The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1957, Image 1

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    Faculty Senate:
i -7
IP 11(31 DUB
Vol. 31, No. 64
Wednesday, March 13, 1957
Women's Voting:
The annual All Worn an 'a Spring
elections will be held today In the
Union from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and
t the Ag Campus Union from 9
a.m. to Sp.m.
Officers will be elected for Coed
Counselors, Women's Atheltic As
sociation, Barb Activities Board
For Women and Associated Wo
men Students.
All women who wish to vote
must have their student I.D. Cards
with them and must vote for the
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May Queen:
UppeFeiass Women
To Choose Finalists
There are 34 candidates for May
Queen. The finalists will be chosen
from these at the Union, Wednes
' ' day. Junior and senior women
only are eligible to vote.
The 34 candidates for May
Queen are: Pat Alvord, Zeta Tau
Alpha, Pi Lambda Theta, Mu Phi
Epsilon, Alpha Lambda Delta, NU
band sponsor,! Singers; Shirley
Bazant, Kappa Delta, Red Cross,
WAA, .Physical Education Club,
Newman Club, Pi Lambda Theta.
Petty Branch, president of Pi
Beta Phi, Biz Ad Council; Pearl
Bremer, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
APIIA, Kappa Epsilon; Carol New
ell Blore, Teachers College, Chap
lain of Delta Delta Delta, Mu Phi;
Kay Christensen, Alpha Omicron
Pi, Union Senior Board, Teachers
College Senior Board, Pi Lambda
Marilyn Christensori, Alpha Omi
cron Pi, vice president, Teachers
College; Charlotte Benson. Sigma
Kappa president, YWCA; Mary
Clare Dodson, Alpha Omicron Pi,
Teachers College; Polly Downs,
Alpha Phi, Union Board, Beta
... Gamma Sigma, Alpha Lambda
Delores Fangmeier, Towne Club
president, Pi Lambda Theta, Ger
man Club; Carolyn Galley, Alpha
Omicron Pi rush chairman, Teach
ers College; Emily Hemphill, Chi
; Omega, Coed Counselor Board,
AWS vice president, Pi Lambda
Theta vice president; Mary Sue
Herbek, Teachers College, Coed
Counselors Board, Tassels, New
man Club:
Arlene Hrbek, Delta Pelta Delta,
Arts and Sciences, Kappa Alpha
Mu, Theta Sigma Phi; Mary
James, Delta Delta Delta, Agrl
culture College, Omicron Nu presi
dent; Barbara Jelgerhuis, Delta
Delta Delta president, Teachers
College, Theta Sigma Phi, Kappa
Theta Alpha, Pi Lambda Theta:
Rita Jelinek. Pi Beta Phi, AWS
Board, activities chairman, Pi Beta
Phi, Teachers College; Beth Keen
an, Kappa Alpha Theta, Arts and
Sciences; Mary Keys, Gamma Phi
Beta,. Agriculture College, Theta
Sigma Phi, Phi Upsilon Omega,
Gamma Alpha Chi; Janet Kuska,
Cornhusker Associate editor, Delta
Gamma, Home Economics; Sue
Rohrbaugh, - Alpha Omicron Pi,
Teachers; Barbara Rystrom, Kap
pa Kappa Gamma, Teachers, Pi
Lambda Theta president; Coed
Councelors, YWCA.
Trudy Scriven, Delta Gamma
Masquers secretary, Teachers Col
lege; Kay Skinner, Alpha Chi
Social Workers
Reunion Slated
Alumni of the University of Ne
braska Graduate School of Social
Work will attend .a reunion lunch
eon Friday noon at the Union.
Richard G. Guilford, director of
the school, will be the principal
Miss Elsie Fitzgerald 6f Lincoln,
the school's alumni president, will
preside and students, will provide
a musical program. ,
The reunion is being held in con
junction with the 12th annual ad;
vanced casework insttiute which
will be conducted by Dr. Ner
Littner, member of the child ana
lytic faculty of the Chicago Insti
tute 'for Psychoanalysis.
number specified on the ballot.
The nominees for the office of
president of Coed Counselors are
Joanne Bender and .Marilyn
Miss Bender, junior in Arts and
Sciences, is on the Calendar and
Final Exams committee of the
Student Council, Layout Editor of
the Cornhusker, Panhellenic Couiv
cil, a member of Alpha Lambda
Delta, Delta Phi Delta and Delta
Delta Delta sorority.
Courteiy Sunday Journal and Star
Gerdes Itlnkle
Courtety Sunday Journal and Star
Huesner Sleverg
Omega, Agriculture College, Gam
ma Alpha Chi, Home Economics
Club and Counsel; Judy Snell,
Delta Gamma, Teachers College,
Pi Lamjbda Theta; Betty Stout,
Alpha Xt Delta, president, Teach
ers College, Coed Counselors.
Margaret Swanson, Pi Beta Phi,
Teachers College; Nancy Taylor,
Alpha Omicron Pi, .Teachers Col
lege; Gail Walling, Delta Gamma,
Arts and Sciences, Builders secre
tary, AUF Board; Cynthia Lon
brough Wilcox, Gamma Phi Beta,
Teachers College, Physical Edu
cation Club; Rhe Yeiter, Alpha
Omicron Pi, Teachers College.
SC Representative:
Dave ffeene To Present
Student Views On Budget
News Editor
Dave Keene, sophomore in Law
College, will appear before the
Legislative Budget Committee
hearing Wed. at 2 p.m. represent
ing the Student Council to express
support for the 5.5 million dollar
university budget increase.
Keene, the co-chairman of a spe
cial Student Council committee de
signed to present student views
concerning the University budget
to tne 43 state senators, stated he
.hopes that there will be enough
time for him to address the meet
ing this afternoon.
"The only way we can continue
to have a strong University" is to
have a reasonable budget grant
ed, he said. . i
"We want the young people who
are behind us to have the same
opportunities we have had," Keene
"The real issue," . Keene said,
"is not tomorrow but the long
range future."
"What we decide to do today
can hinder or help to build the
strong University and state that
we all want," he added.
The special Student Council com.
mittee which has been contacting
Lincoln's Dust
Bowl To See
Little Relief
Students will continue to be ham-
pered enroute to classes Wednes
day by the huge cloud of dust
which has been enveloping the
campus of late, according to the
latest weather
o u r e a u
I n c r e a s-
1 n g northeast-
ly winds, with
no e x p ected
pr e c i p 1 1 a
tion, will bring
little relief to
Nebraska's ex
isting "dust
Norfolk recorded the state low
yesterday with a reading of 74.
North Platte had the state low as
the mercury dipped to the 24 mark.
Miss Waechter, Junior In Teach
ers, is a member of A.C.E.. Y.W;
C.A. cabinet, Tassels. Secretary; Pi
Lambda Theta and Scholarship
chairman of Towne Club. She also
served as secretary of the Coed
Counselor Board.
WAA Nominees .
There are two nominees for the
presidency of the Women's Ath
letic Association. They are: Joan
Huesner, junior in Teachers, trea
surer of Kappa Alpha Theta, mem
ber of the W.A.A. Board, Red
Cross Board, Pi Lambda Theta,
A.C.E., AFCW president and Ideal
Nebraska Coed.
Sonia Sievers, sophomore in Busi
ness Administration, member of
Kappa Delta, WAA Board, Red
Cross, YWCA Finance chairman
and Hungarian Student Project
treasurer, is the second nominee.
Nominees for Secretary include:
Janet Dworak, sophomore in
Teachers, Alpha Phi activities
chairman, WAA board, Orchesls,
PE Club and AWS board, and
Karen , Krueger, sophomore in
Teachers, member of Alpha Omi
cron Pi, cheerleader, WAA Board,
Coed Counselor Board and New
man Club.
The two nominees for treasurer
Include: Billie Prest, sophomore in
Teachers, WAA Board, Tassels,
Cornhusker Section Head and Kap
pa Kappa Gamma and Sally Wil
s o n, sophomore in Arts and
Sciences, WAA Board, AUF assis
tant, Builders, Aquaquettes and
Kappa Alpha Theta.
BABW Board
Nominees for president of the BA
BW Board for the coming year are:
Sue Hinkle, junior in Techers,
ABW secretary, Student Council,
H Lambda Theta project chair
man, Sigma Eta Chi chaplain, Out
standing Coed Counselor and Wo
men' Residence Halls, and Marie
Gerdes, junior in Home Econom
ics, BABW Board historian, Home
Ecanomics club secretary, 4-H
club, VHEA and Love Memorial
AWS Nominees
Associated Women Students nom
inees for president include Karen
Dryden, junior in Arts and
Sciences, a member of Union board
and pledge trainer of Delta Delta
Delta, and Sara Hubka, junior in
Teachers, a member of Builders
Board, AWS board and vice-presl
dent of Delta Gamma.
Board member nominees for
BABW and AWS Board are listed
on page four.
senators the past week in an ef
fort to hold "open-minded discus
sions on the Unicersity budget" is
progressing well, Keene said.
Last semester the Student Coun
cil submitted a resolution to Gov.
Victor Anderson, endorsing the
1957-59 University budget.
Keene expressed his thanks to
the students who talked with sena
tors concerning the University
"Appreciation is also due the
senators who took time to hear
our views," Keene said.
Students who have or will talk
with state senators concerning the
Budget are:
Bill Bedwefi, Dist. 1, Sen. Ko
touk; Dwaine Rogge, Dist. 2, Sen.
Aufenkamp; Joanne Bender, Dist.
3, Sen. Dooley; Dave Mossman,
Dists. 4-10, Senators Syas, Adams,
Klaver, Tvrdik, Munnelly, Vogel
and Moulton.
Tom Neff, Dist. 11, Sen. Sim
mons; Emmie Hemphill, Dist. 12,
Sen. Beaver; Jan Schrader, Dist.
13, Sen. Bridenbaugh; Phil Robin
son, Dist, 14, Sen. Burbach; Keith
Bauman, Dist. 15, Sen. Tews; Dot
Novotny, Dist. 16, Sen. Claussen;
Caroline Williams, Dist. 17, Sen.
Stryker; Dave Keene, Dist. 18,
Sen. Liebers.
Sam Jensen, Dist. 19, Sen.
Portsche; Bob Ireland, Dist. 20,
Sen. Waggoner; Dick Reische,
Dist. 21, Sen. Waldo; Bev Deepe,
Dist. 22, Sen. Ruhnke; Leo Dam-
kroger, Dist. 23, Sen. Bedford;
Roger Langenheim, Dist. 24, Sen.
Wood; Larry Shafer, Dist. 25, Sen.
Jensen; Ron Warholoski, Dist. 26,
Sen. Wagner; Bill DeWulf, Dist.
27, Sen. Donner; Elizabeth Shaf
er, Dist. 28, Sen. Nelson; John
Kinnier, Dist. 29, Sen. Bahensky.
Sally Carter, Dist. 30, Sen. Laut-
enschlager; Connie Hurst, Dist. 31,
Sen. Foote; Gene Spence, Dist. 32.
Sen. McHenry; Ed Stoller, Dist.
33, Sen. Thompson; Charlene Fer
guson, Dist. 34, Sen. Otto; Ken
Wehrman, Dist. 35,vSen. Williams;
Jane Jeffrey, Dist. 36, Sen. Swan-
son; Evonne Einspahr, Dist. 37,
Sen.' Dame; Judy Douthit, Dist.
38, Sen. Pizer; Shirley Halligan,
Dist. 39, Sen. McGinley; Carol
Link, Dist. 40, Sen. Cole: Carol
Dahl, Dist. 41, Sen. Bixler; Jeanne
Elliott, Dist. 42, Sen. Carpenter,
and 'Marv McNiece Dist. 43, Sen.
Dance Rehearsal
Barb Jelgerhuis (left) and
Mary Mong (right) put the fin
ishing touches' on their dance
impression which will be a part
of the Orchesis Spring Concert,
Orchesis Show:
'West in
Chosen As theme
"The West In Modern" has been
set as the theme of the annual
Orchesis Spring Concert to be pre
sented March 29 and 30 at the
Howell Memorial Theater, accord
ing to Cindy Zschau, publicity
Twenty-five Orchesis and Pre
Orchesis members will show in
dance their impressions of the
Countries, Offer
Fellowships for study in Den
mark and Sweden have been of
fered to American graduate stu
dents for the 1957-58 academic year
by the two Scandinavian govern
ments, Kenneth Holland, president
of the Institute of International
Education, announced.
Closing date for both competi
tions is April 1.
Three fellowships have been of
fered by the Danish government
through the Ministry of Education.
These include funds for a year of
study and a short orientation
course. Grantees should have funds
to pay for their own travel and in
cidental expenses. They, may, if
eligible, apply for Fulbright Travel
The Swedish government is giv
ing three fellowships through the
Swedish American Foundation.
These awards are administered
in the United States by the Insti-
and the American-Scandinavian
Foundation. Stipends include 4500
Swedish crowns for the academ
ic year. It is expected that tb
tuition will be waived except at the
University of Stockholm, at which
the tuition is abut $30. Candidates
must have their own travel and in
cidental expenses.
Applications may be obtained
from the Institute of International
Education, 1 East . 67 Street, New
York City, New York.
University Theater:
Performance Of Him
King Lear opened Tuesday night
at the University Theater and sur
prised the audience who had prob
ably expected a hashed out ver
sion of the Shakespearean classic.
Sidney Kaplan, playing the rile
of the British king did the theat!eH
an honor by taking on the tremen
dous part.
Sidney Kaplan, playing the role
of the British king did the theater
an honor by taking on the trejnen
do'us part.
, Although Mr. Kaplan's diction-
as well trained as it was seemed
to get in the way of some of the
lines, he handled the part of the
king with all the charm and vigor
which could have been expected.
His two lder daughters, played
by Jacquelyn Miller and Bonna
Tebo, were excerpts from the Con
derella fairy tale, though, end un
less they were told to look like
puppets by the director, they mis
sed the riles. However, the over
all effect which, they protrayed was
decent. The roles lacked person
ality; a certain amount of charac
ter was present. f-
The third daughter, played by
Phyllis Chard, was better, I feel,
and probably had the type role
more easily played by a college
drama student.
- Two of the best performances oi
Nebraikaa Photo
March 29 and 30. "The West In
Modern," the theme of this
year's Orchesis Concert, will be
presented In the Howell Theater
and will feature dance impres
sions, with 25 girls participating.
lives and customs of the Old West
The program will begin with an
impression of a peaceful Indian
village, Involving two brothers and
a fire ritual. Entilted "Indian Noa
turn," the dance will be performed
by Jan Dworak, Jackie Koepplin,
Sandra Niehus, Karen Parsons,
Sally Wegert annd Cindy Zschau.
The entire group will join in the
next two productions, "Blizzard of
'75 and "Westward Ho the
Peoples". The action will depict
such scenes as "Scouting Ahead",
"Prairie Schooners", "Free Range
and Barbed Wire" and "Forty-
Niners". ' ' .
The pre-Orchesis group will pra
sent "Spoon River".
The entire cast, including the
pre-Orchesis, will combine again
in "Harvest Time".
"Housewarming" is the title of
the next dance, which will include
Elaine Eggen, Joan Haas, Bar
bara Hyland, Barb Jelgerhuis,
Mary Mong, Edythe Morrow and
Sally Wengert.
Next on the program will be
"Dangerous Sam McGraw", a
parody on the two poems. It will
be danced by Ruth Blank,' Kay
Nielsbn, Kay Deppen, , Sharon
Quinn, Sue Woolard, Joan Haas,
Edythe Morrow, Sharon Meihus
and Elaine Eggen.
"Bed Bugs" and "Alleluia" will
The finale of the program, per
formed by the entire cast, will be
entitled "A Western Ballad". The
choreography was composed by
Mary Mong. The dance is divided
into three parts, a contest of skills,
a young girl's choice and perform
ance and tragedy.
Jerry Ramsdale, Roy Willy and
Noel Scheonrock will join the girls
in the all-cast dances.
Junior Panhellenic
The Junior Panhellenic will hold
a St. Patricks Day party for the
Lancaster Association for Retard
ed Children School Thursday at 1
the play were offered by Charles
Alcorn as the Earl of Kent and Len
Schropfer, who played the Fool,
among other things.
Schropfer had an opportunity to
read some of the best lines of the
play and injected some of th
comic element of the three-and-a-
quarter hour long drama.
. One of the good lines Schropfer
and Kaplan got across .(and, of
course, the Theater had nothing
to do with the wit of the book)
was, "Doest thou call me a fool,
boy?" the king says. "AH "other
titles have been given away," says
the clown. . .
Skip Weatherford played t h e
part of the Earl of Gloucester
most admirably. His makeup and
costuming as the makeup and
costuming of the entire produc
tioncertainly added to his char
acterization. And yet his handling
of the difficult lines was excep- i
The crowd scenes were handled
with as much dexterity as .pos
sible. The dueling coached by a
fine fencing instructor was as ef
fective as possible in close quar
ters. More time should be spent on
Mr. Kaplan's portrayal of Lear.
I feel that he had the charm of
the old man and at the end of the
The motion to allow Spring Day
one full day on the University
calendar was passed by the Facul
ty Senate by a vote of 52 to 50 at
their meeting which was held
Philip Colbert, Dean of Student
Affairs, brought a motion to the
First Place
In Contest
Sigma Alpha Mu won permanent
possession of the Delta Sigma Rho
Extemporaneous speaking contest
trophy Tuesday night by winning it
for the third year in a row, ac
cording to Don Olson, tournament
Ernest Hines, freshman in Arts
and Sciences representing Beta
Theta Pi, won the individual speak
ing trophy.
The contest Is an annual affair
sponsored by the national forensic
honorary, Delta Sigma Rho.
Each contestant drew a topic
Monday evening and delivered his
speech Tuesday. Hines spoke on
"How effective was the United Na
tions in the Suez Crisis".
Second place went to Larry
Scwartz, whose topic Was "Should
the United States Reduce her
Howard Kenyon won third place
with "How successful has Dulles
been as a Secretary of State."
Other finalists were Lyle Wath
ier,' Mary McKnight, Tom Nevotii,
and Don Binder.
World Affairs
Slated In April
The Association of the Interna
tional Relations Clubs, sponsored
by the U.S. Division of Immigra
tion and Naturalization Service,
has asked the University Cosmo
politan Club to send representa
tives to a conference on "World
Affairs in the World of Tomor
The conference is to be held
in Denver, Colorado on April 2-6.
The conference theme will
bring particular emphasis upon the
forthcoming achievements to be
made by science during the Inter
national 5eophysical Year. Speak
ers at the Conference will include
Dr. Harrison Brown of the Cali
fornia Institute of Technology, Ar
thur Watson, President of the I.
B.M. World Trade Corporation and
Dr. Lawrence Gould, Director of
the U.S. Antarctic program for
the International Geophysi
cal Year. The delegates will spend
a day attending sessions of the
Conference on World Affairs" at
the University of Colorado.
Foreign students who wish i to
attend the conference must pay
their own expenses. Any foreign
student who wishes to be a dele
gate to the conference should con
tact Miss Cypreansen in 102 Tem
ple as soon as possible.
HaridresserTo Talk
At 'New You' Show
Ben Your Hairdresser will speak
and give demonstrations at the
'New You" show ' on March 17
at 2 p.m. in Parlors X Y and Z
of the Union.
He will demonstrate the different
hairdos on a volunteer from . the
Also featured on the program
will be an accessories style show
presented by Hovland-Swanson.
The girls modeling will include
Lynette Richard, Evenne Eins
phar, Mary Fish, Polly Downs and
Marilyn Heck.
Lear 'Surprises
production the insnity which went
The effect of one of the most
well known scenes of the play
that where Lear rants to the winds
and rain was hampered by the
mechanical amplification. L e r
gve "tremendous shout" in the
first act which, if used in the
second-act scene, would have been
very sufficient.
Th recurrent patterns of light
and the intensity of the storm
sounds detracted from the entire
scene, I believe.
The lighting was handled with
ease. And that's a real task in a
play with 18 different scenes, most
of which are staged through light
There were a few boners in the
light department, but that can be
expected in any play on any stage.
The crowds and the minor roles
were, as I stated before, done well.
some oi me piayers wno aouDiea
Tickets On Sale ;
The box office of the Howell
Memorial Theater will be open
every day this week from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. to accept-reservations
for the next University Theater
producilon, King Lear: The
Theater Is located in the Temple
floor of the Senate that Dick Hage
meler be allowed to speak to the
Senate on the topic, Spring Day.
In his talk before the Senate,
Hagemeier presented the plans for
Spring Day on May 3 formulated
by the Spring Day Committee.
The plans included the combining
of the Farmer's Fair, the Union
Birthday Party and last year'f
half-day Spring Day Into one full
dy celebration.
"The purpose of the Spring Day
is to unite the Ag.and City Cam
puses and to unite Greeks and
Independents," said Hagemeier.
Hagemeier then announced the
schedule of events for Spring Day.
The schedule is: 8:00 a big parade
which will be a mass migration to
the Ag Campus where the events
will take place; 9:00 to 12:00
Spring Day Events such as tug-of-war;
12:00 to 1:30 a barbecue;
1:30 Rodeo; 4:30 on, a carnival,
and at 8:30 a street dance.
The next day. May 4. Is Ivv
Day and the celebration is sched
uled to continue with the . tradi
tional Ivy day events.
"The express purpose of Spring
Day, besides affording an oppor
tunity for the students and faculty
to have a good time, is to provide
a means for nominally separated
groups to become acquainted and
bring about university," stated
Last year's Spring Day was a
half-day event which combined
with the Union's Birthday party.
The celebration was held In and
around the Union. A carnival and
street dance were held Friday
night after events in the afternoon.
"This year's Spring Day, which
will be held at the Ag Campus,
is designed to be on a much larger
scale than last year's event," said
"The addition of the Farmer's
Fair has added the events of a
rodeo and barbecue and has given
us enough events to fill a full
day's schedule," he further stated.
The subject of allowing students
to vote on Senate Faculty Commit
tees was not on the agenda of the
Faculty Senate.
Further business consisted of re
ports by the University Studies
Committee and the Committee on
Student Council. Also the awardins
of Honorary Degrees was dis
Mortar Board:
The annual Motar oBard For
eign Student Tour will last three
days this year instead of the usual
two, according to Bev. Deepe,
The reason for the extra day,
according to Linda Buthman, pub
licity chairman, is the increased
interest of foreign students in the
available for it.
Scheduled for April 15, 16 and
17, the tour will attempt to give
University foreign students a rep
resentative view of Nebraska.
On Monday the students will visit
Boys Town, Joslyn Memorial Art
Center, the Omaha Stockyards
and will spend the night in Grand
On Tuesday, they will see the
Lexington alfalfa mills, the irri
gation center and visit a cattle
ranch. Then the tour will continue
to Curtis, where the sutdents will
visit the high school and attend
a square dance in the evening.
On Wednesday the tour will
leave for Holdrege where they will
visit the Trj-County Irrigation
Project. From there the students
will go to Hastings to see the col
lege, the bakery and the House
of Yesterday.
Last year 39 students attended
the tour.
on roles were obvious doubles, but
I don't think a person who attends
the drama should be looking for
the little faults with such a drama
as King Lear.
Kudos go to Dr. Dallas Williams
who handled the dramatic aspects
of the production. He had told me
about a week ago that he was un
sure of the reception Lear would
receive. I think that every person
in the University and out! who
has an interest in the Bard should
see the play and the job the Williams-Kaplan
duo has done.
One other point might be men
tioned and that was the playing of
Bob Wells as Edmund. Wells had
the difficult job og being the "tie
up" man J don't know what else
he could ba called.) He appeared,
as it were, between the major ac
tion spots in the play and "plotted"
for the audience. In his first Uni
versity Theater show, he did him
self proud.
From all spects, the production
of Lear was worth the long time it
took to produce. I feel that the job
of cutting the play which in itself
was a tricky task was handled
sure.y and accurately by Dr. Wil
iams. This week I hope other members
o ftlie University community will
be able to enjoy Lear which will
run through Saturday evening,
''-Tv7f.,'wr4r,'-i-i: t