The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    k".W-r s -3r-. Tfc 'Jtf311' '
i ' Paqe' 2
The Daily Nebroskon
Wednesday, March 6, 1957
: i
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From The Editor's Desk:
As down slips begin to find their way into
mail boxes around the campus increased ad
monitions to crack the books will fly at Uni
versity students.
But the fault must be put where it deserves
to be put. Granted that every student who
studies can attain a good grade in a course and
the responsibility to learn lies with the student
another factor may enler into the failure of
students to catch on to a course.
And that factor is poor instruction.
The Chancellor told us m the fall that we
must'respect and keep the fine staff which the
University has at the present time. Yet any
student will admit that the level of instruction
in various departments differs.
And when this not so phenomenal occurrence
faces us we must be ready and willing to face
it and correct it.
The Daily Nebraskan has suggested that the
University institute a system of student evalua
tion of courses. It could be a very helpful plan
for two reasons:
First, students would have to judge the over
all value, of a course to evaluate it which would
make them sharpen their objective judgments.
The faculty would find out from their pupils
where they stand and work to improve their
course material and their presentation.
Secondly, the students would be given an op
portunity to think about the subjective value
of a course and give their impressions of what
they have learned and how the' knowledge af
fects them. Knowledge ' is useless unless it
helps in the formation of the complete man.
And a man who knows no more than facts and
figures becomes lost in them and never wades
back to the practicality which must be a fruit
of education. .
We believe that student evaluations would
work on this campus as it has worked on other
campuses. We are sure that students who have
the proper attitude for school would be more
than fair in their constructive criticism of their
instructors. We are sure that the high caliber
of students whom we have would benefit from
the evaluations. ,
If the program were Inaugurated we are sure
there , would be a marked improvement in student-faculty
relationships. And from some of
the talk floating around the campus such an
improvement is much needed in certain sections.
We hope that the administration will take
this suggestion seriously and that the students
will be given a share in the burden to improve
the entire operation of the University.
Before Spring Comes...
Every once in a century there's a rebirth of
the arts which follows an increased interest in
beauty. Each spring the sense of a new born
world seems to permeate the drab spirit of wide
awake people and revitalize the souls of think
ing men.
It could be said that most students are not
thinking persons.
And yet that would be a dangerous thought.
For the interest in things artistic must stem
from a true interest in the arts which in turn
can only be generated by fine, inspirational
works of art.
So when the spring-type bug starts to flit
around the campus even when there's a wet
snow on the outside grades fall and students
rise to the opportunity to soak up the arts.
The Daily Nebraskan could list the projects
art-wise and otherwise which have been under
taken by the faculty and student body. That
would get long and dull. But a few general
observations about the effect of the spring sea
son might be in order.
The first impulse which might seize the'
student who takes an interest in the works of
art of Mother Nature or Local Painter is to
forget the grind of reality and wallow in the
beauty if that is not a contradiction of terms
which pops up here and there around this
little University community. That's not a safe
impulse to follow for being a student means
fulfilling the tasks of a student and the diffi
culties of such responsibility far surpass the
peace which can come from just enjoying the
arts around us.
In other words,, as grades begin to slip, dur
ing the spring term, too many students who are
wrapped up in the world about them might be
gin to feel the futility of education. And they
might neglect the sad task of study.
This -reaction must be avoided at all costs.
After all, the value of an education which
might be an intangible at present lingers in
the future. And the passing fancy of the arts
ultimately turns into the hard-core task of
working in the real world.
The distractions of the Art Show in Morrill
Hall or the fantasy of the University Theater
or the Film Society show this evening all add
to the escape from reality which is evident in
the spring.
And on the other hand, these elements of
beauty could bolster the sense of responsibility
of the. student body. We believe that is their
purpose for through them we can see the facts
of life in new designs.
Let us hope that spring will truly mean the
rebirth of study for the student body but that
this rebirth will be generated by the reality
around us.
After thoughts
A question that-could easily pertain to this
campus came from the Montana State College
paper: "Should I 'study' activities or activate
studying?" v
New York University's Board of Trustees has
adopted a resolution approving in principle the
transformation of the institution's uptown cam
pus to coeducational status.
The reason has been given to enable the in
stitution to serve the community and surround
ing areas more effectively.
NYU students most likely think it a fine
plan, too, but for slightly different reasons.
"It's Quite A Mess"
Copy Editor
The settlement of the dis- v
pute between Israel and her
Arabian neighbors has be
come a nightmare which the
free world must settle or face
a break between the U.S. and
her Western Allies.
The "whys" of the Israeli
attack have been batted back
and forth by press and public
officials until they are com
mon knowledge, and any at
tempt pn my part would prob
ably accomplish nothing. But
then, . , .
To begin with, Israel has
never had the use of the Suez
Canal. Egypt has barred Is
raeli ships from passing
through ever since 1948. More
than this, Egypt has black
listed vessels of other nations
for carrying goods to Israel,
and other Arab ports have fol
lowed suit.
Confronted with an Israeli
protest against, this ban on
use of the Canal, the UN re
quested Egypt on Sept. 1, 1951,
"to terminate the restriction
on passage of international
commercial shipping and
goods through the Suez Canal
wherever bound, and to cease
all Interference with such
shipping beyond that essential
to the safety of the Canal
itself and to the observance
of the Internationl Conven
tions In force."
The resolution was ignored
and conditions were not
changed. In the five years
which have gone by since,
neither the UN nor any other
Great Power has made an at
tempt to bring about Egyptian
compliance with the UN
So, Israel has been com
pelled to take the financially
ruinous long route around
To make matters worse,
there is no coal, hardly any
firewood, and for all practical
purposes no oil in the country.
Of course next door there i3
world's big oil pool in the
Arab countries. But 4hey
won't sell to Israel. Israel
must import oil for industry at
considera b 1 e transport ex
pensea severe drain on the
dollar reserves of a country
which still runs a tremendous
trade deficit because it im
ports four times as much as it
Coupled with the economic
blockade, day by day the
harassed nation was force
fully reminded by its neigh
bors that the continuous small
scale raids were merely the
Syria's president Shudri el
Kuwaitli said: "The present
situation demands the mobil
ization of all Arab strength to
liquidate the state which has
arisen in our neighborhood.
Israel is like a cancer."
Jordan's King Hussein last
summer ired President Nas
ser: "We look forward to the
future when the flag of the
Arabs will wave over our
stolen country." Throughout
the month of October which
finally brought the explosion,
similar statements came from
the government leaders of
Israel's neighbors and were
sounded by Arab press and
radio. Incidentally, Egypt's
Nasser is considered the "de
facto" leader of the Arab
It's apparent that no for
mula exists that would bring
peace to this area, but there
are a few changes that might
The first would have to be
in the crazy-quilt shape of Is
rael's borders. Revision of
those, borders would reduce
the number of friction points,
or a swap of minorities and
fair compensation for re
settled people, as well as for
the refugees of the 1948 fiasco
would lessen tension.
UN intervention in case of
any renewal of attacks by
either side would prevent fu
ture explosion.
First, and foremost in case
of any renewal of attacks by
either side would prevent fu
ture explosion.
First, and foremost would
have to be the lessening of
tensions, s u s p i ciotis and
hatreds which now run ram
pant. It's the lack of under
standing which prevents any
steps towards peace from be
ing accomplished. For ex
ample: the vital Irrigation
Project of the Jordan River
was halted just short of com
pletion because Jordan would
not allow any work on the
common border between Is
. rael and Jordan.
It's apparent that this ten
sion and hatred has to be re
lieved before any concrete
plan for peace can be pushed
to completion; but as regards
how this can be accomplished
your guess is as good as
The Daily Nebraskan
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
Representative: National Advertising Service,
Published at: Room 20, Student Union ,
Lincoln, Nebraska
14th & R
Th. Daily Nebraskaa Is published Monday. Tuesday,
fPewtaasday and Friday during the school year, except
during vacation and exam rerlod. and one Issue Is
published during A artist, by stndrnts of the I nlvprslty
f Nebraska under the aothurlzaltoa of the Committee
ve Student Affairs a an expression of student opinion,
tobiioatlnns mirier the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee
n Student Publication shall be five from editorial
enftonhip on the uart of the Subcommittee or on the
part of any member of the. faculty of the I nlversity. or
oij the part of any person ouUlde the Unl-erUy. The
members, of the brakan staff are personally re
sttuhle for Mbat they say, or do or cause to be
printed. February 8, 1HS5.
Fnt-ered as second efans matter at the post office bj
pjjcoin, Nebraska, under the act of AufUft 4, 1912.
Kdltor Fred Daly
J?:?,?,'". Edlto,-.
Editorial Page Editor Jirk Shurro
Eim? Sara Jones, Bob Ireland
sports Editor Bob Martei
Copy Editors Art Blackmail, Carole Kranfc
George Moyer. Ron Warholoskl
.FdJ.tor-iV Walter Tattersoa
MKht News Editor Carole Frank
Sllf 1hotorrapner Dale Lewis
0 Secretary k Doweil
society Editor M I until
Business Msnag-ar Georre Mad sea
firrulatlon Manarer Jack N orris
Assistant Business Managers Larry Epstein
Tom Neff , Jerry Selletlo
Reporters Judy Sleler Marilyn Nlssen, Mlnnetter
.... - Taylor, maaa Maxwell. Sandra Whalen,
Dorothy Hall, Dlanna Geaae, Bill Cooper,
Bill Wilson, Gary Peterson, Mary Pat-.
serson, Deanna Barrett, Emmie Limno.
Staff Writers. ....Nancy DeLonr. Cynthia Zschau, Bob
Win, Gary UodKers, dab boron,
Skw Wldmat)
; rc fZim&i HA! YOU GOT
..t-.. . YOueSrlOESON
Cabbages & Kings..
Psychologists say that human be
ings are basically subjective. In
laymen's terms this means that
they think too much about them
selves. The irony of this assump
tion lies in the fact that human
beings have been "thinking too
much" about themselves since
birth and are not even conscious
of it.
Some human beings, of course,
are more perceptive than others
and take great delight and interest
in the "gatherings and filings"
of their own minds. Usually these
people are perfectly adjusted to
themselves, and their environment.
They are even able, in some situa
tions, to direct the course of this
mental process and chose the sub
ject matter for the mind to grasp.
In this capacity the mind is not
clutttered with trivia that slows
down the regular thiaking functions.
When the less fortunate of us try
to mind's workings in our conscious
ness and direct its course, we find
only confusion. In desparation we
abandon the subconscious to its
own inclinations, sorting and solv
ing the facts and figures of the
daily routine. !
The subconscious process goes
on for days, even months at a
time, until the mind grasps some
new fact or stimulus. This new bit
of knowledge reacts explosively in
the conscious are of the mind. Like
the last piece in a jig-saw puzzle,
this "key" incident drives the
whole complex array of previously
unrelated thoughts into a patern.
A curtain is drawn aside, revealing
to the conscious mind some new
and exciting concept of its exist
ence. The person 5s stunned. His mind
races along from fact to accumu
lated fact, explaining, exposing,
theorizing. Suddenly the world
makes sense. From one single in
cident the conscious mind is acute
ly aware of itself and its environ
ment. There is no fear; only joy
in this true enlightenment of the
I should , not like to take my
plaqe among those who have thus
been enlightened and relate what
happened to me last week right on
our campus. It filled me with such
excitement and joy that I can
hardly speak of it. 5
I walked into the Union some
time ago and saw that posters had
been put up, advertising the spe
cial movie that would be shftwn
on Friday night. In bold colors and
three-inch type the placards an
nounced that "The Invisible Man"
and "The Phantom of the Opera"
would be shown here.
Macabre pictures of Claud
Raines shooting white rays out
from behind his bandages and
swinging from chandeliers told me
that I had already seen the pic
tures. I didn't think much about it
after than but, whenever I entered
or left the Union I saw Claude
Raines "zapping" me with those
white rays of his. In my fancy we
became quite good friends and I
occasionally winked at him (though
I doubt whether he ever saw me
with those bandages) as I passed
Things were going along fairly
well for me, when, later in the
week an additional sign was added
to the posters. I saw it and my
blood ran cold. I suddenly realized
that "these movies were no ordin
ary movies, and I was filled with
tremendous fear at the thought of
what I must do. I had to go to
the Union on Friay night.
During the next two days I ate
very little and slept less. As Fri
day night approached I could feel
my old self draining away from
me. My old framework, ideologies,
and emotions, things I had come
to know and love as my own,
were slipping away from me. And
what was to be in their place?
Grim-faced and determined, I
mounted the stairs to the second
floor on Friday night. As I as
cended, I seemed to feel the child
like innocence, the adolescent
world I knew, dropping behind me.
Fcom a distance I thought I heard
it call piteously to me.
My mind wandered and, as. I
thought of the happy scenes of
my youth and the other crises I
had safely met, my step faltered.
I thought wistfully of my first beer,
the .day I voted and my College
matriculation. Tears came to my j
eyes as I pushed on.
The door to the auditorium ma
terialized before me. and I thought
to myself: This is It. Once you
enter here you can 'never turn '
oacK. i ou must! Good-bye happy
youJJi! Good-bye adolecency! I
handed the man at the door my
student I.D. He gazed at it with
a bored look and returned it. I
passed into the room and almost
John Crowell
I had made it I At last the thing
that I had longed for and feared
for so long was mine! This had
been the ultimate test. At last I had
been admitted into an ADULTS
ONLY movie,! My youth was
gone. The door of life had been
thrown open and I had stepped
across the threshold into the stream
of life. I was an adult!
Students at the University of
Detroit practiced segregation on
their campus for the first time
in the history of the school last
Roped-off areas told engineer
ing students, "You can't sit there,
Sit here."
It was to show that it would
be stupid to discriminate against
an engineer for reasons that are
not based " on logic. So, too, it
would be just as ignorant to hold
prejudices against other minority
The Varsity News of the Uni
versity of Detroit said that "as
it is stupid to say that engineers
are unsocial, see too it is ridi
culous to state that races and
nationalities differ in their intel
ligence level.
A solution to unsociality would
not be to stop them from social
izing. In the same manner a group
cannot be held responsible for
ignorance if it canno't attend
higher institutions of learning.
FASHION . . As I See It
by Judy Ramey
Your NU's Representative
to Gold's Advisory Board
Are you wondering just
what you'd like for that spe
cial Easter outfit?
, That, wonder ul . spring
spring fabric, silk, is woven
into' a luxurious black and
white or brown and white
tweed for this youthful,
boxy-jacket suit. It's perfect
for your every spring, sum
mer and fall dressy, after
noon occasion.
Youthcra&t added a
fringed tie just under the
collar for elegant detail.
There is a wide, b'ack
leather belt to bring the
jacket into soft gathers at
your waist or not, as you
like. v
Come and see our other
youthful and lovely spring
suits, too. This one is 59.95,
in the Coat and Suit depart
ment. Second Floor of
Gold's. ..
The Tuffy Epstein Combo
. 4-8 PIECES
Ideal for formals and
House Parlies
' CALL 2-3120
the iconoclast . . .
.Last week, my more avid read
ers will remember, I was seeing
hope for a cultural rebirth. Things
look dimmer now. The Union
opened a display of paintings taken
from The Ladies Home Journal.
Now understand that I have
nothing against the fairer sex or
their - magazines. In fact I know
nothing about either. But illustra
tions of stories published in Ameri
can magazines are so consistently
poor that I can see little or no
reason to display them.
But perhaps I shouldn't be so
sweeping in my condemnations of
the American periodical. Note the
food and drink pictures in Esquire.
(Though one rightly misses the
gatefold pinup which has disap
peared from the last .couple of
issues. It used to titillate libidoes
from coast to coast.) Note the
Smirnoff ads, which, probably look
better than vodka could ever
taste. Note the fashion ads which
fill the New Yorker; they are of
more aesthetic interest than most
of the overly facile prose which
passes for sophisticated literature
in the world's most blatantly cos
mopolitan magazine.
One might even advise you to
take a look at the Petty girls
sprawled in the center of this
month's Playboy. I am not parti
cularly taken by Petty's stylized
and flamboyant brand of sex ap
peal, but it's rather interesting.
steve schultz
Will the Union management try
to make arrangements with Play
boy?. That would be an exhibit
that would pull the customers.
r t it . (
Regrettable that anyone should
have to suggest a minimum schol
arship requirement for fraterni
. ties. I think college men, paying
good money for an education,
should be able to see their re-
sponsibilities and make the best
grades, of which they are capable.
If they cannot, the fault is not in
the fraternity system as a whole
nor in any particular house. Tha
fault is in the not-so-rugged indi
vidual himself, and in the society
of which he is a part.
So, perhaps" the only oourse left
for the fraternity system, if it is
to claim that its men benefit schol
astically from their membership, '
is to impose a minimum scholar
ship requirement. I would suggest
that each house be required to
keep its average equivalent to tha
all-University average. One" re
grets that such a step is neces
ary, but the battle between beer
and books is one sided at best.
Romano's Pizza Houss
226 N. 10th Phone 2-5961
Free) Delivery
21 Variety Pizza Plea
75 $1.00 11.50 $2.09
t Author . "Bartteet ?, IWA CAfc,- (e.J
Pick up your paper every morning and what do yon
read? "Crisis in Higher Education." That's what you
read. "Enrollment Spiralling Upward - Desperatb
Need for More Classrooms, More Teachers." But
classrooms, alas, do not spring up like mushrooms, nor
teachers like mayflies. So what must we do while we
build more classrooms, train more teachers? We must
get better use out of the classrooms and teachers we now
have. That's what we must do.
This column, normally a vehicle of good-humored
foolery, of joy that wrinkled care derides, of laughter
holding both his sides, will today forsake levity to ex
amine the crisis in higher education. My sponsors, the
makers of Philip Morris Cigarettes, as bonnie a bunch
of tycoons as you will see in a month of Sundays, have
given cheerful consent to this departure. Oh, splendid
chaps they are, the makers of Philip Morris ! Oh, darlin
types they are, fond of home, mother, porridge, the Con
stitution, and cemtry fiddling! Twinkly and engaging
they are, jaunty and sociable, roguish and winsome, as
full of joy, as packed with pleasure, as brimming with
natural goodness, as loaded with felicity as the ciga
rettes they bring you in two convenient sizes regular'
in the handy snap-open pack, and new long-size in a
crushproof flip-top box both available at moderate cost
from your favorite tobacconist. Light one now. Light
either end. No filter cigarette can make that statement.
) -. . Tl ..'.y4
' Vj
x ', I IcBCb 211, Uft!dm? QMKet
Let us then, with the gracious connivance of tha
makers of Philip Morris - Oh, splendid chaps ! Oh, gra
cious connivers ! take up the terribly vexing question
of how we can turn, out more graduates with campus
facilities as they now exist.
The answer can be given in one word: speedup! Speed
up the educational process. Streamline courses. Elimi
nate frills. Sharpen. Shorten. Quicken.
Following is a list of courses with suggested methods .
to speed up each one.
PHYSICS Eliminate slow neutrons.
Psych Lab Tilt the mazes downhill The whit
mice will run much faster.'
Engineering - Make slide rules half as long.
Music Change all tempo to allegro., (A collateral
benefit to be gained from this Suggestion is that once
you speed up waltz time, campus proms will all be over by
10 p.m. With students going home so early, romance will
languish and marriage counselors can be transferred
to the buildings and grounds department. Also, housing
now used for married students can be returned to the
school of animal husbandry.)
Algebra If "x" always equals 24, much time-consuming
computation can be eliminated.
Languages Teach all language courses in English.
Dentistry Skip baby teeth. They fall out anyhow.
Poetry Amalgamate the classics. Like this:
Hail to thee, blithe spirit
Shoot if you must this old gray head
You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Smiling the boy fell dead. . '
You see how simple it is? Perhaps you have some
speedup ideas of your own. If so, I'll thank you to keep
them to yourselves.
, ' Max Shvilman, 195T
The makers of PfiUip Morrit have no interest in any speedup.
We age our fine tobacco tlotc and eaty. And that'i the tear it
tmoket tlow and easy a natural smoke.