Follow 'Peanuts' Pag 2 K-Sfafe Wallops NU Page 3 Li u VI l!7Liuw-auniu i -Vol. 31, No. 51 Psychology Department Silent: Dunninger 'Needs Transmitter, Receiver To Read Thoughts' 'I really read thoughts", is the statement of Dunninger in his explanation of his ability to read minds. "I read minds through the pos-H session of extra-sensory faculties, if you will an extra sense, culti vated, sharpened, concentrated, until the accidental manisfesta tions familiar to everyone have in me, matured to an unfailing tech nique of reception", says Dunnin ger. "In reading thoughts", Dunnin ger further explains, "two things Gimmick Readied For Mind-Reader Three students from Selleck Quadrangle, Ken Ash, Doug Wat kins, and Sanford McConnell, will present a test for the telepathic abilities of Dunninger, according to McConnell. A sealed container of envelopes, each of which contains a thought, will be presented to Dunninger. The thoughts contained in the nvelope are all related and form one complete message. Dunninger will be asked to de termine the number of envelopes and the message of the combined thoughts. NROJC Dance features Guest Diane Peterson The NROTC dance will be held at 7:30 p.m. on March 16 at Cot tier Terrace, according to Lieuten ant Commander Donald Edge. The dance includes a buffet din ner and dancing to Billie Albers. The honored guest will be Miss Navy, Diane Peterson. The dance will be attended by naval staff officers, midshipmen, faculty members and invited guests from the Naval Air Station. Staff Member To Challenge Telepathist The Daily Nebraskan will chal lenge Dunninger during his Fri day night show in the Coliseum in an effort to determine the authenticity of his alleged mind reading powers. According to Dick Schugrue, editorial page editor, the chal lenge will be made at the 7 p.m. show by a member of the Nebras kan staff. Schugrue stated that a member of the staff, who will not be dis closed until the Dunninger show, has memorized a four digit num ber from a news story of the Oct. 22, 1937 Daily Nebraskan. Dance Scheduled BABW and University Residence Halls for Men will sponsor a dance to be held in the Mens Dormitory Saturday, Feb. 23 from 9 to 12 p.m. A combo will provide the music. Trie dance will be a date or sta'g affair. Red Cross Meeting Ited Cross will hold mass "meeting of all old and new work era in Room 316 of the Union Wednesday at 7 p.m., according to Larry Epstein president. New Students: University To Welcome Three More Hungarians Lajos Molnar, Gyula Szabo and Steven Takacs, Hungarian students sponsored .by the University, will arrive Tuesday night. The three boys are the third, fourth and fifth of a possible ten students who will study at the University. Molnar and Szabo are planning, to attend the College of Agricul ture. Molnar of Szekesfehervar, Hun gary, attended Agriculture High School and later the University of Agronomy in Gadollo, where he studied Marxism, Russian, meteor ology, organic and biochemistry, plant pathology, physiology, micro- Summer Degree Applications Open . Students who expect to receive bachelors, advanced degrees - or tf ';'? ciKii'icatM at the close of this semester should apply by Mrrch I. according to Shirley Thomsen, assistant registrar. Awlicationt should be made at the Senior checking office, Room It):'.1 ArimJ'-ktrotion Building, be tween the hours ; of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. M!iiUay 'I'..-. - ',''1 Ftv'"y or from 8 a.m. to Vi noon on Saturday. are required. The transmitter, you-, and the receiver myself." "As far as the transmitter is concerned, it is necessary that the thought be clear, uncompli cated by confused 'scatter thought', concentrated upon, and that it be directionally beamed to the receiver. For the receiver it is necessary that the faculty for the telepathic reception be sharp ened to the crucial point and that the mind be relaxed, receptive, and alert." "I claim only 90 per cent ac- ! W -W I I .ur .n.miMiiiiiii.irii.niiiii.M Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star DUNNINGER Committees Named: Annua The 45th annual Engineering Week, scheduled for April 25 and 26, will have 13 committees to organize and coordinate the vari ous phases of the activities, ac cording to Jim Souders and Jerry Sinor, co-chairmen. Committees and their chairman are: Treasurer, Ray Valasek; Banquet, Roger Berger; Contest, Stan Bloemendaal; Convocation, Harry Dingman; Field Day, John Boning; Program, Jay Schnoor; Ribbon Sales, Roger Schutte; Sledge, Melvin Earnest; Traffic, George Fisk; Window Display, Robert Gallawa; Tours, Doug Thorpe; Publicity, Stan Hargle road; chairmen, Mai Seagren, Bob Jameson, Jim Weaver, and Robert Smidt. Faculty Advisors for E-Week are Herbert Bates, professor, of chemical engineering, and Donald Pierce, professor of engineering mechanics. E-Week is conducted by the College of Engineering and Archi tecture. It is designed to show University students and the gen eral public what the field of en gineering involves and the edu cational opportunities it offers, ac cording to Bob Jameson, publicity chairman. The highlight of the week is the open house, which features dis plays showing the work of each department, says Jameson. Each department's engineering society names a committee to supervise its activities during the week. Chairmen of these commit tees are Norvin Pearce and Vaughn Nelson, agricultural en gineers; Larry Westerbeck and Don Wees, architectural engine ers and architects; Douglas Mansfield and Gordon Warner, civil engineers; Rowan Belkaap and Don Weitzel, chemical en-!" gineeis: Vic Musil and Robert Terry, electrical engineers; W. G. biology, history, and animal hus bandry. He has never studied Eng lish. Molnar . wishes to continue Ufo studies in the field of agronomy with special emphasis on problems of plant cultivation. Szabo of Moso, Hungary attended Agriculture High School. Upon graduating he served in the Hun garian army for three years. Szabo was not accepted for the Univer sity in Hungary because his fam ily was considered a political risk. During his time in the army he succeeded in enrolling in the School of Farming in Budapest, which he was attending when the revolt began. . Steven Takacs hopes to enter the College of Engineering. He will live at the" Sigma Chi house, according to Ken Vosika, president. All three students received high recommendations from the inter viewers who also tuggested that they receive scholarships. Letters commending the action taken by students in the Hungar ian Student project have been many, including letters from Ro man L. Hruska and Carl T. Curtis, Senators from Nebraska, and Vice President Richard Nixon. Sf curacy", he also states. "The rea son for this is that I cannot read the thoughts of a person who re fuses to concentrate, or opposes me. When disharmony exists, the impressions I receive are chaotic, hazy, disjointed and result in par tial answers or complete failure; and invariably, at the. start of my performances, 90 or more of those present are skeptics and 10 believers I might add that at the end of the show, those figures are usually reversed." "In one last word about my abil ity", he finishes by saying,' "I want to make it clear that my ability has no connection whatso ever with the supernatural I ab hor the implication that it has, and make a point of disclosing tricks of fakers and so called 'me diums'. Any five year-old child can duplicate my most amazing exploits after twenty years of practicing concentration." The University Psychology De partment refused comment on Dunninger's claims. Dunninger will appear at the Coliseum, Friday, Feb. 22 at 8 p.m., according to Marilyn Heck, coordinator. Tickets will be on sale at Gold's and in the Union. Prices are: main floor, $1.50; lounge, $1.50 and $1.25; balcony, $1.25 and $1.00;. main floor raised, $1.00 (specially priced for students only). Brady and Charles Johnson, mechanical engineers; Bob Gets fred and L. Kersten, engineering mechanics. David: Lecturer eries By JoAnn Gabarron Staff Reporter Dr. Henry David, Executive Di rector of the National Manpower and Professor of Economics at Columbia since 1950, is presenting a series of labor relation lectures on campus this week, through Wednesday. Dr. David said he was "de lighted to have the opportunity to be here," but this was not his first visit to "Lincoln. He was in Lincoln and Omaha during the war years. David also expressed his delight in meeting an old student of his, Dr. Stanley Ross, Assistant Pro fessor of History at the Univer sity. Ross studied history under Dr. David 18 years ago at Queens College in New York. David re ferred to Ross as an "exceptional student." When asked about the guaran teed annual wage, Dr. David stated that there "would be more preparation towards the idea of the guaranteed annual wage es pecially in the big industries." He also said that "a sustaining in come increases economic security which Americans seem to want." Dr. David's lecture Monday, 1 aea1' wun we nomesieaa airiKe, dramatic and violent episode in American labor history." The strike lasted five months at the Carnegie Plant in Homestead, Pennsylvania and actually in volved battle between the workers and the Pinkerton guards. He will lecture Tuesday at 11 a.m. in Love Library Auditorium on "What Labor Wants from Gov ernment," and will meet with in terested graduate students and members of the faculty in Room 320, Burnett Hall to discuss "The Relationship of History to the So cial Sciences." I- IE -Week April 25 Of? The Inside World Alpha Epsilon Rho Initiates; Pledges Alpha Epsilon Rbo, honorary ra dio and television fraternity, an nounced the initiation of five stu dents and the pledging of seven. (Tom Gensler, Bill Raecke, Don Montgomery and Charles Weather ford are the new initiates. Sharon Fangman, Phyllis Bon-, ner, George Raymer, Phillip ; Laughlin, Bob Martel, Dixie! Helms and Bob Furman make up : the new pledge list. ! Four-H Meeting The 4-H club will hold their regu- Inr meeting Wednesday in the audi-1 presbvteriBn . Congregational Stu torium of the Agronomy Building dent House, according to Verlyn at 7:30 p.m. , Barker, associate pastor, . 1 i LINCOLN. NEBRASKA May Queen Filings Open To Seniors Filings for May Queen are open through Friday in the main lobby at Ellen Smith Hall, ac cording to Shirley McPeck, Ivy Day chairmen. ' All senior women who have a overall scholastic average of 5.5. and who are carrying twelve semester hours are eligible for filing. Scholarships: Saturday Deadline For Filing The deadline ffor filing scholar ship applications for the 1957-58 school year is Saturday, according to the General Scholarship Awards Committee. Applications are available at the office of the Division of "Student Affairs, Room ,104, Ellen Smith Hall. A ,grade average of 6.0 or above is usually necessary before an applicant is 'considered by the committee. f . . All applicants .with the exception of seniors-to-be or students in the College of Dentistry, Law or Medi cine, who have not previously taken the .General Comprehensive Scholarship Examination must take this test March 2, from 8:30 a.m. to noon. In' addition to the undergraduate Scholarship the committee will also award the Delta Kappa Gamma scholarship to a senior in education, the Delta D eU a Delta scholarship to any deserv ing student, the American Associa tion of University Women scholar ship to a junior or senior woman student and the Faculty Women's scholarship to a deserving senior woman. Ayres, - Swanson and Associates Inc. are also . offering a $250 grant to a senior, who is interested in making advertising a career. resents LoBor Court esv I .inr-oln .lounial DR. DAVID Dr. Henry David, Executive Director .of the National Man power Council and Professor of Economics at Columbia Univer sity will discuss "The Relation ship of History to Tha Social Sciences" Tuesday at 3 p.m. in Room 320 of Burnett Hall. An authority in the fields of labor power conservation, Dr. David and economic history and man is the editor of a nine volume series "The Economic History of the United States." Bus Ad Smoker Delta Sigma Rho, men's pro fessional business honorary will hold a smoker for all male busi ness administration ma jors Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Parlor ABC cf the Union, accord ing to ' Jerry Lincoln, president. Refreshments will b? served. Hospitality Day Home Economics students can sign up for committees for Home Economics Hospitality Day, accord ing to Shirley Richards, general Chairman. Hospitality Day will be held April 2 this year, according to Miss Rich ards. Students can sign up for com mittees on the first floor in the Home Economics Building. Church Lecture Dr. Harrison Anderson, pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, will be the speaker at a college night lecture and coffee hour Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian church. Students desiring transportation W I 1 ; . f ' A I f'T -t ft ' v ! Intercollegiate Tournament: . More than 250 students and in structors from 46 colleges and universities in a nine state area will take part in the 17th annual University Intercollegiate Debate and Discussion Conference Friday and Saturday. The program will include debate, discussion, original oratory, ex temporaneous speaking and inter pretative reading. Judges will be University faculty members and representatives from the schools taking part in the conference. The conference will be consuct ed under the direction of Mr. Don ald Olson, Director of Debate, and Mr. Bruce Kendall, Director of Forensics, Department of Speech and Dranatic Art at the University. According to Olson, the purpose of the forensic conference this year is to give all interested schools the opportunity to participate in a well rounded forensic program. A sweepstakes trophy has been added this year to heighten the competition according to Olson. "Because we would like to en courage Quality work in many phases of forensic activity, we are going to award a sweepstake tro phy to the school with the best overall record in all activities, based on quality ratings received," he said. "Although a school may enter more than two students in discus sion, only the record of the two highest discussants will be consid ered for the sweepstakes trophy. The University will be declared in eligible in competition for the sweepstakes trophy." The 90 debate teams from Wis consin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska will begin the conference at 8 a.m. Friday by registering at the Temple Build ing. During the conference luncheons arid dinners have been scheduled in addition to the rounds of debate and discussion, according to Ol son. TaacajwilL be. five rounds of de bate. Teams and individuals re ceiving superior ratings in 3 of the 5 rounds will be announced as re cipients of "Superior" awards. During the conference no champ ionships will be awarded, and each school will be given its own rat ing. Each of the 90 teams will be composed of two speakers. Con structive speeches will be 10 min utes in length: rebuttals, 5 min utes. Coaches may change per sonnel at will from round to round. The subject for the discussions at the conference shall be: "What AUF Student Poll Scheduled For This Week The All University Fund, student preference poll of charities to be supported by the 1957 fall drive is being conductetd this week, ac cording to Art Weaver, AUF presi dent. Each spring s poll of the stu dents is taken to determine which five charities will receive the money collected during the AUF drive the following fall. Charities supported by the 1956 drive were World University Serv ice. American Cancer Society, United Celebral Palsy, Lincoln Community Chest and the Lancas tetr Association for Retarded Chil dren. Preference blanks were distrib uted at the campus religious houses Sunday night and at the fraternity and sorority houses Monday night. Students who have not yet reg istered their preference of chari ties are asked to do so at the AUF booth in the Union lobby Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 'Film Without A German War "Film Without A Name." the second movie cf the 1957 Film Series, will be shown Wednesday nipht at the. Capitol Theater at 8 p.m. The production is a German film, made just after World War II. The film frequently leaves the action to investigate its own crea tion, and provides an insight into the motion picture industry. Hildegard Ncff plays Christine, Willie Fritsch, a famed German silent star, plays the actor and Hans Shonker is Martin. The picture begins with an actor and a director trying to create a movie script. They are joined by a refined looking man and an at tractive young girl. The gt.l is Christine Fleming, whose pMrents own a form r-ptrby, and the niar, is Martin Delius, her fiance. The film proceeds to tell their storj should be the policy of the United States toward the countries under Soviet domination?" A special feature of the Debate Conference Banquet, scheduled for Friday night in the Union Ballroom will be the presentatior of three 8180 Students; Second Semester Enrollment Increases The second semester enrollment at the University jumped seven per cent, compared with last year's second semester totals, Dr. Floyd W. Hoover, registrar, an noifnced Monday. This semester's total is 8180 stu dents, compared with 7639 last year, or an increase of 541, he reported. The comparison with last year's figures at this date follows: under graduates, 6834, and 6356; grad uates, 665, and 650; Teachers Col lege advanced professional candi dates, 216, and 172, and Medical College, 465, and 452. t Last semester, the University had 8387 regular students regis tered, or an increase of 535 over Johcmnsen Named Ag Rag Editor Chris Johannsen. sophomore in Agriculture, has been named Az Rag editor for the second semes ter. Tom Kraeger, freshman in Agri culture, will be assistant editor. Mary Lynn Stafford and Mary Anderson are art editors and re porters are Merrill Mason, Don Herman and Claudia Keys. Typists for the second semester an Roger Wehrbein, Judy Seiler, Nola Obermire, Dean Glock and Ruth Albin. Soil-Water Committee Names Hurlbut L. W. Hurlbut, chairman of the University Agricultural engineer ing department, has been named to a newly organized national committee on soil-crop-water re lationships. The committee was organized by the agricultural board of the National Academy of Sciences Na tional Research council. The purpose of the committee is to help plan research to predict drought hazards and evaluate risks associated with agricultural enterprises under natural rainfall conditions.- They will also be con cerned with the value of irrigation and the use of water by crops. Others on the committee include instructors from Duke, Purdue, and Georgia. Junior Y-Teens Assist Hungarians Nine member clubs of the jun ior high Y-Teen Interclub Council have sponsored projects to raise money to contribute to the Uni versity Hungarian Student Proj ect. So far more than $50 has been raised through such projects as sock hops, box suppers, bake sales and concession stands. Other projects -are being plan ned, including parties and the making up of a clothing box for refugees. Name' Picture Next with the director and actor criti cizing as the plot unfolds. Martin was formerly a wealthy nobleman, whose villa was a ha ven of refinement and culture in the ruins of Berlin at the end ol the war. Christine was a maid in the fam ily of Martin's business partner , She met Martin when her family was bombed out and the household for which she worked moved .into Martin's home. The pair fell in love, but Mar- Ad Correction An advertisement in the Friday Issue of the Daily Nebraskan which listed men's sports mats at Golds m $9 was iiicorrpct. The price should have turn listed as $21. Tuesday, February 19, 1957 U 2) Co-ed Follies acts by the Pi Beta Phi sorority. The acts will include the regular Co-ed Follies skit, presented by the sorority, the Pi Phi traveler act, presented by the junior girls, and songs by Diane Knotek. the same period last year. This is the fourth successive year that the University had shown a substantial gain in regu lar students. Dr. Hardin said the increase was remarkable because the number of high school graduates in the state has remained approximately at the same level during the past four years. The increase in the University's enrollment has been the result of youth who are interested in fur thering their education and not by increased birth rates, he said. Mercury Dip, Partly Cloudy Skies Forecast Dig out your overcoats folks, the mercury's heading for the bottom I The U.S. Weather Bureau forecasts colder temperatures Tuesday with clear to partly cloudy skies. Polar air from the Yu le o n is ex pected to bring crisp weather but no precipi tation, except for p o s sible snow in the northwest por tion - of the state. Temperatures Tuesday are ex pected to range from 28-32 in the extreme north and may reach 35-40 in the south, according to the Weather Bureau. Scottsbluff recorded tne state s high Monday with 50 degrees while the mercury barely passed the freezing mark at Norfolk, which recorded a high of 33. Sidney's 11 was the state low. Lincoln's high was 41. Precipitation in the state con tinued behind normal. This month to date, Lincoln has recorded .02 of an inch; normal to date is .40 of an inch. The total precipitation this year is only .46 of an inch, compared with the normal to date of 1.30 inches. Overall weather for the next few days is cooler, with clear to partly cloudy skies. No precipitation is expected. Second Free Dance Lesson Set Tonight The Second Free Dance Lesson, sponsored by the Union Dance committee, will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom, according to Terry Mitchem, chairman. Mary Mong, senior in Teachers College, will instruct the "Jitter bug." Many students have expressed a desire to learn the dance typical of university students, according to Gail Sunderman, official host ess. "Since we feel that the Bop and Jitterbug are favorites, wt have decided to concentrate oa them,"she said. Lessons will continue next week with the Bop under the direction of Jon Appleget. Series Show tin's family refused to condone the marriage. Martin's villa was bombed and he enlisted in the Volksturm while Christine re turned to the farm of her parents. After the war, Martin returned, but Christine's family cannot con sent to the marriage for they look on Martin as a shiftless noble man. The two are finally married after Martin proves himself by working on the farm. The story ends with the director and the actor agreeing that the plot would never make a good movie. The entire production crew of the film is pointed out through a roving camera which is photo graphing the wedding of Martin and Christine. , The next film which the Film Society will present will be "Um berto D" on March 6. The movie was made ia liulj.