The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Fridoy, Februory 8, 1 957 4
Pecs 2
The Daily NJebroskon
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Daily Nebraskan Editorials:
I United foon
After many weeks of factionous debate and
cleavage the IFC members finally compromised
last night and agreed to postpone executive
elections until next Thursday. This, action seemed
to meet with the approval of both the IFC Ad
visors who previously had advocated an early
March election and certain fraternity presidents
who spoke for an immediate election.
This compromise action Is indeed significant
when one surveys the proceedings of last month
and the results thereof. It was pointed out both by
the Council advisors and the more conservative
fraternity presidents that results of an immediate
election (which was called for in the last meet
ing of Jan. 16) could conceivably be retracted by
the IFC Board of Control decision, which will be
issued next Wednesday. Thus the Council wisely
avoided further complication by delaying their
elections to the night following the Board of Con
trol report.
During the course of last Wednesday's debate
IFC faculty advisor Dr. Bertrand Schultz issued
some solmen warnings to the fraternity presidents
that the adverse publicity resulting from the Jan.
16 executive resignations had seriously jeopardized
next year's rushing program. These wise words
of, advice coupled with an unwritten historical
principle which states that after any psuedo
revolutionary action has been Instigated former
foundations are inevitably weakened presents a
serious problem to the IFC in toto.
In order for any of its future actions to have any
effect the IFC must drastically minimize the
politics in future elections. Granted this is an ideal
istic solution but most if not all of the trouble
which has arisen in the Council during this aca
demic year was caused by politics in one way or
The majority faction of the IFC comprising of
those members who favored the Jan. 16 executive
resignation bemoaned the fact that two fratern
ities had dominated the Council for the past two
or three years. This fact is certainly true but
it must be remembered that these two fraternities
accomplished much of the IFC work during that
time and that many of the other member fratern
ities were negligent in their scrutiny of Council
actions and proceedings.
However, now that the guillotine ceremonies are
presumably over, the IFC must present a unified
front in order to perpetuate the fraternity system
at the University. Only by such a unification will
the fraternity system regain its former status and
wipe out the black mark left by recent, unfavor
able news articles which have appeared through
out the state. (Incidentally much of this unfavor
able publicity can be attributed to the terse official
. IFC statement concerning the Jan. 16 meeting
which was released for publication.)
The Interfraternity Council must cease to be a1
political arena. Instead it should take on much
the same responsibilities and characteristics of one
big fraternal group.
-r- , ,
Jim, AND ID..
The Quiet Men
The Interfraternity Council meeting Wednesday
brought up an interesting point. Several members
of the body, and the advisors, were conoerned about
unfavorable state-Vide publicity which resulted from
the ousting of the officers.
Obviously, the call for dismissal was itself
bad publicity. Secondly, no concrete reasons other
than vague generalizations about how the officers
were not acting in accordance with body were given.
Thirdly, closed meetings do not offer much chance
for clear presentation of the case for either side.
An issue of any sort can be backed only as far
as facts support it. You can't get many facts out
of secret meetings. .
The Be
rnal Dimension
(The following Is the first of
a series of articles by campus
religious readers which will con
tinue through Religious Empha
sis Week, February 10 to 14.)
Religious Emphasis Week will
be held on our campus next week,
February 10-14. This year we are
planning to make use of the ex
isting meetings on campus and to
go into the classrooms and or
ganized houses. In this way, we
will be reaching the students by
going into the normal life of the
campus rather than by asking
the campus to come to EEW.
The purpose of REW Is to
impress upon the student the
need for religion in his every
day life. It is important, not only
to go to church, but also to have
religion in the classroom, in the
organized house, in activities,
bxj6 in every area in which stu
dents are gathered together.
This year's theme for REW is
"The Eternal Dimension." You
have probably noticed the sym
bol depicting this theme around
the campus. It shows that life is
not square. It has many dimen
sions, uncountless depths and
heights. Man's world is not flat,
nor is his mind, nor is his spirit.
The symbol of REW reminds us
of these truths, and it tells us
further that man does not stand
alone. He stands with his broth
ers in mutual obligations and re
sponsibilities under the judgment
and protection- of God. Symbolic
ally we see the Star of David
and the Cross of Christ speaking
forth the truth that we stand
in the midst of the great Judeo
Christian tradition, -being mea
sured by it in every dimension
cf our existence.
We usually ask the question dur
ing REW, "What must I do to
find God?" The symbol suggests
a truer and more courageous
question, "What must I do now
that I have found Him?"
Basically the meaning of "The
Eternal Dimension" is future
life. The idea of the theme is to
give the student a broader per
spective into religion and its
meanings to him on the campus.
Most important, the student must
realize that although he is away
from home he has not lost con
tact with his God. With this idea
in mind, REW will give the stu
dents the opportunity to deepen
and strengthen their spiritual
needs. Will YOU take advantage
of this opportunity?
Joan Norris
City Campus Chairman
Religious Emphasis Week
The Daily Nebraskan
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
Representative: National Advertising Service,
Published at: Room 20, Student Union
Lincoln, Nebraska
14th & R
The lllr Nebraskan Is pnbll.hed Monday. Tuesday.
ttL dv nd Friday durUir the school year, escept
K, wM"n. and n periods.
....hii.hni dnrinr August, by studMita of the University
If TetaLtafd the 'authorisation of the Commute.
" StndJnt Affalri an expression of student opinion.
on Student Publication shall bo free from editorial
wnorhlp on the part of th, Subcommittee or on the
SETTf ymmhVVt th., of h" l."'
on the part of any person outside the linlverstty. The
memberTof the Nebnwkan
spomlble for what they say, or do or eatue to be
printed. February 8, IMS. . . .
Entered a second elass matter at the pout office In
Lincoln, AeDrMHJt. unur nv hi - --
rditor fed 1a,!'
Managlns; Editor k0,,ocI
Editorial Paso Editor Dick Shu jrrue
New Editors Sara Jones, Bob Ireland
Sports Editor Bol M artel
Copy Editors Art Blackman. Carole rrank
George Moyer, Bon W'arholoskl
A Editor D,l,k.H:.!,or,J
Nlht News Editor Carole tranK
Staff Fhotwrrapher "ale Iewls
Office Secretary Jn'lo Dowell
Soelety Editor Farrell
Staff Writers Nancy DeLons;, Cynthia Zschau. Bob
Win, Oary Rodger. JoAnn Gabborou,
8tan Vtldmsn.
Reporters Judy Slelcr Marilyn Nlssen. Mlnnetter
Taylor, Diana Maxwell, Sandra Whalen,
Dorothy Hall, Dlanna Gease, Bill Cooper,
Bill V!lon, Gary Peterson. Mary Pat
terson, Urnna Barrett, Emmy Lmmpo.
Ruslnest Manarer Geonre Madsen
Circulation Manasrer Jack Norris
Assistant Business Managers Larry Epxtein
Tom Neff, Jerry belletln
Peanuts: Try
One, You'll
AJever Stop
"Peanuts," the comic strip which
won for its creator Charles W
Schulz the title of 1956 Cartoon
ist of the Year, has made its ap
pearance in the, columns of The
Daily Nebraskan. Look directly
above for a peek into the wonder
ful world of Schulz 's little peo
ple. The strip combines humor and
insight for a blend that has proved
irresistible on campuses around
the country. The Whittier College
campus newspaper said, " 'Pea
nuts' is the comic strip of the
century." And from Duke Univer
sity " ca:ne the comment, " 'Pea
nuts' has won the hearts of Duke
Schulz seems mildly abashed by
all this praise. He says, "It sure
is nice to know that people enjoy
your work."
So there it is, and there you
are We hope the charming world
of Charley Brown will become a
daily part of your world.
To the Editor:
As a member of the Film Com
mittee of the Student Union, I
feel a debt of gratitude for the
publicity the Rag has given our
efforts. However, after reading
"A Laughing Stock," an article on
our 1957 Film Society in your Feb
ruary 5 issue, I can't help being
You say that it is a wonderful
thing that students are responding
so well to such a cultural series
of classics, "even on the silver
screen." This,. I feel, is a rap to
the movies themselves.
I'd like to point out that motion
pictures are a more influential
and wider reaching medium than
newspapers, and the although we
are exposed more often to poor
movies rather than good ones, a
real film classic is in every way
as worthwhile as any other sort
of classic. As an example, may
I submit our series?
John C. West
'.u !
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Please contact your Placement Director
today to arrange for interviews with
General Motors recruiting representative
Mr. R. E. Allen
who will be on the campus
February 11 & 12
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