus police; Carl Donaldson,'
director of purchases and procure
ment; Dave Keene of Lincoln,
chairman of the parking appeal
board of the Student Council; Dr.
John Davidson, associate profes
sor of botany; and J. P. Colbert,
dean of Student .Affairs.
The advisory group was appoint
ed on the recommendation of the
parking appeal committee of the
Student Council.
J scores of Nebraska communities
including many University stu
dents. Many organized houses reported
many of their members stranded
in various parts of Nebraska. Gail
Furrs, Alma, and Judy Anderson,
Omaha, have not been heard from
at the Delta Gamma house.
Sally Sharar, Weeping Water,
called the house and said she
wouldn't be back until Wednesday.
Connie Allen, Emporia, Kan.;
Ginny St. John, Kearney, and Kyle
Jeffry, Lexington, have been
stranded. Sigma Phi Epsilon re
ports Bob Smith, Valentine; Roger
Sturzbach, Fremont, and Chuck
Sanderson, Clay Center stranded
in their various cities.
Alpha Phi reports three- girls
still not back from their cities
while Betty Kampfe of the same
house took two and a half hours
to get from Omaha to Lincoln, a
mere 60 miles. She said she saw
many cars stalled and many were
on the side of the roads. It was
very slippery and visibility was
Delta Delta Delta reported a
few girls stranded in Elmond and
Fremont while Theta Xi reported
having no one absent.
Besides the struggle to get into
the city of Lincoln, many motor
ists and students had .difficulty
annual Conference of University
freshmen and high school princi
pals. The three University stu
dents are (from left to right)
Robert Klein, Maurice Bonne,
Arneson, Pollock:
IFC Executive Council
Candidates Announced
A slate of candidates for execu
tive officers on the 1957-1958 Inter-
Fraternity Council was introduced
at the IFC meeting Wednesday.
Candidates are: Dick Arneson
and Jack Pollock for president.
Monroe Usher and Ken Wehrman,
for vice president, Gary Berke and
John Glynn for secretary, and Bill
Dahl and Jim Whitaker for
Arneson is a junior in Business
Administration and president of
Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Pollock
is a junior in Business Adminis
tration, managing editor of the
Daily Nebraskan, University Young
Republicans, Sigma Delta Chi and
a member of Sigma Nu fraternity.
Usher is a junior in Arts and
Sciences, Student Council. Young
Republicans, and a member of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity. Wehrman
outstanding lecturer in this par
ticular area of medicine.".
Dr. Werner's convocation sub
ject is, "The Great Struggle: You
vs. Viruses."
At noon Thursday, Dr. Wenner
will be guest of honor at a special
luncheon at the Student Union
and will speak on ''Education:
Most Important Factor in Virus
Disease Control." On Friday at
11 a.m., be will address a graduate
and faculty seminar in Room
202, Bessey hall.
Dr. Wenner, a native of Pennsyl
vania, is a former staff member
of Yale University. Since 1946 he
has served on the Kansas
University Medical Center, Kansas
City, where he is now a research
n n
driving in the city itself. The Uni
versity band concert was canceled
Sunday because of the weather
and because many band members
were unable to get into the city.
The Band concert is newly-scheduled
for April 28, according to
Wesley Reist, temporary director
of the band while Don Lentz is out
of the country.
The Building and Ground crew
has been working since early aft
ernoon Sunday as soon as snow be
gan to get very deep, Charlie
Fowler director of the Buildings
and Grounds said.
Fowler said that the department
was short four men because they
live just outside of Lincoln and
weren't able to get in. The de
partment had to convert their gar
deners and tree pruners into snow
Fowler said the department did
not use any extra men besides
the regular help. The cost for this
operation has not been calculated
since the figures sent to the IBM
machine for mechanical account
ing -.
Fowler said it is easier for the
department to remove the snow
since they use tractors instead of
hand shoyeling. "
The men will . be working for
three or four hours after the snow
stops falling, Fowler added.
Courtesy Unrolii Journal
and Glenn White. Most of the
freshmen who talked with their
former principals stated that
high school subjects should be
made tougher.
is a junior in Arts and Sciences,
Kosmet Klub, Spring Day Com
mittee, Men's Glee, and is House
Hebraakaa Fkoto
Manager of Delta Upsilon fra
ternity. Berke is a sophomore in Agri
culture, vice president of Alpha
Gamma Rho fraternity, chairman
of Spring Day Events Committee,
Corn Cob worker and a member
of Jr. IFC Committee.' Glynn is a
sophomore in Arts and Sciences,
Treasurer of ALT, Kosmet Klub
worker and a member of Beta
Theta Pi fraternity.
Dahl is a junior in Business Ad
ministration and president of Aca
cia fraternity. Whitaker is a sopho
' l . I', -w '
Li k L- j 3 li L3
more in business AdministrationJsJh-saicL
uora joo worxer, bus. Ad. Exec.
Board, Ass't. Comhusker business
manager and secretary of Sigma
Present officers are Dick Jteiscbe
president; Chuck Ficke, vice presi
dent; Bill Dahl, treasurer; Don
Beck, secretary.
Starlight Dance
Readied For Ag
Union Friday
"Caribbean Cruise" is the theme
of the annual Starlight Dance to
be held Friday at :30 in the Ag
Fred Holbert and his combo will
provide the music for dancing.
Cruise clothing will be the accepted
attire for the spring affair.
During intermission, Unyersity
coeds will take part in a Bathing
Beauty Contest.
Miss Jean Stange, iEla Cox
and Richard Warren, Ag College
faculty members, will judge the
contest, according to Don Herman,
Ag Union Dance chairman.
Tickets are now on sale at the
Ag and City Campus Unions and
will be on sale at the door on the
evening of the dance. Price of
admission is ninety cents per
Committee chairman are Max
Waldo and Jackie DilL publicity;
Perry Preston, tickets; Mary Vrba
and Mary Sue Case, decorations;
and Margie Rcil&on, intermission.
y1 ifB j$fn
I ' V I I. . r ,
Annual Elections:
Filings for positions of college
representatives on Student Council
will open April 1, according to Har
ry Dingman, chairman of the gen
eral election.
Application blanks will be avail
able in the office of Frank Hall
gren, associate dean of student af
fairs on that date, he said. Filings
will close at noon on April 6.
Eligible are' freshmen and soph
omores with a cumulative average
of 5.0 and who are bona fide mem
bers of the college they propose
to represent.
The colleges listed shall be en
titled to the number of members
as follows: Agriculture, two, (at
least one woman); Arts and Sci
ences, three, (at least one woman);
Businss Administration, two; En
gineering, two; Law, one; Pharm
acy, one; Teachers, three, (at least
one woman and one man); Den
tistry, one.
The Council is composed of 15
college representatives and 13 rep
resentatives of campus organiza
tions. ' Candidates shall be listed on the
ballot in the order of their filing
No student may withdraw his filing
after it has been accepted by the
Dean of Student Affairs, accord
ing to Bev Deepe, second vice
president and chairman of the Elec
tions Committee.
Each applicant must have his
grade average, college, and class
certified by the registrar and must
have his application signed by 23
bona fide students within his col
lege, according to Bev Deepe.
Filing also UClUdes the photo
graphing of eacp candidate, which
will be done at the Council's ex
pense. This process will take place
during the week of April 8-12 from
12 to 3 p.m. on each of those days
in Burnett Hall, B-7, Miss Deepe
said. Candidates may sign up on
a time schedule for the photo
graphing when they retur their
applications to, Hail gren 's office.
Each candidate will also be re-
Union Stag
To Feafure
Judo, Prizes
Top attraction at the Union Stag
Wednesday will be a demonstra
tion of judo techniques by the Air
Force Base team, according to
Bob Handy, Union activities di
rector. The door prizes that are to be
given away at the Union Stag are
on display in the-Union Lounge.
The prizes include a Michael
Stern suit valued at $67.50; Roblee
shoes, valued at $15.95; a Stetson
bat, valued at $10.95; a Van Heu
sen shirt, valued at $5.00; a Wim
nley tie, hose valued at $1.00, and
two belts, valued at $2.50 apiece.
Four McGregor sports items are
included in the prizes. They art:
bay Ivy slacks, valued at $7.95;
a bay Cardigan jacket valued at
$7.95; a pair of bay Bermuda
shorts, valued at $5.95; and a bay
knit T-shtrt, valued at $4.00.
Magic acts, a pistol shooting ex
hibition, a wrestling match, a
comedian and a smorgasbord are
on the program for the evening.
The price for tickets is 75 cents.
They are on sale in the Union and
can be purchased from house representatives.
jvl liMAlrv
4 l
quired to sign a pledge agreeing
that if elected, he will serve the
Council to the best of his ability
and will arrange his schedule to
permit attendance at the regular
meetings of the Council. These
meetings are held each week at
4 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Each applicant will also submit a
statement of the principles he would
uphold in serving the Council, Ding
man said.
Rules for pre-election campaign
ing will be discussed in the Coun
cil meeting Wednesday and an
nouncement of them will be made
following that, Miss Deepe said.
The generaFel&ction of the col
lege representatives will be held
on May 6 from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Mock Legislature
Elections Scheduled
Elections for the three top execu-j Polls at the city campus will re
tive positions of the 1957 NUCWA I main open until 5 D.m.
mock Legislature win De neid Tues
day at the Union.
A total of 22 bills have been
filed to date and will be introduced
in the Mock Legislative Session,
slated to begin Wednesday, accord
ing to Biff Keyes, NUCWA vice-
Bills covering a wide variety of
subjects were filed, whiile bills
stressing the broadening of the
tax base led in filings, according
to Bob Krohn, chairman of the
bills committee.
Also receiving considerable at
tention by the senators were prob
lems ot raising the minimum stand
ards of schools, hiking the pari
mutuel tax, reducing the voting
age to eighteen years and limiting
of water for irrigation purposes.
The candidates chosen to run for
governor are Sara Alenander, John
Nelson, Janice Larsen, Dave Moss
man and Jack Pollock. Running
for the office of lieutenant gover
nor are Bob Ireland, Sara Jones,
George Moyer, Bob Swan son and
fom Novotti. Candidates for sec-
Mary of state are Hal Hoff, Betty
Parks, Kathryn McCrory, Mary
McKnight and Jane Lumbard.
All campus elections will be held
Tuesday in the Ag and City Unions.
Polls will open on Ag campus at
12 a.m. and will close at 3 p.m.
Six Fellowships
For Graduate
Students Ready
Six fellowships for study in Spain
are available to American grad
uate students for the 1957-5 aca-
cemic year.
Closing dale for filing p.pplica
ions is May 1, 157 The fellow
ships provide $2000 to rovr trav
el, maintenance and tuition
Eligibility requirements are.
candidates must b- under 2" years
of sge and have it least a Bache
lor's degree; demonstrate aca
demic ability and capacity for in
dependent, and advanced scudy o'
research; and soot. know'cJse of
Spanish The usual moral rauire-
ments are also necessary.
Applications may be obtained
from the Institute of International
Education in New York v from
Hi regional office w Chicane. Den-
vet, Houston, San Franctco or
Waslaington, D.C
fLUi I .'ill
- rr7- r . , ......
'$ i x ,
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Tuesday, March 26, 1957
in the Student Unions on Ag and
City Campuses and in Love Le
brary, according to Bev Deepe.
Charlie Trumble has been ap
pointed by President Bruce Brugg
man to serve on the election com
mittee in an advisory capacity for
the remainder of the Council term.
Trumble was a J representative of
the College of Agriculture on the
Council last year and a member
of the Elections; Committee.
Other members of the committee
include Connie Berry, Don Stokes,
Sandra Kadlecek, Bill Spilker, Har
ry Dingman, Paulus Kersten and
Bev Deepe, chairman. Spilker and
Dingman were appointed to serve
as co-chairman, of the general elec
tion, Miss Deepe said.
Thursday, committees will meet
at the discretion of their chair
men. Senators have already been
appointed to committees and are
asked to contact the chairmen of
their committees. Friday afternoon
at 3 p.m. the first meeting of
the mock unicameral as a whole
will be held in rooms 316 and 318
of the Union. Saturday morning,
the session will begin at 9 a.m.
in the legislative chambers at the
state capitoL
SC Poll
An estimated 70 per cent of Uni
versity students work to help fi
nance their university education,
according to a survey made by the
Student Council.'
The Council surveyed 4,286 mea
and women students, and 2,827 or
approximately 70 per cent said they
were working part time, the num
ber surveyed represents about half
of tbe current resident enrollment
of the University.
Of those who said they were
working their way through the Uni
versity, about 75 per cent said
they were employed both during
the summer months and during
the school year. The remainder
worked only during the summer.
Of the 2,827 who said they were
working their way, 979 said they
had tuition scholarships, and &V)
said tbey were married. On the
question of whether the Board of
Regents should raise tuition rates,
2C1 did not answer.
About 2,000 of the 2,837 working
students said they were employed
an average of 10 to 25 hours a
week, and 1,316 said they were
paying their own way through the
University entirely.
"San bait", which was printed la
(be Monday edition of the Daiiy
Krbratkan, Is rrprinUd for the
benefit f those ftndents who
were uiuble to btala a c y
of the paper jesterdiy.
1 Fiiiinisfjs