The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    The Daily Nebroskan
Wednesday, February 20, 1957
Paae 2
' i
Daily Nebraskan Editorials:
n ii Qaanifiy
The parking problem on the University cam
pus, previously confined to the question of
'where to park," has taken on a new angle re
cently. Lincoln police now impose a five dollar
fine on students double parking in front of the
Residence Halls for Women on 16th street.
The police have lessened the brunt of the of
fense by levying only five dollars if the fine is
payed within five days after violation, instead of
the $8.50 charged before Feb. 14.
The situation is still somewhat of a quandry.
No matter what anyone does, boys will still date
girls. Both boys and girls agree this is a good
thing. In this modern age, and in this town of
100,000 souls, boys will date girls by using cars
to get from one place to another. And, logically,
when you take your date home you have to put
your car someplace.
However, there just isnl any place to put
your car except to double park it when you
take your date home within one half hour before
closing hours.
The Police Department has all the element
of the law and the very important responsibility
of keeping streets clear for the passage of traf
fic. Unfortunately, 16th street is one of the main
arteries for south-bound traffic.
The Police Department has stated that men
should park their cars in a lot within walking
Wanted Frank Analyses
Better understanding and relations between
students and faculty of the University might be
obtained if a system of class evaluations were
inaugurated in our school.
In some departments, at the present, instruc
tors ask their students to write their comments
on the course itself, the material presented and
the way in which it is presented. The instructors
claim that they are aided tremendously by the
candid comments of students thus turning the
courses into the best possible.
The Daily Nebraskan believes that there are
some fields of study in our University more than
others in need of such action. Better coordination
between laboratory, recitation and lecture sec
tions in the science departments, for example,
could be obtained through a student evaluation
and criticism at the end of the semester.
The best way in which to make such evalua
tions effective would be by making them an
nonymous. This system, we believe, would give
the students an opportunity to be frank and
in some cases frankness is the only answer to
many problems in our school.
The quality of the instructors would be im
proved by student evaluations, too we believe.
If they know just what their weak points are,
if they understand what material is foggy in its
presentation, and if they understand the student-faculty
relation better through reading con
structive criticism, the entire University would
bt benefited.
In its struggle to obtain the best teachers
possible, the University would be greatly aided
by the frankness of the students.
Deans of colleges could find out where their
weak spots are in faculty membership. Students
would feel that they are being made a more in
tegral part of the University community.
A student came to us saying that his teacher
in a certain department declared, "I am the
ftofj Columnists . . .
Now that the clouds of the
A few new
early weeks of second semes
ter have passed and things in
the office of the Daily Ne
braska are going back to
hectic normality, the column
ists have pretty well been
lined up.
Carry overs from last se
mester include Bruce Brug
mann, who stirred the hearts
of many Huskers with his
Prickly Pear during the first
semester. Brugmann is a sen
ior in the College of Arts and
Sciences and a member of the
staff of the Lincoln Star. He
if president of the Student
Council and a member of Al
pha Tais Omega.
Sam Jensen, editor of the
Nebraskan last semester, con
tinues this semester in his at
tempt to convince people that
he bears no malice toward
anyone. Jensen is religious ed
itor of the Lincoln Journal and
a senior in the College of Arts
and Sciences. He is a member
of Eeta Theta Pi.
Steve Scbultz, who was one
of the few columnists to re
ceive any in til last semester,
will continue putting up sta
tues to .his ideals. His Icono
clast will appear on Wednes
days. Schultz, who made a
stab at apartment dwelling
last semester, is back in fine
standing with Phi Kappa Psi.
He is a sophomore in the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences.
appearing in the Daily Ne
braskan this semester. San
ford McConneH, a sophomore
from Omaha, is looking at the
independents as objectively as
one from their own number is
able. But he has promised to
reflect their views on campus
and other issues as accurately
as possible.
Gary Rodgers, a freshman
and a member of Sigma Nu,
is sharing the outside world
beat with George Mayer.
Moyer, a member of Kappa
Sigma, is copy editor of the
paper and a sopboinore in the
college of Arts and Sciences.
Rodgers has kept the "Out
side World" label and Moyer
writes under the "Through
These Doors" head.
Another copy editor, Ron
Warholoski, a member of
Alpha Tau Omega, has prom
ised to write on the political
scene as issues arise. He will
think creatively, it was prom
ised, and try to influence his
readers only as far as they
are gullible.
The final new comer to the
ranks of the blessed is John
Crowell. He's not really sure
whether he's a senior or not,
but his ideas are advanced
enough to have that "senior
obscurity." Actually, Crowell
epitomises the apartment boy
with all his joviality, extra
time for reading, and place
The Daily
Member: Associated Ootleriate Press
Intercollegiate Press
Eepreseatatlve: NaUonal Advertising Service,
Published at: Zoom 29, Student L'nioa
Lincoln, Nebraska
14th Z
Tim TnStt JBhrafca. la tmbtfeBea' Manda. Tvcaoar,
WmS na4 rrfcia" aeaanl rar, cue?
(ih ana cwa acm4. mmi ana low tm
pubiitnnt irtMT A wit Mi, fer otodi-Bti ut ttw l,'ntvertty
f ? r.r the atrtotl at thm Canwnirtna
m WMm fjr a aa avnraaalua uf vtuoent ofrtnlna.
yhli'iiw H:-vr M unlirM f h MilrammMta
am ft-vr-m f-nMHrtilnn uMill tw frr front rOttartal
-.". aa flw, part at tt Kiiiwwnmltt or a tna
purl of tuty matlmt trf tt faculty of tarn I Hfwmtty, ar
mi tha part af ar mtmmi aatnlria Uui twfmlti. Taa
Rvmhm af thm 9httrakaa stiff K m prrmallr ra
eiuxiitble fir wtutt tlf nr. or in m nmm ta ba
arint.4. rrbrtiary H, tfiftfi,
rilrd mm awHMl dsn mutter M flw fowl ft' Ml
L4iMoUt Aebmaka. tinder trw act f A uf ut 4, Hilt.
distance of the dorm. This is a fair solution,
since a number of University parking lots can
be found within two blocks of the Girl's Dorm.
The police have also said, and rightly so, that
it isnt their job to find parking places,, even if
they could. It is up to the University.
The University has been wrestling with this
problem for a number of years. It still can't
keep pace with the increase in cars each year.
When the present parking lots are excavated for
new buildings, the problem will become even
more acute.
One good solution, which could fce put into
effect as early. as next year, would be to limit
ownership of cars by students living on campus
to juniors and seniors. This would lessen the
load on the parking lots. It would open up more
stalls for students living in Lincoln to park their
It would also bring a certain amount of
grumbling, of course. But it still is a logical
solution, and would help until a better one is
There is another solution which might be
considered cruel by our hardy modern youth.
That is to convince students to park their cars
in fringe area lots, with adequate police protec
tion, and walk a few extra blocks. It doesn't
hurt, really.
product. You pay for what I can give and I aim
to teach you the way in which you will be most
benefited." A realistic approach.
But more of this realism is needed.
Teachers who step into positions filled readily
by now retired teachers might not fully under
stand the student-teacher relationship of the "old
guard." Frank analyses on file in that depart
ment would keep classes constantly on a high
We believe that the Student Council should
inaugurate a program of student evaluation on
our campus. We believe in the maturity and the
integrity of the students to express honest opin
ions without being silly.
The program has worked in other Universities
and it can work to make Nebraska University
an even better institution of service to the people
of the state.
Worthy Cause
William "Worthy t 35-year-old reporter who
spent 41 days in Communist China, is ready to
battle Secretary of State Dulles with the backing
of the American Civil Liberties Union.
When his passport with Chinese visas expires
March 4, Worthy will test whether an American
newspaperman has freedom to "cover the
Worthy is one of the three newsmen who were
in China trying to get important news which he
feels "American newsmen are missing because
the Chinese mainland is not covered by Ameri
cans.'' '
The State Department forbade travel in
China in the absence of diplomatic relations with
that country.
Worthy stated "I hope our cases will once and
for all every encroachment on the right of
Americans to travel where they want or when
they want, unaccountable to Dulles or to his
We stand behind the Worthy cause.
columnists are
for the almost forgotten art of
college banter. He is a trans
fer student from Kenyon Col
lege in Ohio where be studied
under John Crowe Ransom
and hails from Omaha.
Getting a step closer to the
official voice of the paper is
Dick Shugrue, Mr. Daly's pri
vate secretary. He searched
through his musty mythologi
cal books for a decent title to
a column last semester and
since none was available, he
chose Pandoria, which no one
understands nor cares about.
High man on the totem pole
of the Daily Nebraskan is
Fred Daly, who expresses the
views of the paper in his "A
word or two before you go."
Contrary to the opinion of the
Daily Nebraskan workers,
Daly is not attempting to con
trol thought but rather to pass
on ideas which he feels are
important or at least timely
for the students of our Univer
sity. The columnists, along with
Charles Schultz, creator of
Peanuts and Dick Bibler, boss
of the Little Man on campus,
are all striving to meet each
segment of the University with
as much polish and entertain
ment as possible.
Of c o u r s e, the views ex
pressed in the editorial col
umns are not those of the col
umnists it works the other
way, too.' , "' ; .' . .1. '.
eaitor rnxi tnt
MuuMTixir K4Hr imrM Polim
KanmrSmi fM Editor...... iMck Khurrnt
Maw t-jtHnn. ................. .Si Ivtmt, Bah irMUuxl
IMt Mltof. .ftob MmtM
VuVT 4ltm. ............. .Ait HUu-bmaa, Carol fiwk
Gmrf Moyer, Boa Wwtinliukl
A I Cottar Dick HMfrt
Staff llMUumptmr bale Iwl
to fir tmmtmri. Julia Oswrll
Nlrtot Km t. attar Boa H'artmhwkl
aeT fcaltar Jaa rsrrU
Sto.fl Writer Mane DcLmf, Cmthte Zacban, ftok
Win, Omry itadfeia, JoAoa babbaron.
Stoa WUmaa.
Beporton .tntf flb-i-r Marflra Nfan, Mlnntt
Tartnr, Diana Maxwell, Daatfra tVnalen.
IWotfir Halt, Dlaona Oaaaa, Mil Cooprr,
Hill Hasan, timrr fntmrm. Mary pat
tenon, Mean Barrett, Zmmr Lmmpe.
nmrtaetf Miuwftr,,.,
uvula Ha Minarn. .
Ceenre Mason
Jack ,iirr
Larry Krxfrla
f tt Vett, in selteUa
Aitaltt JBaatacSB
rr'c TYJ
This 6CY0N T.V.
the iconoclast ...
steve schultz
I note with considerable pleasure
that the Student Union has aban
doned its attempt to advertise Dun
ninger by means of outdoor loud
speaker. No, I am quite ready to
admit that Nebraska U. is not
graced by one of the ivy covered
campuses which naive high school
students expect to find when they
leave home for undergraduate
suudies. In fact, the only place
on campus where I can work up
, even a semblance of collegiate spir-
is the lobby of the girl's dorm.
And perhaps in that case I mis
take unfamiliarity for inspiration.
But it is the right of every
man to have an Ivy League glow
about him at least once during his
college years. That glow is not
facilitated by a noisy and unavoid
able electronic pitch concerning
"the master mentalist." If we
cannot have great expanses of
grass and ivy-draped buildings, we
can at least have peace and quiet.
The idea that the presence of
Dunninger one does not have
thoughts of his own is disturbing.
But the realization that on one's
cwn campus there is not silence
enough to have any thoughts is
downright disquieting.
Someone will be bringing up the
subject of rushing procedure
and particularly, spiking. Summer
is acumen in, bringing its round
of handshaking and name fore get
ting. And if summer comes, can
September be far behind with its
new load of fraternity pledges?
Now spiking is a highly debat
able topic, as I suppose everyone
has noticed. We hear quite a bit
about the morality of pledging a
rushee during the summer months,
but I suspect that in this case,
morality vis what you make it.
From a practical standpoint, how
ever, spiking places everyone at
a disadvantage. It is no secret
that strategy is a great part of
rushing. One must know the ter
rain when be is planning strate
gy, and if spiking were legalized
the terrain would change so rapidly
that no one would know where he
was; the landscape would be inun
dated by pledge pins.
Of course, the next question is
First of all, what's it all about? What
does a fellow like John Jackson do
all day? In bis own words, "I keep
in touch with the executives of many
different companies advising them
on the use of their IBM electronic
data processing computers. I person
ally consult with these customers,
and analyze their scientific and tech
nical problems for solution by IBM.
Occasionally, I'm asked to write
papers, and give talks and demon
strations on electronic computing.
All in all, it's pretty fascinating . . .
something new pops up every day.
In other words, John is a full-fledged
computing expert, a consultant . . .
and a very important person in this
r -Hi
1 '
Calling cvstaaaar
coming age of automation through
Since the IBM laboratories are
always devising easier and faster ways
to solve the problems of science, gov
ernment, and industry, an Applied
Science Representative can never say
he's learned his job and that's the
end of it. At least once every two
months, he attends seminars to be
updated on the latest developments in
engineering and operations research.
Introduces new methods
During the two years that John
hag spent with IBM in Applied Sci
ence, he has guided innumerable IBM
customers to new and better ways of
doing things electronically. For ex
ample: about a year ago, a leading
aircraft manufacturer wanted to ex
periment with a radically different
design for a nuclear reactor. Although
the basic format had been established,
the project still required many months
of toil with mathematical equations.
"How are we supposed to enforce
anti-spiking rules?" Well, as you
may have noticed in my last at
tempt, I am for all the honesty
the market can stand. If the frater
nity system has any value at all,
it should have taught its men eth
ical values. And if those ethical
values have sunk in, no proolem
should arise in enforcing a uni
versally understood ruling.
I am admittedly looking at the
world through rose-colored glasses.
(My intentional trite phrase for
the week.) I assume that fines and
other punishments will remain ne
cessary to regulate rushing. But
most of the discipline must be
self-discipline, and if individual
houses do not have that, they have
no right to call themselves fraternities.
President Eisenhower cut short
his vacation in Thomas ville, Ga.,
and returned to the White House
Tuesday. Today he will meet with
the leaders in Congress to discuss
the Middle East situation. v
The President seems to be deep
ly concerned about Israel's re
peated refusals to withdraw its
forces from disputed territory
The U.S. obtained a delay of
the debate on the Middle East in
the U.N. Assembly, to give more
time to Israel to consider U.S.
proposals. The session scheduled
for Tuesday was
Thursday. In the
raeli Ambassador Abba
by Dick
can do at IBM
McrtltMMrtics is on ncisnt bwf vr-ed vonctn g science fhof contains marry
forms. M shouldn't sutpriso you ffion that it took torn ttm bufor Jobs
Jockson discovered the one brand of mathematics that seemed cvstem
tailored to hit ability and temperament. John is an Applied Science Reprw
entotive, working out of the (EM office at 122 East 42nd Street, H. Y. C
The aircraft people decided that they
couldn't afford to wait that long, so
they called in IBM. After discussion
with top executives, John helped to
map out a computer program that
saved the organization over 100 days
of pencil-chewing, naD-biting arith
metic Later, for this same company,
John organized the establishment of
computer systems for aircraft per
formance predictions ... for data
reduction of wind tunnel tests . . . and
for wing stress analysis. At the same
time, he worked with this company's
own employees, training them in the
use of IBM equipment. John stul
drops around to s$e that everything
is running smoothly.
Another service that John performs
is the constant reappraisal of each
customer's IBM operation. Occasion
ally, a customer may tie himself in
knots over a procedural "stickler."
Periodically, in fact, John brings
IBM customers together . . . just to
, talk over what's happening in each
other's business bow everybody else
handled that old bugaboo in any
industry . . . details.
New field for Mathematicians
John is exercising his mathematical
know-how in a field that was prac
tically unheard of ten years ago. Even
now, this kind of work may be news
to you. It was to John Jackson a few
years back when he was an under
graduate at the University of Colo
rado. At that time, he was considering
actuarial work or mathematical re
search. But John liked the excitement
and diversification of science and in
dustry and he wanted to use his
rrr i
h If v -?
,-?..,., .... ., ,.m m aaiiimiMiimr" i-nrf
Waaplaf m m raaiaatar araarao
flie outside
viorld . . . -
. gary rodgers
fly to Jerusalem to consult with
Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.
There may not be enough time
for this and another postponement
may be made.
There have been increased de
mands in the U.N. special politi
cal committee on the problem of
Arab refugees from Palestine. A
leading Arab spokesman, Fadhel
Jamali of Iraq, has called for
sanctions against Israel, if the
U.N. is to serve the cause of
The move for sanctions against
postponed to Israel is led by the 27-nation Asian
meantime, Is- African group, which declared
Eban will
that anything other than imme
diate and complete withdrawal of
Israeli troops would reward ag
gression. Senator Knowland, Senate Minor
ity Leader, and member of tha
U.N. delegation, is against any
punishment of Israel, "that is not
matched by sanctions against Rus
sia, Egypt and India." This stand
has considerable backing from in
fluential Senate Democrats and
Republicans as well, which indi
cates that any Administration sup
port of a sanction resolution would
provoke protests in the Senate.
Dulles declined to answer wheth
er the United States would favor
economic sanctions against Israel
if the Israeli government refuses
to withdraw its forces from Aqaba
and the Gaza Strip.
Soviet Premier Bulganin has
stated the "insane plans for world
domination" by the United States
might plunge them into tht "hell
of atomic and hydrogen war. Hs
told Arabs the Eisenhower doc
trine is a "colonial trap prepared
by U.S. oil monopolies.
This is a good stand for Russia
to take, if the U.S. favors the
sanctions against Israel it would
be a good piece of propaganda
for Russia, for she is against such
a U.N. action.
Israel, however, is likely to pre
sent an acceptable plan for its
withdrawal from Egypt yet Cua
mathematical background in both of
those areas. It was not until he was
interviewed by IBM that field com
puting whetted his scientific appetite.
A few months later, John launched
his own IBM career as an Applied -Science
Promotion wise, John has come
long way since that time. He's now
an Applied Science Representative ia
one of the busiest, most responsibls
offices in the IBM organization . . a
mid-town Manhattan.
With his wife, Katherine, and
daughter. Lisa, 20 months, and John,
PhcwMhia, e erialtat rm
Jr., 6 weeks, he enjoys his suburbza
Port Washington home. He's happy
and he's satisfied. And then, too, John
.knows a few vital statistics about
IBM such as the fact that the
Applied Science Division has quad
rupled during the past three yean,
and that in 1956 alone, over 70 pro
motions were conferred. If ever t.
future held promise, here is one.
IBM hopes that this message wffl hetp
to give you some idea of what a mathe
matician can do at IBM. There are equal
opportunities for E.E.'v M.E.'a, physi
cists and Liberal Arts majors in IBM's
many divisions Research, Product De.
velopment, Manufacturing Engineering,
Sales and Technical Services. Why not
drop In and discuss IBM with your Place
ment Director? He can supply our latest
brochure and tell you when IBM will
next interview on your campus. Meaa
' while, IBM will be happy to answer your
questions. Jm wrte to Mr. P. H. Bradley,
IBM, Room 8701 590 Madison Avenue, .
New York 22, N. Y.