The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 04, 1957, Image 1

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'San Blast'
Page 2
Page 3
Vol. 31, No. 58
Monday, March 4, 1957
Monday, Tuesday:
If or
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Five SScDfs,
Eligible Bachelor Nominees
Candidates for the title of
"Most Eligible Bachelor" to be
revealed at Kosmet Klub's
Spring Show standing from left
Dr. Miller
To Retire
The retirement of Dr. Oscar
Miller, Nebraska Wesleyan Univer
sity psychology professor, was an
nounced Tuesday by Chancellor A.
Leland Forrest. M
D r. Miller,
' will rPtiro
k at tho end of
i . the current
J WJf- school year
4 ' 4 x with rnk
X, '" 'of pro fessor
"Zf-;? emeritus of
t ' X psychology. He
1 has been at
f ) I Wesley an since
MrrninMim riaV mnmi nj 1351
Coarlesr Lincoln Star Dr. Miller is
Dr. Miller a n a t i ve of
Bolivar, Term., and was a Metho
dist minister for 20 years before
becoming a teaches. He holds the
A.M. and Ph. D. degrees from the
University of Cincinnati and form
erly taught at that university.
NU Students
Certificates were awarded Fri
day night to 12 Nebraska Students
who have completed a month-long
course at the Nebraska School of
Community Living.
The presentation was made by
Dr. K. O. Broady, director" of the
University Extension Division, at
a banquet at the College of Agri
culture, j
This unique course, conducted by '
the University Extension Division
at the College of Agriculture,1
emphasized such things as world
affairs, public speaking, commun
ity understanding, recreational !
leadership and handicrafts. It was
designed to give out-of-school
youth, who do not intend to at
tend college, an opportunity to
develop leadership qualities and
to broaden their cultural horizons.
Those receiving certi f i c a t e s
were: Richard Boeck, Ann Bou
chal, William Bridgman, Earl
Brown, Erick Erkkson, Henry
Dennis Evans, Donald Hart, Merle
Lore, Donald Person, John Stark
and Robert Shugrue.
AUF Faculty Drive
Slated March 4-18
Today through March 18 are the
dates of this year's All University
Fund faculty drive, according to
Uan Carlson, faculty solicitations
Letters are now being sent to
all faculty members urging them
to contribute. Miss Carlson said.
-The AUF faculty drive 'is held
each spring so as not to conflict
with other charity drives held in
the falL The charities to which the
money will be given wiH be chosen
according to the recent student
preference poIL
Spring Day Worker
Positions' Ready
Spring Day Committee worker
applications are available on t b e
door of the Student Council of
fice, room 815 in the Union, ac
cording to Dick Hagemeir, chair
man. Hagemeir stated that workrr
positions on the following com
mittees are available: awards
publicity, events, faculty, arrange
ments and finance. Applicants
should state their committee pre
ference, Hagemeir Ek-J.
Applications win distributed to
all organized touses, Hagemeir
;J itt
CT i v ?;V
, i , A ,i v J ;
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If if , ' 1
to right are Ron Nathan Gary
Dougherty, Claude Berreckman,
JUfl WatHUhBitt Thompsen and
Bill Hatcher, bitting, are: , Jim
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
Ag Demand
The president of the National
Reclamation Association charged
in Lincoln Friday afternoon that
the critics of the reclamation pro
gram "do not realize the demand
on agriculture which is being
brought about by the ever in
creasing population."
Guy Jackson of Anahuac, Tex.,
told the Nebraska Water Confer
ence at the University, that "these
critics talk long and loud about
'surpluses, when in truth and fact
they are 'reserves.' "
He said these 'reserves are
needed by us to keep our domi
nant position in this world of na
tions the same as a reserve of
airplanes, guns, ammunitions, and
The concluding ' - cer at the
two-day conference, Mr. Jackson
explained that during the past 35
years, there has been no material
increase in the total crop land
agreage in the U.S.
"Lands brought into production
during that period through recla
mation, drainage, and clearing
have been approximately offset by
lands that have gone cut of pro
duction due to withdrawal to non
agricultural uses, erosions, and de
terioration." He reported that good land is
being taken out of agricultural pro
duction at the rate of about l,
8CK),000 acres per year.
Jackson sees a complete bal
ance of supply and demand by
1962,"even with the improved
seeds, farming methods, and fer
tilizers together with the substitu
tion of motor power in lieu of
horse and mule power."
He continued; "Some of the new
agricultural land needed for our
growing population will come from
the 17 western states. The primary
limiting factor is availability of wa
ter, so we must learn to conserve
and use every gallon."
Jackson pointed out that the pri
mary and ultimate purpose of rec
lamation is irrigation "nothing but
But, he added, "reclamation can
survive only with the help of rev
enue derived from a by-product
function Hie generation of hydro
electric power.
"Without that incidental source
of by-product revenue, reclamation
could not continue and the re
sultant effects upon the economy
of the western half of the U.S.
would be incalcuable but disas
trous." Final 'Pet Luck'
The final Ag campus "Pot Luck
With the Profs", will be held
March 17, accreting to Burt Weica
enihal, Ag Union committee chairman.
Li ii u
V Nebraska! Photo
Souders. Larrv EDstein Bill
Reed, Ned Nadri. Jim Kuhacki
and Charles TsoukalasT
Health Coverage?
A? CI Students Okay'
Insurance Program
Student opinion on the new health
insurance program put into opera
tion at the .University this semester
is favorable, according to a straw
vote taken by the Daily Nebraskan.
The plan was developed to cover
100 per cent of the medical. ex
penses which might face students.
The bid by Mutual Health and Ac
cident Company of Omaha was ac-
cpeted by the University adminis
tration, according to Ben Loudon,
personnel and information officer.
The University's policy protects
students normally "in between"
on family coverage plans, and will
be a definite help, to young mar
ried students since coverage can
be extended to include the imme
diate family, according to Ben Pat
terson of Mutual of Omaha.
Ordinarily students over 18 are
out of the range of family policies,
he added.
Most of the students interviewed
by the Daily Nebraskan thought
the low cost of the program its'
best feature. "The price is right,"
said a senior engineering student.
Others thought the insurance pro
gram will cover accidents and ill
nesses they would not normally
be protected against.
At least one fraternity has urged
its members participating in intra
mural athletics to take out poli
cies. A number of others are plan
ning to do the same.
One woman student, a sopho-'
more in Teachers College, thought
the plan "a very sound idea," but
said she already had similar cov
erage in a regular policy.
"If it weren't for that I'd take it," ,
she said. This was the same cir
cumstance with a few other stu
dents. A junior in Arts and Sciences
said he had taken out a policy part-:
ly because he was "accident I
and partly because the
Ex-President In Omaha: '
Reporter Quizzes Truman;
Copy Editor
"I am in favor of federal aid for
all college and univerisities and
hope to .vte this granted in the
near future," said former Presi
dent of the-United States, Harry
Truman 'in an exclusive interview
with The Daily Nebraskan.
Mr. Truman has a steadfast
policy of never granting private
interviews but decided to make
an exception in this case because
it was for a student newspaper.
When asked the question,
"Should 18-yearold's be allowed
to vote?", he replied, "In my opin
ion 18-y ear-old's should not be al
lowed to vote until they have
reached the age of 21 because
too many of them lack the ability
to vote intelligently before, that
He qualified this statement by
stating "All students should attain
as much knowledge as possible
during their college career. If they
are specializing in certain fields,
students should take advantage of
the great opportunities available
to them today so they will become
better citizens in the future."
At the scheduled press confer
ence later in the presidential suite
at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel
in Omaha, Mr. Truman was asked
pertinent questions pertaining to
events of national importance by
local and national news agencies.
When asked bis opinion of the
present foreign policy, he cleverly
evaded the direct question by an
swering, "Every president has his
own idea of how foreign policy
I die) I
Talented University women will
present the annual Coed Follies
revue tonight and Tuesday night.
Five skits, three curtain acts and
six traveler acts will be given
at 7:30 p.m. each night at the Ne
braska Theater. '
Presentation of the Ideal Ne
braska Coed and introduction of the
12 finalists for Cornhusker Beauty
Queen will be a special feature of
the first night's performance. The
ceremonies will be repeated Tues
day. Awards will be made to the
winning acts at the conclusion of
Tuesday night's show. Acts will
be judged on the basis of clever
ness, originality, audience appeal
and costuming.
Directly before the presentation
of awards on Tuesday night, the
Mortar Board will present a skit.
Coed Follies is sponsored by
the Associated Women Students
board. Sara Hubka of Beatrice is
The five sorority skits and their
skitmasters are "Calypso Capers,"
Pi Beta Phi, Diane Knotek; "Mar-
plan, "is the only one I can af
ford." The married students inter
viewed were generally "enthusias
tic" about the policy, as one Korean
War veteran stated. "It is the only
way I can get low-cost insurance
for my family," he said.
Another married student, who i
will graduate in June, said he !
"wished the program had come in j
a year ago" when he could have
Policies were sold the first two i
weeks of this semester to be ef
fective until the end of the term.
I la- the future, the policy will be
able to be obtained or renewed j
only at the beginning of the school I
Falling Temps,
Snow To Hit
Lincoln Land
Nebraskans are in for some rain
and ultimate snow Monday with
temperatures dropping into the 1
mid-30 s.
Monday night temperatures will
be much colder
a c c o rding to
weather bureau
reports. Highs
today will be in
the 30's in the
northern part
of the state and
in the 40's in
the south. Skies
will be mostly
cloudy Monday.
Scot tsbluff
had the record
ed high Sunday with the mercury
hitting the 56 mark. North Omaha
recorded the Sundav low with a
reading of 17.
should be conducted, and he will
not be influenced otherwise."
"Has the prestige of the United
States suffered because of the Mid
dle East situation?" was another
question asked of the former pres
ident. His answer w'as "It is too
bad the situation had to occur be
cause today the Middle East is
the seat of the greatest tension in
University Operation
To Cost $11.5 Million
Special Writer .
Eleven and one-half million dol
lars are being spent during the
1956-57 school year for the general
operation of the University, ac
cording to Edward Hirscn, assist
ant director of Public Relations.
The tuition and fees that stu
dents pay amount to $1,400,000 of
this, operational cost, he said.
Approximately $8,900,000 of the
money spent comes from state ap
propriations. Federal support to
tals $1,135,000.
Hirsca explained that $00 of the
resident students'i $9i semester
payment is for tuition; the remain
ing $30 pays his fees.
Tuition money accompanies the
state and federal money into the
Unjvenity's general opera
tion fund.
The moneys are allocated as fol
lows: $4.50 is for the operation of
the Union, $Gi0 is for the planned
tian Madness," Kappa ' Kappa
Gamma, Barbara Rystron; "Mili
tary Mayhem," Gamma Phi Beta,
lbs Sheaffer; "As You Like It,"
Delta Gamma, Winkie Gleeson;
"There's No Stoppen' Boppin ",
Alpha Omicron Pi, Kay Krueger.
Curtain acts and directors are:
"Arcticanalysis, " Alpha Chi
Omega, Marilyn Nessen, Charlene
Ferguson; "Diamonds and Dame,"
Alpha Phi, Karen Parsons, and
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Ncbraskaa Photo
Pershing Rifle Honorary Commandant finalsts left .to righi: Reba
Kinne, Joanne Bender, and Pat Arnold.
Pershing Rifles:
Honorary Commandant
Candidates Selected
The 1957 Honorary Commandant! Patricia Arnold is a freshman
of Company A-2 Pershing Rifles j Home Economics and a mem-
will be presented at the Annual
Pershing Rifles Dinner Dance,
which will be held Saturday night
at the Lincoln
At a tea h;ld
Febr. 20,
were presented
to the com
pany by Miss
Evonne E kn
s p h a r, last
year's Honor
ary Comman
dant. Miss Ein-
Nrbraskaa Phot
Miss Einspahr
iphar is a junior majoring in
Home Economics. She is president
of the Home Economics Club, ac
tive in the YWCA, and treasurer
of Loomis Hall. She has also been
nominated for Ideal Nebraska
The candidates for Pershing
Rifles Honorary Commandant are.
Patricia Arnold, Reba Kinne and
Joanne Bender.
Says 'In Favor 01 Federal School Aid'
the world. The United Nations can.
only be as strong as its members,
is essential and- has to be support
ed to keep peace in the world."
His reply to the question of
"What are the Democratic pres
idential chances in 1900?" "was
"Congress will always be demo
cratic regardless of what party is
in office."
J additions to the Union, $1 goes to
the Daily Nebraskan, $6.50 is used
for the operation of Student Health,
$5 is for the new Student Health
building and $6.50 is used for lab
oratory and library expenses.
If students' payments were
raised, Hirscn said, the increase
would be in the tuition, not the
fees. The additional mocney would
go into the general operation fund,
which pays the salaries cf all Uni
veasity personnel faculty, admin
istrators and anyone employed by
the University. This money is also
used for minor building repairs
and equipment.
In 1947 the state legislature
passed a 1.1 mill intitutional build
ing leyy to be levied for ten years.
The ten-year period ends this year;
fees. The additional money would
has received $13 million for new;
buildings. i
ayfy Firoaiosfs
Joan Riha; "Progress of Pecos,"
Kappa Alpha Theta, Kay Deppen.
These traveler acts will be pre
sented: "Modern Jazztime, Edy Mor
row, Kay Nielson; "Colors in
Sound," Pat Alvord; "Mountain
Gal," Sylvia Rigg; "Bluebells,"
Hellen Hockabout, Prudence Mor
row, Mildred Swift; "A Case
Study," Gamma Phi Beta; "Jun
ior Class," Jane Fellows; "Rock'n
4. "
oer oi me nume r.conomiub l-iuq.
She is active in YWCA, a service
member of Presby House and af
filiated with Alpha Xi Delta soror
ity. A junior in Arts and Sciences,
Joanna Bender is a member of
Coed Counselors Board, active in
Student Council, Education section
head for the Cornhusker and a
member of Delta Phi Delta honor
ary. She is also a member of
Delta Delta Delta sorority.
Reba Kinne, Chi Omega sopho
more in Teacher's College, is ac
tive on the YWCA Cabinet end
Union Activities. She is a member
of the University Symphonic Band
and Sigma Alph Iota, music hon
orary. Honored guests at the tea were
Major Bokoven, USA, Captain
Wheaton, USA Unit Advisor and
Student Council Representative
Dwaine Rogge.
Refreshments were served and
the members of the Pershing
Rifles elected the 1957 Honorary
I Commandant by ballot.
The Former President was guest
of honor Sunday at the Fifth An-
ual Citation Dinner given by the
Beth Israel Synagogue, where
he was named its "Man of the
Year." According to the citation,
Special Interview
Nebraskan copy editor Carole Mr. Truman was In Omaha Sun
Frank -fleft) interviews former day and talked with Miss Frank
President Harr Truman (right), about the role of Uiaversiiiea,
the Joint," Marcia Elliot and Sally
The Judges for the "Follies"
will be Wesley Reist, instructor
in music; Mrs. Ruth Levinson,
assistant professor of physical ed
ucation, for women; James Rit
tenger, assistant to the chancellor;
Dr. Florence McKinney, producer
director of educational television.
Finalists for Ideal Nebraska
Coed are: Virginia Hudson, Joan
Hudson, Joan Heusner, Jan David
son, Evonne Einspahr, and Carol
Slated Topic
Of Lectures
Paul Kotin, Associate Professor
of Pathology and Lecturer on Can
cer at the School of Medicine, Uni
versity of Southern California, will
present two lectures today.
The lectures will explain the role
of air pollution in causing lung can-
The first lecture, which will take
place at 12 noon, Room 104, Plant
Industry Hall Ag Campus, will dis
cuss "The Effect of Atmospheric
Pollutants on the Behaviour of Se
lected Cell Strains."
The second lecture, which will
bt held at the Love Library Au
ditorium at 7:30 p.m., will discuss
"The Effect of Air Pollution on
Lung Cancer."
Dr. Kotin received his B.S. and
M.D. degrees from the University
of Illincis in 1337 and 1910 re
spectively. He is a member of the
Air Pollution Control Association
and a Special Consultant in the
Air Pollution Program Division of
Special Health Services.
In recent years, Dr. Kotin has
devoted his research to studies up
on cancer producing contaminants
in the air and has published sev
eral articles dealing with the re
lation of air pollution to health,
pertinent to present studies upon
the effects of air pollutants upon
cell cultures now being conducted
at the University.
Law College
Aptitude Tests
Slated, Mar. 25
Aptitude tests for students who
intend to enter the University Co
lege of Law next fall will be held
beginning March 25, Dean E. O.
BeLsheim announced today.
The examination will be given
in two sections. The first half will
be given Monday, March 25, at
Tuesday, March 26, at 1:30 p.m.
Both sessions will be in Room 201
of the Law College building.
All prospective law students
must take the examinations, Dean
Belsheim said. Registration should
be made at the Dean's office, Room
203, Law College building.
Minimum requirements for ad
mission to the college is 63 under
graduate hours.
tribute was being paid to tht
"Honorable Harry S. Truman
whose dedicated efforts on behalf
of American and Israel have se
cured for him an imperishablf
Inkhe in history's Hall of Fame."
Staff flut ky Date Lrwts