The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 21, 1956, Image 1
r, Souders, Sinor Announced E-Week Chairmen See Page 4 Vol. 31, No. 37 . Tax Enrollment: J4nJ Hs Jone 5ia Be Called Wonderful' By DR. LURE 1b those days a decree went at from Caesar Aagosfcias that all the world should be enrolled And all went to be enrolled, each to his OTTi city. AM Joseph also went op from Galitee, frcua tbe city of Jkazaretb, to Judea, to the city off David, which is called Bethlehem, tecatise be was off the hwse and Lineage of David, to t enrolled with Mary, his be- Hungarians: roicf A total of $1,0 7i cash do tations has been pledged to bring tea Hungarian student refugees to study at the University. Tbe project, Sa its ISKi day, is seeking room and board, tuition, bouk, mamtejaanDe tosdt a ad cloffiing im as atteiojat to terkig tiie students to t!2ae campaas. la addition, tie fdflowiEg jpledg f of mfriiiUie and erxitej liai?e been neotrii'red Sy (the Htm ariaa Stodeut Pwaject Ctmjt tee: 72 ibaircott. laundry emce far eiht students Jw t iixratacn; of their irt-zy cannpus, aad $12 , 'artii timerdaaodifie. ! Cum and teand far &iue $tu-! eat lor J2irt jiexoeilers wffl be prwided bj itbe later-Coop Cotio cal and rocxia far aae year far 0d student win be ipnmded by the City YMCA. Cojuplei wardrs4 bare bera donated for fire Ktiadeuts by M3- ler aid Paiae, Magee", Coid's, C.tta3tiia"s and Efjs Simtuos. A-3ttie tteztbcx4s 'Mfi) tan tio dtsaU -iCl aae.ed doariiiEg fibeiir tay' wil be toned to Ebeaa by Ke iiratka Ewtotare, ChaBceUw Bardiuo bas bees u3ted to reijaent t3ae Board rf jeat to et aap sctoJaJTiitips sr ';-ut fcuifeffli far (the tudeu!U. World tlruj'eraiity Seirrice Saas -: fcfied Itbe oaamjttee iCbafl tfcraas porUtiuii will be paid by.tihe tiomal g eacies from Sbe part si entry to 3Sebsrai3ka Campus (OTgaaaailioiEis matiij eoBtoibutiwas ilarkig: the past tw 3.ts iacliide; Ctra Cubs. I'3.y; Ag D.airj dub, 125; Ag Ejc Eo.ar4 $ ail aad Caa!1biasry Ciu:b, Ag YMCA The College wf Ajuoultuj If M CA libs ituaauiicvmS ttiwr sUl ctf .uJULmts Imt to tvwaong yew. liomiriet ioiiuile Jtwr pi-esaclfnt, 'Zdo Khtrndes aid Ub Eargie rwid, for vice pJjioat MaJTia Kyes aad &oyi Bw'hwp, tar sw rrtary, BiH Griil39 fld Dot 3 tor treasamw, Ca3 (jk .tjd Frank Morfce iimd fr duArki ItjjreiteaUijye, K-ty sciiss $1 K3 . ' 1 1 L trottei, wbo vac with D&. Aad wMIe tbey were tbere, the time caiae for ' ber to be delivered. Ari sbe gave birth to ber first born saa and wrapped Mm in svskddliicf ckxiibs, and laid him sm a manger, becaaise tbere was do place for Hxm xa the Smu "And tiere were m tbe same country, shepherds aitiing im tbe fields, keeping watdi over tbeir Bock by tiigtat. Axri an atigel of tibe Lord appeared to tbem, sxA &e glory of tte Lord shone around about tihem, aad they were fiHed wiUi fear. And tbe angel said to tbra, "Be cot afraid; or be boH. I bring you good tidings of grtat joy wihitJa wiil came to all people; far to you u barn tbis day ia tbe city of Darid a Savior, who is Christ tbe Lord. And this w9 be a siga for yoo: you wi3 fad a babe wrapped in swaddling cJLhs and lyktg ia a manger. And saddenlly tbere was witi tbe angel a multitude of tbe bea-pealy bost (raisktg God and saying, Glory to God to tbe fcigbe, and on eartb peace amomg mean witia wboai be is pleased' Election: fills fac&ney Dick Andrews, junior in Arts and Sokeaoes, was elected rke pretideKt off the lalerfraieriffiry CcnmdH Wedbesday ia IFC coeett iog, filling aa executive positio vacated three weeks ago. Ajadrews wbo is treasurer of Student Concral, member of tbe UiHveraity defeat team, a mem ber off pMicataaus board, and vfc preiiderJt of Alp3aa Taa Orxiega will serve wactall 5Rprir.g eiectios. ia oilier IFC butiaess, T GiS land gave a report caaacenaang t2ae poffliSbality cf settkg ssp a laissm wmmittee betweea tbe Intarfra tormity Camadl aaad Sftadeat Realrb. AoBarfijag to G3321anJ he pur pose of tbe eswfflsttee, wbicb wffluld be canspoBed of a repre sentsitsve frwas eada fraterofty, wouTd be to facilitate peratajaBS, betweea boases and tbe Student E-eaUb CeotHier. Dr. SamatJ roesfeg, medasal Idarftetor of staQea aeaffls, Ess pleflgeffl sas r.iu sapjw w plan, GffiiHand saM. Rag Applications. Availablo Jan. 7 AypIfcatlMM fr taff ptimB m The Celrai y be -laufc la sle tuitermr POiSe FlaUMbs ire Jfc. 7. ewiRg to i KSr, airiiwr 4 tke fAt-feSJr l-ew-wia tst pUk-Liet. K-Sr taUti tisac s tfisito tias toeea tl f wr lertiiews i!3) IA p&tatfa lwara feat thvi fetr . wwr's tk 4imie tw'lwe amiiitT esjwiiKatMMiA, AT IP PBC Pledges Thirteen TUrteen Ucirersity seders and four graduate students were pledged Wednesday eight at tbe dinner meeting of Pia Beta Kap pa, lie new raembers are Cleft to right) seated, Srs. Jacklya Committee Appointed: Student Council Plans Book Exchange For Spring Semester The Student Csswmrfl siithoriied s the establishment of a student book exchange Wednesday. A cMKaa mittee was appointed to study a systems ia whkh students woiuld be able to sell their books direct ly to oiber students saving both parties aaaaey, according to Biwe Bnrmaoo, CBtuacil President, The bocik pool would provide a meam for students ia a larger group than present organizations to buy and exchange books wUb out g'Jii-ttg through a ismddle mw, said Marrlia Breslov, eomacil jmeCTber. Tbe fwnl first leanoed of tbe idea froaa naeaabers wb attendied Students Charged With Trespassing, Injury To Property Fines of each oa coasts of injury to personal property and jmaliciosits tmpassng were aswsed four Unarersity studeats one K-fcrai-ka Weskyaa sttsndent asd a LinocAcote ia Seward coosrady court Ttrarsoay. PrevioBS charges of petty larceny were dwappei The students bid beea ctergefl witth tie lst ot a Mnd bath, two Eower pots, two iwSMsre and three sts&jjtes Irwa the la of a Mifand madesce, - Total value of tbe property was abwHt $49. Seward county afctoraey Eumyll ouckk said. Tbe IJaijersity stiadents are Jaraes Peterson Rohert Hisaftaa Jaaes JAoravec, auad Larry Lester. The Wesleyjca student is Eiert R.obou auul 5i lincioOxas, Desa Jejji,ius.. Tie fuar University st'jd&xits preriou! filesded co ctetesA to cbarf, es of p05eEiuis of li'jor by a csww aad were,fffied S25 aiieoe ty Jiaiige J!!ba inexJusitm m lin- TOfci)A(fAN ttHNtWMlF UtBiuam0& BUMS IfamJ'AldF WMM Mfell'' M(J p- gjumg HUHB EMS MMSt LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Q n l'. M Stanton Manpm, Lodgrace Swis zer, Saxtdra Jean Beinaers, llrs. Shirley Whitaker Anderson, Mary Eobse, Beverly Fay Page!, Hanna Boseaberg and Diane Koctek. Standing (left, to right) tbe Big-Seven Student Gswencvors CsMJerence ia Eamas City year. &ta&eat bowk pools, which have beea aa effect ta stbools IbrcMsghoiat tbe country for maiay years, fcave prosred to be rery smeoessfiilL The large jwsnetary saving for btawks is the maio rea vm i'X the pwall's popularity aaatacg students al'ivjagi it LaS other ad wantages. The back paol at JCebraska would 1 be SMde3d after the one txsrv ia; or 29 cents. ii operation at IsCujsouri University. I The Mlsuri bvA exchange i-z fnrtar ProcTronf proxiaaately 13rJ9 books last year. Belles Gorariay has beea appftSnt ed chslriaan oi be hmk. pwi emm tmiitsUe. Jdeabers are Bob Scbtcy ler, Harry Efegman, Dkk Andrews, Mary Dee DeMars, and Jtoba &ia mtr. " Tbe ccxiEiasittee wil draft the prwiKom over tbe vacatssai, aaad Ifibe fiasal draft w53 be prese-iilted to aa emergency sessiaa off tbe Student Council Monday taooa, Jaa. 7, acoording to Erugmaaa. "We will be workiE-g a a Swokf pod I or hKk exrhe, if V to tare ia operatissflj second e- m . j If the details (or setting p a i ps-esiijJect of 'Ag Caaupms; Barbara jtK3eot back exchange can teltEnitiira, secTeSary, awl Kaacy Sal- j b -Bi':i;ter, treasurer. w-ouaa prwajsay naxe piace is ssras two days of seewjd secaester. Tie pTCHsedare for obSainkig books woiuld te as f&Hows; The Cowici would rent HSce and storage space. A studeat wiih iig to se'l bis bocks wogld briag tZxm to tie office and (lace a price oa them. Tbtre be woild O out a triplicate iirm giviig Ibe bwA's price aid pers'JoaS ia fgrasatisMi. Oj copy would be f Jed, ooe W9uld be p!&cd ia the bvck, aad tie other w.ould serve as a receipt, Ti book wo'jld tbea be fwd acowdlixig to coarse aad aa ber. A -tuienit wiishixg to buy a Ommsor looia Star are Martia Breslow, Charles R. B. Wright, Joiha Haessler, Thonaas Myers, Robert Cot too, Riocald EjortJt and Wayne Almqnislt. Uot pktared are 10 cboel Shiagrue and James Rogers. cmM thea conae to the office, ask , Thaarsday evening, Chancellor C3sf- II tesisiTe graduate program, for the back, and state tbe ansosint frd Bardia said concerning Dr. I Tbs Chancellor said public uai be wants to pay for the book. ; Welch's proposal to doia&e tarn- ij versities had their beginjeisg "ia The ofSce wicrker would them lion, aa increase a a de-gree ssffi- i! aa tmaji m Amerkaa idea that ev- Ead a book 5a tbe price range asked lor, tbe stuiaemt w the book, and tbe jnwwaey woiuM be paid to tbe original owner. The office would be operated by council members or volunteer ! students. The probable charge to jFtutdents wtiilMog the service would 1 fficers SalJy Carter, jcaasior ia Arts and Sciences, was chosea president of EmMen Board at the ansmal elee tkxi and Builders Christanas par ty Wednesday evenasg. GtJser new officers tadbde, Boto- K catioBis;- llariaa Elder, we-presj- h Ahj m jwjblijcjtr: B2D fcwllrer. vke- Use cew president is vke-presj- &iElt of Delta Gamnsa and rke- pnesidrat of AUF. Library Announces vOCatlOn SCfiOuUiS !, SS-Jaa. 1 Jaau M Ja. S ,. J jus. C ........ V Hardin Answers Welch Governor Victor Aadersra said ssire fcat masy of osir students are Tfeursday be pJaaas to recommend opera&g at a ceffisg now. ft entire $2,t232 University sal- 13 ,Jet:er, to J55 f?"' , , , , Dr. Welch said, There isalt fie ary increase wbea be goes before re2S33- wty fee state legislature ia niid-Jaa- should cot at least nary. Ia aa Men lew Tbairsday, tbe governor said be bad "not yet completed" bis stoady oa the other aspects of the budget, which calls tor aa additiooal $5,) to meet 1 seeds of the University. Oa a possible fcioa bike, whkh was urged ia a letter to the Gov ernor by retiring Easangs College president Dr. Dale Welch, the gov ernor said be felt tbe Board of Regents should certaMy consid er a possible hike, providing it too bard on tbe students. The governor said, "If we carat give tae university waat toey meed, the Regents sbauM contact j the students and give theai aa op-, portaiily to be beard oa hew they feel a t'jitka hike would affect enroHajent. Ia a oreaared stateaiient issued :ent to jmaSerjaily ailed tbe in- straotos s operatang imconje womfiS j ws&a 19 extend tne oenetas (si "push the opportunity to attend ,; biigber education to large Eaav college "beyond the grasp of tome !j bers of people and to expand the Ifebraska stodents. !! scope of higher edjucatioa beyond ftKnmrala whach'!& fcrji originally accepted by can be wsed to deteraaine precise-1! ly bow asamy woiuld be affected,' Ibe ' Clsaocellor said, "but I am Ms H'vlt is a Junior ia Arts and Sdemces, tjsaaagjjsg editor of tbe Csr&bker and Tice-presideat of CM Oaega. Kiss Elder is a junior ia Teach ers College,' aad .a member Eappa Kappa Gamuasa, BiHl Spilker is a teijr ia CoSlege, nseat'ber of Stadent ciil, Ag Exec Board, Stodeat Un to, Cora Cobs and Farm ILvm. Klit Brittia Is a yjmior ia Arts sriA Sciences, and a oneasber of Alpha PhL Kiss Salter is a i'ssmr ia Ag College and a asember of Red Cross sad Pi Beta Fii. sti--g a? of each caxpas at Use Christaias party wed?,- day. Sally Flasajaa received tbe city caajpus teply and Doo Er asana woa th Ag Campus award. Jaxd as o'iMtandicg workets were Jos B-'-ha, Jma Webster, Mary Verba. Mary Jaaet Berf.uirt, j S'jzI Swi.-fte, V.ym V.irMr, Dot Gekkr, Sally Do-wiiS, Gesrge Fkk, ilX&acy ai ad Diaa Jxes. J tiny igy j iMif Rag Christmas Present See Editorial Page Friday, December 21, 1956' n equal that of independent state schools. "Such a statemeil," said Chan cellor Eardia, "disregards com pletely the whole hisiory of tbe gjnrth of b-gher edjcatioa ia Aaserxa. "Fmtbercsore, sach a statemeat seems to &suime that the tiaaix and purposes of our inary fine independent coliges are exactly the same as those of a land grant stale university, sach as Nebras ka, whkh, ia additioa to what cu&toanary colleges teach, must also be concerned with sach di verse endeavors as agrkxltoral re- search and broad research ia olh- er areas, waa extess:oa semces, with prsfessioGai Sraiacg ia med acine, engineering, architecture, pharmiacy, dentistry, law, business administration, and with aa ex- ery posssisie means simtM be pro- independent liberal aits C'A- ieges. Althwgh he said be could xrX speak for tie Board of Regents, which has the responsibility to fix Initios rates, the Chancellor of fered fonir of his "owa" ideas oa tbe subject: l. "As a matter cf general policy ia keeping with the philosophy of public higher edxataa ia Aaier icaa, we tomst be determined to keep the pawfasraty for a uaiver sity edjcatioa withia the fiaaacial reach of everyday people, regard kss of race, religion, or social CBtimse4 Page 4.) ic ic k "ijuition Rake FlToo Much: F. B. Decker State Edacatsoa Comrtdssioner Freemaa Decker said Tuesday that doubled fesifioa would be too math to &?.k of Uaiversity sted e&Ss. He tie stateme-tl after bc-r-.g toid'cl lie sjggj-too ky Dr. Dale Welch, Hav.icgs Col lege Prefiiffrt tiat' tilioa be Cm bled. Decker stated "We doal wast to price tieie tcbo&Js out cf the reach I tie average stadera." K coctinasd; "a s-,hiSar.:'iAl ia ia tszikm rates wwili keep a lf4 of deserrkig stdstis Ircsa f 3Sf to talis A. a: aH IS n c -4 A i: it ?3 f... i; I :. :4' ( M