The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebroskon
Tuesday, February 5, 1957
Fie Dig Question
A move to stamp out Legislative Bill 410 has
been inaugurated by a group of students here
and possibly every student on the campus should
look to the arguments in support of the fight.
L.B. 410 was introduced in the Nebraska Leg
islature by Sen. Terry Carpenter to improve the
financial status of the University. The Senator
requested is colleagues to raise the tuition of
in-state students to $180 per semester and out-of-state
tudents to $360.
The "Stamp Out LJ3. 410" movement is based
on theJact that married or self supporting stu
dents would find the cost of an education pro
hibitive if tuition were raised so greatly.
Frank Barrett, a sophomore in the law col
lege, has urged support for the movement be
cause he feels that there are enough students
who would be hurt by the increase to warrant
action on his proposal.
As the Daily Nebraskan understands it, the
present tuition is $60 with the additional $30
tacked on for student fees to cover such items
as student health, the libraries and construction
of the new Union addition.
It could be argued by some that the cost of
in-state tuition, if LJB. 410 were passed, would
be tripled.
More important than the increase itself, how
ever, is the fact that the Board of Regents,
which has the power to regulate tuition at the
University, was bypassed by the Legislature.
A 10 day study of the entire situation was
planned by the Regents after the introduction
of the bill and they will be represented at the
Legislative hearing on the bill Feb. 14.
The Regents expressed resentment to the ac
tion of the Legislature. Regent C. Y. Thompson
of West Point summed up the stand of the gov
erning board when he asked, "If the Legisla
ture is going to earmark funds, what's the use
of having a Board of Regents?"
Frank Foote, Regent from Axtell, said that if
action is going to be taken, it should be done
in the near future by the Regents and not by
the Legislature.
For students who are more concerned with
the practical value of the problem perhaps the
best course of action would be to write to your
representatives in the Unicameral expressing
your view. An additional letter should be sent
to the Regent representing your home districts.
But before any hasty decisions are made con
cerning your position on the question a number
of ideas should be pondered:
1) The University is in a dire financial situa
tion. Last week the Regents approved the res
ignations of a great number of teachers here,
one of whom was taking a job at three times
his present salary.
Governor Anderson has promised to do all
within his power to grant the salary increases
for the faculty, but the additional expenses of
the University would, be up to the Legislature.
The Governor told University students recently,
"If you want a good education, you're almost al
ways going to have to pay for it."
2) A great boost in the price of an education
might be all right for some for many students
here. But a large number of students coming
from all over the state would find it impossible
to pay $360 plus room and board each year.
3) At last count three bills were introduced
in the Legislature which would modify the tax
base of the state. The most practical of these
would be a combination sales and income tax
aimed at taking the biggest slice of taxes from
those who earn and those who spend the most.
Transients would start paying for their share of
Nebraska's upkeep and those who own no prop
erty would begin paying a portion of the state's
costs. All in all, the funds available to the Uni
versity would be increased by the new law if
the bill is passed.
The Governor was right when he said that
students should be willing to pay for a good
education. But at a state institution mounting
costs should be met by the willingness of the
people of the state. In other words, Nebraska
which could very greatly benefit from an ex
panded University should pay for the expan
sion of this school.
Cut It Out
Students at the Georgia Institute of Technology
argue that unlimited cuts by seniors is a de
served privilege of those about to step into the
big, wide world on their own.
Apparently the University has no ruling on the
subject. Some instructors care and some don't.
The lack of any definite ruling, however, has
many students confused.
In one department located on this campus,
any unexcused cut results in a three point drop
in the final grade. Two blocks away, another
instructor is reported to have told students
that attendance is important since the lecture
is important, "but as long as you people keep
up with the work there will be no quarrels."
The cuts which seem to be consistent in some
courses in our University might be a reflection.
GIT says that unlimited cuts would be a chal
lenge to the teachers to make their lectures
more interesting, to make the material more
digestible, and (in turn) to challenge the stu
dents. The Daily Nebraskan feels that this reasoning
is sound. Oversimplification crowds into many
classrooms on the campus. This might be a re
flection on the capabilities of the students how
ever, and would toss a bombshell into the "cuts
for the sake of maturity" argument.
When a community of 8000 students has the
power to frustrate some fine teachers some con
cessions should be given the teachers whom
we are trying so hard to retain.
Perhaps when an instructor fails to make lec
tures interesting and yet threatens his class
with a letter to the Dean of Student Affairs,
be actually believes he is doing a fine job. Stu
dents and teachers alike should look to them
selves to decide what the problem here is and
what the solution could be.
if the University officially stated that a "no
cuts policy would be strictly enforced we
From The Editor's Desk:
would kuow just where we stand as the stu
dents ... we might not know, however, just
why we stood there.
But if the University takes a step toward giv
ing the student body unlimited cuts, they are
bound to be many who would take advantage
of the step toward maturity granted us by of
ficials. The challenge would still be there for
the instructors. The Daily Nebraskan feels that
the challenge would be there for the students
to accept the responsibility of adulthood in being
practical about getting a sound education.
A Laughing Stock
Friendly Bob Handy of the Union admitted
that he picked the films which will be shown by
the Union Film Society this season.
He needn't have, looked frightened, however,
since no one was going to hit him when he made
the confession and no one will write nasty let
ters to him when the shows are over.
The New Yorker has raved about many of
the films which the Society will offer to the stu
dent body this year at a local theater. "Gate of
Hell' "Umberto D," "The Sheep Has Five
Legs all would have turned their noses up on
the Lincoln crowd if the Union hadn't decided
to sell them to a bunch of "lunkheads" who
would otherwise not have had the fun of watch
ing top notch movies.
But faith in the intellectual abilities of the
student body here and the continuation in this
generation of a true funnybone was reaffirmed
in Handy since he reports nearly all the tickets
to the Society are sold out.
All we can say is, "Hurray for the return to
culture foreign and domestic by those students
who know that classics (even on the silver
screen) can be most enjoyable."
I Big B
oy fJoiv
For the first time since the
spring of 1953, the "Daily"
has gone back into the Uni
versity's student newspaper.
Fisaneial difficulties four
years ago caused the Daily Ne
braskan cut down from
four to three issues a week,
removing the paper from the
realm of the "college daily.
However, through the earn
est efforts of Business Manag
er George Madsen and his as
sistants, the three-times-a-week
Nebraskan started mak
ing money in prodigious
' Because of this increased
revenue and high volume of
advertising, Madsen and the
Board of Publications agreed
feat The Nebraskan could af
ford to become daily, and
climb back into the upper
bracket at college newspapers.
Thia will result, starting
next week, in a fourth issue
coming out each Monday
morning, covering weekend
events, features, and special
articles. This will increase the
scope of news coverage, and
bring it up to date.
By becoming a daily the
Daily Nebraskan will be
ranked with the leading col
lege papers in the country in
Ail-American competition, in
cluding all those in the Big
Ia short, the Daily Nebras
kan is a big boy again, in
keeping with the University's
high status in the Big Seven,
and ia the whole cf the 2d
west. An extra paper will also
spread out the Rag's rather
extensive advertising, leaving
more room for sews stories
and feature material, which
has been lacking of late.
The editorial page, too, has
beea renovated. A national
features syndicate is being
contacted concerning a cross
word puzzle, the life-blood of
the average Biz Ad student.
"Peanuts," a nationally-famous
comic strip is being con
sidered for the editorial page,
along with the familiar Bibler.
In its columnists, the Daily
Nebraskan is trying for fresh
ideas, especially from inde
pendent students. For one rea
son or another, the independ
ent voice is not often heard.
There is no lack of issues, or
campus topics, whatever you
prefer to call them, in this
second semester.
The Interfraternity Council,
through its actions in Janu
ary, is facing the election of an
entirely new siate of officers,
and stern disapproval from its
own Board of Control. What
the face of the new IFC win
be cannot be determined until
after elections.
The Daily Nebraskan
Sltabers Associated Collegiate Press
latereolleziate Press
fUrpresenUUTe: Xatienali Advertising Service,
at&IIsB4 at: Umsa 29, Eta dent Union '
li&fiels, Nebraska
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toward none.,.
There is nothing like exam week
to quiet campus political fervor
and cause the University communi
ty to assume a forced and almost
complete academic atmosphere
for at least two weeks.
The future of the fraternity sys
tem however, is still somewhat un
certain. Officers to replace those
who received a vote of no confi
dence will soon be elected if candi
dates can be found. A meeting
will be held Tuesday with frater
nity advisers and presidents in at
tendance. There has been talk of
organization of those fraternities
who were not voting with the ma
jority. Since the publication of the last
Nebraska (the last The Nebras
kan, by the way since we now have
The Daily Nebraskan) things have
happened which should be consid
ered. First, the Interfraternity Board
of Control has condemned the ac
tion of the IFC majority and the
president of the group has called
the proceedings "adominable."
Secondly, the IFC majority, or
their spokesman, whichever name
is closer to the truth, has stated
publicly that the incident is not
connected in any way with drink
ing, but is only a reflection on the
abilities of the former officers and
the trust which the organization
no longer could give them.
A statement was issued to the
press that the action was in no
way connected with "on-campus
drinking." This, in itself, may be
true. Most fraternities have profit
ed by experience or other's expe
rience and have given little or no
thought to setting up shop in the
fraternity basement or attic.
What a few of the fraternities
desire is to be able to hold parties
at the Red Barn, at hotels, etc.
without threat of University inter
vention. Many fraternities are pres-
Faith In Ike
For Victory
in November when the landslide
vote for President Eisenhower be
gan to roll in on election night the
political commentators began to
search for reasons for Ike's over
whelming vote. The Suez canal
crisis croke shortly before election
time and many "experts" believed
this situation would swing votes to
Ike's side since they felt the people
would hesitate to switch admin
istrations during crucial days.
Associated Collegiate Press
sought to gain collegiate opinion
on this issue by asking the follow
ing question of a representative
national cross-section of college
The results:
Mea Womea Total
Yes 66 63 65
Nd 26 27 26
Undecided ... 8 10
Thus, a good majority of college
students are of the belief the Mid
dle East crisis added to Dee's total
vote. And a good many of these
students hold the opinion, "the
people were afraid to change presi
dent during a crisis," as a Univer
sity of Nebraska sophomore coed
put it. Others feel Ike's military
background will stand the nation
in good stead, and some believe
Adlai Stevenson's ' criticism won
Ike more votes. Here are a few typ
ical comments:
"He is a man who can handle
the situation, and the people rely
on his vast experience," is the way
a freshman coed attending Long
Beach City College (Long Beach,
Calif.) feels. Or as a Villanova
University (Villanova, Pa.) senior
puts it: "The people felt that the 7
should have a man in office who
has had direct dealings with war
situations." And a Newark College
of Engineering (Newark, N. J.)
junior reflects one point of view
with this statement: "Many peo
ple resented Adlai's interference
at a critical moment."
Students who believe the Suez
crisis had nothing to do with Ike's
large popular vote can best be
represented by the following three
To The Editor,
In reference to the column
"Round the Prickly Pear" on Fri
day, January IB, I would like to
make the following comments:
L Dean Hailgren did not contact
me or try to influence me in
any way to run for a position on
Pub Board, nor did I indicate
that be did to Bruce Brugmann
or anyone else.
2. Dean Hailgren did not indicate
to me that be had two major
objectives in mind; namely (1),
"removing Breslow and An
drews from the Board", and (2)
"making Bob Cook editor of
the Nebraskan"; nor did in
dicate to Brugmann that Hall
green made the above state
ment. 2. I did attempt to solicit support
from friends and people I know
on the Student Council but it
is not true that Fraternity Coun
cil members voted as a bloc
for us.
sam jensen
ently holding such functions, but
they are aware that they are
living dangerously. What is really
desired is a statement by the Uni
versity as to what places student
groups can drink in peace.
Obviously the University can not
issue such a statement.
The Board of Regents in their
Saturday meeting expressed some
resentment over the fact that
Sen. Terry Carpenter of Scottsbluff
has intorduced a bill in the Legis
lature to double tuition.
Frank Elliott, Regent from Scotts
bluff and the father of a Univer
sity senior, said if any one is going
to double tuition it won't be the
Regents. It seems that Mr. El
liott has been paying tuition charg
es to the University at various
timns for memberj of his family
for almost 19 years.
Throughout the semester, it shall
be the policy of this writer to re
frain from indulging in across the
editorial page feuds with other
column writers.
I realize that is a rather new
and somewhat startling approach
to solemn writing, but I have neith
er the undisclosed sources nor the?
erudition of other writers in thia
Oops, my tongue got stuck ia
V""'J aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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IF YOUR answers to the first 24 puzzles
conformed to the correct list of
answers published at the end of the past
semester, you can and must submit
answers to eight tie-breaking puzzles, in
order to compete for the prizes in the tie.
Remember first prize is a tour for
two around the world, and there are 85
other valuable prizes.
The first two of the eight tie-breakers
are published herein, according to rule
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2(b) In case more than one person
solves correctly the same number of
puzzles, the prize tied for and as many
subsequent prizes as there are persons
tied will be reserved and those so tying
will be required to solve a set of tie
breaking puzzles to determine the order
in which the reserved prizes will be
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contain scrambled letters forming the
names of either one, two or three Ameri
can colleges or universities.
Do not mail these tie-breakers nowl
Save them until you have completed all
eight tie-breaking puzzles. Details on
when and where to mail the tie-breakers
will be published with the eighth puzzle.
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