1 1 1 Tuesday, January 15, 1957 Poet 2 THE NEBRASKAN :; i v. I 'l I 7 ' r. 'A i i Mobraskan Editorials: 'J ait Yofif Turn The card pulling battle has begun. Along with the pushing and tugging in line will corne the onslaught of tricks to get "top" class cards early. Yet the policy of having a friend pull cards for an underclassman is one of .the points of breakdown in Comhusker tra dition. In the first place the system as it exists now was established to give seniority the benefit of the best class times, the "best" teachers and the most convenient schedules. When an under classman gets a buddy to pull cards for him wbich might have gone to some deserving cpperclassman, then the whole setup is thwarted. The Nebraskan believes that if there were bo pre-pulling of underclass cards, there would be no need for the tricks. In less confusing terms, the students who, in general, sign up for this type course are those who are slowly but surely climbing up the intellectual ladder. A food case in point is English 26. This course is open to most sophomores and from the looks of the ranks lining up behind the English De partment counter in the M&N building most sophomores want to take it. Yet here's the trick. If a student wishes to take a course some time in his college career and is not particular when he takes it, it might be wise to hold off until junior year when the line thins down and more hours are accumu lated. The Nebraskan feels that the system of hours as applied to card pulling is a sincere effort on the part of the administration to distribute classes fairly to those who have earned taking a good schedule. It might be worth noting that as most stu dents progress in their education they seek to obtain the best teachers and not the best hours. That might just add to the problem for the more magnetic teachers often have the more magnetic courses. There's really no way the University can dictate and enforce the policy of no pre-pulling of cards. In theory, the clerks in M&N check each worksheet and confine pulling to those classes listed by the student on the sheet. In addition, advisors are supposed to write in the total number of hours which a student is planning to take. Through careful observation of these rules, the pre-pulling would be eliminated. We have to consider the human element in the clerking, however. And that leaves only the students to decide for themselves that they will cooperate in making the system work. It is our sincere belief that if each and every student were sincere as to card pulling, much ill will would be eliminated. Many are willing to lose a class to another if the loss is legiti mate. It's not too maudlin a belief that Nebraskans are still the squarest. The change in the use of that word has been gradual over the past few years and yet as long as we still sing of ourselves as "good guys" we can be ex pected by those who view us to live up to the standards of the University. Since we are our own worst critics, perhaps we should start back toward the spirit by cleaning house of the petty practices which make the University family a little less congenial. A Step To Solution The parking problem on the campus has be come almoEt as common a topic of conversa tion as the weather and it's sure to grow in fervor. However, the Student Council finally has laid the . basis for. what might be the solution. Last week the council sent a recommendation to the administration for the formation of a central committee concerned with the long range aspects of the parking problem on the University campus. The proposed committee would have a representative from administra tion, student affairs, 'faculty, department of building and grounds, Student Council, Uni versity police and others. The recommendation will, of course, have to be approved by the administration but officials, including the Chancellor, have indicated support to such a plan. The Nebraskan gives its full support to this action but we question the term "long range." In May of 1948 students of the University staged a "parking riot" which prompted the adminis tration, faculty, student affairs and the Stu dent Council to set up a committee to work for a solution of the problem. That committee proposed the stickers students are using today but went out of existence in the fall of 1948. There is no doubt that a central committee for parking is needed but it is needed urgently and not only for long range planning. The long rage committee should have beet set up in 1948 or before. The problem is genuinely a difficult one and at present the most feasible plan seems to be the elimination of freshman automobiles or a provision whereby freshmen owning automobiles could not park on the campus. Another supple mentary plan would be to convert the area now housing the temporary buildings between the street in front of Love Library and the street running along the side of Burnett and Andrews Halls in one parking area. These pro posals would undoubtedly help the situation for a abort time but with the University's future building program they would be void in a few years. The central committee when it is organized then, has a very difficult job as the adminis tration well knows. The students know well that the present situation is a burden upon them, but they also know that the automobile in most cases is a luxury and that their purpose in attending the University is to gain the most for their investment an education. So until the central committee is able to work out a suitable solution, the student best do what he can to help the matter. If he doesn't we are reminded that several colleges will not allow a student to bring an automobile to school at any time during his stay at that college. After thoughts Contrary to popular opinion that parking on areas marked with red lines on the campus is permitted at certain times, the Student Council Parking Appeal Board has clarified the regula tions and state that there will be no parking on a red line at any time 24 hours a day. Some students apparently believe that at night and late in the afternoon parking is permissible on red lines. The Appeal Board has received complaints from irate drivers who have parked on a red line without receiving a ticket at some time or another and then upon receiving a tick et the next time for violating the same ordi nance they feel they have been dealt an injus tice. The answer is that the University Police have not been present at all times when the vio lations were committed. The violations are especially bad in the eve ning in the front of the library, at a time when there is plenty of available space. The markings were placed as such to enable uncongested walking areas and free entrance to buildings, etc. The board said that when the fire broke out at the library recently, three cars had to be moved before fire engines could get to the building. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick BibSer From Tho Editor's Desk: With Malice Towards OFI6 . . While the University com munity waits for the announce ment, Pete Elliott and Mrs. Elliott are probably concerned with house hunting in Califor nia. Pete is also thinking of the year-round golfing oppor tunities on the coast. A local sports columnist re ports that Bruce Elliott, the small son of the Husker coach, Is thinking about Annie Oak ley. And Nebraska's citizens are wondering what Califor nia has that our state doesn't have with the exception of more money and more mate rial. Local sportswriters ask us sot to blame Pete for his de parture from the University scene, but it could be -very dis appointing to Nebraskans if cur coach decides to leave us etch year because we can't compete in the open market. Then too, we -must think of text year's senior footballers who haven't played for the same coach two years in a row. Word comes to us that the nation's last flea circus closed in New York following an un successful season. Japan's welfare ministry has an nounced that it would aid the poor by opening 190 new pawn shops. In the same vein, the New York Times reports a Cana dian pig can do the 100-yard dash in 7.4 seconds and Iowa State Penitentitary inmates will wear sports shirts next summer. The Times also reports the passing of the man who in vented the rubber ice tray and the man who invented a tech nique of determining the blood type of Egyptian mummies. Intramural basketball, at best, is a cross between the hoop throwing of James Nat smith and the old Indian game (not to be confused with the shell game) called Lacrosse. According to the sports staff, however, there is one team that could well bear watching. This aggregation is rising from the melee of mediocrity and soon will stand astride over the Coliseum like the great Colossus which every American youth knows as "Sport." The Spastica, named after the great Roman and Greek god, Spasmodicus, to late have trampled every team that dared face them with a few exceptions. The team's main problem is usually man power. If less than 10 men show up for a contest, a few don't make it through the en tire fray and have to be laid away with full military honors But, if fortune is a woman, and many say that she is, then it must be admitted that the Spastica have sex appeal. Hie Nebraskan rSFTY-nVB YE ASS OLD - Csss&er: Associated Collegiate Press I&tercoSegiate Press E;S6se8tatfei Nsifoaal Adveriisiag Service, Incorporated Tt.I ZAti at: Hmm 23, Stadeat I'aioa irjt & r University ef NebrasSui , liaeela, Kcbradea T"! ffMwmkM ta auMMscS Tm4r, Wtaaar an Htportmn . ifwf t rm4 m except 4wrin vacation r .(,, p. (, mma aa Mmm ! titlii,kJ taring t i, hf . t ttw l.'nfwsitjr f f-rtonnkm imd-r f iinntw mm tit .h CtmmiUrr on ptut A trial .a ji ,, kmmwm ot MMtoa. rbtiMM ajtMr ; r. mf th fr.fi"--m;--witf' an Kinint Pnhii- I M t"m from easuMKal eenaorthia m im 1: "t t - ," luwMr.nuril1 f P tii part trf nj timlt (K' t t- I or a the part of y -- nnth' of irm I n-rwHf. TK mrmhfn f Ubm.iit in'f m rwwM.i' reftproinlMe ffiir what sm. t iwr to b rbrtmry S. a ..?-it,it tut '. b a til IMWrt mtflr tm t):9. .;-r , kucjw bet act t4 A Htm 1MS -- - - -- EDITORIAL STAFF - raitar Sam Jenam Manaclnf KSHar Ptwi Dal Rdltortal Fat Editor ................ .Unci1! Ltuidntram Km EAttnr So Ireland RpwU '! . Walt Blsrr Cosy Kditota: Gary FmbmI, Sara Jaaaa, Jack Pallord an IMek Stiuerac. . ttiUi IWta Hwimi Nftrht New KdJtar Dtok Staurw tit phatoirrapfcar ........................Dale lwli OffW fterretarr ......................... OnwHI Snrfetr rHa.. M ..Jaa raneS taff VFrMan Kaaey DeLoaf, Oanrfa Mow, Martanae Thvrmon, Cyatkla Zaehaa. Bab Martel, Bob Win, Dav Hmot, ...Crniu Prank, CUia Vl'arluwahl, Jnfy Htelcr, Marilyn Ma, Minuet or Tay lor. tlamt Masweil, ftantim Whalen. loAna tVakoron, Daatfcr Hall, Dlanna Oeaoe, Stan VTIdman, Art HlaclunM. ' Marhara M futon, RID M'lUtm, Gary FetenuHi, Oary Bjtnm, Mary w Patterooiii, t.retrlK'B Maefer, Deaaaa Mamett, Oeorge Porter BUSINESS STAFF raatie Manajrar Oeorar Ma4 lrratoa Manager aUehard Henarli AMtitaat VoataeM M&afm fa feea. tarry 9mm Kail, Sattaatla 'lEHWA CLASS MKS tWEKE ltf PfDF HKASOUOf WMOZf Voice of The Turtle There were some strange sounds in the Crib Monday that sound ed an awful lot like Elvis Presley wailing up a batch. It wasn't Elvis, fortunately it was our Own Troubador, the Sing ing Sandwichman. He was there, in real life, with his geetar and his voice. No sandwiches, how ever, since it was his day off. Word has it he composes his own songs, etc. Didn't stay around to Fred Daly have that guilty feeling, scrunch find out. He acts civilized anyway. Final week is coming up, they say. What a lousy way to end what could have been a pretty good semester. And not only that.all the good movies are going to be in town then, when no one can really enjoy them. You always ing down there In the dark, with visions of Aristotle dancing through your head. The pace is quickening in cam pus politics, what with elections here, and interviews there, and all that sort of thing. It is all pouiu ing toward the May Madness. You can't escape it. There have been no more nomin ations for Dirty Old Man other than myself, Jensen, Jim Plackey and nebulous fellow known as the Typical Engineer. I don't think you students are taking this in the proper serious vein. Registration has been complet ed for the last time, for me, and there is no happier apple-cheeked lad in the city. After four years you would think I could get it right, but the nice little old lady at the desk still had to send me back to fill in blanks, etc. Sometimes they act like they don't want me to graduate. Nebraskan iefferips Dear Editor: Recently we were in a group of students discussing the grading system used by the University. The point in question is how the number system is changed into what percentage is a 6.500? Math ematically, it possibly can be 82.5, 85, or 87.5 depending upon which end of the scale calculations are computed. If a 6.5 is in the neigh borhood of 92. ., then how is a 97. . recognized on the grading scale? If it is 85.. or 87.5.., it does not correspond with the number system used. We hope that some person or administration official "in the know" will take time and write a letter to your column explaining the procedure used. Interested Dear Editor: A few random thoughts out of season from a wrong thinker . . . The other evening while wend ing my way homeward I happened to pass through a campus frater nity house when shades of Icabod Crane I encountered the Icono clast. This great, gaunt figure drew me over and while contented ly puffing on his pipe (any slob can smoke a cigarette) informed me, "I have written a brilliant column, E. B., and you are given mention." Naturally human as I am I be gan to preen my feathers en visioning the reflected glory I would shine in. This moment of smug satisfaction, however, was short-lived for the Iconoclast as is his want began to speak of im ponderables. After a rapid survey of life's weighty matters, the Iconoclast then soundly berated me for my wrong-thinging, my small-thinking, my affrontery in consuming precious lines of space in the Nebraskan to such a trivial matter as taking issue with his self given title in a recent letter to the editors . . . Rather than stew ing over trivia he admonished me I should occupy my mind with matters of consequence such as how to get 5.5 million dollars out of Governor Vic Anderson for the University. Thoroughly chastised and con trite I went forth to my little attic home my mind fixed on the con sideration of weighty maters. The following day my eyes feverishly scanned the pages of The Nebras kan to see what great imponder ables did my eyes behold my per sonal sleeping habits, the cowboy movie, and a sort of ala Max Schulmultz treatise on the virtues of smoking a pipe! On to greater imponderables. E. B. Ellison Jr. Dear Editor: Having been associated with the University for five academic years I am familiar with customary Ne braskan procedure of selecting the top ten news stories of the semes ter. .'- ' Because there has been such a profusion of big, big (really big) news stories this semester, I feel that the staff may not be suffi ciently abstracted from the pro fessional aspects of collegiate jour nalism to objectively rank the top stories of the semester. With this in mind I humbly of fer the following suggestions as a representative lay opinion of the top ten stories of the semester: 1. Sam Jensen Masterminds Po go Crusade. 2. It Happened at NU. 3. Mitchell Case Whitewashed. Vice-president Nixon. 4. Nebraskan Editor Hears Vice President Nixon. 5. Bibler. 6. Jensen Rescues Administra tion from Raible Attacks. 7 Stephen Schultz, Dick Shugrue Replace Literary Nebraskan. 8. Pub Board Backs Jensen's Crusade. 9. IFC Makes "Grandstand Play." 10. Nebraskan Editor Lauds Sam Jensen. Hal Hasselbaca What's doing . . . aT at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft s t n. vi' I riv U : f ft W Kt J-57 turbi jtt . . . first engine in aviation history to achieve official power rating in the 10,000-pound-thrust class. Its pare-settins; perform ance blazed the way for this grueling mission that set awesome flight records. 1 - 1 The Wasp Major . . . P t W A's R-4360 whose power (3,800 hp.) and performance have never been equalled in the piston engine field. Eflssion accomplislisd . . top-oMIie-world and bade Eight global bombers, powered by mighty turbojets, recently set non stop records in 16,000- to 17,000-mile flights described as a "routine) training mission to demonstrate the capability of the B-52 and the men who fly it". Flying continuously for as long as 32 hours, the mammoth aircraft each powered by eight Pratt & Whitney Aircraft J-57 turbo jets winged northward from air bases in California and Maine, over Thule, Greenland, continued to the North Pole, then returned by way; of Anchorage, Alaska, to land in San Francisco, Baltimore, or IJme-l stone, Maine. During this spectacular top-of-the-world mission, temperatures at low as 65 degrees below zero were encountered, speeds approached 70$ miles per hour, altitudes in excess of 35,000 feet were maintained, and each Boeing B-52 was refueled, in mid-air several times. Powering th KC-97 Stratofreighters that accomplished the task of in-flight refueling were the mightiest piston engines ever built P & W A's R-4360 Wasp Majors. "Mission accomplished" ... a brief but all-encompassing tribote . to the Stratofortress flight crews, to the Air Force's Strategic Air Com mand, and to the gigantic team of engineers in the aviation industry whose years of research and accomplishment represent thousands upon thousands of engineering man-hours that were required to make these record-breaking flights a reality. World'i foremost designer and builder of J aircraft engines t PRATT t VJMDTOCSV AQ2ecbAF"u CIVISION OF UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION . EAST HARTFORD , CONNECTICUT