The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1956, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuesdoy, December 18, io
Nebraskan Editorials:
by Dick Bibler
The First Step
The subcommittee on student publications in
granting general approval to the Nebraskan's
petition for open meetings of the committee
on student affairs reaffirmed this newspaper's
belief in a process of co-operation which must
exist between faculty and students if mutual
understanding is to result.
Although the subcommittee recognized that
it had no real power to issue directives to the
larger and parent committee, it did strongly
suggest that committee meetings be open to the
student body and the student press.
The next step is up to the main committee.
The Nebraskan would like to have its day in
court and appear before the committee to pre
sent its case, in much the same manner as it
appeared before the subcommittee.
The Nebraskan is actually asking for open
hearings. We are not questioning the right of
the committee to exercise its quasi-judicial func
tion in private.
Like the Board of Regents meetings and
meetings of the City Council, members of the
press and of the general community have a
right, and expect, to attend meetings of the
group most concerned with community actions,
in this case, the committee on student affairs.
Since the action was referred to the sub-committee
by the larger group, it seems only rea
sonable that the committee on student affairs
should consider very strongly the recommenda
tion of the publications committee.
Our request is reasonable. As we have stated
before, we are not accusing the committee of
any wrong, but we are accusing them of
denying themselves access to student opinion and
expression which we believe necessary to ju
dicious functioning of such a body.
Research For Knowledge
The future is bound up in science. Man's con
cept of self, of his environment and of his
universe has changed'vastly in the last hundred
years because his concept of the powers that
are has changed.
The seat of this new knowledge has been the
universities of the world. Great new ideas
trickle from the laboratories of the Universities
of Vienna, Princeton and Columbia; new pic
tures on man in relation to his behavior filter
slowly from such places as Duke University
and the mass of knowledge for the future
gains new stature.
Easterners have looked upon our University
as somewhat of a Nazareth. Can any good come
from it? Yet those who are willing to admit
that the future lies in the hands of research admit
freely that a semi-divine influence on knowl
edge's storehouse stretches out from Nebraska
to the fme minds of other advanced institutions.
The most recent Nebraskan to draw from the
bottomless well of ideas and facts is Dr. Thom
as L. Thompson, assistant professor of bac
teriology. Dr. Thompson has been searching
the problem, "How complicated is the process
of becoming heat stable?"
In his search he has attempted to find out
what allows some bacteria to grow in extreme
ly hot environments such as a Yellowstone Park
To his many questions Dr. Thompson and
graduate student Karl Zobel are finding new
answers as the search continues.
The reputation of the University as a research
center is growing; it must continue to grow. But
added experiments cost added funds and the
University, in an effort to cut off excessive
spending, must lay aside the prospects of exten
sive research.
This need not be so. Many foundations are
granting funds for research. And Nebraska sci
entists are qualifying for these funds. Sacrifice
by the people of the state is needed, too. Each
and every resident of the state must learn that
only through research can progress continue.
They must be willing to spend more on educa
tion so that the future can be secure in the lap
of science.
We are confident that in light of such striking
discoveries as those of Dr. Thompson, the people
of this state will take the added burden of spend
ing more dollars on research; on keeping top
level research scientists at this school.
We can be sure that the return to the people
of the state will be the proverbial hundred-fold
one. In light of the vast flow of learning into the
world during the past hundred years we can
look forward to even greater jumps in knowledge
through the willingness of the state's people to
support future projects of University researchers.
l Thing 01 The Past
The Nebraskan may become a thing of the
past next semester and give way once more to
The Daily Nebraskan which was abandoned
three and one half years ago.
Monday at a meeting of the committee on
student publications it was approved that the
newspaper begin publishing four days a week
Instead of the present three which would qualify
It as a daily .college newspaper.
In September of 1953 when the Thursday issue
of the paper was eliminated because of in
creased expenditures and insufficient advertis
ing lineage the change was made temporary
until such time that financial arrangements
could be made to again publish four times a
week. An editorial published in the paper at
that time stated, "We- shall cut every possible
corner to save money, believing that the Uni
versity needs and deserves a daily newspaper
But we shall not forget that The Nebraskan must
serve the University this semester. No amount
of savings will justify poor newspaper service.
The addition of an issue would enable The
Nebraskan to strengthen its effectiveness in pub
licizing campus events, provide more space for
feature articles and to be of greater service to
the University.
It has been a long road back to the chance
to publish four times a week and it is gratifying
to note that although several of the college
newspapers in the Big Seven are dailies they
are not as large as The Nebraskan. Therefore,
The Daily Nebraskan would be able to boast a
more attractive paper and more space than the
other newspapers in the conference.
The decision rests with the second semester
staff of the newspaper, who will vote whether
to add the extra issue. The Nebraskan has
strived to produce a worthy publication and if
the Daily is put back in The Nebraskan we
shall strive to produce an outstanding publication.
'Dead Week'
With final examinations only two weeks after
the Christmas vacation, it is interesting to note
the method employed by the University of
The last six class days before exams are
known as "Dead Week." During the week no
written examinations or reviews are given so
that students can review for their finals un
hindered by work other than preparation for
daily classes.
Some of the practices covering "Dead Week"
include: No quizzes or written reviews cover
ing more than half that day's assignment, or any
part of the final examination shall be given.
Term papers and projects, essays, theses, etc.,
assigned outside of class shall be turned in be
fore the beginning of "Dead Week." Individual
students may take make-up quizzes and turn
in late papers if they present acceptable excuses
for delay.
The system would seem to be quite acceptable
for universities having less than a two-week
final period.
;e Paradox Of Christmas
There is an awesomeness about Christmas that is lost in sentiment
which is good because it reflects the love of God, and in sentimentality
which is cheap because it debases love. There is an overwhelming knowledge
which is lost in a joyousness that is good because it springs from an un
conscious, yet real need of a Saviour, and an emotional release from ten
sions that is bad because no act of will or of mind accompanies that release.
Yet the awesome, overwhelming truth remains that the Baby Jesus was
God Himself, God Incarnate. The brightness of God the Father, the express
image of His Person, by Whom all things were made. "Who," as St. Paul
says, "being in the form of God, was made in the likeness of man." The
bitter truth of this is that the Highest became the Lowest; that the Strongest
became the Weakest; that the Spirit became Flesh. At the same time the
eweet truth is that the Highest became the Lowest in order to lift up the
lowest to His height; that the Strongest became the Weakest in order to
make the WeakeEt strong; that the Spirit became Flesh in order that flesh
might become eternal spirit
This, is the wisdom of God, is the meaning and purpose of the Incarna
tion: that Christians might be able to say, "Now are we the sons of God,
and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when He
shall appear we shall be like Him"
The Rev. Gilbert Armstrong;
Chaplain, University Episcopal
The Nebraskan
i ii 1 1 -FIVE YEARS OLD 4 aanaa. 1m Mfew at tto mt offlo-
H&mber: Associate Collegiate Prew ' "..7 KT" -mt
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InrnrnnnitMl t.dltorlal Cm iultw Mak Lundntrura
incorporated tIH K,,b irFtmut
Fs&Jlshed at: Room 20, Student I'nioi .... u m
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MJt Si and took fchuiruc
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'ft$$r- P) P Oli MUSCL -MOlTH TAKE fOilOCMi''
Voice of
The Turtle
Seven people turned up for the
Student Council open meeting on
the possibilities of a Student Tri
bunal at this University. In case
anyone is interested, it was last
The discussion concerned a mat
ter that could immediately effect
every student on this campus.
It would increase the scope of stu
dent government, and would give
the student more voice in how his
affairs would be run.
However, only seven of our Cit
izens of Tomorrow found time to
attend. Student interest in its own
Fred Daly
government seems to be running
along at its usual dizzy place.
I'm sorry, Bruce Brugmann, but
you just don't have a chance in
the Dirty Old Man Contest. You
are too Forthright, too Upstand
ing, too Cleanliving, too. , .well,
you know.
a a
Congratulations are due the Kos
met Klub for their annual Fall
Review. The quality of the per
formances was up, and apparent
ly the qualifications of morality,
etc., agreed upon by the Klub
and the committee on student af
fairs were followed.
According to Eastern corres
pondents Roger Henkle, Nebraskan
columnist last year and general
bon vivant-about-campus, will re
turn to the Capitol City Thursday
to spend the holidays with family,
friends and disciples.
Nobody knows precisely when he
will arrive, but he is said to be
traveling incognito as a cloud of
cigar smoke.
I don't know if anyone has no
ticed it, but they are selling Beer
Nuts in the Crib. Something ought
to be done about this, one way or
another. It is hard on the nerves.
Jim Placke, balding Biz Ad sen
ior, has been nominated as the
Dirtiest Old Man . ever. He only
drinks beer out of a dirty glass.
That's something.
Thought for the Week:
He is not drunk, who from the
Can rise again, and drink some
But be Is drunk who prostrate
And cannot drink, and cannot
Collegiate Poll:
Newspaper Preference
forced to make a choice, college
students would prefer to read (by
a margin of almost 2-1) their fa
vorite off-campus newspaper rath
er than their campus newspaper.
College newspapers vary greatly
in size, content, and frequency of
publication. Some are published
daily, others with varying frequen
cy up to monthly. Most concern
themselves solely with campus af
fairs. A few of the larger campus
papers carry roundups of national
and international news.
In effect then, the following ques
tion was designed to force students
to choose between a campus news
paper of local interest and an off
campus newspaper focused on na
tional and world-wide events. To
get this information Associated
Collegiate Press asked the fol
lowing question of a representa
tive national cross-section of col
lege students:
The reulti in awcent):
Mea Wanes TataJ
Cotlecc Wawepaper 3 i
Ofi-Camput Newia(r 2 M M
Undecided 9 7$
The figures indicate that a good
majority of students prefer world
wide news to local, with college
men showing somewhat more in
terest in world-wide events than
Student comments support this
generalization. Almost without ex
ception, students preferring their
college newspaper justify their
choice by saying that it gives them
news of their friends and lets them
know what's gating on on campus.
Oi, as a freshman coed at Colum
bia College i Columbia, S.CJ puts
it: "It's more concerned with
things right around you."
"This ccllege paper is about
people you know and the off-campus
news is about people you Jose
interest in, is the way a fresn
man coed at Alabama College
Montevallo, AlaJ feels. A Lynch
burg College (Lynchburg, Va.)
sophomore likes bis college paper
because it is concerned with
tilings and people I am familiar
At some of the larger schools
the college newspapers contain
b(h local and worldwide news.
This situation is reflected in a
good number ef comments irom
students preferring their college
paper. "My college paper more
directly concerns me and also in
cludes brief 'run-downs' on prom
inent world affairs" Is tbe way a
Junior at the University of Nebras
ka (Lincoln) feels. A Michigan
State University (East Lansing)
senior also states that his college
paper "gives good coverage both
nationally and locally." And a
freshman attending ViUanova Uni
versity (Villanova, Pa.) prefers his
college newspaper because it "in
cludes both national and college
A freshman coed at tbe Henry
Ford Community College (Dear
born, Mich.) has a totally differ
ent reason for preferring ber col
lege newspaper. She says: "It
comes out so seldom that when it
does, I am anxious to read it."
Students preferring an off-campus
newspaper Love one main
reason for their preference, world
wide news. In addition, they feel
the off-campus paper has more
variety, is larger, and is timely.
"I believe ftat it is more import
ant to know what is going on in the
outside world rather than on cam
pus" is the feeling of a freshman
at Long Beach City College (Long
Beach, Calif.). "Tbe college paper
i too narrow, it deals only with
tbe campus. I want to read about
happenings in tbe world" is the
way a junior coed at Villanova
University put it.
A Southern Oregon College (Ash
land, Oregon) junior says: "It's a
bigger paper and carries news in
more detail, has a better variety,
etc." And a sophomore at Wesley
an University (Middletown, Conn.)
gives his reason thus: "I have a
fairly good idea of what goes on
at college, but not of what goes on
on the outside." But a Michigan
State University senior puts it like
this; "The college paper lacks
funds and staff experience to give
a complete coverage of news."
Most students undecided on the
question just could not make up
their minds as to which paper
tbey would prefer if forced to the
choice. A few students, such as
tbe graduate student at Louisiana
State University (Baton Route)
who says "both paper are need
ed, one is not a substitute for the
other," while basically correct in
their position that both tocal and
world-side new is essential, fail
to realize that one kind of new
ran be and is preferred over tbe
Atmosphere is important in con
vincing your friends of anything.
Harvard, for example, feels that
the Ivy air of a place depends on
the "green grow the lilacs" florals
creeping up the walls. And de
spite Wilde ideas, stone walls Do
the prison make.
Atmosphere is important around
the University, too. I'm always
happy to tee a professor who
wears an English cap and a little
disappointed to see my favorite
Dick Shugrue
radicals debasing themselves by
donning fedoras.
The real "Air" of a place is hard
to define, though. What makes a
university seem academic? Or does
it? These two questions might ap
pear rather moot to anyone bump
ing around in the field of concrete
reality. But to an old abstract
like me, the atmosphere of the
University is clearly visible
through my rosey cheaters.
But these two atmospheric set
pieces are too concrete for my
confusedly vague mind. I'll have
to admit that I like the thought
of "atmosphere-as-mentality" rath
er than looks on youthful faces.
In simpler terms, when I talk
of the "air" about the University
you can be sure that I am re
ferring to the apathetic gas glum
students breathe around here. I
get rather disgusted when I see
people creeping through courses
with a minimum of work and a
maximum of snowing.
But then snow is a concrete
Well, if atmosphere is merely a
state of mind it wouldn't be too
hard to change. After all, the ru
mor around is that my mind is
rather like a diving board, bounc
ing back and forth in the hot winds
blown by heaven only knowa
who (m).
But that's a good sign. If I sea
indications that people are willing
to fluctuate in their ideas of ed
ucation, of our happy life and of
every other abstract thing involved
in atmosphere then perhaps there's
hope that the atmosphere of the
school can eventually reflect hon
est academic deals.
The future (which I hope to
share in) depends on the faith of
the "yous" and "mes" in the
ideals of the past. These ideals
have been relatively successful in
the past. Just what the standards
we have based scholastic education
on in the past are, there's no time
to say. Yet I think that basically,
faith in the University, faith in
truth and faith in the ability of
self are the essential ideals of a
good atmosphere.
If nothing else, we have used
our daily share of the word at
mosphere. Let's have no more of
Hymn to Diana
We are children chaste
Bound in Diana's limbs;
We virgins of guarded taste
Sing a nexus nerve to dim.
Petal of Latonian Lily
And twirling scent of Jove,
Felt your Delian roots like hilly
Hope beneath an olive cove.
Mother of mountains and woods
And of forests vigorous green
And woodland lands in hoods
And deep flowing speaking stream.
You, O bright birth goddess,
O Juno, in command of women's
Birthing knives; O Trivia, modest
Passive moonlight you summon
By monthly journey, goddess pale.
You measure the stretch of the year,
Then stretch the barns with bales
Of Cybele's gift in ripe time gear.
Whatever holy name you like
Then choose, but still help raise
The wolf reared race and up a dike
To stop the flow that wrecks our ways.
Richard M. Kelly
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