Wednesday, February 20, Tournament March 5: '1- Ag Vets, Chemists, MacLean, Beta's, Newmanites Lead Respective Leagues In Intramural Play Another week has passed in inter mural competition with nine teams still remaining undefeated. Mac Lean is still on top of the A Selleck league with a 9-0 mark, picking up two victories this past week. Beta Sigma Psi continues to lead the S-A fraternity league .with a 7-0 record, winning another game last week. Beta Theta Pi still holds the ticket in the 8B fraternity league porting an 9-0 record. Other teams still undefeated in clude: Delta Tau Delta, 10-0, in the 9-B Fraternity league, Delta Upsilon, 8-0, in the 10C Freshmen league, Ag Vets, 12-0, in the Ag College league, Newman Club, 9-0, in the Independents league 12, the Husker Springs Into Spotlight: Gymnast Ervine Krist Star Of The Week Pick By STAN W1DMAN Staff Sports Writer Ervine Krist, a junior in En gineering College from Omaha has been chosen as sports star of the week for his outstanding perform ance in the Gymnastic meet against Kansas State, Saturday. The contest, which the Cor n huskers won 68-39 saw Erv take three firsts and two second places out of seven events, a feat which really earned him his award. His first places were in the Trampo line, his specialty, the horizontal bars and tumbling. His two sec onds came in the flying rings and the Free Exercise events. Krist started his road to gym nastics fame in high school while a senior at Benson High in Oma ha. He won the state high school trampoline in 1953 and placed in three other events, the horizontal bars, tumbling and flying rings. He was chosen as third all-around gymnast in the state because of his excellent showing in the tourna ment. Another top Cornhusker gym nast, Ed Strictler, was chosen as the all-around gymnast that year. One of Erv's top thrills and big gest honors also came as a result of his showing in the tournament. He was named Omaha's best Gym nast Athlete by the Y.M.C.A. at their annual athlete's awards din ner. Last year, which was his first as a varsity letterman, he won the trampoline in six out of seven meets. He also scored heavily in (he other events winning several places in the horizontal bars and Cying rings. Oddly enough, bis top thrill came I-M Sta l-A VcLcaa 'Better Gu, II Burnett a o 71 45 24 24 Seaton I Umh t-A Mfcck Canfield Hitchcock 81 81 Seaton II Srll:k . Wanatt Cm I Boucher U(H J-A FratrrnttT 4 6 46 2 1i Phil Delta Ben Stfcma Chi, ......-- Bai Theu Pi 3 Stvml u Sirmi Phi EtKilon Sigma Alpha El. UatM 4-A Ftatcrairr a 2 Delta Vwiloo , Delu Tau Delta ii phi Gamma Delu . Alpha Tan Omeaa , I Phi Kappa P ,6 Alpha Gamma Rho fZ Theu Xi ' ! J-A FraenrttT Bcia Sintia PJ Farm Houae 5 ( Cornhutiker Co-op . Brrwti Palace J , At Men'f Out. i TVlta Siltma Phi f c Eifrma Alpha Ma ' 10 Itafu -A Frateraitr Acacia . Pi Kappa Phi i I Tku Kappa Eptfloa Thna Chi Alpha Gamma Sittna 7j.ii Beu Tao Lcacat 7-B Mtork 4 5 5 8 Hitchcock T4eiwry ........ MacLean Cat 1 C'anficld ..... lanat Uam Ml Fraierrity Tii-it Thru PI . 2 . 2 . 53 . a 5 . 2 . 28 Alpha Tao Omraa r Phi Delta Tbeta ft 1 Kitma Alpha EW. Thrta Xi PiKma No - S'ma Ph) Epi Sigma Chi S 7 27 02 Leant t-B fraternity rrtta Tao Delu 1? T)rlu t'wrfloti Phi Gamma Drlta Alpha Gamma Rho J Farm House Phi Kanna M ........ Bru Sitma Pal 1 Husker Lineup WtifcM'iaaF At "Oe S OS Acacia . Alpha G-mm Sim A. 6 -On Alpha Gamma Kho-B v. Delu TTriilon-B. ' 7:00 Delu Tao DeUa-B . Farm Jiwe-B. ... K:Ofl Farm Houw-C . Sitma A1ta Er-ilfn-A. . . n:o Piitma Alpha Eptilon-A Si etna Phi EpaUoo-A. TV Crmrt t '.-OS Phi Kappa P-A rt. Phi Camma Tr"a-A. . ti-.nO Sirma Alpha Mo . Delu Siama T'pi-A. 7:OT, Bnwey-'B va. Wanntl-B. S:O0 Phi Kappa Pi-B v. Tao Kappa Kilnp-B. ' :f0 Phi Delu Thrta -C vi. Alpha, Tan Omca-C. ' Cornhunlier-A w. Brown Pxlace. Pirmeer-A va. Zeta Beta Tun. -on 7:00 MacLn-B . Hitchcock-B. Sicma Alpha Epiilon-B v. Sirma to i-no Sirma Phi Epnon-C . Beta Th-U Pi-C Varwtrr Tau Omega-A 6:00 Alpha . Theu 3l-A. 7:O0 Cm T-B v. Canfic!d-B. R:00 Alnha Tau Omeaa-B I. Beta Theta Pi-B. 8:00 Delu UpiMnn-C . Sirma Nu-C. . Froab 00 Theta Chi-A va. Pi Kappa Phl-A. 7-00 Phi Delta TheU-B va. Sigma Phi E"' ilnn-R 0o Theu XI vn. Sinma N-B. tt'00 Beu Sigma Pai-B va. 1'hi Gamma XHlu-B. 1957 A-ChemLsts, last years all college champion 10-0 in the Independents league 14 and Park Avenue, 10-0, in the Independents league 15. A new leader has taken over the 4 A Fraternity league. Delta Upsi lon, 8-2, by virtue of two wins last week has gone V game ahead of Delta tau Delta, 7-2. In the 7-B Selleck League, Bessey Hall cap italized on a Hitchcock loss to move into a tie for first place, each team having a 6-2 record. The Farm House Scrubs nudged the AGR Scrubs out of fourth place in the Ag College League 11. The rest of the ieagues remained pretty much the same with Can field and Hitchcock still fighting in his only losing effort in the trampoline. He finished second to the fourth top trampoline artist in the country at the all college meet held at Colorado last year. Thir teen colleges entered this meet with over 25 men entered in the "Tramp" event. Besides his scor ing in the trampoline, he also took fourth in the parallel bars and third in tumbling at the meet. Erv modestly explained that tumbling is one of his weaker events but because he noticed a couple of girls watching him at Boulder, he didnt realize what he was doing and consequently came up with a third against some of the best tumblers in the coun try. This year, he has won the tram poline in every meet but the dual against Iowa at Chicago. He . won tumbling twice against Kansas State and against Chicago Univer sity. Erv has scored high in every meet this year and is second in total points to Ed Strictler on the Husker team. He set a personal scoring record Saturday with 26 points for one afternoon. Erv has another year of compe tition ahead of him. Right now he ranks as one of the top trampoline men in the country as well as one of the top all around gym nasts. - With continued experience, he should rank with the all time Ne braska greats such as Bruce Riley, Tom Kidd, Danny Foge1 and his present teammate Ed Strictler. The Nebraskan Sports Staff join with the rest of the university in wishing him luck in the coming meets and congratulating him for being chosen Star of the Week. ndings Lean lt-C Delu Cwilon 8 0 Sigma Phi EpsiIob .............. 7 2 Alpha Tan Omega 6 3 Sigma Xu .....a........ 4 t Farm House ................ 34 Phi Delu Theu 2 6 Sigua Aoha Ept 2 7 Leant 11 Ag Collecc Ag Vet. 120 Dudley Five 9 2 Ag Buskers . 8 3 Farm House Scrub. ............. 4 3 AGR Secubt 5 5 Alpha Tau Alpha.. 56 Alpha Gamma Sigma .............. 2 9 Krusen Katu .2 10 Ag Men B 1 10 Leant 12 iBdeoeaaVM Newman Club 9 0 Presby Home g 2 Baptist Home ................... 7 2 Inter-Varsitr 5 3 Methodist Home ................. 2 7 Beu Spastica 2 7 Lutheran House 17 Cornhusker Co-op B 1 g Uajat 14 lailrgralin A Chemisu , 10 0 Dentil College 8 2 Phi Epjilon Kappa ............... 7 2 Geoiogisti 74 Navy KOTC 5 Phil Delu Phi 3 6 Uutt 1. llfiiiwi Park Avenue 10 0 Little Houae 82 B Chemists 5 4 Dilberu 4 t Sam'i Hat Beent 4 6 The Stingers ............ 3 6 A Street Club 3 7 Legionnaire? 24 Delia Sigma Pi 2 5 Campus Tradition: Get your authentic Ivy Sportswear at AAGEE'S Marv Gilman does re search on new Spring Ivy in his College Hall Ivy Stripe Sportcoat, " spring-wt. Wool Shet land, over Ivy Slacks by Weiner in spring-wt., Cambridge Gray Flan nel. Sporrcoars, $35 and $39.50 Ivy Slacks, $15 Ivy Shop. . . Second Floor it out for first place in the 2-A Selleck league. Each team has an 8-1 record and might carry their tie all the way to the end. Another tight battle is taking place in the 6-A Fraternity league. Acacia is just l-s game ahead of Pi Kappa Phi, Acacia with an 8-1 and Pi Kappa Phi with a 7-1 mark. Wilt 'Stilted Smith Scores 44 Although the Nebraska Cornhusk ers suffered an embarrassing de feat at the hands of Kansas State Monday night the game provided definite proof that the Wildcats are the team to beat the Kansas Jayhawks if any of the Big Seven cage teams are to administer the dastardly deed. The impressive scoring machine of Tex Winter es tablished the fact that it has the scoring punch, consisting of Bob Boozer and Jack Parr, to lead the Kansas team a merry chase when the two meet in Manhattan March 6. The Kansas State team trails the Jayhawls by one game and need to win the rest of their games including the big one with their intrastate rival to at least gaine a Big Seven tie in the loop. In another game played Mon day night, the league leading Kan sas team coasted to a 76-36 win but they played the last nine min utes without the talents of Wilt "Big Dipper" Chamberlain, who proved his fallibility when it comes to fouling out of a basketball game. This was the first time in Wilt's basketball career that be At GARDNER FLYING HOME Nebraska's Keith Gardner is olleyball To Begin Volleyball League mast be is to tbe Intramural Office by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 5th, according Ed EQggenbotham. Tbe teams will provide their own officials. Two from each team, one for offiating at the net and the other to serve as linesman and score keeper. This will be a Double-Elimination Tournament for all teams. RENTALS SALES SERVICE BLOOU TYPEWRITER 323 N. 13th 2-5258 EXCHANGE a A ' "I f The Daily Nebraskon The best four teams in each league will be entered in the All University Tournament beginning March 5th. " " : ' Managers of the teams that will qualify . for, the Tournament are urged to check their House and team rosters before the tourna ment begins. has fouled out of a game. He also set another individual record for himself when he tallied the lowest number of points in his col lege basketball lifetime. The big man only pushed 11 points through the hoop and low ered himself from the first to the third rung on the national scor ing ladder. Loneski paced the Kan sas cagers to Cieir win with 28 points but had to bow to Don Schwall of Oklahoma for individual scoring honors. The rangy sopho more poured 30 points through the hoop to lead the Sooners in tallies. " In a non-loop game played last Monday night, the Missouri Tigers walloped Marquette University by a score of 98-76. The unpredict able Tiger team was paced by veteran guard Lionel Smith who potted 17 buckets - for a total of 44 points. In doing this Smith set a new record of scoring more points than any. other player in Tiger history. This was 8 points more than the last record held by Norman Stew art when he set the mark last season. S3 shown racing to victory in the 60 yard high hurdles against ' ! LrfJ,' 4SlZmm .,. n,i.l .i,,,,,,,.., "" lucky j") strike) ' i, ? ; I '.: : fc . 'f '& m & m "f. KJtfl; y i CIGARETTES "irS TOASTED" TO TASTE BETTER . . . CLEANER. FRESHER, SMOOTHER! WHAT S A CONCBTED SOXIff B. L BBaai.. Of caiCABO Smug Pug at. Ca. riODucT Deadline February 27: Rag To PkkmAll Announce Rules The Daily Nebraskan Sports Staff will attempt to choose an All-Intramural Basketball team again this year, but will go about it in a. different manner. Letters will be mailed out today and tomorrow to the managers of Daily Nebraskan Sports the respective intramural teams explaining the rules and urging them to comply as soon as possible. If any of the managers do not receive a ballot by Monday after noon, they are urged to call the Daily Nebraskan Sport. Staff. No excuses will be accepted aft er the deadline date of February 27. KU-K State Battle Set For March 6 March 6 is the date when Kansas and Kansas State will meet to decide the Big Seven champion ship. The Kansas State team trails the Jayhawks by one game and need to win the rest of their games including the big one with their intrastate rival to at least gain a Big Seven Tie in the loop. Oklahoma last Saturday. The Jamaican flash is expected to be 1 . -jr - j -: YOU'RE STRANDED high on a peak in the Andes. Wind's' rising. Thermometer's dropping. And the next llama for Lima leaves in 7 days. You reach for a Lucky .. . try every pocket . . . but you're fresh out Brother, you're in for a Bleak Week! No cigarette anywhere can match the taste of a Lucky. A Lucky is all cigarette . . . nothing but fine, mild, good-tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even better. Try one right now. You'll say it's the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! WJt DONT JUST STAND THERE . . . STICKLE! MAKE $25 Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words must have the same number of syllables. (No drawings, please!) We'll shell out $25 for all we use and for hundreds that never see print. So send stacks of 'em with your name, address, college and class to Happy-Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. -WHAT B A TOUCH CUTS BREAKFAST! totm euateaa. ATm uatvrasfTT , Yegf$ Est or Star Team, For Voting THE DAILY NEBRASKAN STUDENT UNION 20 February 1957 To the Intramural team manager: The Daily Nebraskan Sports Staff will endeavor to pick another all intramural team for the basket ball season. If you desire recognition, the fol lowing rules must be complied with: 1. You must choose an All-Opponent team and fill in the form at the bottom of this letter. 2. The ballot must be turned in to the Nebraskan office not later than noon on the 27th of February. Any ballots submitted later than the above time and date will not be considered. 3. You must submit a ballot if you wish a member of your team recognized. If you do not submit a ballot, you will not be represented on any of the All Star teams re gardless of the number of votes one of your players receives on other ballots. Please conform to the above rules and turn your ballot in as soon as possible. - Thank You Bob M artel Sports Editor 1956-57 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL LEAGUE ALL-OPPONENT TEAM F TEAM F TEAM C ..... TEAM G TEAM G TEAM Signature of Team Manager Team Name & Number NOTE: Do not use Greek symbols. Write name in full. Courtesy Sunday Journal and star pushed this weekend by Kansas State ace Do! an McDaniel. WHAT S A SODA FOUNTAIN! MMiuoa. Calorie Coiitry . OTMurHiaacM.. AMSBICA'S LEAD I KO MMOrACTVlII OF ClOAKCTTKS Page 3 FASHION . . As I Sec It "5l br Judy Ramuy NU'a Representative to Gold's Advisory Board Spring weather often brings the problem of what wrap do I need today? Here is a coat that solves that problem. This all-purpose coat is good-looking enough for dates, and fine for classes. It is water-repellent and stain and crease-resistant There is a matching hat to protect your hair-do from spring showers. This coat is white with black, brown or navy. It is just 25.00. This and other "problem-solving" all purpose coats in Coats and Suits, Second floor of Gold's. Use Nebraskan Want Ads uitii can. CCB.T FutieMyttie vhat a a couegt f ACUITY lOOMI , a jcaoat coiaoa. Mentor Center eatttia WHAT IS A SHOtT AtGUMBfft Amu. coMTaarr. Brief Beef aaar atonic cm ceu. what s r-AKt FTioarri nnim hovhuam. Stage Rage icMtaaai atari , s i, 1 V: H V i I 9 i i 'f r, i n t v.- i mi t 4 .