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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1957)
Page 4 The Paify Nebraskan Wednesday, March 20, 1957 High School: Pnneipals-IFrosh To tlave Conference University freshmen will bare their souls to the educators Sat urday, and more than 100 repre ' sentatives from 51 Nebraska high schools wall take notes. The give-and-take session will be the third annual High School Principals-Freshman Conference, sponsored by the University. Dr. Floyd Hoover, registrar, said the conference serves two purposes: To assist the educa tor in better preparing high school students for college; and to help the University to do a better job in its freshman program. Principals of the various high schools will hold individual inter views with their last-year grad uates who are now attending the University. The principals inturn will notify the University later in the year on any critcisms or compliments on the University's freshman pro gram, Dr. Hoover said. Chancellor Clifford Hardin will welcome the educators at a noon luncneon at the Union. In the afternoon, a panel discussion will be held on "Hr. Best to Co-ordinate College Day Plans." Moderator will be Dr. George Rosenlof, dean emeritus of the University's office of admissions and professor of secondary educa tion. Panel members will be: M. L. Christensen, principal of Wahoo high school; Roy Nelson, principal of Alliance hih school; Harlan Taylor, assistant principal of Lincoln Northeast high school, and Don Twiford.. director of guid ance of State Department of Edu cation. High school to be represented include: Alliance. Ashland. Beaver Crossing. Bel levue. Broken Bow, Central City, Chapnell, Clay Center, - Cozad. Curtis, David City, Fremont. Gothenburg, Grand Island, Hastings. Hol drege, Kearney Lexington, Lincoln High, Lincoln Northeast, Lincoln Southeast, Uni versity High Lincoln. Loup City. McCook. Mindcn, Nebraska City, North Bend, North Platte. Omaha Benson, Omaha Central. Omaba North, Omaha Technical, Ord. - Papillion Pawnee City, Ravenna, Schuy ler. Scotia, Scottsbluff. Seward, Sidney, South Siouit City, St.. "Edward. Stromsburg, Sutton, Tecumser. Valley, Wahoo, Waverly, Weeping Water, Wilbcr, York. Fireside Chats Bob Martel, sophomore in Arts and Sciences, will present plans for the University fireside chats at a meeting of the University YMCA Wednesday at 4:30 in the Union. The chats are designed to allow students to go to the homes of University professors in the eve nings for informal discussions. Foreign Film Series: Fernandel To Portray Papa, 5 Sons 'The Sheep Has Five Legs," the fourth foreign classic of the 1967 film society series, will be presented Wednesday at 8 p.m. it the Capitol theater. French comedian Fernandel portrays Papa Saint-Forget and ao each of Saint-Forget' five sons. The -story is based on the "rise and fall" of the French village Trezignan which catapulted into the national limelight and prosper iiy when quintuplet sons were born tc Papa Saint-Forget. As time passed and the five sons left the village, the public mem ory grew shorter and Trezignan prosperity declined rapidly. Mu nicipal authorities devise a plan to restore the good times they once knew finding the five brothers and bringing them back to the village for a grand reunion. After locating them in various parts of the world, the sons are persuaded to return to their birth place for a reunion. At the gala gathering of the clan in Trezig nan, it is announced that one of of the brithers' wives has given birth to sextuplets all girls. Articles, Chapter, Pamphlet: acuity Members Write For Magazines Members of the teaching staff jf the University have written 17 magazine articles, a chapter for a book and a pamphlet within the last school year. The authors and their works are: William Coil, instructor of zool ogy and anatomy, is the author of Two New Hymenolepidid ces todes from Mexican birds with observations on Hymenolepis cro cethiae Webster, 1SK7, which ap pears in the December, 1956, is sue of the Journal of Parasitology. Dr. Norman Cromwell, professor of chemistry, is the author of Chap ter Two, The Monocyclic Oxazines, of the book, Heterocyclic Chemis try, Vol. VI, published recently by John Wilen and Sons, New York City. He is also co-author (with Rich are Mohrbacker) of "Cyclopropyl Ketones I. Synthesis and Spectra o f l-Aroyl-2-arylcyclo-propanes," which appears in the Jan. 20 issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society. With Alfred Hassner and Stan ley Davis, Dr. Cromwell is co-author of an article, "The Chemistry of Derivatives of 2-Substituted-l-napthols," which appears in the Jan. S issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Robert Feeney, professor of chemistry, biochemist, and Chair man of the Department of Bio chemistry and Nutrition, and Rob ert Ogden, assistant biochemical engineer, are co-authors of an ar ticle, "Chemurgic Utilization Re search at the University of Ne braska," which appears in the No vember, 1956, issue of Chemurgic Digest. Dr. William Hall, professor of journalism and Director of the School, is the author of "Which Background Courses Are Most Valuable to Journalism Majors?" which appears in the Winter issue of the Bulletin of the American Society of Journalism Administra tors. Dr. J. H. Looker, associate pro fessor of chemistry, is the co-author (with Charles Hayes and Don ald Thatcher) of an article, "Poly earboxylic Esters as Mesylation Products of Phenolic Acids," and of a second article (with Hayes), "Aroylation of Mesyl Chloride Carboxylic Acid Mixtures in Py- SATCHMO II 0,T Louis Armstrong and his All Stars Concert - coming to LINCOLN Pershing Municipal Auditorium MARCH 22 8:33 ?M. Tickets: SO $2C3V $1 w5 ORDER NOW! . l- --'-it w?tj, nf-vi srfy. rirfine Synthesis of Depside De rivatives," which appear in the Feb. 5, 1957, issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Dr. H. W. Jrfanter, professor of zoology, is co-author (with Mar garita Bravo-Hollis) of an article, "Trematodes of Marine Fishes of Mexican Waters," which appears in the Jan., 1955, issue of the Pro ceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington. Dr. John Martin, assistant professor of journalism, is the au thor of an article, "New Foreign Periodicals Show Interest in Re search," which appears in the Win ter, 1956, issue of Journalism Quar terly. Dr. Paul Meadows, professor of sociology, is the author of an ar ticle, "Models, Systems and Sci ence," which appears in the Feb ruary, 1957, issue of the Amer ican Sociological Review. Dr. J. H. Pazur, associate pro fessor of chemistry and associate biochemist, (with T. Budovich and C. L. Tipton) is the author of "En symatic Synthesis and Dispropor tionation of 3-O-a-D-glucopyrano- j syl-D-glucose," which appears fa the February, 1957, issue of the Journal of the American Chemical j Society. j Dr. Hilliard Pivnick, assistant ' professor of bacteriology, and Dr. Samuel-Maharajah and Sheil Tem pleton are co-authors of "The Co existence of Pathogens and Pseudo monads in Soluble Oil Emulsion," which appears in the November, 1956, issue of Applied Microbiology. Dr. Calvin Reed, associate pro fessor of elementary education, is the author of an article, "Develop ing Creative Thinking In Arith metic," which appears in the Feb ruary, 1957, issue of The Arithme tic Teacher. Dr. M. L. Schuster, associate plant pathologist, is the author of the article, "Safflower Rust In vestigation With Special Emphasis on the Root and Root Phases," which appears in the December, 1956, issue of Phytopathology. Miss Bernice Slote, assistant pro fessor of English, is the author of an essay, "Robinson's 'En Pas sant,' which appears in the Feb ruary, 1957, issue of The Exr'i cator. Gerald Smith, associate professor of engineering mechanics, and Lyle Young, assistant profes sor of engineering mechanics, are the authors of "Ultimate Flexure Analysis Based on Stress-Strain Curves of Cylinders," which was published in the December, 1956, issue of the Journal of the Ameri can Concrete Institute. The Inside World ASME Meeting j . This Wednesday's meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers will feature a"; coior sound movie on guided missies at the White Sands .proving grounds, The name of the movie is "Eyes of the Range" and the meeting will be held at 7:15, in Room 206, Richards Hall. . Theta Xi Dream Girl Kay Krueger was announced as Theta Xi Dream Girl at their formal March 16. The dinner and formal were held at the Terrace Room of the Lincoln Hotel. Eddie Haddad and his orchestra fur nished the music. German Lecture An illustrated lecture, "The Rhur Valley, Its Industry and Life" will be presented to the German Club, Thursday, March 21, at 7:30 p.m. in Love Library Auditorium by Dr. William Pfeiler, Chairman of the Department of Germanic Langu ages. The lecture is open to the public, including those persons who do not hold German Club membership cards, Pfeiler stated. Faculty Square Dance The Faculty Square Dance Club will host the student Square Dance Clubs at a special meeting and dance Saturday at 8:15 in the Ag Activities Building, according to Mrs. Phillip Cole, secretary. LAUNDROMAT 5HVCI Al's Half-Hoar Laundry i KR. SERVICE ON WASH, DRY, FOLD DRIVE-IN PARKING Drop It Off We Do Rest Corner IB & N 2-5722 Theta Sorority Establishes $28,600 Fund Rho chapter of . Kappa Alpha Theta sorority has established a $28,600 scholarship fund at the University Foundation to be used for "worthy University women,". The fund was established in hon- Mrs. Corwin Moore, chairman of the scholarship fund, announced Saturday evening. or of two founders of the Univer- sity of Nebraska chapter, Mrs. Gertrude Laws Hardy and the late Mrs. Minnie Latta Ladd. ,a"T XlTBta 9 JT (J(lWtS Daily 9:30 to 5:30 Thursday 10 to 8:30 Home, at Last! 4 11 You are invited to the OPENING of MILLER & PAINE'S brand new CAREER SHOE SHOP First Floor THURSDAY ' MARCH 21 . Free Cokes . . . 10 to 8:30 p.m. From "O" to 13th to MILLER'S FIRST FLOOR! That's the way they've traveled . . . those wonderful ACCENT . . . SANDLER OF BOSTON . and other fine brands of shoes you like so well at Miller's Career Shoes. You will like their new and PERMANENT HOME just inside the East Entrance. Do go in tomorrow for a FREE COKE a LOOK AROUND and SMART and a COMFORTABLE CAREER SHOP SHOES. " Lincoln JAM SESSION BOB LEAH'S 2050 Cornhusker Highway THURSDAY NIGHTS NO MINORS The New MARRIED STUDENT APARTMENTS wi'l be completed about June 1st Applications will tekon until March 30tii Information 5AcVf and Application Form available in - STUDENT HOUSING OFFICE Ellen Smltii Hall Going Steady with "Jontten" I Active Sportswear from ' AAGFE'S C ! Jon Schwobauer solutes the "Regimentaf Stripe". Navy shirt piped in stripes, over red, white and navy thin-stripe pedal pushers, (short shorts and Bermu das' not shown). EJewse, $3.95 Cap $1,95 Feds! Pushers, $7.95 "Htiikhs" Shells, $6.95 I A t W omtn't SpwUnmr , . . f ' Firtt Floor ,'f xr . Whafs doing Pratt & Whitney $i Aircraft Professors practice what they preach ... and vice versa Following a practice of twenty years, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft .will again welcome a group of college pro fessors as members of the engineering staff during the coming summer menllis. Last year our "summer professors' represented col leges from coast to coast. They tackled important projects in such diverse fields as instrumentation and vibration, combustion, compressible flow, and materials develop ment. Despite the limited time available lo these men, j they made significant contributions to our overall effort. Though it was to be expected that both the com-! pany and the participating professors might benefit di rectly from such a program, the sphere of influence has been much broader. The many students who are taught by these professors during the college year are sharing the ultimate benefits . . . profiting from lectures that are sparked by the kind of practical experience that can be gained with a recognized industry leader like Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. , N' . . twewjmymimmmmmmmmmm -.111 inn Several "svmner profs" rolanUrilf spent part of their tim conducting refresher cranes for P W K't young enginee. Worlfs fortmott demgner and builder aicraf tngmet Ont aUKigRiBefit inferred comprehemif Mil vcy of Muipment for (he expnsig of hifb-kitnd leat UcilitM in Willgoo Laboratory, the worltfa Mat ceaplete, privalely wwacd jet engine lab. Technical contributions were varied. Worthwhile assistance was given in vibra tion and instrumentation studies. IVttlOM Of UNITED AIICRA'T COIfOIATIOM ASI M A R J fO I D t, CONHICTICUI