, ,r(r.m .- w .,. . ,. , ,-1 r H - ft i-1 .llVir-iH- mi II nr !U , Llf . I .. 1 i ...n n ' "f TT Has, , , i s M i ill i .11 mil ti .In .111 Ha! I I'-ffllilWri .ramlM-f Ml lilB BliflMi nrt W, -W'aBWi iaW - HI i.H.I " ' iff, ' IfflaiW ti , ) toft n . rfr.'.ffh '"ft: Vf--" sTavnlT tor"1--- 'Ul Hi-'! -nrf! ITlr 11 TTT" 'i Hit III alaMataWa-ri.llii ' I ij ' ' II i i" 'TYr miltT 'V , 'f ' Y f -" ip-"- T i """" f ' :' inM s-wte .. 3 Wednesday, Jonuory 9, 1957 THE NEBRASKAN 1 t1 1 j ! i Husker Coaches e ri n o 0 n in J . By GEORGE MOYER Staff Sports Writer Pete Elliott confirmed yester day that he is considering offers of a Job elsewhere for next sea on. Elliott, who completed his fresh man year as a head coach with won-lost record, has report- Being Contacted: O An n n GIDIGfTD edly been offered $17,000 to be come head football coach at the University of Washington. George Briggs, athletic director of Washington University, said Tuesday, "I will not confirm or deny any thing about our coach ing position. I am not at liberty to make a statement." II- ' ' Courtesy Lincoln Journal ELLIOTT Briggs, however, also stated that Elliott was one of the men being considered for the head coaching position. Washington's coaching vacancy was created when Darrell Royal resigned to accept the head coach ing position at the University of Texas. Royal had played and la ter coached for Bud Wilkinson at Oklahoma before taking the Wash ington Job. Briggs said his school was look ing for a coach in Roval's mold; "a young coach, one schooled in the split T, preferably a Wilkinson man." Elliott fills these require ments periectiy. Dee Andfos, Elliott's line coach and one of his closest friends said in an interview with Bill irinir KLIN newscaster, during the half of the Colorado-Nebraska basket ball game Monday night that a head coach should keen him.ulf available for interviews. Howevw Andros also stated that the inter views did not necessarily mean anytmng. Elaborating. Andros said that , j 1 1 coacning start liked the people J) of Nebraska and had been treat- CourtHv TJnmln Klr I ed VerV khldlv bv them, rnnf inu. JENNINGS ling, he said that there was still a challenge to meet and fab to do at Nebraska." He marf it clear, however, that a coach should take advantage of chances to move up. Elliott, contacted in St. Louis where he is attending a coaching conference, had little to say other than he did plan interviews in St. Louis. He did not rule out the possibil ity that he is interested in more than one school. There was strong possibility that the Univer sity of California was also in volved and there are seven other major colleges and universities hunting for head coaches. Bill Jennings, Husker backfield coach has also been contacted for a coaching position. Jennings' job would be an assistantship compar able to the one he presently holds. A Southwest Conference school, possibly Texas, is said to have contacted Jennings, who, like El liott, has just comDleted his first year at Nebraska. Elliott's decision aoDarentlv will not be determined primarily bv salary. The University Board of Kegents, aware of the Job offer since before the Christmas holi- days, boosted Elliott's salary to $14,500 and upped his assistant's salaries by $500 apiece. They felt by splitting the differ ence between Pete's original sal ary at Nebraska and the $17,000 offer, Elliott's decision would be made on a basis of his coaching future. The attitude of the Board at pres ent appears to be one of wait and see. It was learned that the Board felt it had done everything possible on Elliott's salary and that no at tempt would be made to further increase it to match any other offer. Winter Sports Schdole Of Eventt January H January 11 January II January IJ January M January la January 19 January ) January It February 1 February I February 1 February 4 February I February I February I February I February I February I February 11 February IS February iff February 16 February IS February 1(1 February 18 February 22 February 12, February 22 Februaiy 23 February M February 2S March 1. I March 1 March 2 March 1 March t March (. t March 8. March S March 23 March 30 rWrwttlnf) Manka'o St. "wrwuinf) Mutneaote IGymnaiHlca) Varalty (Baaketbali) Colorado Swlmmlni) Kanaat Stat (Wreatllnt) Colorado bu Cymnaatlci) Mlnneaot 4Bnklbal Miaaourt Wratimi) Colorado (SwlmminO Iowa Star mack) low Stat fWreatlint) Kamae Slat (Swim mini) Kanaal Stat Baketball) Kanaa Stat fSwirr.mlnvl rAln..n. c (Swlmmlni) Double Dual Tetond Utah at Boulder (Biaketball) Kanaat (Track) Colorado fWreetlini) So. Dak. St, Gymnaitlce) Navy Pier (Baaketball) Miaaourt (Wrettiini) Iowa St. Taachar (Baaketball) Iowa Stat (Track) Oklahoma fSwlmmin) Minnesota (Gymnaatlca) hamea St. (Basketball) Kanaat St. Gymnatic8 Colorado A.M. (Swlmmlni) Colorado a M (Gymnaatlca) Colorado Air Academy THatule at t-nviuBiu nanaaa at Lawrtnc (Baaketball) Oklahoma at Norm.. ' ., (Track) Bit 7 meet at Kaneaa City. We. (Swlmmlni) Kansaa in Unco In ao i (Cymnaitlct) AU-Coll.f. InvK.tlon.l at Manhattan. Ka! Dual meet to be figured with Colored tut. (Rk.,h.m tMlnk,,,' s",, WM,ern I"l"", " OBskethtll) Oklahoma In Lincoln re.axi m (Wroatlln,!) Bit 7 Meat '" (Gymnaattc. NCAA i, XnVUfc W. IGvmn.atlc.) AAU 5 SSSSSm at irvn. ml HHUM I ruhirvaa at DexabMr in Lmcola ' at Gre)r la I lncoln at Columbia at Boakler In Llncnla In Llncola In Lincoln at Manhattan at Manhattan at uretiej bi Lincoln In Lincoln la Lincoln at Oi Irate In Lincoln at Coder FaJt In Amet in Lincoln In Lincoln In Lincoln In Lincoln t Ft. CelBiw at n. Colli na :) en. fi:M) rm, (iW .. ri m a.m. m. 7:M) a.na. ) at. ) .. M ea, (liM) M ;.- ., an. .) e.na. ttrt) t.n). I:W) m. r I I 1 I A Campus-to-Career Case History Grapplers Open Season: U 9' Ming By BOB WIRZ Staff Sports Writer Vacation is over for coach Don Strasheim's wrestling team. The grapplers open their 1957 season thia week with two appearances in Minnesota. Tomorrow night they make their debut against Mankato State Teachers College at Mankato and Friday night travel over to Min neapolis to tangle with the Univer sity of Minnesota. Last year the Nebraska squad was defeated by both Mankato and Minnesota by large margins. This year it should be a different story according to Strasheim. The young head coach, who doubles as as istant football coach under Pete Elliott, feels that his squad will be much improved over the 1956 squad. Although expecting a better fin- Others making the trio include Gil Nielson of Omaha in the 123- pound class. He replaces Marshall ish Strasheim will start only two Nelson of Kimball a two year let lettermen against Mankato. Jack terman. Nelson has been tem Bryans, 147 ro 157 pound class, porarily sidelined by illness but he mm iicHvyweigni uhi crana wiu may possibly make the trip as ue wie omy experienced men ian an alternate. SLE" WIK l Ken Mcee of Lincoln will com- v,1""'.wm c. " u,e "1 pete in the 130-pound division nni i ft k GaU Baum of u the Lincoln at the other weight dm- trip in the 137-pound class. Baum " r,A J vu ... ls. a phomore and shows a lot tu wi ucuctuc, ia ua,A iui i promise tr u i i "W-T- D1 John Anderson of Cheyenne Max Kitzelman from Omaha was wmL. ...m A r .r 'f' "1Jl"' "rzr ,r ,vaaa of the state's top wrestlers in high up the sport this year. Kitzelman 8chool. was Big Seven heavyweight cham- , . . . " .,w "c f"innum oivision was still fival VliUW lUIB VliV 0V V ll V two years agq. undecided at printing time. Spir ited competition in this class has Deen cut down to two athletes. Bob Weigel of Bellevue and Bill T.n Fleur of Madison were to sr-rnn t out last night to see which one made the trip. Bob Pickett of f!W enne was just eliminated yester- aay. Everyone on the varsity squad nas Deen working hard for positions on the sauad and th competition will continue through out ine season. About 15 men still remain out for the varsity squad wnicn is considerably larcpp than last year. At times last season the squad was so thin at several classes that tney often had to forfeit. I See It By Walt Btore Tigers Dump Iowa State: Sooners Scare Jayhawks Things could be pretty well be a mess in Big Seven basketball U the first few cramne rJt tVi ference season are an indication. Monday, nicrht fnr Missouri upset heavily favored Iowa State 77-59 at Columbia. The clones any trouble Iowa State had lost onlv one previous contest that rmnim, . the hands of the number one team in the nation. But, Sparky StalcuD'a Tie-urn were not to be denied. Clamping a tieht 7.nrtp Ofninct we taienteq cyclones they were By WALT BLORE Sports Editor Who Deserves More? CI.ai.N tkl.ll. Jl- . 1 11 it . ... . ouuuiu au avuictii: unctiur receive more uian ine ioovuau coacn: utaic u-ov at t-OlumDla The hub queouuii uas oeen arguea w great lengu; over many not stoves -"sia uu Deen irounced by the and in view of an editorial that appeared "in Tuesday's Nebraskan it Kansas Jayhawks on Saturday and will nrKaKlv Ka Km.frVif mil In :n n j . . : .1 : i I lxorp nnr f i nri i rtA ! ai fivwHwij w. utuugub uui ivi inuic cAaiiiutauun uuiuig wie winter, i a4 w mvc ine CI &am Jensen, editor ot tne Rag and former sports writer stated in an editorial called Time to Quit that "the man who bears responsibility xor au atnietic programs snouid De paid more than any coach who is . i 1.1 I. rcajjunsjuie io mm. Jensen has nresentprl nnlv nne sirlp of t.hx ntnrv hnivAVAr Thee position of athletic director does not induce as much pressure s uoes me jod oi neaa lootDan coacn. This is true anywhere, including the Ivy League where one coach was urea Decause ms teams did not win enoui games this in a league where there is supposed to be a de-emphasis of football. The high figure that is paid to a football coach includes a certain remuneration for the nrpssnrp Hint will ho nut nn him MoKrocb-o W7oo. leyan or a school of its size, might consider pressure to be worth only a few hundred dollars at the most, whiln fiohnnl Elliott is reported to be investigating probably consider pressure wortb 1 nnn . r - r nn For ten Saturday's each fall, the coach is subject to tremendous picoauic jrum me lougnesi type oi person tne lootoau tan. His teachings must mppt the nnnrnval nf of loast in Ann lunnla J .w f.- w . . W- U .WHV UVjUUU VVjll In the case of the bigger schools such as UCLA, Notre Dame and MI l 1 1. f . , ... jKiaiioma, me iigure is even greater ana tne pressure increases Under Scrutiny The athletic director rlrvps not pome nnnr smpIi afrntinw Unless a member of the athletic staff is labeled as an incompetent no. iacts prove it, tne airector is relatively free from outside force Take the case of Don Parent ot Missouri The veteran Tiper irrirl mentflr nnmt -o - o- uawvn, wv. T v-a iVUMUI UUt his last two years as football coach, yet his most exacting critics still aT-lA. 1.1 i. V . i . i i i i icii, mai; ne snouia De retamea as atnietic airector. Nebraska's very able Director of Athletics. Bill Orwitr. has thia tn say on the subject. "I don't think an athletic director should receive a larger salary than the football coach because a coach has much more pressure applied to him than an athletic director." There was an inference in Jensen's editorial that the salaries of tne protessors would be closer in line with those of the athletic staff. This situation is verv irlpalistip hut in nrnr-tifo will nmhahlw ncvot avict The salaries of the members of the athletic department are paid out oi me earnings oi tne aepartment. as long as teams can draw upwards of 35,000 people at an average of $3.00 a ticket, the athletic forces will have more money for salaries than the academic departments. Also, there are very few instructors that must subject their teach ings to such a critical group so often. Although the salaries of most cuiiee prmessurs are mosc inadequate, mat aoes not mean mat tne aalariees of the football staff should be lowered to provide equality. Jensen also struck out against the "creeping professionalism" in rrvllpcp ranks. Ha nnntoH a entrapcHnn nf tho oHlrnr nf a tuac-t nnael 0 - M UQ w- UM.VVAA IH U IT kl U UUlIU daily at a large university who advocated paying the college football 1. 1.U L V I ( t ' 1 ' .11 . 1 1 1 1 1.1.1 . i icaiu opeiuy uiiu uiui sucn proiessionaiiam snouia oe taDeiea as aucn Athletes Are Human nivintr RphiMnrshins fnr othlnfiV rvvnuroca io nnf hncipanv YiaA Twia theere should be a close screening of candidates to insure scholastic quality, but if a person is proficient as an athlete he should be re warded in the same manner that an outstanding chemist is. Athletes are not "goons" or boneheaded semi-pros. They are normal individuals with a much higher-than-normal competitive desire. They became good football players because they enjoyed the game as a sandlotter. Many of these would never have the chance to go to 11 it ii. - . - ILl.l.' 11 1 cuiiege ii it were not ior an atmeuc scnoiarsnip. Neither is it bad to want to win. Winning is the basic purpose of a contest. The best should be rewarHpH ns Slirh. Thrvcp whn r-m nut ecroinct tho ".net nt nrinniner" - I . . W W.J UV HIMllU. M1W Vl'. V TT ........ are to a certain extent crying out against competition. The old saying .. 1L. ti. - ! ..ii . ii i io iue victor goes me spoils sua noias true. If it is the desire of the Board of Regents and the Athletic depart ment at the university to raise the salary of Pete Elliott, then that is uieir uusuiess. It is not too high a price to pay for winning. able to hold All-Ameriean rnnHi. date Gary Thompson to 18 points while Bill Ross, Sonny Siebert and Lionel Smith connected for 23, 20 and 19 for Missouri. S Down at Norman Okla. the Sooners put the clamps on Wilt Chamberlain and put a scare into the Jayhawks before bowing 51 59. All-conference selection of last year, Joe King, did an effective job of holding the Dipper down to ,22 points. Sooner teammate Don Schwall netted 20 markers and out-rebounded Chamberlain 14-11. The victory put the Kansans into the conference lead with 2-0 record and their 11th victory of tne season i 4 Mr 'A I ... &stmmSxr.im i a i Frank R. Hoffman, B.S. in Liberal Arts, Hampden-Sydney College, 'S3 Meet an Assistant Manager-Hampden-Sydney, '53 Frank Hoffman is Assistant Manager of the telephone office at Newport News, Va. Frank's office has about 25,000 ac counts, and handles $360,000 worth of business a month. He joined the telephone company in 1953, only three years ago. "My wife worked there first," says Frank, "while I was still in college. What she told me, along with what I learned from friends in the business, pretty well sold me on the telephone company as a place to find a career. And the interview clinched it. The job opportunities were too good to refuse. "I began in the Commercial Depart ment, which takes care of business con tacts with customers. The training was continuous and excellent. One of the most rewarding jobs I had was working on revenue studies involving estimates of population and telephone growth. Thia experience is really useful in my present position as Assistant Manager. "I supervise the personnel who handle customer contacts. And I assist in the handling of our public relations work in the community. In the Manager' ab sence, I take over. "It's a great job, full of opportunities and satisfaction. I like working with people, and I like to see my work con tributing to the betterment of the com munity and the company. Choosing a career in the telephone business was the best move I've ever made." Frank Hoffman chose a career with The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia. Inter esting career opportunities exist in other Bell Tele phone Companies, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Western Electric and Sandia Corporation. Your place ment officer has more information about them. II Tlphons i System i a I L ! j tne season. i f WINSTON , p L,KE A TASTES GOOD! k CIGARETTE SHOULD!) . (v f W rJ I . if 1 , i 1 V V 1 7 .Sfcv:-.:.., 9 EB Mm sT aw ": : J msJJL'JtjzXi 11......' ."- "X X., I wiKciTviiAi.am, a,, n, . J i has "the answer on flavor I No guesswork here! Your first puff will tell you, this filter cigarette tastes like a cigarette! There's rich, full flavor here. And a pure, snowy-white filter that does its job so well the flavor really comes through to you. That's why Winston is America's favorite filter smoke. Make it yours! Smoka VMnSWIL..cxqy tha cnovz-v.-hito filtcrintlis cork-smooih tip u I ): rh s b f'. V if: p. ft 4 h