The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 21, 1956, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
Friday, December 21, 1956
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Conference With Santa
Santa Claus confers with two
local youngsters, Marilyn Heck,
University junior in Arts and
Sciences, and a neighborhood
boy, as to just what they would
like for Christmas. The red-
coated gentleman was very much
in evidence on the camnus the
last few weeks as various cam
pus organizations and houses en
tertained orphans and children
of alums at Christmas parties.
Virus Infection
Hits Wesley an
Virus infection has hospital
ized three Nebraska Wesleyan
University students last week.
No new cases have been report
ed since and there is no epidem
ic, according to Dean Sam
Daly. '
Dahl said It was possible the
illness was polio but also pos
sible it was a different kind of
To Attend
Souders, Sinor:
Jim Souders and Jerry Sinor
were elected co-chairmen of E
Week, an event sponsored by the
Engineering College, announced
John Boning, president of Engin
eering Executive Board.
Souders, a senior in civil engin
eering, is vice president of ASCE
and a member of the Engineering
Executive Board. Ee also served
as business manager of the Blue
Print and is now a member of
the Engineering College Publica
tions Board. He is a counselor at
i fc-VV
... Hardin
(Continued from Page 1.)
standing, so far as humanly pos
sible. 2. "If a modest tuition rate is
to remain a matter of continuing
policy at the University, a public
institution, then it follows that the
tuition rate should be seized upon
as an expedient through which the
University's income is to be ad
justed every time temporary fi
nancial stress is felt.
3. "The substitution of an in
crease in the tuition rate for an
increase in state tax support would
be no means exemot all of our I
farm or urban households from
financial strain unless, of course,
the members of all of the house
holds were willing to forego their
hopes for a college education.
4. Nebraska should measure very
carefully, against its own con
science and its own ability to pay,
the state support it gives its Uni
versity and state colleges as com
pared with that given by similar
states to their programs of high
er public education. Only after
such a measurement can it be
said that an adjustment in tuition
is warranted."
The Chancellor said the letter
written by Dr. Welch was "inter
esting and important for at least
two reasoni." First, the Chancel
lor said, it again points up the
validity of the financial crisis the
University is facing along .withj
other institutions of hirii educa-l
tion, both public and private.
The chancellor said he regret
ted "never having had an oppor
tunity to discuss with President
Welch his thinking about the func
tions and purposes of independent
colleges as compared with the
functions and purposes of a state
Selleck Quadrangle and a member
oi n mu tpsilon and Sigma Tau.
Sinor, a junior in chemical en
gmeering, is assistant editor of
the Blue Print and corresponding
secretary ot me AICHE. He is a
memDer ot bigma Nu.
E-Week's purpose is to acquaint
tne public with the workings of the
various departments of the col
lege, according to Souders.
The highlight of the week will
be an open house, which consist
of public displays set up by the
aepartments on a competitive ba
sis. Also included in E-Weefc will
be a field day, banquet and picnic.
me duties of the E-Week chair
man are to select all committws
for the week and to coordinate
the activities. Sinor said.
Co-chairmen from each depart
ment are Don Wees and Larry
Westerbeck, architectural engin
eering; Rowan Belknap, chemical
engineering; victor Musil, and
Bob Terry, electrical engineer
ing, and Charles Johnson and Bill
Brady, mechanical engineering.
AUF Officers Installed
New AUF officers and hoard
members were installed at the
AUF meeting Thursday night.
Anne Pickett was named the
outstanding publicity assistant and
cert wetchenthal was named out
standing solicitations assist
ant. Donna Scriven was chosen
the outstanding worker.
Representatives from P r e s h v
House, Methodist Student House
and YWCA will attend the United
Student Christian Council Confer
ence in DeKalb, 111., during Christ
mas vacation.
The conference, to be held from
Dec. 27 through Jan. 1, is one
of six regional meetings takim?
place during the holidays. The cen
tral theme of the conferences is
"Our United Witnes in the Colleges
and Universities."
Topics of the discussions haw
been based on the book "Chosen
People" published esreeiallv to
prepare students for the conferences.
Hembers of Presbv Hons at
tending are Jan Lichtenbergar.
Sharon Clendennv. Ken Klostw.
meyer, Mary Jane Craig, Lee Her
mann, Padmini Ramaseshan and
Verlyn Barker, assistant pastor.
Methodist Student House repre
sentatives are Marie Tsuchitani,
Gretchen Christopher, Jim Dunn,
Jane Feather and Don Bliss, pas
tor. Betty Parks, Pat Patterson
and Betty Wilson will attend from
the YWCA.
Six Coeds
Gold Keys
The six top sophomore journal
ism students at the University re
ceived special recognition Thurs
day afternoon.
They were awarded the 195
Gold Keys, given by the Lincoln
journal and the Lincoln Star,, on
the basis of their freshman schol
astic averages,
, The winners are:
Ann Hale, Teachers College;
Claudia Keys, College of Agricul
ture: Helen Pedley. College of
Arts and Sciences; Patricia Sher
man, College of Arts and, Scien
ces; Marianne Thyeeson. Colletre
of Arts and Sciences and Cynthia
Zschau, College of Arts and Sci
Warm Weather
To Brighten
Vacation Start
Fair to Dartlv-cloudv ski r,
turned to Nebraska Thursday and
are expected to Drevail aver th
High temper-
ature yester
day was 52 and
the low last
night was 30.
The warmer
weather was
a c c o m p a
nied by a mild,
westerly wind.
A high of 52
i s expected
again today,
and the pleas
ant weather is predicted to re
main for the week-end. accorriW
to the United States Weather Bu-
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Ag Christmas
The annual Agriculture Christ
ion of the Ag Colleee. was held
executive board and student un-
mas party, sponsored by the
Wednesday night. The Agricul
,ture. Chorus sang familiar Christ
mas carols and special selections
Other features of the musical
program were selections by
girls' trios and a Christmas mes
sage by the Rev. Rex Knowles,
University Presbyterian-Congre-
gauonai student pastor.
Courtesy Linooln StM
Classified Ads
Wanted S rider going to Long Beach,
vui. or viciimy. ttound trlD S35.00.
Leaving Dec. 21 return by Jan. 7. In
quire Detween 6 t 8 P.M.
We Repair Lighten. CUffe Smoke Shop
Harold's Barber Shop
an no. nth
Vi Blocks So. Student Union
All: HAIRCUTS $1.25
0 I
Refreshing onHtepttc action heals
row nicks, helps keep your skin
in top condition. 1.00 ,0.
New Yrfc Toronto
, "" ire ,.,, yj lfa
1 ""' eimiiBawaeii mm
.in ror noiidav wcarina or aivina I
I If ffr 9 M Ml Ml JV MJ P"W1 Mffilw IB
lO) EI 11 1 I CT fS3 II
I. HttgttftMP- ar pH4a KaB Wa mm kmSBBm 19
II i i m II
I II lassie or jewel iriiuiuea . . . orion or wool i
III kM -r xjj rf,w - il
III vT"? rJbT-Y iV'- II
llll yl' il II
Site..- m
it W-V c
B. "
A. Wool Shrug elaborately B. EnsemWer heevvy knit
jeweled and trimmed wool topper with hure
With lace and rhinpstanpc ivut.j., .
7. -vwi iwi pusn-np
Party pretty " 095 sleeves. White 1 (70 e
in white. mint or navy. ,
GOLD'S Sportswear . . . Second Floor "
Frafernity" Fledges
Find Christmas
Frank Expensive
A Christmas project proved cost
rere fined $100 each in Lancaster
County Comt. Thursday.
James Anderson, Jerry Hawkin
fttst, and Chris Aros. Kaooa Si?ma
pledges were fined and charges
01 malicious destruction of proper
ty, for cutting down a 12-foot blue
spruce in the front yard cf F. A.
Sthul at 3443 J.
Lancaster Co. Atty. Elmer
Scbeele said the tree was later
located m the Kappa Sigma house.
The ;;,tudeal.s told Judge Herbert
Eaia thut as pledges, they had
"wen told to obtain a Christmas
Dean of Student Affairs J. P.
Colbert said that the University is
aware of the event lit that no
.t;on has hren taken by the cX
fice cf student affairs as yet. .
1 ill rrrnTfrnT "i wmimm
sm.m- 'fi.:m ft .,' ' ' ' " '
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Sir, YT U ; l
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j; , v. -v.
Bat wU this: nearfy 42,000 men, women and children will die in traffic accidents
this year, if the present rate continues-wiped out by step-sign passers, traffic
fight beaters, speeders and other potential murderers.
What is it that makes us believe so stmnolu tw
accidents happen only to the next fellow-never to us?
'a NlY frM avmanfa e A. 1 1 . a
w v v-Apeu, iu ujcci suuacn aeam on the road
and surely no one expects to cause it.
But this year alone, according to the present mount
ing rate, nearly 42,000 people will die in traffic acci- -dentseachofthem
certain it couldn't happen to him.
And thousands of drivers will wind up with the
brutal knowledge that they killed someone on ih
street or highway.
You save about 10 seconds if you don't stop at a
stop-sign. What can you do wits those 10 seconds
when you pause to think about it?
Traffic deaths can be halted if everyone does
just this:
FIRST Drive safely (and courteously yourself. Obsen
speec limits and warning-signs.
Where traffic laws are obeyed, deaths go DOWN I
SECOND Insist on strict enforcement of all traffic laweV
i ramc regulations work for you, not against you, ,.
Where traffic laws are strictly enforced,)
deaths fo DOWN I
In city after city, day after day, it's been proved cm
and over again
V t
Published in an ffrt to mv live)
In coofxjralion with
Ihe Advertising Council
Ihe National Si-fely Council
Daily Ncbraskan
'iV, .