The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 13, 1957, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4
Where Your Money Went:
Cancer, Cerebral
Palsy Get $2,000
The Daily Nebraskan
This is the second article in
the series "Where Your Money
Went," concerning contributions
collected by the Ail University
Fund. The articles will explain
each charity AUF donated to
this year, and the various pur
poses the organization serves.
AUF Assistant
As a result of the All University
Fund fall drive, the American
Cancer Society and the Cerebral
Palsy Association were each given
These two national organizations
were chosen in a student poll
taken last spring. The American
Cancer Society and the Cerebral
Palsy Association were each given
20 wer cent of AUF's total budget.
Cancer strikes one in four
Americans. Each year, with the
help of the American Cancer So
ciety, there are some 75,000 per
sonal victories over cancer.
The money given to the Ameri
can Cancer Society will support
education in order to provide all
the people with the necessary in
formation. It will give service to
stricken patients and promote re
search to help find more complete
answers to this problem. The
American Cancer Society invests
more money in research than any
other private organization.
The Nebraska Division of the
Counselors Plan
'New Faces' Party
Coed Counselors will present
their, annual second semester
party, "New Faces," tonight at
7:15 p.m. in Parlor A in the
Union, according to Sandy Knlly,
general chairman.
Games and refreshments will
highlight the get-acquainted
mixer, which will welcome all
new University women students.
American Cancer Society, in co
operation with the National So
ciety, has contributed thousands
of dollars raised in Nebraska to
carry on medical research into the
cause of and cure for cancer
Grants are made annually for
clinical study to both Nebraska
and Creighton Universities.
Many crippled children are
taught to walk again through the
efforts of the Cerebral Palsy As
sociation. Money given to this or
ganization is used for clinics, edu
cation and research.
Other charities supported by the
1956 AUF drive were World Uni
versity Service, the Lincoln Com
munity Chest and the Lancaster
County School for Retarded Children.
University Survey
Suggests Song Title
Songwriters Josef Myrow and
Mack Gordon of Hollywood saw a
newspaper item about a survey
made by a speech class at the Uni
versity to determine which words
were the most pleasant to hear.
They clipped the item noting par
ticularly that the "lullaby" and
"blue" were in the top 10 while
"got" was voted one of our harsher
That's the story behind one of the
seven songs they turned out for
RKO's "Bundle of Joy." It's caUed
'Lullaby in Blue."
Home Ec Club
The Home Economics Club will
hold its regular meeting Thurs
day at 4 p.m. in the Ag Union
Lounge, according to Patsy Kauf
man, publicity chairman.
The proggram will feature a
Religious Emphasis Week speaker,
Miss Harriet Willingham.
1 '
W a: - - it r rf-
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L , I
RE Week Coffee Hour
Among those attending a Re
ligious Emphasis Week coffee
hour at the University are (from
left; Dr. G. O. Thompson, dean.
of Westmar College at LeMars,
la.; Dr. Doris Havice of the
University of Colorado; Joan
Norris, University student, and
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Harriet Willingham, director of
tlie Baptist Student Foundation
at the University of Minnesota.
Wednesdoy, February 13, 1957
Chow Time:
Union Food Service
feeds 2,000 Daily
Guest Lecturer:
University To Host
Labor Specialists
A nationally known specialist in
the fields of labor and economic
history and manpower conserva
tion and policy will be a guest
lecturer at the University Monday
and Tuesday.
Dr. Henry David, executive di
rector of the National Manpower
C o u nc i 1 and professor of ec
onomics at Columbia University,
will give one public address in
addition to classroom lectures. .
He will discuss "What Labor
Wants from Government" at 11
a.m. Tuesday at Love Library Au
ditorium. Dr. David formerly was a pro-
Board Of Control
To Discuss IFC
The IFC Board of Control will
meet on Wednesday at 7 p.m. to
discuss the action taken by the IFC
in removing its officers, according
to Thurston Phelps, president.
Phelps stated that all of the avail
able information on the situation
will be called in for discussion and
that he hopes the Board of Control
would have a more definite state
ment after the meeting.
fessor of history at Queens Col
lege in New York. During World
War II, he was director of re
search for the British Broad
casting Corporation North Ameri
can office. He was adviser on
American affairs to the BBC fol
lowing the war.
He also is a consultant for the
Rand Corporation and other or
ganizations. Dr. David is the author of sev
eral books and papers and editor
of the nine-volume series, "The
Economic History of the United
He received his bachelor's de
gree in 1929 from College of the
City of New York. He did his ad
vanced work at Columbia Univer
sity receiving his master's degree
in 1930 and doctor's in 1936.
His visit is being sponsored by
the University Research Council,
Convocations Committee, and De
partment of History.
Dr. David will lecture on "The
Homestead Strike" at 1 p.m. Mon
day in Room 108, Burnett Hall.
He will discuss "The Relatioship
of History to the Social Sciencts"
with graduate students and facul
ty members at 3 p.m. Tuesday
in Room 320, Burnett Hall.
Going to the Crib for ten o'clock
coffee, or three o'clock, or five
o'clock, or just any time has be
come a University tradition.
However, hardly anyone has any
idea of all the services provided
by the Union Food Service Depart
ment or of the personel it takes
to serve that traditional cup of
Very few have ever heard i
of Steffi Drucker but there is
hardly anyone attending the Uni
versity that does not avail him
self of her services at least once
a week. She is the director of the
Union's Food Service Department
and is directly responsible for
every cup of coffee or plate of
food served by the Union.
Steffie began ber career in die
tetics in Paris. She made many
studies in food and nutrition and
owned her own restaurant, "The
Four Aces", in Paris. Before estab
lishing the cafe, she successfully
completed a course at Cordon
Bleu in Paris, the world famed
Paris professional school for cooks, i
In 1950 Steffi came to the Uni
ted States after selling her res
taurant. After arriving here she
worked as assistant food service
director at Gold's, where she be
came acquainted with American
eating habits.
In May 1954 Duane Lake, Man
aging Director appointed her to the
staff of the Union. Since then she
has had the responsibility of serv
ing an average of 2,000 persons a
day in the Crib, cafateria and
faculty dining room.
"The successful director of food
organizations such as the Union
does not depend entirely 'on theo
retic studies in dietetics, but know
ing and loving actual cooking as
well as the type of patrons one
serves is the scret of customer
satisfaction," Mrs. Drucker says.
Among the improvements in
stalled by Steffie this semester
are a weekly menu of inexpensive
budget favorites, a doughnut ma
chine which makes it possible to
have doughnuts for coffee hours
and meetings, and Pizza Pie,
Drucker style.
Steffie gives much of the credit
for the job done by the Union to
her two top aids, Marilyn Heberlee,
production Manager and Lois De
Belly, Catering Manager. Marylin
received her degree in home eco
nomics from Fort Hayes College,
Kansas, and Lois is a graduate
in the same field from the Uni
versity. -
Rag Luncheon
Slated Friday
The "Daily Nebraskan" press
luncheon will be held in parlor Z
of the Union at 12 a.m. Friday.
Guests of the Press Club will be
Bob Elwood and Keith Gardner of
the track team and Carl Boden
steiner from the swimming team.
The new staff of the "Daily Ne
braskan" will be introduced. Those
interested in attending are asked
to contact the News Editor tX the
"Daily Nebraskan" office.
'Genevieve' Opens
Film Society Series
lHllitrH'li'riti'M feilij(ltrtfflvVtililiiWi1liMi m Will 1 1 SitAuUMiaiilttttW HJT-ftvl'Ti"frntWtfl'riM
"Genevieve," the story of a Brit
ish auto, opens the 957 Film So
ciety series this evening at 8 p.m.
at the Capitol Theater.
A sellout crowd of 750 have pur
chased tickets for the seven-film
series. Last year 50 people were
turned away from the theater on
opening night.
The purpose of the series,
planned by the Union Film Com
mittee, is to bring a series of
great foreign films that otherwise
would not have been shown in Lin
coln. This year the sixth the series
has been presented the following
films will be shown:
"Genevieve" (British), "Film
Without A Name" (German),
"Umberto D" (Italian), "The
Sheep Has Five Legs" (French),
"The Pennywhistle Blues" (South
African), "Gate of Hell" (Japan
ese), and "Alexander Nevsky"
(Russian). An "eighth "bonus"
film will be shown the week fol
lowing the last film scheduled.
Tonight's film, "Genevieve,"
starring Dinah Sheridan and John
Gregson, is a color production con-
'pernmg an automobile race in
early-vintage vehicles.
Book Reveiw
Miss Marjone Leafdale. Assis
tant Professor of English at the
University, will review the book,
"The Organization Man" by Wil
liam H. WTiyte Jr. Wednesday at
4 p.m. in the faculty lounge of the
Student Union.
career opportunities
e niors ond Graduate Students
What vaii etimtM tnM I
' ntcrnatiena! Business Machines !
A world-recognized leader and pioneer
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IBM leadership is based on a 42
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Serve all industry, plus government
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IBM's excellent salary and employee
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Advancement is based solely on in
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IBM Laboratories and manufactur
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FEBRUARY 21, 1957
M ow degrct tr major ic Sigi interview scbodub for
Physics Mathematics
Engineering Applied Science
Physics Mechanical
Electrical Engineering ,
Physics Engineering
,' Research and .
. Development
Industrial Electrical
Mechanical. . . . ;
y. . . . Manufacturing :
If you cannot attend interviews,
write for more information to:
R. VV. Hubner, Director of Recruitment,
IBM Corp., 590 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y.
CLUE: This West Coast Bts1 university,
chartered in 1868, has campuses at various
locations throughout the state. Degrees in
.oceanography are among those conferred
. by this institution.
CLUE: Named for its founder, who also
founded the Western Union Telegraph
Company, this eastern university has many
schools, among which is one for hotel
No's: Above puzzl requirei 2 answers.
Hold oniwwi for mailing inthvetion.
AD participants who completed
the initial set of twenty-four
puzzles correctly are required
to solve a series of eight tie
breakers, in order to compete '
for the prizes in the tie.
Remember first prize is a
tour for two around the world
and there are 85 other
valuable prizes. .
Regulars Kings or Filters,
today's Old Golds taste terrific ...
thanks to an exclusive blend of the finest
nature-ripened tobaccos ... bo rich . . .
so light ... so golden bright I
Copjrlirht 1.1T,
En U. ttuUUM
300 Expected:
All Campus Dance Set
For Saturday At Union
The All Campus Dance will be
held Saturday from 9 to 12 p.m.
in the Union Ballroom.
According to Terry Mitchem a
crowd of about 300 is expected to
Wet, Dry:
NU Plan
Treats Seed
A program is now under way
at the University to determine the
effect of chemically treated seed
in both wet and dry years, ac
cording to extension plant patholo
gist John Weihing.
"Although exact figures are not
yet available for Nebraska, an
increase of as much as three bush
els of wheat per acre at a cost of
two cents per bushel of seed treat
ed is an average in Iowa," he
Weihing pointed out that both
dry years and wet years have
some diseases in common, one of
the most dangerous and destructive
being certain types of smut.
In western Nebraska, 70 per cent
of small-grain growers are treat
ing seed for both spring and fall
planting, he said. In the eastern
sections, less than 15 per cent are
using chemicals.
He stated that chemical appli
cation may be made by either the
dust, slurry or liquid methods.
Classified Ads
"Any typing !on-these!, dissertations,
reports, etc Fully experienced. 2-8253.
A. College Area Furnished Basement
Apartment For Four Boy. Call 6-473.
fniversity Ktudenu earn $50 weekly and
go to sfhftol. Permanent petition after
graduation possible. Call 3-3538 before
6:00 P.M. Wednesday.
attend and everyone can attend,
either stag or with a date. The
theme of the dance depicts activi
ties at the University.
Marcia'Bodeh, chairman of dec
oration, stressed that since this
dance emphasises organizations,
each organization should be rep
resented ty several members.
This is the fifth of a series of
eight dances" sponsored by the Stu
dent Union Dance committee. The
next two dances will be during
the state basketball tournament
and will be attended by high
school youths from all over the
state. The final dance, held in the
spring, is a dividend dance, free
to all students. Any profit made
during the past year is used to
finance this dance.
In addition to dances, the Dance
Committee sponsors other events
such as the free dance lessons
which are in progress now and
"Intersanctum," an evening of or
gan music to be held March first
in conjunction with the "Spock
Show" which will be in the Union
the same night. -X,'
The tickets for the dance are
SO cents and are available at the
now ruivi
m i A
1 tm
.- " fcs- ewi f
k i
law hi ,..
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Talk to your placement officer today i i ; ask for liter
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