The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1957, Image 1

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See Page Two
Dunninger Story
On Page Four
Vol. 31, No. 52
Wednesday, February 20, 1957
Closed Meeting Thursday:
ft MofcCieli Heaoim
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Brain Power
For Farmers
Brain power, not horse or mule
power, is what this country, will
need in the future, Chancellor Clif
ford Hardin told a farm audience
' at Hartdngton Tuesday.
Speaking b e f o r e the annual
Tanners' Day," Hardin said to
morrow's fanners must be better
-fanners than those on the farms
today. "They mill need better
training and more knowledge in
a greater number lecnmcai
"It used to be that we were
concerned with the horse or mule
power of the farms, be said.
"This is no longer true. The
Nebraska farmers of the future
must be entomologists, agricul
tural economists, animal nutrition
ists, agronomists, chemists, and
geneticists all wrapped up in
"In this country, ttie big job
is to develop brain power not only
for africulture but for all seg
ments of our society," Hardin
pointed out.
"Overall production per man in
the future in industry, business
end other occupations must be in
creased if this country is to main
tain its standard of living in a
time of rising population and with
a greater percentage of people in
the older-age bracket," Hardin
The farm audience was told that
the fob of developing brain' power
rests with the colleges and uni
versities. "To do the job will re
quire increased financial support.
Otherwise, deserving young men
and women who cannot be ab-,
sorbed in agriculture may be de-!
prived of the opportunity to de
velop the brain power bo vitally
needed by tomorrow's agricul
ture," be. concluded.
Omicron Nu
To Honor 10
For Grades
Ten University aopHomores ma
joring in Home Economics win be
honored for high scholarship
Thursday nigbt by Omicron Nu,
the Home Economics scholastic
The women who received the
ten highest averages as freshmen
Lois LaBue, Joan Webster, Ter
esa Karmazin, Doris Eby, Claudia
Keys, Janice Wrote. Beverly Edel
berger, Nadine Calvin, Annette Bit
ter and Patsy Kaufman.
After a dessert supper. Dr. Wil
liam Hall, Director of the
School of Journalism will speak
m communications.
' The meeting will be at 7; 15 p.m.
rthe Food arid Nutrition Build
ing on the Agriculture campus,
ZZiA and Holdrege.
Sauer Funeral
Set Thursday
Mrs. Katherine Ssuer, mother
of Baylor University" Athletic di
rector and former NU All-American
George Sauer, died in Lincoln
Monday night.
Funeral services wiH be held in
the Hodgman-S plain Mortuary
chapel at 1 p.m.. Thursday,
The 60-year-old Mrs. Sauer bad
lived la Lincoln for the past 49
Besides son George in Waco,
Tex., she is survived by two other
suns, Edward K. of Kentland, Ind.,
and Robert L. of Denver; four
daughters, Mrs. Katherin Criifm,
Mrs. Bertha Miller and Mis Pfcyl-
it, all of Lincoln, and Mrs. Minnie
Brown of San Antonio. Tex.: 12
fridthjllren and four grtalgran
. . J 1 1 lr
ConstructioB oa this structure NTTs Unios
Two-Story Building:
Student Union Construction
To Commence In Early July
Copy Editor
-'Ground will be broken for the
addition to the Union in the first
part of July," stated Mr. Duane
Lake, directing manager of the
The delay in the start of the 2
story building is due to the very
full Union activity calendar for
June. "This is one of the busiest
month's in the school year," Mr.
Lake said, "and we don't want to
do anything that might upset the
many events taking place then."
The University, because of the
enrollment increase expected in
the next 10 years, is in dire need
of a larger and better Student
Union and Mr. Lake said be
thought, "the addition was about
5 or 10 years overdue.
"The new addition will be com
pleted m the fall cf 1958," Mr.
Lake stated.
Labor Says Government
'Positive Instrument'
Labor looks upon government to
day as a much more positive in
strument in fulfilling its expecta
tions in life, Dr. Henry David, a
nationally known labor specialist
said Tuesday morning at the Uni
versity. He said this is in contrast to
labor's views a few years back
that government was a negative
instrument "used to keep the rules
equal in the game between labor
and business."
David, executive director" of the
National Manpower Council and
professor of economics at Colum
bia University, spoke on "What
Labor Wants from Government.
The visiting lecturer said that
labor also has put into practice a
"lot of rhetoric" which they only
expressed in the past, such , as
views on civil rights, labor rela
tion to educational institutions, and
labor's participation in the com
munity. "Both labor and business con
sider the role of government as
exactly the same, but different on
what government is supposed to
do, for whom, and at what cost,"
be explained.
Through the 1930's, he pointed
out, labor believed in a govern
ment of limited mission. "Labor
was unsympathetic to social se
curity, regulations for maximum
hours and minimum wages. It
wanted an area of freedom."
But now, he added, goverment
action is the key point of refer
Due Saturday
The deadline for filing scholar
ship applications for the 1957-58
school year is Saturday, accord
ing to the General Scholarship
Awards Committee.
Applications are available at the
office cf the Division of Student
Affairs. Room M, Ellen Smith
HalL A grade average of CO or
above is usually necessary before
an application is considered by
the committee.
All applicants with the exception
oJ seniors-to-be or students in the
college of Dentistry, Law or Medi
cine who have not previously tak
Scholarship Examination mart take
this test March 2, from ;30 a.m.
to noon.
In addition to the undergraduate
Scholarship, the committee will
also award the Delta Kappa Gam
ma scholarship, tht Delta Delta
Delta scholarship, the American
Association of University Women
scbolarfeblp, and the Faculty Wom
en a acaoiamap.
h j : 'l . ; V
addition Is expected U begii la
It will house such things as a
bowling alley, barber shop, ball
room, and additional space for
luncheons and group meetings. At
the present time, it is very hard
for the Union to supply space for
luncheons and meetings on very
crowded days. However, with the
new addition, there will be ample
space available for these gather
A larger "Crib" is another addi
tion that will be enthusiastically
received by the students. At the
present time the "Crib" is greatly
overcrowded most of the time.
The "six to a booth' policy now
in effect will be greatly reduced
with the building of a larger and
much more efficient "Crib".
New offices for the Rag and
Cornhusker staffs will be in the
picture also. These offices will re
lieve the close quarters that both
publication staffs work in now.
ence for labor to how its expecta
tions in life will be fulfilled.
Labor realizes that government's
policies on foreign trade and for
eign aid are as important to it as
to the bankers, be said.
His three-day visit to the Uni
versity was sponsored by the Uni
versity Research Council, Convo
cations Committee, and Depart
ment of History.
To Remain
In Chilly Zone
The cold weather that was pre
dicted in yesterday's forecast has
come to pass and more of the
same is ia store for Lincoln and
the state ia general.
Light snow is
predicted for
the western
portion of Ne
braska through
W e d n esday,
according t o
the Weather
Lincoln can
expect contin
u e d cold
W e d n e sday
with the high reaching a chilly SZ.
Occasional snow flurries are ex
pected to fall over the eastern
portion of the state Tuesday eight
with a trace in the Lincoln area.
Skies will be cloudy over the
southern and western portion of
the state Wednesday, the bureaa
said, with fair skies over the re
mainder of the state.
No sign of warmer weather if
ia sight, to overcoats and heavy
jackets will be the lashion for the
near future.
Forecasters predict that tem
peratures will range from 15 to 20
degrees in the east to a possible
40 in the panhandle.
'Atoms For Peace'
To Visit Lincoln
The Atrms For Peace Mobile
Unit will be parked in the heart
of Lincoln's business district for
the benefit of the general public
on February 23 at 13th and O Sts.
The Unit will exhibit how the
peaceful uses of the atom open
up new opportunities in medicine,
industry, agriculture and how con
tinuing research is unfolding new
potabilities for scientific ad
vances. On February 21, 22, 25 and 26,
the Unit will tour the Lincoln Pub-i
lie cchool.
' f
early inly
After the new addition is ready
in the fall of 1953, the old Union
will undergo a complete renova
tion from top to bottom. New of
fices and work rooms will be built
on third floor giving space to the
activities that are now working
in small offices. The first floor
will be redecorated and much of
the space now devoted to dining
rooms will be turned into offices.
Mr. Lake stated that, "when
this new Union feddition is com
pleted, a very important part of
the University building program
will be realized.
AU f Preference Poll
egins Wednesday
The AH University Fund Stu
dent preference poll of charities
to be supported by the 1957 fall
drive is being conducted Wednes
day and Thursday, according to
Cindy Zschau, AUF Public Rela
tions Chairman.
Booths will be open in the Union
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days
and all students are urged to
make their choices.
Each spring a poll of the students
is taken to determine which five
charities will receive the money
collected during the AUF drive
the following fall.
Charities supported by the 1956
drive were: World University Serv
ice, American Cancer Society,
United Cerebral Palsy, Lincoln
Community Chest and the Lancas
ter Association for Retarded Chil
dren. Preference blanks were distri
buted at the campus religious
houses Sunday night and at the
fraternity and sorority houses
Monday night.
Students who have not yet regis
tered are asked to do o either
Wednesday or Thursday.
This year the poll has 14 chari
ties listed and students are asked
to pick three of them. The 14 chari
ties students can pick' are: Ameri
can Hearing Society, Foster Par
ent's Plan, Japan International
Christian University Foundation,
Lancaster Association for Retarded
Children, .Lincoln Community
Chest, National Association for
Mental Health.
National Multiple Sclerosis So
ciety, National Society for the Pre
vention of Blindness, Nebraska Di
vision of the American Cancer
Society, Nebraska Heart Associa
tion, University of Nebraska Col
Course Slated
An eight-session practical short
course in "Principles of Refriger
ation and Air Conditioning" will
open Monday at the University.
The course is designed to give
operating and installing personnel
a better understa nding of the basic
theories and principles of refriger
ation and their air-conditioning ap
plications. The instructors wiH be James
Ludwkkvjn, professor of mech
anical engineering and consultant
in toiler and beating design, and
Keith NewhouM!, as&ociate pro
fessor of mechanical engineering
end University power plant engi
neer. The session will be conducted
from 7:S0 to 9:30 p.m. each Mon
day through April 15. They will
be held in Room 2W, Richards
The course U being presented
by the University Department of
Mechanical Engineering a id the
University Extension Division in
co-operatkm with the Nebraska
chapter of the National Association
It! Power Engineers.
News Editor
Two University students, Bruce
Brugmann and Sam Jensen, will
appear before a Thursday hearing
concerning charges by Dr. C.
Clyde Mitchell former chairman of
the department of agricultural ec
onomics that his academic privi
lege was violated.
The University Committee on
academic privilege and tenure
which will meet at 2:30 p.m. in a
closed session will hear testimony
from the students concerning "the
whole case" according to Jensen.
May Queen Filings
Filings for May Queen are opea
through Friday ia the main lobby
at EOea Smith Hall, according to
Shirley McPeck, Ivy Day chair
man. An senior women wb have an
overall scholastic average ef 5.5
and who are earning twelve se
mester hoars are eligible for fil
ing. Jensen stated that he had "not
been convinced by either side"
involved in the Mitchell contro
versy. Brugmann said that he had been
asked Tuesday to appear before
the Thursday hearing.
"Anything I have to say will be
issued to the committee at the
Thursday afternoon hearing,"
Brugmann added.
Both students are former edi
tors of the Daily Nebraskan. Erug
mann, as second semester editor
during the 1955-56 academic year
lege of Medicine, United Cerebral
Palsy Association cf Nebraska,
Save the Children Federation and
World University Service.
Five Dollar Fine:
Lincoln Police Deparfmeni
nforces Parking Regulations
Copy Editor
The Lincoln Police Department
has been imposing a fine on stu
dents and others who violate
double parking laws in front of the
girls dormitory on Wth street, ac
cording to Captain Clifford Hurd,
bead of the traffic department.
The rule used to enforce this
law comes under Section 722 in
the Traffic Regulation Book. It so
'It shall be unlawful for any
park, cause to be parkedn or stop
any vehcile 'a) in a careless
manner of b) in a reckless man
er, or (c) ia a negligent manner,
a rldng
The University of Colorado Stu
dent Council has approved a two
part proposal on its parking prob
lem to be presented to University
President, Quigg NeVton, accord
ing to the University newepaper,
tlie Colorado Daily.
The first portion of the proposal
would ask for a $5 registration
fee for each car registered with
the University, establishment of
a Permanent Parking Committee
and guaranteed parking area for
each Boulder resident whose house
borders the University and does
not have sufficient off-Jtreet park
ing facilities.
The tecond part of the resolu
tion gives specific suggestions to
the Permanent Parking Commis
sion for consideration as partial
solutions to the parking problem,
including a one-way street system
near the campus allowing angle
parking and the consideration of
possible underground facilities or
a parking building.
If approved, the parking commit
tee would be composed of at
Vast five members, with an "equit
able distribution between staff,
faculty and students," the Colo
rado Daily said. The committee
would investigate and evaluate
present parking policies and pro
pose future policies.
The proposal called for two
subcomrohssiofis. Ore group would
hear complaints and requests of
Boulder residents.
Trie $3 registration fee would
be charged to all tudt rtgkter' j
hig cars at the University and to 1
called for "all the facts in the
case of Clyde Mitchell."
As managing editor of the 1955
56 Nebraska Jensen stated of the
Mitchell case that "it is hardly
conceivable that the officers and
administration of the University
would be pursuing a policy detri
mental to the general welfare of
the University community."
Concerning the students coming
appearance before the Mitchell
hearings, Jensen emphasized that
"neither of us represent any or
ganization." Dr. Mitchell was relieved of his
position as department head last
Miss Lincoln:
In Beauty
Of the 45 girls who tried out for
the title of - Miss Lincoln, 27 will
compete again March 7, when the
field will be narrowed down to 15.
Of the 27 semi-finalists. 19 are
students at the University.
NU Student
Wins Mexico
A University senior has won a
scholarship to the University of
He is Leland Woodrow, senior
in Arts and Sciences.
The scholarship which will be in
effect for the academic year from
March 1 to Dec. 15 of this year,
is worth about $100 a month.
Given by the Mexican govern
ment, the scholarship was award
ed through the Institute of Inter
national Education at New York,.
Among other subjects. Wood
row will study Mexican and Latin
American Literature, Mexican his
tory and Spanish. He is a Spanish
major at the University and is
minoring in English and history.
or (&) in such a manner to en
danger life, limb, person or prop
erty or e) in such a manner as
to endanger or to interfere with
the lawful traffic or loss of the
streets, or ii) in such a condition
as to endanger or to interfere
with the lawful traffic or use of
the streets".
"Those caught guilty of the
above change since February 14th
will be privileged to pay over the
counter of Police Headquarters
five dollars instead of the usual
$8.50 if it is paid within five days
after the violation," according to
Captain Hurd.
To the question, "Where should
staff and faculty members who
drive their cars to and from the
A 20-foot green stripe would be
painted in front of each Boulder
resident's house not having ade
quate off-street parking facilities,
according to the proposal. Student
cars would be prohibited from
parking in the reserved areas at
any time.
The second part of the proposal
also suggested that parking in
congested off-campus areas be
limited to cars of students who
live within three-quarters of a mile
of the campus. These students
"would receive permits allowing
them to park anywhere off-campus
except in the areas with green
Students living outside the three
quarter mile radius (of the Uni
versity would be allowed to park
only in the University parking
Director Suggests
Parking Garage
Construction of a multi-level
parking garage was uggeted for
the University of North Carolina,
by Director of Student Activities
Sam Mag.ll.
Speaking on North Carolina Uni
versity's traffic problem at a re
cent meeting of Use University
Student Council, Magill a lo said
that limitation of student autos
wm only a "temporary relief" to
the campus problem.
spring. He is presently associated
with the Food and Agriculture Or
ganization of the United Nations in
Mexico City. Dr. Mitchell has not
returned to the campus since be
left for Mexico although he has
submitted an extensive report to
the committee regarding bis posi
tion. Chairman of the committee on
academic privilege and tenure, Dr.
David Dow, confirmed the fact
that Jensen and Brugmann would
appear before his committee dur
ing Thursday's hearings. He de
clined to comment further, however.
Puts 19
They include: Senior, Pat AI
vord; Juniors, Joan Riha, Janet
Roach, Jan Schrader, Ann Wade,
Pat Prouty and Karen Parsons.
Sophomores; Cynthia Barber,
Joyce Evans, Marcia McCaHum,
Kay Nielsen, and Cynthia Zschau.
Freshmen; Marcia Crocker,
Marcia Elliott, Sharon Fangman,
J. Gabarron, Eunice McCosh, Syl
via Rigg and Pat Salisbury.
Non-University finalists include;
Beverly Breifelder, Andy Chrono
pulos, Mildred Fling, Marlene Jen
kins, Dee Kjeldga&rd. Marlene
Kuhlman and Catherine Schonborg.
Tickets for the Miss Lincoln
pageant which will be held March
31 can be obtained from the Junior
Chamber of Commerce.
Degree Applications
Students who expect to receive
bachelors, advanced degrees or
teaching certificates at the close
of this semester should apply by
March 1, according to Shirley
Thomsen, assistant registrar. Ap
plications should be made at the
senior checking office. Room 103
Administration Building, between
8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday or from 8 a.m. to 12 noon
on Saturday.
the, boys park when taking a girl
home from a date?" Captain Hurd
answered, "The boys should park
in the University parking lot behind
the boys dorm and walk the girls
home. If they cant park there,
they should park far enough away
from the ticketing area."
Captain Hurd also stated "At
this time the Police Department
has no available parking places
to promote. It isn't our job to solve
the parking problem, it is the
job of the University engineers to
provide these facilities."
To another question, "Why did
the Police Department start enforc
ing parking rules second semes
ter?" he replied, "We have been
enforcing this law all year except
now the ruling has to be enforced
because of public pressure. Com
plaints have been coming in from
all over Lincoln from people say
ing "If the students can double
park why can't we without getting
a ticket?"
Another question put to the Cap
tain was "Why do some police
men ticket cars when the boys
arrive at the car just as the police
man is writing out the ticket?"
Captain Hurd said, "The Chief
rules that if an officer starts writ
ing a ticket, he must finish it.
The officer wouldn't have started
writing the ticket unles there was
already a violation. Then the po
liceman has to finish the ticket and
present it to the owner or put
it on the car..'
He also emphasized the fact that
'the parking problem is bigger
than both of us".
John Jacobson, Judge of Muni
cipal Court, said Tuesday "that
all fines brought into my court are
fined five dollars plus costs. 16th
street carries traffic at 45 mph
and cars parked or double parked
create a traffic hazard. This haz
ard is so great it can't be tolerated
and has to be corrected."
"Last year the court didn't fine
students as much - as the other
citizens of Lincoln. The court tried
to create interest, but the prob
lem continued. There was no other
choice this fall except to enforce
the law against students ss well
as anyone eke,"
James Pittir.ger, Assistant to
Chancellor Hardin, who is now
studying s committee to discuss the
University parking problems com
mented on the problem. "The
committee is in the process ef or
ganization and when it meets, I'm
confident that they will want to
look into the parking problem md
bmi recoil
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