The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 27, 1957, Image 1

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    NU Activities
At The New
See Page Four
Average Reduction
See Page Two
Vol. 31, No. 56
Wednesday, February 27, 1957
Mock Legislature:
Twelve Named:
f n F V (AX V A AX IV'
The Nebraska University Com
mittee on World Affairs is planning
to hold a mock session of he Uni
cameral legislature as their an
nual all-campus project. It was an
nounced Tuesday by "Biff" Keyes
vice-president in cnarge 01 pro
It is hoped that the sessions can
be held in the legislative chambers
at the State Capitol. There will be
three sessions on the week of
March 29 with a fourth session to
be held if business cannot be com
pleted in the first three.
A governor, lieutenant governor,
and secretary of state will be
chosen in an election of the student
body. There will be 43 state sena
tors chosen by campus organiza
tions. Campus organizations can
apply for a district which if award
ed by the NUCWA cabinet would
allow that organization to select a
senator, Keyes said. Any campus
organization can apply for a dis
trict. Applications can be given to
either Betty Parks at the Kappa
Delta sorority house or Steve Ev
erett at the Kappa Sigma frater
nity, according to Keyes.
Each organization receiving t
district would be able to send lob
byists to the legislature to lobby
for legislation which any senator
could introduce. There are no re
strictions on the number of lobby
ists a district could send to the
legislature, Keyes continued.
A mass meeting of all those inter
ested in presenting candidates for
any of the elective offices or apply
ing for districts will be held next
week. Keyes said. A time and
place for the meeting will be an
nounced shortly.
"We hope that we will all come
to a better understanding of our
state government and the prob
lems it faces through actually trac
ing its processes through this mock
session of the Unicameral," Keyes
Last year, the NUCWA project
was a mock political convention,
The convention was organized on
non-partisan lines, but split into
two factions before a candidate
could be nominated. The Democrat
ic faction then elected Estes Ke-
fauver as their candidate for the
presidency while the Republican
side of the convention nominated
President Eisenhower.
"Last year's project created a
great deal of interest on the cam
pus and it is hoped that with such
controversial issues as the tuition
bill, water rights legislation, low
ering the voting age to eighteen,
school redisricting and others
that students will again provide us
with the fine support of last year,"
Steve Everett, NUCWA publicity
chairman said.
Blueprint Names
Staff Additions
The new staff members of the
Nebraska Blueprint are Owen El
mer, assistant feature editor; Rog
er Wichman, article editor; Dale
Peterson, photography director;
Don Chapman, Bob Gaver, and
Bob Douglas, art assistants, and
Gene McGee, advertising manag
er, according "to Gordon Warner,
promotion manager.
Gary Frenzel, former article edi
tor, has been promoted to lay out
University Events Calendar
March, 1957
1. Fri. 9:00 p.m. Union Spook Show
2. Sat. -Noon First scholastic reports
2. Sat. 6:30 p.m. International Social Welfare Dinner, S. U.
3. Sun. 3:00 p.m. Home Ec Clu Style Show, Ag Act. Bldg.
3. Sun. 4:00 p.m. Orchestra Concert, Union
4. Mon.-Tues.
5. Tues. 7:30 p.m.
6. Wed.
6. Wed. 8:00 p.m.
8. Fri. 8:00 p.m.
9. Sat.
9. Sat. 8:00 p.m.
10. Sun. , 8:15 p.m.
12-16. Tues.
Sat. 12. Tues.
8:00 p.m. University Theater Production, King Lear
7:30 p.m. Union Dance Lessons
Spring Elections
13. Wed.
14-16. Thurs.-Sat.
15. Fri. 9:00 p.m. Basketball Dance, Union
16. Sat. 9:00 p.m. Basketball Dance, Union
17. Sun. 7:30 p.m. Free Movie, Ttory of Three Loves, .Union
20. Wed. May Queen Itections
20. Wed. 4:00 p.m. Colored films on India and Ceylon,
Mrs. Martha Ivalady, Union
20. Wed. 8:00 p.m. Film Society, The Sheep Has Five Legs,
Capitol Theater
24. Sun. 3:00 p.m.' Band Concert, Coliseum
24. Sun. 7:30 p.m. Free Movie, Saboteur, Union
26. Tues. 7:30 p.m. YMCA-YWC4 Talent Show, Ag Campus
28-29. Thurs.-Fri.
K.U. Medical Center, speaker
NUCWA Spring Conferene
9:00 p.m. Star-Lite Dance, Ag Union
8:00 p.m. Orchesis Recital, Howell Theater
3:00 p.m. Home Ec Club Silver Tea v
8:00 p.m. Union Spring Revue and Fashion Show
29. Fri.
29. Fri.
29 30. Fri.
Sat. 31. Sun.
31. Sun.
"Rhythms Of Tahiti
Members of Pi Beta Phi re
hearse their skit "Rhvthms of
Tahiti" for the AWS Coed Follies,
Letter Of Thanks
(Eds. Note:) The following is a letter sent to the Daily Nebraskan
by the five Hungarian students now attending the University. The
letter was written in Hungarian by the students and translated into
English by Dr. L. John Martin, Assistant Professor of Journalism.
To the Editor:
We would like to thank the American people and their govern
ment through the columns of your paper for admitting us into their
country and giving us a home in this wonderful land.
During the past twelve years, as the hatred for Soviet Com
munism grew in the hearts of the Hungarian people, their sympathies
turned toward the United States. We were drawn toward the United
States all the more, because we knew that our deliverance from the
Soviet terror and our liberation from slavery was possible only with,
American help.
We began to experience the interest and help of the American
people almost immediately after we had found refuge in Austria.
And this feeling of interest in our lot and welfare continued to de
velop. One of the results of this concern on the part of Americans
was that we were given scholarships at the University of Nebraska. .
Our happiness at being given the opportunity to study at this
beautiful university is hard to express. We are grateful for the
warmth with which we were received. We are all the happier be
cause we feel that the honor done us was really ment for the
freedom-loving Hungarian people as a whole.
Our thanks are due to those who have worked so tirelessly
toward the establishment of our scholarships. We appreciate espe
cially the many hours of work and the unselfish effort with which
the members of the Hungarian Student Project made our coming
possible and made us feel so very much at home. We also wish
to thank the Lincoln business men who have given so generously
to make the project a success.
Finally, we want to say thank you to our professors, our house
mates, our fellow foreign students, and to the many other students
both known and unknown who have directed us around and shown
us" their friendship in helping us get settled in our new home.
Sara Laszlo
Charles Nemeth
Julius Szabo.
Louis Molnar
Steve Takacs
Tryouts: Next Week:
iW Theater
'The Dead Day' In April
Tryouts and crew calls will be
held for the University Theater
production of "The Dead Day"
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
according to Max Whittaker, As
sistant Professor of Speech and
Dramatic Art and director of the
People interested in trying out
are asked to come io room mi
Coed Follies ;
Union Dance Lessons
Basketball, Oklahoma in Lincoln
Film Society, Umberto D, Capitol Theater
Estes Carnical, Ag Campus
Basketball, Iowa State in Lincoln
Cosmopolitan Club Floor Show, Union
Roger -Wagner Chorale, Municipal
, Auditorium
High School State Basketball
College Health Days, Dr. Wenner,
J,- 4 ' f
:. iis" . i :.-
scheduled next Monday and Tues
day at the Nebraska Theater.
The Pi Phi skit describes three
To Present
of the Temple between the hours
of 3 and 5 p.m. on Wednesday and
Thursday, and from to 3 to 5 and
7 to 10 p.m. on Friday, Whittaker
The production of "The Dead
Day" by the University Theater,
scheduled for April 26 and 27,
marks the first time that the
play has been produced in the
United States. The play was writ
ten by the German artist and
writer, Earnest Barlac, and has
only recently been translated into
English by' Dr. Naomi Jackson,
an American student of Barlac.
The play concerns the struggle
of a son to escape the apron
strings of his domineering mother.
The boy wants to. go out into the
world and become acquainted
with his fellow man. The under
lying principle of the play is
man's attempt to discover and
know bis God.
The play has only six characters.
One character is a voice which is
heard on stage but never seen.
Another character is on stage
nearly all the time but never
speaks. The emotions of the char
acter are expressed through ges
tures and expressions.
Since Barlac, the author, was
also a well-known artist, the Art
Department has agreed to work in
conjunction with the technical
crew in designing sets for. the
play. Among Barlac's art work
are 24 lithograph drawings of the
stage settings as be wanted them
constructed. Sets will be con
structed from these drawings. Dr.
Dallas Williams is the Technical
Barlac has gainted greater fame
in America as an artist than as
writer. Barlac, who died in 1947,
was isolated from society by the
Nazi "government of Germany
which came into power in the
early 1930's. This government de
clared Barlac to be a degenerate
artist and destroyed the sculptur
ing he had done for the World
War I Memorials in Germany.
Nebraska Photo
American girls in Tahiti who
argue over the merits of jazz as
compared to Tahitan music.
AWS Sets
Final Follies
Dress rehearsal for "Varsity Vi
sions," the AWS Coed Follies prod
duction, will begin at 8:30 a.m.
Saturday in the Nebraska Thea
ter, Sara Hubka, Coed Follies
chairman, announced.
The schedule for rehearsal is:
8:30 a.m. "Modern Jazztime,"
Alpha Chi Om e ga, "Color in
Sound", Kappa Kappa Gamma;
9:00 Alpha Phi; 9:15 "Blue
bells," Gamma Phi Beta; 9:30
Delta Gamma; 9:45 "The Case
Study"; 10 Kappa Alpha Theta,
"Rock'n the Joint"; 10:30 Alpha
Omicron Pi.
Miss . Hubka said. that Follies
participants can hang backdrops
and set up stage props Thursday
and Friday mornings at the thea
ter. This will be the only time al
lowed for the groups to finish
their stage props, she said.
The schedule for setting up stage
props Thursday:
9 a.m. Pi Beta Phi; 9:35
Alpha Omicron Pi; 10:10 Kappa
Kappa Gamma; 10:45 Gamma
Phi Beta.
Friday: 9 a.m. Alpha Phi;
9:35 Kappa Alpha Theta; Delta
i Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega.
Blueprint Positions Open
Any student in engineering or
architecture who has access to a
4x5 camera and is interested in
working on the Blueprint staff,
meet in Room 105 Stout Hall at 5
p.m. Wednesday.
New Facilities:
Speech, Hearing Departments
The University speech and hear
ing department, has recently com
pleted the remodeling of a hear
ing laboratory. Completed in Jan
uary the lab has new equipment
of the latest design.
The hearing lab is intended for
hearing evaluation and has some
equipment of its kind only in Ne
braska. The new facilities, costing $3,
500, were financed completely by
in the past eight years, from chil
dren and adults referred to them
by ear, nose and throat specialists
throughout the region, according
to Dr. John Wiley, director of
speech and hearing laboratories. ,
The department has a contract
with the Veterans Administration
to provide hearing evaluation and
hearing aid fitting services for teh
area of Nebraska, South Dakota,
and western Iowa.
The hearing laboratory will also
test patients referred to it by phy
sicians, for the tests.
The main piece of equipment,
the Allison 21 S, two-room clinical
audiometer, tests people, through
pure tones, speech over mocro
graph records and through the
use of several kinds of noises.
Another piece of special equip
ment is called Galvanic Skin Re
sistance testing equipment. This
Instructors Require
More Top Salaries
A professor from the University
of Illinois said Tuesday that "in
the long haul" top salaries for
high school teachers will have to
go to $15,000 a year or higher
to get enough instructors into
America's classrooms.
Professor Harold Hand predicted
that "If present trends continue,
the teacher shortage will be se
riously large . . . during at least
the next 10 years.
Twelve University men were
chosen by the Mortar Boards Tues
day night as candidates for the
title of "Most Eligible Bachelor."
The twelve named include Bill
Thomson, Gary Dougherty, Ron
Nathan, T.arrJ r,pstpln Claude
Berreckman,IM"uiai les Tsoukalas,
Billie Reed, James Walker, Ned
Nadri, Bill Hatcher, Jim Kubacki
and Jim Soudras. " ""T
These men will compete in an
election for the "Most Eligible
Bachelor" honor. The six winners
will be announced at the Kosmet
Klub spring Revue.
Bill Hatcher, a senior in Teach
ers College is vice-president of
Sigma Phi Epsilon, vice-president
of Phi Mu Alpha, a member of the
1955 Students Council, University
Singers and University Madrigals.
Gary Dougherty is a senior in
the College of Business Administra
tion, treasurer and intramurals
chairman of Sigma Chi and a mem
ber of Pershing Rifles. As a fresh
man he worked in Red Cross and
Builders. '
Larry Epstein, junior in Busi
ness Administration, is president
of Red Cross, vice-president of Sig
ma Alpha Mu, assistant business
manager of the Daily Nebraskan,
assistant yell king and a member
of Corn Cobs.
Claude Berreckman, a senior in
Arts and Sciences, is a member
of Alpha Tau Omega.
Charles Traykalas, is sophomore
in Teachers College and lives in
the Selleck Quadrangle.
Bulie Joe Reed is a senior in
the College of Agriculture, athlet
ic chairman of Alpha Gamma Sig
ma and historian of the Block and
Bridle Club.
James Walker, a junior in Busi
ness Administration, is a member
of Delta Tau Delta.
Summer Degree
Deadline Is Friday
All students who desire to re
cieve bachelors or advanced de
grees of teaching ' certificates at
the close of this semester should
apply for them by Friday, if they
have not already done so. Applica
tion should be made at the Sen
ior Checking Office, 103 Adminis
tration Building, between the hours
of S a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday, or 8 a.m. to 12
noon on Friday, according to Shir
ley Thomsen, Assistant Registrar.
Fashion Show Sunday
The Home Economics Club
Spring Fashion Show will be at 3
p.m. in the Ag College Activities
Building Sunday, according to
Patsy Kaufman, publicity chair
man. The show, open to the public,
features fashions made by the
models in class or as part of class
technique employs a new type of
hearing tester. It is built to con
dition young children or adulU
who fail to respond to other meth
ods of testing. G.S.R. conditions
the subject to respond to an elec
trical shock along with sound
tones and measures the changes
in skin resistence'.
The new hearing lab also has
a tape recorder that plays back
your voice one-fourth of a second
after you speak, which is used
to test a persons reaction to hear
ing their own voice just after they
speak while allowing them to hear
the sounds as they talk.
Dr. Wiley said the department
is very pleased with their new
equipment, which will enable them
to conduct new forms of research.
He said the speech and hearing
department is planning research,
to test people who claim they have
above average hearing. This, he
said, is a new approach in hear
ing research, previous research,
has been limited mostly to people
with below normal hearing.
Set For Union
Dance Theme
University International students
will present acts based on tradi
tions of their native countries at
the tenth annual dance and floor
show scheduled for Saturday.
The sbow, termed "Cosmolan
terna," will take on an Orinental
theme, with Japanese and Chinese
lanterns and cherry trees in blos
som. The LaEertoma Club of Lin
coln is assisting the foreign stu
dents in making decorations.
The Student Union Activities
Committee, co-sponsor of the af
fair, has announced that the Dick
Burgess Combo will play for the
Jim Souders, an Engineering
senior, lives in Gustavson House I.
He is co-chairman of Engineering
Week," past business manager of
the Nebraska Blue Print, vice
president of ASCE and a member
of the Engineering College Execu
tive Board, Sigma Tau and Pi Mu
Jim Kubaki, a junior in Teach
ers College, is a member of Delta
Upsilon, "N" Club and Newman
Ned Nadiri, a junior in the Col
Tryouts Begin March 9:
Norm Leger, 1949 University
graduate and presently director
of the Lincoln Community Play
house, has been named director
of the Kosmet Klub Spring Show,
Bill Bedwell, president announced.
While at the ' University Leger
was president of Innocents So
ciety, editor of the Daily Nebras
kan, member of Corn Cobs, Ne
braska Masquers, AUF Board and
president of Kappa Sigma.
This week scripts will be avail
able to interested students at a
booth in the Union from 1 to 5 f..m.
Two-Day Cold
Wave To End
The short bout Monday night
and Tuesday with cold weather
and whipping winds is scheduled
to end Wednesday, the weather
bureau predicted.
The temper-
ature, which
slipped down
jo the chilly
low 20's is ex
pected to rise
to the high
40 's or low 50 's
The wind
will continue
but not with
such force.
The prediction
has the wind speed at about 15
miles per hour.
The skies are expected to be
clear with a smat ering of clouds.
Later in the evening, the skies
could get more cloudy.
The five-f' .; iorecast calls for
temperature;; ranging from five to
ten degrees above normal in
western Noraska to 35 degrees
above nornl in the east.
No precii-itauor. is expected dur
ing the period, the bureau said.
If i:
New Lab Tested
Harlan Adams, assistant professor of speech, tries . cut the
equipment of the new University Hearing Lab on Jack Smith, gradu
ate student in speech." Adams tests the hearing of Smith with equip
ment especially designed to test for hearing evaluation. The only
lab of its kind in Nebraska, the room is equipped to provide hearing
aid fitting service for the area of Nebraska, South Dakota and
western Iowa. The speech department is also planning to use the
lab to test people who claim that they have above-average hearing, '
as well as those with below-normaj perspection,
lege of Business Administration, is
president of ' International Club,
scholastic director of RAM and
holds a Business Administration
Gold Key for scholastic achieve
ment. Ron Nathan is a senior in the
College of Business Administration
and a member of Phi Gamma
Bill Thomson is a junior in
Business Administration and social
chairman of Phi Delta Theta and
the InterFraternity Council ,
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
Brownfield , said. Students may
sign up for tryouts at this booth.
A one dollar deposit will be re
quired on all scripts checked out.
In order to participate in the
show, students must , be carrying
a minimum of 12 hours in the Uni
versity, Brownfield said. A large
number of male chorus members
will be needed, he added.
"South Pacific", slated for May
24 and 25, will be the first musical
to be shown in the new Pershing
Memorial Auditorium. Last year's
Kosmet Klub Show, "Kiss Me
Kate, 'was presented at the Ne-,
braska Theater.
"The enjoyment and intensity of
the show will be greatly heighten
ed because of the quality of the
facilities and the acoustics," Bed
well said.
The show is based on two stories
from James Michener's Pulitzer
Prize winning book, Tales of The
South Pacific" It contains such
tunes as "Some Enchanted Even
ing," "A Wonderful Guy," "There
Is Nothing Lake a Dame," and
"Younger Than Springtime.''
JNebraikaa Piiota