The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebroskan
Monday, March 11, 1957
Daily Nebraskan Editorials:
lousing Code
Dr. S. L Fuenning, director of University
Health Services, has obtained the support of
many students on this campus because he is
willing to listen to constructive criticisms of
the proposed housing code.
Fuenning stated, "We don't want to force any
thing on anybody. If there are any suggestions
about the code which students want to make we
want to hear them."
Under the code, University housing must be
"approved" by 1960. The regulations are
stricter than those of the city of Lincoln but
the changes were made in order to "tighten up
a few weak spots" in the city's ruling.
The new code is not an attempt on the part of
the Health Services to make the freshmen live
in a University Dormitory. "The Board of Re
gents already has a regulation that requires
freshmen men to live in University dormitories
and we are merely quoting that regulation," Dr.
Fuenning stessed.
Dr. Fuenning commented that it is not only
the duty of the Health Services to treat -people
when they are sick or injured but also to keep
them from becoming that way. Therefore, such
safety features as fire escapes and adequate
plumbing should and will be demanded.
The code also creates some changes in private
dwellings used by students. Licenses will be
required of rooming houses which must meet
the high standards which fraternity and co
operative houses will meet.
Fraternities which heretofore believed that
the code itself would make some major changes
in their economic setup are changing their po
sitions as the facts come to light.
As Dr. Fuenning pointed out, there is already
an established regulation regarding freshman
housing. It will be at least 1960 before the pro
posed 1,000-man dormitories are constructed.
That leaves the Greek system time enough to
absorb upper classmen which can make the
needed financial adjustment in the houses.
The lapse in time leaves the Greeks three
years to add to their houses in the ways recom
mended by the Health Inspectors.
Some final notes on the code and its admin
istration might be worth remembering by stu
dents looking for areas in which the administra
tion is ready and willing to cooperate with and
stand behind the students.
1) Dr. Fuenning has called for suggestions
from the students.
2) Inspections which have started in the
sorority houses are being handled on a cooper
ative basis with city officials to coordinate
findings and make the most adequate sugges
tions to residents and owners.
3) The time element which gives the owners
almost three years to complete the necessary
changes will enable the work to be undertaken
during summer months.
The Daily Nebraskan congratulates the Health
Services for developing a code meant to im
prove conditions on the campus. We are con
fident that the houses will cooperate to their
fullest ability to make living at the University
a safe and healthy experience.
IK Ball . . .
The IFC Ball has been returned to the Inter
fraternity Council, after being dropped for one
year. The Committee on Student Affairs, by its
action, has showed it is willing to listen to stu
dent petitions and grant requests, if they are
deemed worthy.
In giving back the IFC Ball to the fraternity
system, certain stipulations were laid down
that were accepted by the IFC executive
Council, and must be accepted by fraternity
presidents before the Ball can be held.
In essence they are:
1. The IFC must obtain a signed statement
from the management of the Turnpike Ball
room, where the Ball will be held, that Uni
versity regulations concerning social affairs
will be observed.
2. The IFC must provide police for the
3. Officers of each fraternity must sign
..a statement agreeing to help police the
Thus, in granting the Interfraternity Council
permission to hold the IFC Ball as part of a
"Greek Weekend," the Committee on Student
Affairs has put its trust in fraternity presi
dents and fraternity men in general to adhere
to these stipulations. The rules were laid down
for the specific purpose of doing away with
drinking inattention to drinking rules cost the
IFC their Ball back in 1955.
Now that the Ball has been returned, there is
still much for the IFC and fraternity officers to
do. They must assure the University that the
rules will not be broken, and that the Fratern
ity system is able to shoulder the responsi
bility of backing these rules to the fullest ex
tent. The IFC is naturally grateful 'to see its an
nual affair returned to it. Members are now
able to plan a full weekend designed to boost
fraternity spirit and enable men in different
houses to get together socially instead of the
rather strained competitive atmosphere of in
tramurals and activities.
The best and most intelligent display of
this gratitude would be full backing of Unin
versity regulations governing social affairs.
Biting the hand that feeds you just isn't very
good policy.
i can't eemeuber when
Anything has upset ae so..
r V Ul CI177V. I
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NU faculty Present
Related by Writer
Iowa State's Cardinal Guild a corn fed name
for student council has rejected a class cut
proposal which would have allowed students
with a grade point average meeting that of
the all college average an unlimited number
of unexcused class absences without academic
The Daily Nebraskan feels that it is un
fortunate the motion was defeated at Iowa
State. Not that our University would have to
follow suit if such a proposal were presented
here. Rather that the students at Iowa State
had indicated through a poll that they are in
From The Editor's Desk:
foiva Rejection
favor of some sort of class cut system.
The Guild, in not giving the students what
they sought, was probably not working in the
best interests of the entire student body. That,
we presume, is the privilege of the legislator.
But it is the privilege of the student body to
change legislators, too.
A lesson for our student body government to
take is the sorting out of student opinion be
fore any action. The Council has done some
extensive survey work on the question of tui
tion. Let's hope any action subsequent to the
findings will be in accord with the wishes of
the majority of the student body.
A word or two
Tomorrow the Faculty Sen
ate should discuss and prob
ably vote oa a resolution by
the Student Council that stu
dent members of faculty sub
committees be allowed to
vote, at the discretion of the
particular committee.
This privilege has mater
ially been lacking since Janu
ary, when a le.tter from the
Student Affairs Office re
minded committee chairmen
of a December, 1955, ruling of
the Senate.
Although student members
of committees can discuss and
offer opinions, it certainly
isn't the same as a vote. To
express your opinion is one
thing; to do something about
it is quite another thing.
The Daily Nebraskan is
confident the Faculty Senate
and the committee on commit
tees will give this resolution
their fullest consideration.
Student self-government of
any degree requires the abil
ity of students to express their
before you
views through a vote.
Ira Epstein has gone off to
After entering the Univer
sity sometime around the fall
of 1949, Ira racked up seven
and one-half years of continu
ous, consecutive enrollment.
He went three years as an un
dergraduate, four years in law
school, received his law de
gree and stayed for another
semester doing graduate work
until he heard the bugle's call
and marched off to join the
Judge Advocate's part of the
Ira was also a Yell King,
Corn Cob, Innocent and
campus politico bar-none.
"Touch not a hair of that
old grey head
. . .
There is talk of holding June
graduation in the sparkling
new Pershing Memorial Audi
torium, down town. It com
fortably seats thousands of
people, and the acoustics are
But it doesn't have anything
much to do with the Univer
sity 'of Nebraska. For years
graduations have been held in
the vaulted cavern of the Coli
seum in the heat of a sunny
June day.
Graduating seniors in their
hired robes have filed down
past the Carillon Tower and
into the Coliseum. For most
of them graduation is their
last real link with the Uni
versity. So, if you will pardon V our
nostalgic snifflings, why not
let us be graduated from the
University, instead of from
one of the biggest mosaics in
the United States.
True, the Auditorium is a
fine, functional building, a
credit to the city , and most
useful for various University
sponsored functions and pro
grams. Still, there is an "old
school" kick left in some of
us. It seems a little more
satisfying to make the long
trudge past the Carillon Tower
and across the Mall than to
stumble around downtown.
Halls of Ivy, and all that
sort of thing.
The Daily Nebraskan
Blember: Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
Representative: National Advertising Service,
Published at: Room 20, Student Union
Lincoln, Nebraska
14th & R
Tt r; 1Vehrka t pntUhd Monday, Tuesday,
vVednewdey d trifiar 0ttrUr the school ymr, except
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rwiWrtMl diurlnir Anrost, bt stadpnts ot the University
.... mdwr the ufcrltln o the Committee
B Si(dnt Affaire ri ol indent opinion.
fnbl" -aii'Mie under the jur1rti-tto the Bubeommlttee
on hiuslwl . f-tiink-aihma ahull lie tree from editorial
t; ip on the part et the Knbeommltlee or on the
part of n uifmher of the tartilty of the linlvemlly, of
(he pnrt of auy im outside the University. The
,(-,.. of the riVhrko elaff are personally re
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yrmirr. teiiru.-try H, iH.ii.
; .i.rtl teouJ rta matter at the pt offtae la
"iHit 'r "3v " l "Ml pun 'HiMqN uiju"I
Kdltor rred Daly
ManaKtnt Kdltor , Jnrli I'ollorli
Kdltorlal I'aKe Editor Dirk Nhusnie
.New Editors .-. Sara Jonei, Boh Ireland
ilHirte Kditor , Huh i Mnrtel
Copy Editors Art Blaekmam Carole Krank
George Moyer. Run Warholoskl
Ar Editor Walter Patterson
itaff I'hotocrapner , Dale Lewis
N'ltht News Editor Sura Jonre
Offlc Merretary, Julie Dowell
toeleiy Editor 'an KarreU
Reporters iudy 8leler Marilyn Nlen, Mlnnetter
Taylor, lilana Maxwell, Sandra Whalen,
Dorothy Hail. Dlanna beau. Bill Cooper.
BUI Million, Oary Fetenon, Mary Pat
terson, Dranna Barrett. Emmie Llmpo.
Staff Writers Nnncy Dekon. t'yathia Zsrhau. Boh
Wlrs, tlnry KodKere, JoAnn Uahlioron,
Stan Wldmen.
Bimlneos Munaser . . Georjre Mndnen
Circulation Manaxrr. Jaek N.irrls
letaiit Buslnens Managers Larry kpst.-ln
Tom Neff, Jerry belletln
This is the second In a series
of travel features on vacation
ideas for the college student.
Travel "Editor
More and more university stu
dents each year are taking trips
to Europe either with a student
tour or just roaming around the
countryside by themselves. Many
students, however, still believe that
a trip to Europe is a rich-man's
pastime. This is definitely not true.
The greatest expense of Euro
pean travel is the trip over on a
boat or plane and the trip back.
After these initial expenses, it is
very easy to travel and live very
cheaply if the traveler stays out of
the big name hotels and restau
rants. London is usually the place
where most tours of the Continent
begin. There is a very simple rea
son for this. The ships and planes
that carry passengers to Europe
usually land in or near London.
When the average college stu
dent reaches London, he s h o u d
never ask for the. Savoy or May
fairer Hotels. Although he may
have heard about these places and
similar ones throughout Europe, if
students are looking for an ec
nomical trip, this is very definite
ly the wrong way to start out.
One of the most important things
to remember while traveling
abroad is that the American Ex
press Company is in every country
a student will travel in and they
are there for a very explicit pur
pose and that is to serve the Amer
ican traveler. Don't ever be afraid
to sound dumb by asking the nen
in these offices where a good cheap
hotel is.
Students have traveled all over
Europe for as little as $8 per day.
They did this by simply following
the old adage, "When in Rome,
do as the Romans." This old say
ing is never more true than while
traveling in Europe.
The European people are very
friendly to Americans, but one
thing has made the people in the
big cities like London, Paris, and
Rome a little sceptical about our
American way of life. They see
so many Americans come out of
the big hotels with a line of bell
boys carrying out their luggage
and putting it into the big Cadillac
that the American has gonp to
great expense and trouble to have
shipped over and back foiihis trip.
This is an example of the things
you will meet when traveling in
Europe and it is up to the students
to change this attitude.
After England the tour usually
goes to France. France is a beau
tiful place and of course Paris
is everything a person thinks it is
and even more. But here again if
students are wanting to travel
economically they must go to the
American Express office in Paris
and inquire into the hotel and
restaurant situation. (A little hint
here: don't go to Maxim's for
lunch or the Lido Club for dinner
and the floor show, unless of course,
you have an extra $100 you want
to spend.)
Following Paris the next stop is
usually the French Riviera, for sun
bathing and looking over the
beautiful scenery, and then on to
Rome, the city of ancient history
and art.
A student will be able to see all
of the sights in Rome at a nom
inal cost if he checks on pnees
before doing or seeing anything.
From Rome to Venice, which is
a city of Gondolas and Venitian
history. There are no cars allowed
in the city at all. Any travel that
is done is done by Gondolas or by
foot. This is truly the most inter
esting of all the European cities.
The Swiss and Austrial Alps are
places that lead the list on almost
everyone's itinerary. The beauti
ful cities of Switzerland such as
Lusanne and Luzern are beautiful
along'with the Materhorn, the mas
ter of all the Swiss Alps.
In Germany the people are still
trying to clean up after the war,
but much of the beauty is still
there and this country is very def
initely worth a visit.
This is but a brief sketch of Eu
rope, but to those who are plan
ng a trip in the near future, re
member some of these things be
cause they will help you.
San Blast
Sanford McConnell
Making mistakes can be very
embarassing. Certain psychologists
rlnim individuals learn correctly
by wrongly performing an act. I
imagine everyone nas at leasi one
or two top-notch mistakes to his
credit. At the time a mistake is
committed, it seldom seems hu
morous before time allows us the
privilege to reflect our folly.
Abou ive summers ago while
working jt Omaha Muny Airport
I performed a top grade mental
lapse. I had been working as a
lineman gas boy, for about a week
when one afternoon we became
quite busy. The customers started
outnumbering the employees, so I
was allowed a chance to prove my
merit and given my solo gas Job.
The plane was a twin-e n g i n e
Beechcraft and belonged to the
Civil Aeronautics Administration.
The pilot carefully 'instructed ne
to, "gas all tanks." I started to
gas the nose tank and presently
noticed a liquid pouring out of the
bottom of the fuselage. I had heard
about moisture condensing in gas
tanks and presumed that it was
water, co-rung out of some hidden
The meter was happily rounding
the sixty gallon mark when the
boss came running up. He informed
me the liquid wasn't water but
gas. Hoping to find the cause of
the strange phenomenon, we
opened the nose and looked in.
The Campus Green
The Scales
Theoutside shader silently stands
Awaiting la,mb's soft rains and wind
And feeling sharpened lion's claws
Allows a hum to come each bitter night.
But shader knows that with the spring
Comes hope of warming summer's sun
And then the fall and cyclic change
Which transforms leaf to ashy dust
And brings again the sharpened blast.
The change is slow enough as years
. Crawl only day by day to centuries.
The shader came before the house and
Watched the boards from brothers rise. .
Its silent life and silent hums will stand
Long after brother boards will rot away.
And wisened branches will protect the land
From blistering rays of golden sun.
David Happily
Passing me in Burnett's Hall a
faculty buddy just had time to slip
me a tear sheet from the New
York Times which, she believes,
has some significance for the Uni
versity student.
She couldn't stop to talk about it
then. She must be the kind who
believes in what she reads for in
essence the article told of the fail
ure of the present generation to be
individualistic . . . and a mark of
the conformist is a long chat in a
Nebraskan Letterips
To the Editor:
Although Wednesday's editorial
i& the Rag made a pious gesture
in the direction of admitting that
poor performance on the part of
the student is the fault of the stu
dent himself, the general tone of
the argument was that' somehow
poor instruction on the part of the
faculty is the real villain.
While no teacher in his right
mind would assert that the general
level of pedagogy could not be
improved, it by no means follows
that students evaluation would be
any solution to the problem.
If we accept the premise that
the faculty knows more than the
students about how to run a uni
versit (and if the Rag doesn't, it
is hopelessly confused) then what
the students think of the faculty
is interesting but hardly of any
overrriding importance.
It seems to us that you have
made a number of rather question
able assertions concerning student
evaluations and have ignored cer
tain facts. You blithely remark,
"Granted that every student who
studies can attain a good grade in
a course." Ridiculous!
Some students in some courses
can never study and still make
"good" grades; other students vill
never make good grades no mat
ter how much they study. Nature,
unfortunately is not very demo
cratic. You state that "any student will
admit that the level of instruction
in various departments differs."
In the first place, just "any stu
dent" may not be a reliable judge,
and in the second place, the level
of students differs widely.
What do you mean by saying that
students with "the proper attitude"
(?) would be "more than fair"
in their evaluation? What is "more
than fair''? Who are all of these
"high-caliber student' who would
benefit? What about the low-caliber
students? 1 '
And are all students equally cap
able of making a so-called objec
tive evaluation of their instructors?
Will the "3" student's evaluation
weigh as heavily as the "9" stu
dent's? ' And what precisely is wrong
with faculty-student relationships?
What is "some of the talk flowing
around the campus"? What are
these "certain sections" where im
provement is needed?
You imply that all teachers can
be evaluated in the same way,
which is not true. You imply that
all students are equally capable
' of judging their teachers, which is
not true. And you imply that all
students recognize valuable instruc
tion immediately, which is not true,
for we often do not realize the
value of instruction for many
While we recognize that it is
the nature of college newspapers
to beat the drums for the cause of
increased responsobilities for stu
dents, let's remind the Rag that
the University community will not
be served by an irresponsible at
tempt to turn teaching into a popu
larity contest.
The evaluation of teachers should
remain in the competent hands of
the teachers themselves.
Graduate Students
Dick Shugrue
college hall.
Too many students at the present
time are concerned with being
"mild, the good guy and the well
rounded person" the Times story
reported rather than being a whole
Well, Robert Hutchins got his
two cents worth in the discussion
reported by the Times. Dr. Hutch
ins' two cents always seem like
two dollars anyway. . j . He said
the task falls to the University stu
dent to revamp the pattern of so
ciety. His idea of a university is a
place for independent thought and
should include emphasis on how to
make the democratic system work.
But the Fund for the Republic
official stressed that seeking re
form for the "old ways" is foolish
unless -society, wishing reform,
looks for education to play a prom
inent role.
And just what are the elements
that make this ridiculous individual
of the present day? A group of
students at Sarah Lawrence Col
lege in Bronxville, N. Y say that
the life of ease without any friction
and conflict casts us into a mold
maybe what they meant to say was
that we're moldy. Enough of that.
I suppose we have to translate
the findings of the students at S.L.
to N.U. if we are to practice what
they preach. And the advice for
the day? A little less grumbling
with your lot and a little more sat
isfaction that we still have a
chance to get out before our jelly
like personalities harden in the
Unfortunately, there was no gas
tank located inside, and all tha
gas I pumped in had" filled the
siowiy aripping out oi siauc aur
holes. , ' '
We later found out the tank had
been removed to lighten the pay
load, but for a long while I had
mental images of myself com
fortable situated inside a nearby
cross-bar hotel. Luckily, however,
the pilots realized, "a person who
would make such a stupid mistake
couldn't be held responsible."
More recently, lastThursday to
be exact, I once again became in
volved with my old friend, foolish
blunder. After eating dinner, I
rushed over to the Union for tha
NUCWA convention meeting. For
some odd reason, I imagined the
meetjng was scheduled for Room
Well, after several minutes of
contented sciolism, I discovered
the meeting I was in was not
NUCWA but IFC. My mind is
probably still quite incoherent, for
I somehow find it possible to con
ceive a 1974 university campus on
which independent and fraternity
will settle their differences by ben
efitting from the mistakes both
sides are now making.
Views Grad
NEW YORK CITY (IP)-Grad-uate
education its purposes, re
sponsibilities and shortcomings is
boldy being examined by Colum
bia University Dean of Graduate
Faculties Jacques Barzun in his
first annual report which deals
with the three non-professional
graduate faculties of Philosophy,
Political Science and Pure Science.
Today's challenge to the grad
uate school may be stated simply,
says the report. Soon "the col
leges will expand and mutiply in
an attempt to 'give' what many
of them will not have. Now the
best colleges have been staffed
by degree holders from graduate
schools, usually Ph.D.'s. It follows
that if the A.B. degree is to retain
the same value by the same means,
the graduate schools must con
trive to prepare a proportionately
increasing number of graduates.
Otherwise, we shall see as adul
teration of college work compar
able to that which has overtaken
the high schools."
Dean Barzun specifies the fol
lowing charges which may be
leveled at the graduate school:
1) The time spent in making
professional scholars is too long
for the results achieved.
2) Instructors are required to
do too much lecturing and students
too much sitting and note-taking:
both groups should do more inde
pendent work and come together
for periods of true tuition and ap
prenticeship. 3) The research done for tha
Master and Arts and Doctor of
Philosophy degrees is too often re
search: it adds little or nothing"
to knowledge hence it is both pre
tentious and wasteful.
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