3 V, I! ft v. - ft el '3 3 4 i .I ri il s it If. Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, February 26, 1957 Frerichs Heads Girl's Honorary Sigma Eta Chi Joanne Fre rich's, junior in Teachers is the new president of Sigma Eta Chi, national Congre gational honorary open to all Christian girls. . Jan Schrader, junior in teachers was elected vice-president. The secretary is Sharon Moore, junior in . Teacher College and Sharon Hocker, junior in Arts and Sci ences is. treasurer. Nineteen girls were pledged to the honorary Wednesday. New pledges include, Pat Arnold, fresh-; man In Teachers College; Nancy Beall, freshman in the College of Agriculture; Marilyn Behrens freshman in Arts and Sciences; Marica Boden, freshman in Teach ers College. Joie Graham, freshman in Teachers College; Sherry Harmel, freshman in the College Agricul ture; Lou Ann Jepson, sophomore in the College of Agriculture; Anna Kvetensky, freshman in Arts and Sciences; Nancy Laymen, fresh man in Teachers College. Zella Long, freshman in Teach ers College, Jane McLaughlin, freshman in Teachers College; Marilyn Mead, freshman; Sally Miller, freshman in the College of Agriculture; Marjorie Lennox, senior in Teachers College; Carol Orr, sophomore in Teachers Col lege; Mary Ella Parsons, fresh man in the College of Agriculture; Pat Schleter freshman in the Col lege of Agriculture and Karen Steffin, law student. r ! : 1 Union Music Collections Adds Records Tehran Offers Two Research Fellowships The University of Teheran is of fering American students two fel lowships for study or research in Iran during 1957-58, it was an nounced by Kenneth Holland, pres ident of the Institute of Interna tional Education, 1 East 67th Street, New York City. The awards cover maintenance. tuition and round-trip transporta tion between the United States and Iran. Men receive room and board in a university dormitory. Candidates under 35 years of age will get preference for these awards. Dependents may not ac company grantees. Eligibility requirements are: 1) U.S. citizenship; 2) a Bachelor's degree by the time the award is taken up; 3) a good academic record and demonstrated capacity for independent study or re search ; 4) good character, person ality and adaptability, and 5) good health. Applications may be secured from the Institute of International Education in New York City or its regional offices in Chicago, Den ver, Houston, San Francisco, or Washington, D.C. 1 On The Social Side: Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi Crowning Slated Friday Fifteen new records have been purchsed by the Union for the Mu sic Room including several by the Roger Wagner Chorale, according to Myrna Severin, chairman Roger Wagner records added are: "Rie Streets of Laredo, "Drunken Sailor," "Shenandoa "The Blue Tail Fly," 'On Top of Old Smokey," 'Black Is the Col or," "Skip to Mah Lou," "Open The Lattice Love." "I've Been Working On the Railroad," "De Glendy Burke," "W a y fa r i n g Stranger" and "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child." "Wonder As I Wander," "Cin dy," "Oh Lemuel," "He's Gone Away," 'Home on the Range,' 'The Old Chisholm Trail," "Snag- Tooth Sal," "The Trail of Mexico," 'O Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie," "Little Joe, the Wrang ler," "Whhoppe-Ti-Yi-Yo," "The Buffalo Skinners," "I'm a Poor Lonesome Cowboy," "Goodby Old Paint," "Green Grow the Lilacs,' and "Night Herding Song." Another album which has been I added is "Great Spirituals" by Marian Anderson which includes "Were You . There?" "Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen, and "Hear De Lam's A-Crying." In another addition to Music Room files the Golden Symphony Orchestra presents "La Boehme," 'Fantasia," and "Pavane for t Dead- Princess." Single records added to the col lection include .Tchaikovsky's "Con- By JAN FARRELL Society Editor This week-end will be an active one for many a co-ed. Friday is the annual Sigma Chi formal and the crowning of this year's "Sweet heart of Sigma Chi." The field of candidates was narrowed down to six girls at a Sigma Chi tea last Sunday. Those girls up for Sweetheart are Sharon McDonald, Kappa Kappa Gamma sophomore in Teachers from McCook, Jan Too ley, Alpha Chi Omega junior in Teachers from Central City, Joan Webster, Pi Beta Phi sophomore Marian Clark, Women's Dorm se nior in Teachers, Reba Kinne, Al pha Chi Omega sophomore in Teachers, and Maryclare Dodsoa, Alpha Omicron Pi senior in Teach ers. Monday there were announce ments of three marriages, four engagements, and one pinning. Marriages: Betty Hosford, Kappa Kappa Gamma senior in Teachers from Omaha, to Bill Beck, Phi Chi jun ior in Medicine from Hastings. Glenna Berry, Pi Beta Phi grad uate student in Arts and Sciences from Onawa, la., to Martin Lu- Quips And Things: Old Cornhuskers Reveal The Past By BOB IRELAND News Editor As tins weary reporter was glancing through some antiquated editions of the Comhusker we came acros a few Quips and things which seem appropriate to campus life. For instance this bit of verse appeared in the 1916 Comhusker which might be dedicated to the female section on campus: "Sunshine and fruit were meant for the few My intentions are good and my heart beats true But strive as I may thru all of my life. No mortal man lives to call me bis wife.' In the same annual the fresh men Saturday program was out lined. The agenda included the fol lowing phases running from 6 a.m. until 12 noon; "6 a.m.: Slave driver drags you from the downy heather. Don old clothes and prepare for day of service; 6:30; Usual sinkers and Java for susten ance; 7, Beat rug's; 7:30, Polish roomy's shoes; 7:45, Beat rugs; 7:49, Wash Lincoln Alumni's ma chine; 8:02, Beat rugs. 9:00; Polish floors; 9:45, Take roomy his breakfast; 9:59, Pol ish floors; 10:15, Draw roomy's bath; 10:20, Polish floor; 10:37, Rub roomy's back; 10:43, Polish floors; 10:53, Press roomy's trousers; 11:01, Wash windows. 11:04, Find roomy's continued story; 11:15, Chase fly specks on window pane; 11:27, Lend roomy some tobacco; 11:23, Dust the furniture; 11:33, Drive fly from roomy's ear; 11:58, Rest until lunch; 12:30, Cook saved nothing-more work; 12:45, Clean the yard; 12:46, Lend roomy more tobacco; 12 p.m., Nothing to do until tomorrow." The Beta's should find consola tioa when they read that in 1916 the Phi Belt's were referred to as 'The Fly Delt's." In J 320 the Comhusker reveals some pertinent tales of the Uni versity's ROTC department. Then the army boys were organized into Batteries. The following cap tion which appeared under a pic ture of Battery B seems adaptable to many of today's cadets: "Our officers take fiendish de I'sht ill to arching us in sod out' of excavations that would make a full grown shell hole blush for shame, and after marching us some two or three hundred yards away from the pieces, give the command of some kind of "Post" and then watch us unfortunate bucks do the double over rocks, trees, holes, and mud back to our pieces." The 1920 Comhusker also tells of the ROTC companies and re lates, strangely enough, that each unit had a symbolic flower. The Sweet Pea guarded Com pany F through its rigorous maneu vers. Company C claimed the Vio let as its delicate symbol and Company A used the American Beauty Rose. shei, Nebraska Wesleyan alumnus from Lincoln. Mary Lou Pittack, Kappa Alpha Theta senior in Arts and Sciences from Haywarden, la., to Bob Berghl, Delta Tau Delta alumnus from Omaha. Engagements: Jo Ann Gabarron, Alpha C h i Omega freshman in Arts and Sci ences from Lincoln, to Paul Young, Sigma Nu freshman in Business Administration from Lin coin. Elizabeth Frederickson, Alpha Chi Omega sophomore in Arts and Sciences from Columbus, to Ar den Phifer, Delta Tau Delta jun wr in Business Administration from Red Cloud. Selma Sanders, Colorado Uni versity alumnus from Denver, to Max Kreitraan, Zeta Beta Tau junior in Business Administration from Topeka, Kan. Charlene Fischer, Sigma Delta Tau sophomore in Teachers from Omaha, to Gordon Ripps, senior at Chicago College of Opthomology from Omaha. Pinning: Ann Masters, Zeta Tau Alpha senior in Teachers from Syracuse, to Carroll Reinhert, Kappa Psi senior in Pharmacy from Craig. Social Calendar: Friday: Sigma Chi "Sweetheart Formal" Zeta Tau Alpha "White Violet Formal" Saturday: Sigma Nu "Pigge Dinner" Theta Chi "Nightmare House party", Debate Squad To Participate In Tournament Three teams from the University Debate Squad will participate in the annual Northwest Tournament, according to Professor Donald Ol son, director of Debate. The teams include: Nancv Cone- land, Sara Jones: Barbara Bacon. Sandra Reimers; Dick Schugrue, Jerry McGafly The women's - teams will de bate at Macalester College in St. Paul. The men's team will participate in the men's counterpart at St. Thomas College, also in St. Paul. The debate will ran February 28 through March 2. The team of Copeland and Jones won the women's division in last year's tournament. 'Snake Pi? Slated "Snake Pit," the personal his tory of a young mental patient, is the movie to be shown at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Ag Union. Starring Olivia de Haviland, Marck Stevens and Celeste Holm, it tells the story of a girl who un derwent the harrowing , experience of life in a mental institution. certo in D," "Concerto in A Mi nor," Stress's "Acceler a t i o n Waltz," "The Blue Danube Walts," "The Gypsy Baron," an ture and "De Fledermaus,' an overture. over-also Classified Ads '50 Ford, club coup, exceptionally clean. Phone 3-3462, 1620 "A" St. TRANSPORTATION to 56th A O, Tile. ,j day and Thursday nights. Call 4-6711. mm tmm mmm Practice makes perfect meanwhile, count on EATXDJXf S a erasable CORRASABLE . Yes Eaton's Cor-ra-sable Bond the amazing typewriter paper that erases without a trace. Just a flick of your pencil eraser and typing errors vanish. No smudges, no scuffs. Your work has that finished, professional look; and the steps (or missteps) leading up to it are a secret between you and erasable Corrasable. Knowing this, you approach assignment more calmly, do a better job, make fewer errors. Remember the name Eaton's Corrasable Bond. Only Eaton makes it; your stationery store sells it. Try Eaton's Corrasable Bond in this bandy 100-sheet packet. When you're ready for more, you'll want to buy the economical 500-sheet ream bos. Available 'in four weights from onionskin to 20 lb. bond providing a perfect typing paper for every kind of work. EATON'S CORRASABLE BOND A Berkshire Typewriter Paper EATON PAPER CORPORATION PITTSFIELD. M ASS ACHUSETTl Federal Grants Available For Graduates Twenty federal grants for grad-j uate training in vocational re-1 habilitation counseling will be available at New York Univer-' sity's School of Education for the 1957-58 academic year. The fellowships, financed by the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare, are given under a program estab lished in September 1955. WM WWuE'aYN WHAT B A TAU, SONY NCTMNHtl IN POKES, WHAT IS A SKV HTTYf r" cssk Mk Y 1lm" rtnwo. Pin Din I I m rum olivii. Lanky YanJiet I I tumcia cndiTOPHn. Scanty Ante I ttCt t. tti cou, re Ttacmit I I . or tamm I I ooamiCAi couui I . j i I Sahara Boots by Evans. . . Big on Cam pus... and clocking up more mileage on campus pedometers every day. In sand suede, crepe sole. ?11.95 Men's Shoes. . .First Floor MAGBE'S ' Sahara Boots earn 24 credit hours every day on campus WHAT IS AN ANTEDOOM M AN ENCUSH POUa STATION t JtT ncMLti. Bobby Lobby NOCTM TtXAS STATt COU. WHAT WOULD A SOUTH SEA tSUNDEt USE TO WASH WMDOWSf Avi nowmr. Fiji Squeegee IOWA STATI COLLfd HOM WHOM DO SAAOKS GET HAttCUTif cail iiTfon. Harbor Barber (L MHVCMOT 1 mflEHKT I 1ft .. 1 .-sVW- m re m 1 1 il K Imrnrill I a. J II WHAT IS A PAIE tOMEOf OUC MARTIN. . OP SOUTMf CM- Wan Don I (wow !J LjiriL . ...1 J, IWlMllil IHMiililn rMrti - Mititi-t-. mmunmt AliiW 14. -Z. v..;.""",? j ',- " CIGARETTES MESSAGE to Botany majors: today's lesson is easy. No spore lore, plant cant ot: stalk talk. Just the fact that Luckies' fine tobacco is A-l Puff Stuff I This information won't help you graduate, but it'll cue you to the best smoking you ever bad. You see, fine tobacco means better taste. A Lucky is all fine tobacco . . . nothing but mild, good-tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even better. Why settle for less? You'll say a Lucky is the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! STUDENTS! MAKE $25 . 1)0 vou Uke to 8 work? Here's some easy money SticUing! We'll pay $25 for every Stickler iur iiunureaa more that never get used. Sticklers are simple riddle with two-word rhyming answers. Both words miwt have the same number of syllables. (Don't do drawings.) Send your Sticklers with your name, address, college and class t Happy-Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon N. Y. C3 d"' '"'"jaaj "IT'S TOASTED" TO TASTE BETTER . . . CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER I A.T.C0. rsooucT or t& vtfrruAtcam Jfyac-&yuirtp amisica's lcaoino manufactukbi or cioabsttbs !