The Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, March 19, 1957 Page 2 t ; i ' - t 4 - J i I J i 1 ' 1 ! ! - Vt i? s jj 4 ) - ! Daily Nebraskan Editorials: ff Mes Time Apparently, any decision on students voting In faculty committees will have to wait for an undetermined length of time. The Student Coun cil's resolution asking that the Faculty Senate consider the matter is snug in the hands of the Committee on Committees. The Committee is waiting for the Council to "formulate a suitable procedure for nomina tions" of student representatives on faculty com mittee. A letter to the Council stated "that there was some sentiment among the members of the committee that students serving as voting mem bers of the Senate committees should represent the entire student body." Thu appears to b a request by the commit tee that the Council come up with a method whereby student representatives are elected by some form of campus-wide elections. At the present time these student representatives are named by the Council, acting as a representa tive body for the students. The Daily Nebraskan has actively supported the student vote. Interviews with faculty mem bers serving on committees with students indi cate general faculty support of students vot ing. They have indicated they believe students are helpful and necessary members of the com mittees, both through their contributions to dis cussion and their right to vote. It can be understood how procedural and administrative technicalities might postpone vot ing on the Council resolution. But too much bandying about might tend to cause interested persons to lose interest and perspective in the matter. Where the student vote would be most im portant this semester is on the Board of Stu dent Publications. Later in the spring this Board will select the paid staffs of the Corn husker and the Daily Nebraskan. There is also the contract to be let for publishing the 1958 Cornhusker and other important details involving both publications. If it is at all possible the Daily Nebraskan would like to see some temporary arrangement made whereby student members of the Board of Publication would be allowed to vote on the staffs of the student publications. Thus, if action by the Senate on the Council's resolution was postponed as la.- as next fall, the student vote would still have been exer cised in this very important manner. There is an old axiom: "They also serve who only stand and wait." But in this case standing and waiting is all we have done, and Jhat doesn't do anyone any good. Parking Responsibility A letter received by the Daily Nebraskan not too long ago stated that students themselves were responsible for the parking situation on the campus. Dave Keene, chairman of the Student Coun cil parking board, wrote the letter admonish ing the student paper for chiding the commit tee's slow action. Keene reminded us that the University has no obligation to provide parking facilities for the people who desire to drive their cars here. Later Keene stated, "We feel that students are making themselves mad by driving to school. Certainly, parking the car near the classroom is a convenience but it ign't a neces sity and one can definitely get an education without a car." And he was right. What lingered in this office after Keene had left were his words about stu dents making the situation harder on them selves. We made a brief check to discover whether what he had said had practical significance. In the Union and Selleck Quad parking lots on udaet Ills There's no question about it education is costing more and more every day. The four normal schools in Nebraska have raised tuition fees, the University is considering raising tui tion and the Unicameral has been offered a bill to double the tuition of the University. As we were not alone in the problem of budget difficulties, we are not alone in the problem of rising costs. A trend toward upping tuition all over the 'country has begun and probably won't halt until facilities for colleges and universities have met the level they must for adequate (at least) instruction. The easiest answer, of course, is to raise tuition or to raise the price of campus housing- The Iowa State Board of Regents has asked the Department of Residence at Iowa State to add $10 per quarter to the room and board rates to meet the increasing costs of operations. At Boston College, a private school, a raise of ?100 in tuition will go into effect starting with the 1957-58 school year. With this latest raise, tuition will have gone up 40 per cent since 1955. In addition dormitory and boarding rates will jump another $40. Well, if we have to pay an additional sum for tuition at our University, there might be some relief in sight for some of us. A bill before the U.S. Senate authorizes the granting of 50,000 scholarships for higher education to eligible high school graduates each year. The bill also authorizes allocation to the state of amounts equal to $500 for each scholarship to be awarded in that state. ? Senator Wayne Morse, introducer of the bill, said, "I feel that it is imperative that we elim inate some of the shocking waste which results from the fact that 100,000 highly qualified Amer ican boys and girls who finish high school each Monday morning one of our staff members discovered six cars parked in two stall each, thus omitting six more cars from these conven ient spots. We have come to realize along with every other rational animal around here that the parking situation .can't be solved overnight- The first step in the right direction is the obtaining of the cooperation of the student body. Perhaps the parking board could make the penalty for parking in such a manner as to obstruct two stalls or - in any other way to hamper the situation more stringent. Once in a while a student parks his car where he knows he shouldn't on a red line, in a loading zone, etc. and does not necessarily obstruct the free flow of traffic. This is an offense and as such should be penalized. But the enemy of the people who makes mat ters worse should get the axe, as it were, from the people. The reaction of the student body to such a suggestion, we hope, won't be a literate inter pretation of our words. But from here on in, let's expect action, not words. year are unable to go to college because of finances and another 100,000 drop from college!" Any answer to the problem of increased costs for the universities and for the student is a welcome sight these days- We certainly sense the pressing need for more funds for educa tion . . . The question which might arise, however, is "should the people of the United States (or any one of the states) be made to pay for the education of young people?" Yes. Of course they should. Despite any waste in government funds; despite talk of lowering taxes; despite pressing needs in other fields of public service, the schools are the most im portant asset the nation or the state has. And it's up to the citizens of the state to shoulder the burden for education of they wish to alleviate the pressing shortages of teachers, scientists, managers and other trained person nel so direly needed in our nation today. Magi fsaysay We've heard the present generation called the "Brainwashed Generation." It may be true; but only because today's youth hasn't been given real leaders. When the free world lost Ramon Magsaysay it lost one of those elements of light and strength which might have rekindled the spirit of action in modern youth. Mr. Magsaysay won the confidence of the West and the respect of his people with his swift but just action. Communists feared the president of the Philippines and because of his understanding of revolutionaries and the masses he was able to rule his land well. No question exists that we will miss the friendship and help of that brave man, but in the spirit of youth he generated we must accept the challenge to fight for truth. ies And Politics In line with the continuing scandal within the Teamsters Union, the Chicago Daily New has published this sidelight concerning a case before the Supreme Court. A labor Union which spends members' dues to elect political candidates for federal1 offices subjects itself to trial for violation of the Cor rupt Practices Act- That is the meaning of the U.S Supreme Court decision overruling a Detroit district judge who had dismissed such a case against the United Auto Workers. The 6-3 decision was notable for the dissent ing opinion written by Justice Douglas, who said: "Until today, political speech, has never been considered a crime." This was demagoguery of the rankest sort. The "crime" was not what union spokesmen said in behalf of Sen. McNamara when he was the Democratic candidate. It wa3 the fact that the TV broadcasts were paid for out of the union treasury that brought the government charges. The Corrupt Practices Act was amended in 1947 to include unions along with the corpora tions in the prohibition against political contri butions. The idea was that union members should be protected as stockholders are, against having their money spent for candidates they might not favor. ' Union members are as free as corporation officials or anybody else to contribute to poli tical campaigns. The ban is against using other people's money for the purpose without their consent- With the unions contending for the power to compel workers to pay dues under union shop contracts, a scrupulous regard for the members' right ought to preclude spending any part of those dues for candidates they might oppose as individuals. The Daily FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OLD Member: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Eepresentative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated Published at: Room 20, Student Union Lincoln, Nebraska 14th & R TS mny ffbraibaa I" pol.tlihM Monday, TuWls, 4niir mt rrMar urWi tl.s ctvw rear. pt d ,...r. KHfl' anil rxnm rnd. ' pi,;i-.-d furtn Anoint, hi tutl-nts o the Inlvwllr ml Srtiraoka muter Uu autbr;l ol ll .trmmitlrm m si,d-nl Affair, at an eipmnlou of vtudrat pinion, i ,)..: -! umtrr ttw jurl(fii-liin of tho HubwmmlM s -'., it t'nMteMtoiM nhall Iren trvm editorial wrjwf?ip cm til? imrt of ttw fMibrommW'- or on t. art of an tiinfc ' lh sfiii of thr t'nlvemitr, or nil thr part of ttut "" Mitilo tho Inlwrxitv. Tho xrotwfs of Um liraokjm stall mn tettutamUj ro- Nebraskan .ponnlhle fot what th'y W. or or eauM to bo printrd. February 8. 1H64. , Kntrred mm nrroni claw matter at the port of fire la Lincoln, Nebraska, under th act of Amum 4, ltlZ. EDITORIAL STAFF Cdttor Fn Dtr Managlnr Editor tmck FoUoek Editorial Paw Editor .Dtek Shnpo; New-. Editors 8r loo, go Ireland t porta Kditwr. Martel Cwr Editor Bliwkmaa. Carol Frank Georf Merer, Koa Warhol okl Ar. Editor Walter fattrmoo staff riKilorruiiM-r. " Uwli Muni Fditor.. Bon Harhoimkl Off lie gM-r'tarj Jnlto Howell Society Jtdluw - Farreffl BUSIXESS STAFF But!W Manarer. . . Gewro Madwa AMlatant HoslueM ilwuim tarry Epstein torn Nefl, Jerry beilettn Circulation Maaager Jack Morris ' " . lm Uf U L '' O r. CsTtHI H ly4W ha, f( THIS is SOINS TO BE A 1 SUMMER J i Srm. with malice toward none . . sam jensen San Blast Sanford McConnell When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to defend the rights of man and women and most particularly the rights if those who strive to pro tect our country and its heritage there will always arise groups of women with vision, with afore thought, with charity, with courage and without malice or dark glasses. It makes no difference if this group call themselves the Nieces of Iniquity of the Mothers of Wit nesses Who Have Invoked the Fifth Amendment. It makes no matter, for they have a purpose and they are strong and vociferous in the doing of it. Not being satisfied with going about doing good, they make it their arduous task and chief mis sion to promote the gigantic task of going about . . . Whenever a little "Wetback" salutes the colors, they will see he is kept after school for national istic blasphemy. Whenever doctrines of brother hood of man, the mutual responsi bly of nations for peace and understanding, are taught, they will be there to stand up and say, "How foolish. Us first. Others last. American way. Damn foreigners." Whenever a battle for freedom is fought in another continent, they will be near at hand in this coun try to explain that the desire for freedom and its manifestation in the hearts of the Hungarian free dom fighter has no bearing on American motherhood, founding fathers, Flag Day programs and essay contests. These things are the American way. There is no place in this land for those who do not speak American (although no such language exists . . I usually speak English). There is only one important revolution and of course that revolution was peculiarly Ameri can, in fact, it was called just that, and the American Revolution, and good Americans are sons and daughters of that revolution. The Revolution that followed in France and the incident which took place in Russia about 40 years ago have had little or no effect on the lives of the people of the United States." However, if .1 remember -my history, the cry of "Liberty. Fra ternity. Equality." had more just ification than "No taxation with out representation." It is good to know that the bare foot child of American descent will be protected from spies, niggers, japs, and internationalism. It makes one humble . . . At a recent Philosophy lecture, our class was asked to name the location of the University. At first, this seemed like a easy question to answer. One could point our numerous buildings, visit scores ' of classrooms, or observe count less students and faculty members; but where, among any of these, could you actually point to the University? . After considering this problem, I began o wonder about another one which involved identification. During the past two weeks, the discussion of student evaluation of faculty members has been quite interesting. I haven't as yet met the students whose evaluations are considered so important, or the professors, who are to be eva luated. It is easy enough to identify cer tain individuals; but when their scope is increased to the broad classes of students and professors, difficulties arise; and the discuss ion loses a great deal of its im portance. After the results of a opinion It's Heal ly Quite A Mess Ron Warholoski Letterip To the Editor: Committees, s u b - c ommittees, committees on committees, inves tigation boards to look into the committee action taken by a sub committee of a main committee.. Does it sound confusing? It does to me and I suppose to a lot of other people who look at all the scallywagging going on around here. Maybe if we didn't have so many committees who seem to be watch ing the watchers, we could get some definite action. When the students were polled and said they preferred the elongated exam pe riod to the shortened one, that should have been good enough for any legislator. But no; once again with an eye toward confusion the Faculty Senate committee on cal endar (or something) has stretched out its arm to tangle up proceed ings. Oh, for the benevolent dictator ship in which philosophers are chancellors and chancellors are philosophers! Yet there will always be some people who feel they have to get their two cents worth in on any issue. Anymore we can be pretty sure that wherever "Two or more gathered together" they're are forming another of the campuses innumerable committees . . . Un-Committed Recently, some figures came out that reveal that Asia has be come, far and away, the principle field for U.S. overseas aid. To put it another way, let's say that there has been a shift in economic emphasis from NATO to SEATO. There's two big factors behind this shift: 1) the recognition that Western Europe has finally re covered; and 2) the realization that the most imminent danger of Communist penetration is in Asia. Just how far the eoonomic em phasis has shifted can be found by looking over some of the State Department reports. Over 70 of all U.S. economic and technical aid went to Asia last year. Western Europe's por tion was a meager 8 and that went to Greece and Turkey. The result of this lavish spend ing is supposed to be the contain ment of Communism in this part of the world. But, Uncle Sam, like anyone lav ishing money around, may find that he is incurring more ill will among those he disappoints than friendship among those he favors. Note. Three countries, Korea, Formosa and South Viet Nam got 78 of all the U.S. aid to Asia. India, larger in population, area and influence than all three coun tries combined, got only a meager 9. Indonesia's portion was even less. It seems strange that nations which honestly are following what they consider their national inter ests should be slighted in the U.S. give-away program as were India and Indonesia. These nations are among the largest and most populuous in Asia, and outstanding "Neutralist ists" in the cold war. The U.S. aid is designed to help The Campus Green Free Verse Free verse Free verse Free Terse Free Verse Fr Ee a nation get on its feet economi cally. But that aid just doesn't seem to materialize over a token amount unless the receiving nation decides to follow the anti-Communist policy of Washington. It has been suggested that the aid to a nation is porportionate to the danger of Communist penetra tion to which it is exposed. .This may be a wise policy; but if, at the same time, you incur the ill will of the more stable and larger nations of the area, what have you accomplished? One more point should be touched on as long as the discus sion concerns Asia, and that is SEATO. Last week, Secretary Dulles was quoted as saying, "In less than three years, "SEATO" has be come firmly established and has made a positive contribution to peace and stability." This is just little too optimistic. Seato is nothing more than a paper pact without an armed force of its own such as is boasted of by NATO. Paper pacts have proved no toriously inadequate in the past (Belgium was protected by such a pact in 1914), and one should be cautious before one puts too much faith In their effectiveness. Are there any solutions? It could be that the United States would accomplish as much and incure less enmity if it chan neled its economic aid through the United Nations and allowed that organization's facilities to divide the aid among the needy nations. Also, the U.S. might put a lot more emphasis on its obligations to SEATO and work to establish the effectiveness of that group such as that now possessed by the NATO alliance. Ag Interdenom Ag Interdenom will hold their regular Sunday evening at 5:30. At the meeting pictures wll be shown of Germany by Dick Turn er. Ther meeting will be held at the Student House at 35th and Holdrege. poll were compiled, how would they be used? One student may take a course because hs is gen uinely interested in it while the person next to him Is there only because he has a group require ment to meet. Some individuals would evaluate on personality while others would lean towards ability. One group would congratulate while the other would criticize. How many students would favor, the Professor who "taught you quite a bit but made you work hard," or the professor who "was really a good guy but never seem to give you any new ideas in his lectures?" Would you change your opinion of an instructor if his name headed the list in popularity and you also rated him last? Also, who beside yourself can supply the purpose of your Un iversity career? The instructor can't add purpose where there is none, or crush success when there is desire. I haven't heard of any method of teaching which could be universally accepted. What has given one man success might pro duce failure for another. Many years ago, a scientist, entering the United States was questioned by a group of reporters. The reporters were amazed when the scientist couldn't supply the formulas to simple laws of physics or math. The scientist explained that his conception of learning didn't include memorizing, but given appropriate books he could readily supply the answers. He considered education a process which enabled a person to better organize and interpret. His name: Albert Einstiein. u THE BARRETTS OP MMPOLE STREET d-G-IWs NEW ClNEMASCOfti ANDMETR0C010R ROMANCE I JENNIFER JONES " v w Splendorf J. star mora beautihif &itd nmantio than evert JOHN GIELGUD Starling , lAJedneiday . . little Man on campus by Dick Bibler 'Mice of you wo mr voc&io wash ouwmws til MISTER" DREAMBOAT . . . ? ' ' c 4 WIW mult m I I J i WHAT FASCINATION DREW THESE BEAUTIFUL DOLLS INTO HIS ARMS... DESPITE . THEMSELVES!!! t X 'it. ll i Aallff iTThaii Hiiil 7yy. ' WOW . . . WOTTA VNYtX DOLL ... I I 75c Till Thn 90e TONY CURTIS MARTHA HYER KATHRYN GRANT vfcjj