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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1957)
"i Vol. 31, No. 39 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA' Wednesday, January 9, 1957 v m Y i Vc Meets With Student Council: 7 hsnn..n rr. s - -V? i I .1 i IK r Student Council Requests Full Budget Bruce Brugmann. president of the Student Council presents a resoiution of the Council to Gov ernor Victor Anderson which recommends that the full budget Donators Listed: Hungarian Student Project onations fleam fkvi High A total of $1,311.67 has now been pledged in cash donations to the Hungarian Student Project, ac cording to Barb Sharp, . project chairman. ' The largest donation of any cam; pus organization was received yes terday, when Tassels voted to do nate $280 to the project. Sally Flanagan is the committee mem- . ber representing Tassels. No word has yet been received from World University Service, the agncy that is handling the flow of refugee students. Hungarian re fugee students already in the Uni ted States are all attending a nine wek orientation session at Bard College in New York. It is hoped that the students will arrive at the University a week or two after the start of the first se mester classes, Miss Sharp said. The committee is still awaiting a decision on room and board from Interfraternity Council and Pan hellenic Council. Hungarians: Announced By Regents The Board of Regents voted Sat urday to give two one-year schol arships to Hungarian students for study at the University. The refugee students are being sponsored by the Hungarian Stu dent Project made up of repre sentatives of University organiza tions. The Student group is plan ning to sponsor 10 students in all. Books, housing, clothing, room and board and maintainence funds are being supplied by Lincoln mer chants and students through per sonal and student house dona tions. At the present time, the members of the project are able to support two students for one year. Dorms Named For Former Ag Officials Two new domitories at the Col lege of Agriculture campus, one for women and the other for men, will be named respectively in hon or of Miss Margaret Fedde, form er head of the Home Economics Department, and W. W. Burr, former Dean of the College of Agriculture. Naming of the two buildings, costing jointly $980,000, was made official by the University Board of Regents. Miss Fedde joined the University In 1914 and left in 1950. She now is with the University of Tennes see. Burr retired in 1948 after 40 years with the University, the last twenty as Dean of the Ag College. Nature Shows: The third in this year's Audubon Screen Tours series will be pre sented Friday at the University. Entitled "Outdoor Almanac," it Is a panorama of nature's annual cye of year-round activity. The color film with-complete musical score and sound effects track will be shown at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. "at Love Library Auditorium. The narrator will be Charles Mohr, director of the Audubon Center, Greenwich, Conn. Mohr has served as director of the National Audubon Society's center for nature and conservation education and research since 1947. Scholarship Third 'Scree n Tours' Scheduled of the University be adopted by the State Legislature. Anderson said that he doubed if the entire budget would pass, however. He also said that he would not The University of Nebraska Board of Regents last weekend vot ed to provide scholarships for two of the students. Following are the contributions that have been received to date by the committee: Governor Victor Anderson $25. Prof. Clarence McNeill, $5. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rhodes, $3. Earl Dyer, Jr., $10. Imperial, N e b r.. Rainbow Girls, $10. Imperial, Nebri Y-Teens, $10. Lincoln Rotary Club, $60. Presbyterian-Cong. S t u d e nt House, $30 per month, 1 year. Baptists & Disciples of Christ, $40. Kappa Delta Sorority, $80. Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Pledges, $23.75. Corn-Cobs, $100. Anonymous, $180. Ag Executive Board, $50. Canterbury Club, $25. ' Ag Dairy Club, $25. Tassels, $280. Elwood, Neb. MYF, $10. Darrina Turner, $8.82. Mrs. Goin, $2. H. M. Pinckley, $2. . Stan Schiebert, $2. ... Anonymous, $25. Total, $1,311.67. Continued on Page 4 Two Students Given Awards In Agriculture Alyce Sides and Paul Johnston, both University students, were among the 20 agricultural college seniors throughout the United States to receive scholarship awarded by Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc. The awards, offered for the first time in 1956, were established to encourage young people to choose extension work as a career, espe cially in the field of animal health. Each applicant submitted a plan for an extension education pro-1 gram which was one of the de ciding factors in the $200 scholar ship awards. Miss Sides' outline dealt with "The Relation of Animal Health to Human Health," with empasis on the prob lem of brucellosis. Johnson's plan stressed the importane'of animal health, concentrating on the eco nomic aspects of the subject. The scholarship winners have been active members in 4-H for many years, and have held various offices in their local organizations. Both spent the summer of 1956 as extension agent trainees. ASME Elections The American Society of Me chanical Engineers will meet in Room 206, Richards Laboratory, Wednesday at 4 p.m. Don Frye, associate professor of I the scientific lab for. the Ford Motor Company, will speak, The society will hold elections, (Friday He previously was director of ed ucation at the Philadelphia Acad emy of Natural Sciences. s He is a well-known nature pho tographer and writer whose work has appeared in several national magazines including "Life," "Cor net," and "Holiday." "Outdoor Alamanac" will depict the snow and cold of winter, warmth of spring, lushness of sum mertime and the color of autumn. It will include such "characters" as a raccoon family, a fawn deer growing up to buckhood, playful fox clubs and legions of hibernat ing bats. recommend an Increase In stu dent tuition and said that a stu- dent loan plan might prove ad visable if the tuition hike did occur. Mitchell Sends More Facts To Committee C. Clyde Mitchell has sent fur ther information concerning his case now pending before the fac ulty committee on privilege and tenure, according to David Dow, cnairman. Dow stated that he was not at liberty to disclose the informa tion. The case will be taken up "as soon as we can get togeth er,'! Dow said. An exact date was not revealed. Mitchell's case involves his re moval as chairman of the De partment of Agriculture Eco nomics, which he maintains was an abridement of his academy, freedom. Religion: Coiner Classes feted The schedule of classes offered at Cotner School of Religion is now available, according to Dean lr. R. Stevens. After meeting with facultv mem. bers, registration can be made at the Cotner School of Religion of fice at 1237 "R" Street, Stevens said. . The fee for registration is $2.00 per semester and tuition is $5 per credit hour. Scholarships coverine the Cotner tuition are awarded to qualified students carrying 12 or. more nuors in the university. According to Dean P. R. Stevens it is important that students get a systematic understanding of re ligion. Cotne- offers the opportun ity of courses in religion which are free from sectarian bias and open to all students. Courses in religion are accepted for elective credit at the University and other schools. Classes are held at 1237 "R" Street and 3513 Holdrege, adjacent to the City and Ag College cam puses. 1 Introduction to Religion, 2 cr 2WF, Stevens 2 Intdocution to Christianity, 1 cr. 2WF, Stevens 11 O. T. Scriptures, 3 cr, 9MWF, feterson 22 N. T. Scriptures, 2 cr, 9TTh, Peterson 51 The Restoration Movement, s cr, 1MWF, Peterson 70 Basic Christian Ethics, 2 cr, 3WJT, Stevens in xeacmngs oi uirist, 2 cr, lOTTn, Peterson 162 Adm. of Christian Educa tion, 2 cr, 2-4W, Perron 167 The Christian Family, 2 cr, 7-9Th, Kemp 221 Life and Teachings of Paul, 3 cr, lTTh, Peterson 2 Introduction to Christianity, 1 cr, 4Th, Stevens 22 N. T. Scripture, 2 cr, 3-5M, Peterson viz Teachings oi Christ, 2 cr, 3-5T, Peterson Voting Slated For Campus YWCA Officers City Campus YWCA officers will be elected Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Rosa Bouton Hall, according to Sarol Witse, vice president. Barbara Sharp and Carol Smith are candidates for president. One will be elected president and the other will be the vice-presidnt. Other candidates for offices are Betty Parks and Pat Patterson, secretary; Beverly Ellis and Mar go Hornady, treasurer; Mary Bradley and Jan Lichtenberger, district representatives, and Terry Mitchem and Roberta Switzer, Student Council member. Cosmopolitan Club , The Cosmopolitan Club will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Room 315 of the Union. The picture for the Cornhusker will be taken at this meeting. Of In a meeting with representa tives of the Student Council Tues day morning, Governor Victor An derson stated that he doubted "the full University budget would be adopted" and added that he "would have a problem to get even what I recommend." Anderson's comments came aft er a resolution was presented to him by Student Council president Bruce Brugmann which urged "the Governor of Nebraska to rec ommend to the. Legislature the adoption of the full budget" re quested by Chancellor Clifford Hardin. However, Governor Anderson went on to say that he would rec ommend $2,400,000 budget increase for faculty salary raises. Commenting on the faculty sal- Senators Say 'Can't Neglect' School Needs Nebraska's state senators had much to say - about the Univer sity's 1957-59 budget request at the Alumni Association's recep tion for members of the legisla ture and their -wives held in the Union Tuesday at 6 p.m. Among the commenting solons Senator Charles Tvrdik of Oma ha said that "we can't neglect the University of Nebraska." Senator Harry Pizer of North Platte stated that "if we want a good school, we will have to pay for it." "We are friendly to the Uni versity," commented Senator Otto Kotouc of Humboldt. Newly elected Senator Fred Wag goner of Lincoln said that he "hadn't had a chance to study the budget yet." "You'll get most of it, I'm pretty sure of that," Waggoner added. Senator Terry Carpenter re ported that he is "perfectly -will ing' to let the -Governor adopt his budget and be responsible for it.' The solon from Scottsbluff added that he thought the "tuition should be raised to pay a substantial degree of the budget request." "Students should be qualified be fore entering the University instead of being made qualified after they have enrolled," Carpenter com mented. Senator David Tews of Norfolk said that he "hasn't seen the bud get request yet." We should keep teachers now instead of trying to hire them back," Tews stated. Lunch Guests Include Vic, John Beaver Governor Victor Anderson and Senator John Beaver, speaker of Nebraska's Legislature, will be guests at the Nebraskan press luncheon Friday in parlor X of the Union, according to Bob Ire land, news editor. . Members of the faculty and stu dent body are invited to attend the luncheon, Ireland said. Persons wishing to attend should contact the Nebraskan of fice before 4 p.m. today. Senators NU Guests Meeting a.t the Alumni Associ ation dinner Tuesday evening were (left to right) Jim Stew art, President of the University lor Hardin; Senator John Bea- ver, the speaker of the 1957 Legislature; and Lt. Governor J.'W'WWWJ Jiff?- If HJW'Wi'-' ""RW.X 1 Jflf w-' - ' ary problem the Governor stated that both he and the budget com mittee of the legislature h a v agreed that the $2,400,000 of the requested increase be used speci fically for salary adjustments. "I will not recommend to the Board of Regents an increase in tuition," Anderson said. The Governor added that "if they do Increase tuition $60 per semester that will mean an addi tional $2,300,000 for a two-year period.". Anderson said he thought the problem of an increase in tuition "should be put up to the students If an increase in tuition wsa adopted by the Board of Regents the Governor stated he would ad vocate a student loan plan. The plan, according to the Gov ernor, would allow a student to borrow money on the basis of a 4 interest with five years to pay it back. In cases of hardship the loan could be extended on a yearly Dasis, Anderson explained. The Governor emphasized that although the national income has risen over the past two years Ne braska s agricultural income has suffered. "In 1949 the University had an enrollment of over 10,000 students and was given eight million dol lars for general operations," An derson stated. Citing the fact that the enroll ment has dropped to around 8500 students in 1956 and the budget re quest is approximately $23,500,000 Anderson said, he questioned "whether the cost of living has gone up 300." 'It is difficult for we who are in public office to see where this tremendous increase is," the Gov ernor added. Anderson stated that he and the legislators must weigh botbr the University's request and the posi tion of the Nebraska tax payer, Groups of farmers have come to me and stated that they have Fuenning: Polio Shot Program Gets Boost 'The polio immunization pro gram at the University received a boost from the letter sent to par ents over the holidays urging im mediate immunization," stated Dr. Samuel Fuenning, Medical Di rector of the Student Health Center. According to Dr. Fuenninir a large percentage of freshmen were influenced by a letter sent early in the fail and the first few days after vacation have shown an added increase. He said that posters distributed around campus have also aided in the campaign. Dr. Fuenning said that state vac cine is provided free for students 19 and below. A reduced charge of one dollar is made for other students. Dr. Fuenning urged that every one begin shots now at the student health center so that they can have at least partial immunization by next August or September when the polio season starts. ' ( Dwight Burney. The dinner was held to better acquaint the state senators with the alumni associ ation according to Arnold Mag nuson, alumni secretary, and was not sponsored by the Uni versity. Deans, regents, officers not received an income from crops for two years," Anderson said. "These are the people I must give consideration to because of the difficulties they have encount ered," the Governor added. Questions On Tuition Proposed For Students In an attempt to determine the effort of a $60 increase in tuition, a student questionnaire may be prepared before second semester classes begin, announced Chan cellor Clifford Hardin in a fac ulty senate meeting Tuesday. The simple questionnaire would be filled out during registration and would include the following information. What effect the $60 increase would have on student enrollment at the university? What the present financial con ditions among the students are Elliott Investigates $17,000 Job Offer At Washington U. See Page 3 and what they would be under the increase? This question would in clude the number of students now required to work part time in or der to attend college and the num ber who would be forced to ob tain part time employment to meet the proj sed increased tuition. Other tfions would determine the numb of students who would have to use the proposed student loan funds in order to continue their college education. If enrollment continues at the present level, the proposed $60 increase would bring an additional two million dollars increase in funds. However, Chancellor Hardin ex plained that if the enrollment drops appreciably as a result of the increase then the desired ef fect of the increase would be nuli- fied. The possibility of raising out of state tution was discussed but it Snow Seen For Lincoln Area Today rresn to strong northerly winds and possible snow flurries are predicted for the Lincoln afea today. The ex pected high for today is 20. T u e sday's k i e s were mostly cloudy with a high t e m perature of 43. Colder weather pre vailed Tuesday night with a low reading of 10. J i i t 1 and directors and their wives were also invited. Entertainment was provided by the men's quar tet. Chancellor Hardin addressed the senators and their wives af ter dinner. The dinner was held in the Union. Members of the Student Council whi attended the meeting with the Governor were Mary Huston, Bev Deepo, Sally Laase, Mick Neff, pave .'teene, Marv Breslow, and Bruce Lrugmann. was pointed out that out of state students constitute but seven per cent of the total enrollment of the university and no significant amount of money could be raised by this means. The University Regents may ap point a committee to study the question of increased tuition, and whether it can raise enough funds to be practical. Chancellor Hardin announced that the raising of salaries would be fourth in line for any increase of university funds which may be available the next fiscal year. Legally the first in line for an increase would be the old age and retirement fund. Second would be the employee's contribution to social security. Third would be the heating and operating of new buildings. Beyond these necessary expendi tures, the salary raise would come first. Elections results for membership' of the liasson committee, commit tee on committees, and library committee were not announced. Registration: Registrar Reveals Schedule Students registering for second semester classes must not sched ule more than three fifths of their classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, according to Mrs. . Irma Laase, Assistant Registrar. Mrs. Laase said, that more classes should be scheduled on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings to balance the second semester program. She asked that each bring a pencil in order to decrease the confusion caused by registration. The time schedule for registra tion is as follows: Monday, Jan. 14 at 9:00 a.m. students having 100 or more hours on record as of Sept. 17, 1956, will begin register ing. At 10:00 a.m. students with 95 hours, then at 1:00 p.m. those with 90 hours, at 2:00 p.m. stu dents with 80 hours and at 3:00 p.m. students with 75 hours may register. Students who have 65 hours will begin registering at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 9:00 a.m. those with 60 hours, then at 10:00 a.m. students with 55 hours, at 1:00 p.m. students with 50 hours, at 2:00 p.m. those with 45 hours, and at 3:00 p.m. those students who have 32 hours will register. Wednesday, Jan. 16, registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. for students holding 28 hours, then at 9:00 a.m. those with 23 hours, at 10:00 a.m. students with 15 hours; and at 1:00 p.m. students with any hours on record as of Sept. 17, 1956, may register. Beginning at 2:00 p.m. Jan. 18 Junior Division students will begin to register according to the time assigned them. Assignment cards, with the time indicated, were mailed to all Junior Division stu dents in December; and they must bring these cards with them and present them at the door at , the time indicated in order to be ad mitted to register. If students have lost these cards they may register on Jan. 17. Coffee Hour Set For Home Ec Students Home economics seniors and graduate students will be honored at a coffee hour Saturday. The annual event, sponsored by the home economics faculty, will be in the Union building from 9:30 until 11:30 a.m. Special guests, in addition to the students, will include Mrs. Clifford Hardin, Mrs. W. V. Lambert, Mrs. Franklin . Eldridge, Miss Helen Snyder, Miss Mariorie Job'oii and Miss Frances Fogel. " " Committee chairmen for the cof fee hour include the following fac ulty members: Jerre Withrcw, Hel en Becker, Florence Corbln, Ethel Diednchsen and Carolyn Ruby. I in t 5 V h IS P t ' l I r Ui I f - !.. I ! vr. tf, 'I ?' v.-.-. rt r - I'--" ft i: