The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1956, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesdoy, December 5, 1955
by Dick BibUr
wm ii! 1
'oiiiQlhhih Of Value
i .! .. n'l 11 ' 1 " 1 M I i II
Poqt 2
Nobrcskan Editorials:
t :j - 1
V "7 J
. .
In one of the most extr.dorinary bits of renown for themselve., but In the earnest be-
student endeavor on the campus this year, the lief that they are doing something good for
City Campua YWCA is planning the support of aomeone else.
ten refugee Hungarian students to study at the They are trying to make it an ell-campus
University next semester. PJect In giving any group who wishes a hand
, . . , . . . 4V. vw t. in the responsibility and cost. The usual pub-
This movement, origin , ed by the YW is '
spreading through er n groups,. nd ha. T ' J absent-instead there
been sriven the good wishes of Governor An- , , .
Sn ChanceUor Clifford Ha,din ha. said he feelin of omethin worthwhilft
would be .'delighted" to present , th matter to . ten Hungarlan student$ wUI
the Board of Regents at their next meet- . . ...
mo ouom . , do the university any good, or whether the
tag in January. University will benefit them in any way will
Preliminary plans would have campu. re- faflve t(j stflnd the trlal of experiencet what ls
ligiou. house, supporting maintenance, book vital now is that Btudents at the University
stores to provide supplies and fraternities and are rising aboye gelf and group Merest, and are
sororities to back room and board. These plan. attempting to heip , few Hungarian strangers
have not yet been, approved by any of the whoge only crimes were fight for their free.
groups, but will be considered in the near fu- (lom
ture. Xhe best way for students on this campus to
The committee heading the idea is also plan- ehow they know the meaning of aelfishlessness,
ning to solicit civic organizations off the cam- and to show they can have interests above their
pus to underwrite travel costs. own is to support this drive, both with their
What makes the idea a really good one is organization', money and with their own labor,
that it U project far above the usual murky This student movement cannot logically be a
run of campus activities. Members of the com- .uccess without student support. It is a chance
mittee are not working for any publicity or. to try something reaUy good for once.
Parking Or Professors
In his state of the University address two University students who ask for adequate
months ago, Chancellor Hardin outlined some parking will undoubtedly experience increas
ed the basic problems of the school. ing impatience with the situation as it stands
Noted, of course, were such thing, as prepara- now. Yet can we demand additional facilities
tions for expansion of both the physical facilities for our cars when we cannot keep a sufficient
and the enrollment, the teaching shortage and staff to make the school a fine institution?
standards of the educational program. We think not. We believe that the foremost
One item which the Chancellor discussed was worry of the school at present should be the
the parking situation. He promised that the Uni- need for meeting the five point crisis outlined
versity was doing everything it could to main- by Dr. Hardin. And if this means trimming
tain adequate parking for a. many students as money from the budget which was orginally
possible. He cited the addition of a new lot at allocated for additional parking facilities, then
17th and Vine and declared that a request for we must resign ourselves to the pedestrian
s study of lighting the area be made. way of life.
Since that time, parking has not improved We are faced with problems far more seri-
on the campus. The only noted change in the 0us than the campus parking problem. Not that
situation is the Increasing disgust on the part the lack of room for adequate safety of ex-
of some students with the problem. "We have pansive automobiles are not Important. Yes, it
been promised action," some declare, "but seems to be very dear to the hearts of most
still wander around for precious pre-class min- car-owning Cornhuskers.
utes and end up on red lines." But the loss of top-flight professors will be
And the charge is true. very close to the hearts of students here in the
It must be remembered that the University not too distant future. We must put the avail
is asking for an increase in the budget for the able funds where they will do the most good
next two years. Each item the Chancellor has for the overall integrity of ,the institution,
sought is essential to the maintenance of a great The parking problem we always have among
University. us; the fine professors we may not have.
More Liberal Arts
To many students, the thought of "being at through their dominating influence on future
home in the liberal arts" is either impractical college teachers changed liberal arts colleges
or just plain useless. But former United State, from institutions offering a broad, liberal edu-
Commissioner of Education Dr. Earl J. Mc- cation into training institutions for those wish
Grath feels that despite one's vocational goals, ing to enter graduate schools?
at the barest minimum a nodding acquaintance . The study wWch ne is making won't change
with the liberal arts is essential to success. the patterns of either the professional schools
McGrath, directing a study of higher educa- or the graduate schools. But it will strengthen
tion at Columbia University, said that increas- and accelerate the movement toward giving
ing social and cultural pressures make it a every student a home in the liberal arts,
must of education for the modern man to know The merits of such colleges are definitely
liberal arts. . apparent. Professional schools, such as engi-
In fact, it is his belief that a proportionate neering colleges, are accused of creating ma
amount of liberal students should accompany chines. If, then, the students who attended
the rapid advances in professional education. them are well versed in the arts, if Cicero or
Some questions the study will explore are: Bacon become the oil to prevent the machine
Is liberal arts education stronger or weaker in from rusting, the professionals will be bolstered,
schools of engineering or business administra- Whether being a "well-rounded man" is a
tion which have their own instructors in liberal goal the student is looking for is not the point
subjects or where such instruction is pursued in question. That through understanding of the
in a separate liberal arts division? basic principles of our classical traditions man
What is the relative status of liberal arts col- can become more sympathetic with the forces
leges and the undergraduate professional schools around him is what counts,
in the total higher education enterprise? The status, then, of the liberal college, must,
Have the highly specialized graduate schools, m mmy cases be improved. The status of the
m M- - types which' it sends out can be improved. Or
J&TT&F TnOffsff Flf C better yet, the McGrath study might be aiming
-m a WsT M IIVMIIf A toward the elimination of "types" as graduates
NEAR (national emergency alarm repeater) of tne beral arts institute.
discovered by a group of Kansas City scientists " '
is being currently discussed as an alarm spread- At D CLAli
er in case of enemy attack. rID J If Off 5
It would be sounded through the nation's elec- This year's Mortar Board Uniforms are quite
trie power relay system by small buzzers in- conservative and very much in good taste, but
scauea in electrical outlet, in homes and offices, in many ways rather unimaginative. They do
A signal passed through utility networks would resemble men's sport coats and would undoubt-
activate the buzzers. ably pass as such if only the young ladies would
The scientists are confident it would be the wear a tie with their outfit. Perhaps, they could
simplest way of spreading an alarm since 98 borrow the Innocents' ties some day?
per cent of the nation's population is served The thought for the day is that members of
by electric power lines. 'the senior women', honorary purchase Bermuda
The system, originated at the Midwest Re- shorts of much the same material as the skirts
search Institute in Kansas City, Mo., has been they presently wear whenever it is a "senior wom-
cperated successfully for the past two months en's honorary day." They would also buy argyle
without affecting even critical research instru- knee socks of contrasting designs which would
Inents' cover some small amount of 6kin and might
The new NEAR definitely ha. an advantage in possibly help to gain approval from the Dean
that it could warn the entire country of an enemy of Women's office.
attack by initiating the signal at a single point. The MB's (not to be confused with Military
However, it appear, that such a device would Balls or mum buying, an activity promoted by
be somewhat costly and would require mass co- the women's organization) could then wear these
operation of cities, towns and rural areas to be sport outfits on warm days or whenever they
effective. Even if the buzzer were used a. an were taking part in combined functions with the
Initial warning the present plan of radio and Innocents, senior men's group who have said
television alerts would still have to be used "dash it all to tradition" and are wearing shiny
for further information. metal buttons on their striped jackets.
The scientists, however, do plan to evaluate One problem that might result from the adop-
NEAR further by extending the experimental tion of the abbreviated attire is that sophomore
work to a larger load system, eventually reach- activity workers might realize that Mortar
lag the point of satisfactorily signalling a city Boards often have knobby knees just as do other
of 50,000 to 100,000 population. ' girls. Oh well, it's just a thought.
The Nebraskan
S&mber: Associate Collegiate Pres. mSZti'::::
Intercollegiate Pres. Editorial Pae Editor Mack tundstrom
, News Editor Bob Irrland
EcreientaUvet National Advertising Service, emus Editor wait more
t, j ' Copy Editors i Gary Frenzet, San Jones, Jack Pollock
incorporated and Dlok Shuinie.
Fs&Ilshed ats Room 20, Student Unioa A fcdJt H
.... m, Night News Editor Gary Frrnze!
lim O, f staff Photographer ' Lwi
UarrertltT Of Nebraska Start Artist Andy Backer
v " e" office Bwretary Julie Powell
Lincoln, Nebraska soeiety Editor.,... jaa rmu
staff Writers Nancy DeLonj, George Mover,
Tvm IteonMkaa Is puhllgtwd Tuesday, Wednesday ad Marianne Thyf;con, Cvnthla
rrt.iay Surif the school yer, except dnrlnr vacations Zsohaii. Bob M artel. Boo Wtrx.
exam periods, and ano Imw la published during Beportera. .0. O. Wants, Carole frank, Gus Bueni. Judy ,
:,'iM, fcy students of t!i University at Nebraska under Slelcr, Marilyn Nlnsen Mlnetta Taylor, Diana
aurnorlMHoa of the Committee on EtudMtt Affairs Maxwell, Sandra W baton, Mary Saylor, Marcia
P- est ex;rriua of student opinio. Poblieatlons onrier Bodea, JoAnn Gaborron, Dorothy Hall, Diana
&e JoeiKlirdoa f the fiuheammlluw a Student Pnbli- fteaae, Stan Wldman, Art Blarkman. Barbara
etlen shall M free from editorial censorship on the Meston, Herb Beiktn, Bill Wilson. Boo Sla-
pas of tisa Sobeotrnnltfrft or on toe part of any member been, Gary Peterson. Dave Herzof.
vt tb 1 acuity of the University, or on the part of any - ( - kT -,
T"m ootids of the University. Tho memoirs of the BUSINESS ST Air
Keoraskaa staff are personally resofinsihle for wh they , etnstness Manager George Madnen
ety. or do or cause to be printed. February t. 1UA. circulation Manager Richard Hrndrtx
Kub-red ae second class matter at the post ofttc la Auituuit Business Managers Don Bock,
liaeaiia. uunutka. uiuior toe ae at Auguat IiUUi JUury peteia, Tom NfH, Jenr euJIsnUne
'He's severely handicap in this class -he mitUGUW
Nebrashan Letierips
Dear Editor,
I recently heard the statement
that "what separate, the East and
West is a 'golden curtain', not an
iron curtain'." This statement
was attributed to a religious lead
er visiting on this campus. This
is a statement that I feel needs
personal analysis by Christians. It
Li a generalization which has sev
eral possible implications many
of which are based on truth and
others which are definitely out
side the realm of fact.
It is true that the great differ
ences in wealth between those in
the 'West' and other parts of the
world is a difficult barrier to in-
U.S. Foreign
Editor's Note: Sabah KushkakI,
a senior majoring in journalism
and political science, is a for
eign correspondent for the Anis
Daily In Kabul, Afghanistan. He
is studying at the University un
der a scholarship from the Af
ghanistan Press Department.
The events happening in Egypt
and Hungary have indeed changed
the whole shape of international
politics. And, if the Government
of the United States pursues the
right path, the free nations of Asia
and Africa enthusiastically will co
operate with this nation in ad
vancing the cause of the free
Until a few weeks ago, the Unit
ed States was suspected to be a
partner of the Anglo-French co
lonial policies. This suspicion was
about to turn into a reality when
the top policy makers of this coun
try branded neutrality as an "im
moral" behavior, when the French
brutalities in North Africa were
endorsed as the right act, when
the State Department announced
the support of America for Port
ugese position in Goa, India, and,
finally, when all these actions were
used by the Russians as s liabil
ity against the United States' for
eign policy. America was just
another imperial power. And,
when Asians and Africans hear
about imperialism, they become
as feverish as Mr. Knowland be
comes when he hears somebody
talking about the admission of the
Republic of China into the United
But, as we said, the events of the
last few weeks have changed the
situation. For when the Anglo
French armed intervention rang
around the world, the Africans and
Asians looked upon the United
States to expel the invaders. Rus
sia was unable to provide this
leadership; and, frankly, nobody
had expected her to do so. Russia
had become deeply involved in
crushing patriotism in Hungary.
This act was intolerable to Asians
and Africans. Indeed, if the policy
makers of this nation would be
capable enough to grasp the sig
nificance of this strange game,
and assume the kind of leadership
that chastises the trespassers, and
it has already done so, then surely
a great service will be performed
for the cause of the free world.
This is a golden opportunity. Only
two weeks ago such professional
neutralists as India, Indonesia,
Burma and Afghanistan came out
in support of ths American reso
lution in the United Nations and
challenged the Soviets to leave
Hungary. Russia has received a
devastating defeat in its interna
tional policies.
But, the question might be asked,
what would happen to the West
ern chain of alliance if the United
States declares the independence
of its foreigr policy? Should the
United States break off its tra
ditional friendship with Great
Britain and France? The answer
is, of course, no. What is needed is
to understand that there must be
more than one way to keep this
alliance. Because, if the United
States, in order to keep its par
tiality to these nations, and thus to
promote the cause of the -free
world, must identify itself with
their imperialistic aims, then un
doubtedly the very objective for
which this partiality is kept
namely the objective of saving
the rest of the world from Com
munismwill be destroyed,
ternational understanding. It Is
also true that there exists much
complacency in the western coun
tries. However to imply that these
factors have caused greater ten
sion than the action, of the Soviet
sphere of influence is to misun
derstand the basic nature of the
'iron curtain'.
The actions of the Soviet sphere
have been based on violence, oc
curing nearly always at the worst
possible times for international un
derstanding. They are essentially
DESTRUCTIVE rather than con
structive. This is not meant to con
done complacency. It merely
places it in its true light relative
to the actions of the east.
James A. Welch
Editor'. Note! The above let
ter was shown to the Rev. Paul
R. Dotson, a student pastor from
the University of the Philippines
who I. visiting the University
this week, before it reached the
Nebraskan office. Rev. Dotson
made the following comments:
Dear Editor,
1) The statement was not that,
"what separate, the East and West
is a 'golden curtain'." The state
ment was that one of the factors
that make, communication diffi
cult between much of Asia and
Africa and the U.S.A. is what the
French poet Jean Cocteau called
in a letter to his American friends:
poet spoke of Hollywood, Broad
way, the Newspapers, the T.V. . . .
as the Curtain between the Ameri
can people and life, life as a gift
of God as well a. life as it is lived
in other parts of the world. The
use of this reference in the state
ment, referred to in the letter to
the editor was a quotation from a
German Lutheran pastor who has
just finished two years service in
a United States Church (not Lu
theran) in which he was trying to
set forth some of the things that
disturbed him in America. The
question is not therefore whether
we like or approve of rhe state
ment but that a French poet and a
German pastor feel it is a true
description of one of the problems
affecting relations between at least
Europe and the U.S.A.
2) There was in no sense a com
parison between the destructive-'
ness of the different "curtains"
i.e. iron, bamboo and golden
but the speaker does believe, that
we as Americans must give the
utmost consideration to this "gold
en" curtain which is something we
can do directly while any action
we take with regard to the other
"curtains" must of necessity be
indirect. This is therefore a direct
responsibility whereas the others
are not.
Paul R. Dotson
Magazines ranging from Popu
lar Mechanic, to Scientific Amer
lean tell u. that science is en
larging our horizons. The struggle
of our civilization has become the
attempt to fly faster, see farther
and tlow things higher. Now that
the geographic world ha been
conquered, now that almost no
place exist, where man cannot go
if he cares enough, we are told
that the challenge to which our
civilization must respond is found
in the laboratories and on the
Steve Schultz
proving grounds. And perhaps cer
tain men the Oppenheimer., Eln
steins and Crowells are accepting
this challenge and responding.
But we are not living in a so
ciety of incredible intellects; our
society is made up of common
men perhaps too common, but
that is neither here nor there at
the moment. And this common
man is not challenged by the gold
en era of science. Rather he is en
slaved by it. Science long ago
locked man in a cage of abscis
sas and ordinates; "If we do this,
ha will do that the graph says
so." When he occasionally breaks
jail as witness the 1948 elections
even he himself is surprised. But
more immediate, more palpable
and more important than the in
dividual's pollster-p light is his
transformation into a cog in the
mass-production system made pos
sible by science. Anyone who ha.
worked in a factory, anyone wh
ha. come home from a Job with
his feet aching, his ears ringing
and his eyes heavy knows how
much individuality goes on in an
office, even in the management
echelons. In the rush to turn out
a million Identical article., we are.
also producing a million identical
souls. And not one of them has
time to contemplate his metamor
phosis. Little wonder that when h
leaves the science-created bustle,
he welcome, even tedium as re
laxation. He watches televised me
diocrity, loving Lucy and living
vicariously in an isolation booth.
He reads Confidential because
kneeling to peep into s keyhole
is comfortable. Hi. religion be
comes an increasing stream of
palate pleasing, peddled piety.
Under the circumstances, we
should not be surprised that the
humanistic intellectual is separ
ated from the common man and
branded an "egghead." The man
who develops hi. mind will in
evitably be ostracized from the
mass which does not. But since the
intellect is our only answer to en
croaching, ennervating. technology,
the mind-mass schism is tragic.
Surrender would be the easiest
answer. Obviously, science is here
to stay. Model-T luxury has be
come El Dorado necessity. But
each generation must meet a chal
lenge and surmount it. I submit
that man in this generation is not
challenged to overcome his en
vironment by science; he must
overcome science by his soul.
Collegiate Poll:
Slmkni I
would appear, on the average
that college student, are little
bothered by restrictions of various
sorts placed upon them by college
administrators. This is not an un
qualified generalization, however,
since restriction, are unique for
each individual college. Students
may be very satisfied at one par
ticular institution and very un
happy at another.
In addition, the situation may
vary within the confines of any
one college, say between students
living on campus and students liv
ing off campus, or between stu
dent, in one particular line of
learning and those in another. But
whatever else may be said upon
the subject, one can feel fairly
safe in saying that no college es
capes the problem, be its intensity
slight or weighty.
To get some information on this
issue from the student's point of
view, Associated Collegiate Press
asked the following question of a
representative national cross-section
of college students:
ing your private life while you
attend college?
The results
Men Women Total
Yes 20 15 18
No 76 82 78
Undecided ... 4 3 4
Indications are that coeds appear
to be a shade more satisfied with
their present status than do col
lege men. But of greater interest
is the fact that all but a very
small percentage of students have
opinions either one way or the
other on this issue.
Most students who feel the regu
lations laid down by their college
administrations are fair, justify
their opinion with the observation
that rules are necessary. "They
have to have most of these re
strictions for a large group" is the
The Death Of The Sparrow
Mourn, O Venuses,
O Cupid, and all
You men of beauty's nerve,
The sparrow of my mistress
Has slipped off life's great curve.
Sparrow of my lover's joy
She loved you more
Through vision's door;
Honeyed bird, you,
Spying her like
She with psyche
Might spy her kin.
Clinging to her bosom,
Hopping here and there, i
Singing to your mistress fair
Now you travel in the dark
To Hades where you must remain;
Damn the evil Orcus dark
Which swallows beauty's mark
It snatched away
My sparrow's day.
Sad and poor ,
And little bird,
Your joy for my love
Leave, her above
With grief 'b red eyes
And tear, for sighs.
Richard M. Kelly
way a freshman coed at Alabama
College (Montevallo) put. it, while
a senior at Villanova University
(Villanova, Pa.) says: "The ad
standards of personal conduct to
maintain orderliness." And i
sophomore coed at Christian Col
lege for Women (Columbia, Mo.)
stresses this point: "Three hun
dred seventy-five girls away from
home need quite a bit of reason
able governing."
Some students qualify their ac
ceptance of administrative regula
tion, such a. the senior coed at
the University of Nebraska (Lin
coln) who says: "A youth needs
certain restrictions, until he is an
adult. There are, however soma
situations that leave me uneasy.
A Wesleyan University (Middle
town, Conn.) junior feels that
while a college may "not be too.
restrictive in, actually governing,"
it has a somewhat restrictive in
fluence on behavior, which is gen
erally good."
A senior at Wesleyan University
feels that 1 his administration is
"especially good, fair, lenient, and
intelligent," while one of his class
mates looks at the question this
way: "They 'haven't bothered me
ye$." "There are no restrictions on
our private life a healthy situa
tion." They haven't bothere me
yet" is the statement of a fresh
man at Henry Ford Community
College (Dearborn, Mich.), -while
a sophomore coed at Long Beach
City College (Long Beach, Calif.)
explains her particular circum
stance in this fashion: "The school
does not govern our life here on
campus strictly, as we are not a
four-year college with dorms."
Students who feel they are hind,
ered with restrictions generally of
fer specific examples. And most
of them advance the hypothesis
that it is impossible to mature as
responsible adults when they are
treated like ' juveniles. For ex-
ample, a senior at a large mid
western university puts it this
way: "The college administration
inform, the student how mature
he is when he starts college, but
yet lays down rigid laws to con
trol the student," while a graduate
student at the same university
states: "It is paternalistic to tht
Nth degree."
"The regulations are absurd'1
is the feeling of a senior coed at
a large Southern university while
a graduate coed at the same uni
versity makes herself more specif
ic: ",00 away with standard dress
rules, visiting rules and restric- '
tions against living away from the
dorms." '.'The residence and cafe
teria rules are unfair" is the feel
ing of a junior at a .mall Mid
western state teachers college. A
freshman at a small California
college thinks the "school is so
strict that it is cutting down school
morale and enthusiasm."
A sophomore attending a medium
sized Eastern university thinks
that -restrictions are too hard for
those living on campus since there
is "no opportunity for 'junior' to
grow up," And a comparison be
tween school and home life is made
by a sophomore coed at a small
Midwestern state teachers college
who . says: "I have much more
freedom at home and there are
rule, my parents wouldn't think
oi enforcing."
A foreign graduate student at
the University of Minnesota (Min
neapolis) contrasts our colleges
with those in Europe. He feels
that there is a totally different
viewpoint on the two continents. .
"In Europe students are treated as '
adults; they are respected as lead
er, and future leaders. In the
United States they are treated like
children, regimented under trivia
and red-tape."