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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1957)
-V:V:f Hi i a THE NEBRASKAN Tuesday, Jonuary 15, 1957 0 -if Art Exhibit A 1954 graduate of the Univer sity department of art, Carol Haerer, is exhibiting 20 oils and water colors, at the Uni versity Art Galleries. The show will continue through Feb. 10. Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star In addition to her exhibit, Miss Haerer will show selections from her collection of color slides made during her two years abroad. Miss Haerer attended Doane College a year before at- Exam Time Slows Campus Social Life By JAN FARRELL Society Editor Christmas marriages and en gagements are still being revealed. There were four marriages, five pinnings, and three engagements announced Monday night. It seems a social slump has hit the campus because of exams. There are no social function sched uled this week. It looks like every one is trying to learn in five days what they should have learned in class. MARRIAGES Coco Ohslund, Alpha Chi Omega senior in Teachers from Rockford, 111., Russell Neilson, Sigma Phi Epsilon senior in Engineering from Lincoln. Willie Desch, Alpha Chi Omega alumnus from York, to Larry Schaefer, Sigma Nu freshman in Law from Aurora. Jody Chalupa, Alpha Xi Delta senior in Teachers from Wilbur, to Kent Newmyer, Alpha Omega from Doane and graduate student in History from Central City. Diana Raymond, Delta Delta sophomore in Business Administra tion from Bayard, to Will Wake field, Alpha Gamma Rho senior in Agriculture from Blair. ENGAGEMENTS: Jane Suenser Lock, Kappa Kap pa Gamma senior in Teachers from Nebraska City, to Tom Syn der, Tau Kappa Epsilon junior in Law from Omaha. Sharon Shriner, freshman at Ste vens College, to Max Witt, Alpha Tau Omega sophomore in Business Administration from Norfolk. Marilyn Mousel, Gamma Phi Beta junior in Teachers from Mc Cook, to Jim Fitzgerald, Sigma Alpha Epsilon alumnus from Grant. PINNINGS: Joan Norris, Delta Gamma jun ior in Home Economics from Weep ing Water, to Phil Starck, Alpha Gamma Rho junior in Agriculture from Woodstock, 111. Mary Underwood, Zeta Tau Alpha sophomore in Teachers at Baker University from Kansas City, Kan., to Richard Terp, Alp ha Gamma Sigma junior in Agri- Members: Red Cross nnouncss Red Cross board members and assistants for next semester were appointed by the executive coun cil last Saturday, according to president Larry Epstein. Those appointed to the board are: Georgann Humphrey, mem bership and entertainment; Son dra Wbalen, publicity; Gretchen Saeger, notifications; Karen Fla herty, Vets Hospital; and Annette Bitter, LARC. Joan Heusner and Kathleen Mc Crory, Orphanages; Pat Boyd, Orthopedic Hospital; Lowell Nei baum, First Aid; Beverly Ellis, Adult Activities; Margaret Mar shall, Junior Red Cross; Dorothy Beechner, Leadership; and Betty rarks, Production and Handi crafts. Also appointed were Elizabeth Smith, Mental Hospital; Sally Lasse, Water Safety; and Charles Keyes, transportation. Assistant are: Nancy Camp bell, Mental Hospital; Joyce Ma son, LAEC; Donna Mertz, Ortho pedic; end Janii Crist, produc '' tions and handicrafts. Night chairmen for Veterans Hospital are Charier Anthony, Nancy George end Mary Jo Wahr. Aa orientation session for all tie new bo.'ird members, con tkttWd by the preview board i-ifrnbf-fs, will be held at tie V.W;if2ay meeting at 5 p.m. culture from Lincoln Jo Devereaux, Pi Beta Phi junior in Home Economics from Sioux Falls, S. D., to Phil Bond, Delta Tau Delta junior in Business Ad ministration from Lincoln. Lee Wallin, Sigma Kappa senior in Teachers from Tilden, to John Kaven, Theta Chi senior in Engi neering from Red Oak, la. Helen Bishop, Love Hall junior in Home Economics from Curtis, to Richard Asche, Delta Sigma Pi junior in Business Administration from Schuyler. Wednesday: Jazz-Fest Scheduled At Coliseum A modern jazz concert has been scheduled for Wednesday at the Coliseum as a benefit for the 1S57 March of Dimes, according to Lan caster County chairman William Sw anson. The concert will start at 8 p.m. with doors to open at 6:30 P.M. Featured In the concert will be the Chet Baker quintet; the Bob Davis quartet; vocalist Chris Con ner; drummer Art Blakey; pianist Ralph Sharon; and flutist Herbie Mann. Chet Baker, who plays the trum pet and sings, has been named the nation's number one trump eter for the last two years in the Downbeat and Metronome polls, and. walso was named the top trumpeter in the Jazz Interna tional Poll. Chris Conner, presently the vo calist with the Stan Kenton band, has been ranked among the top singers in tne Downbeat ana Met ronome polls for the past four years. Art Blakey has recorded for Columbia and formerly was with Buccy DeFranco. Advance tickets, priced at $1.50 and $2.00, are now on sale at Golds, Mayo Drug in University Place, and the Union. Tickets at the door will be priced at $2.00 and $2.50. Sets Budget 'Minimum': IC 3C8VS Irtav Gov. Victor Anderson told two groups of University students Fri day that salary increases for Uni versity teachers "are musts." Speaking at the Nebraskan Press Club Luncheon, Anderson stated, "If you don't pay the market you lose your instructors and this University is not going to crack up." Anderson said that a' transfer ence of funds from the general building fund to the University Hospital would "make sure" the two wards at the hospital would be reopened. Anderson also declared that this University is not going to lower its standards. "We're going to make our staff pleased; it must be kept intact." The Governor said his recom mendation to the legislature which will appropriate funds for the Uni versity is $2.4 million. "And this is the minimum. If the unicam eral feels the University should get more they will vote it." During the past few years, the chief executive explained, the state has been put in a strange economic position. "We have no products to trade with the east ern markets since we have been stricken with drought. This year I received 700 letters against a tax boost; in 1955 I received none," Anderson explained. The governor said that he has confidence in the board of re gents and the chancellor. "We will work together and will come up with answers to the problems." He stated, however, that the Uni versity must look to a long range program of expansion. Speaker of the Legislature, Sen. John Beaver of Beemer, another guest of the Nebraskan Press Club, said that the operational costs of the state have risen from $634 thousand in 1869 to $237 mil lion in the 1955-57 bienium. "Of this present total, 87 per cent is distributed to the department of roads and irrigation, welfare, the board of control, teachers col leges and the University. "And your University gets 38 per cent of that total," he added. Beaver stated that at present there is no place where the budg et can be cut. He added that with the expansion of governmental agencies, taxes will eventually be expanded. "I feel that it is extremely Im portant for students to know the coming consequences of taxation," Senator Beaver said. He added that three bills have been introduced in the legislature this year for the broadening of the tax base. Governor Anderson met with a group of students from the Medi cal College immediately following the press luncheon. They included Bob Stryker, president of the Dance Lessons A series of free dance lessons, under the direction of Jon Apple get, Phi Kappa Psi, will begin Feb. 12 at the Union, announced Terry Mitchem, Dance Committee Chairman. 'Blood Alley' Blood Alley, starring John Wayne and Lauren Bacall, will be shown this Sunday at the Union Ballroom at 7:30 p.m. It is in color by Warner color and was photographed in the Orient. Okpnpuv . PRECISION TYPEWRITERS BLOOM TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 2-5258 323 N. 13 FASHION "Paris has necklines on sideways. New York has the waist shoulder-high, There's nothing like fashion To cool off your passion!" He laughed . . . 'til he thought he would dial P.5. Male knees in Bermuda shorts can be pretty funny too! Fat or slender, either fender, if you like your pleasure BIG, enjoy the real full flavor, the real satisfaction of a Chesterfield. Tacked more smoothly by Accu-Ray, it's the smoothest tasting smoke today. tmcke for 2! wk Chftrffltf ',0 for rypti!liiiiipiic1 vorw tmpu4 tor puMIH.a. CltMin-twId. J'.O. Hoi 11. N York ,, N. V. j I J fir Medical College student body, Vir gtnia Horacik, a semor nursing school representative, Janet Niess, a student x-ray technolo gists and Robert Haag, sophomore student council representative. Ac companying them was Dr. Joseph Gardner of the anatomy depart ment. The students presented the Gov ernor with a letter signed by the entire student body of the medi cal unit requesting the full budget for the University "since we feel the future of Medical College is our own." The letter added that the stu dents were concerned about the rating of the college since "Our national standard may fall." Governor Anderson told the group that they are getting sub stantial increases for the medical unit. "We are constantly expand ing. The University will receive 300 per cent more than last time," he added. Press Lunch To Announce Nehraskans Outstanding Nebraskans, one fac ulty member and one senior stu dent, as selected by the paid staff of the Nebraskan, will be presented at the Nebraskan press luncheon Friday in parlor X of the Union, according to Bob Ireland, news edi tor. Members of the faculty and stu dent body are invited to attend the luncheon, Ireland said. All those wishing to attend should contact Ireland at the Ne braskan office before 4 p.m. Wednesday. Past Outstanding Nebraskans will be honored guests. 4-H Club Meets The University 4-H Club will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Agronomy building auditorium, Room 234. Highlights of the meeting will be reports on Camp Miniwanca and 4-H Club Congress announced Doyly Humn, president. Three Physicians Establish Fund Three Lincoln physicians have established through the University Foundation the "Dr. H. Winnett Orr Memorial Fund" to com memorate "the exemplary life and public service" of the late Dr. Orr. A Lincoln physician, Dr. Orr died in October, 1956. In announcing the fund today, Perry W. Branch, secretary di rector of the Foundation, said the fund will provide scholarships for freshman students at the Univers ity's College of Medicine in Oma ha. The donors are Drs. Fritz Teal, Howard Mitchell, and Frank Stone. Recipients of the scholarships must have completed their pre medic courses at the University, show promise of success in their field, have outstanding scholastic ability, and be in financial need. Square Dance Club The all University Square Dance Club will hold a square dance and meeting Friday from 8 to 11:30 p.m. in the Ag Union Gym. Admission is twenty-five cents for members and thirty-five cents for non-members.. Coffee Hour For Foriegn Students Set All foreign students on Ag Campus may attend a Friendship Coffee hour from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. Wednesday in the Ag Union Lounge. Other guests are the house mothers and house presidents of the seven organized houses oo Ag Campus. Hosts and hostesses for the so cial hour will be representative members of all Ag Union commiU tees. In charge of arrangements are: Patsy Kaufman, La Ree Naviaux, Mary Lynn Stafford and Jo Anns Fahrenbruch. BILL MURRELLS Drive In Barber Shop and Sportsman Barber Shop 7 Berber To Serve Ytm 15 & P HOW YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF TO THE RIGHT CAREER ttams To De striked Or Cvftluatvtf TNI COMPANY NAME 1. Product 'General Information) A. Diversity B. Future Growth C. Wees an Applications S. Company A. iie B. OoeratloiMl trtcat C. Stability tmc torn ITSIL' 1. jnr. CleerrlptiMn . lteBotiiblitiea ainI Ifiltlativo rctMT 9. Opportunity for Varied BtHaMtrienc A. Promotional Opportunity . Traveling - Transfera a. Training Given T. Work environment AfWJ CPrntitnma . educational Paeilrtioa f. Financial pewtfita talary I neuraiwjo Vacations THI COMMUNITY 1. Geographic Location 2. Acceaaibility to Other Point f tntoegat 3. Mousing and Cost of Living) A. Recreational Facilities A. Churches A. Fraternal Organisations 7. Schools for Children OTNIA AkqWIAIMINTS S. a. OVIA-AI.L iOA COMPANY AATINA Choosing the right fob fcrr you will prob ably be your biggest job during the months ahead. To help you male this important choice, The Torrington Company has prepared a Job Comparison Chart. It is designed to enable you to match your own qualifica tions and interests, easily and completely, with what prospective employers have to offer. By using it during your interviews with each company, you can greatly sim plify your task of deciding which offer to accept. Help yourself now by doing these things: Act now interviews with company repre sentatives will start soon. So be prepared aith yout Job Comparison Chart. Just write to The Torrington Company, Divi sion of Industrial Relations, Field Street, Torrington, Conn. Plan your interviews remember that youi Flacement Office staff carefully screens companies that visit your campus to in sure that each has an outstanding reputa tion and offers many fine opportunities. Your task is to determine which companies have openings that are most suited to you. We thank those of you who have already expressed an interest in Torrington, the professors who do such an excellent joh of preparing you for your future work, and the staff of the Placement Office who al ways extends us every courtesy and convenience. Description of My Description of What Description of What Degutremente and Interest The Company Offers The Company Offers $T til I4bb aw The Torrinrton Representative will visit University of Nebraska January 17, 1957 THE TORRINGTON COMPANY Division of Industrial Relations Field Street, Torrington. Conn. Manufacturer of anti-friction bearing!, tewing moJ chine, knitting machine and surgical needles, pre cision metal parts, industrial fasteners, swagi machines, bicycles and cycle parts, school umtfurav. ?imSys in Engineering, . . Physics. . . Mathematics Aircraft Corporation California Division Caorgia Division Lockheed Representatives of the California Division and the Georgia Division will be on campus Friday, January 18 You are invited to consult your placement officer for an appointment Separate interviews will bt given for each division. J ffyff-! -V'-: ? : ' Both divisions of Lock heed are engaged in a long-range expansion program in their fields of endeavor. California Division activities in Burbank cover virtually every phase of commercial and military aircraft Seventeen different models of planes are in production, including cargo and passenger transports, high Macb performance fighters, jet trainers, radar search planes, patrol bombers. B. S. graduates who wish to attain a Master's Degree will be interested in the California Division's Masters-Degree Work-Study Program. In t.e program, participants achicva their M.S. while working concurrently on Lockheed's engineering staff. '$otl? i 1 mm Si I1 " li i 1 if I rl ' r I e "I J ! h' ' ' mi, li.:'. At Lockheed in Marietta, Georgia, new C-130A turbo-prop transports and B-47 jet bombers are being manufactured in the country's largest aircraft plant under one roof. The division is already one of the South's largest industries. Moreover, a new engineering center is now in development as part of the division's expansion program. In addition, advanced research and develop, mem are underway on nuclear energy and it relationship to aircraft. A number of other highly significant classified project augment the emen.ivc production program. K it If This broad expansion program is creating new positions in each division. Graduates in fields of: Aeronautical Engineering, electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematict and Phytic are invited to investigate their role in Ux kheed't expansion. Lo civile ed Aircraft Corporation California Division, Burbank, California (jtoijia Division, Mutieua, Georgia I 1