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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1957)
Friday, March 22, 1957 Page 2 The Daily Nebraskon Daily Nebraskan Editorials: "Good Bop" Progress is being made on the Interfratecnity Council Ball, missing from the campus for two years. A band has been contacted and frater nity presidents have signed a resolution sup porting University rules pertaining to social functions. For a number of years the Ball was the big gest Greek event of the social season. Good kands, for the most part, were hired, and people came in droves, displaying fine social spirit. These spirits became a little too high, how ever, until they became the Ball's prime inter est. For that reason the Office of Student Affairs saw fit to take the privilege of holding the affair away from the fraternity system. Now, however, fraternity leaders have prom ised they will be "good boys," and take care of themselves. Special fraternity "police" will be spotted around the hall and fraternity presi dents, acting in the names of their respective houses, have sworn to uphold the rules. If these rules are followed, and they most certainly should be, the Ball will be a success. Fraternity men will have shown they can con duct themselves according to the rules of the institution they are attending as students. It is more than a house's president, however, who will be relied upon to keep order at the Interiraternity Bail it will be the responsi bility of every man there. The "good old days," where one could do just about as he pleased as long as no one said anything, are gone. The University is interested in seeing its rules followed. There is no area within University jurisdiction where any student can break rules without serious consequences if caught. If anyone thinks he can pay only cursory attention to these rules, it would be best " to first realize that it takes only one lawbreaker to bring the entire structure down around the ears of the fraternity system. And with it would go a good deal of respect, trust and prestige that has been given the IFC by the University in giving back the Ball. There is a time and place for parties of the "good old days." As far as this University is concerned the time and place for such affairs does not exist anymore. You have to realize responsibility sometime. r some dogs Vis that rgmt? &EEP WITH ONE J THAT'S VERY J f HE'S OUT V MI5AUND 3-7 KMiSLttTisr: &rMz The . . . Without Representation The Nebraska Unicameral voted down an attempt to revive LB 27 which calls for a Con stitutional amendment to allow 18-year-olds to Tote. Twenty-two votes were needed to overrule committee action which killed the bill last week. The vote was 17-17. The bill, which was suggested in Governor Anderson's inaugural address, was introduced by Sen. Charles Tvrdik of Omaha who was supported in a motion to raise the .bill by Sen. August Wagner of Columbus. ' Now young people under twenty-one will be heard shouting, "Taxation without Representa tion," and the older generation will retaliate with a firm, "Nonsense!" But let's look at the facts, senators. Every person under twenty-one who earns money (and how many don't?) is taxed about ten per cent of the total salary. That means that if, during a year, you earn $1,200 Uncle Sam takes about 120 dollars for himself. That means, too, if you own a car in the state of Nebraska you get slapped with another tax depending on the value of the automobile. That means if you are mar ried the assessor will pay you a visit and leave a personal property form for you to fill out. That means that if you drive a car you pay for your license plates as does any other Amer ican. Whenever a young man shouts, "Taxation without Representation," he is told to be quiet for he will get his chance. But the possibility of getting that chance wasn't so great for those young men who went to war for Uncle Sam in 1950 and never got the chance. We believe in American youth. We believe that by paying their axes and serving their country and assuming the obligations of adult life, the young people have earned the right to be first class citizens. A delegation from Alaska recently con fronted a House Committee and said the Alaskan people were tired of being second-class citizens. And why did they feel this way? Because they are taxed and yet get no voice in -the govern ment. While Nebraska is represented in the National government and while state legislators pound the benches in our capitol, we, the younger generation, are left to foot a part of the bill and yet have no say as to, whom that money will go. No let's look at the reason the move to revive the bill came about. Government Committee Chairman Sen. Norman Otto of Kearney said he had complaints that the issue did not receive a fair hearing since only four and sometimes three of the committee members were present during the hearing. The committee is supposed to have seven members. CINDY ZSCHAU Church Editor Baptists and Disciples of Christ Student Fellowship ' 1237 R Sunday: 5:30 p.m. exchange meeting with the Wesley Student Fellowship. Monday through Friday: 12:30 p.m., Lenten Service. B'ntI B'rith BfUel Foundation Friday: 8 p.m., service at South Street Temple, 20 & South. Friday: 8 p.m., service at Con gregation Tifereth Israel, 32nd & Sheridan. Saturday: 8 and 10:45 a.m., services at Congregation Tifereth Israel. Christian Science Organization Thursday: 7-7:30 p.m., worship in Room 316 of the Union. Lutheran Student House 535 No. 16. Saturday: 8:30 a.m., LSA Re treat in YMCA Camp in South Bend. Sunday: 9:45 a.m., Bible study (Ag and City campus); 10:30 a.m., coffee hour; 11 a.m., morning wor ship; 5 p.m., LSA cost supper with panel discussion "Activities vs. Academics." Wednesday: 7 p.m., Lenten ves pers; 7:35 p.m., choir rehearsal. Thursday: 5 p.m., Church Coun cil. Methodist Student House 1417 R Saturday: 5:30 a.m., Kappa Phi and Sigma Theta Epsilon will go to Omaha to paint the D i e t z Avenue Memorial Church interior. Sunday: 5 p.m., Dyn-a-mite; 5:30 p.m., Fireside forum on "What Methodists Believe" with a visiting group from the Cotner Student group. Newman Catholic Center 1602 Q Sunday: 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m. and 12 noon, Masses; 5 p.m., Lenten de votions. Monday through Friday: 6:45 Practical Plans The Wall Street Journal reports that Dart mouth University, planning intelligently for the future, has come up with a faculty proposal to the board of trustees for some major changes. The college would be switched from a two-part academic year to a three-part year. Each semester, then, would be 11 weeks. An emphasis would be placed on student "in dependence of learning" rather than the present system of independence of teaching. A fourth semester in the summer might bt From The Editor's Desk: added. The theory is that students would be able to graduate in three years rather than four and full utilization would be made of the class room facilities. The most important aspect of the solution formed at Dartmouth whether it would be applicable elsewhere is that a schopl's admin istrators and faculty got together to solve a very important problem. We can look forward to such practical planning here at the University. A word or two before you go . . . FRED DALY Editor The Ihterfraternity Council by an almost two-thirds ma jority voted Wednesday to keep the 5.0 grade average for Initiation. The vote was taken after a report from an IFC Alumni Advisor's Com , mittee recommended a two year trial period with a 4.5 grade average requirement. The "most satisfying aspect of this vote was that the fra ternity representatives voting Indicated they were represent ing the will of their respective chapters, not necessarily in dividual opinion. The fratern ity systetm, therefore, has taken upon itself to uphold its .. scholarship. - However, scholarship re ports for the first semester jjhow the all-fraternity average -a scant 0.024 points above the all-men's average. If the fraternity system is l.To maintain its scholarship 'up where it should be, the re sponsibility lies in upper class men who, after making the 5.0 necessary for initiation, ' sometimes tend to "slide," and ' look on scholastic achieve ' ' ment as something only for ' pledget. Spring, bless it, brings more things than sweet breezes and fine, star-lit' nights. It also brings the first Saturday in May which, to a certain group, has a certain importance. It is a gala day, with sing ing, dancing and royalty. It is a day fraught with tradition and alums that stand around and wonder why some of those old buildings haven't fallen down. It is the day when the dust rises on the Old Thumping Grounds, and coeds can scream to their hearts' con tent. And, children, that day is fast approaching. So now, with the ominous clouds gathering on the ho rizon and lights burning late, it is time "to lean forward and walk fast," as the learned Mr. Reische once said. Things are looking bad for Stumphill Consolodated! Only five men, two with three fouls apiece, etc. The only consola tion is that Milton Caniff would be burned alive if he let those kids loose. We can only watch and wait, our hearts heavy and our tongues dry in our throats, With spring, aside from pic nics, band concerts and egg rolling, comes graduation. Graduation, according to Old er Folk, is one of the Great Moments in a young person's life. It means one can start treading the Great Highway of Life. It means one can start supporting oneself. Supporting me? Good grief! The last job I had was a sum mer janitor's job in Avery Laboratory. It was good steady work, but it was a long time ago. There is a Centennial Cele bration going on in Grand Is land. The menfolk are all growing beards as a tribute to those by-gone days when the town first appeared on the Ne braska prairies. All my life I have wanted to grow a beard. As I will be in Grand Island in June for a wedding (mine), it seemed like it would be a good idea to join in with the celebration and cultivate my five-o'clock shadow to combable length.' My face radiant wtih happi ness over my plan, I raced to my fiancee to tell her the news. t Well, I guess some people don't have the Centennial spirit. The Daily Nebraskan EDITORIAL STAFF editor..... ir MMMKlnt Editor Folio editorial rut Editor Dick Sham New, Editor,. , Ear Jone, Bob Ireland Sport Editor Bob M artel Copy Editor. ............. .Art Blarkman, Carol frank George Moyer, Ron Warbolokl Nirfrt New Editor ...Oeorr Mover At Editor Walter rattenoa Stuff ihoirrapber. Lewt Office hwr!r Jolt Dowell (x-ifty F.dttor ... an Farrell Staff Writer. .. ..J'ldr Slelrr Marilyn Nlin. Mtnnettar Taylor, Diana Maxwell, Sandra Whalea, Dorothy Hall, Illaana tieaoe. Bill Cooper, BUI Wilson, Gary feteraon, Mary Pat trwin, Uranna Barrett, F.imnle I.tmoo. Win. Oar? Rodcera, JoAan (iahboroa. Stun Wlclman. Beportara. ...... .Nane DeLonf, Cynthia Zeehao. Bob BUSINESS STAFF tanlnmn Mwoarar Ororre Madura alatant Buaiaeia Maaae Larry Kpntrin Ton Neff, Jerry Krllrtln Circulation ""rrtr a,naWii;lnali . J"'- wrts FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OLD Member: Associated Oolle1ate Press Intercollegiate Press Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated Published at: Room 20, Student Union Lincoln, Nebraska 14th & R T Tfly Nrtrankaa I pnhlihd Monday. Toraday, toiiwadny i trti durin the achool year, eep nnf vacation and exam period , and one two I pairc.hed dnrtnt Aur'TSt, bJ toeit of tb tnlvemlty f Nebrmefca onS h autnorltation of the Commit lee Sfortnt Aftir a an eprelo of student opinion. JrubH-etm tinrier the )urii union of the Subrommiiiee urn S'adMSt r-uBilontkMi ahatli be free from editorial en.-w iiip ma the part of the nbeommlttee or on the part at m owmber af the faculty of the I nlverjlty, ar tm the part of any person ootnlde thCnlvrslty. Th mmher or (he hrlian utaff arl personally ne (xawBie for what thej ay, or do or earn to er-iilcd. Fettreary c. iita. Kntrrcd a aeroad elan matter at the pot offle a Liocvio, Ara, suiter tbw act of August 4, 1H1S. s Week and 7:15 a.m., Masses. Wednesday: 8 p.m., and Friday: 7 p.m., Lenten devotions Tuesday: 7 and 11 a.m., Wednes day: 7 p.m., and Thursday: 7 and 11 a.m., religion classes. Presbyterian-Congregational 333 No. 14 Sunday: 5:30-7:30 p.m., Forum "Is There Personal Immortality for Me?" by The Rev. Don Stuart of the Trinity United Church. Monday: 7 a.m., Bible study on the Book of Revelation. Tuesday: 8, 9 and 11 a m., "Life and Teachings of Jesus;" 7 p.m., Sigrvia Eta Chi. Wednesday: 7 p.m., Lenten ves pers; 7:30 p.m., non-Christian re ligions of the world. Thursday: 8 and 9 a.m , Re ligion in Literature. University Episcopal Chapel 346 No. 13 Sunday: 9 a.m., Holy Commun ion; 11 a.m., morning prayer; 6:30 p.m., Canterbury Club with The Rev. William Cross as guest speaker. Monday: 7 and 10 am., Holy Communion. Tuesday: 10 a.m., Holy Com munion. Wednesday: 7 a.m., Holy Com munion; 12:05 p.m., Litany. Thursday: 10 a.m., Holy Com munion;. 7:30 p.m., Litany and questions. University Lutheran Chapel (Missouri Synod) 15th & Q Sunday: 10:30 am., worship with celebration of the Lord's Sup per (announcement Friday after noon); 5:30 p.m., Gamma Delta supper followed by the topic "The Why and Wherefore of the Order of Our Service .'V .;, . Wednesday: 7 p.m., Lenten medi tations; 7:30 p.m., choir rehear sal. Thursday: 3:30-5:30 p.m., cof fee hours; 7 p.m., doctrine group. the iconoclast . . . oc s EJia gnosis If I can take a few minutes of your time today, I'd like to talk to you about the new Republican policy, commonly termed "Mod ern Republicanism"3Until recent ly I had no idea what exactly was meant by this term. However, last Monday night I became rather well informed on this subject. At that time I, being a staunch supporter of the Grand Old Party myself, attended the banquet of the Ne braska Republicans in the ne w Pershing Memorial Auditorium. At this banquet honoring the 90th anniversary of the founding of our state on March 1, 1867, Meade Al corn, the National GOP chairman, addressed the group on modern Republicanism. From the talk by this "conserva tive Yankee", I gathered that the common view taken of modern Republicanism is one related to large budgets and high govern ment spending; he will tend to force economy of government by "keeping government close to the people" through decentralization. You and I agree to this. We know that big government is not good nor necessary. Big govern ment costs money and in this time of national debt and inflation it is most important that government l-ves within its means. The centralization of power in V". shington and the bureaucra cy are bad, and Modern Republi canism is the challenge to bring about a change in government, to make the government adaptable to the modern world. The principles of Modern Re publicanism are not, however, new. The national Republican chairman recognized Abraham Lincoln as the first Modern Re publican. He said that this also is the same kind of Republican ism that Robert Taft, the Jate Sen. Kenneth Wherry, and Presi dent McKinley pledged their al legiance to. He said, and I concur, that this enlightened, dynamic type of pol icy, formed -.within the frame work of the Republican Party, is an alive, meaningful conservatism which maintains a sensible, middle-of-the-road policy and, by do ing so is responsive to the needs of the people. The Connecticut .attorney must recognize the difference be tween , economy in government and, as ' he termed it, "stagnant conservatism." He said the Re publican party "cannot be a party to backwardism and hope to re tain or to deserve the confidence and support of the voters." The Republican party is one of inclusion, whil ethe democratic in the national " chairman's words, "sets class against v class, sec tion against section, race against race and group against group. It is a party of five percenters, a party of deficit financing a party of bureaucracy and big govern ment." 1 believe that both" Mr. Alcorn and the "Modern Republicanism" will go far to promote economy in government. For I believe that "they are best governed who are least governed." The views expressed by Daily Nebraskan columnists are their own and do not necessarily re flect the views of this paper. Iranian New Year The Iranian students of the Uni versity will celebrate the National Iranian New Year (The Now Rouz) on Saturday, March 23, in the Union. by Dick Bibler Little man on campus Wednesday I noted that Letterip has suddenly become pyrotechnic. Everyone has been getting nasty letters but me, a frustrating situa tion tp one who desires notice above all things. But if Letterip has given me no reason to be ire ful, t can vent my righteous wrath against the poetic endeavors which have made the Campus Green a parody of literature. I refer in particular to the in artistic attempts of Mr. Happily, whose effusions promote aversion. Out of his full heart Dave has scrawled verse which has no form, no wit, and probably no readers outside of his own family The Bard of the Quad subscribes to that theory of literature which says that anything goes so long as the poet is moved by it. He has not yet learned that lesson which will probably cause him to stop scribbling these rapes of the muse. That lesson is that it is re markably easy for the author to inspire himself, but his job is to inspire others. So, Dave, either restrain your flights of fancy so that we can understand, or else pack up your rhyming dictionary and move on. As it is, you bore when vou should move, and you provoke yawns when you should promote ecstacy. That is enough of that. I am afraid that I have some times given the impression that I like nothing. The above critique of the ill-starred Mr. Happily may do much to give that impression. As a counteraction, I want to in dicate my pleasure at the Union Film Society's movie for Wednes day night. There was a certain apologetic air about the proceed ing; Fernandel, whose celluloided presence was to have been the steve schultz main attraction, was not on hand. Instead, we were treated and well treated to an Italian version of Romeo and Juliet. There are probably those who will protest that this particular film was too much pageant and not enough play. From a certain point of view, their criticisms art just. Many productions of Shakes peare's love tragedy have empha sised the blood in the blood feud which is its motivating force; this interpretation has. been seen off Broadway a couple of times in recent years. ' But the dramatic art remains a form of ritual, and there is no reason why this ritual should not be stressed occassionally. Thus, the beauty of costume, of seating, and of line reading which we wit nessed Wednesday is a welcome change from the emphasis on sweat and mumbles which Mr. f Brando has done so much to pro mote. I noted at State Basketball Tour ney time that the crop of sorority rushees for next year is remark ably promising. I didn't get to any games; being an old Iowa man I had no emotional attach ment to anything happening on the courts. But I wandered around downtown contemplating youth un leashed. Most satisfying. One of the phenomona of this sort of thing is that fads are so easily provoked. I remember that in the old days we used to buy yo-yos and walk down the streets twirling them; within an hour everyone would be twirling yo yos. This year the passion seemed to run to paper derbies, although some insurgents were sporting sponge rubber golfer's caps. Party Favors: Spring Separates ; happily mated in Sportswear .. AAGEES Carol McCoy, shining example of campus co ordination in sports wear, chose Modern Jr.'s 2-pc. polished cotton plaid under Bernhard Altmann's new Lambs wool Cardigan in white. Bracelet watch by Mepa, guaranteed for one year. Lambswool Canjigan, $12.95 Plaid Separates, $22.95 Mepa Watch, $14.95 pu tax Women'i Sportswear M ogee's Fir U Floor MM', " j f rC J if. r t ,1ipMx m D 1 I "mm- . "Mr ill. I ; ill MEN'S TOWN CRAFT BUTTON DOWN SHIHTS Penney's new University style shirts . . . thrift priced for extraordinary savings! Patterns galore: stripes'; checks, all sharply tailored of machine washable cot- sizes small, ton broadcloth. Sanforized, medium, large PEMSEY'S STREET FLOOR