The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 08, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Peat 2
Tuesday, Jonuory 8, 1957
Nebraskan Editorials:
Time To Quit
Pete Elliott had a reasonably successful sea
ton on paper and tin even more successful
season in terms of good will and confidence in
better things to come. Everyone is satisfied
with his first year at the University, but many
students and faculty are not so satisfied that
they believe a raise of $2,500 is justifiable
or necessary.
The agenda of the board of Regents showed
suggested increases for all members of the
football coaching staff and for Athletic Director
Bill Orwlg. Orwig was to get 13,200 and Elliott
was to receive a salary of $13,000, a boost of
Orwig is listed by the University as a full
professor and Elliott is listed as an associate
professor. Orwig is largely responsible for the ,
improved athletic situation at the University,
an improvement which includes basketball and
other varsity sports.
It was the University's Athletic Director who
was responsible far bringing Elliott and Jerry
Bush to Lincoln.
It is said that Elliott is being considered for
coaching positions at other Universities, but
if after an average season he is given a $2,500
boost, what will the University have to do
when he has a successful season and the com
petition becomes stiff?
It may be possible that it is necessary to
give Pete Elliott a large pay raise. It may be
that collegiate athletics have reached the point
where football coaches as a commodity are
worth more than college presidents. And it may
be that the University of Nebraska is not able
ic compete with Big Ten schools and other foot
ball institutions when a football coach is worth
$20,000 a year or more.
The Nebraskan believes that Coach Elliott
is an asset to the University of Nebraska, but
we also believe that Bill Orwig, as Director of
Athletics and as the man who bears responsi
bility for all athletic programs, should be paid
more than any coach who is responsible to
him. It is Orwig that does the hiring and firing,
at least in theory and it won't be much more
. than a theory if he is paid $1,300 less than one
of his subordinates.
It may cost money, but we believe that if
Pete Elliott is to be paid $14,500, then Bill
Orwig should be paid $15,000. When the figure
begins to approach $17,500, then it is time to
quit. Chancellor Hardin is paid $17,500.
Regent J. LeRoy Welch, In making the
motion to boost Elliott's salary, said that "Elli
ott's outstanding success during the first year
should bring him a salary more commensurate
with his service." If this is the only reason for
the pay boost, then the original figure of $1,000
would seem "more commensurate" with a four
win-six loss season.
At the present timeElliott is somewhere
no one is quite sure just where possibly listen
ing to offers of greener pastures. To say the
least, the present situation is confusing and
rather unstable.
It would appear that the University is trying
to enter big-time competition which in itself is
all right, but when it becomes necessary to
offer large pay boosts and disregard any notion
of academic privilege, then it is time to settle
down and become accustomed to Big Seven
This is not intended as criticism of our foot
ball coach nor is it a form of disrespect for
the Board of Regents. We are proud of our
University and this pride is built in the class
roomwhere we are taught by associate pro
fessors who earn upwards of $5,000 each year
just as much, if not more so, as our pride is
built by victorious football teams.
The editor of a college daily at a large uni
versity on the west coast recently suggested
that the football team be paid openly and
that what he believed to be professionalism be
labeled as such.
Let us not close our eyes to the cost which
lias been paid time and time again for winning
football teams. Let us not close our eyes to the
disgrace for which many of us were responsible
in connection with the departure of Bill Glass
ford from the Nebraska football scene.
There are more important things in this
world than a salary increase for a football
coach, but the tragic note is seen in that fewer
and fewer people are able to name those more
important tilings.
Unfair Taxation
State concern for the University's higher
budget request has increased since the legisla
ture has gone into session.
A few basic ideas must tie remembered as
we look at the problem in the light of need.
Nebraskans, must, of course, look at every
angle of the situation in order to understand
just what Chancellor Hardin means when he
said that we are faced with a major crisis in
People In the state got a practical view of
the problem when it was announced Saturday
that Dr. Colbert C. Held will leave the Uni
versity to assume a better paying position.
Two choices remain for the state to make.
The University can become a powerful influ
ence in education and research. Or it can
become a second-rate institution of higher learn
ing. An Interesting article in the Chicago Sunday
Tribune was entitled, "When you glide, you
roll down hill." This might be very appropriate
for Nebraskans who are willing to get along on
hard tack budgets, little tax increase and little
future for state educational expansion.
The Nebraskan realizes that the state has
been plagued with drought too long to make
an increase in taxes a favorable step.
But perhaps Nebraska has been too long
burdened under a system of taxation which is
not as fair, not as equal as other systems are.
Bills have been introduced in the; legislature
to increase such taxes as those on amusements.
A push to obtain a sales tax, or an income tax
is being contemplated. We see the broadening
of the tax base as the only solution to the prob
lems of the University.
After all, the economy measures which the
state is striving to effect are measures which
would ease government as well as make it
more efficient. But Nebraska, in contemplat
ing more office space for the capitol which was
to be "sufficient for 50 years" realizes that this
is no longer an infant state.
So where can the people of Nebraska turn for
help in their struggle to keep their heads above
For one thing, they are turning to the income
of fellow Nebraskans. Now, those who live in
apartments are relatively free from the burden
of a fair share of taxation.
It is easy to see, then, that as the state broad
ens its views, as it broadens its interests and
as it broadens its ideas of democratic govern
ment, it must distribute the share of support for
the government to the most people.
If the University is to survive, new funds
must be obtained for the University. And if, as
it appears, this is impossible under the present
tax base in Nebraska, the people must be fore
sighted enough to assume a new tax.
Nameless Example
At a New Year's Eve party at Washington,
a speaker noted that events in '56 were almost
back to normal, "Eisenhower is back in Wash
ington, Eden is back as Prime Minister, and
Dulles is back and forth."
Bypassing "those men who would be remem
bered among the great names of the epoch"
Time magazine named as its "Man of the
Year" a man who was on no roster when 1956
Chosen were those nameless men, women, and
children both living and dead who had "shak
en history's greatest despotism at its founda
tion," the Hungarian Freedom fighter.
Said Time of its selection, "The Man of the
Year bad many faces, but he was not faceless;
he had many names, but he was not nameless.
History would know him by the face, intense,
-relentless, desperate and determined, that he
had worn on the evening of Oct. 23 in the
streets of Budapest; history would know him
his dauntless contest with Soviet tanks."
Bypassed for the coveted award were several
"makers of history" ranging from peacemaker
(Dag Hammarskjold) to troublemaker Gamal
Abdel Nasser, athlete (Olympic Gold Medals
Winner Bobby Morrow) to entertainer (Elvis
Presley), Communist hatchet-man (Nikita
Khrushchev) to the People's Choice (Dwight
Eisenhower and Richard Nixon).
The Hungarian Freedom Fighter, said Time,
demonstrated the profound and needful truth
that humanity is not necessarily forever bound
and gagged by modern terrorist political tech
niques. Thus he gave to millions, and speci
fically to the youth of Eastern Europe the hope
for a foreseeable end to the long night of
Communist dictatorship.
Ultimate effect of the fighters for freedom
remain to be seen. Today the great world lib
erators, the Communist party in Hungary, are
quietly rounding up those "oppressors of jus
tice," those thousands who by their own blood
shed gave hope to the future of a world without
The Nebraskan
nrry-nvE years old
wssaer; Associatca vouegiaie cress
Intercollegiate Press
" '.,"'SSlltai!ve National Arlvartlelnv fionrl
SHshed at: Room 20, Student Unlns
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
"Ta Jenfcit la polished Taftsdsy, Wednesday and
Sri!r (S.uriJit tit ec.haoi r, eisept during vacation!
S.3 a (.... and one Issue it pnblibhed during
if .tudeata f ttw University of N'ebraiAa under
. su ...flmi.iuo ef t OmnJtto on Student Attain
mm mm memmtoa of Mudrnt opinion. Publications undrv
t immntfium of the SubeomniittM on Student Pubri
e. -'Hi Ik free from editorial censorship on tne
S- rt tno Sttbftiromitixo or eo U part of any mem her
i faeiifiy of the I ntvei. ?, or on the pat of any
p. -.. ... of the I rilvernllj. The mem hen of th
t mi staff are personally responsible for what they
a-', or ri9 or mM to be printed. February ft. laas
S tmS au neenndi elss matter M tie post of flee ra
fussta, ,4ska anus Ui set o: August 4,1011.
Editor Sam Jensen
Managing Editor , . . Fred Daly
Editorial Page Editor Hack Lunditrom
News Editor Bob Ireland
Sports Editor Halt Blore
Copy Editors: Gary Frenzel, Sara Jones, Jack Pollock
and Dick Shngrne.
At Editor lion Merman
Night Newt Editor Rant Jones
Staff Photographer Dale Lewis
Office Secretary Julie flow. I!
Society Editor Jaa FarreU
staff Writers.. Nancy DeLong, George Mover.
Marianne Thygeson, Cynthia
Zschau, Bob Martel, Bob Win,
vava Mcrxog.
Frank, Ron Warlowskl. Judy
Marilyn Nisnen, Minnettcr 'lay.
lor, Diana Maxwell, Sandra YVhalen,
Jo Ann Oaboron, Doothy Hall, Dlanna
Geaae, 8tan Kidman, Art blatkman,
Barbara Meston, Bill Wilson, Gary
Peterson, Gary Rodger. Mary Dee
Patterson, Gretehen gaeger, Deanna
Harnett, George Porter
Business Manager George Maden
Ctrcolntinn Manager Blcbard Hendrlx
Assistant Buslneei Msnaremt . Don Beck,
Lmjrj Epsiaia, rasa Naff, Jerry SuUaaUaa
Reporters Carole
tfoce of
The Turtle
Ha! The fools they've done It
again. They have given us a new
year to ruin. Now we can go out
and start new wars, and compli
cate the ones we have already
started, and hate people, etc.
Haven't had such a good deal
since they harnessed the atom.
Probably everyone had a good
time over Vacation, what with tur
key and ham and prime ribs and
mashed potatoes to surround, and
ten hours of uninterrupted televi
sion every day.
Also, most likely everyone went
home with cases of books and pa
pers and everything, and proceed-
Fred Daly
ed not to get anything done. After
four years I have developed a
keen sense of not getting anything
done. I can not get anything done
for hours on end.
Sometimes one gets conscience
qualms, but they can be lulled
away by the TV tube. It is like
taking dope.
New Year's Resolutions used to
be a very big deal, but now they
are pretty much left alone. We
are becoming less and less a race
of hypocrits, apparently.
The Christmas Holidays are a
time for getting married, one is
led to understand. I got my room
mate married off out in Ogallala,
and I owe around for wedding pres
ents dating back to November.
According to whoever writes
rules of social behavior, you have
one year in which to send a pres
ent. So don't clutch, it will get
there eventually, just as soon as
money can be raised for postage.
Something ought to be said about
finals, probabiy. They are coming
up in less than two weeks, and if
you listen very carefully you can
elready hear the booming of the
guns and the screams of the dying,
and the ringing of the greats bells.
Some people look to finals as
something terrible and foreboding,
instead of a time of intellectual
stimulation and furthering of the
Learning Process.
I do, anyway-
Nominations are now open for
Outstanding Nebraskan. Two per
sons are lauded each semester
one senior student and one f aculty
member. Nominations should be
based on the individual's leader
ship, participation in University
affairs, and particularly service to
the University.
Nominations will be due next
Monday. Names of persons nom
inating should be included with
letters of nomination, but will not
be released by The Nebraskan. It
will be our little secret.
It certainly is good to be back
at school. Yes, sir, it certainly is.
In the Crib this morning all the
people who were there cutting their
ten-o'clocks looked like they were
descending to the ninth and last
circle of Hell.
By the way, hapy new year.
What with new superhighways
and f.ix-lane turnpikes, and fine,
new cars with lots of chrome and
gadgets and horsepower, and wonderfully-devised
traffic patterns, it
is all a person can do to stay
Thought for the Week:
Candy Is dandy,
But liquor is quicker
Collegiate Poll:
Adequate Preparation
Minneapolis ' (ACP) Educa
tors, politicians, parents and many
other interested individuals have
discussed the kind of a job col
leges are doing in educating the
youth of this nation for the fu
ture. Much of the argumenl con
cerns the perennial issue of lib
eral vs. narrow, intensified study.
Methods of teaching also come in
for praise and criticism.
In order to get the collegiate
slant on this issue Associated Col
legiate Press asked the following
question of a representative na
tional cross-section of college stu
The results:
Men Women Total
Yes 72 78 74
No 15 15 15
Undecided 13 7 11
In general, college students over
whelmingly support the kind of a
job their present colleges are do
ing. When asked reasons for their
decisions, most students reply in
terms of their own individual sit
uation, saying they are satisfied
with their choice of program, etc.
One comment however, is repeat
ed a number of times, and a
Wake Forest College (Winston
Salem, N.C.) senior coed express
es it quite well: "Adequate prep
aration depends more on the per
son than the college." And a fresh
man at the University of Wyo
ming (Laramie) puts it this way:
"What you put in is directly equal
to what you get back."
A very satisifed sophomore at
tending Mississippi College (Clin
ton) has this to say: "I'm getting
an all-around education and am
growing mentally, spiritually,
physically and. socially." But a
sophomore at Tyler Junior - Col
lege (Tyler, Texas) states: "Scho
lastically yes; mentally and spir
itually no."
A University' of Denver sopho
more qualified his opinion by ap
proving the overall job colleges
are doing but comments that
"some majors are sometimes too
confining in scope," while a fresh
man at the same school can find
nothing wrong: "The University
of Denver is definitely a wonder
ful institution, and the instruction
received here may be considered
as excellent."
With students who feel their col
leges are not doing an adequate
job the major complaint is an
overabundance of petty details and
den you with too many extra
courses you don't need" is the
way an Ohio University (Athens)
junior expresses himself, and a
Wake Forest College senior states:
"I think the college program is
unrealistic because it is too con
cerned with details that will nev
er make any difference."
A Maryland University (College
Park) senior feels that colleges
should offer more "chances for
experience" and take more "in
terest in the students." And a
senior at the Rochester Institute
of Technology (Rochester, N.Y.)
believes that in some instances
the "caliber of instruction and the
courses do not have many things
in common with preparation for
the future."
"Rright now I don't feel as
though I'm prepared for a thing"
is the quizzical reply of a Uni
versity of Maryland sophomore.
And a freshman coed at Wake
Forest College is worried because
her institution doesn't "offer ade
quate preparation for married
Some students undecided on the
issue feel the pros and cons equate
each other, or as a junior coed at
Syracuse University (Syracuse,
N.Y.) puts it: ". t .adequate in
certain phases not at all in oth
ers." But in general, undecided
students believe they just don't
have enough information available
in order to make a decision. But
when asked the question a sopho
more at Juniata College (Hunting
ten, Pa.) states: "111 tell you in
about 15 years."
Pan on a
m " 'Mm
Sunday night Loretta Young put
on a tall hat and gave the televi
sion audience a good look at the
Hollywood conception of ancient
The king was in his counting
house, all right, but instead of
counting out his money he was
counting out the blessings which
had been showered on his by the
all loving sun god, Aton (the vow
els are insignificant.)
I think that this program popped
up at the right time. All during
the holidays people were badgering
me about what I do in this column.
Dick Shugruo
"You write too deep," one friend
said. "You fail to say anything but
repeat the big words in Webster,"
coughed another. My own brother
looked cross eyed at me and said,
"Get down to brass tack, boy!"
Just what this all has to do with
the queen of Egypt is, in my esti
mation, very much ... On one
hand we have presented before us
on the television screen a view of
Egypt which is not an accurate
reflection of Egyptian thought and
life and on the other hand we have
a conception of a columnist as op
posed to the real motives of that
That's still too vague, I know.
The thing is, we too often view
others in the narrow scope of our
our beliefs and don't take what
they have to offer in the spirit
it is offered.
Then, too, Loretta looked like
Nefertiti. Her looks were the same
as that statue which has been
stuffed in a corner of the Berlin
Museum for these past years. Os
tensibly, my writing may look like
a column to the few.
Yet to the many who are famil
iar with WW and BB, my work
doesn't even look like the city's
public notices During the holidays
I caughte up on my old Ameri
ca's and read, what in my mind,
are some good columns.
And it was a pleasure to see
long sentences, tough words, and
a dictionary at my side into the
long hours of the night.
But that still doesn't lop me
over to the offensive side oi the
game of life (for that sentence I
might be fired.)
I told my brother that what 1
was working for was an under
standing of the basic problems aU
face when they start to live. He
maintained that I should concen
trate on those many problems
which are facing the University
so that I would be a positive
Then he said in the next breath,
as he read the report of what
student council representatives had
to say in Kansas City, "Some guys
just don't leave well enough alone.
They're always looking for the
spotlight but don't care what they
say about the University." You
can imagine which one of us be
gan to laugh.
That's the picture as it flashe
on my screen today. I'm sure our
prejudices and our likes are very
much found up in the sphere of
influence we know. For those who
saw Loretta and think that the
Egyptians were finding the Paa
Christi and for those who think
that columnists should be short,
sweet and funny, there are always
movie houses and spigots.
For those who would rather
solve a few basic problems, know
a few basic facts about history
and understand some of the ele
iments of why peoples differ, we
can still get Falernian wine and
America's rates are but $7.50 a
Nebraskan Letterips
To the editor of The Nebraskan:
The unfortunately misrepresent
ative stories concerning the Big
Seven Student Council convention's
discussion of campus liquor poli
cies prompts this letter.
The wire stories which ran in
several, local papers, obviously
constructed from isolated quotes
in the Kansas City Morning Times
(Dec. 28), implied that the Ne
braska delegation broached the
entire subject of collegiate drink
ing, ". . . originated a suggestion
to revamp university rules which
ban drinking" and supported this
suggestion by criticizing the Uni
versity of Nebraska's enforcement
of campus drinking regulations.
These three embarrassing impli
cations could not be further from
the purpose and tenor of the dis
cussion among the Big Seven stu
dent council presidents in Kansas
City over Christmas vacation.
In the first place, the subject of
campus drinking regulations had
been placed on tha pre-convention
brochure at the written request
of the University of Missouri, and
was not presented by any mem
ber school for special consideration
at the conference.
Secondly, the Nebraska delega
tion argued, against the direct op
position of several other Big Seven
schools, that the conference ad
ministrations were all obliged by
state law to enforce drinking regu
lations on campus. Further, our
representatives pointed out that
this jurisdiction could be legally
extended to fraternities and soror
ities, normally privately owned,
but nevertheless always chartered
by the Board of Regents.
The suggestion which we
broached, and which was inform
ally agreed upon by the member
schools in lieu of an official vote,
was to the effect that Big Seven
administrations exercise caution
to see that legal boundaries are not
overstepped in the enforcement
of drinking regulations.
This was neither an attempt to
"revamp university rules banning
drinking" nor was it an effort to
enlist sympathy for on-campus
drinking, but was merely intended
to strengthen our position of en
forcing drinking regulations in
accordance with state law by try
ing to insure, in so doing, that
(1) the legal rights of the indi
vidual are not impaired (as in
cases reported at Oklahoma Uni
versity where locked cars had
been broken into) and, (2) the le
gal rights of universities are not
over-extended (as in cases at sev
eral schools, including Nebraska)
where administrations find them
selves in the legally indefensible
and virtually unenforceable posi
tions of supervising all im
promptu gatherings.
Thirdly, our explanation of Ne
braska's drinking policies came in
response to a question by the K
State discussion group chairman,
and were defined as enforcement
of drinking regulations on campus
and at university functions (which
I interpreted by the Student Af
fairs Division as four or five stu
dents gathering socially.)
It may be pointed out that our
delegations supported this stand
strongly, and contended unequivo
cally that drinking regulations
must be enforced on University,
state-owned property, disagreeing
only with the interpretation that
the institution could legally and
practicably enforce drinking reg
ulations in all off-campus gather
ings of more than five students.
It is unfortunate that the news
stories did not adequately reflect
the spirit and temper of the ar
dent council convention, and even
more unfortunate that the result
ing misrepresentation evoked com
ments questioning the motives of
the Nebraska delegates, but I
hope this explanation will help to
clear any further misapprehensions
which may have occurred.
Bruce Brngmann
President, University of
Nebraska Student CsaacS
Editor, The Nebraskan:
This business of tuition for LV
versity students must arouse
most universal interest throughout
the state, It fits in well with ourv
program for conservation and util
ization of natural resources, The
greatest shortage in the United
States today is skilled manpower.
Every young person graduating
from college enriches the state
and nation. Enriches it many times
f.rf061 t0 state of education.
When the great GI Bill of Rights
was passed I was aghast at the
great cost to the government. And
11 was really enormous. Now we
all look back and wonder what on
earth the country would have done
without the teachers, doctors, en
gineers, what have you, who
trained under that wise and gener
ous legislation. No one will ques.
tion that the progress of this na.
tion was greatly accelerated by the
contribution of these enthusiastic
and well trained young people.
The funny thing about it is, the
more educated people we turn out,
the more we seem to need. Ifs
like a great bon-fire that rises
higher and higher the more it is
fed. And so today, I think the
most shortsighted thing the state
or nation can do is take a parsim.
onous attitude toward education.
The GI Bill boys proved conclu.
sively that we have abundant ma
terial ready and willing to accept
educational opportunity and make
good on it any time it is offered. I
do not speak here for the selfish
welfare of individuals who want
an opportunity to make money,
although this is perfectly legiti.
mate. I speak for the health, safe,
ty, and prosperity of the state.
Instead of increasing the tul.
tion for our University students,
we ought to reduce it.
The Federal Government ought
to aid generously in education of
every sort. During the campaign
we heard President Eisenhower
on TV promise not only to see that
a bill to this end was introduced
in Congress, but he promised to
throw the influence of his adminis
tration actively behind jt.
We are losing money on every
dollar we "save" on education.
Too many of us are shortsighted.
I feel sory for a college presi.
dent with so little vision. It is far
from characteristic. Chancellor
Hardin is conservative. He is not
asking for money for an eleemosyn
ary institution. He is caffling atten
tion to an opportunity for acceler
ating the prosperity and spiritual
progress of Nebraska.
W. T. Davia
We Here ...
What's In a Number?
(ACP) A University of Texas
coed has been scaring away some
of her dates lately, but entir?ly
against her will- When going
through enrollment, she wasn't
sure of her new phone number
... but decided to list it on all
her cards as she remembered it.
Now men who call her get a
masculine sounding husky-voixd
answer. The Daily Texan advL s
date-seekers to heng up prcm. ..y
and informs them the
voice is the Austin chief of po
lice. The coed used the chiefs
unlisted number by mistake.
p -fair, ttPWfV M;V"7JV!'flclW1 r f '"rT ?r"J '?' x'"b-"v W"" t?wjf