Page 4 Friday, January 11; 1957 THE NEBRASKAN Want Ads Bring Results Annual Tea: ImlB's To The top 10 women scholars in the University's senior class will re ceive special recognition Sunday at the annual Mortar Board Schol arship Tea, according to Shirley Richards chairman of the tea. All 10 women have averages abave 90 per cent. The outstanding student s are Patricia Alvord, Teachers College; Pearl Bremer, College of Phar macy; Jean Hueftle, Teachers Col lege; Mary James, Teachers Col lege; Diane Knotek, College of Arts and Sciences; Mrs. Joan Chalupa Newmyer, Teachers College; Sandra Reimers, College of Arts and Sciences; Marian Sokol, Col lege of Agriculture; Mrs. Mary Heard Williams, Teachers College; and Mrs. Marie Duerr, College of Arts and Sciences. The tea will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in Union Parlors ABC. Members of Alpha Lambda Delta, will serve. Marjorie Johnston, Associ ate Dean of Student Affairs; Helen Snyder, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs as well as Mortar Board Advisor; Virginia Hudson, president of Mortar Board; Carol Link, Vice president of Mortar Board and Elsie Ford Piper, presi- dent of Mortar Board Alums, will be in the receiving line. The following 300 sophomore, junior and senior women with scholastic averages above 83 per cent ha ire been invited to the tea. Rum Adan Aurora; Eisa Adminis, Lincoln; Jean Altken, Lincoln! Ruth Al fcn. Guide Rock; Patricia Alvord, Lin coln: Kathryn Anderson, Hastings: Mrs. fhirley Whitaker Anderson, Fullertnn; lary Arbuthnot, Omaha; Barbara Arth, Lincoln: Carol Asbury, St. Joseph, Mo. Phyllis Banks, Campbell: Cynthia Bar ber, Lincoln; Janniece Barnard, Bea trice; Shirley Bagant, Loup City; Helen Beal. Beatrice; Mrs. Fern Allerton Beardsley, Clarka; Ann Bedwell. Fallg City; Re Beerline, Papillion: Mariorie Seghtol, Keamey; Joanne Bender, Weep ing Water; Jean Bennett, North Platte; Charlotte Benson, Sioux Falls, S. D.; Constance Berry. Onswa. Ia.; Annette Bitter, Lincoln; Anribelle Blincow, Loup City; Mrs. Sue Simmons Blomendahl, rremoot; Carolyn Bocssiger. Cortland; Thyllis Bonner, Imperial: Norma Bossard, Korfolk; Caroline Boswcll, Lincoln; Mrs. Janet Cnristensen Boucher, Council Bluffs, la.; Mrs. Emma Boyd. Lincoln: Mary Bradley, Des Moines, la.; Betty Branch, Omaha; Sharon Bream, Harvard; Bette Breland, McCoot; Pearl Bremmer. Sun ton; Deanna Brier, DeWitt;. Anna Brooks, Rugby. Tenn.; Maryth Brush, Grand Is land; Beverly Buck. Lincoln; Kay Buck ingham, Rapid City, S.O.i Linda Bath sn. Fall City) Xadine Calvin, Havennat Betty Cander, Humboldt; Dorothy Carl, Lincoln; Nan Carlson. Lincoln; Judy Chapman, Lin Coin; Phyllit Chard, Superior: Mrs. Dolly Childere, Lincoln; Kay Christensen, Lin coln; Marilyn Christenson, Ralston; Gretchen ChTistopher, Schuyler; Saw-. I Clcndenny, Grant; Edna Cleveland. Mo Grew; Janis Coekerill, Gretna; Jndita Combs, Norfolk; Barbara Coonrad. Lin coin; Nancy Coover, Lincoln; Nancy Copeland, Norfolk; Mrs. Mary Miot Cox, Lincoln; Mariianc Craig, Clarinda, la.; Colette Crouse, Hastings, la.; Carol Dahl. Alliance; Janet Danielson, Lincoln; Martha Danielson, Lincoln: De lores DeJonge, Greenwood; Beverly Dccpe, Carleton; Ardys Deichman, larcus, Ta.; Kap Deppen. Lincoln; Dor othy Dicke, Palisade; Beverly Doty, Lin ' coin; Judy Doothit, Curtis; Marilyn Dow, Belvidere: Polly Downs, Lincoln; Norma t)ralcc. Lincoln; Janet Dresher, Omaha; Charlotte Drishaua, Beatrice; Karen Dry den. North Platte; Joanne Dudley, Litch field; Margaret Dvorak, Beatrice; Doris Eby, Lincoln; Beverly Echelber ffer, Lincoln; Mrs. Patricia Henderson Eden, Lincoln; Margaret Edwards, Au burn; Frances Eicke, Rosalie; Evonne Einspahr, Imperial; Marion Elder, North Platte; Jeanne Elliott, Scottsbluff; Bever ly Ellis, Omaha; Jndy Erickson, Oak sand; Joyce Evans, Arapahoe; De lores Fangmeier, Lincoln: Barbara Ferguson, Lincoln: Sally Flanagan, Has tings; Sandra Foeli, Lincoln; Joanne F.-erieha, Lincoln; Shirley Gant, Arling ton, Va-J Kay Gleason, Beatrice; WiUia Gieeson. Wahoo; Carole Goodman, Obio n: Maryanna Gould, Lincoln; France Gourlay, Lincoln; Helen Goariay. Lin coln; Mrs. Gretchen Teal Green, Lin coln; Jane Greenawalt, Lincoln; Karen Greenlee, Pierce; Susan Grttimacher, Fremont; Myraa Grunwald, St, Joseph, Mo.; Mary Gunlicks. Nortk Platte: Shirley Gunn, Omaha. Elizabeth Backman, Grand Island Ann Bale, Norfolk; Carolyn Hall, Bas set t; Sharon Bail, Omaha; Sally Ea cork. Tekamah; Ardyce Harinf, Frank lin; Judy Hartman. Lincoln; Connie Baocke, Bruno: Carolyn Hanght, Dor auigo, Colo.; Holly Hawke, Lincoln; Mari lyn Heck, California, Mo.; Aria Helden Drand, Lincoln; Grace Heldenbrand; Lincoln; Emily Hemphill, Tekamah; Evlya Henry, Plattsntouth : Loma Herr pnan, Clatonia; Joan Hensner, Des Mojieg, la.; Jacqueline Hiirbee, Lincoln; Mrs. June Nieuwenhui Hill. Elizabeth. W.1.1 Sue Rinkle, Grand Inland; Sharon Rocker. Lincoln: Shirley Bolr-omb. Has tings: Roberta HoK. Blair: Arlene Hrbek, Omaha; Sara Hubka, Beatrice; Virginia Bndson. Lincoln; Jean Hueftle, Eustis; Ceorgamt Humphrey. Ramd City, 8.D.; Myrna Hunter, Loretto: Shlrlie Hutcher aon, Lincoln: Cara Hutchinson. Lincfi'n; tnien Jacobsen, St. Paul: Am Jalrc tnan, Fremont: Mary James, Nebraska City; Jane Jeffrey, SmithfieM; Barbara Jelrerhuis. Baron, ST. : Mm. Virginia Penick Jensen, Lcaellen: Eleanor Jen sen, Lmcoln; Prances Jensen. Pawnee City; Sharon Jensen, Fremont; Betty Johnson, Lincoln : Carol Johnson, Lm coln; Carolyn Johnson, Greenwood; Myr tle Johnson. Lincoln; Natalie Johnson, y-emont; Veryle Johnson. Wansa; Janet Wtnson, Brunswick; Barbara Jones, Be atrice; Sara Jones. Lincoln; Betty Joy, Falta City; Betty Kampfe, Omaha ; Merwlnnti Kampman, Elmwood; Theresa Karm ana. Lawrence; Lola Kattler, Llncoin; Patsy Kaufman, Elm Creek; Gwen Kauri. man, Stanton; Martha Keating?. Cres ton, la.; Beth Keenan, Kearney; Marilva Kelster, Grand Island; Claudia Keya, Lineota: Mary Keys, Lincoln; Gloria Klnr. orth Platte; Reba Klnne, Sidney; Mart lyn Kirk, Lincoln; Louisa Klima. MilU fan: Joan Kluge. Madrid; Diane Knotels. Lincoln; Judith Knester, Lincoln; Elaine Krantx, Omaha; Janice Kraus, Niantie Conn.; Sandra Kullv, Grand Island. Lois LeRue, Palisade; Sally Laasa, Lmcoln; Marleen Lamb, Wauneta: Mrs. F.fina Van Steenherg Larson, Llnmln: Janet Laaner, Grand Island; Sonrfra Lee, Siooz Fallg, S.D.; Clayne Levanson, tenver, Colo.; Sharl Lewis. Davkin; Janlea Uchtenbener, Lincoln; Carol Link, Aingworth: Mrs. Jana Spencer Lock, Nebraska City; Vivian Long, Ami atioe; Janet Lovseth, St. Peter, Minn.; Bulh Lacka, Log Alamos, N.M.t Mrs. Telia Croat Ladwickann, Lincoln; Jud ith Lnndt, Omaha; Mariorie Lutgtro, Lincoln; Naifc Lysinger, Sargent; Joaa Mackaman, Winner, S.D.: Cella JTadsen. Aurora; Joyce Magidson, SL Paul. Minn.; Bonnie Matlette, Lincoln; Fhyllls Makmey. Council Bluffs, la.l Sharon Mansfield, Oxford; Joyce Mason, York; Mra. Jacklyn Stanton Maupin, Stromsbuni; Joel McComb. Sioux City. Is.; Mary McCune. Hastings; Patricia McDougaQ, Lincoln; Shirley McPeck. Geneva; Nell Meier, Lincoln; Donna Mrti. Grand Island; Barbara Mcston, Uroken Bow; Mra Mary Keller Michael, Grant; Barbara Mickelmann, Grand Is land; Eileen Miller, Lincoln: Jaiquelva s!il)er, Omaha; Marilvn Miller. Shenan dnah, la.l Barbara Miltnitz. Plaisview; Aoastasia Mtnnick, Cambridge; Mra, Minerva Bradley Mitchell, Lincoln: Te reia Mitchem, Elmwood; Kay Monahan, Framia; Koberta Moore, Lansing, Kan.; Wariton Mousel. McCook; Carol Mowin l -1, Gretna; Dorothy Mulhair, Lynch; , h' is. Shirley Peter sob Munaon, Lhicoin; fcry Mnimer, Rising City; MotIIjh Nansel, Colnmbug; LaXea Ns Wana, LeweUen; Phyllis Nelson, Craig; ;roi Newell, Lincoln; Mrs. JoAnn Cha 1. oa Ni-wn ver, Wilbert Karen Newton, 1 mcnln; Marie Nichols, Beatrice; Irene f , Grand Inland; Patricia Nixon, i i ri Sioux City; Carolvn Novotny, ( -wn, iwrothy Novotny, . Clarkson; a u?s, Sutton: Jnu.ta kien. Palmer; Jan Orwi, Twitim Barbara Osborne, Nnriolk; f r .', ( ulver, lad.; Beverly Owens, jf... City; l-njuri Packard. Llncolni Tleverly T , I Lincoln; Betly parks, Lincoln; i -..Hen Paul, Lincoln; Betty Pea.-son, Mary Peik. St, Paul, Minn.; i e Peterson, Ant.urn; Anne Pickett, . ,ni Jcaiitte Prmce, Council Bluffs, f v I'yle, Channeli; i 1 amey, Llncoin ; Sandri RM Unrvin; Mrs. Jonu Marshall Reist, 11 I.IURSIELLS Live la Barber Shop and rtsmaa Barber Shop Honor Lincoln: Carolina Rhodf, Ooli S san Rhodes, Bea rice: k try R, Lin coln: Shirley I'cnards. Orlari: Joaa Riha. Omahai Pmla Roehrkassa. Crand Inland: Mary Rohrbaugh, Hulivs Mary Rohse, Nebraska City; Joyc n. Friend: Hanna Rosenberg, Lincoln. Wil lis Rosenthal. Scdalia, Mo.; Bu oara Kystrom. Bayard; Sandra Sack, Lincolm Nancy Sal ter. Lincoln: Jonn Sander. Omaha; Harriet Seville, Lincoln; Sandra Savior, Lincoln; Donia Scarlett, Ccring: Nancy Schicht, Muskegon, Mich i Dorothy SchiUler, ficatric: Mariorie Schindlcr, Alliance; M.irti S:h!eigcr, Lincoln: Joy Schmidt, Red O'V la; Sidney Srfiw der, Holdreca: Rancy Schult. Wahoo; Donna Striven, Scombluff: Miry Se bcrwr; Cnaadt Arlene St-lk, Norfolk: Barbara Sharp, Omaha; Susan Shephero, (ira-d t! nil; I'ntriaa Sh--v?n, I tn obi; Sandr Shoup, Sutherland! Jan ice Shradcr. Souih Sioux Cty; Janet Shuman. Bellevuc; Nora Sics. Lincoln; Sonia Sievcrs. Roca: Carol Smith, Im perial: Jean Smith, York: Patricia Smot ney, Seward; Judy Snell, Omaha; Bey erly Soderberg, Fremont; Marian Sokol, Louo City; Mrs. Joyce Ingram Speak, Ixingion: Knthryn Sralkor, DeWitt; Mary Stafford. Lincoln; Jane Stein, Lin coln: Letts Stephens, Lincoln: Rosemary Stocbl, Dcs Moines, Ia. Donna Stohs, gcribnor; Velda Stokke, . Lincoln; Mary On The Social Side: Vacation Pinnings Margie Wilson, Sigma Delta Tau junior in Teachers from Lincoln, to Mike Segal, Zeta Beta Tau junior in Arts and Sciences from Greeley, Colo. Selma Sanders, junior m Teach ers at Denver University from Lwnver, to Max Kxietman, zia eta Tau junior in Business Att I ministration from Topeka. Kan Lorajane Baskm, Alpha Xi Del ta junior in Home Economics from Stapleton, to Bob Disco, Farmhouse senior in Agriculture from Paxtoo. Jane Fellows. Gamma Phi Beta junior in Arts and Sciences from Omaha, to Don Mclntyre, Alpha Theta junior in Rrts and Scienc es at Dartmouth from Omaha Bobbie Osborn, Alpha Phi sen lor in Home Economics from Nor folk, to Norbert Schuerman, Kap pa Sigma senior in Teachers from DeWitt. Marty Haerer, Alpha Chi Omega sophomore in Arts and Sciences from Sioux Falls, S. D., to Gene Ballard, Sigma Nu freshman in Law from Grand Island. Doris Hinds, Zeta Tau Alpha Hungarian Fund Hits $1500 Mark Pledges to the Hungarian Student Project passed the $1,500 mark Thursday, according to project Barb Sharp. Pledges of $280 by WAA and a $5 individual donation raised cash pledges to a new high of $1,596.67. The funds will be used to help finance Hungarian refugees stu dents at the University. The WAA pledge matched a $280 contribution by Tassels for the larg est donations of campus organiza tions. Recieve Sigma Tau Awards NU Students Two University engineering stu dents have been awarded scholar ships by Sigma Tau, national hon orary scholastic fraternity in engi neering. Dennis Colesman received the $100 Sigma Tau Senior Scholar ship. He is majoring in mechan ical engineering. Melvin Earnest, junior in civil engineering, received the $50 Sig ma Tau Junior Scholarship. famous Rothmoor coat sale! MAN-MADE FUR An outstanding famous brand orlon-dynel blended fur fabric Formerly 95.00 Flattering finish . . fabric has sheen and shimmer of its own Warmth without weight , Does not attract moths . . . allergy-free , will not lose shape Exclusive colors sauterne, pewter, brandy and moon stone gray Rich and beautiful GOLD'S Coats... Second Floor ........ -jWff..l...-M.. IWMHW. l.w.lli,.lplnmliWpl BimBors Strickland. Lincoln: Lorraine Stmh. Lincoln: Karen Fukovaty, Plymouth: Barbara Sullivan, Plattsmouth; Gerayne Swanson, North Platte; Shirley Swan on, Ceresco; Luciirac Switter, Lin coln: Patricia Tatroe, Lincoln; Boma Tebo. Roca; Virginia Thomas. Lincolm Mary Thompson, IJncolni Marianne Yhreeaca, Kcbraska City; Mrs. Ann I-uch Thocncs. Schuyler; Mrs. Karen Smeta Timm.Mis, Ord; Nancy Tucker, Omaha; Donna Tupper, Bloomingtoa; Dannna Turner, Lincoln: Vtia Upitis, Lincoln! Marilyn W. Lincoln; Leona Wsllin, Tilden; Gail ' W'aUins. Omaha; Elizabeth Weber, Lincoln; Joan Web ster, Kearney; Rosemary Weeks. Kear ney: Joan Weerts, Meadow Grove: Mary Wchr, Lincoln; Mary Wcisel, Fairbury; Annabelle Welch, Shenandoah, Ta.; Wil ms Wenmrcer, Lincoln: Beverly West, Oconto; Sheryl Whitmos. Lincoln! Mari lyn Wilhelms, San Franciy-a, . Calif.; Carolyn Williams, Ashland; Mrs, Mary Heard Williams, Lincoln; Phyllis Wil liamson, Lincoln: Nancy Wilson, TaU mage; Sarol Wiltse, Falls City; Mrs, Phyllis Colet Wipf, Lincoln; Norma Wolf, Kearney; Mrs. Marie Puerr Wright, Lincoln: Marion Wright, Lin coln: Janice Wroth, Lincoln; Cynthia Zschau. Omahai Harilya Zuhlke. Sterling. Pinnings senior in Teachers from Daven port, to Dale Marr, Alpha Tau Omega senior in Engineering from Omaha. Marilyn Zuhlhe, Zeta Tau Alpha senior in Home Economics from Sterling, to John Heecht, Kappa Sigma alumnus from Lincoln. Kay Gregory, Zeta Tau Alpha sophomore in Busines Administra tion from Scotsbluff, to Bob War rick, Kappa Sigma senior in Ag riculture from Meadow Grove. Sandy Enyeart, Alpha Chi Ome ga sophomore in Teachers from Lincoln, to Kay Harris, Delta Up silon junior in Business Adminis tration from Dakota City. SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturday Kappa Delta Pledge Party. The Sunday Movie "So This Is Paris," technicolor musical starring Tony Curtis, Gloria DeHaven, Gene Nelson and Paul Gilbert, will be shown in the Union Ballroom at 7:30 p.m. Sunday night. Istanbul, Turkey, a beautiful technicolor movie short sent the University by the Turkish Em bassey in Washington D. C, will also be shown Sunday evening. Coffee Hour Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Eldrige will honor all graduating seniors at a coffee hour January 15 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. The coffee, to be held in the Food and Nutrition building lounge, is an annual af fair started last year. Final Fling Slated Next Friday Eve The annual Final Fling Dance will be held January 18 in the Union ballroom from 9 to 12 a.m. The Dick Burgess Combo will provide the musical entertainment for the evening. Admission is 50 cents per person and refreshments will be served. The Varsity Glee Club will spot light the entertainment for the evening. A special feature will be Shirley Tempo, a Hawaiian student, who will perform the Hula and other authentic Hawaiian dances. Wynn Smithberger will provide addition al entertainment. inside World I N - ill t m 'fit ' A 111 i 'I I ! f H ' k "i iA ttSBta. lpmm jnmuf 1 t flMSstJMstsM Inaugiiral Message: Anderson Requests Med Fund Transfer . Gov. Victor Anderson has asked the Legislature in his inaugural message to transfer $75,000 from the University Medicine College building fund to their general fund to re-open two hospital wards. The governor made a tour of the medical college at Omaha Wednes day with Chancellor Clifford Hardin also meeting with Dean J. P. Toll man and the staff for a "first hand look to determine their great est needs." His inaugural recommendation was for a $100,000 transfer, but the governor told the Legislature after a tour of the facilities in Omaha $75,000 would be enough. The governor said he discussed budget problems with the staff and assured them that "we want first-class medical hospital" but asked them to "explore every ave- Regents Group To Re-Study Tuition, Fees The University Board of Regents has created a special three-man committee to re-study student fees and tuition, Dr. B. N. Greenberg of York, president of the board, announced. The study will Involve both resi dent and non-resident rates. The committee is composed of Dr. Greenberg, Clarence Swanson of Lincoln and C. Y. Thompson of West Point, all members of the Board. Dr. Greenberg said the commit tee will review thoroughly the en tire question of student fees and tuition now being charged by the University. ACS Meet Monday An Iowa State College profes sor will be guest speaker at the January meeting of the Nebraska Section of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Harvey C. Diehl, proffessor of chemistry, will discuss "The Reversible Absorption of Oxygen by Vitamin B 12a" Monday night at the University. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Room 324, Avery Laboratory. in LOCKHEED Aircraft Corporation California Division Georgia Division ti Both divisions of California Division activities in Burbank cover virtually every phase of commercial and military aircraft. Seventeen different models of planes are in production, including cargo and passenger transports, high Mach performance fighters, jet trainers, radar search planes, patrol bombers. B. S. graduates who wish to attain a Master's Degree will be interested in the California Division's Masters-Degree Work-Study Program. In the program, participants achieve their M.S. while working concurrently on Lockheed's engineering staff. t i f it nue to determine how they can get along with what the people can af ford to pay." Anderson asked college staff members to determine the "abso lute minimum amount of money needed to operate the two wards for the rest of the biennium" and as a result, the governor said it was agreed that the two wards could be reopened Feb. 1 for the remaining five months of this biennium at a cost of $75,000. The two wards, consisting of 34 beds, were recently closed for lack of operating funds. The governor asked Sen. Karl Vogel, chairman of the budget com mittee to Introduce the bill to make the transfer possible. The governor also asked the Leg- islature to give "priority" to his bill. TUNK jUC& 15bu(3AiiT gCFalSlS' C4mAScor TECHWCfjtag COMING SOON "GIANT NOW s Ns fvf,- m tmniest f movie 3s In j. i maybe 1 I Engineering. . . Physics. . . Mathematics Lockheed are engaged in a long I f I Vl!: ' ' ;:,! !' j This broad expansion program Is creating new positions In each division. Graduates in fields of: Aeronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics and Physics are 'invited to investigate their role in Lockheed s expansion. JLiO clslx cl Aircraft Corporation California Division, Burbank, California Georgia Divbion, Marietta, Georgia HERE'S SEE YOUR PLACEMENT OFFICER FOR THE INTERVIEW THAT OPENS YOUR WAY TO A BRIGHT CAREER -WITH DABCOCCI &17IIX ON JANUARY 15, 1957 TUaUUR ATOMIC MMAtCH OIOMIS IOIIM PRODUCTS UFRACTOmn NOY AND DIVISION PI VI HON DIVISION DIVISION. PiyilOEMtHT Machonlcol Engliwarlng a A Caromlg tnginaarlng Chamkol tngirxaring a CIvU ingln ring Eloctrlcal Engiiwarinj A Engmafing Physicists . Ptiyslcitts A ful Tthnologlsts A ' Industrial EnghMwing A A A Metallurgical Englnrlng A A A A Mt-tollurglsts A a twsliwss Admlnlstratiosi R and EnglmMring ' Chvmists a Nuchsor Engiiwoiinf A a Mothamotics A A A Background in any of the fields listed in the left-hand column is all you,need to begin your career with B&W. Check the activities you want to talk about with the B&W representative when he's on your campus. He'll be glad to see you . . . and you'll be glad you talked to him. I v -1 161 Eat! 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. S V, Strut, JH,t,Sr Lockheed Representatives of the California Division and the Georgia Division will be on campus Friday, January 1 8 You are Invited to consult your placement officer for an appointment Separate interviews will be given for each division. ' - range expansion program In their At Ixwkheed in Marietta, Georgia, new C-130A turbo-prop transports and B-47 jet bombers are being manufactured in the country's largest aircraft plant under ont roof. The division is already one of the South' largest industries. Moreover, a new engineering center is now in development at part of the division's expansion program. In addition, advanced research and develop, ment are underway on nuclear energy and its relationship to aircraft. A number of other highly significant classified projectt augment the extensive production program. H CE1AITJCE IAnt, fields of endeavor. t i t f 7 liarben Ta Sum yM P 1 ' 4 Ho Money Down On GOLD'S RCA Plan : 7 iWtttlJlwo