The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1957, Image 1

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    "fc RA'M1W- fv(Ifr'lQ)fQ)A?P'f AM
Studen Votes:
31, No. 46
Compromise Decision:
Election Of Officers
For IFC Postponed
News Editor
The Interfraternity Council
Wednesday night postponed election
f executive officers until Thurs
day after two hours of debate.
Dick Reische, president of Beta
Theta Pi, was elected temporary
chairman after Bill Krommenhoek,
Delta Upsilon president, resigned
because of scholastic commit
A committee consisting of IFC
faculty advisors Dr. Bertrand
Schultz, Bill Orwig, and Dr. Wil
liam Gilliland and Jim Feather,
president of 'Farm House; Krom
menhoek, and Don Beck, president
of Alpha Gamma Rho will present
a list of nominations for the four
Council executive positions at
Thursday's meeting. Nominations
w'"ll also be made from the floor.
The compromise decision came
after efforts to hold both imme
diate elections and to delay voting
until March failed.
Richard Knudsen, chairman of the
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
Sally Adams:
New Editor
Sally Adams, a member of the
University public relations staff,
will assume duties as editor of
the University Alumni Association
magazine, "Nebraska Alumnus,"
March 1, ac- ,
cording to Ex- N i f
ecutive Sec- ' r ,v -
retary Arnold ' ,
Magnuson. jv
She will sue- ( V,
ceed J. Philip i
4k ,
Holman who '
will become '
assistant agri- v
cultural editor
of the Nebras-' L,.,. . 4
ka E X p e r i- Courtw Lincoln Star
xnent Station -JI3j;
department of information"
Miss Adams, a native of Aurora,
received her Bachelor of Arts de
gree "with distinction" from the
University in 1953. She was a staff
writer for the Lincoln Star from
June 1953 until she joined the pub
lic relations staff in October, 1955.
She is a member of Phi Beta
Kappa, national honorary scholas
tic society; Theta Sigma Phi, pro
fessional fraternity for women, in
journalism; Kappa Tau Alpha, na
tional honorary scholastic frater
nity in journalism; and Delta
Gamma sorority.
Miss Adams is also a member
of the Board of Directors and
"Callboard" editor for the Lincoln
Community Playhouse; member
of the Lincoln Braille Club Board
of Trustees; blind project director
for the Delta Gamma Alumnae
Chapter; and alumnae adviser to
the student chapter of Theta Sig
ma Phi.
Slated Today
For Tourney
The University Is again planning
to enter the National Intercol
legiate Bridge Tournament to be
held Feb. 23.
Preliminary tournaments will be
held on the 9th and 16th of Febru
ary to determine the top eight
teams which will participate in
the final tournament on the 23rd.
Winners of the preliminaries will
participate in the National meet.
The preliminary will be held
In Parlors A, B and C. at 1 p.m.
In the Union.
Students must participate In the
preliminary in order to qualify
for the National Playoffs. Players
must have the same partners each
time they play. Entrants are not
required to be members of the
same organization.
Entry blanks must be turned into
the Union Activities Office by to
day. Additional blanks may be ob
tained at the Activities Office.
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Aiumni fraternity advisors, an
nounced that his committee is still
in the process of investigating the
resignations of three IFC officers.
Knudsen stated that the IFC
IFC Misquote
The following statement
.which appeared in Wednesday's
.paper: "The resignations came,
according to a statement by
(Ben) Belmont, because the re
volting fraternities did not ap
prove of the University drinking
policies which were supported
by the resigning officers," is
Board of Control will probably
"take action on the matter next
Marvin Breslow, president of Sig
ma Alpha Mu, moved that elec
tions be held at a special meet
ing Thursday aftr a motion to
vote for new officers immediately
During the discussion Dr. Gilli
land suggested that the executive
election be held during March. Gil
liland explained that such proce
dure was authorized in the IFC
Gilliland stated that "there are
politics involved in my opinion and
in the opinion of a great many peo
ple." Gilliland urged the Council
to "cool off" before elections were
Speaking for the motion to hold
executive elections immediately
Beck urged the Council "to get
things rolling."
' "We can't do anything construc
tive if we don't have any leader
ship," Breslow commented.
Bob Ingram, president of Sigma
Phi Epsilon, withdrew . his name
:or executive consideration and de
nied that any politics was involved
in recent IFC action.
In other Council action temporary
chairman Reische announced that
the election for an IFC representa
tive on the Student Council would
be held at the Thursday meeting.
ThO IFC position on the Student
Council was vacated in January.
Top Pictures:
Annual Photo
Exhibit Now
On Display
The traveling exhibit of the 13th
annual "News Pictures of the
Year" competition is now on dis
play in the basement of Burnett
Hall at the University. The show
will continue through Feb. 19.
The public is invited to at
The exhibit, co-sponsored by the
National Press Photographers As
sociation and Encyclopedia Brit-
anrica, features all of the top prize
winners and finalists in this year's
contest the largest of its kind
in the world today.
Two prints in the exhibit, which
contains a cross section of about
125 prints, are by leading photog
raphers from Lincoln. The exhibit
will also Include representative
prints from the portfolio of Grey
Billet of Life Magazine, which has
been awarded the title "Magazine
Photographer of the Year."
This year's show will tour 75
cities throughout the country, be
ing exhibited in leading colleges,
universities, public libraries and
museums. It is sponsored at the
University by Kappa Alpha Mu,
honorary photographic fraternity.
Dr. William Hall, director of the
School of Journalism, said that this
is the first time a salon of this type
has been possible at the University
because in past years proper fa
cilities far displaying the prints
wee lacking. This year KAM com
pleted a four-year project of instal
ling wall cabinets in the basement
of Burnett Hall.
The project is one of many spon
sored by KAM for the advance
ment of photography. Last year
the fraternity received the 1956
Activities Award for the outstand
ing chaper in nation-wide compe
tition. University Film
'Awards' Finalist
The film, "Highest Ideals," pro
duced by the University depart
ment of photographic production is
one of 10 finalists in the annual
Intercollegiate Awards competition
for campus-produced films.
"Highest Ideals, produced for
:he National Society of Pershing
Rifles, was written and directed
by Anthony Gorsline. Its purpose
was to outline the background and
aims of Pershing Rifles, honorary
military organization.
The annual competition is spon
sored by the Screen Producers
Guild and Look magazine.
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Members of the Residence As-
rociation of Men prepare for
Valentine Frolic:
RAM Puts Final Arrangements
On Hungarian Benefit Dance
Final arrangements were made
Thursday for the Hungarian Stu
dent Benefit Dance and Valentine
Frolic to be held . Saturday night,
according to Gary Widman, So
cial Director of the Residence As
sociation for Men.
The dance, to be held in the
Main Dining Room of Selleck
Q'indrangle, will begin immediate
ly after the Kansas-Nebraska bas
ketball game.
It will be open to the public and
there will be no admission charge.
Each person attending is asked
to donate to the Hungarian Student
Project fund, however.
In addition, Widman said, all
profjiafroai the Selleck Quadrangle
Snack Bar for the evening will be
contributed to the fund through
action of the RAM Council which
derives its income from Snack Bar
The dance area will be decorat
ed in a Valentine theme including
a large centerpiece and an entire
ceiling of hearts. The cost of dec
orations is being donated by RAM
Another organization which has
agreed to contribute its services is
the Collegians Combo. This student
group has played at many campus
dances and is popular at such
events. The group reportedly can-
ceiled a paying engagement to play
for the benefit dance.
The dance will have as its master
of ceremonies, Larry Epstein, an
experienced MC. Epstein is a mem
ber cf the Yell Squad and the Red
Cross College Unit. As a Red Cross
worker, he has MC'd variety shows
presented by the RCCU at the Lin-
coin veterans hospital.
Entertainment will be provided
at intermission by the RAM Glee
ljb This group has gained wide
popularity on the campus and in
outstate areas in the last two years.
LSA Plans
The Lutheran Student Associa
tion will be host to the Mid-winter
Conference of the LSA Midwest
Region Friday evening through
Sunday at the Lutheran Student
Hotie, 535 No. 16th.
Representatives of the LSA from
15 Kansas and Nebraska schools
will attend the conference which
is directed toward developing
leaders within the campus groups.
Using "A Willing, Working Wit
ness" as the theme of the con
ference, the featured speaker,
Pastor Don Hertzler, . Lutheran
campus pastor at Iowa U, will de
liver three main addresses. His
keynote address will open the con
ference at 9 p.m. Friday.
Five workshops on Saturday
morning comprise the core of the
three day session. Dr. Paul Bier
stedt of the Division of College and
University Work, Chicago; will di
rect the Bible Study Technique!)
section, with Hetzler guiding the
discussion of Christian Art. Work
shops on Programing, Steward
ship and Campus Economics com
plete the morning session.
The remainder of the conference
includes a business meeting and
address on Saturday afternoon, the
KU-NU game followed by a Vesper
service Saturday night. The con
ference concludes with Bible study
and Communion Kunday
Valentine Benefit Du::ce sched-
u!ed Saturday. Donations of the
Under the direction of Dick Oehring
the Glee Club has appeared on sev
eral radio and television broadcasts,
and has sung in several Lincoln
The University of Kansas basket
ball team may be present for an
interview, but this aspect of the
dance has not yet been confirmed.
-Lee Miller, president of Manatt
House and RAM representative to
the Hungarian Student Project, is
making arrangements to have Miss
Sara Laszlo, the first Hungarian
refugee student to arrive on the
University campus, present at the
If possible, Miller said, he would
To. Arrive
The University's second Hungar
ian refugee student will arrive in
Lincoln Friday night, according to
Barb Sharpe, chairman of Univer
sity Hungarian Student Project
Karoly (Charles) Nemeth will be
met at 6:40 p.m. at the Burling
ton Depot by members of the Uni
er.sity Hungarian Student Project
committee, which has raised funds
to bring him here to study.
Nemeth is a native of Acts Kom
aron Megye, Hungary.
His parents died when he was a
small child and he was raised by
friends. He was graduated from
a gymnasium (high school) and
attended medical school in Hun
gary. He was thrown out of
school because his parents, if they
had been alive, would have been
considered capitalists. He was re
instated last September under the
de-Stalinization program.
Nemeth was a member of the
army but was required to do forced
labor in the mines because he was
not considered politically reliable
as a Communist soldier.
He has studied English for four
years and just completed a short
course in controversial English at
Clear Skies,
Balmy Temps
Clearing skies and balmy tem
peratures will highlight the week
end. An ex
pected high
of 48 for
today will as
s u r e Kansas
U. and Wilt
a warm
to the cam
pus. Low tem
peratures are expected to be from
15 to 25 degrees. The cold front
moving into Nebraska will retreat
today leaving slightly colder tem
peratures in eastern Nebraska and
western Iowa.
Sold Out!
No Nebraska-Kansas basket
ball tickets will be on sale Sat
urday evening, according to A.
J. Lewandowskl, Business Ma
mager of the University Ath
letic Department. Tickets " for
iie game are all sold.
Friday, February 8, 1957
1 Hkl vi
Nebraskan Photo
Dance will go to the Hungarian
Student Program.
have an interpreter present so that
Miss Laszlo, who reportedly speaks
no English, can be interviewed and
meet some American students at
the dance.
Widman pointed out that the bene
fit dance combines three functions
into one. It will incorporate the
traditional open house dance spon
sored each February by the RAM
and a Valentino party in addition
to its fund-raising aspect.
All recreational areas of the
Quadrangle will also be available
to persons attending the dance,
including the TV lounges, ping pong
fquipment, the music room and
Snack Bar.-
Bard College in New York. He
escaped from Hungary on Nov. 14
ana arrived in the United States
on Dec. 12.
He plans to take pre-medical
courses at the University. He will
live at Cornhusker Co-op, men's
cooperative house.
Study Courses
Being Offered
To Begin Feb. 11
Non-credit and Study Improve
ment courses will be offered be
ginning the week of Feb. 11.
The reading improvement
course, designed to improve read
ing speed and comprehension,
lasts for nine weeks, students at
tending two one-hour class ses
sions each week.
The reading improvement
courses meet at 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Monday and Wednesday and 11
a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday and
Two sections of the , study im
provement course are offered, the
first which begins the week of Feb.
11, meets at 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. on
Monday and Wednesday. The sec
ond session begins the week of
March 18, classes meet at 3 p.m.
and 4 p.m. on Monday and Wednes
day and 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. on
Tuesday and Thursday.
Students are to enroll in the
Counseling office in Temporary
Building A.
Opera 'Inlemfmg,' 'Entertaining'
If operas were judged exclu
sively on the basis of music and
acting, the Department of Music's
presentation of "The Marriage of
Figaro" would score nearly 100
percent. The eight member cast
under the direction of Leon
Lishner and Earl Jenkins gave
Mozart's classic everything they
had, which was quite a bit.
Thus we saw fine examples of
the actor-singer combination in
performers like Rodney Walker
as Figaro, Jodene Kuxhaus as Su
sanna and Phyllis Malony as Cher
ubino. Miss Malony, in particular,
gave her role a good humor,
grace, and sparkling personality
which pleased the opening night
crowd. As thespians the entire
cast displayed some weaknesses
shyness in making gestures and
lack of motivation in responses
The Student Council passed a
motion Wednesday "respectfully
requesting the Faculty Senate to
allow the student representatives
on the Senate Committees the right
to vote at the discretion of the in
dividual committees."
The motion, made by Council
Spring Day:
Dick" Hagemeier was named
chairman of the Spring Day Com
mittee by the Student Council
Other memebers of the commit
tee elected by the Council were
Sandra Kadlecek, Dorothy Beech
ner. Joanne Bender. Georgann
Humphrey and Ken Wehrman.
Hagmeier, a junior in Agricul
ture, is a member of Aeronomy
Club and 4-H club, treasurer of
Agriculture Executive Board, man
ager of Farmer's Fair Board and
president of Alpha Gamma Rho.
Another new member is San
dra Kadlecek, junior in Teachers.
She is a member of WAA board.
former Publicity chairman of Tas
sels and a member of Kappa Alpha
Miss Beechner, sophomore in
Business Administration, is Union
chairman, a member of Red
Cross Board, Coed Counselors and
Alpha Chi Omega.
Junior in Arts and Sciences, Miss
Bender is a member of Coed Coun
selor Board, Student Council, Pan
hellnic Council, Cornhusker and
Delta Delta Delta.
Miss Humphrey, sophomore in
Teachers, is a member of Tassels,
Red Cross Board, NUCWA and Al
pha Lambda Delta.
Junior in Arts and Science, Ken
Wehrman is a member of Kosmet
Klub and Delta Upsilon.
fig ay
Bud Holloway and his orchestra
have been engaged to provide
music for the ninth annual Snow
ball Dance to be held tonight in
the College Activities Building, Ag
College, from 8:30 to 11:30.
Airman Second Class Oscar
Tischhouser of the Lincoln Air
Force Base will be featured at
intermission. Tischhouser, an ac
cordianist, has-appeared on radio
and television and was the recent
winner of the Base talent contest.
Also to be announced is the
winner of the cutest baby contest.
Winners are selected from photo
graphs of themselves submitted
by students. Last year's winner
was Ron Bath, a senior in agri
culture. Tickets are a $1.50 a couple and
will be on sale at the door, ac
cording to Gary Briggs, publicity
chairman of the Ag Union Dance
ROTC Cadet
Fete Readied
By Honorary
Pershing Rifles, National Mili
tary Honorary Society, will hold
their Second Semester Smoker on
Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m, in room 315
of the Union.
All basic ROTC cadets from any
of the services may attend. In
cluded in the program are re
freshments, somkes and a movie.
Representatives from the Navy,
Army and Air Force ROTC staffs
will be present to answer all ques
tions. Some of the events planned by
the Fershing Rifles for this semes
ter are the Field Problem, Spring
Dinner Dance, Drill Meet and a
field trip to Washington, D.C.
but these may be chalked up to
inexperience and were only inter
mittent. (The opera is being given by al
ternating casts, and unfortunately
I was only able to see the first
night of the four performance
In addition to sureness of pitch
and fine ensemble work, the sing
ers demonstrated almost invari
ably good articulation. The au
dience was able to understand
nearly every word of the libretto,
which was a much finer work than
the sometimes ludicrous script of
last year's "LaBoheme."
But unfortunately one must atso
consider the staging of the current
production. The movement and
stage pictures prescribed by Lish
ner were repetitious. Lignting was
used only n illuminate the stage,
vice-president Marvin Breslow, will
be delivered to Dean of Student
Affairs, J. P. Colbert.
Colbert, in a formal letter to
faculty committees with student
representation dated Jan. 17, point
ed out that a Senate resolution of
Dec. 13, 1955 removed the right for
students to vote on faculty com
mittees. Faculty committees with student
representatives include the Senate
Calendar Committee, with two stu
dent members; the Commence
ment Committee, with two student
members; the Committee on Se
mester Examinations, two student
members; and the Senate Commit
tee on Student Affairs, subcommit
tees on General Organizations, -which
has two student members;
Social Affairs, two student mem
bers and Student Publications,
three student members.
Student members of the publi
cations board were not allowed to
vote in the Jan. 18 interviews for
this semester's Nebraskan staff
because of the Dec. 13, 1955 Senate
In other Council action a motion"
introduced by John Kinnier to
form "a committee with the pur
pose of investigating the possibility
of and to make plans for the pre
sentation of student views to the
legislature of the state of Nebras
ka concerning the University's
Dave Keene, chairman of the
University Parking Appeals Board,
read a letter from Dean Colbert
to Chancellor Hardin recommend
ing the formation of a central
planning committee for the study
fo the parking problem.
President, Bruce Brugmann, an
nounced that elections for Council
treasurer and a new junior mem
ber of the publications board would
be held at the next meeting.
Ten Speakers:
RE Week
Kickoff Set
For Sunday
Religious Emphasis Week will
begin with a meeting from 2-4
p.m. Sunday at the Alpha Xi Delta
bouse for all presidents or organ
ized houses, organizations, re
ligious student houses, religious
workers, pastors and the Religious
Emphasis Week Committee, ac
cording to Joan Norris, chairman.
Rabbi Max Ticktin, the Rev.
Mr. E. P. Weber and the Rev.
Mr. Orville Zabel are scheduled
to speak for the Week, Feb. 10
14, according to Dave Rhoades,
publicity chairman.
Rabbi Ticktin, the main Jewish
speaker, is the Director of the
Hillel Foundation at the Univer
sity of Wisconsin. For two and a
half years, he served as the As
sistant Director of the Jewish Cul
tural Foundation at New York
University. Rabbi Ticktin spent
six months in Isreal studying at
at the Hebrew University in Jeru
salem. Rev. Weber, Lutheran student
pastor at Purdue University for
the past 12 years will represent
the Lutheran Church, Missouri
Synod, during Religious Empha
sis Week. He is a graduate of
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis,
The author of "God and Caesar
in Nebraska", Rev. Zabel, is a
professor of History at Midland
College. He is an active Methodist
layman and one of the two faculty
advisers on the Executive Board
of the Association of International
Relations Clubs.
The other speakers are the Rev.
Mr. L. P. Cowley, Lincoln; the
Rev. Mr. Myrvin DeLapp, Lin
coln; Rabbi Ben Groner, Omaha;
Dr. Doris Havrice, Colorado Uni
versity; the Rev. Mr. D. F. Hetz
ler, Iowa University; Dr. G. O.
Thompson, Westmar College, and
Miss Harriet Willingham, of Minnesota.
Sunday Night Movie
This week's Union Sunday Night
Movie, "The Private War Of Ma
jor Benson" starring Charleton
Heston, Julie Adams and Sal Mi
neo, will be shown in the Union
Ballroom at 7:30 p.m.
It is the delightfu) jtory of v.
R.O.T.C. school for youngsters and
is presented in print by Techni
color. never to create atmosphere or
heighten dramatic effects. And the
set which consisted almost en
tirely of four painted screens
was singularly ineffective; again
we saw an example of extreme
repetition, which could have been
eliminated with a little ingenuity.
Primarily because of the three
faults I have mentioned, "The
Marriage of Figaro" lacked the
dramatic excitement . it might
otherwise have possessed. One re
grets that the University Theatre
and the music department are no
longer cooperating to present op
eras like "La Boheme" and "The
Consul.", the current feature at How
ell Memorial is an interesting and
enttertainb.g presentation. "Th
Marriage of Figaro" will continue
to run through Saturday night.