The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 12, 1957, Image 1

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    O ' 'J
mimm) I! -
The Union has "reached the end
cf the line" on presenting pro
grams for the entire city of Lin
coln, Duane Lake, Union manager,
stated Monday.
Only about 2,100 persons attend-
Served 35 Years:
John Selleck Soon
To Hefire From NU
John Selleck, University official
for 35 years, announced yesterday
he probably will retire from his
job as business manager this sum-
The University is now seeking a
successor and contact has been
made with several prospects, ac
cording to Selleck.
"When a successor is named
which may take some time, I will
retire but as yet there is no set
time," Selleck said.
One official said the University
would like Selleck to continue in
definitely, but realizes he has
wished to emit for Borne time. In
1954, Selleck reached the regular
retirement age, but agreed to stay
temporarily to help the new Chan
cellor, Cliffard Hardin. .
An alumnus of the Engineering
College, Selleck joined the Univer
sity staff as assistant purchasing
agent on June 1, 1922. He was soon
appointed business manager of ath
letics, a post he held for 20 years.
His planning had a great deal to
do with , the expansion of the ath
letic plant. "The building of the
Coliseum, Henry Schulte Memorial
Field house and improvement of
the stadium were financed out of
thletic ticket receipts.
In 1842 Selleck was named comp
Forty Units:
NU Housing
Applications 'will be taken from
March 11th through March 30th
for .the new University housing for
married students.
People eligible to qualify for res
idence in these apartments are:'
A) Only those who will be enrol
led for the fall of 1957. B) Only
married srudents n currently enrol
led for full timeVork (12 credit
hours) in the University and grad
uate students registered for nine
to 11 hours are eligible if certified
as a full-time student by the Dean
Those with ho children or more
than two children will not qualify
for the two bedroom units.
Rates for these Park Apart
ments, which will be completed by
June 1, 1957, are one bedroom
units. $70 per month; two bedroom
units, $80. A security deposit of
$25 is required fo all tenants.
All students who are accepted
for housing in Married Student
Aoartments will be required to
sum contracts. Contracts will cov-
er the period from the time the
student moves in to the following
June 15 and may be renewed
each year so long as the tenant
remains a fulltime student.
A lotterv-tvoe system will be
used to select tenants. The names
of all qualified applicants will be
typed on small cards and placed
in a fish bowl.
On April 11th at 4 p.m. in Ellen
Smith Hall there will be held
drawing open to the public.
Since this lottery-type system is
being used for selection, a person
applying late will have equal op
portunity with those applying early.
Star Light Dance
The Ag Union-sponsored "Star
Light" Dance has been scheduled
for the evening of March 29.
"Caribbean Cruise" has been
chosen as the theme.
Music will be provided by Fred
Holbert's combo.
Dr. Gustavson:
Former Chancellor
Staff Reporter
Former Chancellor Dr. R. G.
Gustafson will return to the Uni
versity campus June 10 to ad
dress the University's 86th annual
commencement exercises at the
Dr. Gustavson served as chancel
lor of the University from Sep
tember, 1946 to July, 1953. He re
signed from his position as chan
cellor to become president of Re-
for the Future. Inc.. a
fund associated with the Ford
At the time of his resignation
Vie said. "During my tenure as
head of the University, I have
had the utmost cooperation from
our faculty, employees ana irom
the Board of Regents as we
worked together to give Nebras-
Van the strone University I am
sure, they want."
University faculty members,
deans and administrators were
unanimous in their regret that
Chancellor Gustavson was resign
ing and their comments were pub
lished in the May o, ism neoras
kan. Dr. Gustavson's seven years at
the University were busy with
speaking engagements before cam
pus and state organizations, pro
moting the program of the Uni
versity and appearing before the
State Legislature with a request
ed the opening of the new Persh
ing Municipal Auditorium which
featured the Robert Wagner Chor
ale, but Lake said that this was
not the only disappointment that
Union sponsored city-wide pro-
troller of the Unnlversity and in
1948 he was given the title of busi
ness manager. He was acting
chancellor for a year after the
resignation of R. G. Gustavson in
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Raible Speaks Ouh
Charges Of Negligence
Leveled At Nebraslcans
Dr.' Peter Raible, pastor" of the,
Lincoln Unitarian church, charged
in his sermon Sunday that the gov
ernor, the politicians and the peo
ple of Nebraska were negligent in
their policies towards the Univer
sity's' faculty and the academic
atmosphere that a good univer
sity posses.'
He stated that in a recent survey
made by the American Associa
tion of University Professors in
six large state universities showed
that Nebraska's salaries were the
lowest paid to their faculty.
"If we in Nebraska want a first
class University we shall have to
pay the price of it a price which
involves salaries and building, as
well as an atmosphere that en
courages, m fact, as well as words,
theoademio spirit," aaidr-Rew
He also stated that "I have
every sympathy with a governor,
who is. caught in a tax squeeze,
but a policy which attempts to lop
off salary increases at one end
and badly needed new staff mem
bers at the other, can only be
termed short sighted."
' "In the long run we shall pay
Final Lessons
Begin At Union
Tuesday Night
The final free dance lesson of
this year will begin at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday in the Union Ballroom,
according to Terry Mitchum, chair
man. Jon Appleget, teacher of the
"bop" urges everyone to bring a
partner for the final "bop" lesson
Dance lessons are sponsored
each semester by the Union Dance
committee. Tliis semester student
teachers have been used for the
first time instead of professional
dance instructors.
According to Gail Sunderman,
hostess for the dance 1 e e s s o n,
"Everyone seems to like this more
informal way of learning much
better. Besides, this way we can
concentrate on the dances we're
interested in," she added.
for an increased budget.
His years as head of -the Uni
versity revolved around many
"firsts." At his suggestion, the
first University Athletic Banquet
was held in December, 1953 to hon
or all participating lettermen. He
intiated the Honors Banquet for
recognition of senior students for
superior scholarship a n d the all
non-academic employees dinner
held in April, 1953. At this dinner,
the Chancellor presented certifi
cates of appreciation to employees
."V, 1
f 'M
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
grams hava suffered in the past
two years.
Last year the Union lost money
on an Opera they brought to the
city and this year they lost money
on the Tony Martin-rex ueneKe
show and the Dunndnger show. The
Fred Waring show last year
helped the financial situation but
things have gone so poorly since
then that the Union's intent is "to
get out of the field." "We're not
booking anything of this type for
next year," he said. "We intend
to stick pretty close to the cam
pus." . . ,
The prices for the Roger Wagner
Chorale show were cut to the min
imum and Lake said that "the
people who did attend thought it
was a very good show."
"Student participation was an
other tiling that was lacking,"
Lake states, "not more than 500
seats in the student section were
filled." "We feel that there is a
very definite obligation missing
among the students but most of all
it is missing from? the people of the
city of Lincoln."
"I have never believed that Ne
braska and especially Lincoln are
'Cultural Deserts'," Lake stated,
Vol. 31, No. 63
for any such policy. We will pay
in the loss of quality of instruc:
tion at the University and we will
pay in increased taxes in future
years, when, we realize the error
of pur present way, and then try
to rebuild' the decimated ranks of
our faculty in a highly competi
tive 'm a r k e t," he further re
marked. :
He said that the cynics of the
modern age are expecting too
much in wanting a top-flight Uni
versity and claiming outside the
corner of their mouths that we
just cannot afford top-flight facul
ty members.
"A university is not the "on-again-off-again"
that many of our
politicians seem to feel. Professors
MVi'to' ear nrtlielime. A good
university is built on a good facul
ty arid a good faculty takes years
to build. A top notch faculty is a
struggle and effort to obtain and
then- to keep," he stated.
He closed by saying, "I will not
bore you with further statistics
proving that the University is
treading on thin ground; the sum
total proves that the salary scale
of the teachers at the University
is shockingly low."
Last semester, Rev. Raible, in
an- open letter to the Chancellor,
charged that the faculty at the
University were, "discouraged,
sick at heart and fearful."
In the letter, Raible called the
Chancellor "the most important
man in the state." "But", he
maintained, "the chief problem of
the University is not the parking
problem or the building program,
but the highest maintenance of
Dave Keene:
Reports from some of the 43
University students working in con
Junction with a special Student
NU s V
Blmn To NU
who have been with the University
for 25 years or more.
The first annual brotherhood
award of the local B'nai B'rith
was presented to Chancellor Gus
tavson in February, 1953 for im
proving "certain racial and relig
ious conditions at the University."
,.In March, 1953, Dr. Gustavson
took part in the ground breaking
ceremonies for the $1.5 million Ne
braska Psychiatric Institute, at the
College of Medicine.
Dr. Gustavson is known interna
tionally as a scientist and as one
of the ousttanding educators of the
As a biochemist, his principal re
search' has dealt with the 'glands
hormones. His work in the field
has been recognized both in the
U.S.' and abroad.
- In 1930 he was a delegate to the
International Congress for Glandu
lar Research in London.
He is a former member of the
United Nations Educational, Scien
tific, and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO). Dr. Gustavson was
a member of the U.S. delegation
to the UNESCO conference in Mex
ico City in 1947.
In 1948, he was decorated by the
Swedish government for his work
in the fields of science and educa
tion. Dr. Gustavson is a member of
Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi,
Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta
"but looking back M the way peo
ple have shown Merest in our
programs,' I am beginning to won
der." !
"The regular activity program
for students will be continued,"
Lake explained," but there will be
no community-wide promotion." ':
'New You' Show:
Scheduled Sunday
The "New You" 6how, sponsored
by the Union Hospitality Commit
tee and Hovland Swanson, will be
held Sunday at 2 p.m. in Parlors
XYZ of the Union, according to
Jan Chatfield, chairman.
The show consists of a style
show snowing thef latest spring
and summer suits and dresses
modeled by campus personalities
and featuring "Ben Yom Hair
dresser," who will .give a demon
stration on "New ! Campus Hair
Each model will wear a basic
spring dress or suit and will show
the various changes of hats, shoes,
gloves, purses and jewelry suited
for spring wear.
Spring Day Worker
Forms Readied
Spring Day Committee worker
applications are available in Room
305 in the Union, according to Dick
Hagmier, chariman.
Hagemeler stated that worker po
sitions on the following commit
tees are available: awards, public
ity, events, faculty, arrangements
and finance. Applicants should
and finance. Applicants should sta
state their committee preference,
meier . commented,
he said.
Applications have been distric
ted to all organized houses, Hage-
NU To Host
History Head
i The head of the history depart
ment 'stlhv Wiverslty of Minrie
sota will visit the University Thurs
day and Friday as guest lecturer.
Prof. John Wolf will conduct e
seminar for graduate students and
faculty in Burnett Hall, Room 205
Thursday at 4 p.m. on the subject,
"War and the Interpretation of His
He will lecture Friday at Z p.m
m Burnett Hall, Room 320, on "The
Education of a King," the king be
ing Louis XIV. Both sessions are
open to all interested persons.
Professor Wolf was a member of
the University's history depart-
ment during the summer of 1941
He has authored several books, in
eluding "The Dipldmatic History of
Bagdad Railroad," "France 1815 to
the Present," "History of Civiliza
tion" (2 volumes) with Hutton Web
4er and "The Emergence of Great
Powers, 1685-1715."
His visit is being sponsored by
the University Research Council
and the department of history.
Council committee indicate that
Nebraska's state senators "have
a real concern for the welfare of
the University," according to Dave
Keene. ,
Keene, a co-chairman of a spe
cial Council legislature committee,
designed to present student views
to state senators concerning the
proposed University budget, stated
that all of the contacted solons
"welcomed the opportunity to talk
about the budget."
"Most of the reports that have
come back show surprise that sen
ators are so aware of the Uni
versity and its problems," Keene
One of the benefits of the Stu
dent Council legislature committee
according to Keene, is that students
are no longer apprehensive that
the senators do not understand the
University's problems.
"We were afraid at one time
that senators didn't know and prob
ably didn't care about the Univer
sity," Keene commented.
"The senators cannot say to the
student body that we are compla
cent about out University," Keene
added. '
" Keene reported that some of the
senators were first wary wheu ap
proached by the students but after
they realized that the purpose
"was ' not one of lobbying but to
have "an open-minded discussion,"
then everything went well.
"There seems to be prevalent
as far as some senators are con
cerned a philosophy of dispair be
cause of the temporary conditions
of drought in some parts of the
state, Keene stated. This type ' of
senator ii in the minority Keene
Show Attendance Disappointing
Only 2100 people attended the
opening night show of the new
Pershing Memorial Auditorium,
which has a seating capacity of
7,000, according to Duane Lake,
Union activities director. The
Five Night Run:
Staff Reporter
One of Shakespeare's most diffi
cult productions, "King Lear,"
will be presented tonight at How
ell Theater by the University play
ers. Curtain time is 8 p.m. The play
will" run through Saturday.
Technically one of the most dif:
ficult plays to produce and stage
effectively, it is seldom produced
by amateur groups because of its
many obstacles, according to Har-
Tickets On Sale
The box office of the Howell
Memorial Theater will be open
every day this week from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. to accept reservations
for the next University Theater
production, King Lear. The
Theater Is located in the Temple
ry Stiver, technical director of the
In the play, the King of Britain
divides his realm between two of
his daughters, who later abuse and
treat him with disrespect, while
a third daughter who really loves
him is left with nothing.
Dueling scenes were staged by
John Giele, a graduate student
who coaches the University fencing
Sidney Kaplan, a graduate stu
dent, will play the lead role.
Others in the cast are: Bonna
T e b o, Jacquie Miller, Phyllis
Chard, Charles Weatherford, Bob
Wells, Joe Hill, Eric Prewitt
John Crowell, Charles Alcorn, Len
Schropfer. Bill Baker, Robert
Schoenrockj John Thomp-?on, Lyle
Walthier, Bernard SkalLa, Don
Montgomery, Charles Richards,
Bill Wagner, Robert Griffin, David
Thomas and Kirk Easton.
The production staff for King
Lear includes:
Stephany Sherdeman, produc
tion; John Thompson, Anna Meyer
and Diana Peters, scenery; Nor
man Francis, Lyn Greenberg
Kathleen Schmutte and Lyle
Walthier, stage and hand proper
ty; Jim Copp, Bill Askamit, Joel
McComb and Mary Thompson,
sound; Noel Schoenrock, Duane
DeHart, Myrna Mills and Judy
Devilbus, costumes, and Karen Pe
terson and Bob Butcher, lights.
Since the play comes from myth
ology, any historical period the di
rector and designer choose may
be used. Stiver and Dallas Wil
liams, the director, have chosen
to do "King Lear" in the medieval
A great deal of research has
Free Study Course
Held Next Week
The University Counseling Serv
ic is again sponsoring a study im
provement course free of charge
for all interested students begin
ning the week of March 18.
Such areas as planning time,
SQ3R method of studying assign
ments, notetaking and preparation
for examinations are included. - -
The schedule for the last ses
sion includes:
Section I meets at 3-4. p.m, Mon
day and Wednesday iny Room 117,
Burnett: Section II meets from 4-5
p.m. Monday and Wednesday in
Room 115. Burnett. Section III
meets from 11-12 p.m. Tuesday
and Thrusday in Room 116, Bur
nett, and Section IV meets from
4-5 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday in
Room 117, Burnett.
All interested students can reg
ister this week at the Counseling
Service, Temporary A.
GCoDiig IL
To p
' 1 f '
Robert Wagner Chorale was the
featured entertainment Sunday,
with Nebraska-born Johny Car
sons acting as master of cere
monies. The show, one of many
city-wide Union productions
been done on the properties and
various effects which must sug
gest this period to the audience,
Stiver said.
One of the major problems is
the use of scenery, which is not
used in a "realistic" style because
of the play which calls for 28
scenery changes.
"Therefore, it would be not only
impossible to use scenery changed
fluently, but also realism in "King
Lear" would not present the full
est values o'f its production," Sti-
Semi-Finalist Selected:
University Coeds Chosen
For Miss Lincoln Pageant
Twelve of the fifteen semi-final-1
ists in the Miss Lincoln Beauty
Pageant are University coeds.
Miss Lincoln of 1957 will succeed
Miss Diane Knotek. The Miss Lin
coln winner will enter the Miss Ne
braska Pageant to be held June
first at the new Pershing Munici
pal Auditorium.
The '57 finalists are: Martha
Crocker, Alpha Phi freshman;
Marcia Elliott, Pi Beta Phi fresh
man; Sylvia Rigg, Kappa Alpha
Theta freshman; Joyce Evans,
Alpha Xi Delta sophomore; Mar
cia McCallum, Zeta Tau Alpha
sophomre; Kay Nielson, Kappa
Alpha Theta sophomore and Cyn
thia Zschau, Kappa Alpha Theta
sophomore. .
Upperclass finalists include: Pat
Prouty, Kappa Kappa Gamma jun
ior- Karen Parsons. Alpha Phi
junior; Joan Riha, Alpha Phi jun
ior: Jan Shrader. Phi Beta Phi
junior, and Anne Wade, Phi Beta
Phi junior.
Non-University finalists' are:
Andy Chronopulos, Mildred Fling,
and Marlene Kuhlman.
The semi-finals for the Miss Lin-
Outlook Good;
Dust, Winds
To Disappear
NU students will have a change
from Monday's warm tempera
tures and the season's worst dust
storm this year.
The dust, churned up by winds
that gusted
to 60 m.p.h. at
some points,
cut visibility
to a fraction
of a mile over ,
much of the
F o recasters
said Tuesday's
weather would
be the same
temperatu r e-
wise but hap
pily left out ths strong winds and
dust. High temperatures were to
be in the 50's.
Lincoln received .03 of an inch
of .moisture durine an early morn
ing ' sprinkle. Visibility here was
less than a mile during the morning
and winds averaged 23 m.p.h, with
gusts of 35 m.p.h. ,
The campus saw a high of 56
and . a low of 43 in Monday's tem
The largest amount of moisture
recorded in the southeastern area
was .40 at Wymore. Beatrice re
corded gusts of 58 m.p.h. and a
steady gale of 10 miles an hour for
less for the state's strongest blow
of the day.
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
which failed to receive sufficient
support from the student body '
or the people of Lincoln, will be
the last city-wide show which the
Union will attempt to produce,
Lake said. -
Tuesday, March 12, 1957
ver explained.
King Lear makes the audience
feel that they are not seeing scen
ery on the stage but are experi
encing the emotions of the actors,
Stiver said. "The directors have
attempted to make the stage part
of the auditorium. They wish to
get away from realism and pre
sent the play in terms of expres
siveness, using costumes, proper
ties, lighting and sound to estab
lish the mood and locale of the
coin Pageant were completed
March 7th, and the finalists will
compete for the Miss Lincoln hon
or on March 31st, 7:30 p.m. at
the Cornhusker Hotel Ballroom.
"Entries are at a very high lev
el this year," Chairman Keith
Skalla stated, "and narrowing the
field down to 15 contestants has .
been a very difficult task."
Information and tickets -for the
Miss Lincoln Pageant are avail
able at the Junior Chamber of
Commerce office, which sponsors
the Pageant.
Fifteen of 43 districts have been
assigned to campus organizations
for the NUCWA Mock Legislative
sessions, according to Betty Parks,
co-publicity chairman.
Districts which have been as
signed and the organizations, which
have received them are: District 4,
Bessey House; District 5, Avery
House; District 6, Sigma Nu; Dis
trict 7, Kappa Sigma; District 11,
Seaton House; District 15, Indepen
dent group I; District 16, Indepen
dent group II; District 18, Sigma
Chi; District 19, Selleck House.
District 24,- Independent group
IH; District 27, Alpha Chi Omega:
District 41, Kappa Delta; District
42, Manette House and District 43,
Delta Delta Delta.
There wUl be a second orienta-;
tion mass meeting of those inter
ested in the NUCWA project Tues
day in room 316 of the Union, at
7:30 p.m., according to Biff Keyes,
president. Keyes emphasized that
this meeting would be the last
chance- for campus organizations to
apply for a district.
Yell Squad To Hold
Cheerleader Clinic
The Nebraska Yell Squad is spon
soring a clinic for all high school
cheerleaders on Saturday from
1-3 p.m., according to Larry Ep
stein, assistant yell king..
The clinic will consist of mem
bers of the Yell Squad talking
about such things as uniforms, pep
rallies, stunts, skits, yells and or
ganization. Each member of the
squad will talk on one of thes
Saturday at 6 p.m., a banquet
will be held for the cheerleaders.
A guest speaker and entertain
ment are scheduled for the ban
quet, 'according to Epstein.