The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1957, Image 1

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    National Student
Advantages Listed
See Page 4
Track Meet
In Kansas City
See Page 3
Vol. 31, No. 57
Five skits, three curtain acts,
six traveler acts, the Ideal Ne
braska Coed and the twelve Corn
husker Beauty Queens are all
scheduled to be presented at the
Coed Follies production next week
"Varsitv Visions" is the name
of the how which will be presented
at the Nebraska Theater Monday
and Tuesday, according to Sara
Hubka, chairman.
One of the five skits is Pi Beta
Phi doing "Rythms of Tahiti
which describes three American
girls in Tahiti who argue over
the merits of jazz as compared to
Tahaitart music.
The six traveler acts to be pre
sented between the skits and cur
tain acts are: Sally Wenger and
Marcia Elliot in a dance entitled
"Rock'n the Joint"; Sylvia Rigg
sinrine. "Mountain Gal": a trio
of Helen Hockabout. Prudence Mor
row, and Mildred Swift called
'The Bluebells". The Gamma Phi
Beta junior class will present a
chorus line called "A Case Study".
Pat Alford will play a piano solo,
"Colors in Sound," and Catherine
Kielson and Edythe Morrow will
dance to "Modern Jazztime."
In addition to the skits, one of
the five finalists will be presented
as the Ideal Nebraska Coed. The
finalists are Virginia Hudson,
Gamma Phi Beta; Carol Smith,
Alpha Phi;- Evonne Einspahr,
Loomis Hall; Jan Davidson, Chi
Omega, and Joan Huesner, Kappa
Alpha Theta.
Tickets for the Coed Follies are
now on sale in the Union for 85
cents. ,
Air Pollution:
Paul Kotin
To Present
Paul . Kotin, Associate Professor
of Pathology and Lecturer on Can
cer at the School of Medicine, Uni
versity of Southern California, will
present, two lectures Friday.
' The lectures will explain the role
of air pollution in causing lung can
cer. The first lecture, which will take
place at 12 noon, Room 104, Ag
Campus will discuss "The Effect
of Atmospheric Pollutants on the
Behavior of Selected Cell strains.
The second lecture, which will
be held at Love Library Auditor
ium at 7:30 p.m., will discuss "The
Effect of Air Pollution on Lung
Dr. Kotin received his B. S.
and M. D. degrees from the Uni
versity of Illinois in 1937 and
1940 respectively. He is a mem
ber of the Air Pollution Control
Association and" a Special Consult
ant in the Air Pollution Program
Division of Special Health Serv
ices. He is also a diplomat of the
American Board of Pathology
and a fellow of the American So
ciety of Clinical Pathologists, Col
lege of American Pathologists.
In recent years, Dr. Kotin has
devoted his. research to studies
upon cancer-producing1 contamin
ants in the air and has published
several articles dealing with the
relation of air pollution to health,
pertinent to present studies upon
the effects of air polutants upon
cell cultures now being conducted
at our institute.
Ag Shutterbug Contest-.
The annual Ag campus photog
raphy contest has been scheduled
for March 4 through 31st, accord
ing to the Ag House committee.
Two-Day Meet:
Water Conference Ends
Today With Luncheon
The most extensive wjater con
ference ever held in Nebraska will
close today with a public lunch
eon at the Union.
Guy C. Jackson of Aanhuac,
Texas, president of the National
Reclamation Association, will be
the guest speaker.
The two-day conference opened
yesterday at 9:30 with a welcome
by Gov. Victor Anderson. Chan
cellor C. M. Hardin followed the
governor's speech with a challenge
offered to the conference.
The main ball room of the
Union is the scene of ten exhibits
presented by ten state and national
agencies. Agencies sponsoring dis
plays are: U.S. Bureau of Recla
mation; Nebraska Soil Conserva
tion Service; Corps of Engineers
at Omaha; Salt-Wahoo Watershed
Association; Nebraska Game,
Forestation, and Parks Commis
sion; Nebraska Conservation and
Survey Division; Nebraska Agri
cultural Extension Service; Ne
braska Agricultural Experiment
Station: Central Nebraska Public
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Theta Curtain
Members of Kappa Alpha direction of Kay Depen. for the
Theta rehearse their curtain act ' AWS Coed Follies. Shown stand
"Progress of Pecos" under the ing from left to right are Prudy
'Varsity Visions' Skit
A tale of animals In a zoology
lab is depicted by Delta Gam
ma's Marty Millett, Jan Per
renoud, and Sidney Schroeder.
Directed by Winkie Gleeson, the
DG skit is one of several that
Sen. Otto Liebers:
University' 'Meeds1
state benator otto Liebers, a
member of the budget committee
said Wednesday, "We cannot af
ford to allow our program of ex
pansion at the University to be
hurt through denying it the neces
sary funds. In
the end this
would do
miir-h m n r
harn than $ t$m' mJ4
made the state
ment before a
meeting-of the
YWCA "Prob
lems With the
Profs" com
, Courteay Lincoln Star
Sen. Liebers
mittee which
met Wednesday at Rosa Eouton
Liebers also said "In view of the
economic situation out-state, I
, 1
Courteay Lincoln Star
Lincoln Journal
Power and Irrigation and Loup
River Public Power.
In the morning session of the
conference yesterday, Dean W. V.
Lambert of the University College
of Agriculture, discussed the. plan
of the conference. Other topic dis
cussed by speakers included "Im
portance of Water to Nebraska"
an "Water Where is It? How
Much?" "Weter Use in Nebraska"
and "Water Law in Nebraska To
dayj" were topics in the afternoon
c J '
Nebraakaa Photo
will be presented at "Varsity
Visions," the AWS Coed Follies
production next week. The Ideal
Nebraska Coed and 12 Cornhusk
er beauty queens will also be
presented at the show.
U Hm S
think the budget the governor has
submitted to the legislature is a
fair and equitable one as far as
the University is concerned. The
governor has recommended that
the University's appropriation be
increased by 3.2 million."
Chancellor Hardin's original re
quest was for a $5.5 million dollar
increase. 'l think that had drouth
conditions not existed outstate
there would have been a much
better chance that Mr. Hardin's
original request would have pas
sed,". Liebers said.
In discussing the proposed tui
tion increase Liebers said, "It
doesn't make sense for the people
of the state to say to the students
'We are hard up so you have to
pay to support the University.'
Most students or their parents
have all they can do to maintain
themselves in school right now.
They should not be expected to
bear the cost of the University;
the drouth has hit students hard
too because it has hit their parr
Liebers did say, however, that
he expected "a small increase in
tuition." "It is hard to think that
tuition at the University or the
stae normal schools could be
doubled," he coninued.
When informed that the Nebras
ka University Committee on World
Affairs was planning to hold a
mock session of the Unicameral as
their spring project, Liebers said
"Wonderful. I think this is a fine
"Students should know about
their Legislature so that they can
analyze issues that are presented
to the Legislature. Senators wel
come letters from their constituents
but too often these leters are
writen without real though. You
would be surprised how much a
good letter influences your Sena
tor," Liebers comminted.
The senator also said, "Follow
ing the Legislature is like reading
an exciting novel. You would not
form an opinion of the characters
involved by reading only one page
of the novel. Neither should you
form an opinion of the Legislature
from one day's newspaper ac
counts. You ought to stand back
and take a lool from the overall
progress of weeks or months."
Nebraskan photo
Morrow, Barb Erickson, Sandy
Kadlechek, and Harriet Feese.
Seated are Nan Poyter, Susie
Swingle and Mary Lynn Swingle.
Student Council:
Motion For Recording
Election Results Passed
A motion calling for a record of
all student election results to be
kept, on file for one year was
passed in Student Couacil meeting
Introduced by Dave Mossman,
representative from Teachers Col
lege, the motion specifies that the
vice-president in charge of elec
tions shall sign a "Tally Sheet" of
all elections and shall file the re
sults in the Student Council office
Mossman stated that his reason
for introducing the legislation was
that the Student Council currently
"does not have records of elec
tions that are important.'.'
Earlier Mossman met with the
Council executive committee in an
effort to find a means of filling a
vice-presidential vacancy which
has existed since February.
Council vice-president, Don
Beck, announced that it would be
up to the judiciary committee to
Hours Extended
The Associated Women Stu
dents Board has announced that
hours will be extended to 2 a.m.
on Ivy Day, Saturday, May 4.
One night each semester is des
ignated for AWS as a 2:00 a.m.
hour in addition to the 2:00 a.m.
night for an organized house
formal. By announcing the 2:00
night this far in advance, girls
may plan when they want to take
their two overnights allowed per
semester, Carol Link, president
said. '
Speech Contest
Dates Changed
Delta Sigma Rho, speech honor
ary, has changed the date of its
Extemporaneous Speaking Contest,
in order to avoid a conflict with
Coed Follies, according to Jere
McGaffey, president.
Drawings for the first round will
take place from 3 to 5 p.m. on
Wednesday. The first round of
speaking will be Thursday at 7:15
p.m. Round two will be at 7:'l5
p.m. on Tuesday, March 12, and
the final round will be on Thurs
day, March 14.
Entries must be in by Tuesday.
NU Grad:
'Urgent' Phone Gil Brings
Copy Editor '
Johnny Carson, who will emcee
the Roger Wagner Chorale , Show
at the new Lincoln auditorium
March 10, is a contribution of the
Midwest to the Television medium.
He was born in Corning, Iowa,
on Oct. 23, 1925. His father's job
with a utilities company kept the
family on the move until 1933,
when they settled in Norfolk, Ne
braska. As a teen-ager, he took a great
interest in ventriloquism and mag
ic, which "he still uses whenever
ht thinks they will make a situa
tion funnier. While in high school,
he billed himself as "The Great
Carsoni" and was very much in
demand at community functions.
After graduation Jrom Norfolk
High in 1943, he traded his magi
cian's tuxedo for a set of Navy
blues, entertaining the middies
while earning-his commission at
Columbia University. Ila was still
polishing his routines three years
later when he left the battleship
Committee Hearing:
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
Thursday spoke before the Legis
lature's Revenue Committee in
support of the bill which would
continue the institutional building
Governor Victor Anderson also
appeared before the committee to
ask for amendments in the bill.
As introduced, the bill would ex
tend the building levy for 10 years
but would reduce the amount of
the levy from 1.1 mills to three
quarters of a mill.
Anderson asked that the amount
be lowered to half a mill instead
of three-fourths.
He also sought a priority sys
tem1 for allocation of the funds
with a state committee set up to
determine which institutions would
get the money. This would be in
line with the recommendations
made by the governor in his budg
et message.
Hardin cited four "substantial
reasons" why the building levy
should be continued:
1. Safeguarding the investment
in the University's physical plant
make a ruung which will hold
precedence in cases of future ex
ecutive vacancies.
Chairman of the special Legisla
ture committee, Dave Keene, an
nounced that progress was being
made in an effort to get student
opinion to state senators.
Council mejriber Marv Breslow,
announced that the judiciary com
mittee is studying the Corn Cobs
Overcast Skies
To Disappear
This Weekend
High point of the prediction
Friday calls for some possible
light snow over the western por
tion of Nebraska.
The light showers and overcast
skies that
brought a
trace of mois
ture to Ne
braska will
disappear, the
Weather Bu
reau p r e
dicted. But they did
little to relieve
the moisture
condition o f
the Lincoln
area which has had less than half
of normal moisture this . year.
Normal for Lincoln is 1.70 inches
for the first two months of the
year, but precipitation has been
only .72 of an inch.
The temperature high in Lincoln
Thursday was 57 degrees; the low
reached 36 degrees.
Union Spook Show
The Union Film Committee will
sponsor a double horror show Fri
day at 9:00 p.m. in the Union ball
room. The first movie, "Phantom of
the Opera" will feature Claude
Rains, Nelson Eddy and Susanna
Foster. The second movie, H. G.
Wells' "The Invisible Man" will
star Gloria Stuart and William'
Admission is free with an I-D
USS Pennsylvania as an ensign
and returned to Norfolk.
Carson enrolled at the University
on the G.I. Bill and took a job
at Lincoln's radio station,' KFAB,
to make his allotment checks
stretch. While at the University,
he was affiliated with Phi Gamma
After college he moved on to
Omaha's WOW radio and television
station. Two years later, thought
fully armed with a film of his tal
ents, Johnny left his new comfort
able position to risk all in Holly
wood. He took a job with KNTX, a lo
cal CBS Station and worked at an
nouncing for a year while spend
ing his off-hours writing and cre
ating his own kind of show.
Carson's big night came with
a frantic telephone call from CBS
Television City in Hollywood. Red
Skelton, for whom Carson had done
script writing, had knocked him
self cold when a breakaway prop
failed to break when Red dived
through a door.
While driving to the studio, Car
and thus insuring against "the ac
cumulation of needed but unac
complished repair and remodel
ing." He estimated $1,870,000 will
be needed in the next 10 years for
this purpose.
2. Resolving immediately prob
lems "which can only be resolved
by new construction." The prob
lems arise from increased enroll
ment, he said.
3. Preparing for a "further sub
stantial rise in enrollment" which
the University is facing. By 1965
enrollment is expected to be at
March 9-10:
KK Spring Show
Tryouts Slated
Tryouts for "South Pacific", mu
sical production to be presented
by Kosmet Klub for their Spring
Show, will be held on March 9 and
10 from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in
the Union, according to Jerry
Brownfield. Those who intend to
try out are to sign up in the corri
dor of the Union Friday afternoon.
Scripts for the tryouts will be
available for persons trying out
and will require a one dollar de
posit, to be returned upon return
of the script. Exact times for the
individual tryouts will be assigned
"South Pacific," the Broadway
hit by Rodj,rs and Hammerstein,
has a large chorus in addition to
a large cast, and anyone with
singing or acting talent is invited
to tryout, according tq Brown
field. The show will be presented May
24 and 25 in Lincoln's new Per
shing Memorial Auditorium.
"This is the first musical stage
production that will be held in the
new auditorium," said Brown
field, "the enjoy nt and intensity
of the show will be greatly height
ened because of the quality of the
facilities and the acoustics."
Last year's KK Show "Kiss Me
Kate" was held at the Nebraska
Hit tunes such as "Some En
chanted Evening", "A Wonderful
Guy", "There is Nothing Like a
Dame", "Younger than Spring
time" and a number of others
were popularized during the many
months that "South Pacific" ran
on Broadway.
"South Pacific" is based on two
stories from James A. Michener's
Pulitzer Prize winning book,
"Tales of the South Pacific."
The show, "South Pacific", op
ened in 1949 on Broadway amid
cries of "Rodgers and Hammer-
Piano Soloist
To Accompany
NU Orchestra
John Blyth, associate professor
of piano, will appear as soloist
with the University Symphony Or
chestra at 4 pm. in the Union
Mr. Blyth, who has performed
in more than 60 Nebraska com
munities in the past three years,
will play Gershwin's "Concerto in
Jack Snider, assistant professor,
will conduct the 66-member or
chestra which will play, "Sym
phony No. 2, Romanic," by How
ard Hanson, native Nebraskan and
head of Eastman School of Music
at Rochester, N.Y., and "An Out
door Overture," by Aaron Copland.
The 'public is invited to attend
and there is no admission charge.
himny Carson Good Luck
son pulled together from his mem
ory various tidbits and dialogue
and situations that had clicked be
fore. Before he had time to worry,
Courtesy Lincoln Star
Johnny Carson
Friday, March 1, 1957
gj Low
least 14,00085 per cent greater
than this year, Hardin said.
4. Providing for "an orderly
continuation of the present levy"
so the University can depend on
a "relatively stable source of
Hardin said the bill would pro
vide funds for only about 80 per
cent of the University's present
projected building needs but it
would insure renovation of build
ings, funds for new buildings and
development of . the building pro
gram, he said.
stein have done it again", and
statements such as "One of the
greatest musical plays in the his
tory of the American theatre."
The plot is formed of two ro
mantic themes. The first, the love
affair of Ensign Nellie Forbush,
a charming and high-spirited
young nurse from Little Rock,
Arkansas, and the gallant middle
aged French planter, Emile de
The secondary romantic theme
is that of the American marine,
Lt. Joseph Cable and the Lovely
Tonkinese girl, Iiat. Surrounding
them are such characters' as
Bloody Mary, Liat's shrewd and
avaricious mother and Luther
Billis, a knowing and earthy Sea
bee who plays a comic role in the
amateur entertainment provided
by the temporary residents of the
Meeting Set
A mass meeting of all those in
terested in the NUCWA all-campus
project will be held Thursday,
at 7 p.m. in the Union, according
to Biff Keyes, vice president.
This year's NUCWA project will
be a mock session of the state Leg
islature. A governor, lieutenant governor
and secretary of state for the ses
sions will be elected at large from
the campus. Campus organizations
can apply for legislative districts
and upon receiving them may elect
a representative to the sessions.
Any organization who wants to
apply for a legislative district or
nominate a candidate should have
a representative at this meeting,
Keyes said.
In addition, Keyes announced that
the executive planning committee
for the project will meet this
Sunday, at 1:15 p.m. at the Kappa
Delta house. The meeting is open
to anyone who wishes to help plan
the event, according to Keyes.
IFC Rush Book
Copy Due Today
First deadline for material for
the IFC Rush Book Is Friday,
according to Fred Daly, presi
dent of Sigma Delta Chi. One
half the copy and Individual pic
tures should be turned in to the
Dally Nebraskan office, Room
20, Union.
The final deadline will be
March 15, two weeks away, Daly
the show was over and the crit
ics were acclaining him.
Two months later Carson started
preparing a new television show
of his own. The program won the
acclaim" of both critics and public,
and on completion of its full 39
week cycle plans were started for
his new program to make its
debut May 28.
Carson now lives in Encino, in
California's San Fernando Valley
with his wife and three small sons.
His wife, Jody Wolcott of North
Platte, was his college sweetheart
at NU and shared the stage with
him as his magic assistant.
The Roger Wagner Chorale
Show for which he will be emcee
is scheduled for March 10 at the
New Pershing Memorial Auditor
ium. The show is being sponsored
by the Union.
Tickets are now on sale at the
Union and at Wall's Music Store.
Prices for the show are: Orches
tra, $2.00, main floor, $1.50 and
$1.25, elevated seating $1.50 and
$1.25 and special student section