The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1956, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Tuesday, December 11,1 956
Ncbraskan Editorials:
le Gift
Santa Claus has agreed to put in another ap
pearance for the annual Interfraternity Council
Christmas party. t
This, in itsflf, is well and good. The children
of Lincoln's orphanages will undoubtedly have
a good time during this one season of the year
when someone pays any attention to them.
IFC has an agreement wich Th department
of public relations of the University that when
ever the group does good works, public relations
will mimeograph a few copies of the project and
mail them to the state's newspapers in an
effort to create good will for the fraternity
Perhaps, this is necessary and is the cause
of no harmful effects. But, it is rather unfor
tunate that the first release extolling the good
works of the IFC deals with a group of young
sters who are dependent upon others' for their
Christmas. Why do University organizations
have to help others, especially at Christmas
time, with their right hand held out to needy
and deserving groups and their left hand hold
ing a press release.
This kind of motivation is prostitution of the
spirit and foundation of Christmas charity.
There is a story which many of us were told
when we were young of two little boys who
traveled through the winter snow to reach a
great cathedral to give their small offering
to the Christ-child. The great and the mighty
of the land assembled before the. cathedral's
altar. Kings' ransoms were offered to the Babe
in order to make the bells of the church sound
out for they hadn't rung for hundreds of years.
On the way to the cathedral, the two children
came upon a woman who was almost dead from
the cold. The older youth gave his brother the
few pennies they had and told him to go ahead.
He would stay with the woman and take care
of her. , ,
Little brother arrived at the cathedral just as
the magnates had finished giving their magnifi
cent gifts. Still the chimes did not sound. As the
procession left the church, little brother crept
unobtrusively to the altar laden win the wealth
of tire kingdom and laid down his humble offer
ing. As we know, the bells sounded in all the
glorious sound of the first Christmas day.
If we are to do good works, let us attempt to
do them in the spirit of Christmas. Christ was
born in the lowest and meanest of places. He
had no press agent. During his ascendancy he
offered his gifts without reservation or desire
for popularity or recognition.
The New Testament speaks of the hypocrite
who prays on the corner. If we are to give, let
us give of ourselves and let us give without
thought of recognition for otherwise we have
given nothing.
Annual Average Increase
The annual average increase has been an
nounced by the Mortar Boards. Next spring
for a junior to be eligible for" tapping by the
senior women's scholastic honorary on Ivy Day
she must have an accumulative scholastic aver
age of 6.3 instead of the 6.2 required last year.
The annual increase was started several
years ago with each successive group adding
a point to the required weighted average and
each time wild cries were heard from the
junior hopefuls that the increase was unfair.
Naturally the wild cries were subdued after
those hopefuls were tapped and in turn when
that group raised the standards the new juniors
began in the same fashion as their predecessors.
It is evident that the society is striving to
achieve a higher scholastic standard and rely
less upon activity points with the final product
being a much more outstanding representative
of the senior class. The process appears to be
the most democratic even though it garners
some disapproval every year, but the ques
tion arises as to how long the annual increase
will continue.
It has been rumored that the Mortar Board's
final goal is a 6.5 accumulative average. If so,
the end is in sight and this year's freshmen
women can possibly look forward to a standard
goal to work toward in the next three years.
In any case the society is setting a high
enough standard that any coed should be very
proud if she is tapped on Ivy Day.
Neutrality Essential
Last Tuesday the University Daily Kansan
Board voted to amend its constitution to remove
a lause which stated that The Daily Kansan
"shall be neutral in politics both on and off
the campus."
The action resulted in two statements, one
In approval from an editorial in the Kansas
City Star and the other in objection from Bur
ton W. Marvin, dean of the William Allen
White School of Journalism and Public Infor
mation. The Kansas City Star editorial read as fol
lows: "With their eyes wide open, students at the
University of Kansas who set policy for the
daily campus newspaper voted 16-4 to exercise
the basic right of free American Newspapers
to sound off on all and sundry subjects, and
to get into hot water if they wish."
"Action of the Kansan board deserves more
than passing note. The students, many of whom
will be graduating soon, took the vote in the
'face of a flat ukase from the dean of the
school of journalism forbidding them to do so."
"The students repealed the neutrality clause
in their constitution. Beginning Jan. 7, the
newspaper by majority vote of its board now
may take sides editorially both on campus
issues and in political affairs of the outside
world. It was a vote for a free press."
"Student political decision may, at times,
jolt the older and more mature publishers of
the state. It is a 6afe guess that the majority
of these newspapermen will, with Voltaire,
defend the student's right to differ with more
mature authority."
"Many of the students are serving an intern
ship at the University before going to work
in the profession. Soon they will be living in a
non-neutral world. It does not seem unreason
able for them to start learning to analyze issues
and controversies in the University."
"Now that they have freedom of expression,
as in the case of their elders, they will be on
trial to demonstrate they deserve the priceless
Dean Marvin, who is also chairman of the
accreditation committee of the American Coun
cil for Education in Journalism and is visiting
several Midwestern universities to check on re
newing their accreditation, made this state
ment to The Daily Kansan:
"It is absolutely essential that The Daily
Kansan as a laboratory for students and as a
publication representing the University in the
eyes of students and Kansas citizens of vary
ing political leanings, remain neutral in all
political situations on and off the campus."
"For this reason, we shall act to make sure
that neutrality is observed if the Kansan Board
is unwilling to continue to do so. Such a rule
of operation, essential to a public institution,
cannot be subject to the whim of one genera
tion of students."
With the encouragement and approval of one
of the nation's foremost daily newspapers, The
Daily Kansan is now faced with the rath of its
dean and his solemn Intention to keep The
Daily Kansan's editorial .policy neutral. It
will be interesting to note how the "whim of
one generation of students" to develop ideas
and opinions on political controversies will fare
against the opposition of the chairman of the
accreditation committee of the American Coun
cil for Education in Journalism..
From The Washington Post:
Affront To Decency
Ambassador Lodge did not exaggerate when he request. Such a move would be a step short of
damned the Hungarian puppet government's expulsion, which in the circumstances would
refusal to permit a visit by Dag Hammarskjold serve no useful purpose,
as "outside the pale of international behavior But the U.N. ought not to be content with the
and common decency." There could be no more fiction that policy is made in Budapest, . and it
abject confession of terror in Hungary than the ought not to shrink from naming the real culprit
Kadar government's efforts to prevent independ- and calling for whatever sanctions may be prac
ent observation. The trouble with many of the ticable. Soviet troops have beeu perpetrating the
remedies suggested in the United Nations, how- outrages. The U.N. is undeniably at a disad
ever, is that they are directed at the wrong tar- vantage in -disputes involving the big powers,
get. It is Moscow that is pulling the strings The international organization nevertheless pro
while Kadar dances. tested the British and French actions in Suez
One obvious means of continuing the pressure and obtained their eventual compliance with its
for withdrawal J Soviet troops is for the U.N. request. There is grave danger of a double
immediately to dispatch observers to Austria to standard unless the U.N. is equally forthright
report fully what they can learn of conditions in and vigorous in condemning Russian actions in
Hungary. Another would be for the U.N. to Hungary. No doubt some countries will be re
suspend the representation privileges of the Ka- luctant to offend Russia. But Russia has offended
dar government. The government is in open de- humanity, and the members of the U.N. who
fiance of the United Nations, and it has lost any collectively represent the world conscience will
moral right to be heard until it satisfies the U JJ. be shirking their duty unless they say so frankly.
Tlie Nebraskan
Member: Associate Collegiate Press E.tai 'Editor ''"""Xl'l"::"":.'
ltercoQeglat Press Editorial Ptu Cdltor Mack Lendatrom
..... Nrwa Editor Bob Iroland
X-''ffsatsJvej National Advertising Service. wait iior
Iifnmnf.l.l Editor: Oary Irene!, Sara latum, iark Pollork
..,. lacorporaiea m du iinmt
rcslkhed at: Room 20, Student Union "
, - Mrltt Xw Editor A Gary Frmiol
Iik3 ft B Photographer Dal Lea-ta
CJ&iTeril ftf Nebraska rJraff Artlit ........................... Andy Barker
, , , (Uttem Ser-otaiT .nil Dom-ll
uncola, Nebraska Soriet Editor..... ....jaa rum
.. Staff Writers...... Kane? DcLont. Geor: Morn,
, ,v " l MSBd Tmwdsy, Wodandar ad Maria mm THrrwioo, Cynthia
fV.flr aaruic trm '! , ) Sinrta ! ha. Bob Martol, Bob Wlra,
n rta. and on ! M pfc!itkd darjnc Iav Hereof.
t- i. j i. lAjH&a of tba taivorsica ? Nrhraik ntr Reporter .0. O. Wallli, Carol Frank, On Bimbc, Judy
( M'iw.ia of th (Lmtsam-nt en Rot Attain flrh-r. Marilyn Ma Minn to Taylor, Klana
""" of aiadrnt raWiraMwa and Maiwell, Mandra Vt'halnt, Mart Sailor, Marrla
" "'" f th r.ahamir- oa tMKtont Pohrt- Bodna, JoAaa Oahorron, Dorothy Hall. Plana
iji rtifcil too free tram asitowl wiMnilj oa Inm -a. Stan Ulitmaa, Art Blarkmaa. Barbara
f-t l Im t.-lwronmltT f n u ptrt or any awrahw Mraton. Hrb Krlkla. BUI WUaoo, Bon 61a-
tl t" fa of t" Lmfrmttt. or i ( part of ay ' born, fiary
1 r - h Bfi-rir, Too motrtbrn of tn or-eTVirca cfin
i- -rjuKaa ataff w arttny nrmM for what tkey sinxr
.(', or o or uwh to b pwstiS. Srnr t IWH. Hattooaa Man oar , ftonrfra Wadwn
. , . CircHiaHoa Mbw Kletsard no(
T awnnd na v'.xt M to aiwt afffro Da Jk'io Baalrww Manoror 0a Dork.
-'- -i.sA, MCS...3T ua act el Autuat 4.iM. LR7 iatota. Tan Vil, dorry fcuUeaitm
While scampering across the
Kansas countryside, a compatriot
in intellectualism decided that Ne
braska should chansre its name to
Nebraska A&M. I objected.
Not that I have any strong ob
jections to the idea that an ag
and mechanics school has its place.
John Oxnam said, "To every man
there openeth a way and a way
and a way. . ." Yet Nebraska still
deserves to be a liberal school.
And by that I mean that.the whole
concept of ideas lies in the con
cept of the past.
Well, Buck, if you don't get what
I am saying, then perhaps this
just goes to prove that we need
even more intellectualism than
Dick Shugruo
ever before. After all, Dr. Earl
McGj-ath, former U.S. Commis
sioner of Education has insisted
that with the increasing pressures
of the modern world, both cultural
and technical, young people leav
ing the colleges and universities
need a more intimate acquaintance
with the liberal arts.
So this is where I come in.
And please don't misconstrue what
I say as being a defense against
Brucey. Heaven forbid that I
should have to answer to him or
that he would expect me to.
Well, then, what?. . .From my
perch I can get a look ai this big,
bad world. I like what I see. More
than that, I can look over the
horizon and get a glimpse of things
to come. That means, of course,
the downfall of Nebraska intel
lectualism. In other words (and this is for
the Bucks around the campus) as
long as Bruce tosses niceties at
Schultz and me (and I'm not try
ing to slip in any kind of mystic
signal) I'll be happy. After all,
how else can the case for the
classicist jump out on open ground
than if Bruce hurls it?
So, friend and foe, my lectures
on the obvious will continue. They
have to continue. My travelling
companion has said that he doesn't
know what I am saying, lie adds
that if I appeal to anyone around
the campus, it's remarkable. Now
that might seem like a big round
of self condemnation. And yet if
you'll give both Bruce and Buck a
chance to sink in, I'm sure you'll
We hear a lot of talk about the
"college level of comprehension"
. . .Just what it means is a mystery
to me. You see, what is not perfect
ly obvious to me (at least ac
cording to Bruce) is perfectly ob
vious to everyone else. And here
comes Buck to say that I just
talk in unknowns.
So, that's the picture. At the
present ie I have to either "get
mature id stop this weekly
drivle or come down to the level
of what Buck thinks the college
kid wants, Both of the guys seem
to forget that I'm not Max Schul
man. I've got a vague message to
offer. If you like it, fine. If not,
I'm sorry that Nebraska A&M is
soon to succeed.
Contrasting Views
Editor's ' Note: The following
articles, the first written by El
ite Elliott and the second by the
Rev. Peter S. Ralble, present
contrasting views on the Christ
mas decorations appearing on
"0" street in the city's business
Again this year, as I stand on
the busy corner of 13th and 0, a
sudden wave of nostalgia over
comes me. The beautiful street
and shop decorations remind me
of our great Christmas heritage,
and of our stories of Christ's
Mass. . .
"In the days of Anderson, the
Governor of Nebraska:
"And it came to pass in those
days, that there went out a decree
from Mayor Martin, that all the
town should be decorated.
"And all went to shop, every
one into his own store.
"And Joseph also went up, to
shop with Mary his espoused wife,
being great with child. And so it
was that, while they were there,
the days were accomplished that
she should be delivered.
"And she brought forth her first
born son, and wrapped him in
disposable diapers, and laid him
in a parking lot; because there
was no room for them in the Corn-
"And there were in the same
town policemen abiding on their
corners, keeping watch over the
traffic by night. And lo, the an
gel of Walt Disney came upon
them, and the glory of Walt Dis
ney shone round about them, and
they were sore afraid.
"And the angel said unto them;
Fear not, for behold, I bring you
good tidings of great joy, which
shall be to all people. For unto
you is born this day in the City
of Lincoln a Savior, which is the
son of Mickey Mouse. And this
shall be a sign unto you: Ye
shall find the babe wrapped in
disposable diapers, lying under a
neon sign.
"And suddenly there was with
the angel a multitude of the mer
cenary host praising Walt Disney
and saying, "Glory to Walt Dis
ney in Hollywood, and in Lincoln,
commerce, good sales for busi
nessmen. "And when they had seen it,
they made known abroad the say
ing which was told them concern
ing these apparitions. And all they
that heard wondered at those
things which were told them by
the policemen.
"And when there were only
eight shopping days left, the child's
name was called Davy Crockett,
which was so named of the Cham
ber of Commerce when, he was
conceived in their brains.
"And when Davy was born in
Lincoln of Nebraska in the days
of Anderson the Governor, there
came farmers from the West to
Omaha, Saying, Where is he that
is born King of the Wild Frontier?
For we have seen his neon signs.
and we are come to purchase
Merry Christmas.
For the second year running the
letter columns of Lincoln papers
are filled with denunciations of
Walt Disney Christmas decorations
on our main street.
Perhaps the parson is an Old
Scrooge, but he has never been
much of an admirer of Walt Dis
ney. Mr. Disney attempts to makt
merely cute some of the profound
est of children's stories (e.g. Wind
and the Willows). On the other
hand, the parson has always had
some feeling for Jesus of Nazar
But somehow, Mickey Mouse and
Pluto seem much more appropri
ate to "0" Street than Jesus.
From all we know, Jesus wasn't
very proficient at commercial ac- .
tivity. He once drove some money
changers out of a temple but this
is not likely to endear him to the
world of profit. Walt Di-.ney,
though, is a simple man, who has
become a millionaire. As such.
the symbols of Disney are more
appropriate objects of veneration
for "0" Street than Jesus.
The parson can be old fashioned
at times, too. He has always been
slightly bothered by scenes of the
manger of Bethlehem, surrounded
by whizzing electric trains and
black negligees (though the Par
son would be the first to register
his approval of same in more ap
propriate places). Nor would Je
sus seem very meaningful perched
on a lamp post surrounded by
Druid greenery. Still, the effigy of
Jesus swinging from a lamp post ,
might suggest what our civiliza
tion insists on doing to Him.
Of course, the really galling
thing is the general attitude that
if we put "religious" scenes in our
business district, we will have a
religious Christmas. As Scrooge
said, "Bah, humbug!" It might
be nice if religion could simply be
a matter of using the apprpriate
symbols in the inappropriate place .
(or for that matter even the ap
propriate symbols in the inappro
priate place (or for that matter
even the appropriate place). But
the hue and cry for Jesus on
"0" Street merely indicates tht
low state to which religion has
fallen in our age. For if Jesus
ever taught anything, it is that
not outward forms but Inner at
titudes are important in religion.
And He rather starkly advised.
. . .Many will say to me, "Lord,
Lord, did we not prophecy in
your name, and do many mighty
works in your name?" And then
will I declare to them, "I nev
er knew you; depart from me,
you evil doers."
If we know when we are well
off, we'll leave Walt Disney'a char
acters on "0" Street decorations,
and leave Jesus to the hearts of
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