The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 25, 1957, Image 1

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CMeol pern) Apnl H
"Filings for positions of college
representatives on Student Council
will open April 1, according to Har
ry Dingman, chairman of the gen
eral election.
Application blanks will be avail
able in the office of Frank Hall
gren, associate dean of student af
fairs' on that date, he said. Filings
will close at noon on April 6.
Eligible are freshmen and soph
omores with a cumulative average
of 5.0 and who are bona fide mem
bers of the college they propose
to represent.
The colleges listed shall be en
titled to the number of members
as follows: Agriculture, two, (at
least one woman); Arts and Sci
ences, three, (at least one woman);
Businss Administration, two; En
gineering, two; Law, one; Pharm
acy, one; Teachers, three, (at least
one woman and one man); Den
tistry, one.'
The Council is composed of 15
college representatives and 13 rep
resentatives of campus organiza
Candidates shall be listed on the
ballot in the order of their filing.
No student may withdraw his filing
after it has been accepted by the
Dean of Student Affairs,' accord
ing to Bev Deepe, second vice
president and chairman of the Elec
tions Committee.
Each applicant must have his
grade average, college, and class
certified by the registrar and must
have his application signed by 25
bona fide students within his col-
lege, according to Bev Deepe.
Filing also includes the photo
graphing of each candidate, which
will be done at the Council's ex
pense. This process will take place
during the week of April 8-12 from
12 to 3 p.m. on each of those days
in Burnett Hall, B-7, Miss Deepe
said. Candidates may sign up on
a time schedule for the photo
graphing when they return their
applications to Hallgren's office,
she said. ,
Each candidate will also be re
quired to sign a pledge agreeing
that if elected, he will serve the
Council to the best of his ability
and will arrange his schedule to
permit attendance at the regular
meetings , of the Council. These
meetings are held each week at
4 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Each applicant will also submit a
statement of the principles he would
uphold in serving the Council, Ding
man said.
Rules for pre-election campaign
ing will be discussed in the Coun
cil meeting Wednesday and an
nouncement of them will be made
following that. Miss Deepe said.
The general election of the col
lege representatives will be held
on May 6 from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
in the Student Unions on Ag and
City Campuses and in Love Le
brary, according to Bev Deepe.
Charlie Trumble has been ap
pointed by President Bruce Brugg
man to serve on the election com
mittee in an advisory capacity for
the remainder of the Council term.
Trumble was a representative of
the College of Agriculture on tb
Council last year and a member
of the Elections Committee.
Other members of the committer
include Connie Berry, Don Stokes,
Sandra Kadlecek, Bill Spilker, Har
ry Dingman, Paulus Kersten and
Bev Deepe, chairman. Spilker and
Dingman were appointed to serva
as co-chairman of the general elec
tion, Miss Deepe said.
n n
IE-Week Dedicated
To Dean Hoy Green
Special Staff Writer
The E-Week Board has an
nounced that this year's Engineer's
Week, April 25 and 26, will be ded
icated to Roy Green, retiring Dean
of the College of Engineering and
Dean Green graduated from the
University in 1914 with a B.S. in Ci
vil Engineering. He got his Ms. in
C. E. at Columbia University and
then taught at Texas A. & M. for
four years, where he attained the
rank of professor.
In 1920, Dean Green came back
to Nebraska and founded Western
Laboratories, a consulting engi
neering firm, of which he was pres
ident and manager until 1943.
During this time, his influence
spread throughout the state He
had a part in the design and plan
ning of most of the major highway
and airport construction done in
these years. During the war years,
he worked closely with the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Mis
souri River Division.
Mr. Green was a strong promoter
of the State Licensing Law, which
passed in 1937. This law provides
for a State Board of Examiners for
Engineers and Architects, whereby
engineers obtain their professional
license. Dean Green has served as
secretary or chairman of the board
ever since.
In 1943, Mr. Green became a
teacher again. He taught civil en
gineering courses at the Univer
sity until 1945. He then became
Dean of the College of Engineer
ing and Architecture.
Many things have changed since
Dean Green took over as chief ex
ecutive of the engineering school,
Spring Day
Workers Set
Spring Day committee workers
were announced Saturday by Dick
Hagemeier, chairman.
Hagemeier stated that a total
of 72 students will begin work
Saturday for Spring Day which is
icheduled for all day Friday, May
Workers for this year's Spring
Day include: Parade Committee;
Polly Downing, Jack; Kapplin,
Sandra Davidson, Deanna Bar
Parks, Anita Hall, Margaret Hook,
nett, Patricia Flannigan, Betty
Elisabeth Smith, Jacrie Shaffer,
Nancy Beall, Gloria Scarlett, Har
riet Zadina, and Arlene Nord
torm. Faculty Committee (Bobbie Holt
Judy Douthit, co-chairman); Mur
riel Mossing, Sandra Reimer, Judy
Jer,vis, Sandra Jo Simmons, San
dra Sorensen, Ann Shaffer, Polly
Doering, Sandy Hazlet, Kay Gre
gory, Carole York, Carol Triplett,
Sonia Sievers, Mariann Petersen,
and Elaine Veskerna.
Events Committee (Gary Berke,
chairman); Priscilla Eckrich,
Mary Jane Wilhite, Janie John
son, Kathy McCrady, Sharon Mc
Cormick, Roy Meierhenry, Jody
Reeves, Charles Keyes, Dewain Cis
ney, Roger Wehrbeln, Bill Jameson,
Larry Hendrix, Deeny Elder, Jim
Brown, and Larry Rotert.
Publicity Committee (News. Bob
Ireland, chairman), Ellen Stokes,
Sharon Fangman, Jane McLaugh
lin, and LaVerne Rogers. Pub
licity (Art, Mary Lynn Stafford,
chairman); Bobbie Jorgensen,
Paul Hemphill, Barbara Millnitz,
Janie Simmons, Janis Crist, Ma
lou Parrott, Sarah Smaha, Sally
Jean Miller, and Tom Kraeger.
Finale Coxmittee: Jean John
on, Sylvia Rigg, Nancy Beal and
ean cell.
Executive Board Elections:
(meson, Pq
A slate of candidates for execu
tive officers on the 1957-1958 Inter
Fraternity Council was introduced
at the IFC meeting Wednesday. ,
Candidates are: Dick Arneson
and Jack Pollock for president,
Monroe Usher and Ken Wehrman.
for vice president, Gary Berke and
John Glynn for secretary, and Bill
Dahl and Jim Whltaker for
Arneson is a junior in Business
Administration and president of
Delta Tail Delta fraternity. Pollock
is a junior in Business Adminls
trrtion, managing editor - of the
Dnily Nebraskan, University Young
n?publicans, Sigma Delta Chi and
a member of Sigma Nu fraternity.
Usher is a junior in Arts and
During W. W. II, enrollment was
low, but in the postwar years, the
returning veterans swelled the stu
dent body to an all time high.
Many problems arose, but under
the Dean's capable leadership,
they were solved and a record num
ber of engineers were graduated
with no decline in the quality of
their instruction. .
Dean Green has always had a
great personal interest in this stu
dents and has given much of his
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Dean Roy Green
own time to counseling and helping
young engineers. This was espe
cially evident at the outbreak of
the Korean conflict, when student
attitude became very poor because
of the knowledge that they might
be called to fight at any time
Dean Green spent many evenings
counseling and combatting this
inititative-dulling attitude.
Physical additions to the college
in the last few years include Fer
guson Hall and the renovation of
several other buildings.'
The Pean's influence is felt dur
ing college life and also after grad
uation. He has served on the En
gineering Council for Professional
Development Accreditment Com
mittee and the Committee on Stu
dent Selection. He is active in the
American Society of Engineering
All graduate engineers who work
in Nebraska meet him again when
they face the State Board of Exam
iners. Practicing engineers are also
interested in the large number of
professional papers which Mr.
Green has written.
E-Week is the primary activity
of the Egineering College during
the year. It is designed to show
the public the applications - and
influences of engineering in every
day life and to give students a
chance to apply what they learn
in the classroom, the main attrac
tion is "Open House," featuring
displays made by the students.
This year, the displays and cel
ebrations have a new purpose.
They will emphatically express the
appreciation of the College of En
gineering and Architecutre students
for the work, interest, and leader
ship so unselfishly given to them
by their Dean Roy Green.
Cooler Weather
Forecast Monday
Diminishing blizzard conditions
but colder weather were .forecast
for Monday by the VS. weather
Sunday, over four and one-half
inches of wet, slushy snow made
driving conditions hazardous in and
around Lincoln. The snow con
tinued into early morning Mon
day. East-West roads into Lincoln
were closed early Sunday evening,
halting all bus and auto traffic.
Snow plows, which had twice
cleared highways, were beaten off
by Sunday's blizzard conditions.
L it
Nfbrankaa Pboto
Republicans, and a member of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity. Wehrman
is a junior in Arts and Sciences,
Kosmet Klub, Spring Day Com
mittee, Men's Glee, and is House
Manager of Delta Upsilon fraternity.
. , j
L t ... UM. M,l
Hmh Head IK Skie
Vol. 31, No. 70
' f. TV " v' J
Nrbraskaa Photo
Judo Experts Scheduled To Appear at Union Stag
Union Stag Attraction:
ir Base Experts
Qmonstfate- -Judo -
Top attraction at the Union Stag
Wednesday will be a demonstra
tion of judo techniques by the Air
Force Base team, according to
Bob Handy, Union activities direc
tor. In a special demonstration for
the Daily Nebraskan, two mem
bers of the team showed some
of the techniques which have
earned them honors.
Sgt. John McCoid, possessor of
the black belt and Airman 2nd
All tickets and money for the
Union Stag, scheduled Wednes
day, bust be turned into the
Union Activities Office Monday
between 2 and 6 p.m., according
to Jon Bicha, ticket sales chair
man. The Union hopes to have a
sell-out for the Stag, according
to Bicha, as there are less than
50 tickets left at the present
class Ed Brady, who holds the
second degree of brown belt, put
on the demonstration.
Airman 1st class Leslie Mil-
bourne, another member of the
four man team, explained the sig
nificance of the belts.
There are about four colors of
belts, he said. The first is a be.
ginners belt, the second is the
white belt. Two members of the
Lincoln team hold the brown belt.
The other two members wear
the black belt, which indicates,
'they are considerably above av
erage, mere are ten aegrees oi
black belt.
Only two men in the United
States wear the fifth degree, he
Square Dance
The Faculty Square Dance Club
will meet Saturday at 8:15 p.m.
in the Ag College Activities Build
ing. Berke is a sophomore in Agri
culture, vice president of Alpha
Gamma Rho fraternity, chairman
of Spring Day Events Committee,
Corn Cob worker and a member
of Jr. IFC Committee. Glynn is a
sophomore In Arts and Sciences,
Treasurer of AUF, Kosmet Klub
worker and a member of Beta
Theta Pi fraternity.
Dahl is a junior in Business Ad
ministration and president of Aca
cia fraternity. Whitaker is a sopho
more in business Administration,
Corn Cob worker, Bus. Ad. Exec.
Board, Ass't. Cornhusker business
manager and secretary of Sigma
Present officers are Dick Reische
president; Chuck Ficke, vice presi
dent; Bill Dahl, treasurer; Don
RrV aK-rKurT,
Two men in Japan wear the
tenth degree of black belt, a
right which only seven men have
achieved since 1864.
A special board passes on the
degree of skill of members, Mil
bourne explained. In order to win
the belt, a candidate must know a
great deal about anatomy, as well
as the actual holds, for they must
explain to the board which muscles
are involved in which holds, he
In some of their demonstrations,
the team uses a ten-year-old boy
and an eight-year-old girl to show
how persons of this size can
throw full-grown men.
Legend has it that the art of
judo was first discovered by a
Chinese philosopher.
In looking out of his window
one winter he observed that the
branches of the oak and elm trees
were often broken by the weight
of the snow, for . the sturdy
branches attempted to resist the
T' elini willow trees, whose
bra tthes gave with the snow and
forced it to slip off, never broke,
The system, then, as worked
out by the philosopher king, is
based on the principle of turning
one's opponent's strength against
The door prizes that are to be
given a way at the Union Stag are
on display in the Union Lounge.
The prizes include: a Michael
Stern suit, valued at $C7.50; Rob-
lee shoes, valued at $15.95; a Stet
son hat, valued at $10.95; a Van
Heusen shirt, valued at $5.00; a
Wembley tie, valued at $2.00; hose,
valued at $1.00; two belts, valued
at $2.50 each.
Four McGregor sports items are
included in the prizes. They are:
bay Ivy slacks, valued at $7.95, a
bay Cardigan jacket, valued at
$7.95; a pair of bay Bermuda
shorts, valued at $5.95; and a bay
knit T-shirt, valued at $4.00.
Magic acts, a pistol shooting ex
hibition, a wrestling match, a
comedian and a smorgasbord are
on the program for the evening.
The price for tickets is 75 cents.
They are on sale in the Union and
can be purchased from house rep
Italian Professor
To Give Lectures
Alfredo Rizzardi professor of the
University of Bologna will deliver
a public lecture Monday at 11 a.m.
in Love Library Auditorium on
"American Literature in Italy".
He will meet informally with
students on Monday afternoon
and Tuesday.
Rizzardi is in this country as a
visiting professor. In the past he
has been visiting professor at Har
vard, Chicago and Notre Dame
He is one of the few Italian ex
perts on American literature, ac
cording to the University English
22 Bills Introduced:
Sot Fir
Elections for the three top execu
tive positions of the 1957 NUCWA
Mock Legislature will be held Tues
day at the Union.
A total of 22 bills have been filed
to date and will be introduced in
the Mock Legislative Session, slat
ed to begin Wednesday, according
to Biff Keyes, NUCWA vice presi
dent. Bills covering a wide variety of
subjects were filed, while bills
stressing the broadening of the tax
base led in filings according to Bob
Krohn, chairman of the bills com
mittee. Also receiving considerable at
tention by the senators were prob
lems of raising the minimum
standards -of schools, hiking the
pari-mutual tax, reducing the vot
ing age to eighteen years and lim
iting of water for irrigation pur
The candidates chosen to run for
eovernor are Sara Alexander. John
Nelson, Janice Larsen and Dave
Mossman and Jack Pollock. Run
ning for the office of lieutenant
governor are Bob Ireland, Sara
Jones. George Mover. Bob Swan-
son and Tom Novotti. Candidates
for secretary of state are Hal
Hoff, Betty Parks, Kathryn Mc
Crory, Mary McKnight and Jane
Two different neople have intro
duced similar bills into the legis
lature. The bills and their sena
tors are Reduction of Age of Elec
tors to 18 Years, Saxton Crawford,
District 6, and Dick Foster,. District
30, have introduced the bill while
Fred Swartz also submitted it. The
other bill is Pari-mutual Tax, sub
mitted both by Tom Henderson,
District 39, Wayne Thompson, Dis
trict 20, and T. R. Smith, District
Others bills and their districts
representing them are:
Wynn Smithberger, District 28,
is submitting Contracting of State
Debts while Thompson is sub
mitting Off Year's Elections and
with Tom Henderson, District 39,
is submitting Civil Rights.'
Jim Hyink, District 42, is sub
mitting Removal of Restraints
against Inter-racial Marriage
while John Kastl, District 24, is
Special Faculty
Senate Meeting
Staff members of the University
Administration have been asked
to attend a special meeting of the
Faculty Senate which has called
for Tuesday at 4 p.m. In Love
Library auditorium.
Greater utilization of space will
be discussed.
Dr. Floyd Hoover, University
Registrar, explained the problems
of the lack of classroom and lab
oratory space as the undergradu
ate enrollment increases.
Proposed solutions to the pro
blem include beginning classes at
7:30 a.m. and increasing laboratory
periods from two to three hours.
t i.
Chemical Honorary
Newly initiated into Phi
Lambda Upsilon, honorary chem
ical society at the University,
are four undergraduates and 12
graduate students who rank high
scholsstically and show an apti
tude for original research. The
four undergraduates, pictured
studying -a nitrogen analyzer, are
(left to right) Larry Ruth, James
Bars, Kazys Almenas. and Wil
li m Khrrtt,
Enfi!ys ilecfrioinii
submitting Dimming of Vehicle
Lights and Licensing of Psycholo
gists. Glen Hossman, District 18, is in
troducing bills, Old Age Assistance,
Reissue of Revised Statutes of Ne
braska 1943 and Registration Fees
for Commercial Trucks.
The combination of Tom Hender
son, Fred Swartz Thomp
son are introducing two bills;
Establishing a Partisan Legisla
ture and Sales and Corporate In
come Tax. Henderson is also sub
Lieutenant Governor
Five candidates for lieutenant
governor of the NUCWA Mock Leg
islative Session to be held Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday have ex
pressed their platforms to the Daily
The elctions for the officers of
the Session will be held Tuesday
in the Union from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Candidates and their platforms
Bob Ireland
Bob Ireland, news editor of the
Daily Nebraskan. IFC publicity
chairman, Spring Day publicity
chairman, Kosmet Klub worker,
member of Sigma Chi and a soph
omore in Arts and Sciences, states
that he is in favor of a combina
tion income and sales tax to re
place the existing property tax.
Ireland added that Nebraska's
present tax system is outdated for
many ways and should be revised
to insure a more equitable distribu
'I am suDoortine an increase in
the University of Nebraska budget
to the degree of 3.2 million dol
lars," he said. "I think some com
promise is in order between the
Nebraska taxpayers and the Uni
versity and feel that the 3.Z ligure
is a fair one."
"Some program must be initiated
on the University campus, where
by effective student criticism of
teaching personnel is inagurated,'
Ireland added.
Sara Jones
Sara Jones, news editor of the
Daily Nebraskan, member of the
debate team, YWCA, NUCWA,
member of Alpha Xi Delta and a
sophomore in Arts and Sciences,
stated she advocates a realistic ap
proach to the problem of the budg
et, which is not a separate issue
but part of the general problem
of the Nebraska tax system. .
The tax base in the state is too
narrow to provide adequate reve
nue for all state activities and
the University must suffer with
the rest of the state. Before the
University can be provided with
sufficient revenue, the tax base
must be broadened, Miss Jones
Courtetr Llncols Star
The other members, all gradu
ate students, are Fuchard Aliie,
Ronald Bambury, Raymond
Barkley, Vernon Bell, Ralph
Benck; Waldeen Buss, Jerald
Dirks, Mack Hunt, Jack Koenig,
Gordon Luikart, Darrel Schin
dier, and Carl Tipton.
The society also honored Ray
mond Barkley as the student
wiih the highest grades last year
I, --.n ..(4.
Monday, March 25, 1957
mitting Creation of a Gas and Oil
Conservation Commission.
Crawford is submitting three
bills: State Fair Employment Prac
tice Act, Combined Income and
Sales Tax Act and Abolition of
Capital Punishment Act.
Wayne Hennessey, District 40,
is submitting Minimum Stanfards
of Schools; Clarence Castner, Dis
trict 9, is introducing Legalizing
Bingo, and Derena Turner, District
27, is introducing Limitation of
Water for Irrigation Purposes.
Tell Views
"I oppose the measures to allow
18-year-olds to vote. Most 18-year-olds
are no more qualified to vote
than the majority of their elders;
the quality of the electorate will
not be improved by the addition of
more poorly qualified members.
Voting is not a return for services
rendered, nor a right which can
be demanded. It is a privilege
which must be earned," she stated.
Miss Jones also commented on
the parking problem of the Uni
versity. She said it is a job for
the students to solve, not the Uni
versity. The job of the University
is to educate its students and its
obligation does not extend to park
ing lots.
The University's job is education
and its function is to transcend
the values of society. Administra
tion, faculty and students should
recognize it, for the University has
been sadly failing in its duties, she
When the administration becomes
more concerned with the morals of
the students than their education,
when the students . become more
concerned with the IFC officers
than the imaginative consideration
of learning then a University is
no longer worthy of the name, Miss
Jones added.
George Moyer
George Moyer, copy editor fo the
Daily Nebraskan, member of the
debate team, NUCWA, YMCA,
member of Kappa Sigma and a
sophomore in Arts and Sciences
stated that he does not favor a
sales tax.
The present tax system of the
state of Nebraska is neither fair
or equitable system and the tax
base of the state should be broad
ened by the institution of a state
income tax, he added.
"On the parking problem of the
University, I don't believe cars are
required for freshman and sopho
more students," Moyer said.
"The state of Nebraska is cur
rently suffering drought conditions
and although I believe the Univer
sity need.s an increase of funds, I
believe they should also look into
this problem realistically in the
view of the problems outstate," he
Moyer said he believes his ex
perience in the past two years on
the University debate team has
qualified him for the job of lieu
tenant governor. Ht also added
that if he is elected, "I won't can
the governor every morning to
see if he had died."
Bob Swansoa
Bob Swanson, president of Sel
leck house. RAM council and
senior in Buisness Adminstration
That as lieutenant
he will try to effect cooper
ation and good feeling among
the factions represerted.
Swanson believes that the lieu
tenant governor should not allow
personal convictions and opinions
to enter into his leadership of the
"Drawing on my past experi
ences, I believe that I can pre
side over the body, giving each
individual an equal opportunity
to be beard."
Fred Phelps, Teaching Assistant
in Physics, will di.scus the ques
tion of correlation between pho
tons in Coherent light rays ia a
physics , colloquium Thursday at
4:15 in Room 210, Brace Lab. Ta
"1 v . 1 . .