The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1957, Page Page 4, Image 4
U vr , v. -5 ' 1 r 1 5 ! '. 1 ft Page 4 LSA Meet Scheduled: The Daily Nebroskon Friday, Februory 8, 1957 q The Religious Wee r By CINDY ZSCHAU Church Editor Baptists and Disciples of Christ 1237 R Sunday: 5-7 p.m., supper, wor ship and program with Harriet W'.liingham as the speaker. There will be special chapel serv ice during Religious Emphasis Week. Check the Religious Empha sis Week schedule for times. B'nal B'rith Hille Foundation Friday: 7:30 p.m., worship at South Street Temple, 20 & South. Friday: 8 p.m., worship at Con gregation Tifereth Israel, 32 & Sheridan. Saturday: 8 and 10:45 a.m., wor ship at Congregation Tifereth Is rael. Christian Science Organization Thursday: 7-7:30 p.m. worship in Room 315 of the Union. Evangelical United Brethren -Sunday: 5 p.m., college meeting at Student Union with Dr. Thomp son, dean of Westmar College. Lutheran Student House 535 No. 16 Friday: Midwest Regional LSA Conference, 8 p.m., registration; 9 p.m., address by Pastor Hctzler of the University of Iowa on "A Working, Willing Witness." Saturday: 8:30 a.m., workshops; 1 p.m., business meeting; 4:15 p.m., address by Pastor Hetzler; 10:30 p.m., evening vespers and Installation of officers. Sunday: 8 a.m., Bible study; 9:3C a.m., Holy Communion; 10:30 a.m., Koffee Klutch; 11 a.m., Holy Communion; 5 p.m., LSA cost sup per with speech "The Dimension of Death" by Pastor Hetzler. Monday: 10-11 a.m. and 3-4 p.m., directed meditation in chapel; 4 p.m., coffee hour with Pastor Hetz ler; 6 p.m., International and Grad Students supper with speech 'Which Education?" by Pastor Hetzler. Tuesday: 10-11 a.m. and 3-4 p.m., directed meditation in chapel; 4 p.m., coffee hour with Pastor Hetz ler 7:30 p.m., vespers with talk "The Dimension of Love" by Pas tor Hetzler. Wednesday: 10-11 a.m. and 3-4 p.m., directed meditation in chap el; 4 p.m., coffee hour with staff. Newman Catholic Center 1602 Q Sunday: 8,9,10,11 a.m. and 12 -r.oon, Masses. . Weekdays: 6:30 and 7:15 a.m., Masses. rrexbyterlan-Congrf Rational 333 No. 14 Sunday: 5:30 p.m., installation of officers and discussion of the Religious Week theme "Eternal Di mension." Monday: 7 a.m., Bible study. Tuesday: 8, 9 and 10 a.m., study Kroup on "The Life of Christ."; 7 p.m., Sigma Eta Chi. Wednesday: 7 p.m., vespers. Thursday: 8 a.m., study group on "Religion in Literature." University Episcopal Chapel 346 No. 13 Sunday: 9 a.m.. Holy Commu nion 11 a.m., Confirmation. The Rt. Rev. Howard Brinker, Bishop of Nebraska; 6:30 p.m., Canterbury Club supper with election of of ficers. Tuesday: 10 a.m., Holy Com munion. ' Wednesday: 7 .m., Holy Com munion; 7:30 p.m., choir rehears al. Thursday: 10 a.m., Holy Com munion. University Lutheran Chapel (Missouri Synod) 15 & Q Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Holy Com munion with sermon by Pastor E. P. Weber of Purdue University (announcement Friday), 5:30 p.m., Gamma Delta supper with Pastor Weber as guest. Tuesday: 7 p.m., doctrine group. Wednesday: 7 p.m., choir re hearsal. Thursday: 3:30-5:30 p.m., coffee hours. Tryouts Try outs for "The Seedless Grape", an original laboratory theater production by James Copp will be held Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Temple Building Arena Theater. Good Teachen Agency"1 CHRISTIANO'S PIZZARIA 8 VARIETIES OF PIZZA 3 SIZES $2.00 1.50 .75 DINING ROOM SERVICE 5 P.M. OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT TUESDAY 4 P.M. -12 P.M. Ph. 2-4059 889 No. 27 DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE Established 1918 rrino the Mis souri Valley to the West Coast-. Enroll Now. 529 Stuart Bldg., Lincoln 8, Nebr. Remember HIM ' with a VALENTINE from GOLDENROD 215 NORTH 14 EUROPE .... FOR LESS ALL-STUDENT TRIP 58 days 13 countries $805 all-expense See Scandinavia, Spain plui rest ei Europ. on this amaiing travel bargain! Hav. mor. iun traveling in a amall group with other college students. Spac. is filling last. Don't delay . . . register now. Other 3 to 9-week trips from $335 to $1035. Writ, today! AMERICAN YOUTH ABROAD (off Univ. of Minn, campus) 210 University Station, Minneapolis 14. Minn. THE HOME OF COLLEGE STYLES of Amherst Massachusetts prowlly presents YOUR AUTHENTIC IVY SLACKS A new concept in comfort, and silhouette styling NO CROTCH SAGGING A quality standard accepted by College men who demand the Tery best. John Morrow wears the AUTHENTIC IVY SLACKS HE says. Don't wear Just any slacks Wear IVY from THE HOME OF COLLEGE STYLES Amherst, Massachusetts John C. Morrow Campus Representative You Are Invited To Worship ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH 12th and M Streets UmmJ : n il .flistv 1 Tp- ' JL Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. - Sermon Topic: The Roman of A Great Liie" r mm Church Study Classes 9:45 A.M. Radio Ministry Every Sunday . ETAB-9:00-9:15 A.M. , EFOB 11:30 AM. . Ministers: FKANK COURT, RALPH LEWIS, SAMUEL BEECHNER DONALD BUSS WESLEY FOUNDATION KEEP YOUR SUNDAYS SACRED THROUGH THE HOLY HUSH OF WORSHIP! Sixth Annual Air Age Clinic Meets At NU Nebraska, Tennessee and Michi gan will present their unusual pro grams for aviation education at the sixth annual Air Age Clinic to be held at the University Friday and Saturday. The history and Junction of each program will be explained by the delegates from each of the three states. Co-ordinator of the Univer sity's Air Age Education Division, Charles Elmlinger, said that about 150 persons from eight states are expected to attend. ELIA KAZAN'S production or TENNESSEE WILLIAMS'boloeststowi moWAfNCt BROS.tTAMiNa KARL HAIDER -CARROU BAKER-tU WALLACH In presenting "BAI1V DOIX". nn uliilt motion pictur. w lrllrvi It Is nur rrapniiNlbHItjr In Inform you this film has hern plnrrd In I he (:" class by ths Legion of Prcency. NO CHILDREN'S ADMISSIONS RomcmceKonorary Hears Two Papers At the Thursday meeting of Phi Rijjnia Iota, Romance Language honorary , two papers were pre sented, according to Marilyn Schu mote. Fat Alvord, senior in Teachers, rcid a paper on "Baudelaire's In tleiest in Poe." Leland Woodrow, senior in Arts and Sciences, dis cjssed "Pio Baroja and his Basque Slovics." Dance Lessons Free dance lessons will begin Tuesday, Feb. 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. There will be a series of five lessons. Harold's Barber Shop 223 No. 14th l'l Blocks So. Student Union ALL HAIRCUTS $1.25 2nd LAFF WEEK When a Geisha Girl Falls in love with an American Gl . . . LOOK OUTI Girl who is dedicated lo making a man happyl WHAT LAFFSI WHAT FUNI (mm .a i1 see) i a .. lib 75c Til 8 Then SOo Doors Open 12:45 Daily i 7Rr. Jil1.. A " i i I Written rr on the '. . , sensational 1 . . . high-powered all the way tank and out' spoken" ' L.A. XIMK8 A Unlvsttol lnlsrnollenol fictvrt (latrine kWI ' s w e-r ROCK HUDSON LAUREN BACALL ROBERT STACK DOROTHY MALONE Vou'll R Talklni About Tbrlr l'nfnrfl;it l)lo IVr-farniiinosl ISESBVn 1 II 111 I Hll 1 1 r WriT 11 1 IV NasO- .;) ---- rI3 ,,,, v J y " " : Follow the lead of Ratph Posch, y ' ,; $f B.M.E., Class of '51 ' ; Aimam wUk OQO f' l"! ' I i I , if. ! As a Uad snginssr in Vought't Propuliion Group, Ralph upcrvitM .J jvelopmnt of power, ul, Itarling and rooling systsmi for tupcrtonic fighter and misult. t . y r- ) sW tolph consults on ngine acibility problems in liffhters lik ihU ),000-plvs-mph Crusader. Ikninnf- nsiTniim siT.inW J hA l-wstusiri as a Chance Vought Engineer Ralph Posch already is making his mark in. the aviation world, Ralph's only 31, but he's advanced to lead engineer in a career field he's liked from the start. Ralph's progress was speeded by Chance Vought's own growth and by keen company interest in his development. These same career aids are working today for every young engineer who's entered missile and fighter .development at Vought. Symposiums on creative engineering, for example, encourage . the brand of technical free thinking Ralph has displayed. Company-paid tuition for postgraduate study allows any recent graduate to take immediate steps toward advanced degrees. For an increasing number of junior engineers, Vought offers a nine-month program of job rotation which prepares young men like Ralph for key responsibilities. And in every unit of Vought's engineering sections the young professional is given variety that's both refreshing and broadening. Let our campm , representative explain how Chance Vought will do its utmost to help you find and advance in the field that best suits you. Ask your placement office to arrange your appointment, or write directly for immediate information toj Mr. C. A. Besio, Supervisor, Engineering Personnel Section CHANCE VOUGHT AIRCRAFT, Incorporated, Dallas, Texas Our representative will be In yonr Placement Office Wednesday, February 27, to describe firsthand Chance Vought's program for young engineers. Reserve time for your own interview by making your appointment today. CM A NOB Pilot commsms on aircrafr psrformancs prove ssps etaliy inlwsKing 19 power plgnt specialists like Ralphy (A EXTRAI Swrll Color SrtrMln Inusually Tint Tnvrl snsdlaa Besuty and Hnovf Snortsl" 9 4'